Message to Rep. Sheila Jackson, Maybe we should investigate militant Negros who want overthrow our Country

The headline is provocative one and for a damned good reason.

First the video:

The Story via CNSNEWS:

( – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”

In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.

Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”

Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”

Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not — your distinction is not answering the question.

This proves it right here; that liberals equate small time lone wolf criminals to foreign funded Muslim terrorists. I see the point she is making; and it is a stupid one, there is no comparison.

While we’re on the subject, why don’t we investigate terrorist Negros that would like to see our so-called “White Controlled Government overthrown, like these people here:

or maybe as to the funding of this man here:

This is what we ought to be investigating in this Country, is how things like this were funded by Liberals in this Country.

We as Americans are supposed to be sane, rational people. We are told that not all blacks feel this way. We, as Conservatives, who reject the idea of “group thought” or collectivism, are not supposed to believe that all blacks feel this way. However, when you have a liberal senator comparing the actions of a few extremists to the actions of a globally funded group of Muslim terrorists; one must ask, where do her loyalties lie? One must ask, does she agree with the militant Negros like the ones in the video above? Who, by the way, agree with Al-Qaeda terrorists, — that America should be destroyed.

It is questions like this, which I ask on this blog. There is a battle for the soul of America; these are two of the groups, which wish to overthrow the power structure in this Country. This is why I blog, this is why I write, to fight against this liberal, idiotic mentality; because I do not wish to see my Country overran by those who wish to destroy her from within.

It is a fight that I will continue to battle till my dying days.

Update: Moonbattery Agrees with me.

Video: Weiner’s Resignation Statement

It figures, the dude’s resignation speech is a freaking circus.

(H/T HotAir)

Update: Better video, via AllahPundit:

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Either way, I’m glad the douche-bag is gone. Like I said before, one down, many more to go.

I just wonder, who was the dude being the tool, while he was trying to talk?

Democrats are waking up the realities of Barack Obama

This is proof of that:

MIAMI, Fla. — A low-dollar fundraiser here Monday felt like a throwback to the 2008 campaign.

There was the same old soundtrack – including “City of Blinding Lights” by U2, the president’s 2008 anthem — the enthusiastic organizers and the abundant appeals for supporters to rally behind President Obama.

The one missing element? Overflowing crowds.

Granted, it was a fundraiser, not a free rally. But the empty seats were hard to miss.

The top level of the 2,200-seat concert hall at the Adrienne Arsht Center for Performing Arts was entirely empty, as were the seats along the side of the second and third levels.

“The expectation was 900,” a Democratic official said, and more than 980 tickets were sold.

Tickets for the Gen 44 event started at $44, the official said.

“This is going to be a very tough fight,” said Alonzo Mourning, the former Miami Heat player, who spoke ahead of the president. Once Obama took the stage, a protester interrupted him at one point, repeatedly yelling: “Keep your promise, stop AIDS now.” But the protester was quickly drowned out by the audience chanting, “Obama, Obama, Obama.”

via Obama fundraiser underwhelms | POLITICO 44.

If there was ever proof that the thrill is gone; this might be it!

Cue the Music!

I could say a whole bunch more; but I have written it all before, in fact, I’ve been writing about it since 2007, when I started this blog.

Enjoy this music! 😀

Others: Political Punch, Washington Times,, The Daily Caller, The Lonely Conservative, The Gateway Pundit, Don Surber, White House Dossier and HotAirPundit

Video: Jack Hunter asks, Who’s an ‘Isolationist?’

I have to hand it to Jack; he makes a darned good argument here:

Transcript link be posted, as soon as it appears — somewhere! Update: Here it is, the Transcript.

I also want to point out, that there are those who will say, what about you? Don’t you call Ron Paul an isolationist??!?! My answer is this:

My issue with Ron Paul is that he has swallowed some of the idiotic lies of the liberal left on 9/11. Like that Bush did it; it was inside job; all designed to put us into a war with Iraq. None of which is true, but with the liberal left and with Ron Paul, the truth really does not matter, what matters is the narrative. Further more, I happen to agree with the Republicans that oppose his going into Libya. I will say that I find it pretty ironic that some of those who are carping about Libya, are the same one who were cheer-leading us into Iraq in 2003.

My issue also with Ron Paul is some of the people he is known to hang around and things that have been published with his name on it. That is my issue with Ron Paul, period, end of story. I simply do not believe Ron Paul to be a perfect choice President. What also troubles me, is that Ron Paul’s followers, treat Ron Paul, like the left treated the then candidate Barack Obama; like the next political Messiah.

I live by this rule and I believe everyone else in America should too: No man, irregardless of Race, Color, Creed, Religious or Political Conviction or Party is perfect. There are flaws in everyone’s political views, including Ron Paul’s.

Contrary to what is believed about me; I do not advocate Bush style of foreign policy. I see nothing wrong with fiscal and foreign policy Conservative restraint. However, I believe the motivations for that, should be purely inline with the idea of keeping the Republic from becoming an empire, and for keeping inline with our Constitution; not for some sort of backward mentality towards Jews and Israel.

That above, in a nutshell, explains my disliking of Ron Paul.

Aw Man: Fox News Host uses some rather stupid racially charged language — About the President

I hate writing about this kind of stuff, It’s because I know that the Republican Party is supposed to be the Party of Lincoln.

However, when you have stupid people, doing stupid stuff; like this. It is pretty freaking hard to defend that line.

