Why does White on Black crime get more attention than Black on White Crime?

First, let me say this; I do not advocate what happened in this video to come.  Any sort of hate crime is awful and the guys who did this, ought to be sentenced to death.

The Video: (Via CNN)

Yes that above is horrible and the media rightly is bringing it to attention, But, when blacks attack whites or when Muslims shoot up a Military base; nothing it said by media outlets, nothing is said. I just do not understand it.

What I want to know is; how do they know this person was involved? That video was grainy. I did not see any definite proof that this man even did it! Not only that; how do we know this man did not provoke the attack? How can we trust the credibility of the witnesses; are they black too? Can we trust them?  I’m sure there are answers for all that; but the report did not include those answers.

Again, I do not justify this madness; I simply am pointing out the double standard. I guess you could say that I have “a dog in the fight.”

Again, let me state this; both crimes, the one above in the video and the one I linked; which is to previous posting of mine — are equally wrong, evil, immoral and should be punished as such. I just do not understand why the liberal media does not treat them equally. They should, but they do not.


Memo to Mercede Johnston: You’re an asshole!

You know, I can handle criticism of Sarah Palin. I was not a fan of hers and still am not. I also can handle the criticism of Bristol Palin, as she did do things that I felt were worthy of criticism. However, this here….is a bit much:


Mercede also tells Playboy that Track Palin, Sarah’s 22-year-old son who is an Army reservist, used drugs. She claims, “He did OxyContin and mostly cocaine. He didn’t choose to go into the Army; he went there because his mom made him, to get him out of the way so when she was at the convention they wouldn’t know he does drugs and would think he was a patriot.” A Palin family rep declined to comment.

Which proves what I have believed all along. Levi Johnson and his family were nothing more than pawns for the left. The left knows no bounds either; Military? Hey, no problem. These are the same people that caused our defeat in Vietnam and cheered it all the way. These are the same people who basically tried to get the United States out of Iraq, before the job was done.

This is not to say that the Johnston family were always pawns. However, when the liberal media, offered money to that drug addled bunch, they took it and spared no time making up lies and basically telling liberals what they wanted to hear.

It’s a sad thing too. A young man’s reputation is ruined, because of some psycho’s lies. Hopefully the Palin family lawyers up and sues the woman.

UPDATED: Black Mob Attacks Whites at State Fair in Wisconsin Police now denying that race was even involved!

Update #2: When I originally wrote this, I wrote it in an sarcastic manner. A few people emailed me concerned that my tone was overly hateful and even glorifying of a mass murderer.  To them and to anyone who might have gotten the wrong idea, I do apologize. I no more would praise Charles Manson than I would Madeline Murray O’hair.

My intention was never to stoke hatred; but merely to inform those of the liberal bias and to encourage people to arm themselves.


Video: (Via JSOnline)


The Story via TMJ 4 News:

WEST ALLIS – Witnesses tell Newsradio 620 WTMJ and TODAY’S TMJ4 of a mob of young people attacking innocent fair-goers at the end of the opening night of State Fair, with some callers claiming a racially-charged scene.

Milwaukee Police confirmed there were assaults outside the fair.

Witnesses’ accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.

Authorities have not given official estimates of the number of people involved in the attacks.

“It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people,” said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ.  He left the State Fair Entrance near the corner of South 84th Street and West Schlinger Avenue in West Allis.

“They were attacking everybody for no reason whatsoever.”

“It was 100% racial,” claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car. 

“I had a black couple on my right side, and these black kids were running in between all the cars, and they were pounding on my doors and trying to open up doors on my car, and they didn’t do one thing to this black couple that was in this car next to us.  They just kept walking right past their car.  They were looking in everybody’s windshield as they were running by, seeing who was white and who was black.  Guarantee it.”

Eric, a war veteran, said that the scene he saw Thursday outside State Fair compares to what he saw in combat.

“That rated right up there with it.  When I saw the amount of kids coming down the road, all I kept thinking was, ‘There’s not enough cops to handle this.’  There’s no way.  It would have taken the National Guard to control the number of kids that were coming off the road.  They were knocking people off their motorcycles.”

There’s more coverage at WISN-TV.

I believe this would be a good opportunity to inform people that it is a good idea to arm themselves, within the law in your State of course; just the same, if someone had been armed — this likely would not have happened. I am, quite frankly, shocked that not more bloggers are not writing about this incident.  I guess fear and political correctness trump the truth anymore.

I believe this is only the beginning; as our economy begins to sour. Events like this will continue to happen. Arm yourselves; before it is too late.

Others: The Gateway Pundit, The Lonely Conservative, Moonbattery, The Greenroom, UrbanGrounds, Daily Pundit, Politics, Vox Popoli, nation.foxnews.com and Confederate Yankee (Via Memeorandum)

Update: JSonline now reports: State Patrol called in, youth policy imposed after violence at State Fair

Go give that a read, they are now actually denying that race was even involved! That is how it works, Whites can attack blacks and it is a national crisis. But when Blacks attack whites — nothing to see, move along. How it has been for years and is still that way.  That is what you call Liberal Bias. Nothing more, nothing less.



