It is a question that all Conservative, Republican and Tea Party voters need to know.
The Video of the Interview:
The Story via
The daughter of a Mormon bishop who has abandoned her family’s faith claims in a new book the election of Mitt Romney to the presidency would put the U.S. in danger due to what she calls the Republican’s “outrageous,” “horrific” and “mind-controlling” beliefs.
“While he attempts to portray Mormonism as just another Christian religion, Mitt Romney counts on his skills to shift our attention away from what he truly believes,” says Tricia Erickson, author of “Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters? The Mormon Church Versus the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America.”
“If the American people knew what he truly believed, they would surely not place him in the highest office in the land.”
Yet others, such as professor Richard Bushman, a Mormon and previous missionary himself who has taught at Harvard, Columbia and Brown Universities, are defending the faith. He calls Erickson “disillusioned” and someone who “instead of walking away felt an obligation to discredit [her] former faith.”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the official name for Mormonism, has rocketed into the national consciousness this month since Rev. Robert Jeffress, a Rick Perry supporter who pastors the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, said Romney was “not a Christian” and that Mormonism is a “cult.”
“Part of a pastor’s job is to warn his people and others about false religions,” Jeffress said Sunday, standing by his controversial remarks. “Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Mormonism are all false religions.”
In her book, Erickson paints an unflattering picture of the Mormon faith, which counts not only the former Massachusetts governor as a member, but also fellow GOP presidential contender Jon Huntsman, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., radio talk-show host Glenn Beck, singer Gladys Knight, actresses Amy Adams and Katherine Heigl, “Napoleon Dynamite” actor Jon Heder, entertainers Donny and Marie Osmond, and sports stars including the NFL’s Steve Young, Danny White and Merlin Olsen.
Erickson goes on to expose the insane beliefs of the Mormons and tell about her horrifying experience in that cult:
Erickson says Romney believes:
He will become a “god” in the afterlife and be given his own planet
Satan is Jesus’ literal brother
Jesus was not born of a virgin birth
He will be given his own afterlife kingdom where he will have sexual relations with his wife, Ann, to populate his kingdom with spirit children as God the Father Himself has a wife on His own planet.
“Mormonism teaches we pre-existed on God the Father’s planet as spirit children before we were planted in our mother’s wombs,” Erickson told WND. “And the reason why we’re here according to Mormonism, is so that we can work out our own progression to godhood and our own planets themselves.”
The author, who herself was married in a Mormon temple at age 19 but now considers herself a non-denominational Christian, says there’s a secret agenda Mormon officials don’t like to talk about publicly.
“A complete takeover of the government,” she said. “They have more people in the CIA, the FBI. They have an employment office for Mormons in D.C. to be able to infiltrate them into the government.”
“They’ve been trying since the beginning to get someone in the presidency, because they believe they have to establish their authority so when Jesus comes to Earth, the Mormon Church will take control of the government and the Mormons will be the government of God on Earth,” she continued.
Erickson says her main concern is that the leader of the free world have the ability to discern fact from fiction.
“It may be crucial to our survival,” she said. “If his beliefs are distorted, which they unequivocally are, why would it not be be critical to our existence to protect our country from being placed in the hands of such a person?”
When asked for specific rituals she considers bizarre, Erickson claims Romney and other Mormons take part in clandestine marriage ceremonies involving “outrageous” customs. Explaining her own Mormon wedding, she says she was forced to completely disrobe against her will.
“It was horrific,” she told WND. “There I was standing naked. They brought this bowl of water, and started washing my body down and whispering prayers over my body. They stopped over the right and left breast, the navel and knees and prayed specific prayers.”
To help ensure the general public did not learn details of the rituals, she says believers took a symbolic knife to feign their own murder if members spilled the beans of what really goes on behind closed doors.
“They actually had us slashing our guts open and our guts falling to the ground if we told people of the secret dogma of the ceremonies,” Erickson said.
“Mitt is not a casual Mormon,” she told online interviewer Thom Hartmann, noting Romney has reached the upper echelons of the faith. “There is no way that he will be able to not listen to the [Mormon] prophet. His eternal salvation depends on it. He has to put the church first over country.”
Here is a video that also shows what Mormon’s truly believe:
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As much as I would like to say that this is the first time that I have heard this; it is not, this young lady is not the only person to have told stories like this about the Mormon Cult. Another well-known author, speaker and former Mormon, Ed Decker has exposed the Mormon cult for what it truly is.
Here is Ed Decker’s testimony of how he came out of the Mormon Cult:
Here is another very, very, interesting radio program with Ed Decker. It is about the Free Masons and the founding of America. The Free Masons and the Mormon Church are joined at the hip. Please listen to this, you will find it very interesting. The show is from the early 1990’s, I believe anyhow. The show and the ministry which Ed appeared on went bankrupt in the 1990’s and went off the air. Ironically, the host’s wife died of cancer; she was diagnosed, not long after this show was broadcast.
The next book that I very highly recommend, is actually a comic book. It is a part of the “Crusader’s” series of Comic by a man, who I have much respect for; his name is Jack Chick:

Click here to read a sample of this hard hitting comic!
Here is the comic that I recommend that ALL Republicans, Conservatives and Tea Party people read:
I also recommend that all Christians, Republicans, Conservatives, and Tea Party folk read this pamphlet here.
I also recommend you buy the Book of the person referenced above:
I also recommend the following books on the subject too:
Republicans need to know the truth; this is the way to it.
Thanks for reading.