Video: America Rising Part 2, A Call for the Republican Party

(H/T The Left Coast Rebel)

Yes, I know….

I really have not been blogging with my normal frequency. It is just because the only thing that is really being talked about, is healthcare. I have said all that I am ever going to say about that. So, here, if you want to go read the hapless nonsense that his being discussed on that subject; please, go here and read till your heart is content, because quite frankly, I’m sick of it all.

Obama’s unknown supporter who died revealed

As you all know, Obama spoke of a supporter, who succumbed to Cancer. Well, he could not remember her name and predictably, my fellow Conservatives mocked Obama and insinuated that he was lying about it.

Well, here she is:

Dear MoveOn member,

Earlier this week, we received incredibly sad news. Melanie Shouse, a devoted MoveOn Council leader in St. Louis and tireless health care advocate, passed away after a battle with breast cancer.

Melanie was a true fighter. While she was involved in many issues with MoveOn, she always said health care was her heart—and even after treatments began, she came to every single health care rally, speaking out about the injustices she was suffering under our broken health care system.

Melanie’s story is a painful reminder of why we need to fight as hard as we can to get real health care reform passed, now.

Our friends at TrueMajority are gathering messages of condolence to deliver to Melanie’s family this weekend. The email they sent is below. To add your message, just click this link.

Thanks for all that you do.

–Kat, Keauna, Ilya, Lenore, and the rest of the team

Melanie Shouse has died.

Melanie was a small business owner from Missouri battling stage four breast cancer, who also had to fight with insurance companies who didn’t want to pay for her treatment. She didn’t take that lying down—she spoke out, she protested, she became a leader in the movement for a more just health care system. Maybe you remember the video thank-you she sent to you and other TrueMajority members last October for being part of that movement.1

The cancer took Melanie’s life last week. To her family, we can only express our deepest regret and sympathy. If you’d like to send your sympathy as well, you can sign our guest book, and we’ll deliver your messages to the family this weekend.

We’re sorry we didn’t get health care reform done sooner. Sorry that insurance coverage isn’t more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans who need it. Mostly, we’re sorry to lose our friend.

But Melanie would not have wanted us to stop fighting for reform. In fact, she asked that those attending her memorial service wear their activist t-shirts. So tomorrow, in lieu of flowers, let’s deliver our condolences, put on a campaign t-shirt and remember why we fight and who we are fighting for.


Matt Holland
TrueMajority / USAction


Shame on my fellow Conservatives for not getting the full story, before going to press.

Others, who screwed up: Sister Toldjah, Gateway Pundit, The Greenroom, sara in italy, Flopping Aces, Hot Air, Another Black Conservative, The Jawa Report, The Lonely Conservative and Pundit & Pundette

Canadian Premier comes to America for Heart Surgery

You know, I am not much one to do the Conservative talking points on this blog at all. But this right here is just too much:

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams is set to undergo heart surgery this week in the United States.

CBC News confirmed Monday that Williams, 60, left the province earlier in the day and will have surgery later in the week.

The premier’s office provided few details, beyond confirming that he would have heart surgery and saying that it was not necessarily a routine procedure.

via CBC News – Nfld. & Labrador – Danny Williams going to U.S. for heart surgery.

I mean, when the leader in the Country of Canada does not trust its own damned healthcare system to work on his heart, that’s pretty damned bad.

Q & O Agrees.

Like I said, talking points are one thing, but this sort of thing just cannot be ignored.

Michael Moore, call your office! 😛

Heathcare is Toast

I knew it would be! I guess Bambi Teleprompter’s blackness is not going to get him where he wanted it to… and believe me, that is such a good thing.

But, let’s make it official: (H/T AP)

Via The Ol’ Grey Lady:

With no clear path forward on major health care legislation, Democratic leaders in Congress effectively slammed the brakes on President Obama’s top domestic priority on Tuesday, saying that they no longer felt pressure to move quickly on a health bill after eight months of setting deadlines and missing them.

The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, deflected questions about health care. “We’re not on health care now,” he said. “We’ve talked a lot about it in the past.” He added, “There is no rush,” and noted that Congress still had most of this year to work on the health bills passed in 2009 by the Senate and the House…

Some Democrats said that they did not expect any action on health care legislation until late February at earliest, perhaps after Congress returns from a weeklong recess. But the Democrats stand to lose momentum, and every day closer to the November election that the issue remains unresolved may reduce the chances of passing a far-reaching bill…

“It’s a timeout,” Mrs. Feinstein said. “The leadership is re-evaluating. They asked us to keep our powder dry.

Cue the Music! (Sorry Hillary….)

