Sarah Palin can forget about ever being President, her kids are out of control


During the premiere of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” Sunday night — a boy named Tre who went to school with the Palin kids wrote a status update that read, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska, is failing so hard right now.”

The comment sparked an intense response from Willow — who replied on the boy’s wall, “Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I’ve seen pictures of, your disgusting … My sister had a kid and is still hot.”

Willow followed up that comment with another that read, “Tre stfu. Your such a f**got.”

Bristol Palin also got in on the smacktalk — writing a message to Tre saying, “You’re running your mouth just to talk sh*t.”

Eventually, a message board war erupted — and Bristol took aim at another person named Jon — saying, “You’ll be as successful as my baby daddy, And actually I do work my ass off. I’ve been a single mom for the last two years.”

After more users began to gang up on the Palins, Willow dropped another message that read, “Sorry that you guys are all jealous of my families success and you guys aren’t goin to go anywhere with your lives.”

via Sarah Palin’s Daughter Willow Palin Uses Homophobic Slurs |

TMZ has a poll for Sarah Palin’s child rearing skills; I gave her an F and I suggest you do the same. Read the messages here. Needless to say the Gay community is not happy about it. Click here and here to read.  I can see where the gay community would not like this. Sarah Palin had better do some damage control or she will pay for this in 2012.

Video: Charlton Heston speaks about A Torch With No Flame

I believe every American should watch this video….at least once.

I believe it is the duty of all liberty and freedom loving Americans to join this wonderful organization, if you are able.

So, Please…:

Because some rights are just not negotiable.

Please note: This was an totally unsolicited post. The NRA does not have a damned clue, who I even am. I do not belong to the organization….yet.  I do not make a dime off of your joining this wonderful and American organization. But I highly encourage you to join, because America needs people, like you I to stand up for what is rightly ours.

Video: Rick Santelli on what the Tea Party means to him


Video: Government Fundamentalists

It is official: Lisa Murkowski just wants to be spanked

I have laid in bed for the good part of the night, agonizing; do I post this or do I not?

Well, I got one thing to say…..

The bitch just wants to be spanked.

Click here for the story, Click here for the video.

AllahPundit Snarks:

Joe Miller’s unloading on Murkowski to National Review, saying her “lifeblood is power” and that she has a “disconnection from reality.” No doubt Scott McAdams, the Democrat in the race, will jump in tomorrow by calling the three of them wingnut neo-Hitlers. In such a vicious, chaotic melee, there can be but one winner, my friends: Traffic-seeking bloggers. Exit question: Time to start making newly elected senators sign pledges promising to drop out if they lose a primary in the future? That won’t stop them from breaking their promises, of course, but it’ll remind voters of what lying little weasels they are when they do.

The ADN reports:

With the slogan “Let’s Make History,” Lisa Murkowski announced Friday that she’d pursue a write-in bid to keep her seat in the U.S. Senate after losing the Republican primary to Joe Miller.

The decision is a historic gamble for Murkowski, who was joined by hundreds of supporters waving red-and-blue “Lisa for Senate” signs and chanting “Run, Lisa, Run!” in the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center in Anchorage.

No one has run a successful write-in campaign for the U.S. Senate since Strom Thurmond in 1954.

Murkowski said she knows she faces a massive undertaking, not only to convince voters to support her but also to educate them on what they need to do for their vote to count. She acknowledged she made mistakes in her campaign, chief among them her failure to hit back when Miller and the Tea Party Express attacked her.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, friends and supporters, the gloves are off and I’m fighting for Alaska,” Murkowski said. “Alaskans deserve a fighter in the United States Senate who will always stand up for Alaska, who understands our great potential, who has the experience, respect and seniority to accomplish that. I am that senator.”

It was clear that Murkowski won’t have the support of state and national Republican leaders. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he told her she no longer has his support to serve in the Senate Republican leadership ranks, and accepted her resignation from that role. Alaska Republican Party Chairman Randy Ruedrich said “she will receive no support of any kind from the Alaska Republican Party.”

“Lisa has chosen to run against the Republican Party and its primary voters. We will treat her candidacy as we would anyone who chooses to oppose our party’s nominees, Ruedrich said.

Former Gov. Sarah Palin, whose support for Miller drove hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from the Tea Party Express his way, called Murkowski’s effort futile. Murkowski offered a response to Palin, who resigned as governor last year, and to others she described as “naysayers” in Washington D.C.

