Sarah Palin can forget about ever being President, her kids are out of control


During the premiere of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” Sunday night — a boy named Tre who went to school with the Palin kids wrote a status update that read, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska, is failing so hard right now.”

The comment sparked an intense response from Willow — who replied on the boy’s wall, “Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I’ve seen pictures of, your disgusting … My sister had a kid and is still hot.”

Willow followed up that comment with another that read, “Tre stfu. Your such a f**got.”

Bristol Palin also got in on the smacktalk — writing a message to Tre saying, “You’re running your mouth just to talk sh*t.”

Eventually, a message board war erupted — and Bristol took aim at another person named Jon — saying, “You’ll be as successful as my baby daddy, And actually I do work my ass off. I’ve been a single mom for the last two years.”

After more users began to gang up on the Palins, Willow dropped another message that read, “Sorry that you guys are all jealous of my families success and you guys aren’t goin to go anywhere with your lives.”

via Sarah Palin’s Daughter Willow Palin Uses Homophobic Slurs |

TMZ has a poll for Sarah Palin’s child rearing skills; I gave her an F and I suggest you do the same. Read the messages here. Needless to say the Gay community is not happy about it. Click here and here to read.  I can see where the gay community would not like this. Sarah Palin had better do some damage control or she will pay for this in 2012.

Living proof that John McCain is a typical warmongering Neo-Conservative

This also explains why I did not vote for him and that moronic bimbo Sarah Palin:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, expressed concern Monday that some new Republican legislators would be defined by their “protectionism and isolationism,” two views that the Vietnam war veteran feared would result in a butting of heads within the party on Afghanistan and defense spending.

“I think there are going to be some tensions within our party,” McCain said during a conference put on by Foreign Policy Initiative, a DC-based think tank. “I worry a lot about the rise of protectionism and isolationism in the Republican Party.”

A prime example, McCain continued, was Rand Paul, Kentucky’s next U.S. Senator.

“I admire his victory, but … already he has talked about withdrawals [and] cuts in defense,” McCain said.

Indeed, Paul appears to have taken after the more libertarian side of foreign policy issues, much like his father, Texas Rep. Rand Paul (R).

via John McCain Attacks Rand Paul’s ‘Isolationism’ In Willingness To Cut Defense Spending.

They mean Ron Paul. I’ve cracked up watching the media calling Rand, Ron and Ron, Rand. It is quite funny. To review! Ron Paul is from Texas, and Rand Paul is from Kentucky.

The serious point to be made here is that John McCain is trying to follow the foreign policy path that was started by President George W. Bush. That foreign policy, which was Wilsonian in nature, proved to be disastrous for the Republican Party and caused them to lose the 2008 election.  The Republican Party, under chairman Steele, has been trying to remake the image of the Republican Party being the party of warmongers. As a Conservative, I believe that protecting and defending the Republic of the United States of America is paramount. However, I believe that forcing our style of Democracy on nations that do not necessarily want it; at the cost of our treasure, that being our Military; is a tragic mistake. This is what happened in Iraq and that will always be a black mark on our record throughout the World.

Someone needs to get the memo to John McCain that the Republican Party has moved on from the Bush era and that the Conservative grassroots has pretty moved on from the Bush era.

Let me also say this; I will avoid taking a swipe at Israel, as I believe that they do have right to exist. However, We Paleo-Conservatives understand why McCain feels like he does. McCain comes from that old Wilsonian school of thought — Protect Israel at any cost. We can see what that idiotic stance has gotten us in the past eight years, can we not? Again, someone needs to get that Memo to McCain; that the Conservative grassroots, being challenged by the Tea Party movement, has moved on from that stance and has totally rethought that whole idea. The idea of going to war now, to appease that Country is not popular any longer, among anyone — and that my friends, is a good thing.