Great: The United States is now borrowing more than the GDP

This is unreal… 🙄

US debt shot up $238 billion to reach 100 percent of gross domestic project after the government’s debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday.

Treasury borrowing jumped Tuesday, the data showed, immediately after President Barack Obama signed into law an increase in the debt ceiling as the country’s spending commitments reached a breaking point and it threatened to default on its debt.

The new borrowing took total public debt to $14.58 trillion, over end-2010 GDP of $14.53 trillion, and putting it in a league with highly indebted countries like Italy and Belgium.

Public debt subject to the official debt limit — a slightly tighter definition — was $14.53 trillion as of the end of Tuesday, rising from the previous official cap of $14.29 trillion a day earlier.

Treasury had used extraordinary measures to hold under the $14.29 trillion cap since reaching it on May 16, while politicians battled over it and over addressing the country’s bloating deficit.

The official limit was hiked $400 billion on Tuesday and will be increased in stages over the next 18 months.

via US borrowing tops 100% of GDP: Treasury – Yahoo! News.

Chew on that one for a few seconds or longer. The USA is borrowing more money from China, that the United States makes as a whole. For the reading up on the GDP, click here. I also recommend that you read up on the Gross National Product and Gross Domestic Income. All of that above, factors into our economy; and believe me when I tell you — we are circling the drain my friends.

There is a bunch more on this subject; and for what it is worth, I do not claim to be an expert on this stuff at all — So, I recommend you read following related articles:

U.S. debt shoots up $239 billion -- in one day!
Gov't will borrow $72B next week...
Obama, Bernanke out of ammo to boost jobs, growth...
Scary Market Chart Pattern Suggests More Selling on Way...
Economy struggles to find footing...
Gold at $2,000 by year-end...

Speaking of Gold, this would be a good time to get into investing in Gold, It would also be good to stock up on  Guns and Ammo!

What I will tell you is; because I am an honest blogger and not some partisan shill for a particular party – is this here.  Many on the right wing Blogosphere will be quick to put this entire situation on President Obama.  I cannot and will not do that; the truth is folks, we did have and still do have two wars that we are fighting; and those cost money too.  We also did have the bailout of the banks and tarp bailouts, the trap loans to the big three, being a fraction of the total cost.

Truth is my friends; we are here because of foolishness of our elected leaders — Republican and Democratic Party.  Both sides have steered this Nation over a cliff.  President Obama tried and ultimately failed to bring an economic revival to the Country.  Now we have to pay the proverbial piper.  It is going to be a painful process; the tap is turned off and we are now going to have embrace austerity.

It is a horrible thing to endure, but it is something that we are going to have to endure — if we are going to continue as a Country, as we know it now.

Update: This is now a Memeorandum Thread: Others covering: Washington Times, Scared Monkeys, Conservatives4Palin, Pajamas Media, Weasel Zippers, Fausta’s Blog, Power Line and The Lonely Conservative

In defense of Pamela Geller

As I was preparing to take my afternoon nap, I happened to come upon an article written by the website Gawker.com. In it, Gawker insults Geller and accuses her of trying to cover up a portion of a posting that was made back in 2007. Something that Geller explained today fully on her blog.

Now, here is where I get involved.

As I said in the comments section of Pamela’s Blog:


Pamela Geller is no more responsible for the Oslo, Norway massacre than I am. The very idea that anyone would actually blame her is asinine. This is nothing more than the moronic leftist idea of guilt by association and it is bullshit of the highest order. I admit, I thought it was an Islamic extremist attack on that Country; everyone did on the right. That is because Muslims are known for blowing shit up! Does anyone recall 9/11? Hello?!?! 🙄

Pam might not want to hear it from this corner, but I will go to bat for the woman. She edited a fucking posting on her blog; BIG FUCKING DEAL ASSHOLES! Last time I checked, it is her blog and she can do what she damned well pleases with it, and she does not need Charles FUCKING Foster Johnsons permission to do it either!

Having said that; I am going to say this and Mr. Johnson you can take this any goddamned way you want. A while back, I fucked with Johnson a little and he got all upset for me supposedly threatening him. Well, Johnson I am going to publish this one; if I ever happen to come across you at any sort of blogger function, which I know you will not attend, because you are the World’s greatest fucking pussy. Nevertheless, if I ever happen to come across you, I promise you dude — I intend on breaking your fucking jaw dude. That is not a fucking threat dude, that is a fucking promise — you pony-tailed faggot piece of shit. (Apologies to Homosexuals everywhere…) You just do not do what you are doing and get away with it. What you are doing to Pamela Geller is on par with Hitler’s persecution on the Jews and I am not going to stand around and watch some Nazi fuck pick on Pam. Sorry man, not how I roll. I am in Michigan and you are in California; you should be glad of that fact. 😡

To Gawker, as I said on Pam’s site: Anti-Semite much?!?! I am just saying. I mean, I really have to wonder; would you be going after Pam as much, if she were not a Jew? I really have to wonder about that. As for your comments about Pam’s Blog; let me give you all a wakeup call – you blog is no prize either guys! I mean, it looked great before that redesign; but fuck…now? Jebus, looks like it was designed by a fucking 12-year-old in 1999!

