Yes, I know about silly riots in London. My question is this, what the heck happened to jolly old England? Better yet, what the happened to the mighty Great Britain?
I’ll tell you what happened. Liberal Progressivism and Multiculturalism —- that’s what! 😡
I find myself in agreement with Lew Rockwell and a Gun blogger named “Say Uncle“: (H/T Insty)
What kind of Country sits back and allows knuckle-dragging nimrods trash and burn a great Country like England? Seriously! I mean, at what point does the police or officials in Great Britain say, “Okay, screw it; this pacifistic bullshit is not cutting it anymore, it is time to bring out the REAL GUNS and the REAL BULLETS!” and start mowing these stupid bastards down? When?!?!?!
I saw those pictures, reminds me of another very famous socialist uprising — here in Detroit!
Let us compare, shall we?
London - 2011
and then here in Detroit — 1967:
Detroit - 1967
![Detroit - 1967 (better picture...)]()
and yes….
It was that same old bullshit line of, "Oh woe is us! We're being kept down by them rich, white, capitalists who want to hurt our people!"
The truth is, in 1967, blacks were free to work, live and play where they wanted to. There was no oppression of blacks at all, period, end of damned discussion! 😡 Down south in Alabama, maybe; but not in Detroit.
What happened here was this; a group of far leftists decided that they resented the fact that white people were running the City of Detroit Government and that the police force in Detroit was all white, so, they decided to take it out on the businesses in Detroit. So, they burned them to the ground. All because of the fact that the city of Detroit had a special unit, called the STRESS unit — which stood for Stop the Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets by the way; that kept blacks from robbing and killing white people and other black people in the city.
The result? This:
This is Detroit 2011 --- A ghost of it's former glory --- This is corktown, looking down towards downtown Detroit. -- This is what progressivism gets you folks! For that it is worth, I can get more photos that look much worse than this one. They readily available on the internet and also, I can take some if need be.
This is what London, England and most likely the rest of Great Britain will look like, if they do not put down that Marxist uprising; and I do mean fast. That above, is what class warfare and progressivism gets you — ruined cities. Believe me when I tell you, Detroit, Michigan is beyond ruined and this is why, progressivism and class warfare. Not to mention Multiculturalism or what it really should be called, “Punishing White people for things that happened before the majority of them in this day and age were even born.”
I mean, these rioters in England are doing it, why? — because they know damned well that they can get away with it. I mean, what kind of a message does it send to the rest of the world, when a group of thugs says, “We’re doing this, because we want rich people to know, that we’re gonna rule you by causing fear?” It sends to me a message of cowardice, of the English Government, that’s what! It sends a message that the Government of Great Britain are cowering down to domestic terrorists.
In closing; could this happen in America? Yes. But it is very far off. We still have a second amendment and Conservatives who are still willing to fight. But our media is well on its way. The good thing is, we here in America, have our own Conservative media, that does push back against the Liberal controlled, owned and financed media.