Gallup Poll: Unemployment back over 10%

The only reason I am posting this today, is being I got a call from a poll taker; he was getting poll data for the coming election….. and boy did he ever get an ear full about the Democrats.

Memo to the Democrats: It’s the jobs stupid. (H/T HotAir)

PRINCETON, NJ — Unemployment, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, increased to 10.1% in September — up sharply from 9.3% in August and 8.9% in July. Much of this increase came during the second half of the month — the unemployment rate was 9.4% in mid-September — and therefore is unlikely to be picked up in the government’s unemployment report on Friday.

Certain groups continue to fare worse than the national average. For example, 15.8% of Americans aged 18 to 29 and 13.9% of those with no college education were unemployed in September.

The increase in the unemployment rate component of Gallup’s underemployment measure is partially offset by fewer part-time workers, 8.7%, now wanting full-time work, down from 9.3% in August and 9.5% at the end of July.

As a result, underemployment shows a more modest increase to 18.8% in September from 18.6% in August, though it is up from 18.4% in July. Underemployment peaked at 20.4% in April and has yet to fall below 18.3% this year.

The government’s final unemployment report before the midterm elections is based on job market conditions around mid-September. Gallup’s modeling of the unemployment rate is consistent with Tuesday’s ADP report of a decline of 39,000 private-sector jobs, and indicates that the government’s national unemployment rate in September will be in the 9.6% to 9.8% range. This is based on Gallup’s mid-September measurements and the continuing decline Gallup is seeing in the U.S. workforce during 2010.

However, Gallup’s monitoring of job market conditions suggests that there was a sharp increase in the unemployment rate during the last couple of weeks of September. It could be that the anticipated slowdown of the overall economy has potential employers even more cautious about hiring. Some of the increase could also be seasonal or temporary.

Further, Gallup’s underemployment measure suggests that the percentage of workers employed part time but looking for full-time work is declining as the unemployment rate increases. To some degree, this may reflect a reduced company demand for new part-time employees. For example, employers may be converting some existing part-time workers to full time when they are needed as replacements, but may not in turn be hiring replacement part-time workers. Another explanation may relate to the shrinkage of the workforce, as some employees who have taken part-time work in hopes of getting full-time jobs get discouraged and drop out of the workforce completely — going back to school to enhance their education, for example, instead of doing part-time work. It is even possible that some workers may find unemployment insurance a better alternative than part-time work with little prospect of going full time.

Regardless, the sharp increase in the unemployment rate during late September does not bode well for the economy during the fourth quarter, or for holiday sales. In this regard, it is essential that the Federal Reserve and other policymakers not be misled by Friday’s jobs numbers. The jobs picture could be deteriorating more rapidly than the government’s job release suggests.

But, as we know the Democrats are not interested in helping the white middle class. They’re more interested in insulting Americans, because they feel that they’re too stupid to know what they want. It is not just the politicians either, it is their bloggers too. See Here, Here and Here. See why I will never vote Democrat again, ever?

While we real Americans are out of work and waiting for the Government to get out of the way; so that actual jobs can be created in this Country. The liberal elite are taking to the airwaves and to the blogs to insult the American people and those of us that disagree with the socialism of Barack Obama, as stupid, racist, and America-haters.

Remember this come November 2, 2010 and vote accordingly. We need change; but not the sort of change that the Democrats are wanting to push on us; further more, we should not allow these monsters to insult us. We should speak back —- at the ballot box!

Michigan’s unemployment rate is higher than the National

Detroit’s unemployment rate, last I heard was at 30%.

Vote Different. America’s future depends on it.

Video: Black Leftist Attacks White Reporter Covering One Nation Rally

….and, of course, nothing happens to her.

Here’s the video: (Via Human Events)

The Story Via Human Events:

A liberal protester at the “One Nation Working Together” march physically assaulted a HUMAN EVENTS reporter who was videotaping Rep. Charlie Rangel (D.-N.Y) at the event at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

The reporter, Emily Miller, was first hit from behind while she was taping Rangel as the Harlem congressman glad-handed supporters in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Miss Miller is heard on the video saying, “Please don’t hit me.” The protester proceeds to yell at the reporter, “Well get out of the way! What do you think this is? Asshole.” The activist was attempting to meet Rangel herself. Miss Miller continued videotaping the event, when suddenly the same unhinged protester lunged at her, hit her on the arm, and yelled, “Don’t take my picture.”

As the footage shows, the protestor then slapped Miss Miller, hitting the flip cam and saying, “Do not take my picture. Do not take my fucking picture and I mean it.”

The scene continued, as the deranged woman assaulted Miss Miller yet again, before having to be restrained by members of the Park Police.

Here’s the story by the lady who was hit:

To answer your questions….

The Park Police called Capitol Police to handle the situation. I asked the Capitol Police to get me somewhere safe, which they did. They took my report of what happened.

They interviewed the many witnesses at the scene around the protester. All the witnesses said nothing happened, and that the woman did not hit me. I showed the officers one of the videos on the flip cam. The officer said that hitting the camera is not against the law.

My hands were shaking so much, I couldn’t rewind to show the earlier video.

The police asked me repeatedly if I had someone with me who could vouch for my story. I said, no, I’m alone here reporting on this march. Since it was my word against all the witnesses, I asked them to just get me safely out of the rally.

The officer said he would investigate to determine if an arrest was warranted. As far as I know, nothing further happened.

I was mostly shocked that all of those the witnesses lied to the police. So much for not bearing false witness…

And, I’ll add, no one stopped the woman from repeatedly hitting me. So much for decency… – Emily Miller, Washington, D.C

Folks, we need to just be real about this one; this woman was not arrested, because she was black. If this would have been a White Woman and the camera woman black and this would have been a Tea Party rally —- the liberal media would have been a perpetual meltdown mode, the person would have been made an example of and this persons name would have been in all of the papers. But because it was some black protester at a union rally; not a word is said about it.

You know, I am just going to say it. Sometimes, I really think Governor George Wallace —- was absolutely correct.

I hate to the one to say it; but I think we, as Americans, as White Americans — need to STOP apologizing to these bastards and take our Country back from the interlopers who have taken it over.

Here’s what I mean: (This video pertains to South Africa, but it could very well apply to America too)

It is time we got real; and quit this “Go along to get along” crap that the GOP is doing now. Because it is only hurting us.

Via Memeornadum

Video: Bill Maher calls Republicans “A Deadly Enemy”

This comes via NewsBusters:



BILL MAHER: And finally, new rule: someone has to explain to me how it is that the Democrats can’t talk about their accomplishments while the Republicans actually campaign on their fuck-ups. Last week President Obama had the frankest town hall meeting I’ve ever seen, and a woman named Velma Hart took the mike and told the president, “I’m exhausted defending you.” Well, if you’re like Velma and you’re tired of making excuses for Obama, just imagine how tired he is of making excuses for you.


I know. Unemployment is high but you’re the one who’s not working, not him. He has a job. And part of it is stopping John Boehner from throwing you off unemployment.


Now, I’m — I am not here to carry water for this or any administration, but the facts of the coming election are Democrats have real accomplishments to run on. Like preventing a depression and forcing insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions. Like stopping the banks from being the useless middle-man on student loans, and lowering taxes for non-rich people. Obama has passed a credit card bill of rights, he restarted stem cell research, and got our ass out of Iraq, and signed a nuclear treaty with Russia – not to mention the intangible of having a president who can pronounce “nuclear.”


Why can’t the Democrats get props for what they’ve achieved? Oh, I know, I know. Obama is black. He’s used to being denied credit.