Others: Hit & Run, Raw Story, Outside the Beltway, DoD Buzz and Talk Radio News Service

Quote of the Day

“These men are NOT incompetent or stupid. If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.” That comment was made by James Forrestal concerning International Communism being promoted by our politicians in the early 1950’s. It isn’t being politically correct to refer to SOCIALISM as COMMUNISM, however, according to the Communist Manifesto the United States has already become a communist nation. If you have your little pocket size “CITIZENS RULE BOOK,” look on page 8, at the SUMMARY OF THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, which states “The Communist Manifesto represents a misguided philosophy, which teaches the citizens to give up their rights for the sake of the common good, but it always ends in a police state. This is called preventive justice. Control is the key concept.” In the September issue of NEWSWATCH Magazine titled “The Ten Planks That Are Destroying Our Country – COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.” The article warns us that Americans believe that Communism is dead, but Communism has just become more politically correct.


The Church was composed of benefactors who did not exercise authority but provided all the social welfare of the people through the perfect law of liberty by faith, hope and charity. That took real faith and doing, forgiveness and giving, sacrifice and love. Being a Christian was not as easy as modern Christians would like to believe.

Instead the modern church sends people to eat at the tables of those socialist benefactors who exercise authority one over the other which makes the word of God to none effect. They were warned that those tables served deceitful meats,[34] that they were a snare[35] and a trap.[36]

The religion practiced today is done at the government temples which provide for the needy of modern society. Those administrators are the priests of the people’s true religion and their government is the new Pharisees of the Coercive Church established by men. Their schemes of social security are formed like those of Herod and the Pharisees and again make the word of God to none effect. What they do on Sunday is just to ease their own conscience or tickle their ears with false hopes so they may give heed to fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.[37]

Christ meant His Church to set the table of the Lord through faith, hope and charity. To depend on the welfare of rulers was to again become entangled in the bondage of their world.[38] Christ came to open our eyes to the sin common in the history of men and to set us free if we will repent.[39]

As we see the unrighteous mammon failing,[40] it is time for the people and the ministers of their church to repent and seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness so that they will be suitable for more righteous habitations.


Please Note: I do not agree with all of the viewpoints presented in this video. Like the one that says A.D.H.D. is a myth. I’ve had A.D.H.D. for all my life. I know it is not a myth. However, there are some things in this video, that are not a myth and are legitimate viewpoints.  As always around here. I post and report and you decide.

Video: Rachel Maddow Interviews Jon Stewart

This is an interesting video. I do not know what is more humorous; watching John Stewart trying to deny that he is in the same league as the liberal news or Rachel Maddow refusing to accept that MSNBC is the liberal equivalent of Fox News.

Video: Charlton Heston speaks about A Torch With No Flame

I believe every American should watch this video….at least once.

I believe it is the duty of all liberty and freedom loving Americans to join this wonderful organization, if you are able.

So, Please…:

Because some rights are just not negotiable.

Please note: This was an totally unsolicited post. The NRA does not have a damned clue, who I even am. I do not belong to the organization….yet.  I do not make a dime off of your joining this wonderful and American organization. But I highly encourage you to join, because America needs people, like you I to stand up for what is rightly ours.

Bill O’Reilly interviews President George W. Bush

I have to give the man credit where it is due. Bill O’Reilly really gave Bush a good grilling here. Although, to his credit also, President Bush did stick to his guns.

Here part one and part two of the interview: (H/T Bill O’Reilly online)

Get the book:

Disclosure: I do make a little bit of money, if you order one of these books. You won’t pay any extra for it. It is capitalism, and I like capitalism, don’t you? 😉

Happy Veterans Day!

To all Military, active and otherwise! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service.

I never served a day in my life in the armed forces. They will not take me, I do not have a high school diploma. I have learning disabilities and I never did finish high school.  Therefore I was ineligible.  However, I am eternally grateful for anyone who served in the Military in any capacity.

Here are some videos from a pretty cool new site:

and this:

Also, I want to give credit, where credit is due…

You did well Google, thank you for honoring our Nation's best.