Example of what will get you added to the ‘idiot filter’ around here

Some moronic jackass comes here and leaves an insulting comment and when I didn’t publish it. He comes back and says this:

Author : mgordon1 (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
That’s what I thought loser.

He was commenting on this posting here. He thinks that my living situation would be cute to mock. Just shows you what kind of assholes liberals really are. Also, do you honestly think that I really give two shits that anyone knows my personal situation? I really don’t. Two words for you asshole; FUCK YOU.

It just so happens that this blog is actually making me some serious coinage now and if this continues, I will actually have to file for an L.L.C. license and will have to start paying taxes on my earnings.

Truth is, I am in the situation, because of the fucking idiotic economic decisions of the Democrats here in Michigan. As for your question about Healthcare. I am pretty much a healthy person and even if they did pass healthcare; I would not take it. I’d pay the damn fine and go without, I am not stealing care from other people, just so I can say, I got health insurance.

So, there troll, put that in your pipe and smoke it….pole smoker.

Heathcare hobbled for now

The Video:

The Story via WaPo:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that the Senate will have to amend its version of a health-care reform bill before Democrats in her chamber would be willing to vote for it.

“I don’t think it’s possible to pass the Senate bill in the House,” Pelosi told reporters after a morning meeting with her caucus. “I don’t see the votes for it at this time.”

Pelosi (D-Calif.) has been struggling for days to sell the Senate legislation to reluctant Democrats in order to get a health-care bill to the president’s desk quickly. But House liberals strongly dislike the Senate version, while moderate Democrats in both the House and Senate have raised doubts about forging ahead with the ambitious legislation without bipartisan support.

The only way to keep the Senate bill alive, Pelosi said, would be for senators to initiate a package of fixes that would address House concerns about the bill. In particular, Pelosi described her members as vehemently opposed to a provision that benefits only Nebraska’s Medicaid system. Also problematic are the level of federal subsidies the Senate would offer to uninsured individuals and its new excise tax on high-value policies, which could hit union households.

“There are certain things the members simply cannot support,” Pelosi said.

Aides said later that the House would not act on the Senate bill until the fixes are made, shifting responsibility for completing the bill across the Capitol. But the Senate has not agreed to move forward with such changes.

Congressional leaders also are considering starting from scratch on a new bill, an undertaking that many Democrats fear could consume months of effort as they brace for a tough 2010 election battle.

There are some on the right who are saying that Obamacare is dead. My message to them, you do not know Democrats that well, at all. They will get something. But not the radical plan that they wanted to pass. So, for now, the idea of Nationalized Healthcare is most likely dead. But they will pass something. Most likely they will go back to square one and start over again. Which I feel is a very good thing. But it is not over, until they finally table the bills and say forget it.

Bottom Line: The radical Obamacare plan is basically dead, but the Democrats will do something, what it is, is anyone’s guess at this point. The radical stuff is gone, which will cost the Democrats in the 2010 and 2012 elections. The far left is rife with anger, but it does score a minor victory for free enterprise and for personal choice.

The Scott Brown victory, what it all means

I have been trying to piece together something to write about this victory for the Republican Party and more importantly for the people of Massachusetts.  This victory means a great deal of things; some that can be articulated well, and some — you would just have to feel.  However, being that I am writer, I will try to do my best to bring those thoughts out in writing.

  • This victory means that the far left progressives in the Democratic Party have suffered a major setback; and yes, that does include the President.
  • This victory means that the Democratic Party is about to get, or already has gotten a major message; not only from the people of Massachusetts, but from the American people as well, that Government is not supposed to be from the top down, but rather from the bottom up.  They also will figure out, that if you try to impose something on the American people, that is not wanted, you pay for it at the ballot box.
  • This victory should be an open message to the Democratic Party; Never, ever, under any circumstances run political campaigns with any sort of entitlement attitude.  No one, regardless of what party you represent, is entitled to any sort of political office.  If you do attempt to run a political campaign with that sort of idiotic attitude, you will pay for it at the polls and you will lose horribly in that election.

Now to the Republicans, I have some thoughts for you as well:

  • This is not the time for the Republican Party to get arrogant.  You all have to remember, you all just got your tails kicked in 2008.  Under no circumstances should you repeat the same stupid mistakes of the Bush era — This will lead to your humiliating defeat in the 2010 elections and in the 2012 elections. The Bush-Karl Rove “Center-Right Coalition”  had one fetal flaw, it was blind arrogance; which ultimately lead to its demise.
  • Scott Brown did not run a Republican Senate campaign; Scott Brown ran a campaign for the people of Massachusetts.  The Republican Party would be wise NOT to try to capitalize on his victory, because right now, the Republican Party, in the eyes of the American people, especially among independent voters, is damaged goods now.  They will be able to recover from that, it will take time and you cannot rush that at all. If you attempt to rush that along, you will utterly fail at a comeback.

