Hey Vox…..

I think it is cool and all that you made that list. But, trust me, I would not gloat about it.

John Hawkings is a, quite bluntly, rat bastard. 😡 His treatment and attitude towards David Frum confirmed what I suspected about that fat assed piece of shit.

I would not want to be on any list that moronic asshole made up, ever.

Besides all that, who the hell would want to be on a list with a bunch of idiots who are fans of a woman who believes she is entitled to be President of the United States of America, because of her sex organs? I mean, seriously! 🙄

Smartest damn thing Keith Olbermann has ever said on twitter

I am, of course, referring to this:

He is speaking to this guy who stabbed me in the back and thinks nothing of shamelessly pimping out his Wife and Kids for Money on his Blog.

Anti-Semites at Reddit show their true colors at Reddit

You know how the left likes to say that it is the right who is racist and Anti-Semitic?

Well, I just proved that wrong.

As you know, I wrote a Blog entry here about Helen Thomas and her Anti-Semite comments about “Jews controlling everything.”

Well, I submitted this entry to Reddit and as I expected, it was voted down. What I did not expect is this, click the picture bigger:

Nice. 🙄

I wonder if the owners of Reddit would be willing to stand behind those sort of comments?

I explained as to why I called Helen Thomas what I did. Not because she was an Arab, but because of what she said, and this is the sort of hate that I get in return? I find it appalling that Reddit would allow such hate on their site. Unbelievable. 😯

So, the next time some idiot liberal tells you that the Republican Party is the party of hate — show them this blog entry, please.

Also, please note; this is not the first time this has happened to me. This is just the first time that I have chosen to go public with it. There have been times, when I have writing positive stuff about Conservatives, only to have it voted down. However, I have written stuff critical of Sarah Palin and Republicans and had it voted up. That my friends is bias and it needs to be stopped at Reddit, Period.

Check out my account at Reddit, it will show that I am telling the truth.

Marc Ambinder leaves blogging

Looks like another blogger has decided to hang up his spurs and move on to greener pastures.  Marc Ambinder is calling it quits and going back to be a regular writer.


Really good print journalism is ego-free.  By that I do not mean that the writer has no skin in the game, or that the writer lacks a perspective, or even that the writer does not write from a perspective.  What I mean is that the writer is able to let the story and the reporting process, to the highest possible extent, unfold without a reporter’s insecurities or parochial concerns intervening. Blogging is an ego-intensive process. Even in straight news stories, the format always requires you to put yourself into narrative. You are expected to not only have a point of view and reveal it, but be confident that it is the correct point of view. There is nothing wrong with this. As much as a writer can fabricate a detachment, or a “view from nowhere,” as Jay Rosen has put it, the writer can also also fabricate a view from somewhere. You can’t really be a reporter without it. I don’t care whether people know how I feel about particular political issues; it’s no secret where I stand on gay marriage, or on the science of climate change, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. What I hope I will find refreshing about the change of formats is that I will no longer be compelled to turn every piece of prose into a personal, conclusive argument, to try and fit it into a coherent framework that belongs to a web-based personality called “Marc Ambinder” that people read because it’s “Marc Ambinder,” rather than because it’s good or interesting.

That last part that I bolded and underlined, I really get — I really, really do.  There have been some times here very recently, when I have honestly thought about just shutting this blog down and when I had the mood to write about something related to politics, just submitting it to some site somewhere.  Because frankly, since Bush left office and Obama was elected; this whole blogging thing lost its allure with me.  It is not that I do not enjoy writing.  I really do.  I just have felt as of late that the whole blogging, especially against Obama has taken a turn for the stupid.  I never was a good carnival barker and it seems that some of the right —- have become just that — a carnival of barkers and echo chambers.

I was, before I even started Blogging, a Conservative Democratic Party voter; someone who wanted to see the middle class helped.  However, I never did, and still do not approve of abortion and frankly, I felt that homosexuality was immoral — according to the Bible.  However, I do not want, unlike some of the right, to see Homosexuals jailed or driven to the ends of the earth.  I have never felt that way.  I just did not approve of the lifestyle.  As I continued Blogging as a “Left of center” Blogger, I did begin to see just much I was in strong disagreement with the far, far left.  Believe me when I tell you; by the time my old blog, which was called “The Populist,” was hacked.  The whole idea of me being a “Historic Populist” had worn very thin.  I was actually thinking of shutting down, just because the whole idea of populism was dead and had been replaced with this awful progressive nonsense and I just really was not into all that.  That is why I switched sides; I grew disenchanted with the whole idea of Populism.  This is when I switched sides and really began to rethink my political stance completely.  This really began to happen, when I saw that the Democratic Party Primary process of 2007 was going to be an extended pissing contest between the Al Sharpton and the Gloria Steinem factions of the Democratic Party.

Anyhow, all of that is now over and the Democrats got the keys, and proceeded to screw that party into the ground, and now, the Republicans are standing to retake the political scene again.  Now where does that leave me?  At this point, I have no idea.  However, I will say this; like Michelle Malkin, I do not carry water for the establishment or the Republican Party.  If they are screwing up, you are going hear me scream about it on here.  It might cost me readers and it might get me called a faux Republican — but I just do not care.  When people do stuff, that is stupid, or worse wrong; I will be here barking and griping to whomever will listen.

Anyhow, I said all that to say this — Good luck to Marc Ambinder. I hope he does what he loves.  Because in this day and age; doing something you love and getting paid for it — is a rarity.

Others: : Althouse, Runnin’ Scared, Dennis the Peasant, The Daily Dish, The New Republic and GOP 12

Boy can I relate…..

