Early Morning Political thoughts….

Morning everyone!

Sorry about bailing on everyone last night man. I was just pooped. I finally overcame the staying up all night and sleeping all day nonsense. I now keep some very early hours, and I mean VERY early. I mean as in, being in bed at 9:00 P.M. and being up at 4:00 A.M., I would say “old people” hours, but I’m 35, so, I’ll just refrain from the old people jokes. You young punks quit that damn snickering, ya hear? and get off my lawn!

Anyhow, silliness aside, I have been snooping around this morning on the Politics sites, and I’ve seen how Barry and Hillary made out.

As most people know, Barry pulled off a big victory in North Carolina. Which I wasn’t surprised to hear about. Although, his victory there was racially lopsided, they say.

As for Hillary, she squeaked one out, in Indiana. A narrow political victory, that is, which the tea leaf readers say.

She’s also, according to Josh Marshall over at TPM, she’s canceled all appearances on the morning talk shows. So, it could be that she and her advisers are in hunker down mode and figuring out a graceful way out of the race. or she decided not to break out with the bubbly and celebrate, seeing it was quite the narrow margin.

The numbers as of now are…:


Clinton 51% – Obama 49%

North Carolina

Obama 56% – Clinton 42%

That margin in Indiana is a 2% margin, that’s nothing to jump up and holler about.

Ugh… 5:37 a.m. and I still haven’t got this entry out… between glancing at the TV and getting more coffee, this isn’t going very fast…

Anyhow, according to what I’ve just observed on MSNBC this morning, Hillary says that she will continue to fight for the Presidential nominee. Wonder if she means, that she knows she will not get it?

Anyhow, that’s the political update and my opinion on it. Stay Tuned…