Anyhow, there is my defense of the woman. Anyone wants to fuck with me; bring it on. I can take it — Hell, figure if I can handle insignificant Ron Paul thugs, I can handle you all.

Update: Pam Links in. As I wrote over there. You are very welcome Pam. This stuff is silly and I ain’t got no love for silly shit!! 😡 Either way, glad to help!

Update #2: Thanks to Zilla for linking here as well. Also thanks to all the commentators and for the donation. It is nice to see that there people out there that actually get it. 😀

Update #3:  There are some, as I might have expected; that simply do not believe that I am now in support of Israel. To them I simply say this: Yes, I was a skeptic of Israel, mainly because of some of the actions of that Government. However, my skepticism never rose to the level of hate, ever. As a Christian, I simply decided that I could not and would not side with hatred. You see Here, Here and Here and figure out what I am talking about. If that is not good enough for you; I can only say one thing —- I am sorry. 🙁

Update #4: Thanks to Winds of Jihad for linking in!

Video: Bill O’Reilly to MSM – How Dare You Call Anders Breivik Fundamentalist Christian!

Via Fox Nation:


BILL O’REILLY, FOX NEWS HOST: “Impact” segment tonight: mass murder in Norway. A vicious killer, Anders Breivik, has murdered at least 76 people in the Scandinavian nation of Norway. Breivik is a brutal fanatic who apparently objects to the presence of Muslims in Europe.

Last Friday he bombed buildings in Oslo and then took an automatic weapon to an island a few miles away gunning down 68 people. Norwegian authorities couldn’t get to the island because they didn’t have a helicopter, if you can believe it.

Now, on Sunday, the “New York Times” headlined “As Horrors Emerged, Norway Charges Christian extremist”. A number of other news organizations like the “LA Times” and Reuters also played up the Christian angle. But Breivik is not a Christian. That’s impossible. No one believing in Jesus commits mass murder. The man might have called himself a Christian on the net, but he is certainly not of that faith.

Also Breivik is not attached to any church, and in fact has criticized the Protestant belief system in general. The Christian angle came from a Norwegian policeman not from any fact finding. Once again, we can find no evidence, none, that this killer practiced Christianity in any way.

So why is the angle being played up? Two reasons: First, the liberal media wants to make an equivalency between the actions of Breivik and the Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh and al Qaeda. The left wants you to believe that fundamentalists Christians are a threat just like crazy jihadists are.

In fact, in the “New York Times” today an analysis piece says that some believe we have overreacted to the Muslim threat in the world. Of course, that’s absurd. Jihadists have killed tens of thousands of people all over the world. The Taliban, Iran and elements in Pakistan use governmental power to support terrorism by Muslims. But the left-wing press wants to compare nuts like Breivik and McVeigh to state-sponsored terrorism and worldwide jihad.

Again, dishonest and insane.

The second reason the liberal media is pushing the Christian angle is they don’t like Christians very much because we are too judgmental. Many Christians oppose abortion. Gay marriage and legalized narcotics, secular left causes. The media understands the opposition is often based on religion. So they want to diminish Christianity and highlighting so-called Christian-based terror is a way to do that.

Anders Behring Breivik copied the Uni-bombers manifesto

(via Gateway Pundit)

Free Republic is reporting that document.no is reporting the following:

He has replaced the concepts, so it should fit better into his own ideology. For example, switching him out the word “Leftism” (left orientation) with the words “Multiculturalism” and “Cultural Marxism” (Multiculturalism and cultural Marxism)

The example below shows some of Anders Behring Breivik has copied.

From Una-bomb’s Manifesto:

One of the most Wide spread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism Can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general.

But what is leftism? Hum the first half of the 20th century leftism could have been practically Identified with Socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear WHO Can pray properly called a leftist.

When we speak of leftist in this article we garden in mind Mainly Socialists, Collectivist, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability Activists, Animal Rights Activists and the like. But not everyone Who is associate with one of These movements is a leftist.

What we are Trying to get that in discussing leftism is not so much a movement or an Ideology as a psychological type, or Rather a collection of related types. THUS, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more Clearly in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology

 from Anders Behring Breivik’s Manifesto:

One of the most wide spread manifestations of the craziness of our world is Multiculturalism, so a discussion of the psychology of multiculturalists Can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of Western Europe in general.

But what is Multiculturalism or Cultural Communism? The movement is fragmented and it is not clear WHO Can pray properly called a cultural Marxist.

When we speak of cultural Marxists in this article we garden in mind Mainly Individuals WHO support Multiculturalism; Socialists, Collectivist, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability Activists, Animal Rights Activists, Environmentalist, etc. But not everyone Who is associate with One of These movements support Multiculturalism.

What we are Trying to get that in discussing cultural Marxists is not so much a movement or an Ideology as a psychological type, or Rather a collection of related types

– this is very interesting, says violence researcher Ragnhild Bjørnebekk the Police Academy.

Of course, I will not hold my breath for an apology from the Leftist media or blogosphere in this Country. I might turn blue and die first.


Video: The Truth about Anders Behring Breivik

I saw this tweet on twitter and watched this video and I jumped out of bed and came straight to the Computer here.

