Who am I voting for?

Yesterday, I said that I was withdrawing my support for Chuck Baldwin. I also announced it in the “Chuck Baldwin” for President forum.

Needless to say, I was not prepared for such a response. I got the normal, “What? Are you crazy?” e-mails. I also got a few from a couple “Ron Paul” nut cases, telling me the Chuck Baldwin was Ron Paul 2.0. I also got a couple vulgar e-mails as well, and these from so-called “Christians”.

I dropped my support for Chuck Baldwin after reading his very silly idea of doing away with Taxes. Baldwin supporters tried telling me, that I don’t understand the Tax system in America. In the contrary, I understand it perfectly. It is the Chuck Baldwin and Ron Paul supporters who do not understand it, or don’t care to and would rather listen to the fairy tales of old fools who claim to be the hidden “Last Hope” for America, but rather in all reality, couldn’t save the broad side of a barn in a hail storm.

Now, back to the tax issue, this is how the tax system works in America. There are three different Taxes that are collected; they are Federal, State and Local.

Federal Taxes go to support Federal Projects, Paying Federal employees, and social programs, which I do not have an issue with, at all, as I am a Christian and I believe in giving to those in need. Unlike some, who claim to Christians and don’t wish to see any help given to the poor. How they can serve Christ and believe this way, is beyond me.

State Taxes Go to just that, The State, for fixing highways, paying state employees, and the like.

Local Taxes, Same deal as above. But for Local level…

Now here are some examples as to why we need a Federal Tax, State Tax and a Local Tax:

Your local city has a big road project, that they cannot afford to do themselves, so, they petition their State officials, “Hey, we need some HELP down here!”, and so, the local representative pushes a bill through to get assistance for the local city and the money comes down to them.

Your State has a road project, and there’s not enough money in the States funds to pay for it, your State officials contact their representative in Washington D.C. and says, “Hey! We need some help down here!” and they put through legislation to get some money down to the people at the state level. It is called, “Taking up the slack”, as most States and local cities, do not make the revenue from Taxes to pay for city and state projects and to pay the salaries of their employees.

Now that’s the truth, and please no more e-mail from the idiotic Ron Paul supporters, as I do not wish to read your idiot pipe dream garbage no more.

Yes, I pay my Taxes, Yes, I do know that it goes for the proper things. (like the huge road construction project happening near my house)

As to whom I am voting for in this election? No sure, at all, really. I may not vote at all, as I am not really happy with anyone running.

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Hillary wins Puerto Rico, not that it means anything

Hillary Clinton has won Puerto Rico, But it doesn’t mean a thing.  You know, it really amazes me, that Hillary Supporters are bitching a blue streak, because the popular votes don’t actually select the nominee.  My question is, where the hell were these people during civics class? Quite obviously not paying attention. 

What really amuses me is, how these people like to complain that Hillary was robbed. Please. Rolling Eyes Obama’s name was not on the Michigan ballot, because the stupid actions of the National Democrat Party, and Obama, in loyalty to his party and it’s idiotic rules, agreed not to campaign there. So, in all honesty, who was really robbed at a chance to win the state? I think that answer is very obvious.

I’m sitting here now, listening to some idiotic Hillary supporter on MSNBC, I mean, can that the stupid bitch be any more out of tune with reality? Holy cripes

I think that the Hillary camp and her many supporters ought to just get real and just admit that Hillary lost and accept it and move the hell on. Otherwise, we will have to contend with the 3rd term of George W. Bush and the Democrats and Hillary supporters will have no one to blame, but themselves.

Chuck Baldwin officially launches his campaign website….

I received some great news this morning in my e-mail inbox. Dancing

Pastor Chuck Baldwin has officially launched his Campaign website.  

I am voting for Chuck Baldwin because he more represents the American values that I, as a Christian, as a Libertarian and as a Constitutionalist, hold very dear.

He might not win, but I will know that my vote went for someone who still believes in the old Paleo-conservative values that I hold dear. I will also know, that my vote did not go to a third term of George W. Bush, a Neo-Conservative, Globalist, Shill or a Socialist, Marxist, Liberal. 