Looks like I am not the only one, who is in the sights of the intolerant left.

The Lonely Conservative has the story.

Obviously, I am in the wrong business

(Via InstaPundit)

The ABA Law Journal reports:

Well-known mommy blogger Lyss Stern agreed to write a puff piece for an advertising supplement for the New York Observer to pay off a nearly $45,000 dental bill, then reneged on the deal, contends a New York lawsuit filed by a dental firm.

Lowenberg & Lituchy DDS says in the suit that "Elyssa Stern, as editor in chief of the New York Observer magazine, agreed to publish a four-page article in the December 2009 issue of the magazine" that profiled its "achievements and advancements in the industry," reports the New York Daily News.

The piece was reportedly supposed to appear in the Observer’s "Playground" section, a special advertising supplement.

Stern, founder of the Divalysscious Moms social networking site, reportedly declined to comment on the suit for the New York Daily News.

Like Glenn said, who knew Mommy-Blogging could be such a profitable venture?  $45.000 for a puff piece? holy crap! Sign me up! Surprised smile I’ll puff the hell out of ‘em for that kind of scratch! Smile with tongue out

Also, $45.000 dental bill??!?!? Surprised smile Those must be some really, really, really, clean teeth! Open-mouthed smile

I can relate Rick, I really can

Congrats to Rick Moran for six years of Blogging:

The parade is passing me by and I have fallen out of step with most of my conservative friends. When I write now, I write for my own amusement or to clarify my own thoughts about a particular issue – something that I have tried to do for the last six years. It’s amazing how shallow one’s thinking truly is unless you force yourself to justify yourself to yourself in writing. “Reading maketh a full man, conference, a ready man, and writing, an exact man” said Francis Bacon. I have tried, within the limits of my own feeble intelligence and failing will, to live up to those words, thus attempting to fulfill what philosophers refer to as “An Examined Life.”

Oddly, while my examination of the underpinnings of my conservative beliefs has led me away from what I suppose is the “mainstream” of what passes for conservative thought these days, the primary goal I set when I began blogging – becoming a commercial success as a writer – has been achieved beyond my imaginings. Ironically, far fewer conservatives read and agree with what I have to say these days then when I was making no money at all. There’s a cosmic lesson to found there – I just haven’t been able to determine what it is yet. Perhaps it’s that the gods have a cruel sense of humor and, like the elf Puck says in Midsummer’s Night Dream, they spend much of their time in rollicking laughter at “
what fools these mortals be.”

It’s lonely being a fool. As I have struggled to find a way to reconcile a robust, philosophically coherent, and consistent conservatism that has meaning for America in the 21st century with the riot of conceits, resentments, paranoia, and narrow mindedness that much of the right has become, I have found myself standing on the curb watching the clowns, the garish floats, the brass bands all roll by, marching toward the precipice and willingly – joyously – jumping over the cliff, trying to take the whole damn country with them.

“To what end?” I wail. “RINO!” they scream at me incoherently as they disappear into the maw of history. At a time when the tenets of conservatism, if applied intelligently and consistently to governance, can help revitalize the United States and this wonderful experiment in self government and individual liberty, the right chooses to eschew governance altogether in favor of a putrid ideological war “to save America.” Just how they intend doing so by trying to implement an agenda that’s 30 years old while immolating lawmakers who dare suggest that working with the opposition to come up with solutions to address our massive problems is necessary, I don’t see. I don’t believe they’ve gotten that far in their thinking yet.


My God. I feel like I am reading my own writing. Rick, if you happen to read this; buddy, I can relate. I so can. I will put putting you back on the blogroll. I did take you out by mistake. Hang in there man, it will get better — I assure you of that.

No, I do not rejoice about Robert Stacy McCain’s Misfortune

I have received a few e-mails inquiring my feelings about the fact that Mr. Robert Stacy McCain’s blog encountered some problems and was down; and is now being repaired.

The short answer is no.  I do not rejoice when another Blogger; even though that blogger did toss me under the bus, has a problem.

Let me explain to you why.  Back on December 25, 2007, my blog, which was at this address here, was hacked, and I mean hacked badly, by Russian hackers who had been sniffing around my site for a long while.  However, unbelievably, you can actually look at my old blog here.  Partially, it was my fault for having that blog hosted at a site, whose security software, (MOD_Security for you geeky people
) was horrible out of date.  In addition, I had done a very stupid thing.  I did a Drupal in the root directory install with WordPress in a sub-directory. I was told later that this was not a smart thing to do —- I do have knack for figuring stuff out, the hard way.

Anyhow, everything that I had written on that blog, from the day I started blogging in 2006 — was lost.  I do not believe that I could ever properly put into words how much that hurt.  However, I cannot say that it was not deserved; I did make a huge mistake.  I did something, for which I am still feeling horrible about; I insulted a man’s dead wife — by accident.  I still feel horrible about it; and those who are his friends, still hate me to this because of it.  The blog, of whom the domain name had outlived its actual purpose, as by then, I had become convinced that left was just wrong about the good majority of things — was hacked and there I was, with nothing to show for a year’s worth of work.

Anyhow, so, no, I will not sit here and rejoice over someone else’s misfortune.  I hope McCain is able to pull it out of the fire and get back to blogging.  Even though he did toss me to the curb, I still read there; because like him or not, you have to admit, he is one hell of a good writer.  McCain is better than my piss poor excuse for writing.

I could not call myself a Christian — albeit a half-assed one as I am — and still look myself in the mirror, if I thought anything different.