This comes via Bare Naked Islam:

This is not to justify or excuse this crazy man’s actions; it is point out what is happening in the media.

Video: This is why we must not fail in the war on terrorism!

These are the Taliban and the men lined up are Pakistani Policemen: (Warning! Graphic Video!)

The Story via ABC NEWS:

In a new video which recently surfaced online, the Taliban appears to brutally and systematically execute 16 unarmed Pakistani policemen in what the terror group called a revenge killing.

The video of the massacre, which reportedly took place in early June, was posted online last week and confirmed by the Pakistani army today. It shows the policemen — who are not in uniform — standing in a line before a Taliban member who appears to be lecturing them. The man, who appears to act as the militants’ commander, accuses the policemen of executing six children in a previous operation and claims their imminent deaths are revenge, according to a summary posted with the video.

Several Taliban members then open fire on the group until all the policemen have fallen. A wailing cry is heard in the background after the initial volley. After reloading, a single fighter walks over each body and shoots them once more in the head.

But yet, President Barack Obama wants to try and negotiate with these monsters.

My friends, you do not negotiate with criminals and cold blooded killers; these people hate Liberty and Freedom. They hate Israel and Jews; kind of like the liberal left and some of the Paleo-Conservative and libertarian right.  They are not rational, sane, human beings — they are cold blooded killers. We did not negotiate with Charles Manson and his cult — so why the hell would we negotiate with people like this?

My friends, consider this hallow warning from someone who sat through hours of footage on 9/11 and almost ended up in the psych ward because of it:


Dismiss me as an alarmist if you wish; I could not care less. But this is coming to America, if we fall down on the war on terrorism!

America must be protected; Israel must be protected, Liberty and Freedom are at stake! Radical Islam is a threat! Do not believe the lie of the Liberal-controlled, financed, and organized media — which is supplanted by the Government! The liberal media is in bed with the radical and no-so-radical Muslims!

Remember 9/11, Remember the Pentagon, Remember Flight 93 —– Remember America.

Remember this Video and Blog Posting come November 2012.

We need a President who will stand tall in the face of these bastards and not blink. Bush did it; and paid for it, with his Presidency — but he did not waver for a second. Mistakes were made, that is very true. However, in the end, we won in Iraq and we can win here too. We just have to not give up.

lan astaslem --- I will not surrender --I will not submit.

This is not a game, this is not fake; Ron Paul and his racist, Anti-Semitic friends, who hate Israel and everything related to it are the ENEMY! They must be kept out of the White House, at all costs! They are friends with these people!  Consider me a soldier in that battle too.

In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and of in the Name of the Lord GOD Jehovah — Master and Saviour of this World and KING of Kings and LORD of Lords of this World and in the great, wonderful, world to come:



Murduch attacked during scandal hearing, Wendi Deng Murdoch hits attacker

I have to give ol’ Wendi Murdoch some credit, she really has some spunk in her!


The Story:

A Parliament hearing into hacking by News Corp. journalists erupted into chaos Tuesday as CEO Rupert Murdoch was attacked by a man with a shaving-cream pie.

Wendi Deng Murdoch, his wife, rose from her seat behind her husband to protect him and took a swing at the intruder. The man was taken away from the scene and the committee temporarily suspended the hearing.

The hearing continued after a brief pause with Rupert Murdoch not wearing his suit jacket and only a handful of spectators allowed in the room. The BBC reported that the alleged attacker was identified as Jonnie Marbles, who calls himself an activist and comedian.

“Mr. Murdoch, your wife has a very good left hook,” Tom Watson, member of Parliament, said near the end of the hearing.

After the committee dismissed the Murdochs, former News of the World editor and News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks sat down to answer questions.

The committee told Brooks, who was arrested last week, that they would be careful with their questioning because she is participating in a criminal investigation. She insisted that she did not know about the extent of the phone hacking

via Rupert Murdoch Scandal: Brooks in Hot seat after Rupert Attack – ABC News.

However, on a serious note, I quote Michelle Malkin, who has been a contributor at Fox News for over 10 years now:

I blasted the blame-the-hacking victim mentality demonstrated by the liberal press against Sarah Palin. I am just as incensed to see the same mentality applied to the NoTW hacking victims.

Hacking is a serious crime and grave privacy invasion. PERIOD.

Yes, it is painful to see a great media champion/entrepreneur and a great media empire — of which NoTW was just a tiny sliver — under fire. The glee and double standards of News Corp. haters on both sides of the pond are hard to stomach.

But there is no one to blame for this other than those in News Corp. who let the scandal fester, and whose inaction handed critics all the ammunition they are firing now. These are the lumps and now every single rank-and-file employee and contributor at News Corp. is being forced to suffer them.

Rupert Murdoch told the Parliament hearing panel that he “can’t imagine” the illegal hackings took place in the U.S. But at least one victim — actor Jude Law — has alleged his phone was hacked while in New York.

And now, one of the Parliament questioners this morning has just raised the appalling possibility of computer hackings as well as phone hackings.

The failure to address the scandal in a timely, vigorous manner has put everyone associated with News Corp. at risk of retaliation hackings.