This notion that if you don’t vote for John McCain, that your vote is a vote for Hillary or Obama is the biggest lie and the great travesty ever heaped upon this Nation. Heaped upon it by warmongering bastards who want to send this Nation into a pit that it will never get itself out of.

I ask you today, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Conservative, Republican, wake up and realize that this Nations only hope, is found in this man.

Check out his Website, Forum  and go to his "Money Bomb" page.

Let’s get American back on the right track, vote for Chuck Baldwin

Let us not forget our United States Servicemen

While I have been a very vocal critic of the Bush Administration’s Handling of the war in Iraq. I will always stand in honor for our United States Military.

Here is a video that I think everyone, Liberal, Conservative and everything in between, needs to watch: (H/T to Army Wife Toddler Mom and Tammi)

Please, support Military Ministry or Soldiers’ Angels

Let’s not forget those, who choose to serve our Nation, so that Bloggers, like me, can write and be free.

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Wow… The Liberal Warfare has just hit the fan….

Here’s an example:


Good God. What is wrong with her? The Clintons and their campaign staff don’t give a damn that they are now hurting our electoral chances in the fall against McCain and against the Republicans in Congress. Their campaign isn’t happening in some vacuum, and they know it. Our candidates can’t fundraise because of her. Obama can’t focus on McCain because of her. Obama is wasting money on HER, rather than spending it on McCain, because of her. EMILY’s List, and AFSCME, and the American Federation of Teachers and others are wasting their members’ money on her now-failed race – money that they could be spending, should be spending, on other real races, races that haven’t already lost. She can’t win, the math says she lost the nomination, but she doesn’t give a damn. She’s going to stay in the race like some spoiled hateful egotistical brat.

Why is the media even covering her? The only stories that should be written about Hillary Clinton is how much damage she’s causing our party. How she’s hurting fundraising at the DNC – they even admitted it, they’re not raising the money they need to fight John McCain because of this woman. Why don’t you write some stories about how she is hurting our candidates who can’t fundraise because of her? How she has forced EMILY’s List and AFSCME and the AFT to waste their money because of her. How she has caused a civil war in the Netroots. Five months ago we all felt that we had 3 great candidates. Now, far too many of us loathe Hillary Clinton, and she has done her racist best to ensure that her supporters can’t stand Barack Obama either.

The Clintons don’t give a damn about our party. Their party, their church, is themselves. To hell with everyone else. I actually liked Hillary up until a few months ago. Other bloggers used to tell me that Joe and I were too nice to Hillary. People just assumed that we were endorsing her. Now I actually loathe her. She makes me yell at the TV like she’s George Bush, and no one other than George Bush makes me yell at the TV – until now. I actually can’t stand her or her husband any more. I defended her. I defended her husband. And now I’m actually wondering if the Republicans weren’t right about them. That’s how bad she has damaged her reputation. People who actually liked you, who actually helped you, who actually defended you, LOATHE you now. Call me a Clinton-hater all you like, but people like me were the ones who had your back. And we never will again.

Let me close with what Mike Huckabee just said on MSNBC:

"The happiest person in America tonight is John McCain."

Wow! Surprise  I do believe the knives are out and the poop stinky is about to hit the fan. This ought to be interesting to watch. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he does have a point. But man, I never thought I’d see that out of a Liberal Blogger.

I guess he is just expressing what many Bloggers are feeling. We’re just tired of it. I know I am. Let’s move on to the general, why drag it out? It’s silly.

Others: The Moderate Voice, Shakesville, The Campaign Spot, The Strata-Sphere and NO QUARTER

West "By God" Virginia isn’t too keen on the Magic Negro

 ….and they say them southern hillbillies are dumb… Ha!

The Article: W Virginia keeps distance from Obama (Via FT.com)

Like most people in Mingo County, West Virginia, Leonard Simpson is a lifelong Democrat. But given a choice between Barack Obama and John McCain in November, the 67-year-old retired coalminer would vote Republican.