Sweet: Political Byline finally makes a list of Conservative Bloggers

Check it out:

100 Excellent Conservative Blogs You Should Be Reading over at Masters In Education.

About this site Michael Erins writes:

27. Political Byline: This blog is packed with enough videos and pictures to keep anyone’s attention.

I like to think that we’re more than just a video site. But, I will take any sort of good press that I can get; especially seeing the bad press as of late. 😀

So, Um, I am just stoked that we got mentioned somewhere. 😀

Not that it is a big surprise, but Fox News is murdering MSNBC in ratings

I happen to know why too… but first:

Via Politico:

More people are getting their news about the upcoming election from cable television than any other source, and from Fox News more than any other cable channel, according to a POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll released Monday.

The poll found that 81 percent of those polled get their news about the midterm elections from cable channels, like Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or their websites, compared with 71 percent from national network news channels, such as ABC, NBC or CBS, and their websites.

Among cable news channels, Fox was the clear winner, with 42 percent of respondents saying it is their main source, compared with 30 percent who cited CNN and 12 percent who rely on MSNBC.

The results show the growing influence that 24-hour cable news has on shaping the political consciousness, despite the fact that network newscasts still draw many multiples of the number of viewers of even the highest-rated cable news shows.

“Because people can tune into cable at any time of day, I think the cumulative audience is probably larger than the cumulative audience for the three network news shows,” said Chris Arterton, dean of the George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management.

The real funny part about this, is the following:

Fox’s opinionated personalities were also rated as having the greatest positive impact on the political debate in the country. Bill O’Reilly was rated as having, by far, the greatest positive impact, with 49 percent of respondents rating him positively, and 32 percent negatively.

Glenn Beck was the second most-positively rated personality, with 38 percent of respondents saying he had a positive impact, and 32 percent saying he had a negative impact.

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh was the third-most-positively ranked, with 36 percent saying he has a positive impact on the discourse, but his negatives far outweighed his positives, with 52 percent saying he has a negative impact.

“To some extent, Limbaugh has become almost a caricature in a way, so I don’t know how much influence he has beyond entertainment value,” Arteron said. “Whereas, in some way, the other people on Fox are seen as more legitimate news operations.”

MSNBC’s personalities were largely ranked as unknown by respondents: 70 percent said they had never heard of Ed Schultz, 55 percent said they had never heard of Rachel Maddow and 42 percent said they had never heard of Keith Olbermann.

The reason?

So True....

(Borrowed from Weasel Zippers)

There is a personal angle to this story and I am going to share it with you.  During the 1990’s, I was a watcher of CNN, mainly because that was about the only cable news outlet out there at the time.  Please keep in mind that back on those days, I was very unaware or unconcerned about media bias.  I always knew that the media, which I referred to, at the time, as the “secular media”; always had a bias against Christianity, Christians and the Church World as a whole.

However, I really do not know when it started really, most likely, after the election of George W. Bush; but it seemed like the bias and antagonistic mentality towards Christians, Christianity, and the Church World began to come to a feverish pitch around 2006 or so.  At least, that is when I began to notice it with any somewhat real cognizant effort.   The straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, is when CNN did a special called “What is a Christian?”  Which I felt was a purposeful attack on Christianity in general.  However, when they did a special on Muslims, it was titled “God’s Warriors.”  That is when I decided that CNN had “Crossed the Rubicon” in my book.  So, I switched to MSNBC.  I knew that MSNBC would be a bit like CNN, but they had tucker Carlson on there.  Therefore, that would balance it out.  I remembered tucker from the CNN days —- I also remember him being a bit of an asshole as well. I knew about his background, which admittedly made me cringe a bit. However, when I began watch his show, I found that I actually began agreeing with what he was saying.  I should also point out, that this was around the time, that I began blogging.  I was inspired, mainly by Lou Dobbs and with an utter frustration with what the Bush Administration was doing in Iraq.

However, things over at MSNBC began to change; first off, Tucker’s show was cancelled, that just flat out angered me.  I thought Tucker’s show balanced out the other opinions, like Olbermann. Then the jockeying of talent around, all of whom had one thing in common — They were all liberal.  That bothered me a bit. Therefore, I did what any sane, reasoned person would do.  I began to watch Fox News — in a very limited fashion at first.  I would watch Keith Obermann’s show at eight o’clock and then I would catch the repeat of Bill O’Reilly’s show at Eleven o’clock.

I should also mention that around this time, is when I began to see the writing on wall, so to speak, in the Democratic Party.  The Party that once stood for middle class people and people like me, who were held back, due to personal circumstances, was becoming the party of identity politics. I also began to see that the Democratic Party was much biased and geared against middle class and above white people —- like me.  Yes, I am aware, that identity politics and gender entitlement always was a faction within the Democratic Party.  However, until the 2007 Primary, I do not believe that it was the “mainstay” of that party.  In 2007, that all changed, with the battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama; it was the blacks against the feminists and that was when I decided that enough was enough.  Also around this time, my blog was hacked and I had to start over from scratch and I decided that cheering for the left; even though I was a left-of-center and not really ever a fully-fledged Democrat — was an exercise in abject folly.  Therefore, I began blogging from an Independent standpoint and as time went on, I found myself agreeing more and more with the right on most, if not all issues.

Now there are some issues that I am in disagreement with, however, they are nothing worth totally separating me from the right.  Most of them are on the framing of arguments against the left.  Example: Socialism and Unions —- I believe it to be a credible argument to say that socialism has contributed to the downfall of Michigan and the Detroit area.  Further, I believe it to be a legitimate argument to say that the Unions have added to the cost of vehicles offered by the auto companies.  The problem is that the right needs to work on the polish and verbiage of those legitimate arguments.  Casting unions in the light of some covert Communist operation does nothing but make the right look like total buffoons.