ANY and EVERY other newspaper higher-up or Scotland Yard brass who knew about the NoTW privacy invasions, signed off on them, looked the other way, or covered it up should be held accountable in a court of law.

News consumers in the U.K. and beyond will decide in the court of public opinion what price the rest of Rupert Murdoch’s news empire should pay — as well as other non-Murdoch U.K. tabloids with hacking clouds swirling overhead.

Media conglomerates have weathered a litany of plagiarism, fabrication, and circulation fraud over the history of modern journalism. I pray News Corp. can survive this one. Contrary to the company’s salivating detractors, government-imposed journalism ethics won’t prevent or solve the lapses. Competition in the media marketplace is the best check and balance we have.

What she said.



John Hawkings needs to shut the hell up

Hawkings is whining about Blog traffic again. (No direct link for him, he is an asshole….I don’t like the way he treated David Frum and Debbie Schlussel)

This guy, who by the way, is friends with people who like to stalk and harass Jews — now seems to think that he is the newly minted big guru of the Right-Wing Blogosphere.  Truthfully, the other thing big about him, is his belly and the space between his fucking ears.

Further more, as for what he wrote; it’s pretty damned hard to get blog traffic, when you have mentally deranged stalkers who call you an Anti-Semite and a racist; when none of it is honestly true.  They they start intimidating other bloggers to remove you from their blog rolls like the little fucking soft-fascists that they fucking are! All because you dared to criticize one of the princesses of, what I like to call, the “veal pen right” — or you might have happened to mention that a particular ethnic group was behind a certain big stink that was being raised in the media. Yeah, that will get you labeled a hater!   Further more, it is hard to even run a blog; when you make a mistake, that you are most regretful of, and the mentally insane people will not accept an apology, or even accept the fact THEY might have caused the mistake! 😡

Another thing I have noticed about the “Veal Pen” right, is that they honestly hate the truth. Oh, they like the truth, as

Jenny Craig needed STAT!

long as it fits their little fucking partisan agenda or something like that; but when people, like me — who are the real free thinkers –— who like to point the hypocrisy of some of the “Veal Pen” right, or the Neo-Conservative right, as they were called during the Bush era.  They jump to the defensive, and like to employ the tactics of the Marxist Saul Alinsky left.

Either way, the way I see it; if you are blogging to get rich. Get the hell out of it, because you will never do it. Especially in politics. The field is just too saturated. Only people that get rich are the well-connected bloggers or the one’s who are famous already and decide to start blogging.You think I sit here and do this stupid stuff because I am trying to get rich? Please. I do this, mainly because I really do not have much else to do; and because I happen to love my Country. I also happen to believe that Barack Obama, and the Marxist left (Kinda like the Marxist — I mean  —Veal Pan Right….) are wrong about every damned thing that they have been doing since day one of this Administration.

Now, have I made money at it? Very little. Nobody clicks ads like they used to. I am not supposed to even mention or ask anyone to click my Adsense stuff; which is at the top and in my left sidebar. I used to run BlogAds here; but their blogger relations guy decided to be an asshole and I removed their ads from my blog. No matter, they did not make me any kind of money to be proud of anyhow. I do keep a PayPal donation tab up there; recently some dude, who happened to like something I wrote tossed like $5.00 in the jar. I was shocked, it was the first donation I had gotten this year. I got a few last year, and in 2008 during the election. But recently, outside of the recent donation — the TipJar has been bare. I did get two people, that bought some gold from the gold company that I am an affiliate through. I made $157.59 on those purchases. Now, if I got like 10 of those a day?!?! I never have to worry about anything at all, ever. But, nobody is buying or donating anything right now, as it is a tight economy. It is not just me; it is everyone.

As for Hawking’s idea of getting big or getting hooked up with other people. I got two words: Screw Him. I will never, ever sell out to a Corporate Entity, ever.  I will explain why; Here at political byline, Rupert Murdoch does not control me, Salem Media does not control mesee where I am going with this?  Corporate funding or associations mean control of the message. It happens with the left — and the right. Truly independent media and blogging; whether of a liberal or Conservative slant is getting more and more rare by the day. I am not for, nor have I ever been for a consolation or a collectivist effort in blogging, which sounds so….progressive.  Maybe Hawkings is showing his true colors — Fancy that.

So, there, my response to that idiot lard ass’s posting and by the way Hawkings; try some fucking Jenny Craig!

Others: American Power, Pajamas Media, Ben Smith’s Blog, Betsy’s Page, Riehl World View, Althouse and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

More Black on White Crime: Blacks attack Whites and Liberal media censors it

I sit here today with a decision; do I ignore this or do I write about it? After all, I have been called a racist by a jackass, who likes to stalk me.

It appears that our media is trying to censor the fact that black on white crime is happening.

Go read this… Now, go read this.

Watch this video:

After Jail Time for Contempt, Alleged Rape Victim Returns to Testify: MyFoxDETROIT.com

Now, go read this. and now go read this.

This is Obama’s world; and something is seriously wrong with it. I am not a White Nationalist, nor have I ever been. But, something is seriously wrong with America; something dreadfully sickening. It must be stopped.