This is Fox News Host Eric Bolling:

Yeah, I know where I got that video from; and I personally do not give a flying flip what ya’ll think about it either. You see, I feel about this; like I feel about other Republicans, who have dared to be this stupid. Get them the hell off the air and out of a job. You do something like that; I do not give a flying flip what your political views are, you’re an idiot and do not need to be on a Network representing a Conservative point of view.

For the record, I griped and bitched about a Fox News anchor that used the term “Terrorist Fist Bump” on the air, when referring to Obama. Her name was E.D. Hill and they got rid of her from that channel as well. At thought at the time, that it was lame, rude, and condescending towards a black man and I said so too! Not to mention the narrative that it was flaming; it was stupid and this is too.

Here is hoping that Eric Bolling goes to the unemployment line…..quickly.

Before anyone says it, don’t hand me no B.S. about “Freedom of Speech” either, okay? Because this was not free speech; this was speech designed to inflame and stoke Racial Bigotry and Division. This sort of ignorant crap is not even remotely Conservative or Republican.

Others: Firedoglake, Little Green Footballs, Balloon Juice, Oliver Willis and Hullabaloo

Update: Jeff Goldberg over at The Atlantic nails it, as does Mediaite sorta.

Video: The Daily RANT!: Terrorism, Abortionists, and Ron Paul supporting idiots

This is one of my most hardcore rants yet. Consider this your official CONTENT WARNING!

Update: Because I am an honest person, I will correct myself. It was not Jesus who called the people “a brute of vipers” it was John The Baptist. Oops. 😳


One down, many more to go: Top al Qaeda leader Ilyas Kashmiri killed in US Predator strike

What having an abortion does to a woman

Living proof that Adam Kokesh/Ron Paul Supporters are unhinged leftists in disguise

The daily rants are on hiatus


Guys, I am just going to be honest with you all. I really never was big on being a video blogger or even a video commentator. Some cats dig the spotlight; I, personally loathe it. I love to write, but I am not too big on my own personal image.

So, the rants are either going away or going to just once a week. I have not made up my mind about that yet.

That is all for now. Enjoy your weekend!

Video: The Daily RANT! – Special Memorial Day Edition


How on this Memorial Day you can help a Soldier

Videos: Memorial Day 2011

Happy Memorial Day 2011

Video: NEW FEATURE! The Daily RANT!


Video: NEW FEATURE! The Daily RANT!

I figure I got this new iPod touch, I had better put it to good use!

Enjoy the Video:

Subjects Covered on the Blog:

Happy Memorial Day 2011

Rep. Anthony Weiner dicks around on facebook and twitter, and gets caught.

Think Al-Qaeda is done? Think again, they’re in Yemen

Adam Kokesh attempts a flash mob at Jefferson memorial and gets his tail kicked and arrested by the D.C. Police


Adam Kokesh attempts a flash mob at Jefferson memorial and gets his tail kicked and arrested by the D.C. Police

Call me one of the responsible ones.

Some who follows me on twitter, named “zacorbett” sent me a link to a video earlier; and being the anti-big Government person that I am, I was quite shocked at what I saw.

Here’s the video:

You say, “How Horrible!”

Well, hold the phone a minute. Let me give you some context here.

The dude that organized this “flash mob” that ended up getting a bunch of people arrested was none other than Adam Kokesh. Yeah, THAT Adam Kokesh! The same damned leftist Adam Kokersh that opposed the Iraq War, and is a fiery leftist; who lies about every damned thing under the sun; including his Military career.

Apparently, some people that he is friendly with; were arrested a while back for “Dancing” at the Jefferson Memorial in D.C. Well. ol’ leftist Kokesh did not like that one bit. So, he and friends tried a flash mob today at the Jefferson Memorial and you know what? The moronic douche-nozzles got arrested again!

Quite frankly, I hope the D.C. police puts that idiot, UNDER the damn jail and keeps him there for a very long time.

I do not believe in a police state, I really do not. But I do support our Military and I also believe in the concept of “rule of law” and I also believe that when you pull little stunts like this and you happen to get arrested and in the process you get your ass kicked by the police; then that is just too fucking bad. Sorry, Adam Kokesh, you will get no support from this blogger mostly likely no one else either. Except, maybe for the supporters of the pseudo-Conservative Ron Paul.

Sorry guys, but this idiot and his friends, got just what was coming to them….. JAIL.

Video: Voices from the Gulf

This video comes via

I want to share this video, but first a few thoughts of my own…

Over the course of my blogger career here, I have written repeatedly about the Internationalist Democrats, who have sold the American Worker up the river on more than one occasion.  President Bill Clinton did it, with the signing of the NAFTA and TAFTA agreements and now President Barack Obama is doing it with exporting oil from Brazil.  The problem is, Obama wants to fight against the American oil companies and their monopoly on the prices of gas.  In the process of this, he is tossing under the bus, the most important part of his own base —- The American Worker.

Honestly, If President Obama wants to do something to lower gas prices, then maybe he should put pressure on the OPEC cartel and start demanding that they lower prices of oil, further more; President Obama should start going after the oil speculators, who drive up the cost of oil.  Again, it is another example of how Internationalist Democrats fight battles, exactly backwards of how they should be fought.  This video proves that.

To my Democratic Party friends — this is whom you elected in 2008.

Enjoy the Video:


Video: Bill O’Reilly on Obama and the Jewish Voters

Whether my fellow Paleo-Conservatives and Traditionalists want to admit it, or not; the Jewish vote, is a big one. Obama might have just shot his own damned foot off. This, for the Republican Party, is a very good thing.

H/T to Bill O’Reilly’s website.