Again, let me be clear — I never served a day in my live, ever. However, I know from whence our freedoms doth come. They do not come from the Government; they come from the Lord God above and they are bought and paid for, by the blood of brave soldiers, who have fought and died in battlefields in our own Country of old and in battlefields abroad….. and for that, they have my deepest respect.

Reality sets in: Obama White House caves on Tax Cuts

….and the left is not happy about it either. 😯

The Huffington Post reports:

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s top adviser suggested to The Huffington Post late Wednesday that the administration is ready to accept an across-the-board, temporary continuation of steep Bush-era tax cuts, including those for the wealthiest taxpayers.

That appears to be the only way, said David Axelrod, that middle-class taxpayers can keep their tax cuts, given the legislative and political realities facing Obama in the aftermath of last week’s electoral defeat.

“We have to deal with the world as we find it,” Axelrod said during an unusually candid and reflective 90-minute interview in his office, steps away from the Oval Office. “The world of what it takes to get this done.”

“There are concerns,” he added, that Congress will continue to kick the can down the road in the future by passing temporary extensions for the wealthy time and time again. “But I don’t want to trade away security for the middle class in order to make that point.”

It has been widely assumed that the president would have to accept an across-the-board deal of some kind, but Axelrod’s remarks were the first public confirmation of that fact — and by a figure regarded as closer to Obama than any other White House staffer.

Also dealing “with the world as we find it,” Axelrod declined repeatedly to comment on any of the controversial debt-reduction measures suggested by the chairs of the president’s own commission — even those, such as raising the Social Security retirement age, that go against Obama campaign pledges and strike at the heart of Democratic constituencies.

He said that the White House would wait until the commission made its final recommendations on Dec. 1 before adding, “the president’s commitments haven’t changed.”

This is the consequence of the election.  The President is in full on, “I will give you whatever you want, just please do not hurt me!” mode. This is what happens when your Party has lost an election. It is called conceding power.  It is something that the Democrats are never good at doing, at all.  The unpopular truth is, that the Democrats have no one to blame, but themselves. They are the ones who overreached during the 2008 election and promptly kicked their base square in the jewels and left them out in the cold.  They are the ones who, instead of passing job creation bills and a stimulus bill and waiting to see of the economy recovered — instead passed a unpopular health-care bill that no one understood, much less wanted; and now they are paying the price for that stupidity.

The best these jackass idiots can do, is to continue to blame Bush over and over for something that he really had nothing do with. In fact, had Bush not taken some of the steps that he had; we would be in a full on 1930’s or worse style of massive depression.  Needless to say, some of Bush’s actions did not sit too well with his base.  Either way, the Democrats will use Bush as the proverbial “Human Shield” for a long time to come, when they are not spewing hate about him like this here: (H/T The Right Scoop Originally at The Blaze)

Needless to say, I believe that 2012 will be a referendum on this sort of blind hatred towards Republicans and Conservative values that people like me, hold dear. Further more, I believe that the 2012 elections will be a huge sea change of power and the Democrats will be sent to the wilderness, where they belong.

However, because I am a fair and balanced type of person and because I just do not carry water for ANY political party; I will say this — The Republican Party has one more chance to get it right. If it blows it this time and in 2012, they are sunk and our Nation, as a whole, will most likely be sunk as well. Here is hoping, for the sake and good of this Country, that they do it right and not screw it up. We are counting on you all, please….. Get it right.

Stock, Oil and Gold trading advice: How long and how high for Gold, and how to play it

Regular readers of my articles on Gold over the past few years know that I have a theory on this Gold Bull market. In summary, it’s that we are in a 13 Fibonacci year uptrend that started in 2001, and now we are in the final 4 years of that uptrend. It is in this last 5 year window that I theorized started in August of 2009 that investors really get involved. As the crowd comes in, prices push higher and higher, and then more and more investors come in and so forth.