And there’s nothing wrong with being hard on him. He is the president. It’s our job to keep him honest. But when it comes to voting, when we only have two choices, you got to grow up and realize there’s a big difference between a disappointing friend and a deadly enemy.


Of course, the Democrats are disappointing. That’s what makes them Democrats. If they were any more frustrating they’d be your relatives. But in this country, they are all that stands between you and darkest night. You know why their symbol is the letter D? Because it’s a grade that means good enough but just barely. You know why the Republican symbol is R? Because it’s the noise a pirate makes when he robs you and feeds you to a shark.

He’s a really funny fellow. He’d be good for something…. What it is, I really do not know; shoe-shine boy at the bar mitzvah convention or something? 😯

I know, I know, some of you all might object to what I just wrote up there. But you know what? I say, FUCK IT! They want to insult us? I will insult them and unlike some of the pansy ass Conservatives, who won’t go there, due to fear of the PC police. I just do not give a flying fuck. The Liberals hate this damned Country and they just do not care about whom or what they hurt; so, I believe it is time to fight fire…..with fire.

Also, I have to wonder what the people cleaning the National Mall after the jack-boot fest would have to say about this?

Remember this come November 2 and vote accordingly. Because this stuff has gone on long enough; it is time to take back the wheel and put in people who are really Conservatives; and not Neo-Cons, who are of Maher’s stripe and nose size; and take back the Country.

Count down to being called an Antisemitic so and so in 5….4….3….2… Like I really honestly give a flying fuck. 😛

My thoughts on Meg Whitman-Gate

Here is the deal. This lady wanted to run for Senate. She knew damned well, what she did. But yet, she decided to run anyhow. Now, her husband is basically saying, “Well, maybe we did screw up.”

Michelle Malkin blames the maid; sorry, I do not buy that; I am not saying she isn’t being pushed to this stuff, and I am fully aware that she is faking the emotional crap.

I place the blame squarely on Meg Whitman. She knew damned well what she hired and decided to do it anyhow. Now that she’s caught, she’s playing dumb. Sorry Meg, we’re a bit smarter than that.

Which brings me to my point: Why the hell do people, who want to run for public office, do extremely stupid stuff? Makes zero sense to me. I mean, they should know that sooner or later, they are going to get caught. It is more than just an oversight; it is just blantant stupidity. Not that we need much more of that on our side of the political fence. I mean, we cannot critize liberals and thier idiotic polices, if we Conservatives are basically doing the same thing.

This about all that I have to say about this one. I mean, if the Republican Party of California cannot vet thier canidates any better than this; then they have no business being in power.

Not that it is a big surprise, but Fox News is murdering MSNBC in ratings

I happen to know why too… but first:

Via Politico:

More people are getting their news about the upcoming election from cable television than any other source, and from Fox News more than any other cable channel, according to a POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll released Monday.

The poll found that 81 percent of those polled get their news about the midterm elections from cable channels, like Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or their websites, compared with 71 percent from national network news channels, such as ABC, NBC or CBS, and their websites.

Among cable news channels, Fox was the clear winner, with 42 percent of respondents saying it is their main source, compared with 30 percent who cited CNN and 12 percent who rely on MSNBC.

The results show the growing influence that 24-hour cable news has on shaping the political consciousness, despite the fact that network newscasts still draw many multiples of the number of viewers of even the highest-rated cable news shows.

“Because people can tune into cable at any time of day, I think the cumulative audience is probably larger than the cumulative audience for the three network news shows,” said Chris Arterton, dean of the George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management.

The real funny part about this, is the following:

Fox’s opinionated personalities were also rated as having the greatest positive impact on the political debate in the country. Bill O’Reilly was rated as having, by far, the greatest positive impact, with 49 percent of respondents rating him positively, and 32 percent negatively.

Glenn Beck was the second most-positively rated personality, with 38 percent of respondents saying he had a positive impact, and 32 percent saying he had a negative impact.

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh was the third-most-positively ranked, with 36 percent saying he has a positive impact on the discourse, but his negatives far outweighed his positives, with 52 percent saying he has a negative impact.

“To some extent, Limbaugh has become almost a caricature in a way, so I don’t know how much influence he has beyond entertainment value,” Arteron said. “Whereas, in some way, the other people on Fox are seen as more legitimate news operations.”

MSNBC’s personalities were largely ranked as unknown by respondents: 70 percent said they had never heard of Ed Schultz, 55 percent said they had never heard of Rachel Maddow and 42 percent said they had never heard of Keith Olbermann.

The reason?

So True....

(Borrowed from Weasel Zippers)

There is a personal angle to this story and I am going to share it with you.  During the 1990’s, I was a watcher of CNN, mainly because that was about the only cable news outlet out there at the time.  Please keep in mind that back on those days, I was very unaware or unconcerned about media bias.  I always knew that the media, which I referred to, at the time, as the “secular media”; always had a bias against Christianity, Christians and the Church World as a whole.

However, I really do not know when it started really, most likely, after the election of George W. Bush; but it seemed like the bias and antagonistic mentality towards Christians, Christianity, and the Church World began to come to a feverish pitch around 2006 or so.  At least, that is when I began to notice it with any somewhat real cognizant effort.   The straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, is when CNN did a special called “What is a Christian?”  Which I felt was a purposeful attack on Christianity in general.  However, when they did a special on Muslims, it was titled “God’s Warriors.”  That is when I decided that CNN had “Crossed the Rubicon” in my book.  So, I switched to MSNBC.  I knew that MSNBC would be a bit like CNN, but they had tucker Carlson on there.  Therefore, that would balance it out.  I remembered tucker from the CNN days —- I also remember him being a bit of an asshole as well. I knew about his background, which admittedly made me cringe a bit. However, when I began watch his show, I found that I actually began agreeing with what he was saying.  I should also point out, that this was around the time, that I began blogging.  I was inspired, mainly by Lou Dobbs and with an utter frustration with what the Bush Administration was doing in Iraq.

However, things over at MSNBC began to change; first off, Tucker’s show was cancelled, that just flat out angered me.  I thought Tucker’s show balanced out the other opinions, like Olbermann. Then the jockeying of talent around, all of whom had one thing in common — They were all liberal.  That bothered me a bit. Therefore, I did what any sane, reasoned person would do.  I began to watch Fox News — in a very limited fashion at first.  I would watch Keith Obermann’s show at eight o’clock and then I would catch the repeat of Bill O’Reilly’s show at Eleven o’clock.

I should also mention that around this time, is when I began to see the writing on wall, so to speak, in the Democratic Party.  The Party that once stood for middle class people and people like me, who were held back, due to personal circumstances, was becoming the party of identity politics. I also began to see that the Democratic Party was much biased and geared against middle class and above white people —- like me.  Yes, I am aware, that identity politics and gender entitlement always was a faction within the Democratic Party.  However, until the 2007 Primary, I do not believe that it was the “mainstay” of that party.  In 2007, that all changed, with the battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama; it was the blacks against the feminists and that was when I decided that enough was enough.  Also around this time, my blog was hacked and I had to start over from scratch and I decided that cheering for the left; even though I was a left-of-center and not really ever a fully-fledged Democrat — was an exercise in abject folly.  Therefore, I began blogging from an Independent standpoint and as time went on, I found myself agreeing more and more with the right on most, if not all issues.