Remember this come November 2012.

This posting is dedicated to the memory of my late Cousin, Michael Lydon Hill. Who was gunned down by two corrupt black Detroit police officers in 1994.

Noted Anti-American, Communist, Traitor Bitch Liberal — Jane Fonda whines about her QVC appearance being cancelled

I got four words for this feckless bitch….:

I was to have been on QVC today to introduce my book, “Prime Time,” about aging and the life cycle. The network said they got a lot of calls yesterday criticizing me for my opposition to the Vietnam War and threatening to boycott the show if I was allowed to appear. I am, to say the least, deeply disappointed that QVC caved to this kind of insane pressure by some well funded and organized political extremist groups. And that they did it without talking to me first. I have never shied away from talking about this as I have nothing to hide. I could have pointed out that threats of boycotts are nothing new for me and have never prevented me from having best selling books and exercise DVDs, films, and a Broadway play. Most people don’t buy into the far right lies. Many people have reached out to express how excited they were about my going onto QVC and hearing about my book.

Bottom line, this has gone on far too long, this spreading of lies about me! None of it is true. NONE OF IT! I love my country. I have never done anything to hurt my country or the men and women who have fought and continue to fight for us. I do not understand what the far right stands to gain by continuing with these myths. In this case, they denied a lot of people the chance to hear about a book that can help make life better, easier and more fulfilling. I am deeply grateful for all of the support I have been getting since this happened, including from my Vietnam Veterans friends.

via QVC Cancelled My Appearance!! | Jane Fonda.

None of it is true? Hmmmmmm:


“If you understood what Communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that one day we would become Communist.” (speaking to students at the University of Michigan in 1970)

There is a recording of that little speech with that quote above in it. If you happen to know where I can find it, leave a comment below and I will post it here too.

More Video:

Mrs. Fonda. We have not forgotten; nor will we ever. Your actions were that of an American traitor and in a sane world, you would have been arrested and charged with treason. So, to your little statement above, I have four little words for you —- you Anti-American, communist, traitor bitch:


That is all.

Others: Scared Monkeystheblogprof, Don Surber, TMZ.com, The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers and JammieWearingFool


Video: Jack Hunter on the GOP going tiger

Transcript here

Video: This is why I like Rick Santelli

No, he is not crazy……Just slightly animated.

(via Mediate)

The real roots of Richard Poplawski’s rage

I have wanted to write about this subject for the last few days.  However, because of a freak storm that tore through our area and left our house with “brown out power” for the last few days, I have not been able to do it.

The purpose of this article is NOT to justify the fact that Richard Poplawski killed in cold blood three Pittsburgh, Pa. police officers; no one in their right frame of mind would ever attempt do that; not even me.  However, it will attempt to explain why; and do it without using the spin of the liberal financed, controlled cooperate media.

The cold hard truth is that White Nationalism played no direct part in the actions of Richard Poplawski.  Despite what the liberal media might want to try to report.  I say this, because of a snippet in this article by the Pittsburg Star Tribune:

Poplawski grew up with an alcoholic, deadbeat grandfather, who kept a cache of guns and liked to play Russian roulette with his wife, Catherine Scott, relatives recalled during the trial. They said Poplawski’s father, also named Richard, abandoned his son at a young age. Margaret Poplawski was alcoholic, suicidal and displayed little affection for her only son, who called her “Maggie,” they said.

While deliberating on whether he should receive the death penalty or life in prison without chance of parole, the jury found two mitigating factors — reasons to show mercy — for Poplawski, according to the verdict slip: that he had no prior convictions and that there was testimony demonstrating a dysfunctional and unstable family life with violence.

The aggravating factors — the victims were police officers and Poplawski risked injury to others — outweighed them though, the jury found in sentencing him to death.

“Clearly, there’s no excuse or rationale for killing a police officer,” said Tony Gaskew, assistant professor of criminal justice at the University of Pittsburgh’s Bradford campus.

“There was a triggering mechanism,” he said. “It may have been a combination of a mental or psychological condition, coupled with a less-than-favorable family environment, these white supremacist beliefs and maybe issues with authority and the police. Somewhere in there was a triggering mechanism, but there was no rationale for what he did.

There it is, the real reason Richard Poplawski murdered those three police officers.   All the rest of that nonsense by the Star Tribune is liberal stupidity and feckless conjecture by people who are supposedly trained to find why suspects do what they do.  The man’s grandfather was a crazy man, and deadbeat, his mother showed no love for the boy and his daddy abandoned him. In short, the man’s home life was a wreck and it drove him to do what he did. Sorry, but the completely stupid argument that White Nationalism played a role in the actions of this man, is simply ludicrous.  This man was going to do what he did; no matter what name he happened to do it in.  The White Nationalism was simply a mechanism for his paranoia of the Government and yes, of minorities; it did not tell him to pull the trigger of that gun.  Richard Poplawski and Richard Poplawski alone made the decision to kill, not Stormfront.org or anyone else associated with White Nationalism.