“I heard that Obama is a Muslim and his wife’s an atheist,” said Mr Simpson, drawing on a cigarette outside the fire station in Williamson, a coal mining town of 3,400 people surrounded by lush wooded hillsides.

Okay before anyone hammers me in the comments section. I know he’s not a Muslim. We’ve established that fact. But he is a Marxist. At least his Pastor is. I would suspect that if B. Hussein Obama spent as many years as he did in that Church in Chicago, he most likely subscribes to the thought process possessed by his Pastor.

Is this the scene from inside Hillary’s Headquarters?

Seen over at Ann Coulter’s Website: (Who’s written a very funny article this week, by the way...)

Content Warning! NSFW! Heck, it’s not even safe for home!

Enjoy…. Winking


The goodness sakes people, Let the Wright thing GO, PLEASE!

Good early morning…. I wasn’t going to write much today, because my mind is on that piece of junk car of mine and other stuff, but I’m getting to the point of, I can’t take it anymore!

When will the media just stop talking about the stupid Rev. Wright story!?! I mean, seriously people! Even Newt Gingrich said to stop:

The Anti-Obama, Anti-Wright, and Anti-Clinton GOP Model Has Been Tested — And It Failed

The Republican brand has been so badly damaged that if Republicans try to run an anti-Obama, anti- Reverend Wright, or (if Senator Clinton wins), anti-Clinton campaign, they are simply going to fail.

This model has already been tested with disastrous results.

In 2006, there were six incumbent Republican Senators who had plenty of money, the advantage of incumbency, and traditionally successful consultants.

But the voters in all six states had adopted a simple position: “Not you.” No matter what the GOP Senators attacked their opponents with, the voters shrugged off the attacks and returned to, “Not you.”

The danger for House and Senate Republicans in 2008 is that the voters will say, “Not the Republicans.”

But yet, we STILL have media types that just continue to want to recycle this story, again, this time accusing the media of not reporting on it, fast enough.

Okay, here’s a little bit of dose of reality for the hosebag idiot that wrote this story.

The mainstream media did not first report this story, it originated out of the political blogging world. I remember when the Blogs first started reporting on it. It was about 2 months ago or so. Finally, after not being able to ignore it any longer, the MSM started reporting on it, first Fox News and then the rest followed suit. and of course, they put in on repeat mode until the candidate in question, ended up having to sever all ties with Rev. Wright, and until people, like myself, were ready pull what little hair we have left out, for having to hear the damn story, repeated 24 freakin’ 7 on the television, radio and yes, on most websites that we ready daily.

The point I am trying to make is this, the Obama-Wright story was not even a story, until US BLOGGERS brought it up, once in the MSM’s hands, it took a life unto it’s own, almost to the point of becoming a parody of itself. Of course, Wright did not help matters either by going on TV and acting like total idiot himself. Thereby giving the story more life. Which I also found to be quite annoying, and now the story is basically a dead issue, and quite frankly, I wish the media would just drop the damn story and move on to the next thing, like getting fucking Hillary Clinton out of this damn race, so we can move on to the next thing, like the General Election!

Okay, I feel better now….

NewsBusters.org and PrestoPundit

Special Podcast for my readers: Donation Appeal

This is a special Podcast for the regular readers of my Blog.

I need some serious help folks, please, listen to this.

Click here to get your own player.


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Gary Indiana could flip this election….

So, they’re saying…..

The Article: Gary Mayor Predicts Possible Indiana Shocker (Via The Trail @ washingtonpost.com)

As the fate of a nailbiter Indiana primary — and possibly the course of the Democratic race — hung on his city, Gary Mayor Rudy Clay said just now that it might take a while yet to finish counting the vote in Lake County, which includes Gary, and said tonight his city had turned out so overwhelmingly for Barack Obama that it might just be enough to close the gap with Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"Let me tell you, when all the votes are counted, when Gary comes in, I think you’re looking at something for the world to see," Clay, an Obama supporter, said in a telephone interview from Obama’s Gary headquarters. "I don’t know what the numbers are yet, but Gary has absolutely produced in large numbers for Obama here."

Now that would be an interesting development. Although, something tells me, that there’s not going to be enough votes to totally flip it. Just a haunch I have.