The very recent rally has pushed us up to about $1,420 per ounce, on the way to my projected $1480-$1520 pivot highs on this leg from the $1040 area in February of this year. Subscribers to my TMTF newsletter have learned about Elliott Wave Theory and how to properly apply it to benefit from both the ups and the downs in various parts of the markets, as well as commodities and precious metals. If I am correct, we are in the 3rd wave up of 5 total waves from the August 2009 $900 per ounce levels. The first leg went from $900 to $1225, the second leg was corrective to $1,040, and now this 3rd wave should complete at around 150% of the 1st wave’s amplitude. In English, the probabilities are for Gold to continue higher to about $1527 per ounce, possibly a tad higher if the typical Elliott Wave patterns take hold, and also assuming again that I am correct in my read of those patterns.

One of the better ways to play this next 4 years of upside with intervening corrections is to look at prospect generator companies. These are Gold, Silver, and Copper explorers that do the early field work in identifying prospects for drilling. They then farm out these projects to willing partners and retain equity stakes and /or percentiles of the project itself. This reduces their need for capital while retaining nice upside for shareholders, and diversifying. When you are a tad long in this current wave pattern’s tooth, this is way to stay onboard, but not go overboard. I have personal ownership positions in a few of these types of companies, and my subscribers are aware of the few that we really prefer. Should one of the projects not pan out, you are not placing your entire shareholder bet on one drill project, and yet if they hit on a few, the upside can be substantial.  – Read the Rest

Great Article at The New American on Illegal Immigration

I have intentionally stayed away from the John Birch Society because of the bad rap that they have take due to their controversial past. However, I believe that this article here is a very legitimate one and I encourage you to go check it out.

Maywood, California, a small city in Los Angeles County numbering about 45,000 residents, is broke. Such are the city’s dire straits that in June it fired all of its employees and turned police and fire protection over to the county. Officials, naturally, pinned the blame for the situation on decreasing property tax revenues and the national recession, and indeed, they may well provide a small reason the city went under. But the real reason is this: illegal aliens. As the Los Angeles Times reported in its article on the subject, half the city’s population is illegal and has been for some time. Such is its population of illegals that Maywood proudly declared itself a “sanctuary” city a few years ago. Now, apparently, no one, least of all the city’s Hispanic leaders and activists, got the connection between the city’s worsening plight and the mushrooming number of illegals.

In Santa Ana, 27 miles down Interstate 5, the school district has decided that every one of its 55,000 students will receive free breakfast and lunch regardless of whether they qualify for the program. At $2 per meal, that’s $39.6 million annually to feed the school system’s mostly Hispanic children before officials buy their first pencil. One can well imagine without looking too deeply that many of these students also are either illegal aliens or the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens.

Extrapolating these two examples across the nation paints a frightening picture: Illegal aliens are not only weakening the country financially, but are also often enticed to come here because of governmental social-welfare programs that should not even exist much less be available to illegal residents. The cost to American taxpayers is billions of dollars. And the federal government, which has responsibility for the nation’s borders, literally does nothing about it. Its official policy is to deport only “criminal” aliens, which means the rest will stay and continue consuming resources via our social-welfare programs. One example: In September, Republicans narrowly defeated an insane plan to permit illegal-alien minors to stay in the country indefinitely if they meet a complex and unenforceable set of criteria. It is called the DREAM Act.  – Read the Rest at The New American

What happens when a Beltway Neo-Con and Rockafeller Conservative crosses horns with a Grassroots Conservative?

This….: (H/T)

I wonder do the liberals think the FBI should visit this guy too?

As some of you might know, I invoked the ire of the far socialist left in this Country for expressing my feelings about them here a while back. Well, now, it seems that the left is now the one ratcheting  up the rhetoric.