This is why, that as a born-again Christian; I believe that a strong family presence in the life of a child is paramount.  I had one growing up and I believe that this is why I never was in trouble with the law.  My parents were there for me — all the time.  Now, to be clear, my parents were not of the “Pew Jumping,” “Bible-Thumping,” “In Church every Sunday “stripe.  In fact, I was allowed to make my own decisions about how I wished to interact with religion.  However, my mother flatly refused to allow me to “Run Wild” as the liberal child psychologists believed that she should have.  I believe that is why I am here today, to be able to do the one thing that I love most; and that is to be a writer.

In closing: Let me say this; the only thing more morbidly sad, tragic and sickening, besides the murder of the three law enforcement officers who were simply doing their jobs.  That is the fact that the liberal media insists on laying blame of those three horrible murders at the feet of those who would never justify, in a million years, anything of the sort.  When, in fact, the person of who should be actually blamed is one person and one person alone —- Richard Poplawski.



Mark Halperin suspended for telling the truth about the President

He called Barack Obama a DICK, which is really what he and the progressives are anymore, in my humble opinion. So are the Neo-Conservative right for that matter.

Either way, here’s the video, via Politico:

The Story:

MSNBC senior political analyst Mark Halperin was suspended on Thursday by the cable network after he called President Obama “a dick” on a popular morning show and then quickly apologized.

“I thought he was a kind of a dick yesterday,” Halperin, who also is an editor-at large for Time, said on Morning Joe, referring to the President’s conduct during his press conference.

A couple of hours later, MSNBC issued a statement, saying, “Mark Halperin’s comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the President, The White House and all of our viewers. We strive for a high level of discourse and comments like these have no place on our air. Therefore, Mark will be suspended indefinitely from his role as an analyst.

The cable outlet also put out a statment from Halperin at the same time, saying, “I completely agree with everything in MSNBC’s statement about my remark. I believe that the step they are taking in response is totally appropriate. Again, I want to offer a heartfelt and profound apology to the President, to my MSNBC colleagues, and to the viewers. My remark was unacceptable, and I deeply regret it.”

Time issued a statement later Thursday calling Halperin’s comments “inappropriate and in no way reflective of TIME’s views.”

The magazine did not suspend Halperin but said, “We have issued a warning to him that such behavior is unacceptable” and noted that he had “appropriately” apologized.

Here is why this bothers me; President Bush was called every last damned name under the sun by the media, the left, the left’s bloggers (which used to include me…) and now because someone dared to tell the truth about this President, he gets suspended. Let me go on the record as say that this man should be promoted a real job and not suspended.

Let me also go on the record as saying, that not only is President Obama a fucking dick; he is also a fucking asshole; who only really gives a shit about anything that promotes a BLACK agenda. Further, he only was elected BECAUSE he was BLACK! That is why the Democrats pushed him out front and made him the new NEGRO progressive Messiah! Because they knew that no white man would win the election! So, ol’ “Bambi Big Ears” was made the BOY for the cause and ended up being our next President.

Now there, assholes, you going to suspend me too? 🙄


: CNN, Firedoglake, TVNewser, Hotline On Call, Hot Air, Media Decoder, Booman Tribune, Michelle Malkin, Ben Smith’s Blog, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Scared Monkeys, FishbowlDC, NewsBusters.org blogs, Indecision Forever, RedState, Outside the Beltway, The New Republic, Pajamas Media, Gawker, Taylor Marsh, Ricochet Conversation Feed, New York Magazine, ImmigrationProf Blog, Daily Kos, Hold Fast, The Other McCain, PoliPundit.com and Runnin’ Scared, more at Mediagazer » More via Memeorandum


Oh my: This could be a bit of a problem for Michelle Bachmann


Now to be fair to Michelle Bachmann and her Husband; they are Conservative Christians, I get that part. However, I would think Michelle Bachmann would know that she has appeal to independent voters; and this is not a good way to do this at all.

Now, I also know that this piece is a liberal hit job on Michelle Bachmann. However, there is another reason that this bugs me, the same reason that I did not want Mike Huckabee in the 2012 race, it feeds the Meme that Republicans and all Conservatives hate gay people. Something that I know is just plain bunk. I could care less what gay people do in the privacy of their homes. Just don’t try to push your agenda off on me, like the far leftist gays want to do.

Again, while I believe this to be a hit job; sometimes the things that people say to further and foster false narratives should be critiqued.


Keith Olbermann does something right for a change

Yeah, I know what I wrote about it; I was being partly sarcastic. But seriously, good for Keith.

The video:

To Greg Pollowitz, shut the hell up. Your partisan bullshit is vomit provoking. Not to mention intellectually insulting; and judging from that last name, that should not be to surprising as to why.

Others: Power Line and Pajamas Media

FYI: George Stephanopolous is a tool

Go Read

What a tool! 😡

I would be willing to bet money Obama ordered that little hit.

This Posting was crafted on my Apple iPod using WordPress Mobile Admin (Too Cool!)

Classless: Chris Wallace asks Michelle Bachmann, “Are you a flake?”

Funny, I don’t recall him ever asking Obama that at all.