Others: The Page, protein wisdom, Live Indiana Primary …, TalkLeft, Wizbang, AMERICAblog, The Primary Source, CCPSBlog, Corrente, The Moderate Voice, Commentary, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo and Ben Smith’s Blogs

Early Morning Political thoughts….

Morning everyone!

Sorry about bailing on everyone last night man. I was just pooped. I finally overcame the staying up all night and sleeping all day nonsense. I now keep some very early hours, and I mean VERY early. I mean as in, being in bed at 9:00 P.M. and being up at 4:00 A.M., I would say “old people” hours, but I’m 35, so, I’ll just refrain from the old people jokes. You young punks quit that damn snickering, ya hear? and get off my lawn!

Anyhow, silliness aside, I have been snooping around this morning on the Politics sites, and I’ve seen how Barry and Hillary made out.

As most people know, Barry pulled off a big victory in North Carolina. Which I wasn’t surprised to hear about. Although, his victory there was racially lopsided, they say.

As for Hillary, she squeaked one out, in Indiana. A narrow political victory, that is, which the tea leaf readers say.

She’s also, according to Josh Marshall over at TPM, she’s canceled all appearances on the morning talk shows. So, it could be that she and her advisers are in hunker down mode and figuring out a graceful way out of the race. or she decided not to break out with the bubbly and celebrate, seeing it was quite the narrow margin.

The numbers as of now are…:


Clinton 51% – Obama 49%

North Carolina

Obama 56% – Clinton 42%

That margin in Indiana is a 2% margin, that’s nothing to jump up and holler about.

Ugh… 5:37 a.m. and I still haven’t got this entry out… between glancing at the TV and getting more coffee, this isn’t going very fast…

Anyhow, according to what I’ve just observed on MSNBC this morning, Hillary says that she will continue to fight for the Presidential nominee. Wonder if she means, that she knows she will not get it?

Anyhow, that’s the political update and my opinion on it. Stay Tuned…

Michelle Obama Responsible for the Rev. Wright Scandal?

Someone thinks so…..

Is Michelle Obama responsible for the Jeremiah Wright fiasco? – By Christopher Hitchens – Slate Magazine

What can it be that has kept Obama in Wright’s pews, and at Wright’s mercy, for so long and at such a heavy cost to his aspirations? Even if he pulls off a mathematical nomination victory, he has completely lost the first, fine, careless rapture of a post-racial and post-resentment political movement and mired us again in all the old rubbish that predates Dr. King. What a sad thing to behold. And how come? I think we can exclude any covert sympathy on Obama’s part for Wright’s views or style—he has proved time and again that he is not like that, and even his own little nods to “Minister” Farrakhan can probably be excused as a silly form of Chicago South Side political etiquette. All right, then, how is it that the loathsome Wright married him, baptized his children, and received donations from him? Could it possibly have anything, I wonder, to do with Mrs. Obama?

This obvious question is now becoming inescapable, and there is an inexcusable unwillingness among reporters to be the one to ask it. (One can picture Obama looking pained and sensitive and saying, “Keep my wife out of it,” or words to that effect, as Clinton tried to do in 1992 when Jerry Brown and Ralph Nader quite correctly inquired about his spouse’s influence.) If there is a reason why the potential nominee has been keeping what he himself now admits to be very bad company—and if the rest of his character seems to make this improbable—then either he is hiding something and/or it is legitimate to ask him about his partner.

I direct your attention to Mrs. Obama’s 1985 thesis at Princeton University. Its title (rather limited in scope, given the author and the campus) is “Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community.” To describe it as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be “read” at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn’t written in any known language. Anyway, at quite an early stage in the text, Michelle Obama announces that she’s much influenced by the definition of black “separationism” offered by Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton in their 1967 screed Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America. I remember poor Stokely Carmichael quite well. After a hideous series of political and personal fiascos, he fled to Africa, renamed himself Kwame Toure after two of West Africa’s most repellently failed dictators, and then came briefly back to the United States before electing to die in exile. I last saw him as the warm-up speaker for Louis Farrakhan in Madison Square Garden in 1985, on the evening when Farrakhan made himself famous by warning Jews, “You can’t say ‘Never Again’ to God, because when he puts you in the ovens, you’re there forever.” I have the distinct feeling that the Obama campaign can’t go on much longer without an answer to the question: “Are we getting two for one?” And don’t be giving me any grief about asking this. Black Americans used to think that the Clinton twosome was their best friend, too. This time we should find out before it’s too late to ask.