Finally, my viewing of MSNBC finally stopped, after a woman by the name of Janeane Garofalo took to the airwaves on MSNBC and declared on Keith Olbermann’s show that the Tea Party movement was nothing more than a bunch of racist white people and racist rednecks.  It was at that point, when I decided, that Keith Olbermann and his show were not something that I felt that I needed to watch any longer.  I am sorry, but when you use your show and one of your guests as a proxy to insult a particular ethnic group of people — especially one that I happen to be involved in — you are practicing the politics of exclusion; and that is, I am afraid, not something that I can and will ever support.  The Bush Administration tried this back in 2003, during the run up to and after the start of the Iraq War.  Those that were opposed to the war in Iraq were labeled by the Bush Administration and its supporters as Anti-American.  Conversely, it is believed by some, that certain persons within the Bush Administration purposely derailed the career of a covert C.I.A. agent of whom husband did criticize the decision to go to war.

This all again, is the practice of derisive politics, something I thought that the left detested; however, it seems that the left engaged in the same sorts of folly themselves — Not only in just the general politics itself, but also in the media coverage — but also in the actually reporting of news as well.  I remember well how Keith Olbermann and many of his fellow liberals liked and still do like to blast Fox News for allow opinion to seep into the normal news programs in the morning.  However, I have watched MSNBC, and have seen liberal bias in the morning news reporting there as well.  Therefore, to this writer, that nullifies any argument that the left has against Fox News or any other sort of Conservative outlet.  I mean, it only makes sense that you cannot criticize someone for doing something that you do yourself.  Then again, common sense does not seem to be in great abundance in liberal Democrat circles these days.  Just look at whom the Democratic Party installed as President — that ought to speak volumes as to the condition of liberalism, and the Democratic Party in general in this modern day and age.  I mean a perfect example of the elite liberal establishment can be seen, when Bill Maher calls those who do not want the nationalized heathcare, as stupid.  This is the attitude of the liberal populace and establishment as a whole; that most Americans are uneducated stupid people, who must have the enlightened ones makes the decisions, because most Americans are too stupid to know what it good for them — that is essentially liberalism distilled to its basic parts.  This is why I sided against them.  They do not trust people like me, to be able to make our own decisions.  Further, they wish to quell my free will, which is given to me, by God himself, to accept or reject what it is that they wish to foist upon me.

In closing of this rather long article — I am quite the windbag, when I want to be — the reason for these dismal ratings for MSNBC is that that network has and is continuing to engage in intellectual dishonesty.  This began right after the election of President Barack Obama.  This should be proof that you just cannot propagandize the American people — not for very long anyhow.  Americans are just smarter than the liberal elite and some elite among the Conservative establishment, give them credit for being.  Americans just have that uncanny ability to know when they are being sold a line of tripe.

This friends, is what makes us a great Nation and for this, I am eternally grateful.

No, I am not a god-damned Neo-Nazi

The purpose of this article to inform the readers of this blog of an event that took place here yesterday.  I have been effectively “thrown under the bus” by a one Robert Stacy McCain.  This is the same Robert Stacy McCain who has been widely documented on this site as having a very checkered past.  The reason for this “bus tossing” is this; the other night on twitter, I was attacked by a woman, who wrote a rather lame attack against Megan McCain.  When this attack took place towards Megan McCain, I did reply to the attack and call out these women for their very lame attack.  This attack, for what it is worth, was because Megan McCain is fat, because she is blonde and so forth.  The original version of this rebuttal contained some words, that would not be considered “Politically Correct” and I removed them to prevent a problem.  Well, someone from that camp saw the original and these two women proceeded to go out of their way to slam me, reveal my real name and spread lies and rumors about me.  For the record, I did apologize, repeatedly, to the parties involved.  This just was not good enough for these people and they have gone out of their way to destroy my credibility in this Blogosphere. Furthermore, I have received via e-mail, death threats from supporters of these people. Not mention the death threats being left on the blogs of supports of those who wish to smear me, which have conveniently been removed.

As I said, I was minding my own business on twitter Sunday night, when one of these women attacked me on twitter, and I admit, I responded in kind.  I can understand them not liking what I wrote.  However, I believe this attack was a preplanned all along to attempt to discredit me further in the Blogosphere.  During this attack and me defending myself, Robert Stacy McCain begins telling me in Private message on twitter that I should not be defending myself — Which I found to be quite interesting, unless he was actually in on the whole thing.  However, from what I have seen on his blog, one of Michelle Malkin’s fan boys put the pressure on McCain to not link to me; all because of stuff that happened before my political conversion happened back in 2007 — Which I find to be ridiculous.  Again, since when did all of the sudden, did my past, become an issue for McCain?  Is it because he is trying to appeal to the Neo-Conservatives and is trying to distance himself from his Paleo-Conservative roots?

Now, I will defend myself from the smears of those who are spreading the lie that I am a Neo-Nazi.  I have never been, ever, a member of ANY sort of Neo-Nazi organization.  I do not agree, promote, or even remotely think that the Neo-Nazi mindset of white supremacy is a valid mindset.  I grew up in Southwest Detroit.  For those not familiar with that area, I grew up in an area that was a collective mix of Whites, Latinos, Blacks, and many other ethnical groups —- and yes, that does include Jews.

However, I am, very highly opposed to identity politics — on the left and the right.  My feelings, as a Paleo-Conservative, about the Neo-Conservative right; can be properly summed up, by reading this article here.  My feelings are not hatred of the Jewish race; my feelings are simply a hatred of those who use race, as means to get special treatment.  That is what any true Conservative believes.  However, those on the right, who are of the Neo-Conservative right, like to play the Semite-card towards those who dare to criticize the warmongering of those who the Wilsonian right.