Now there are some issues that I am in disagreement with, however, they are nothing worth totally separating me from the right.  Most of them are on the framing of arguments against the left.  Example: Socialism and Unions —- I believe it to be a credible argument to say that socialism has contributed to the downfall of Michigan and the Detroit area.  Further, I believe it to be a legitimate argument to say that the Unions have added to the cost of vehicles offered by the auto companies.  The problem is that the right needs to work on the polish and verbiage of those legitimate arguments.  Casting unions in the light of some covert Communist operation does nothing but make the right look like total buffoons.

Finally, my viewing of MSNBC finally stopped, after a woman by the name of Janeane Garofalo took to the airwaves on MSNBC and declared on Keith Olbermann’s show that the Tea Party movement was nothing more than a bunch of racist white people and racist rednecks.  It was at that point, when I decided, that Keith Olbermann and his show were not something that I felt that I needed to watch any longer.  I am sorry, but when you use your show and one of your guests as a proxy to insult a particular ethnic group of people — especially one that I happen to be involved in — you are practicing the politics of exclusion; and that is, I am afraid, not something that I can and will ever support.  The Bush Administration tried this back in 2003, during the run up to and after the start of the Iraq War.  Those that were opposed to the war in Iraq were labeled by the Bush Administration and its supporters as Anti-American.  Conversely, it is believed by some, that certain persons within the Bush Administration purposely derailed the career of a covert C.I.A. agent of whom husband did criticize the decision to go to war.

This all again, is the practice of derisive politics, something I thought that the left detested; however, it seems that the left engaged in the same sorts of folly themselves — Not only in just the general politics itself, but also in the media coverage — but also in the actually reporting of news as well.  I remember well how Keith Olbermann and many of his fellow liberals liked and still do like to blast Fox News for allow opinion to seep into the normal news programs in the morning.  However, I have watched MSNBC, and have seen liberal bias in the morning news reporting there as well.  Therefore, to this writer, that nullifies any argument that the left has against Fox News or any other sort of Conservative outlet.  I mean, it only makes sense that you cannot criticize someone for doing something that you do yourself.  Then again, common sense does not seem to be in great abundance in liberal Democrat circles these days.  Just look at whom the Democratic Party installed as President — that ought to speak volumes as to the condition of liberalism, and the Democratic Party in general in this modern day and age.  I mean a perfect example of the elite liberal establishment can be seen, when Bill Maher calls those who do not want the nationalized heathcare, as stupid.  This is the attitude of the liberal populace and establishment as a whole; that most Americans are uneducated stupid people, who must have the enlightened ones makes the decisions, because most Americans are too stupid to know what it good for them — that is essentially liberalism distilled to its basic parts.  This is why I sided against them.  They do not trust people like me, to be able to make our own decisions.  Further, they wish to quell my free will, which is given to me, by God himself, to accept or reject what it is that they wish to foist upon me.

In closing of this rather long article — I am quite the windbag, when I want to be — the reason for these dismal ratings for MSNBC is that that network has and is continuing to engage in intellectual dishonesty.  This began right after the election of President Barack Obama.  This should be proof that you just cannot propagandize the American people — not for very long anyhow.  Americans are just smarter than the liberal elite and some elite among the Conservative establishment, give them credit for being.  Americans just have that uncanny ability to know when they are being sold a line of tripe.

This friends, is what makes us a great Nation and for this, I am eternally grateful.

White Seattle Teen beaten by Asian and Black Teens

I was not going to touch this; but seeing that Jim Hoft is being attacked and they are trying to tie me to it — here is the story:

The Video: (via KOMO-TV)

The Story via  The Seattle Times:

Two men who were questioned and released by Seattle police after a West Seattle teen was beaten in a racially charged attack have been charged in connection with the May 25 assault. One of the men was arrested Tuesday evening.

DNA recently linked Ahmed Mohamed and Jonathan Baquiring to the attack in which a 16-year-old boy was robbed, taunted with racial insults, burned with a lit cigarette and punched repeatedly. Mohamed, 22, and Baquiring, 21, each were charged Monday with first-degree robbery and malicious harassment, the state’s hate-crime statute.

Baquiring was booked into the Seattle Correctional Facility just after 6 p.m. Tuesday, according to the King County Jail Booking Register. His bail is set at $500,000.

Seattle police are still searching for Mohamed.

King County Deputy Prosecutor Samantha Kanner will also seek to have Mohamed held on $500,000 bail once he is arrested, according to charging papers.

The victim, Shane McClellan, said he was walking home around 2 a.m. when two men, whom he described as black and Filipino, asked him for a light.

He said the two men then robbed him and beat him for four hours, whipping him with his own belt while saying things like, “How do you like it, white boy?” and “This is for enslaving our people,according to the police report.

McClellan, who is white, said the two men also poured Four Loko energy beer on him, burned him with a cigarette and urinated on him, police said.

Okay now, I want these bastards to attack me. The thugs that attacked this white man, were not “Black People”, they were not ‘African-Americans” — they were NEGRO and ASIAN thugs! Period! Racism? Please. 🙄  What about Shannon Christian and Christopher Newsom from Knoxville, Tennessee —- a white couple tortured, raped and killed by blacks? Were those people racists too? The police conveniently did not classify that as a hate crime! Because it did not fit liberal narrative; that all white people are evil and we are the one’s that hurt blacks. Which is of course, straight up BULLSHIT!

Now look at this face!

Look at it!

Now you tell me that I should “celebrate diversity”….. and I will tell you, what I tell every damned body that tells me that….:


and by the way liberals. I happen to think this site is pretty damned cool. Why? Because I happen to think that the liberal idea of Diversity IS CRAP! 😡 Update: However, I am not sending that hate site no traffic. Not smart.

I could save that town a whole bunch of money; get a good rope and damn tree and FIX that little situation! Now bring it on liberals —- BRING IT THE FUCK ON, PLEASE. I FUCKING DARE YOU! I want to see you justify this fucking crime; please, do it. I want to, so bad, to prove my damned point about you fucking bastards. BRING IT!

Update: I guess now, that they will call me a Neo-Nazi for posting this. which, of course, bullcrap.

Editorial: Withdrawing support of Christine O’Donnell

I do truly regret having to write this sort of a concession article — However, because I am one that likes to side with proper reason, and not with extremism and gender entitlement, I have feel that if I do not write this, I would be committing the ultimate sin to my readers.  That sin being dishonesty.

When Christine O’Donnell burst onto the election scene, I was quite pleased.  The idea if unseating one of the most liberal Republicans in the senate was a great idea. I initially supported Miss. O’Donnell and, like many others,  blasted one of her establishment critics who dared to badmouth her in the media.  I even tried to defend her imperfect record. However, as time went by, I began to see that something was just not quite right about this woman.

So, today I sit here, at this laptop; in sackcloth and ashes, so to speak — and I am writing my concession article of support for the Delaware candidate for Senate for the Republican Party; Miss. Christine O’Donnell.  First, it appears that more damning evidence of strange behavior has become known about Miss. O’Donnell.  Video of her admitting to dabbling in witchcraft has come light. Second, Miss. Christine O’Donnell has committed one of the worse sins of anyone who has any ambition of being involved in any sort of politics. That sin that is of the unpardonable order is to skip out on the Sunday political programs on CBS, and Fox News.

Already other bloggers are making the same conclusion as I; that she was not properly vetted and that now, the Republican Party has a big, big mess on its hands.