“Perhaps it’s one time they met one Republican woman who won’t quit on Alaska,” Murkowski said, receiving a huge standing ovation from her supporters.

Me? I think the old broad just wants to be spanked and I do mean Spanked Hard; and that she will be in polls come the general election.

From the Department of “Is she farking serious?”

It seems that the Republican establishment candidate, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), whom was trounced by Joe Miller recently; is proving that she is not going away quietly. At least not as long as Palin-haters have money to burn.

The Story via Hotline On Call:

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) will run for re-election as a write-in candidate after losing her bid for renomination, according to sources briefed on Murkowski’s decision.

Murkowski’s decision will set up a 3-way battle between the incumbent, Miller and Sitka Mayor Scott McAdams (D), potentially turning the race on its head. Private 3-way polling has shown Miller leading, but by a narrow margin.

Murkowski will make the formal announcement tonight in Anchorage. She has been mulling her options after losing to attorney Joe Miller (R) by 1.8% — or about 2K votes out of 110K cast.

Miller won with the backing of the Tea Party Express and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R). The Tea Party Express spent hundreds of thousands of dollars criticizing Murkowski’s legislative accomplishments, and Palin campaigned against her rival in the race’s closing days.
She has not formally said she will run, but her campaign is inviting reporters to call in. Murkowski spokespeople were not immediately available for comment Friday afternoon.

You know something? I am not a big Palin fan. But, my God in Heaven; it just amazes me, the lengths people will go to discredit and defeat anyone who is related to Palin in any way, shape or form. It is truly mind boggling. I mean, between this here and that nutty Vanity Fair piece on Palin. I am really beginning to wonder about these people. I get the fact that there has been a long-running feud between these two woman. But is it honestly worth making ones self look like some self centered jack wad? I mean, seriously.

Whatever happened to, “Okay, I lost; Time to move on and do something else?” Is defeating someone related to Sarah Palin THAT much of a big deal that you would risk ruining your personal reputation over winning an election to a office seat? It just does not make any since to me at all. I understand the whole moderate bit; as I do claim to be one of those types myself. But to run, as a write-in? Does that not reek of the whole, “HALP! I am totally desperate to keep my job!” type of thing?

Call me weird, call me strange, call me cynical — but this is just plum idiotic.

(But don’t you ever call me late for supper… 😉 )

Memeornadum Thread Here

Late-Night Thoughts

It is 4:00am and I cannot sleep.  I went to bed earlier, I was just wiped out; ate a big meal and got the old heavy eye thing going on; happens to me all the time.  On a bit of no-so-pleasant note: I woke up at 2:30 feeling like I had half of my supper coming up into my throat.  It was nasty!   A good bottle of water and I am much better now.

On a good note, this might help me out a bit, and I say might, because my sleeping habits as of late, have been totally jacked up.  Anyhow, I am up early and in a bit of a mood to write.  Yesterday was just not good.  I had a bit of headache, and I just was not in the mood for politics, much less anything else.  I get like that, this whole thing gets to be a bit mundane at times; and I just have to push it away for a few days.

Blogger Happenings

As you can most likely tell; No, I did not go to BlogCon that is being held up in Washington D.C.  For one, I am not a big fan of Dick Army; furthermore, I am not a big fan of the “Beltway” or the “Beltway Crowd.”  I will be the first to admit to you, that there were some bloggers there, that I am just not a big fan of, at all.  One in particular is a GOP operative, although, he likes to deny this, at all time.  This same moronic jackass; outright accused me of being a racist bigot on his blog; and then not long after that, made a rather unfunny “Osama Obama” reference on his own blog.  He promptly removed it, when I and several other bloggers complained about it. Robert Stacy McCain has a video of the jackass, if you really can stomach looking at the hypocritical asshole. Personally, I would not want to be in the same room with that asshole.

There is another blogger up there, who I am not a big fan of; she is referenced in that link.  I never liked her.  She publishes like 10 million photos of herself on that blog of hers.  I mean, I have heard of being narcissistic and all — but good grief.  One would assume that if she actually had something to be narcissistic about; I would understand that.  However, she seems to be lacking in that area.  I mean, if you like looking at pictures of fatty beached whales, more power to you, I suppose. (Yes, I can do Ann Coulter snark too. I tend a bit harsher about it than Ann does though.)