The irony of this whole thing is the following: Robert Stacy McCain used to be solidly in the Paleo-Conservative camp.  Writing for what would be called Anti-Neo-Conservative websites.  Now, that he has become this darling of the Neo-Conservative Blogging World; he is given to tossing people, like me.  Who dared to stand up against the far right, for attacking a woman; who quite honestly, has more class in her pinky finger — than this whole group of losers has in their entire bodies — under the bus, all because I do not fit the mold of what a “True Conservative” blogger must be — that according to the Neo-Conservative right.

The cute part is this; how these people attacked me for having an account on Stormfront.org.  Which I do have, I cannot post there, because the group knows that I do not agree with the moronic mentality of that forum.  I registered the account, because of an news story, which broke a while back, that involved that forum and I was using the account to find a posting that was not available to the public. However, What about the fact that Robert Stacy McCain is a card-carrying member of the league of the South?  What about the postings of Robert Stacy McCain’s that could be construed as racist in the internet newsgroups?  What about the postings made over at Free Republic, which were removed that McCain posted under an assumed name, which were racist in nature? Nobody cares about that in those circles.  Yet, I am a pariah, because I dare to be honest about my feelings about a group of so-called Conservatives?

The Irony is amazing.

I publically attest and do herby certify that all of the items in this story to be true — So help me God.

Charles Patrick Adkins

Owner and Publisher


Cross-Posted to NolanChart.com

Sounds good to me

It appears that my political and personal ideological leanings has finally put the nail in the coffin between me and Robert Stacy McCain.

Sounds good to me.

When Robert Stacy McCain wrote for Taki’s Magazine; I liked him, quite a bit. However, when he sold out to the Neo-Conservatives; who embraced him, despite his “interesting past“. Which I found to be morbidly ironic — I saw the change.

Well, now, because I refuse to suck up to those who cater to the protected warmongering class; Mr. McCain throws me under bus. How ironic.

Sounds fine; the man wants to be accepted, it sounds reasonable. I do not have such a desire.

I wish you luck McCain. Thanks for the fish. It was fun while it lasted.

Stupidity from the Moderation queue

Yet more stupidity from my moderation cue. This installment is from some jackwad tool, that obviously does not read the rules of the road around here; when it comes to commenting:

Author : RnBram (IP: , bas21-toronto12-1242364851.dsl.bell.ca)
E-mail : rnbramwell@gmail.com
URL    :
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
Once again, a writer trots out the Leftie, non-think, smear ’em with trivia and avoid the actual issues, tactic, and pretends to be “<em>siding with proper reason</em>”.  What flatulence.

How about examining her <strong>campaign</strong> arguments?

Doing so might show you possess a modicum of intelligence over that of some Grade Nine kid who doesn’t like his teacher.  Maybe this <a href=”http://www.pjtv.com/?cmd=mpg&amp;mpid=174&amp;load=3949″ title=”” rel=”nofollow”>short interview</a>, will help.  In it alone she shows more economic understanding than the most elected officials in Washington!

It would be much better if she matched tax reduction with spending reductions, but no federal government got far with that idea.  We should hope the TEA Party candidates get enough support to actually try.

Apparently this guy seems to have a reading comprehension problem. As it says on my rules page:

Here is my reason for not allowing you to insult me. This is my place, I paid money to register my domain. I also pay a meager fee for the hosting.  This blog is my intellectual property. This is my spot in the political Blogosphere, and you are here as my house guest. You would not walk into my literal house and insult me, act like an idiot or anything like that, would you? So, why should I allow you to act like a moronic idiot in my virtual house?

The rules are plain; don’t come here and insult me like an asshole, and expect me to print your comment. It is just that simple. My Blog, My Rules, don’t like them; start your own damned blog.

Besides, this jack wad is in Canada! CANADA?!?!?! Does this dude have any clue how I feel about Canada?

He went on and on about how I don’t believe in freedom of speech. Last time I checked this is not a public website. It’s privately owned and I can pick and choose what I wish to allow in my comment sections; and I choose not to allow people to insult me. Sorry, way it is around here.

Now, where’s my dog picture at?

Ah, here it is!

Jeff Goldstein is being attacked by some moronic far-leftist, Again

Not that he does not have experience with this; but some douche nozzle is giving Jeff Goldstein the business…..again.

See here

Here’s the douche-nozzle’s posting here

The real evidence of douche-nozzlery is this:

I pity him, really. But more so, I pity his university and his students. His hard-left hatred for all things “conservative” (which evidently extends to my classical liberalism) has this poor wretch up at nights trolling my blog under multiple names and multiple IP addresses, playing multiple parts in a blog drama of his own creation. It has him feverishly researching Colorado legal statutes, looking for ways to pretend he’ll bring me up on felony libel charges. It has him pretending to be his own girlfriend — or some concerned passerby — who happens (somehow) to know the history of William Yelverton, and his dealings with me over the course of several months (during which time, incidentally, his own blog got maybe 3 comments from people not responding to his douchebaggery on protein wisdom).

You see this stuff that I underlined and colored red? I know all about that, and this is why that I also keep my moderation on around here. Because quite frankly, I just do not need the hassle of some unhinged idiot doing stuff like this. It is just not worth the hassle. I set down the perimeters in which one can operate here; and if you go outside them, I simply delete your tripe. Just that simple, saves me a whole hell of a bunch of trouble.