This victory, while small, is a sweet one.  I just hope and pray that for once in their lives that the Republican Party establishment uses this victory to their advantage and does not louse it up —  Because at this point, we the American people, have just too much lose, if Republicans screw this comeback up.  On the other hand, America has much to gain, if the Party does things right.

So, please, Republicans, for once…  Do the Republican Party’s return to its rightful place in American politics the proper way, please?

Rush Limbaugh is A-Okay

Here’s the Video of his Presser:

Here’s a note from his Website:

To my listeners,

Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts over the past several days. Today, I am leaving Queens Hospital in Honolulu, feeling strong and rested. I offer my deepest thanks to the staff and administration there, who provided excellent care and supervision.

I’m going to take several days of rest over this weekend and the early part of next week, and will be back on the radio with you sometime next week, taking the advice of so many of you to rest and fully recover.

I wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year in 2010!

With great thanks for your support and love,

Rush Limbaugh

Here’s Memeornadum’s Round up on Rush’s Story.

I am just glad the ol’ fella is going to be okay.

2009 Worst Political Decade Ever?

I present two videos; the first by reason magazine, which is a very funny take on the past 10 years. Which comes via, who has a poll up with this decade versus a few other notable decades:

The second video comes via Jack Hunter, who video blogs over at the American Conservative. Here Jack lays out a very compelling case for the fact that starting with George H.W. Bush, continuing with Bill Clinton and finally with George W. Bush; the entire big government, got even bigger:

As Jack says, and yet, conservatives are now griping about Barack Obama’s big government agenda. However, it is to be said, that Jack Hunter does point out the hypocrisy of the Democrats, when it comes to the wars. They were, in fact, loudly condemning of Bush’s Wars, but now, they’re all but silent. (Except for a few… and I mean very few…)

One point that I will offer a rebuttal to, is Jack’s point that Bush touted a more peaceful Foreign Policy, when he ran back in 2000. Jack points out that this suddenly changed after 9/11. What he fails to realize is this; on September 11, 2001, the game changed. Terrorists slammed two planes into the World Trade Centers, one plane into the Pentagon, and one plane that was headed to the White House; ended up in a field in Pennsylvania.  As someone who had a terrorist almost blow up a plane near my house. I can fully understand why this game changed. However, because I am not a overly partisan blogger, I will say this; I do fully realize that Iraq, in hindsight was, in fact, a mistake. I have yet for anyone at all, to convince me otherwise, that Iraq was a direct threat to our Republic. I personally believe it was because of this massive screw up of the Bush Administration, that Afghanistan is now possibly a lost cause, and why Al-Qaeda is now attacking us once again. If I were Jack and those who agree with him; I would be watching the Yemen situation very closely. Because I tend to believe that Yemen is going to become Obama’s war, especially if he does not root out that Al-Qaeda group there.

As a fiscal Conservative; I must say that I wholeheartedly agree with Jack’s assessment of the G.O.P. and Republican establishment’s hypocrisy on spending; the same very people that are bitching to high heaven about Obama’s spending, were all but silent during the eight years of George W. Bush and his reckless drunken sailor like spending, which was primarily on a war in a country that really, when you get down to it, had zero to do with 9/11.  But, yet, you have Bloggers, who are pro-war, bitching about Obama’s socialist agenda and take over of health care, plus his screwing of the economy into the ground. My question is, where were these people back in Bush’s day? Oh, that’s right, partisanship —- Which is such a horrible disease.

In fact, just here the other day; I was ripped by a “so-called” Conservative blogger, because I went to his blog and left a rather nasty message about Obama, because I was quite pissed off about his handling of the attempted terrorist act here at the airport, which is less than 10 miles from my house. (I also e-mailed him and apologized for it too..)  This man goes out of his way to rat me out, and offers to give my damned IP address to anyone that wants it. But yet, on that same blog, he does the rather unfunny Osama/Obama joke on his blog. He removed it, presumably after one his readers bitched at him about it, but just the same, this idiot is going to bitch at me for being a ‘so-called’ racist and he does the same thing? That is hypocrisy and I think he knows that, because it was changed, I wish I had screen capped it and posted it here. But, I didn’t. Also, one of his commenters proceeded to give out my real name and drudge up crap that happened years ago. She also went out of her way to say that I, according to her, criticized the right more than the left. Which is, of course, stupid. I have pointed out stupid stuff on the far right and I will continue to do so; as much as I criticize the left.  My point that I am trying to make is this here. Just as much as I am not drinking the idiotic socialist Kool-Aid of the Democrats; I am also not drinking the idiotic Kool-Aid of the far right either, I consider myself to me a critical, or dare I say it? A free-thinker.