To my readers, I offer my most humble apologies.  I usually do not weigh in on regional races or even State races, because it is easy to be caught into the euphoria of a candidate’s race, before you all of the facts about that said person. I readily admit to doing that and for that, my dear readers, I do humbly apologize to all of you.  I foolishly allowed emotions and my bitter hatred of the Neo-Conservative faction of the Republican Party get the best of me.  Because of this, I lost all objectivity in my writing and opinion on this blog.  I cannot promise you that it will not happen again; but I will try like bloody hell for it not to happen again.

To Karl Rove, whom I blasted for being unfair to O’Donnell — you were right sir — you were just doing your job.  It was I, the uninformed oaf, which became, by choice, a “Carnival Barker” for some dishonest, psychotic, amateur political hack, who pawned herself off as the next Sarah Palin and by the power of proxy, the next big thing in the GOP.  Yes, I fell for that little ridiculous lie and now I am looking like quite the chump now.

Honestly, what was I thinking?

The best thing right now that Christine O’Donnell can do is stop her fraudulent joke of a political campaign, refund everyone’s money, and remand herself to the damned dustbin of political folklore, before she damages herself even further than she has now.  Because, as far as this writer is concerned, this feckless woman has done the ultimate bonehead stunt of the century.  Christine O’Donnell has successfully gotten herself nominated by the Republican Party without background checks, without proper vetting and his proceeded to play every damned blogger, woman, and supporter of her campaign for a goddamned fool.  The sick and sad part is; that the Conservative grassroots are so damned desperate for something new, something fresh, something real — that we would allow ourselves to be played like a two-dollar fiddle and that we were, and it disgusts me to my damn core.

I believe I might speak for the good part of the Blogosphere on our side as well as many in the grassroots —- may this sort of idiotic nonsense never, ever, happen again.

That is my opinion and I do welcome yours.

The Feckless Left: Exhibit R for Racism

The video:

Transcript via NewsBusters:

BILL MAHER, HOST: Isn’t Obama’s big problem is that he does everything half-assed? Maybe it’s because he’s only half black. You know? It’s that, if he was a, if this, if he was fully black, I’m telling you, he would be a better president. There’s a white man in him holding him back because everything is half-assed. The stimulus was half-assed, healthcare is half-assed, let’s talk about Afghanistan.

I brought this subject up to Al Sharpton on twitter:




So, there, Al Sharpton cannot say that he never was told about it; he was, by me. I do not expect anything to become of this; but I can at least say that he was informed via twitter by me. If Al Sharpton Replies, I will post the twitter reply here. One could also post this under the heading of, “Can you imagine the stink that would ensue, if a Conservative, like Ann Coulter, or Sean Hannity or anyone else on the right had said something like this?” You all know what would go down. Anyone remember Don Imus?

The point is here; that Bill Maher will get a free pass on this; because he is a part of the liberal elite. It sucks, but that is the double standard in this Country. For what it is worth; his excuse or justification is that he is a comedian. Well, I know comedy; and that crap just is not funny at all. I am sure Jon Steward would agree with that; being a minority himself, joking about something like this, is just not funny.

Not that it really matters; but I was just looking at Bill Maher’s bio on Wikipedia. I noticed his ethnic background; if he skates on this one — that will explain quite a bit. One cannot very well chap someone for kicking around a black man, if he is also a protected minority too, right? right? I’m just saying

Others: Gateway Pundit

Video: When you have lost the Home Depot Crowd, you have lost America

A nice three in a row from the founder of …..Home Depot.

Quite bluntly — if you have lost this man and the people that frequents his stores; you are toast.

The Videos: (H/T to

I can tell you right now; Obama is not getting elected in 2012; it is over for the “Hope and Change” era. Over quicker than it started.

Now, I await two things; one, I await for some identity politics ogre, to start carping about how this man is just some angry white racist bigot. Second, I await some liberal to say that this guy is just some angry rich white businessman. Well, let me be the first to tell you all something here. I happen to know a little about the crowd, who hangs around Hope Depot.

Contrary to what some might actually believe. The good majority of the people who buy products at Home Dept are the people; that are commonly known as the backbone of America in this globalist age —- Small Business owners; and the Obama Administration, with the sun-setting of the Bush tax cuts — is basically targeting that group of people. Granted, not all business owners make that kind of money. However there are those that do, and they usually have employees and when taxes increase on those people, sometimes, especially with the smaller businesses; employees have to be laid off, because the “overhead” is just too much of burden on those business people. This should be just common sense, but when you are dealing with socialist left, common sense tends to run in short supply. When you let someone go like that, that causes the said person to not be able to spend money to contribute to the economy; which hurts the service industry, and so on. Not to mention the fact that that person will have problems paying his bills.  It is a vicious cycle and it gets worse as the cycle progresses.

You see, that is one thing that I have been trying to make clear here; and I guess I will just have to say it — most likely again. I am sure I have written here in the past. Anyhow, I do not write on this blog to defend the multi-billion dollar companies. They do not need my help; they have their P.R. companies and such. I write for the small business owner and the working man, who decides to go into business for himself; painting walls, building kitchens or whatever sort of trade that he desires to do; like driving a truck or whatever. Those people should be helped, not targeted for taxes and other such stupidity that the socialist left tries to cook up. Like it or not, my friends — but the small business owner and their businesses are the backbone of America. Yes, sure, General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler have their place, as do every other big business. However, it is the small business owner, the entrepreneur that embodies the true Spirit of America.  That is who I defend and will continue to here on this blog.

The blog is, and will always be — the Blog of the working man. Not the rich man — but those who work for themselves.

A song in tribute to whom I write for:

Libby Spencer should talk

I find it amazing the things that I find when I look at liberal blogs.

Libby Spencer writes about the Tea Party Gathering:

Apparently Freedom Works staged another rally in DC this weekend. The crowd appears to be the usual mix of bussed in birthers, other assorted “ers”, gun nuts and old overweight white people. Their numbers are shrinking but they’re making up for it by hollering louder.

Libby Spencer’s picture:

Libby Spencer - Overweight old person

….and you were saying Libby?

Those who live in glasses houses, ought not throw stones.

Oh, and as for me? Yes, I am fat, and I know it. You don’t see me going around mocking people because of their weight and age. However, because Spencer is a part of that enlightened liberal sect. She is given a free pass to mock those, of whom she disagrees with politically. Which is proof of the fact that when liberals have nothing of substance to argue with; you know, like facts? They resort to this sort of school yard childish tripe. Which means, they are losing and they know it. It reeks of classic desperation by the left.

The ironic thing is, I actually tried to help this woman once, after she found herself in a tight spot. I also notice that I mistakenly thought she was from Michigan; that was a very regrettable error.  Perhaps next time, I will be a bit more careful when doing such stuff. Maybe she believes she is entitled to such idiocy — because she is a woman. 🙄

You see now, why I will not vote Democrat ever again?

Nativism, Conservatives, Bloggers, and Me

I feel the need to address something this morning that left me in a bit of foul mood last night.  It appears that I have finally found an issue that I just cannot reconcile, that is happening among the “Go along to get along” Conservative crowd.  Robert Stacy McCain, who is, as he put it, “A Neo-Con, Paleo-Con hybrid,” attended the 9/12 rally in Washington D.C.  I really did not cover it much, because frankly, the whole Tea Party rally idea has grown rather stale with me.  This is because the so-called tea party movement was co-opted by the Republican establishment and by those who are the protectors of the warmonger class.

Nativism is a term that the leftist media puts on people like me. I personally like to be called an American.  An American who is watching the America I grew up in slip away.  I am also an American who resents those of foreign birth dictating to me, as an American, about how bad my Country is or how horrible our Government leadership is.