So, if you spare a dime or two; hit Jeff’s tip jar, and if you feel really froggy, hit Jeff once too for me; right in the nuts. (I kid of course… 😛 ) Because the guy could use it; especially if he has defend himself from this far leftist jack wad.

I do not mean to beat this damned horse to death; but do you now see why I just will NOT vote for the party that represents these idiots anymore?

For what it is worth; I have experience with these jackwads myself. Some tampon wearing shrieking harpy by the name of Mary Scott O’Conner pulled the same shit with me. Except it was not court; it was one or two of my advertisers. All Because I dared to take my disgust of then Senator and President candidate, B. Hussein Obama to another whole level. This during the whole “Hosanna phase” of the 2008 election cycle. It was not pretty, I kind of now, wish I had not went there. However, I was a bit pissed off.

For those that wonder:

I thought you hated Jeff Goldstein?

No, No… I do not hate the man at all. His writing tends to annoy me; this is why I do not read his blog often. The man is a novelist and as a consequence; he blogs like a damned novelist. The problem with Goldstein is that he takes 1200 god-damned words to write something that would take me 400 or less. My thing is, when writing, is get to the god-damned point. Don’t waste my fucking time writing overly prissy sounding nonsense, that nobody gives two shits about; state your damned case, get the point, and cut the overly stupid shit. Not only that, but he writes in that overly educated, Victorian style of writing; which is nice when reading a novel, but when you are trying to read about politics, it tends to get a bit old.

There, now you know my gripe with the Golden Boy Goldstein. Nothing big, just differences in style.  His style is educated, affluent sounding stuff, that you would find at Harvard.  I’m the type of writer that you would maybe find at the local barber shop, a car service garage, pool hall or even in your local bar. (Think Norm from Cheers..)

Having said all of that; head on over and toss a buck or two in his can and tell him that you are on his side. The guy could use it, I am sure.

That is all…

Once again, this blog is ignored

John Hawkings picks his favorite blogs.

Once again, I get ignored.

Perhaps it is because I told one of his “employees” that she was a stupid bitch that was stuck on herself. Which, in fact, is very true. Not to mention her supposed “Christianity,”  just annoyed the hell out of me. This was long before she ever went to work for Hawkings.

I also ended up leaving Hawkings Conservative Ad Hive; because of his asshole-like treatment of David Frum. (Although, I still am on the Ad Hive’s rss feed in that ad, that BlogAds created; which serves no real purpose at all…)  The man is just hateful towards those who disagree with him. I have thought about raising a royal stink with BlogAds about Hawkings being the owner of that Hive; because of his being snobbish with the Administration of the Hive. I think it shows that John Hawkings is not mature enough for that sort of a thing.

Anyway, I really do not worry about being listed on a list of popular blogs; as I really do not feel that I need the traffic, at least not from him. He used to link to me all the time; until he hired the unnamed blond bimbo. Not that it really honestly matters. I have done well here, traffic-wise without him and his rather lame army of followers.

Eh, Fark ’em. I do not care. I’ve done well without them; and will continue to do so. Without being part of the elitist click of snob Bloggers.

Libby Spencer should talk

I find it amazing the things that I find when I look at liberal blogs.

Libby Spencer writes about the Tea Party Gathering:

Apparently Freedom Works staged another rally in DC this weekend. The crowd appears to be the usual mix of bussed in birthers, other assorted “ers”, gun nuts and old overweight white people. Their numbers are shrinking but they’re making up for it by hollering louder.

Libby Spencer’s picture:

Libby Spencer - Overweight old person

….and you were saying Libby?

Those who live in glasses houses, ought not throw stones.

Oh, and as for me? Yes, I am fat, and I know it. You don’t see me going around mocking people because of their weight and age. However, because Spencer is a part of that enlightened liberal sect. She is given a free pass to mock those, of whom she disagrees with politically. Which is proof of the fact that when liberals have nothing of substance to argue with; you know, like facts? They resort to this sort of school yard childish tripe. Which means, they are losing and they know it. It reeks of classic desperation by the left.

The ironic thing is, I actually tried to help this woman once, after she found herself in a tight spot. I also notice that I mistakenly thought she was from Michigan; that was a very regrettable error.  Perhaps next time, I will be a bit more careful when doing such stuff. Maybe she believes she is entitled to such idiocy — because she is a woman. 🙄

You see now, why I will not vote Democrat ever again?

Nativism, Conservatives, Bloggers, and Me

I feel the need to address something this morning that left me in a bit of foul mood last night.  It appears that I have finally found an issue that I just cannot reconcile, that is happening among the “Go along to get along” Conservative crowd.  Robert Stacy McCain, who is, as he put it, “A Neo-Con, Paleo-Con hybrid,” attended the 9/12 rally in Washington D.C.  I really did not cover it much, because frankly, the whole Tea Party rally idea has grown rather stale with me.  This is because the so-called tea party movement was co-opted by the Republican establishment and by those who are the protectors of the warmonger class.

Nativism is a term that the leftist media puts on people like me. I personally like to be called an American.  An American who is watching the America I grew up in slip away.  I am also an American who resents those of foreign birth dictating to me, as an American, about how bad my Country is or how horrible our Government leadership is.

Once such case of this happening, was yesterday at this so-called 9/12 rally in Washington D.C.  A man by name of Tito Muñoz, also known as “Tito the Builder” who is a Colombian immigrant and supposedly a United States citizen; came to this rally as a speaker.  Muñoz came to the lectern and proceeded to assail the crowd verbally as to how bad the leadership is in Washington D.C. and how the socialist Government is destroying the foundations of which the Nation was founded upon and so on.  Here is my big problem with Mr. Tito Muñoz; I do not believe for one second that he is a United States Citizen, nor do I believe him to be here legally.