I will admit, that I am a supporter of the United States Military; but I will the first to admit, that I beginning to be very skeptical of the war in Afghanistan; and I will go out of my way to say that this is NOT the fault of the United States military. It never was, it is the fault of the jackasses in Washington D.C. who could not define a damned military mission, if their lives depended on it.  This is nothing new, it was the same way during the Bush Administration, much worse in fact. The problem is, our lives do depend on it. Al-Qaeda is still a damned threat and what does Obama do? Gives a half-assed speech as to the fact, that the government  is on it. Yeah, uh-huh, sure. You mean, like the Government has been on the hunt of Osama Bin Laden for the last damned eight years? I call B.S. people, big time.

So, to those who come here and think this is a far right, rabid Conservative Blog. Be forewarned; my criticism and skepticism of Government and politics; and those who engage in that profession, is NOT on a partisan basis. I am quite bi-partisan on my criticisms. This blog has always been that way, and always will be.

Updated: Jane Hamsher should be an inspiration for Bloggers everywhere

Yes, I know, Jane and I most likely agree on politics as much as Billy Graham and Madelyn Murray O’Hair agreed on Christianity. However, I have to admit, even as a “Right of Center” blogger; there is something to be said about someone standing up for what it is that this person believes in — even when, that what she believes in, is counter to what her political party is trying to do. I mean, the DailyKos is going after Jane for standing up against this HealthCare Bill.

Yes, I know, Jane is a progressive and, yes, I am a “right of center.” I used to be over on that side, albeit I was about as “half assed” as Democratic voter as one could get, but I digress; and I know how “tolerant” that side can be to people, who somehow manages to wander off the plantation. Yes, I am a Moderate Conservative; but let me tell you this, more importantly, I believe in being true to ones self. I believe in not allowing ones self to become bogged down by the worries of what other people might actually think of ones self, when one decides that the leadership of ones party is just damned wrong.

I will be e-mailing this Blog posting to Jane; and I do hope like hell, that she does read it, and possibly responds to it on her blog. Jane, you are one hell of a brave woman, you keep standing up for what you believe in. In the end, it will have been worth it and you will know that you were true to what you believe in and did not follow the crowd. Individualism is a awesome trait and do not allow those bastard collectivists tell you any different!

Consider me someone who is supporting Jane in her right to stand up to the leadership of the Democratic Party. Although, I am not sure she would want to hear it from this corner.

With that, I present this video:

Update: I wrote Jane to tell her about this posting and she replied! here’s the reply:

from Jane Hamsher <>

to Patrick <>

date Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:55 PM

subject Re: A little support in your defense



8:55 PM (5 minutes ago)

Thanks Patrick, I appreciate it. I may not have time to respond on the blog — I’ve got some stuff happening that’s a bit time consuming at the moment — but I did read the post and liked it a lot.

The Republicans have zero right to complain about abuse of power

I must admit that for the first time, since my journey began into political blogging has began, much less, Conservative political blogging; I am divided on an issue. While I believe that what the Democrats are doing with the healthcare bill, with the protecting parts of the bill from being overturned is wrong. I also believe that the Republicans have zero right to complain.

This is what I mean

Let us not kid ourselves folks; The Bush Administration sold America using some very deceptive means, into a war in Iraq. The intelligence was bad; the Bush Administration knew this and did not care. They were determined to strike Saddam Hussein. So, while I am sympathetic towards the Republicans on this issue, I feel they have zero right to complain about this one, as it was the Republicans who backed the imperialistic actions of President Bush.

Others on this: The Politico, Confederate Yankee, Moonbattery, QandO, Washington Post, Hot Air, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Sister Toldjah, Fausta’s Blog, Riehl World ViewAtlas Shrugs, Megan McArdle, National Review, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Jawa Report, Betsy’s Page, Pundit & Pundette and And So it Goes in Shreveport

Quote of the Day

Harkin, chairman of the Senate health committee, followed Baucus to the floor to explain why he added the provision that would help Iowa (and “a few other states”). “I don’t see anything wrong with that,” Harkin said. “I make no bones about having put that in there.”

Dodd, at a news conference, offered the dubious argument that the hospital provision he offered is “competitive” and could be won by another state, “although my state is very interested.”

But what about those who wouldn’t get the goodies? Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) walked away with little to show for her politically difficult vote.

“That’s what legislation is all about: It’s the art of compromise,” Reid said when asked about the fairness of it all. “So this legislation is no different than the defense bill we just spent $600 billion on.” That would be the bill with more than 1,700 pet-project earmarks. “It’s no different than other pieces of legislation,” Reid continued.