Once such case of this happening, was yesterday at this so-called 9/12 rally in Washington D.C.  A man by name of Tito Muñoz, also known as “Tito the Builder” who is a Colombian immigrant and supposedly a United States citizen; came to this rally as a speaker.  Muñoz came to the lectern and proceeded to assail the crowd verbally as to how bad the leadership is in Washington D.C. and how the socialist Government is destroying the foundations of which the Nation was founded upon and so on.  Here is my big problem with Mr. Tito Muñoz; I do not believe for one second that he is a United States Citizen, nor do I believe him to be here legally.

You ask why I would make such an accusation.  Because at one time, Muñoz and I were friends on facebook and after watching his postings on about how America was under attack; I took him to task on the subject of citizenship and ask him to post proof that he was a United States citizen, or at least to post his immigration papers.  Admittedly, I did mistake the man for a Mexican; I mean — it is hard to tell them apart.  However, what followed was my confirmation that Mr. Muñoz is nothing more than a petty phony, which is doing nothing more than milking the spotlight for all it is worth.  Mr. Tito Muñoz launched into a four-letter tirade against me; calling me a racist bigot, a Klansman, and a few other choice four-letter words that I shall not reprint here.  All because I requested that Mr. Muñoz prove that was a legal immigrant and a Citizen of this Country.

Besides all of the above, this is where I separate myself from the “go along to get along” Conservative crowd.  I, as a citizen of the United States of America; someone who was actually born in this Country — resent the fact that some man, of foreign born origin, coming to rally of this nature and assailing a crowd verbally by telling it, just how horrible our Country is.  Perhaps Mr. Tito Muñoz might want to remember that it was the progressives who came up with the idea, that if America did not open its borders to those who foreign birth, that our Country would somehow eventually cease to exist.  Someone might to remind Mr. Tito Muñoz that if it were not for this fact; that Mr. Muñoz would likely be picking coffee beans in his home country of Colombia to make a living; or more than likely in Muñoz’s case — would be picking coca plants.  If it were left to Conservatives, like me, Muñoz would be doing that this very day — instead of running a construction company, which was, more than likely funded by taxpayers, like me, through funding grants available to minorities; which were created by the very progressives that Mr. Muñoz rails on as horrifically evil.  Funding, by the way, that is not available to native-born Americas (or white Americans) like me.

Hate, you say.

Not Hardly.

It is called reality.

Pat Buchanan said it right.  We white Christian Americans are becoming a minority in our own damned Country.  Do you honestly believe that 50 years ago a Colombian immigrant would be lecturing white Americans on just how horribly bad our Country is?  I hardly think so. This is the result of progressives and these so-called Conservatives just accept it as normal.  My question is, since when is that normal?  Since when do Conservatives sit and allow a Colombian-born immigrant, of whom immigrant status is questionable at best — sit and lecture them on the condition of their Country?  Since when is that normal and acceptable?

Hate you call it — tell that to those in South Africa.  Because that is, what the United States is becoming — day by day, little by little.  The sick part is, the so-called Conservatives in America are aiding and abetting in that transformation.  That is what sickens me to my damn core.

UPDATED: I hate to say it: Nicholas Kristof makes a very good point

Rarely do I ever concede a point to a liberal. However, in this case; it is fair to do so.

This morning Nicholas Kristof writes in the New York Times, about the Mosque Controversy:

For a glimpse of how venomous and debased the discourse about Islam has become, consider a blog post in The New Republic this month. Written by Martin Peretz, the magazine’s editor in chief, it asserted: “Frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims.”

Mr. Peretz added: “I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment, which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse.”

Thus a prominent American commentator, in a magazine long associated with tolerance, ponders whether Muslims should be afforded constitutional freedoms. Is it possible to imagine the same kind of casual slur tossed off about blacks or Jews? How do America’s nearly seven million American Muslims feel when their faith is denounced as barbaric?

This is one of those times that test our values, a bit like the shameful interning of Japanese-Americans during World War II, or the disgraceful refusal to accept Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe.

It would have been natural for this test to have come right after 9/11, but it was forestalled because President George W. Bush pushed back at his conservative ranks and repeatedly warned Americans not to confuse Al Qaeda with Islam.

As much as I hate to say it; Mr. Kristof is absolutely right. It should noted that Martin Peretz is, in fact Jewish and is, in fact, a rabid Zionist. In fact, Martin Peretz is known for the following comments:

Frankly, I couldn’t quite imagine any venture like [the Iraq War] in the Arab World turning out especially well. This is, you will say, my prejudice. But some prejudices are built on real facts, and history generally proves me right. Go ahead, prove me wrong. — Source


But, frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims. And among those Muslims led by the Imam Rauf there is hardly one who has raised a fuss about the routine and random bloodshed that defines their brotherhood. So, yes, I wonder whether I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges [sic] of the First Amendment which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse. — Source

Like Kristof said; could you imagine if the above were uttered about the Jews or about the black race? There would a media frenzy about it. Believe me, I know; I have been attacked by those who are of the protected class and all for speaking my mind about them and how they attack those of whom they disagree.

The fact is, that this whole Mosque situation boils down to this; Islam versus Christian Nativists and Jews, Arabs versus Americans, whites versus non-whites. Am I calling those who oppose this mosque racists? Well, my question for you is this; do you feel that burning pages of the Koran normal acceptable practice? Would you feel the same way, if some Muslim took a page out of the  Christian Bible and began burning it? How about the Tanakh, the Torah, or The ?umash, the Siddur, the Piyutim or even the Zohar?

The point I am trying to make here is this; I realize that radicalized Muslims attacked the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and Flight 93. However, when you punish an entire religion for the actions of a few, you are practicing a forum of collectivism. That is not anything remotely Conservative, nor is it anything remotely American. Being vigilant against terrorism is one thing; but being idiotic is another, this situation with this Mosque is well beyond that — on both sides.

Update: On the Other hand… these are videos from 9/11:

There are two sides to every argument; one would suppose. There is also this here.

Video: Is this is the future of America in 5 or 10 years?

(H/T to Richard Spencer of Alternative Right)

I think it’s time we got real; before we lose everything.

Late-Night Thoughts

It is 4:00am and I cannot sleep.  I went to bed earlier, I was just wiped out; ate a big meal and got the old heavy eye thing going on; happens to me all the time.  On a bit of no-so-pleasant note: I woke up at 2:30 feeling like I had half of my supper coming up into my throat.  It was nasty!   A good bottle of water and I am much better now.

On a good note, this might help me out a bit, and I say might, because my sleeping habits as of late, have been totally jacked up.  Anyhow, I am up early and in a bit of a mood to write.  Yesterday was just not good.  I had a bit of headache, and I just was not in the mood for politics, much less anything else.  I get like that, this whole thing gets to be a bit mundane at times; and I just have to push it away for a few days.

Blogger Happenings

As you can most likely tell; No, I did not go to BlogCon that is being held up in Washington D.C.  For one, I am not a big fan of Dick Army; furthermore, I am not a big fan of the “Beltway” or the “Beltway Crowd.”  I will be the first to admit to you, that there were some bloggers there, that I am just not a big fan of, at all.  One in particular is a GOP operative, although, he likes to deny this, at all time.  This same moronic jackass; outright accused me of being a racist bigot on his blog; and then not long after that, made a rather unfunny “Osama Obama” reference on his own blog.  He promptly removed it, when I and several other bloggers complained about it. Robert Stacy McCain has a video of the jackass, if you really can stomach looking at the hypocritical asshole. Personally, I would not want to be in the same room with that asshole.