I also see that despite not having a car; Robert Stacy McCain found a way up to the BlogCon event, despite the fact that the harpies who put on that event refused to invite him.  I think I know why.  You see, a while back, I laid the smack down on two far-right wing zealots, who felt the need to attack Megan McCain.  Well, in the process of doing this, I went a bit overboard.  I did apologize, which was not good enough for the Semite-Baiting, Identity Politics trafficking crowd.  Having said that, these traffickers engage in what could be called McCarthy or Nazi-style tactics of intimidating other bloggers into not linking to me.  So far, Robert Stacy McCain has not given in to their demands that I am banished from the Conservative movement and be put on terminal ignore.  However, the lack of invite from the BlogCon group was somewhat obvious to me, as to why that happened. These people have some serious power and influence in the Blogosphere.  If you do not cave to their demands, they will destroy you.  They have gotten to a few bloggers that I actually do speak with; the not answering of e-mails was obvious that I was on blackout in the Blogosphere.

None of this really matters to me one lousy iota.  I did not get into this game to have to kiss up to anyone.  The original reason I began blogging was that I was angry with George W. Bush and the blatant incompetent handling of the Iraq War back in 2006.  Yes, I started in this game; as angry “Left of Center,” although I will admit that the far left totally turned me off.  As time when on, and as I continued to blog; I found myself disagreeing with more and more of the far left and even the not so far left as well;  especially when it came to the Military.  It was during this time also, that my blog was hacked.  I did start this blog, shortly afterward.  Finally, during the primary, I just decided that enough was enough; and during the general election, I voted Libertarian.

I will be very honest with you all.  I am not am not a Republican; I will most likely never be.  I find the majority of the people that hang in those circles to be arrogant people, especially the beltway crowd.  I have little or nothing in common with them.  Robert Stacy McCain is a very rare exception to that rule.  I find their attitudes towards blacks to be disgusting.  I saw a perfect example of that on the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News last night.  The completely condescending attitude towards the representative for the NAACP was vomit provoking at best.  Bill O’Reilly and that shrieking harpy Laura Ingraham both said that the NAACP has double standard, when it comes to race.  Newsflash Mr. O’Reilly and Miss Ingraham —- Just in case you forgot white people in America and yes, in England as well, used blacks as slaves!  I think that might just give them the right to be a bit biased against white people.  I dislike identity politics just as much as the next person does.  However, that display on Fox News last night burned my ass. I say this, not as some white person of grew up in the rich, white, Suburbs; but as someone who grew up in southwest Detroit.  I also say this as someone who grew up in a middle class family as well —- someone who grew up around whites, blacks, Latinos, and every other sort of race.

This is why I feel a bit uncomfortable being associated with the whole “Angry Rich White Crowd.”  I do not fit that damned mold at all.  I might be a white person; but I am nowhere near being “rich” or even having a lot of money.  Neither am I angry with Obama for being a black President.  I do not agree with all of his polices; but the disagreement with me, has never been about racism.  Sadly, it is with the majority of those on the far right.  Oh, they nuance it to death, and dodge and spin it.  However, it is there; I see the postings on Facebook and it sickens me to my core.

On the Koran burning

I think that the idiot who was planning on this; is not a Christian; at least not in sense that I believe Christians to be.  I also believe that Fred Phelps and his cult ought be rounded up and jailed.  I am all for freedom of speech; but when your speech or actions incites people to commit acts of violence towards our Military, I believe that is where your freedom ends.

On “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”

I believe that this overruling is a good thing.  I believe someone sexual preference is no one’s business.  I fear Muslims in the Military more than I would homosexuals.  I do not believe that Homosexuals would want to kill fellow Military personnel; which is more than I can say for the Muslims at this point.

On Palin’s Endorsement on O’Donnell

I do not much care for Palin; however, this might have been a good move.  The Republican Party needs to get the crooks, phonies, and warmongers out of that party.  If Sarah Palin can help do that, I am all for it.  Of course, some who believe that Sarah Palin is a part of that warmongering class.

Hmmmm: Mitt Romney to stump in Iowa

Things are shaping up for 2012, already… wow.

(CNN) – Mitt Romney is headed to Iowa next month, the latest potential 2012 presidential candidate with plans pay a visit to the crucial early-voting state this fall.

