I feel the need to address something this morning that left me in a bit of foul mood last night. It appears that I have finally found an issue that I just cannot reconcile, that is happening among the “Go along to get along” Conservative crowd. Robert Stacy McCain, who is, as he put it, “A Neo-Con, Paleo-Con hybrid,” attended the 9/12 rally in Washington D.C. I really did not cover it much, because frankly, the whole Tea Party rally idea has grown rather stale with me. This is because the so-called tea party movement was co-opted by the Republican establishment and by those who are the protectors of the warmonger class.
Nativism is a term that the leftist media puts on people like me. I personally like to be called an American. An American who is watching the America I grew up in slip away. I am also an American who resents those of foreign birth dictating to me, as an American, about how bad my Country is or how horrible our Government leadership is.
Once such case of this happening, was yesterday at this so-called 9/12 rally in Washington D.C. A man by name of Tito Muñoz, also known as “Tito the Builder” who is a Colombian immigrant and supposedly a United States citizen; came to this rally as a speaker. Muñoz came to the lectern and proceeded to assail the crowd verbally as to how bad the leadership is in Washington D.C. and how the socialist Government is destroying the foundations of which the Nation was founded upon and so on. Here is my big problem with Mr. Tito Muñoz; I do not believe for one second that he is a United States Citizen, nor do I believe him to be here legally.
You ask why I would make such an accusation. Because at one time, Muñoz and I were friends on facebook and after watching his postings on about how America was under attack; I took him to task on the subject of citizenship and ask him to post proof that he was a United States citizen, or at least to post his immigration papers. Admittedly, I did mistake the man for a Mexican; I mean — it is hard to tell them apart. However, what followed was my confirmation that Mr. Muñoz is nothing more than a petty phony, which is doing nothing more than milking the spotlight for all it is worth. Mr. Tito Muñoz launched into a four-letter tirade against me; calling me a racist bigot, a Klansman, and a few other choice four-letter words that I shall not reprint here. All because I requested that Mr. Muñoz prove that was a legal immigrant and a Citizen of this Country.
Besides all of the above, this is where I separate myself from the “go along to get along” Conservative crowd. I, as a citizen of the United States of America; someone who was actually born in this Country — resent the fact that some man, of foreign born origin, coming to rally of this nature and assailing a crowd verbally by telling it, just how horrible our Country is. Perhaps Mr. Tito Muñoz might want to remember that it was the progressives who came up with the idea, that if America did not open its borders to those who foreign birth, that our Country would somehow eventually cease to exist. Someone might to remind Mr. Tito Muñoz that if it were not for this fact; that Mr. Muñoz would likely be picking coffee beans in his home country of Colombia to make a living; or more than likely in Muñoz’s case — would be picking coca plants. If it were left to Conservatives, like me, Muñoz would be doing that this very day — instead of running a construction company, which was, more than likely funded by taxpayers, like me, through funding grants available to minorities; which were created by the very progressives that Mr. Muñoz rails on as horrifically evil. Funding, by the way, that is not available to native-born Americas (or white Americans) like me.
Hate, you say.
Not Hardly.
It is called reality.
Pat Buchanan said it right. We white Christian Americans are becoming a minority in our own damned Country. Do you honestly believe that 50 years ago a Colombian immigrant would be lecturing white Americans on just how horribly bad our Country is? I hardly think so. This is the result of progressives and these so-called Conservatives just accept it as normal. My question is, since when is that normal? Since when do Conservatives sit and allow a Colombian-born immigrant, of whom immigrant status is questionable at best — sit and lecture them on the condition of their Country? Since when is that normal and acceptable?
Hate you call it — tell that to those in South Africa. Because that is, what the United States is becoming — day by day, little by little. The sick part is, the so-called Conservatives in America are aiding and abetting in that transformation. That is what sickens me to my damn core.