Check out this video clip from a one Ted Rall, a left wing jackass, who go famous for mocking Pat Tillman: (H/T HotAir)

Verum Serum and Directorblue have much more on this idiot and his idea of getting violent towards Conservatives. Here is an excerpt from his book:

We are here because the U.S. is going to end soon. There’s going to be an intense, violent, probably haphazard struggle for control. It’s going to come down to us versus them. The question is: What are you going to do about it?…

Christian fundamentalists, the millennial end-of-theworlders obsessed with the Left Behind series about the End Times, neo-Nazi racists, rural black-helicopter Michigan Militia types cut from the same inbred cloth as Timothy McVeigh, allied with “mainstream” gun nuts and right-wing Republicans, have been planning, preparing, and praying for the destruction of the “Godless,” “secular” United States for decades. In the past, they formed groups like the John Birch Society and the Aryan Nations. Now the hard Right has a postmodern, decentralized non-organization organization called the Tea Party.

Right-wing organizational names change, but they amount to the same thing: the reactionary sociopolitical force—the sole force—poised to fill the vacuum when collapse occurs. The scenario outlined by Margaret Atwood’s prescient novel The Handmaid’s Tale—rednecks in the trenches, hard military men running things, minorities and liberals taken away and massacred, setting the stage for an even more extreme form of laissez-faire corporate capitalism than we’re suffering under today—is a fair guess of how a post-U.S. scenario will play out unless we prepare to turn it in another direction…

A war is coming. At stake: our lives, the planet, freedom, living. The government, the corporations, and the extreme right are prepared to coalesce into an Axis of Evil. Are you going to fight back? Will you do whatever it takes, including taking up arms?

Now, I ask publicly; who among the far liberal left is going to notify the FBI, that this guy is threatening violence against Conservatives, Christians, and Republicans? I mean, I got these tweets basically saying that I am being reported to FBI for expressing an opinion about the far socialist left. Are you same people going to report this leftist guy for being threatening as well?

I will not hold my breath. Because I know the truth about the FBI. They only respond, if they believe the public’s life is in danger and they know for a fact, that I have zero ties to any extremist organizations. Further more, I have zero record with any police department. Not only this, unlike the majority of the liberal left; the FBI KNOWS the law and I have done absolutely ZERO to break ANY federal law. I am exercising my first amendment rights. Just like Ted Rall did.

So, to the liberal idiots, trying to scare me. Nice try gents, but this is one man, who knows the law better than ANY of you.

Update: Others: National Review, Doug Ross, theblogprof, Hot Air, Mediaite,, The Other McCain, Raw Story, The Moderate Voice, The Sundries Shack, Gateway Pundit, Pajamas Media, The Daley Gator, Moonbattery, No More Mister Nice Blog, Wizbang, Big Hollywood, RedState, NewsBusters

Marc Ambinder leaves blogging

Looks like another blogger has decided to hang up his spurs and move on to greener pastures.  Marc Ambinder is calling it quits and going back to be a regular writer.


Really good print journalism is ego-free.  By that I do not mean that the writer has no skin in the game, or that the writer lacks a perspective, or even that the writer does not write from a perspective.  What I mean is that the writer is able to let the story and the reporting process, to the highest possible extent, unfold without a reporter’s insecurities or parochial concerns intervening. Blogging is an ego-intensive process. Even in straight news stories, the format always requires you to put yourself into narrative. You are expected to not only have a point of view and reveal it, but be confident that it is the correct point of view. There is nothing wrong with this. As much as a writer can fabricate a detachment, or a “view from nowhere,” as Jay Rosen has put it, the writer can also also fabricate a view from somewhere. You can’t really be a reporter without it. I don’t care whether people know how I feel about particular political issues; it’s no secret where I stand on gay marriage, or on the science of climate change, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. What I hope I will find refreshing about the change of formats is that I will no longer be compelled to turn every piece of prose into a personal, conclusive argument, to try and fit it into a coherent framework that belongs to a web-based personality called “Marc Ambinder” that people read because it’s “Marc Ambinder,” rather than because it’s good or interesting.

That last part that I bolded and underlined, I really get — I really, really do.  There have been some times here very recently, when I have honestly thought about just shutting this blog down and when I had the mood to write about something related to politics, just submitting it to some site somewhere.  Because frankly, since Bush left office and Obama was elected; this whole blogging thing lost its allure with me.  It is not that I do not enjoy writing.  I really do.  I just have felt as of late that the whole blogging, especially against Obama has taken a turn for the stupid.  I never was a good carnival barker and it seems that some of the right —- have become just that — a carnival of barkers and echo chambers.