And that’s just the problem.

Democrats pass another hurdle towards nationalized healthcare

I really do not have much to add to this story, as I have written on it before and my personal feelings are well known. I will say this; the Democrats own this Healthcare debate now. The democrats have successfully rammed this bill down the throat of the American people —- and now they own it. I mean, voting at 1:00a.m., to insure its passage. It is a disgrace and the Democrats now own it. That means, no more blaming Bush, no more blaming Republicans, No more calling us who opposed this idiotic idea Racists, Tea Baggers, and whatever else the socialists call us. This is their baby now; we made our voices heard and they ignored us, and now, they own it.

They own it and they will own it come 2010 and 2012, they also will own it, when the bill goes into effect in 2014 and Medicare cuts begin and the folks begin to complain. When the folks begin to complain, we that opposed it will have one thing to say. You voted for that socialist President and Congress; now deal with the consequences!

Now, do I believe it will actually make it to the President’s desk? I have no idea, at this point. Nevertheless, it looks like it might. If it does, we, (meaning us bloggers) will continue to Blog against the socialist agenda of the President and this Congress. One can always hope that it will not or even Pray, if that is what you believe in. But at this point, I think what we as Conservatives and “Right of center” types, can do at this point is get our houses in order and stand behind those who are running on the Republican ticket and come 2010 do that which will stop the socialist nonsense; and that is vote.

Video: Bernie Sanders takes his marbles and goes home

Wow. I guess Sanders is not happy at all. Not only did he pull his amendment, he is not voting for the bill.


Partial transcript:

I’m struggling with this. As of this point, I’m not voting for the bill. … I’m going to do my best to make this bill a better bill, a bill that I can vote for, but I’ve indicated both to the White House and the Democratic leadership that my vote is not secure at this point. And here is the reason. When the public option was withdrawn, because of Lieberman’s action, what I worry about is how do you control escalating health care costs?

Popcorn anyone? 😉

Obama and the Democrats play politics with the Nation’s Defense

My, what the Democrats will not to pass their idiotic socialistic healthcare bill! Captain Ed over at alerts to the fact that Michael Goldfarb has a source up on the hill; what he is telling Michael is unbelievable:

While the Democrats appease Senator Lieberman, they still have to worry about other recalcitrant Democrats including Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson. Though Lieberman has been out front in the fight against the public option and the Medicare buy-in, Nelson was critical of both. Now that those provisions appear to have been stripped from the bill, Lieberman may get on board, but Nelson’s demand that taxpayer money not be used to fund abortion has still not been met. According to a Senate aide, the White House is now threatening to put Nebraska’s Offutt Air Force Base on the BRAC list if Nelson doesn’t fall into line.

Offutt Air Force Base employs some 10,000 military and federal employees in Southeastern Nebraska. As our source put it, this is a “naked effort by Rahm Emanuel and the White House to extort Nelson’s vote.” They are “threatening to close a base vital to national security for what?” asked the Senate staffer.

Indeed, Offutt is the headquarters for US Strategic Command, the successor to Strategic Air Command, and not by accident. STRATCOM was located in the middle of the country for strategic reasons. Its closure would be a massive blow to the economy of the state of Nebraska, but it would also be another example of this administration playing politics with our national security.

I will be straight and honest with you. During the 2008 election, I thought Michael Goldfarb’s outlandish behavior was asinine; I still do. However, this was one hell of a good catch. Goodness, what a better way to fuel the conspiracy theory idiots like Orly Taitz, who still believe that President Obama is some sort of a covert Muslim or whatever the hell it is that they think about him now.

I will say this, this story, if true, reeks of desperation. The Democrats are obviously desperate to pass this healthcare bill. Why is this? Because they know that if this bill goes down in flames, the Democrats are sunk. They already know that the 2010 elections are not going to be kind to them; the deep sixing of this bill will only make that worse. The problem is, seeing that the public option was stripped out; you have people like Markos Moulitsas saying that the bill should be killed. Either way, this is going to be a huge disaster for the Democrats. They promised change, they promised healthcare for everyone, they overreached like nothing I have ever seen before and now, they are going to pay for it dearly. Frankly, I could not be happier; you oversell yourself and promise the moon, the stars, unicorns and rainbows, and then do not deliver — then you suffer the wrath of the voters come election time.

The point to this blog entry is this; do not make promises that you cannot keep. If you do, you will pay and it is obvious to me and every other blogger out there that the Democrats made all sorts of promises to the American people, during the election of 2008 and now they cannot deliver. Because of this, they are stooping to desperate measures. Measures which will hurt our National Security, for this the Democrats will pay come 2010 and 2012.