Wow….. All I can say is…. Wow… Looks like she’s the Liberation Theology person and poor Barack just went for the ride. Nice choice in wife, Barry, Marry a Marxist, smooth move, and he wants to be President?

If this takes off, you can bet this will hurt his campaign…

Fact Checker, NO QUARTER, BackyardConservative, Hot Air and protein wisdom

Another Liberal, Another Book… Zzzzzzz

The Liberal Marble Mouth from Greece, is trying to sell a book by slamming McCain. What else is new?

A New Video….that everyone should watch!

made by yours truly…

Technorati Tags: America ,Barack Obama ,blacks ,Bush ,Cheney ,Christanity ,Conservative ,Corruption ,Democrat ,Democrats ,Economy ,Edwards ,Election ’08 ,Election 2008 ,First Admendment ,Fox News ,Freedom of Speech ,Government ,Hillary ,Hillary Clinton ,History ,Huckabee ,illegal immigration ,Iran ,Iraq ,Islam ,Israel ,Jewish ,Jews ,Joe Biden ,John McCain ,justice ,Liberal ,Liberals ,McCain ,Media ,Michelle Malkin ,Middle East ,Military ,Mitt Romney ,MSNBC ,Muslim ,Neo-Conservatives ,News ,Obama ,Opinion ,Politics ,racism ,Religion ,Republican ,Republicans ,Romney ,Ron Paul ,Support Our Troops ,Terrorism ,Unions ,vote ,voting ,War ,War on Terrorism ,Washington DC ,White House ,Whites

Hillary’s knowledge of Guns… Ha! What knowledge?!?!?

Now this here, is funny.

The Story: Clinton mailing’s gun gaffe- From Ben Smith’s Blog Via Politico.com

Sen. Hillary Clinton’s mailing attacking Sen. Barack Obama’s record on guns appears to include a striking visual gaffe: The image of the gun pictured on the face of the mailing is reversed, making it a nonexistent left-handed model of the Mauser 66 rifle.

To make matters worse, a prominent gun dealer said, it’s an expensive German gun with customized features that make it clearly European.

“The gun in the photo does not exist,” said Val Forgett III, president of Navy Arms in Martinsburg, W.Va. Forgett’s company was Mauser’s agent in the United States when the gun was released, and it sold Mauser guns here again in the 1990s. “The bolt is facing to the left side of the receiver, making it a left-handed bolt action rifle, indicating whoever constructed and approved the mailer did not recognize the image has been reversed.”

Forgett said the error would be obvious to sportsmen.

“I find it laughable on its face,” he said. “It’s like a picture of Babe Ruth hitting right-handed.

D’oh! Poor Hillary… Just trying to work that Right Winger crowds. Good luck with that!

Others: The Huffington Post, TPM Election Central, Taylor Marsh, Balloon Juice, race42008.com and The Page

Seems that the Rev Wright Scandal did some damage…

That is according to the latest polls.

The Charts:





John McCain has moved to a six percentage point, 48% to 42%, lead over Barack Obama in Gallup Poll Daily tracking of the general election, while he edges out Hillary Clinton by only one point, 46% to 45%.

This is according to Gallup Poll Daily tracking from April 27-May 1 with 4,381 national registered voters.

The ongoing turmoil in the Democratic race — with neither candidate able to sustain a winning streak in the primaries and animosity seemingly mounting between them — seems to be benefiting McCain and hurting both Democrats. Last week McCain had fallen three points behind Clinton in the preferences of registered voters for the general election, and only tied Obama.