I was, before I even started Blogging, a Conservative Democratic Party voter; someone who wanted to see the middle class helped.  However, I never did, and still do not approve of abortion and frankly, I felt that homosexuality was immoral — according to the Bible.  However, I do not want, unlike some of the right, to see Homosexuals jailed or driven to the ends of the earth.  I have never felt that way.  I just did not approve of the lifestyle.  As I continued Blogging as a “Left of center” Blogger, I did begin to see just much I was in strong disagreement with the far, far left.  Believe me when I tell you; by the time my old blog, which was called “The Populist,” was hacked.  The whole idea of me being a “Historic Populist” had worn very thin.  I was actually thinking of shutting down, just because the whole idea of populism was dead and had been replaced with this awful progressive nonsense and I just really was not into all that.  That is why I switched sides; I grew disenchanted with the whole idea of Populism.  This is when I switched sides and really began to rethink my political stance completely.  This really began to happen, when I saw that the Democratic Party Primary process of 2007 was going to be an extended pissing contest between the Al Sharpton and the Gloria Steinem factions of the Democratic Party.

Anyhow, all of that is now over and the Democrats got the keys, and proceeded to screw that party into the ground, and now, the Republicans are standing to retake the political scene again.  Now where does that leave me?  At this point, I have no idea.  However, I will say this; like Michelle Malkin, I do not carry water for the establishment or the Republican Party.  If they are screwing up, you are going hear me scream about it on here.  It might cost me readers and it might get me called a faux Republican — but I just do not care.  When people do stuff, that is stupid, or worse wrong; I will be here barking and griping to whomever will listen.

Anyhow, I said all that to say this — Good luck to Marc Ambinder. I hope he does what he loves.  Because in this day and age; doing something you love and getting paid for it — is a rarity.

Others: : Althouse, Runnin’ Scared, Dennis the Peasant, The Daily Dish, The New Republic and GOP 12

Video: Rachel Maddow is a liar

But, then again, are not all liberals? 😀

This comes via Johnny Dollar:

So much for that talking point, aye Rachel? 🙄

Bathtub Head returns on Tuesday

That was quick…..

Via Mediaite:

You know all that talk about whether Keith Olbermann would ever be back on MSNBC?

Well whoever speculated about that (me) was totally off – Olbermann will return to Countdown Tuesday night.

From Phil Griffin, President of MSNBC:

After several days of deliberation and discussion, I have determined that suspending Keith through and including Monday night’s program is an appropriate punishment for his violation of our policy. We look forward to having him back on the air Tuesday night.

So much for indefinitely. 🙄

Stock Trading Advice: SPX’s Running Correction, Gold’s Setup, Oil Explodes!

The financial markets continue to climb the wall of worry on the back of more Fed Quantitative Easing. Those trying to pick a top in this choppy bull market may prove to be correct for a couple hours but over time the shorts continue to get clobbered.

Quantitative easing was enough to turn gold back up and gave oil just enough of a nudge to breakout of its cup and handle pattern explained later.

The past few weeks the number of emails I receive on a daily basis about what individuals should do about short positions they took on their own has growing quickly. Usually when my inbox starts to fill up with traders holding heavy losses trying to pick a top I know something big is about to happen and its not going to be in the favor of the herd (everyone shorting). In the past couple week there have been some great entry points for the broad market whether its to buy the SP500, Dow, NASDAQ or Russell 2K. I focus on trading with the trend and entering on extreme sentiment readings as shown in the chart below.

Extreme Trend Trading Analysis

Below are my main market sentiment indicators for helping to time short term tops and bottoms. That being said I don’t pick short term tops in hopes to profit on the down side. Rather I wait for a extreme sentiment bottom to be put in place, then enter long with the up trend (Buy Low).