Lieberman keeps his promise

It seems that Senator Joe Lieberman is keeping his promise to vote against the current Healthcare reform bill, in its present form. Susan Mandrak over at Crooks and Liars calls Lieberman a “spiteful little toad” and to be quite honest with you, she is not that far way from the truth. Joe Lieberman, I believe anyhow, is doing all of obstruction for one reason and one reason alone — To get back at the Democratic Party for his tossing overboard by the Democratic Caucus in 2006. For all of his bluster about loving America and for wanting to save America for the huge debt that we going incur from this disastrous bill by Lieberman, I believe that it is nothing more than political retribution.

The truth is about this healthcare bill by Harry Reid is that it is nothing more than a disaster. Even the party leaders themselves do not even know what it is this bill. So, how are they going to vote on it? In fact, the White House is now saying to Reid to cut a deal with Lieberman, which may in fact happen. But then again, if Lieberman says no deal and some of the more moderate Democrats do not play along, this bill could be, in fact, dead in the water. This, from my political standpoint would be a good thing.

Reading the round up of the political blogs, it seems that the far left and even the no so far left, wants Lieberman’s head on the platter. It does look like Joe is going to be the “sacrificial Jew” for the good of America, which could get him elected in the 2010 elections or whenever Lieberman is supposed to run again. Needless to say, this story far from over, and it should be interesting to follow.

Guest Voice: Do we have the right to die? By David Cloud

Updated and enlarged December 10, 2009 (first published in O Timothy magazine, Volume 8, Issue 1, 1991) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article) –

In the last three decades we have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of headlines focusing on the “right-to-die” or euthanasia issue. Consider just a few of these:

* In 1985, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that all life-sustaining medical treatment can be withheld from terminally ill patients, whether incompetent or competent. In that ruling the court included feeding tubes as “medical treatment.”

* In 1985, a Virginia woman who killed her cancer-ridden husband with an ice pick was sentenced merely to two years’ probation and psychiatric treatment.

* The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in 1986 to allow a woman to stop the feeding of her comatose husband.

* In 1987, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled unanimously that an alert, mentally competent but dying woman, suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease, a fatal nerve disorder, should have been allowed to order her respirator disconnected. The woman had died a few days before her case reached the Court. The same court ruled to allow a man to remove the feeding tube from his 32-year-old wife.

* A U.S. District Court in Rhode Island ruled in 1988 that the feeding tube could be removed from a 49-year-old woman. The woman was in a coma as a result of a brain hemorrhage, and since she could not swallow, she received nourishment and liquids through a feeding tube. Her family had sued in court to compel the hospital to terminate her food and water. The medical workers who were caring for the woman were unanimous in opposing the action, but the court ordered them to remove the tubes so the woman would starve to death.

* A man severely crippled by a 1985 motorcycle accident went to court in an attempt to gain the “right” to kill himself. In 1989, the Georgia Supreme Court unanimously ruled that he could kill himself by shutting off the breathing apparatus that kept him alive.

* The parents of Nancy Cruzen, a young woman who suffered severe brain damage in a 1983 car crash, spent three and a half years in court in an attempt to remove the feeding tube which was keeping her alive. Though severely disabled, Nancy was not comatose nor did she require any life-support equipment. She even smiled at funny stories and cried when visitors would leave. In spite of this, on December 14, 1990, County Circuit Court Judge Charles E. Teel, Jr., ordered Nancy’s caregivers to withhold all food and water. Twelve days later, the 33-year-old woman died of dehydration.

* On June 4, 1990, Jack Kevorkian claimed his first victim when he assisted in the administration of a lethal dosage of drugs to 54-year-old Janet Adkins. She was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, and her own doctor said she had at least ten years of productive life ahead of her. She had never met or talked with Kevorkian until she arrived in Michigan two days before her death. All arrangements were made by her husband, Ron, (64) who subsequently became president of the Oregon Hemlock Society. In the year before her death, Janet Adkins and her family were counseled by a family therapist who was coordinator of the Oregon Hemlock Society. According to an aunt, “She did not want to be a burden to her husband and family” and a friend explained, “She felt it [her death] was a gift to her family, sparing them the burden of taking care of her” (“The Real Jack Kevorkian, International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, Kevorkian, who went on to participate in a reported 137 assisted suicides, does not have a license to practice medicine. His Michigan license was suspended in 1991 and his California license was suspended in 1993. According to the California Attorney General’s office, Kevorkian is “fundamentally unfit to practice medicine” (California Medical Board, Complainants Brief, 12/28/93, p. 19). Kevorkian proposed a “auction market for available organs” taken from “subjects” who are “hopelessly crippled by arthritis or malformations.” Part of the money from the dead disabled person’s auctioned organs could go to relatives whose financial burdens would be eased and “their standard of living enhanced.”