You ask why I would make such an accusation.  Because at one time, Muñoz and I were friends on facebook and after watching his postings on about how America was under attack; I took him to task on the subject of citizenship and ask him to post proof that he was a United States citizen, or at least to post his immigration papers.  Admittedly, I did mistake the man for a Mexican; I mean — it is hard to tell them apart.  However, what followed was my confirmation that Mr. Muñoz is nothing more than a petty phony, which is doing nothing more than milking the spotlight for all it is worth.  Mr. Tito Muñoz launched into a four-letter tirade against me; calling me a racist bigot, a Klansman, and a few other choice four-letter words that I shall not reprint here.  All because I requested that Mr. Muñoz prove that was a legal immigrant and a Citizen of this Country.

Besides all of the above, this is where I separate myself from the “go along to get along” Conservative crowd.  I, as a citizen of the United States of America; someone who was actually born in this Country — resent the fact that some man, of foreign born origin, coming to rally of this nature and assailing a crowd verbally by telling it, just how horrible our Country is.  Perhaps Mr. Tito Muñoz might want to remember that it was the progressives who came up with the idea, that if America did not open its borders to those who foreign birth, that our Country would somehow eventually cease to exist.  Someone might to remind Mr. Tito Muñoz that if it were not for this fact; that Mr. Muñoz would likely be picking coffee beans in his home country of Colombia to make a living; or more than likely in Muñoz’s case — would be picking coca plants.  If it were left to Conservatives, like me, Muñoz would be doing that this very day — instead of running a construction company, which was, more than likely funded by taxpayers, like me, through funding grants available to minorities; which were created by the very progressives that Mr. Muñoz rails on as horrifically evil.  Funding, by the way, that is not available to native-born Americas (or white Americans) like me.

Hate, you say.

Not Hardly.

It is called reality.

Pat Buchanan said it right.  We white Christian Americans are becoming a minority in our own damned Country.  Do you honestly believe that 50 years ago a Colombian immigrant would be lecturing white Americans on just how horribly bad our Country is?  I hardly think so. This is the result of progressives and these so-called Conservatives just accept it as normal.  My question is, since when is that normal?  Since when do Conservatives sit and allow a Colombian-born immigrant, of whom immigrant status is questionable at best — sit and lecture them on the condition of their Country?  Since when is that normal and acceptable?

Hate you call it — tell that to those in South Africa.  Because that is, what the United States is becoming — day by day, little by little.  The sick part is, the so-called Conservatives in America are aiding and abetting in that transformation.  That is what sickens me to my damn core.

Friday Night at the PB Pub Presents: Metallica

This is dedicated to all my fellow Bloggers and Friends who will be marching on the mall on 9/12.  While I am not there in body; please do know, that I will be there in Spirit. I will try to locate a live feed and post it here.

For the fools who do not understand the reason for the march. This is why here, keyword being, “Stand up for justice!”:

Some of you might have gotten the idea; that just because I have gotten a bit tired of them mundane, that I was going to quit. Yes, I think about that, all the time. However, my mind goes back to messages that I have gotten, like this one here, that I received on December 31, 2009:

Delivered-To: tpblogeditor@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 21:17:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Keep up the good work.
From: Janet
To: Patrick

Hi Patrick,

Yes. Please do.

I wanted to say something else if I may. I too was a liberal. However, on
9/11/01, I had an epiphany which changed me to a Freedom loving

Our son was two months old, and I stood in my living room and looked at my
husband in horror
as the news reported the flights that were hijacked and used to kill
thousands of Americans.

My husband was scheduled on the 8:00am American Airlines Flight 11, which
was scheduled from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, to
Los Angeles International Airport. The only difference was that his flight
was on 9/13/01 instead of 9/11/01.

I realize today that my dear little boy might never have know his father.
Amazing the difference a day or two can make in your life.



I wrote that night:

Janet, Thank you so very much for your e-mail. It is little stuff like this, that makes every little snide comment that I have to delete, every nasty e-mail that I have to deal with, every blogger who has written bad stuff about me; worth it. I like you Janet, was someone who was a Democrat voter, that changed my views after starting this Blogging adventure. I have said this before, and I believe some of my readers might not believe this, but it is the truth. This blogging stuff have NEVER, EVER, EVER been about the money, ever. If it was, I would have QUIT DOING THIS LONG AGO! Now if I happen to make a little money in the process, fine and dandy, but, my motivation is NOT money! This blog is simply my virtual protest against what I consider to be wrong and that is the big Government socialism of the far left. This here is what keeps me going, not lust for money, not pride.


I fight the good fight of faith. I cannot serve in the Military, they won’t take me, I am too old, plus, Physically I am not in good shape, so
 I fight here. In the Internet realm. Pushing back against the socialist machine
 It is the fight for my life. I know that I fight for the rights of others, for freedom, and for the Republic!

I think it goes without saying, that my mind has not changed one lousy iota. I sometimes get discouraged by what I see on the far-right, at times. But I will be damned if I ever stop fighting completely. I may, at times, slow down to smell the roses at bit. But I will never, ever completely stop fighting for America. Never.

To my Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus; and in the realm of Conservatism. Enjoy! Have Fun! — and know; I’ve got your six here in the Blogosphere. 😀

Late-Night Thoughts

It is 4:00am and I cannot sleep.  I went to bed earlier, I was just wiped out; ate a big meal and got the old heavy eye thing going on; happens to me all the time.  On a bit of no-so-pleasant note: I woke up at 2:30 feeling like I had half of my supper coming up into my throat.  It was nasty!   A good bottle of water and I am much better now.