There is another blogger up there, who I am not a big fan of; she is referenced in that link.  I never liked her.  She publishes like 10 million photos of herself on that blog of hers.  I mean, I have heard of being narcissistic and all — but good grief.  One would assume that if she actually had something to be narcissistic about; I would understand that.  However, she seems to be lacking in that area.  I mean, if you like looking at pictures of fatty beached whales, more power to you, I suppose. (Yes, I can do Ann Coulter snark too. I tend a bit harsher about it than Ann does though.)

I also see that despite not having a car; Robert Stacy McCain found a way up to the BlogCon event, despite the fact that the harpies who put on that event refused to invite him.  I think I know why.  You see, a while back, I laid the smack down on two far-right wing zealots, who felt the need to attack Megan McCain.  Well, in the process of doing this, I went a bit overboard.  I did apologize, which was not good enough for the Semite-Baiting, Identity Politics trafficking crowd.  Having said that, these traffickers engage in what could be called McCarthy or Nazi-style tactics of intimidating other bloggers into not linking to me.  So far, Robert Stacy McCain has not given in to their demands that I am banished from the Conservative movement and be put on terminal ignore.  However, the lack of invite from the BlogCon group was somewhat obvious to me, as to why that happened. These people have some serious power and influence in the Blogosphere.  If you do not cave to their demands, they will destroy you.  They have gotten to a few bloggers that I actually do speak with; the not answering of e-mails was obvious that I was on blackout in the Blogosphere.

None of this really matters to me one lousy iota.  I did not get into this game to have to kiss up to anyone.  The original reason I began blogging was that I was angry with George W. Bush and the blatant incompetent handling of the Iraq War back in 2006.  Yes, I started in this game; as angry “Left of Center,” although I will admit that the far left totally turned me off.  As time when on, and as I continued to blog; I found myself disagreeing with more and more of the far left and even the not so far left as well;  especially when it came to the Military.  It was during this time also, that my blog was hacked.  I did start this blog, shortly afterward.  Finally, during the primary, I just decided that enough was enough; and during the general election, I voted Libertarian.

I will be very honest with you all.  I am not am not a Republican; I will most likely never be.  I find the majority of the people that hang in those circles to be arrogant people, especially the beltway crowd.  I have little or nothing in common with them.  Robert Stacy McCain is a very rare exception to that rule.  I find their attitudes towards blacks to be disgusting.  I saw a perfect example of that on the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News last night.  The completely condescending attitude towards the representative for the NAACP was vomit provoking at best.  Bill O’Reilly and that shrieking harpy Laura Ingraham both said that the NAACP has double standard, when it comes to race.  Newsflash Mr. O’Reilly and Miss Ingraham —- Just in case you forgot white people in America and yes, in England as well, used blacks as slaves!  I think that might just give them the right to be a bit biased against white people.  I dislike identity politics just as much as the next person does.  However, that display on Fox News last night burned my ass. I say this, not as some white person of grew up in the rich, white, Suburbs; but as someone who grew up in southwest Detroit.  I also say this as someone who grew up in a middle class family as well —- someone who grew up around whites, blacks, Latinos, and every other sort of race.

This is why I feel a bit uncomfortable being associated with the whole “Angry Rich White Crowd.”  I do not fit that damned mold at all.  I might be a white person; but I am nowhere near being “rich” or even having a lot of money.  Neither am I angry with Obama for being a black President.  I do not agree with all of his polices; but the disagreement with me, has never been about racism.  Sadly, it is with the majority of those on the far right.  Oh, they nuance it to death, and dodge and spin it.  However, it is there; I see the postings on Facebook and it sickens me to my core.

On the Koran burning

I think that the idiot who was planning on this; is not a Christian; at least not in sense that I believe Christians to be.  I also believe that Fred Phelps and his cult ought be rounded up and jailed.  I am all for freedom of speech; but when your speech or actions incites people to commit acts of violence towards our Military, I believe that is where your freedom ends.

On “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”

I believe that this overruling is a good thing.  I believe someone sexual preference is no one’s business.  I fear Muslims in the Military more than I would homosexuals.  I do not believe that Homosexuals would want to kill fellow Military personnel; which is more than I can say for the Muslims at this point.

On Palin’s Endorsement on O’Donnell

I do not much care for Palin; however, this might have been a good move.  The Republican Party needs to get the crooks, phonies, and warmongers out of that party.  If Sarah Palin can help do that, I am all for it.  Of course, some who believe that Sarah Palin is a part of that warmongering class.

Breaking Local News: Massive Fire Outbreak in Detroit, High Winds partly to blame

This is a very interesting story; and I did not know anything about it. Until I saw a headline via ABC NEWS.

There has been a massive fire outbreak on the West and East sides of Detroit. It has been windy here for the last few days. Well, you take a windy day, add some electrical lines that have been arcing and sparking; plus dry conditions and you have a massive problem on your hands.

Videos and Story via WXYZ-TV in Detroit:

The Story:

DETROIT (WXYZ) – Detroit’s Fire Commissioner told Action News fires were burning at 80 locations between 4:00pm and 8:00pm Tuesday. No word on how many homes and buildings were destroyed. Many of the destroyed homes were abandoned.

Multiple homes were destroyed on Detroit’s east side.

On Moenart Street and Luce Avenue near Mound and McNichols 7 homes caught fire.

On Van Dyke near Quinn firefighters worked to control 20 homes. The fire spread across the city block to Robinwood Street. Firefighters say it’s possible the blazes in this neighborhood were ignited by a faulty transformer spraying sparks. Those sparks were carried by strong winds and started fires at a number of other houses. Folks on the block say they alerted DTE to the problem last week and nothing was done. Action News contacted DTE and they tell us they are investigating those claims.

An abandoned commercial building also burned near Chene and Hendrie on the city’s east side.

On Detroit’s west side four homes burned on Stoepel near Livernois and Margareta Avenue.

The Fire Commissioner told Action News during the height of the fires 236 firefighters were working. One firefighter was injured during the afternoon.

Strong winds are to blame for fueling many of the fires. The winds may also have prompted the flames. The Detroit Fire Department took calls on 140 wires down across the city from 8:00am to 5:00pm Tuesday. They stopped taking calls when the string of fires began. Investigators say one person is in custody being questioned about the fires on the east side.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people on Detroit’s East and West sides tonight. I remember back in the day in Southwest Detroit. We did have fires like that in the summer too. Sounds like the gents at the Detroit fire houses have their hands full. My Prayers go out to those guys as well.

I will say this; Detroit’s city management is to blame for the short handed situation. What you are seeing there is a result of horrible leadership under Kwame Kilpatrick, Detroit’s Former Mayor and now convicted crook. Not to mention the fact that parts of the city, just have some bad water lines and such, and cannot keep up the pressure to deal with the fires. You can thank some of the corrupt Democrats, who have funneled money to pet projects, instead of keeping up the city — for this horrible mess.

Some of the fires were set intentionally; that is a unfortunate part of inner city living and that is crime and arson. I cannot say to much. We had an arson less than a mile from my house here. It was a commercial business. The difference is, I live out here in the suburbs. Which really bothered me. Hopefully, they will catch the little bastard that pulled that little stunt.

Hopefully, the Detroit Fire Department gets a handle on the situation in the city. I feel for the people in those areas. Unable to get out, and move somewhere better. It sucks. My heart goes out to them. 🙁

If you are Christian at all; and happen to believe in Prayer. Say a small prayer for those in that area. I am sure that they would appreciate it.

The Detroit News and Detroit Free Press, WDIV-TV all have good coverage as well.