The Video:

Me and Ed Morrissey are on the same wavelength here:

I can understand why Chris Wallace asked this question. Given his guest’s propensity for gaffes, such as picking the name of a dead hero as a live Medal of Honor winner, botching a toast to Queen Elizabeth II, discussing the high points of the Austrian language, and several references to a military medic as a “corpseman,” it might be hard to take the person seriously.

Oh, wait — Wallace wasn’t interviewing Barack Obama after all…


Jim Hoft calls this “awful,” but it’s just the same old double standard applied to Republicans. We have yet to hear any serious coverage from the national media of Obama’s hundreds of gaffes while in the White House, just as we heard little of his “57 or 58 states” remark and other gaffes on the campaign trail, such as the six-month string that produced these doozies:

Did any of the national media ask Barack Obama in the summer of 2008 if he was a “flake”? Bachmann has not been without her gaffes, although she has improved her media interactions substantially since the “anti-American” comment in November 2008. But given Obama’s track record both before and after his election to the presidency, it would take a superhuman effort to vault into his league. And the media still mainly ignores Obama’s gaffes, which have grown into the hundreds, without a single outlet ever asking Obama if he is a “flake” on that same basis.

It could be that Wallace was giving Bachmann an opening to push back against the “flake” meme, but the fact that Bachmann’s having to respond to this rather than the gaffemaster in the White House is the real problem.

I hated to have to quote that whole thing; but I believe Ed is absolutely correct. Now, for the record, Wallace apologized, and there is video of that; However, I do not believe it is enough to say that he is sorry. I believe Chris Wallace should be removed from Fox News Sunday and someone else be put in his place. Asking questions like this, is unacceptable in professional journalism. Because quite frankly, it shows a sexist bias on Wallace’s part; and Fox News should not be allowed to get away with that sort of nonsense. Ed Schultz did not get away with it, when he called Laura Ingraham a right wing slut; and neither should Wallace.

Message to Rep. Sheila Jackson, Maybe we should investigate militant Negros who want overthrow our Country

The headline is provocative one and for a damned good reason.

First the video:

The Story via CNSNEWS:

(CNSNews.com) – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”

In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.

Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”

Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”

Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not — your distinction is not answering the question.

This proves it right here; that liberals equate small time lone wolf criminals to foreign funded Muslim terrorists. I see the point she is making; and it is a stupid one, there is no comparison.

While we’re on the subject, why don’t we investigate terrorist Negros that would like to see our so-called “White Controlled Government overthrown, like these people here:

or maybe as to the funding of this man here:

This is what we ought to be investigating in this Country, is how things like this were funded by Liberals in this Country.

We as Americans are supposed to be sane, rational people. We are told that not all blacks feel this way. We, as Conservatives, who reject the idea of “group thought” or collectivism, are not supposed to believe that all blacks feel this way. However, when you have a liberal senator comparing the actions of a few extremists to the actions of a globally funded group of Muslim terrorists; one must ask, where do her loyalties lie? One must ask, does she agree with the militant Negros like the ones in the video above? Who, by the way, agree with Al-Qaeda terrorists, — that America should be destroyed.

It is questions like this, which I ask on this blog. There is a battle for the soul of America; these are two of the groups, which wish to overthrow the power structure in this Country. This is why I blog, this is why I write, to fight against this liberal, idiotic mentality; because I do not wish to see my Country overran by those who wish to destroy her from within.

It is a fight that I will continue to battle till my dying days.

Update: Moonbattery Agrees with me.

Video: Weiner’s Resignation Statement

It figures, the dude’s resignation speech is a freaking circus.

(H/T HotAir)

Update: Better video, via AllahPundit:

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Either way, I’m glad the douche-bag is gone. Like I said before, one down, many more to go.

I just wonder, who was the dude being the tool, while he was trying to talk?

Aw Man: Fox News Host uses some rather stupid racially charged language — About the President

I hate writing about this kind of stuff, It’s because I know that the Republican Party is supposed to be the Party of Lincoln.

However, when you have stupid people, doing stupid stuff; like this. It is pretty freaking hard to defend that line.

This is Fox News Host Eric Bolling:

Yeah, I know where I got that video from; and I personally do not give a flying flip what ya’ll think about it either. You see, I feel about this; like I feel about other Republicans, who have dared to be this stupid. Get them the hell off the air and out of a job. You do something like that; I do not give a flying flip what your political views are, you’re an idiot and do not need to be on a Network representing a Conservative point of view.

For the record, I griped and bitched about a Fox News anchor that used the term “Terrorist Fist Bump” on the air, when referring to Obama. Her name was E.D. Hill and they got rid of her from that channel as well. At thought at the time, that it was lame, rude, and condescending towards a black man and I said so too! Not to mention the narrative that it was flaming; it was stupid and this is too.

Here is hoping that Eric Bolling goes to the unemployment line…..quickly.

Before anyone says it, don’t hand me no B.S. about “Freedom of Speech” either, okay? Because this was not free speech; this was speech designed to inflame and stoke Racial Bigotry and Division. This sort of ignorant crap is not even remotely Conservative or Republican.

Others: Firedoglake, Little Green Footballs, Balloon Juice, Oliver Willis and Hullabaloo

Update: Jeff Goldberg over at The Atlantic nails it, as does Mediaite sorta.