Once there is a 1-2% surge in price and sentiment indicators are showing a short term top I like to pull a little money off the table to lock in some profits while still holding a core position (Sell High). This is exactly what I/subscribers have done over the last couple weeks. This is a simple yet highly effective strategy and works just as well in a down trend except I focus on shorting extreme sentiment bounces. Subscribers know what these indicators are as I cover them each week in my daily pre-market trading videos as we prepare for the day ahead. —- Read The Rest Here

Video: Rick Santelli on what the Tea Party means to him


President Barack Obama delivers the President’s weekly address

Transcript Via The White House:

Remarks of President Barack Obama

Weekly Address

The White House

November 6, 2010

This week, Americans across the country cast their votes and made their voices heard. And your message was clear.

You’re rightly frustrated with the pace of our economic recovery. So am I.

You’re fed up with partisan politics and want results. I do too.

So I congratulate all of this week’s winners – Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. But now, the campaign season is over. And it’s time to focus on our shared responsibilities to work together and deliver those results: speeding up our economic recovery, creating jobs, and strengthening the middle class so that the American Dream feels like it’s back within reach.

That’s why I’ve asked to sit down soon with leaders of both parties so that we can have an extended discussion about what we can do together to move this country forward.

And over the next few weeks, we’re going to have a chance to work together in the brief upcoming session of Congress.

Here’s why this lame duck session is so important. Early in the last decade, President Bush and Congress enacted a series of tax cuts that were designed to expire at the end of this year.

What that means is, if Congress doesn’t act by New Year’s Eve, middle-class families will see their taxes go up starting on New Year’s Day.

But the last thing we should do is raise taxes on middle-class families. For the past decade, they saw their costs rise, their incomes fall, and too many jobs go overseas. They’re the ones bearing the brunt of the recession. They’re the ones having trouble making ends meet. They are the ones who need relief right now.

So something’s got to be done. And I believe there’s room for us to compromise and get it done together.

Let’s start where we agree. All of us want certainty for middle-class Americans. None of us want them to wake up on January 1st with a higher tax bill. That’s why I believe we should permanently extend the Bush tax cuts for all families making less than $250,000 a year. That’s 98 percent of the American people.

We also agree on the need to start cutting spending and bringing down our deficit. That’s going to require everyone to make some tough choices. In fact, if Congress were to implement my proposal to freeze non-security discretionary spending for three years, it would bring this spending down to its lowest level as share of the economy in 50 years.

But at a time when we are going to ask folks across the board to make such difficult sacrifices, I don’t see how we can afford to borrow an additional $700 billion from other countries to make all the Bush tax cuts permanent, even for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. We’d be digging ourselves into an even deeper fiscal hole and passing the burden on to our children.

I recognize that both parties are going to have to work together and compromise to get something done here. But I want to make my priorities clear from the start. One: middle class families need permanent tax relief. And two: I believe we can’t afford to borrow and spend another $700 billion on permanent tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

There are new public servants in Washington, but we still face the same challenges. And you made it clear that it’s time for results. This a great opportunity to show everyone that we got the message and that we’re willing, in this post-election season, to come together and do what’s best for the country we all love.


Marco Rubio gives the Weekly GOP Address

(H/T to HotAir)

Transcript: (Via Andrew Malcolm)

Hi, I’m Marco Rubio.

With Election Day now behind us, it’s an honor to talk to you about the opportunity before us – an opportunity to put America back on track.

For too long, Washington has taken our country in the wrong direction, bigger government, reckless spending and run-away debt. And though I’m a proud Republican, here is the truth, both parties have been to blame.

This election the American people said enough is enough.That message was loud and clear. We Republicans would be mistaken if we misread these results as simply an embrace of the Republican Party. This Election is a second chance. A second chance for Republicans to be what we said we were going to be.

America is the single greatest nation on earth, a place without equal in the history of all mankind. A place built on free enterprise, where the employee can become the employer. Where small businesses are started every day in a spare bedroom and where someone like me, the son of a bartender and maid, can become a United States Senator.