Well, You know, if Muslims do not like it, they can always leave

This blog posting is most likely going to get me into trouble with some on the left… and maybe the right.  However, at this point, I could honestly give two flips less.  Yes, I am a moderate, when it comes to things like religion and social issues.  I also tend to shy away from those who fight against the Muslims and where they want to build their houses of worship, because I happen to believe in freedom of Religion and in personal freedom, to build whatever one wants within the accordance of the law.

However, I feel that the following stories that are being ginned up by the liberal mainstream media are borderline libel towards those of us; who feel that radical Islam is a threat to the security of our Nation and a threat to the America way of life.

First, an idiotic report by ABC NEWS on how the Anti-Islamic rhetoric is heating up:

Today, a Christian pastor will hold the second service in a series bashing the planned Muslim community center  in downtown New York City in a sign of increasing vocal anti-Islam rhetoric ahead of the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

“When they decided to build a mosque and decided to preach what I consider a 1,400-year-old lie from Hell, I decided that somebody should be down there preaching the truth of God’s word,” Florida pastor Bill Keller said over the weekend.

Although his first service was sparsely attended, Keller is not alone.

Another preacher, Terry Jones from the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida, is planning what he called “International Burn a Koran Day” which encourages people to set fire to the Islamic holy book “in remembrance of the fallen victims of 9/11 and to stand against the evil of Islam,” according to a Facebook page dedicated to the event.


Critics said the rhetoric is fueling anti-Islam violence. Late last month a Manhattan cab driver was allegedly stabbed by a passenger  who reportedly asked him immediately before the attack if he was Muslim. Days later, a fire tore through the construction site of a planned Mosque in Tennessee. Investigators announced last week the cause of the fire was arson.

In response, leaders of Mosques from around the world are reaching out to other faiths for help.

“We are asking people to take into account security concerns… given the almost hysterical atmosphere we’re in right now,” said Ibrahim Hooper, national communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

First, whatever happened to freedom of speech?   Since when did it become illegal to express ones feelings about another Religion?  The man is a Christian; this Pastor is denouncing Islam as a false religion, and is protesting against those who practice radical Islam; by burning a copy of the Holy Koran; he is protected by the first amendment of the United States Constitution.  Secondly, why is CAIR even being quoted in this article?  This group, CAIR, which stands for the Council of American Islamic Relations, is a terrorist front organization, which has been tied to various terrorist organizations abroad.  This proves to this writer, beyond a shadow of an ounce of doubt, that the liberal mainstream media is in alliance with or at least sympathetic to the cause of those who engage in the practice of radical Islam and who wish to wage jihad against this Country.

Oh, it gets better trust me.

If that is not enough to cause your blood pressure to skyrocket; how about this lovely report from the Wall Street Journal of how Gen. David Petraeus is now coming out against the Koran burning service planned by this Pastor:

KABUL—The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.

Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.

“It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort,” Gen. Petraeus said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. “It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community.”

Hundreds of Afghans attended a demonstration in Kabul on Monday to protest the plans of Florida pastor Terry Jones, who has said he will burn the Quran on Sept. 11.

Gen. David Petraeus said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger.

Afghan protesters chanted “death to America” and speakers called on the U.S. to withdraw its military convoy. Some of the protesters threw rocks at a passing military convoy, although officials told the rock-throwers to stop.

Military officials fear the protests are likely to spread beyond Kabul to other Afghan cities. In interviews with various media outlets, Mr. Jones has denied his protest will put troops in danger. Mr. Jones has been denied a permit for the demonstration but has said he plans to go forward with the his protest anyway.

Mr. Jones leads a tiny church of just 50 people, but his threat to burn the Muslim holy book has been condemned around the world and has garnered him international attention.

Well, it is certainly nice to know that our Military has our back.  I guess the anti-war MoveOn.Org was right on that one.  As Petraeus did end up betraying us all right; the American people, who believe that radical Islam is on the rise and that freedom of Religion is a constitutional right. I always thought that Petraeus was nothing more than a “Yes Man” for the Government and he has proven that here.

Finally, another little news article on CNN about idiots overseas protesting that Koran burning:

Jakarta, Indonesia — Thousands of Indonesians gathered Sunday outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta to protest a Florida church’s plan to burn copies of the Quran.

The Dove World Outreach Center in Gainsville, Florida, plans to mark the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks by burning copies of the Muslim holy text. The center describes itself as a “New Testament church based on the Bible.” It made headlines last year when it distributed a T-shirt that said, “Islam is the devil.”

Protesters in Jakarta carried signs saying, “Jihad to protect Koran” and “You burn qu’ran you burn in hell.” The protesters included members of the hard-line Muslim group Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia and the pluralism care movement, a multi-faith group.

“We hope that the U.S. government to stop this plan. We represent Muslim, Christians and other religions who all wants to avoid any clashes as a result,” Damien Dematra, the coordinator for the pluralism care movement, said in a news statement.

I have two words for these people — Boo Hoo, cry me a river.  Let me remind those who read this blog, whom it was which attacked this Country on 9/11.  First, it was not Radical Christians, Radical Hindus, or Radical Buddhists.  In case anyone has forgotten, radical Islamists attacked the United States on September 11, 2001.   Furthermore, I do not recall any of the Muslim community trying to stop Osama bin Laden from carrying out these attacks either from within the Middle Eastern Islamic World.  Also, please, do not try to tell me, that no one else in the Middle Eastern Islam world knew that these attacks were going to happen.  Believe me, they knew and they did not care or they wanted them to happen, just as much as radical Islamic jihadists did.

I said all that to say this here.  To the American Muslim community, if there is anyone to blame for the rise of the American resentment towards Muslims; it is yourselves that you need to blame.  You are blame for not rising up against these radical elements within your own Religion!  Therefore, to the American Muslim Community, I have one simple thing to say about the rise in Anti-Islam rhetoric and feeling in this Country —- Deal with it or leave.  For years, we Christians have been the victims of Anti-Christian rhetoric by liberals and various other sundry groups with missions to discredit us.  Furthermore, every time some mentally unstable buffoon out there did something idiotic in the name of Christianity, we have had to contend with morons disrespecting our Religion.  Now, it is your turn.  Either you deal with it or you can always pack your bags and return to the country of your origin, because frankly, no one is keeping you here.  You came here to live in freedom, and not under the oppressive Governments of your Countries of origin.  Part of that freedom, is the freedom to disrespect other Religions; that is the part of the American experience.  Either you learn to ignore that sort of a thing, or you leave.  Please make your choice quickly, and please, stop the whining; you look like children when you do such things.

May the our Constitutional rights to freedom of speech and Religion never be revoked.

Update: Now a Memeornadum Thread

Video: RedState Update on “Murfreesboro vs. Muslims”

Redstate Update HQ

Chris Muir over at Day by Day knocks one out of ballpark!

Via Day by Day Cartoon:

Excellent one, Chris. Keep it up!

Oh really?: “Reverend” Al “Interloper” Sharpton says that Alabama State Senate District is “Heir Property” for African-Americans


The Story via Freedom’s Lighthouse, A pretty snazzy looking site, by the way. :

Here is Naked Emperor News video of the Rev. Al Sharpton speaking at a rally in Alabama back in July in which he essentially said African-American candidate Johnny Ford should win his State Senate Primary runoff against a white candidate – Billy Beasley – because the district is “heir property” to African-Americans.

Sharpton, for all his talk of wanting equality, actually uses “race” as a cottage industry for himself. It is impossible to square these comments with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream that people would someday be “judged by the content of their character” and not the “color of their skin.”

