A few words about Vice President Dick Cheney

I will be the first to admit it; I did not agree with the Bush Administration’s decision to go to war in Iraq.  Furthermore, I did not vote for this man or his boss either time.  However, because I am a decent human being, because I am a Christian and possibly, because I am just an old damned softhearted fool —- my heart sunk, when I saw this photo published in the New York Daily News:

Richard Bruce “Dick” Cheney, who was born in 1941, is a controversial figure, no matter how you slice it.  Whether liberals want to admit it or not, Dick Cheney made some decisions that most likely pulled our butts out of the fire on 9/11. The hours after the attack on 9/11, Dick Cheney, along with George W. Bush, were there, leading this Country after 9/11.  For that, this man has my respect.  I mean, could you honestly see Barack Obama in the same position?  It sends chills up my spine, just thinking about that.

One of my biggest issues, as evidenced by the ignorant comments over that the New York Daily News site, is that the far left in this Country could never, or would never, make a distinction between the policy and the person making the policy.  I readily admit to being one of those idiots who did the very same thing.  As much as I disagreed with the policies of George W. Bush, and yes, Dick Cheney — I would never wish of them either harm or even poor health.

Reading those comments over at the New York Daily News site, which I would never print here, not for a million dollars in cash; further reinforces my belief that America is in a state of horrific decline —  A decline of social, Spiritual, and personal aspects. Example: Could you honestly see anyone publicly making those awful comments about a former Vice President in the 50’s — or even 60’s? I could not. Again, it points to an awful decline in our society and to a lack of Spiritual involvement in the lives of the people, as America had back in the 1940’s.  It is something missing badly in this Country; and it will eventually cause this destruction of this Country — A destruction that is foretold in the Holy Scriptures of old.

In conclusion, let me simply say this: Dick Cheney:  I wish you good health and great comfort sir, in your final years.  I thank you for your service to your Country and I wish you good favor with the creator of all humankind.