The former Massachusetts governor – who placed second in the 2008 Iowa Caucuses – plans to campaign for the state’s GOP gubernatorial candidate, Terry Branstad, at a fundraising dinner in Bettendorf, according to Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom.

It will be Romney’s first trip to the Hawkeye State since March, when he did a book signing at the Des Moines Public Library.

The trip is part of the former Massachusetts governor’s previously announced tour to 25 states over the next ten weeks leading up to the midterm elections. The tour kicked off late last month when Romney attended a fundraiser in Boston for New Hampshire’s Republican Party.

via CNN Political Ticker: —  2012 Watch: Romney to Iowa

I believe there was some speculation over whether Sarah Palin would be doing something similar in Iowa as well. That was quickly shot down by their camp. Anyhow, it is a bit early. But this first person out, usually gets the edge. Should be interesting to watch.

Personally, I do not think that Mitt Romney has a chance; outside of Utah maybe. I also did not like his behavior during the 2008 primary. I thought he was arrogant and extremely disrespectful of John McCain. Considering that John McCain served his Nation during Vietnam; which is more than I can say for Mitt Romney’s dumb ass. So, color me unimpressed with Mr. “Perfect Hair.” He has much that I dislike about him. Hopefully this is not anything at all. Because if he was picked, and chose Palin as I running mate. I would leave this Country!

Besides that, does anyone remember, RomneyCare? anyone? Anyone?

I am just saying.

The Mormon Moron needs to stick to what he knows —- what is not much at all. Myself, I consider Mitt Romney to be the Conservative…..Wait for it….. JOHN KERRY.

Flip Flop, Flip Flop…..

If you have ever wondered why I dislike Sarah Palin and Ron Paul

Here is something to read to help you understand.

Click here, please.

That is all….

Video: RedState Update on “Murfreesboro vs. Muslims”

Redstate Update HQ

UPDATED: Memo to Fareed Zakaria: Overreact this you jackwad twit

Speaking of stupidity….

Via this Nimrod:

I do not minimize Al Qaeda’s intentions, which are barbaric. I question its capabilities. In every recent conflict, the United States has been right about the evil intentions of its adversaries but massively exaggerated their strength. In the 1980s, we thought the Soviet Union was expanding its power and influence when it was on the verge of economic and political bankruptcy. In the 1990s, we were certain that Saddam Hussein had a nuclear arsenal. In fact, his factories could barely make soap…

Some 30,000 people are now employed exclusively to listen in on phone conversations and other communications in the United States. And yet no one in Army intelligence noticed that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had been making a series of strange threats at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where he trained. The father of the Nigerian “Christmas bomber” reported his son’s radicalism to the U.S. Embassy. But that message never made its way to the right people in this vast security apparatus. The plot was foiled only by the bomber’s own incompetence and some alert passengers.

Such mistakes might be excusable. But the rise of this national-security state has entailed a vast expansion in the government’s powers that now touches every aspect of American life, even when seemingly unrelated to terrorism.

No, you nimrod, terrorist-supporting, idiot. We did not overreact. We had information that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We acted on it. Yes, the intelligence was bad. So what? It happens. The truth is, once we weeded out the jack-wads, who did not know shit from shinola about running a fucking war; (Hello Rummy!) we were able to stabilize that Country and put leadership in there, that did not terrorize it’s own people.

So, yes, Iraq WAS worth it; and no we did NOT overreact.

Further more, once we break the back of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, it too will be worth it as well! People will die; that is the price you pay, when you fight a god-damned war. But in the end, when Afghanistan is free and clear of Al-Qaeda and their radical Muslim idiotic nonsense, it will be worth it.

I apologize in advance for the harsh tone of this posting. But I am about god-damned tired of these terrorist-appeasing, asshole, liberal retards telling me, that going to war against terrorists is not worth the god-damned hassle. Anytime, that the United States of America goes on the defensive, and also on the offensive, in the name of liberty and freedom, it is ALWAYS worth it! It was worth it in Germany, It was worth it in Japan, It was worth it in Korea, it was worth it in Grenada AND it was worth it in Iraq too, both god-damned times — and once the job is done in Afghanistan, it will be worth it there too.

So, on the behalf of all the Soldiers —- American and Coalition; both who died and especially those who came back in one piece and even those who did not — to Mr. Fareed Zakaria I say:


That is all…..