Here is the real funny part:

The voters did not agree with Sharpton. Beasley defeated Ford in the Democratic Primary runoff for the District 28 State Senate Seat by getting 62% of the vote.

Heh. So much for that entitlement to the State Senate in Alabama, aye Sharpton?

From the comments section over at Freedom’s Lighthouse:

Your heir property is in Africa.

In-Farking-deed! I always hear Blacks; all liberals of course, trashing America and complaining about how they are always oppressed by the White Man. I have one thing to say to them —- you can always go back where you originated from and live there and see how well you live. However, when someone does that; they are automatically called RAAAAACIST!

I am sure there is a particular Pony-tailed Homosexual that is about go into meltdown, because of this post right about now. Right Bob? Right.

Yes, that is right, I am one of those!

Er, um, I mean, a Son-of-a-bitch, I mean. 😛

UPDATED: Memo to Fareed Zakaria: Overreact this you jackwad twit

Speaking of stupidity….

Via this Nimrod:

I do not minimize Al Qaeda’s intentions, which are barbaric. I question its capabilities. In every recent conflict, the United States has been right about the evil intentions of its adversaries but massively exaggerated their strength. In the 1980s, we thought the Soviet Union was expanding its power and influence when it was on the verge of economic and political bankruptcy. In the 1990s, we were certain that Saddam Hussein had a nuclear arsenal. In fact, his factories could barely make soap…

Some 30,000 people are now employed exclusively to listen in on phone conversations and other communications in the United States. And yet no one in Army intelligence noticed that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had been making a series of strange threats at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where he trained. The father of the Nigerian “Christmas bomber” reported his son’s radicalism to the U.S. Embassy. But that message never made its way to the right people in this vast security apparatus. The plot was foiled only by the bomber’s own incompetence and some alert passengers.

Such mistakes might be excusable. But the rise of this national-security state has entailed a vast expansion in the government’s powers that now touches every aspect of American life, even when seemingly unrelated to terrorism.

No, you nimrod, terrorist-supporting, idiot. We did not overreact. We had information that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We acted on it. Yes, the intelligence was bad. So what? It happens. The truth is, once we weeded out the jack-wads, who did not know shit from shinola about running a fucking war; (Hello Rummy!) we were able to stabilize that Country and put leadership in there, that did not terrorize it’s own people.

So, yes, Iraq WAS worth it; and no we did NOT overreact.

Further more, once we break the back of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, it too will be worth it as well! People will die; that is the price you pay, when you fight a god-damned war. But in the end, when Afghanistan is free and clear of Al-Qaeda and their radical Muslim idiotic nonsense, it will be worth it.

I apologize in advance for the harsh tone of this posting. But I am about god-damned tired of these terrorist-appeasing, asshole, liberal retards telling me, that going to war against terrorists is not worth the god-damned hassle. Anytime, that the United States of America goes on the defensive, and also on the offensive, in the name of liberty and freedom, it is ALWAYS worth it! It was worth it in Germany, It was worth it in Japan, It was worth it in Korea, it was worth it in Grenada AND it was worth it in Iraq too, both god-damned times — and once the job is done in Afghanistan, it will be worth it there too.

So, on the behalf of all the Soldiers —- American and Coalition; both who died and especially those who came back in one piece and even those who did not — to Mr. Fareed Zakaria I say:


That is all…..

Update: I suppose that I should explain something here. The reason why this article provoked such a strong reaction out of me is this; I watched 9/11 unfold on TV. At the time I was a CNN watcher. All of it played out in front of me. I remember being paralyzed with fear, when the report came out, that there was a plane headed to the White House. Watching those buildings fall and seeing those images over and over and over; drove me into one of the worst depressions, that I have ever experienced. It, honestly, took me about 2 good years to get over that stuff. It took much prayer and some good old fashioned Bible reading to pull me out of that mess. Al-Qaeda caused that; and for that, I want them to pay, and pay dearly. Now you understand why it is, that I feel the way that I do.

Update #2: ….and of course, some terrorist supporting asshole links here; talking out his ass, as always. 🙄

UPDATED: Sorry, but this is just stupid

You know, I have agreed with this guy in the past. But this is just plain dumb.

Click here to read.

For the record, I’ve read those supposed Usenet postings too; and I saw nothing in them that was overly offensive.

I think someone just needs to grow up or give the heck out of blogging.

If I thought for one second, that this man was a racist/white nationalist/or whatever. I would never link to him. So, as I said; this is just plain stupid.

I mean, I am not a Palin fan, at all. But even I won’t stoop to that sort of stupidity.

Update: The Man, being Mr RSM, responds to this rather stupid attack; and does it rather well too.

Round Up at Memeornadum

Quote of the Day

Of course, much as I admired her and refreshing as I found her, Dr. Laura wasn’t perfect. A good listener and a shrewd thinker most of the time, she could get hung up on tangential matters that would sometimes get in the way of the true meat of the caller’s issue. (It sounds as though the notorious call that triggered her resignation eariler this month might have been one instance of this unfortunate tendency.) And the more she grew to embrace her Jewish identity, culminating in a conversion to Orthodoxy, the more Dr. Laura seemed to get drawn into politics, mixing in commentary regarding Israel and the so-called War on Terror, all of which tended to undermine her cred as a nonpartisan, apolitical dispenser of relationship and family advice.

But if Dr. Laura had flaws, she never in any way resembled the caricature constructed of her by her enemies: that of a mean, hateful, rapaciously-judgmental dragon lady. Much as she frequently unloaded on her callers and spoke her mind, Schlessinger as often as not sent them off with a tender word; moreover, she was a true emotional sap, often driven to tears on the air. I vividly remember one call from a young mother with an infant child who shared her tragic story of being stricken by terminal cancer; when she mourned, “I’m not going to get to see my baby walk,” Dr. Laura was so choked up she couldn’t speak, and had to go to a break.

Liberals to Black Conservatives at Beck Rally: Christianity is a white man religion

This one comes via


At Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ rally this past Saturday in Washington, D.C, a group of black Conservatives were approached by liberals who think they know best what African Americans should do and think.

One says “What happened to your African religion? You’re supposed to be Muslim.” Then, one of the tolerant liberals drops a word-bomb with a splash of racism, “Christianity is a white man’s religion.”

Leave it to the sheeple debating these guys who believe everything they are told as the absolute truth. For buying into political correctness in history, they sure don’t hold PC highly while claiming that Christianity is a white mans religion. Double standard much?

By the way, where was the racism from the ‘crazy right-wing fringe extremists that don’t represent a majority of America” crowd at Beck’s rally?

That’s right. There wasn’t any.

The real funny part is, if you notice in the video, the guy saying that idiotic stuff —- is white. 😯

I have to hand it to those liberals, they do have gonads. I would never, ever, in a million years; walk up to a black man, especially one that I did not know, and say something like that. That is a good way to get your ass beat. Because essentially what those white guys did; was call those black men, “House Negros.”  Not a smart thing to do to someone you really do not know.  I mean, it is one thing to talk smack behind a keyboard; but face to face like that, is just plain crazy. I can assure you, had that been in Detroit somewhere, those little whitey liberals, would have been in a body bag for talking that kind of smack, to some black man’s face.

In short: They be dummies. Liberal Dummies, but still dummies. 😀 (Pardon my ghetto’sh talk…)

REALITY REPORT #59 – DOJ Defines Constitutionalists as Terrorists

The Reality Report
Restore the Republic