* A poll of adults conducted by CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll published January 1991 found that 58% believe doctors ought to be allowed to help terminally ill patients die if the patient asks for assistance.

* On October 23, 1991, 58-year-old Marjorie Wantz became Jack Kevorkian’s second victim, dying of a lethal dose of drugs administered by Kevorkian’s “death machine.” Marjorie had no life-threatening condition. The autopsy found that she had no illness or disease. She had complained of pelvic pain, but though a number of physicians had advised her that the pain was manageable she did not follow through with their recommendations. “She had reportedly been taking extremely large doses of Halcion (a medication known to impair judgment) in the months preceding her death. She had been hospitalized for psychiatric care on a number of occasions.” Kevorkian did not even give the woman a medical examination. On the same day, Kevorkian assisted in the suicide of Sherry Miller, age 43. She had multiple sclerosis and could have lived for many years but said she felt she was “becoming a burden on people.” She had been suffering from depressio n which had been noted five years earlier. She did not want to take the medication that had been prescribed for depression. She testified that she no longer had any quality of life. Her death was to have been from a lethal dose of drugs but, after repeated attempts and punctures to her arm, Kevorkian couldn’t insert a needle into her veins. He left her waiting for four hours at the death site while he “went to town” to get supplies so he could rig her death by carbon monoxide poisoning (“The Real Jack Kevorkian, International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force,

* In November 1994, the voters of the state of Oregon passed a referendum allowing doctor-assisted suicide. The law would allow patients to request life-ending medication if a doctor determines that they have less than six months to live. The Supreme Court let the law stand.

* A forum on end-of-life issues held in New York City in November 1996 noted that the preferred means of euthanasia today is starvation. The participants observed that it is legal for patients to refuse treatment, including nutrition, and doctors may legally offer painkillers and other comfort as these patients die. Therefore, “every single piece of the recipe is legal.”

* In October 1996, Australia’s Northern Territory allowed the world’s first legally assisted suicide. Bob Dent, 66, who was suffering from cancer, was allowed to take deadly drugs under a euthanasia law passed on May 25, 1996. (Thousands of assisted suicides are performed every year in The Netherlands, but technically they are not legal. They are allowed under loopholes in the law. Doctors who follow “strict guidelines” are guaranteed immunity.)

* In a Canadian national study reported in September 1996, almost half of all doctors surveyed said the law should be changed to allow physician-assisted suicide. In the survey, 47% of doctors supported euthanasia, while 39% were opposed, and 11% were uncertain.

* In March 1996, a 62-year-old New York man was sentenced to just six months in jail (he was expected to serve only four) for killing his wife with a mixture of honey and an antidepressant. He claimed it was assisted suicide, and a note left by the wife said she drank the potion “freely and without reservations”; but prosecutors also discovered that he had kept a diary indicating he was tired of caring for his sick wife, who had multiple sclerosis, and was eager for her death.

* In February 1996 the Episcopal diocese of Newark, New Jersey, declared that suicide and assisted suicide may be morally acceptable under some circumstances, i.e., when “pain is persistent and/or progressive; when all other reasonable means of amelioration of pain and suffering have been exhausted; and when the decision to hasten death is a truly informed and voluntary choice free from external coercion.”

* According to a study released in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1996, one in five intensive-care nurses have hastened the death of terminally ill patients. The study was based on responses by more than 850 nurses to an eight-page questionnaire administered by Dr. David Asch of the University of Pennsylvania.

* In early 1999, the Oregon Health Division presented its analysis of the state’s first year under the Oregon Death with Dignity law. According to the OHD’s study, 23 patients received legal lethal drug prescriptions between 1/1/98 and 12/31/98. Of those patients, 15 actually took the deadly drugs and died, 6 died from their illnesses without taking the lethal prescription, and 2 were still living as of 1/1/99. Of the 15 patients who died from the lethal drugs, 7 were women, 8 were men, all 15 were white, 13 had cancer, 1 had congestive heart failure, and 1 had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The median age was 69. Four were referred for a psychiatric or psychological consultation. The International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force warned that this information is “skewed and incomplete.” The reason is that the law contains no penalties for doctors who do not comply with its requirements and there is no way to determine if the reporting is accurate. “The data for this study came exclusively from the death-prescribing doctors, with n o corroboration from other sources. In fact, the OHD, citing privacy concerns, never even interviewed the patients’ families, friends, or caregivers regarding the circumstances and/or pressures surrounding the deaths. Nor did the OHD contact the patients’ other doctors who, for some reason, opted not to write the deadly prescription. In other words, the state is just assuming that doctors engaged in ending the lives of patients are of good will, have been totally compliant with the provisions of the PAS law, and are completely truthful and forthright in their reports to the state. But why would a doctor even bother to report a less-than-perfect death, one which might cause legal and professional problems for that doctor with the OHD, the state medical licensing board, or even the police?”