Update: I suppose that I should explain something here. The reason why this article provoked such a strong reaction out of me is this; I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. At the time I was a CNN watcher. All of it played out in front of me. I remember being paralyzed with fear, when the report came out, that there was a plane headed to the White House. Watching those buildings fall and seeing those images over and over and over; drove me into one of the worst depressions, that I have ever experienced. It, honestly, took me about 2 good years to get over that stuff. It took much prayer and some good old fashioned Bible reading to pull me out of that mess. Al-Qaeda caused that; and for that, I want them to pay, and pay dearly. Now you understand why it is, that I feel the way that I do.

Update #2: ….and of course, some terrorist supporting asshole links here; talking out his ass, as always. 🙄

Oops: President Obama gets it wrong on the carpet

Doggone. That man cannot do anything right, at all. WOW! 😯

Update: I do believe that the President is worthy of this:

and this:

Via the Washington Post: (…..of all people!!! 😯 )

A mistake has been made in the Oval Office makeover that goes beyond the beige.

President Obama’s new presidential rug seemed beyond reproach, with quotations from Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. woven along its curved edge.

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” According media reports, this quote keeping Obama company on his wheat-colored carpet is from King.

Except it’s not a King quote. The words belong to a long-gone Bostonian champion of social progress. His roots in the republic ran so deep that his grandfather commanded the Minutemen at the Battle of Lexington.

For the record, Theodore Parker is your man, President Obama. Unless you’re fascinated by antebellum American reformers, you may not know of the lyrically gifted Parker, an abolitionist, Unitarian minister and Transcendentalist thinker who foresaw the end of slavery, though he did not live to see emancipation. He died at age 49 in 1860, on the eve of the Civil War.

A century later, during the civil rights movement, King, an admirer of Parker, quoted the Bostonian’s lofty prophecy during marches and speeches. Often he’d ask in a refrain, “How long? Not long.” He would finish in a flourish: “Not long, because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”


Parker said in 1853: “I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one. . . . But from what I see I am sure it bends toward justice.”

The president is at minimum well-served by Parker’s presence in the room. Parker embodied the early 19th-century reformer’s passionate zeal for taking on several social causes at once. Many of these reformers were Unitarians or Quakers; some were


Transcendentalists. Most courageously, as early as the 1830s, they opposed the laws on slavery and eventually harbored fugitives in the Underground Railroad network of safe houses. Without 30 years of a movement agitating and petitioning for slave emancipation, Lincoln could not have ended slavery with the stroke of a pen in the midst of war. Parker was in the vanguard that laid the social and intellectual groundwork.

The familiar quote from Lincoln woven into Obama’s rug is “government of the people, by the people and for the people,” the well-known utterance from the close of his Gettysburg Address in 1863.

Funny that in 1850, Parker wrote, “A democracy — that is a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people.”

Theodore Parker, Oval Office wordmeister for the ages.

I will not take the harsh slams that the other Bloggers on the right are doing. But, man, that is such a stupid screw up.

However, when you have amateur politicians in the White House; one can only expect so much. Just as well, Sarah Palin, being quite the amateur herself could have made the same mistake.

Others: : JustOneMinute, Gateway Pundit, Freedom’s Lighthouse, American Thinker and Outside the Beltway

PalinBot stupidity from the moderation que

My, my…. I guess my advice to the Conservative movement’s newest shrieking harpy must have hit a nerve with some of her robot followers:

Author : Smooth Jazz (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
Memo to Political Byline: Are you guys a bunch of lunatic, mysynogist Palin Haters who are running neck and neck with KOS and Democratic Underground for the PDS Derangement Syndrome award of 2010, or do you people considering yourselves a serious polictical site.

I have no issues with you disagreeing or not liking Gov Palin; She knows she is not liked by everyone like any visible politician. But your childish, churlish shouts for her Shut UP (as if she doesn’t have a right to an opinion) is an indication that your enmity towards her borders on delusional and pathological – Almost as if you have a problem with a woman politician.

Good luck getting visitors to your site. Responsible conservatives will consider you a Andrew Sullivan clone, while Libs who hate Palin anyway will like go to Huff Post, et al for their Palin hating fix.

Wow……….. Just wow………….

This is the Republican Party of 2010 and 2012 people; please, keep this in mind when voting, there are other choices; you know like Libertarian? Unbelievable.

Now where is my dog photo????

Ah, here it is!