I know about the unique exceptionalism of our country. Not because I read about it in a book, I’ve seen it through my own eyes. You see, I was raised in a community of exiles, by people who lost their country, people who once had dreams like we do today but had to come to a foreign shore to find them.

For some their dreams were answered here in America, but many others found a new dream. To leave their children with the kinds of opportunities they themselves never had. And that is what we must do as a nation. To fulfill our sacred obligation to leave the next generation of Americans a better America than the one we inherited. And that is what this election was about.

In the past two years, Republicans listened to the American people and what they said is that it was time for a course correction.

The past two years provided a frightening glimpse at what could become of our great nation if we continue down the current path: wasteful spending, a growing debt and a government reaching ever further into our lives, even into our health care decisions.

It is nothing short of a path to ruin, a path that threatens to diminish us as a nation and a people. One that makes America not exceptional, not unique, but more like the rest of the world.

As Republicans, here is what our commitment should be to you. Our focus must not be simply winning elections. It must be to ensure the next generation inherits a strong, free and prosperous America.

We will govern as public servants who understand that re-election is simply a byproduct of good public service and good ideas. And most importantly, we will stand up and offer an alternative to the policies coming out of Washington for the past two years.

The challenges are too great, too generational in scope for us to be merely opponents of bad policies. Instead, we will put forward bold ideas and have the courage to fight for them. This means preventing a massive tax increase scheduled to hit every American taxpayer at the end of the year. It means repealing and replacing the disastrous health care bill. It means simplifying our tax code, and tackling a debt that is pushing us to the brink of our own Greece-like day of reckoning.

For many of us coming to Washington for the first time and others returning to serve, it’s a long way from home. A long way from the people whose eyes we looked into at town halls, at diners or roundtables, and promised that this time it would be different. That if you elected Republicans to office again, we would not squander the chance you gave us, and we must not.

Because nothing less than the identity of our country and what kind of future we will leave our children is at stake. That is our commitment and from you we ask this. Hold us accountable to the ideas and principles we campaigned on.

This is our second chance to get this right. To make the right decisions and the tough calls and to leave our children what they deserve – the freest and most exceptional society in all of human history.

Thank you for listening, God bless you and your family, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.

Cartoons of the Day

Planned Unparenthood?


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Quote of the Day

Conservatives talked a lot about Ronald Reagan this year, but they have to take him more to heart, because his example here is a guide. All this seemed lost last week on Sarah Palin, who called him, on Fox, “an actor.” She was defending her form of political celebrity—reality show, “Dancing With the Stars,” etc. This is how she did it: “Wasn’t Ronald Reagan an actor? Wasn’t he in ‘Bedtime for Bonzo,’ Bozo, something? Ronald Reagan was an actor.”

Excuse me, but this was ignorant even for Mrs. Palin. Reagan people quietly flipped their lids, but I’ll voice their consternation to make a larger point. Ronald Reagan was an artist who willed himself into leadership as president of a major American labor union (Screen Actors Guild, seven terms, 1947-59.) He led that union successfully through major upheavals (the Hollywood communist wars, labor-management struggles); discovered and honed his ability to speak persuasively by talking to workers on the line at General Electric for eight years; was elected to and completed two full terms as governor of California; challenged and almost unseated an incumbent president of his own party; and went on to popularize modern conservative political philosophy without the help of a conservative infrastructure. Then he was elected president.

The point is not “He was a great man and you are a nincompoop,” though that is true. The point is that Reagan’s career is a guide, not only for the tea party but for all in politics. He brought his fully mature, fully seasoned self into politics with him. He wasn’t in search of a life when he ran for office, and he wasn’t in search of fame; he’d already lived a life, he was already well known, he’d accomplished things in the world.

Here is an old tradition badly in need of return: You have to earn your way into politics. You should go have a life, build a string of accomplishments, then enter public service. And you need actual talent: You have to be able to bring people in and along. You can’t just bully them, you can’t just assert and taunt, you have to be able to persuade.