Although both Clinton and Obama have lost ground to McCain over the past week, the current results may be particularly troubling for Obama in trying to combat Clinton’s assertion to superdelegates that she would be the more electable of the two candidates in November.

The current six-point margin for McCain over Obama is the largest lead McCain has had over either candidate since Gallup began tracking general election preferences in early March. The gap between Obama and Clinton’s percentage of the vote when both are pitted against McCain is also the largest since the general election tracking began.

If Obama Looses NC and IN. I predict that, He’ll be done, and Hillary will most likely get the nomination. If Obama Looses one and wins the other, there will be a super-delegate fight, come the convention.  If he wins both, I predict Hillary will drop out.

If these polls are right, If Obama wins the nomination, the Democrats will lose the election, come November, because as of now, people are losing faith in Obama, because of all the sideshows. You know them, I don’t have to name them, it is taking it’s toll on Obama.

Either way, it’s going to be one interesting show from now to November.

Juan McSame needs to learn to speak….

I mean, there’s just no excuse for this bunch of stupidity.



My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will — that will then prevent us — that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East.

Now, he’s claiming he said it wrong or something.

All the more reason to vote for this guy here

Why am I saying this? Because I am not letting my vote go to some idiot, who cannot even speak to a damn crowd, without misspeaking and giving the Liberals the red meat that they crave. Regardless if you want to admit it or not. President George W. Bush has so screwed this Nation up, that we’re going to be digging ourselves out for many years to come. He is also not really known for his ability to speak well, at all.

Of course, I am not about to let my vote go to a closet Marxist or a socialist bitch who wants to turn America into a another soviet union, with her nationalized healthcare program. So, I’m voting for a 3rd part candidate, that way, if the nation gets screwed up, it won’t be because of something I did.

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Latest Gallop Poll – Clinton 46% Obama 45%

Read about it here



Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows that Hillary Clinton now receives 46% of the support of Democrats nationally, compared to 45% for Barack Obama, marking the first time Obama has not led in Gallup’s daily tracking since March 18-20.

These results are based on interviewing conducted April 16-18, including two days of interviewing after the contentious Wednesday night debate in Philadelphia and the media focus that followed. Support for Hillary Clinton has been significantly higher in both of these post-debate nights of interviewing than in recent weeks. The two Democratic candidates are now engaged in intensive campaigning leading up to Tuesday’s Pennsylvania primary and are under a continual and hot media spotlight, increasing the chances for change in the views of Democrats in the days ahead.

Not that this really matters, because Obama’s ahead in the delegates and unless there’s a major shift with those people, I doubt Hillary will be able to pass Obama. It’s just interesting to see the sudden change in the percentage of people who supported Obama and now don’t.

Here’s how Obama does when match up with McCain:



Others: Marc Ambinder, Donklephant and Wizbang Blue

A Video, that everyone needs to watch…

I think everyone needs to watch this:

It’s pretty scary, but all true.

If you enjoyed this video, please consider a donation to this Blog. Click here to listen to a message from me, about why I need the donations.

Michigan Primary ain’t happening….

With apologies to every English teacher I have had….

For all intents and purposes… A Michigan redo isn’t happening..

So nice to be a part of the damn political process in America. Rolling Eyes

"The Democrat Party, Where your votes don’t count, so why vote anyway?"

That should be their new slogan.

It’s enough to make a person want to move to Oregon.

The Left is being played like a fiddle….

A sad, but true fact.

The story, Which comes via Newshoggers, who saw it at Rising Hegemon. A story that appeared in the Village Voice, the story of how the Republican Operatives are strongly trying to weaken the chances of a Democratic Nominee of winning in November.  Now in the interest for fairness, this is really nothing new, this sort of Political underhandedness has been going on for years. Nixon did it, as did others. But the reason why it is so bad in this race, for one, is because there is no fairness doctrine anymore, opening up the ability to editorialize the coverage of the election process, another factor is, that you have a Republican propaganda machine, known as Fox News, or as I like to call it, Faux Noise. But, because I am fair, Fox News is not the only ones that do this sort of thing. MSNBC does it, CNN does, even the so-called NPR, which is supposed to be a-political, has a noticed liberal slant to it. So, all in all, the Bias is on both sides of the camp.