On a good note, this might help me out a bit, and I say might, because my sleeping habits as of late, have been totally jacked up.  Anyhow, I am up early and in a bit of a mood to write.  Yesterday was just not good.  I had a bit of headache, and I just was not in the mood for politics, much less anything else.  I get like that, this whole thing gets to be a bit mundane at times; and I just have to push it away for a few days.

Blogger Happenings

As you can most likely tell; No, I did not go to BlogCon that is being held up in Washington D.C.  For one, I am not a big fan of Dick Army; furthermore, I am not a big fan of the “Beltway” or the “Beltway Crowd.”  I will be the first to admit to you, that there were some bloggers there, that I am just not a big fan of, at all.  One in particular is a GOP operative, although, he likes to deny this, at all time.  This same moronic jackass; outright accused me of being a racist bigot on his blog; and then not long after that, made a rather unfunny “Osama Obama” reference on his own blog.  He promptly removed it, when I and several other bloggers complained about it. Robert Stacy McCain has a video of the jackass, if you really can stomach looking at the hypocritical asshole. Personally, I would not want to be in the same room with that asshole.

There is another blogger up there, who I am not a big fan of; she is referenced in that link.  I never liked her.  She publishes like 10 million photos of herself on that blog of hers.  I mean, I have heard of being narcissistic and all — but good grief.  One would assume that if she actually had something to be narcissistic about; I would understand that.  However, she seems to be lacking in that area.  I mean, if you like looking at pictures of fatty beached whales, more power to you, I suppose. (Yes, I can do Ann Coulter snark too. I tend a bit harsher about it than Ann does though.)

I also see that despite not having a car; Robert Stacy McCain found a way up to the BlogCon event, despite the fact that the harpies who put on that event refused to invite him.  I think I know why.  You see, a while back, I laid the smack down on two far-right wing zealots, who felt the need to attack Megan McCain.  Well, in the process of doing this, I went a bit overboard.  I did apologize, which was not good enough for the Semite-Baiting, Identity Politics trafficking crowd.  Having said that, these traffickers engage in what could be called McCarthy or Nazi-style tactics of intimidating other bloggers into not linking to me.  So far, Robert Stacy McCain has not given in to their demands that I am banished from the Conservative movement and be put on terminal ignore.  However, the lack of invite from the BlogCon group was somewhat obvious to me, as to why that happened. These people have some serious power and influence in the Blogosphere.  If you do not cave to their demands, they will destroy you.  They have gotten to a few bloggers that I actually do speak with; the not answering of e-mails was obvious that I was on blackout in the Blogosphere.

None of this really matters to me one lousy iota.  I did not get into this game to have to kiss up to anyone.  The original reason I began blogging was that I was angry with George W. Bush and the blatant incompetent handling of the Iraq War back in 2006.  Yes, I started in this game; as angry “Left of Center,” although I will admit that the far left totally turned me off.  As time when on, and as I continued to blog; I found myself disagreeing with more and more of the far left and even the not so far left as well;  especially when it came to the Military.  It was during this time also, that my blog was hacked.  I did start this blog, shortly afterward.  Finally, during the primary, I just decided that enough was enough; and during the general election, I voted Libertarian.

I will be very honest with you all.  I am not am not a Republican; I will most likely never be.  I find the majority of the people that hang in those circles to be arrogant people, especially the beltway crowd.  I have little or nothing in common with them.  Robert Stacy McCain is a very rare exception to that rule.  I find their attitudes towards blacks to be disgusting.  I saw a perfect example of that on the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News last night.  The completely condescending attitude towards the representative for the NAACP was vomit provoking at best.  Bill O’Reilly and that shrieking harpy Laura Ingraham both said that the NAACP has double standard, when it comes to race.  Newsflash Mr. O’Reilly and Miss Ingraham —- Just in case you forgot white people in America and yes, in England as well, used blacks as slaves!  I think that might just give them the right to be a bit biased against white people.  I dislike identity politics just as much as the next person does.  However, that display on Fox News last night burned my ass. I say this, not as some white person of grew up in the rich, white, Suburbs; but as someone who grew up in southwest Detroit.  I also say this as someone who grew up in a middle class family as well —- someone who grew up around whites, blacks, Latinos, and every other sort of race.

This is why I feel a bit uncomfortable being associated with the whole “Angry Rich White Crowd.”  I do not fit that damned mold at all.  I might be a white person; but I am nowhere near being “rich” or even having a lot of money.  Neither am I angry with Obama for being a black President.  I do not agree with all of his polices; but the disagreement with me, has never been about racism.  Sadly, it is with the majority of those on the far right.  Oh, they nuance it to death, and dodge and spin it.  However, it is there; I see the postings on Facebook and it sickens me to my core.

On the Koran burning

I think that the idiot who was planning on this; is not a Christian; at least not in sense that I believe Christians to be.  I also believe that Fred Phelps and his cult ought be rounded up and jailed.  I am all for freedom of speech; but when your speech or actions incites people to commit acts of violence towards our Military, I believe that is where your freedom ends.

On “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”

I believe that this overruling is a good thing.  I believe someone sexual preference is no one’s business.  I fear Muslims in the Military more than I would homosexuals.  I do not believe that Homosexuals would want to kill fellow Military personnel; which is more than I can say for the Muslims at this point.

On Palin’s Endorsement on O’Donnell

I do not much care for Palin; however, this might have been a good move.  The Republican Party needs to get the crooks, phonies, and warmongers out of that party.  If Sarah Palin can help do that, I am all for it.  Of course, some who believe that Sarah Palin is a part of that warmongering class.