Jeff Goldstein is being attacked by some moronic far-leftist, Again

Not that he does not have experience with this; but some douche nozzle is giving Jeff Goldstein the business…..again.

See here

Here’s the douche-nozzle’s posting here

The real evidence of douche-nozzlery is this:

I pity him, really. But more so, I pity his university and his students. His hard-left hatred for all things “conservative” (which evidently extends to my classical liberalism) has this poor wretch up at nights trolling my blog under multiple names and multiple IP addresses, playing multiple parts in a blog drama of his own creation. It has him feverishly researching Colorado legal statutes, looking for ways to pretend he’ll bring me up on felony libel charges. It has him pretending to be his own girlfriend — or some concerned passerby — who happens (somehow) to know the history of William Yelverton, and his dealings with me over the course of several months (during which time, incidentally, his own blog got maybe 3 comments from people not responding to his douchebaggery on protein wisdom).

You see this stuff that I underlined and colored red? I know all about that, and this is why that I also keep my moderation on around here. Because quite frankly, I just do not need the hassle of some unhinged idiot doing stuff like this. It is just not worth the hassle. I set down the perimeters in which one can operate here; and if you go outside them, I simply delete your tripe. Just that simple, saves me a whole hell of a bunch of trouble.

So, if you spare a dime or two; hit Jeff’s tip jar, and if you feel really froggy, hit Jeff once too for me; right in the nuts. (I kid of course… 😛 ) Because the guy could use it; especially if he has defend himself from this far leftist jack wad.

I do not mean to beat this damned horse to death; but do you now see why I just will NOT vote for the party that represents these idiots anymore?

For what it is worth; I have experience with these jackwads myself. Some tampon wearing shrieking harpy by the name of Mary Scott O’Conner pulled the same shit with me. Except it was not court; it was one or two of my advertisers. All Because I dared to take my disgust of then Senator and President candidate, B. Hussein Obama to another whole level. This during the whole “Hosanna phase” of the 2008 election cycle. It was not pretty, I kind of now, wish I had not went there. However, I was a bit pissed off.

For those that wonder:

I thought you hated Jeff Goldstein?

No, No… I do not hate the man at all. His writing tends to annoy me; this is why I do not read his blog often. The man is a novelist and as a consequence; he blogs like a damned novelist. The problem with Goldstein is that he takes 1200 god-damned words to write something that would take me 400 or less. My thing is, when writing, is get to the god-damned point. Don’t waste my fucking time writing overly prissy sounding nonsense, that nobody gives two shits about; state your damned case, get the point, and cut the overly stupid shit. Not only that, but he writes in that overly educated, Victorian style of writing; which is nice when reading a novel, but when you are trying to read about politics, it tends to get a bit old.

There, now you know my gripe with the Golden Boy Goldstein. Nothing big, just differences in style.  His style is educated, affluent sounding stuff, that you would find at Harvard.  I’m the type of writer that you would maybe find at the local barber shop, a car service garage, pool hall or even in your local bar. (Think Norm from Cheers..)

Having said all of that; head on over and toss a buck or two in his can and tell him that you are on his side. The guy could use it, I am sure.

That is all…