Anyhow, on with the story….


The prime movers of both political parties have long tried to game the presidential nominating process—not only to choose their eventual winner, but also to pick their November opponent. And in this landmark election without incumbents, the media wing of the Republican Party, in particular, has quite visibly been playing that game. Right-leaning pundits for months now have very openly not just called for Hillary Clinton’s head, but also coddled and promoted Barack Obama, salivating over the prospect of facing him in November.

Meanwhile, voters have been echoing that program: Barack Obama has been beating Hillary Clinton in part because Republicans are helping him.

Sixteen of the 45 Democratic primaries and caucuses held before this week were open affairs, allowing Republicans and independents to take part, and Barack Obama has won 11 of those contests. He almost invariably carried the Republican vote, which accounted for as much as 9 percent of the total in Wisconsin and Texas, and frequently ran even stronger among independents, who represented a fifth or more of Democratic primary voters in state after state. The 75 percent of the Republican vote that he won in Missouri, for example, may have pushed him over the top, and certainly, when combined with his 67 percent of the state’s much larger independent vote, it delivered many of the district-apportioned delegates to him. Republicans in Obama states like Washington, Wisconsin, and Virginia were even freer to cross the aisle, since by the time they voted, John McCain had already sewn up the GOP nomination. While Obama often won some of these states so handily that Republicans and independents could not have provided his margin of victory, there is no way to know how many delegates in close congressional-district contests will wind up in Denver because of the impact of Republican or independent voters. And there is no exit-poll data to measure their impact on the caucuses.

I highly recommend that you read the rest of this story, as it paints a tale of how the Republicans are attempting to destroy the Democrat nomination in November. The sick and sad part is, they are doing by using the old, outdated system of nomination and voting.

Cernig at Newshoggers weighs in:

In every case, these rightwing mouthpieces have ignored their own previous overt race-baiting to accuse the Clintons of being closet racists, have ignored their own open misogyny to accuse Obamites of sexism and generally muddied the waters every way they could.
Limbaugh, Novak, Kristol, Bennet, York, Hannity, George Will – all have their gamesmanship exposed by this must-read column. They’re all on the same page of the GOP playbook. It’s the page headed "Divide and Conquer".

Truly, this is a sad case, I just hope that Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton have the ability to overcome the negative press coverage and can be elected. Because we do not need four to six more years of the Neo-Conservative nightmare in this country. Now, if McCain nabs the Presidency, I won’t jump off a building or anything. But it will set this Country a great deal if he does. Not to mention, it will be the biggest embarrassment to the Democrat Party.

Here is hoping that things will work out, and the underhanded folk, on both sides, will be exposed, for what they are. 

More on Obama’s Pastor-Gate

As I previously reported, Senator Barack Obama’s Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr has made some seriously flammable statements.

Well, the story has caught on like wildfire in the MSM. The Wall Street Journal, who is, by the way, owned by Rupert Murdock, An Republican Operative, has done a rather damaging piece on Barack’s Pastor.

True to form and very well done, Senator Barack Obama has issued a very well worded statement at the Huffington Post:

The pastor of my church, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who recently preached his last sermon and is in the process of retiring, has touched off a firestorm over the last few days. He’s drawn attention as the result of some inflammatory and appalling remarks he made about our country, our politics, and my political opponents.

Let me say at the outset that I vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been the subject of this controversy. I categorically denounce any statement that disparages our great country or serves to divide us from our allies. I also believe that words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue, whether it’s on the campaign stump or in the pulpit. In sum, I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue.

Because these particular statements by Rev. Wright are so contrary to my own life and beliefs, a number of people have legitimately raised questions about the nature of my relationship with Rev. Wright and my membership in the church. Let me therefore provide some context.

As I have written about in my books, I first joined Trinity United Church of Christ nearly twenty years ago. I knew Rev. Wright as someone who served this nation with honor as a United States Marine, as a respected biblical scholar, and as someone who taught or lectured at seminaries across the country, from Union Theological Seminary to the University of Chicago. He also led a diverse congregation that was and still is a pillar of the South Side and the entire city of Chicago. It’s a congregation that does not merely preach social justice but acts it out each day, through ministries ranging from housing the homeless to reaching out to those with HIV/AIDS.

Most importantly, Rev. Wright preached the gospel of Jesus, a gospel on which I base my life. In other words, he has never been my political advisor; he’s been my pastor. And the sermons I heard him preach always related to our obligation to love God and one another, to work on behalf of the poor, and to seek justice at every turn.

The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation. When these statements first came to my attention, it was at the beginning of my presidential campaign. I made it clear at the time that I strongly condemned his comments. But because Rev. Wright was on the verge of retirement, and because of my strong links to the Trinity faith community, where I married my wife and where my daughters were baptized, I did not think it appropriate to leave the church.

Let me repeat what I’ve said earlier. All of the statements that have been the subject of controversy are ones that I vehemently condemn. They in no way reflect my attitudes and directly contradict my profound love for this country.

With Rev. Wright’s retirement and the ascension of my new pastor, Rev. Otis Moss, III, Michelle and I look forward to continuing a relationship with a church that has done so much good. And while Rev. Wright’s statements have pained and angered me, I believe that Americans will judge me not on the basis of what someone else said, but on the basis of who I am and what I believe in; on my values, judgment and experience to be President of the United States.

I also overheard on MSNBC, Chris Matthews said that Senator Barack Obama will be appearing on Keith Olbermann’s Show Countdown to give his side of the Story.

I do truly hope that this douses the fire on this rather silly story. Because it does seem to be a bit overblown and it does show the hypocrisy of the MSM. Because in case anyone has forgotten, Senator John McCain was endorsed by Baptist Minister John Hagee and Pentecostal Pastor Rod Parsley. Both of which have been quoted making anti-Islamic statements. But yet, Obama is getting the "White Glove" treatment? I just wonder, is there a racial bias amongst the Main Stream Media?

Further, could it be that the Jewish owned, financed, and backed Main stream media has it out for this Black Christian, whom they feel might be a threat to their way of life? Before anyone accuses me of being anti-Semitic, it is a fact, that if the corporate controlled media decides to make you the new story, it can ruin you. it is also a fact that most of the networks are Jewish owned, controlled and financed. It is not anti-Semitic to ask such questions.

Update: I guess I should point out that John McCain is simply distantly associated with Parsley and Hagee. However, Barack Obama is a MEMBER of this Church, The man married him and his wife and baptized his children, so, it is more than just a casual association, Senator Obama is directly associated with him.  This is why this story is so huge and why the Conservatives and some liberals are up in arms about it.

There are other Bloggers in on this discussion, here’s the one’s that I choose to link to: Washington Wire, The New Republic, The Swamp, The Jawa Report, The Sleuth, The Opinionator, Hot Air, American Street, TPM Election Central, Obsidian Wings, Donklephant, The Caucus and The Page, American Power, Confederate Yankee, Little Green Footballs, A Blog For All, Riehl World View, Hot Air, Gawker, The Field, Dick Polman’s American Debate, Reasoned Audacity, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, NO QUARTER, ABCNEWS, Macsmind, Attytood, The Strata-Sphere, Centerpoint Review, BizzyBlog, QandO, Firedoglake, JammieWearingFool, GINA COBB and PrestoPundit and More via Memeorandum

Updated: So far….

On the Republicans side:

Ohio: McCain is the Projected winner

Vermont: McCain is the Projected Winner

Texas and R.I. are not reporting yet — Update: McCain takes Ohio, Vermont, Texas and Rhode Island and is the G.O.P Nominee

On the Democrat Side:

Ohio: Clinton in the lead, no winner Projected

Vermont: Obama in the lead no winner projected yet.

Texas and R.I not reporting…

Update: Obama Takes Vermont, Clinton takes Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island

Update: This is going to be one interesting fight for Democrats. I will be Blogging about it. I look for this fight to go all the way to the convention. I also look for there to be redo for the Michigan Primary. Either way, it’s going to a wild ride.