* A report published in February 1999 showed that Dutch physicians routinely ignore established euthanasia guidelines created to protect patients against abuse. “The reality is that a clear majority of cases of euthanasia, both with and without request, go unreported and unchecked. Dutch claims of effective regulation ring hollow,” explained researchers Dr. Henk Jochemsen, of Holland’s Lindeboom Institute for Medical Ethics, and Dr. John Keown, from England’s Cambridge University. Reviewing a 1996 survey of 405 Dutch doctors regarding end-of-life decisions, the researchers found that, in 1995, almost two-thirds (59%) of euthanasia cases went unreported, a clear violation of the requirement-codified into law in 1994-that all euthanasia and assisted-suicide deaths be reported to authorities. Furthermore, 20% of reported euthanasia deaths were involuntary, meaning that doctors ended patients’ lives without the patients’ explicit request or con sent. In 15% of these cases (where the patients were competent), the physician did not discuss euthanasia with the patient because “the doctor thought that the termination of the patient’s life was clearly in the patient’s best interests.” In 17% of the involuntary euthanasia cases, alternative care or treatment was available, meaning that euthanasia was not the “last resort” as required by the guidelines (Keown & Jochemsen, “Voluntary Euthanasia under Control? Further Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands,” Journal of Medical Ethics, February 1999).

* In March 1999, a Michigan jury found Dr. Jack Kevorkian guilty of murder for the September 1998 death of 52-year-old Thomas Youk. The man was suffering with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Kevorkian, who video-taped the death, killed Youk by injecting him with a lethal series of drugs. The video was subsequently broadcast on the 60 Minutes television show. During the broadcast, Kevorkian challenged Michigan prosecutors to charge him, and they did, not merely for assisted suicide but for first-degree murder. At the trial it was pointed out that just before Kevorkian injected Youk with a drug that rendered him unconscious, Youk attempted to speak but was ignored by Kevorkian. Prosecutor John Skrzynski noted: “We don’t know what he said, and it’s too late now because he’s gone now, he’s asleep and he’s never getting up again. What did he say? Did he say ‘wait’? Did Dr. Kevorkian have a duty to stop and find out what he was saying?” In a media interview in November 1998, Kevorkian was asked if Youk had anything to say at the end. He just laughed and said, “I don’t know. I never understood a thing he said” (Lessenberry, “I want a showdown,” Oakland Press, Nov. 20, 1998). When the jury announced its guilty decision, Kevorkian attempted to look unruffled in the courtroom, but after he got in the car away from the camera “he exploded, screaming with anger, rage and frustration at the irrationality and cruelty and backwardness of society.” In April 1999, Kevorkian was sentenced to 10 to 25 years in prison. The 79-year-old “Dr. Death” was released conditionally in June 2007.

* In January 2005, the United States Supreme Court let stand a ruling by Pinellas [Florida] Circuit Court Judge George Greer allowing Michael Schiavo to cut off his wife Terri’s feeding tube. Terri, 41, had been dependent on the tube since suffering a heart stoppage 15 years earlier. Terri’s parents fought to stop their son-in-law from disconnecting the tube. Though Terri had brain damage, she was not dying, could breath on her own, and exhibited many signs of being aware of her environment. This was testified by her nurses and by medical experts. The courts, both state and federal, allowed Schiavo to starve his wife to death. Her feeding tube was removed on March 18, 2005, and she died on March 31.

These are only some of the cases that have gained public attention in the last few years. What should the Bible-believer think of this? Euthanasia is a complex issue and it is impossible to give one simple, blanket answer to the matter, yet there are some Bible truths that apply clearly, and in this hour of moral relativism it is crucial that we point them out.

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Healthcare-Gate Continues

I call it Healthcare-Gate because that it is about this whole debacle has become, a rather ridiculous spectacle which is going to cause a great deal of damage to the Democratic Party. First, there was word that the “public option” was being dropped, but now there is word that rumor was untrue. Therefore, at this point, it is anyone’s guess as to what is going to happen. The main point is that the majority of Americans do not want this idiotic so-called reform being foisted upon them and they are getting anyway. The sad truth is that this so-called reform bill is going to mean higher taxes for everyone and not just the so-called “Rich,” what that means anymore is anyone’s guess. The Democrats will get their bill and they will pay for it when the 2010 and 2012 elections come around. Hopefully, the Republicans will work to unwind the damage done by the Socialists who want to destroy out free market capitalist system.

Thoughts & Prayers needed for my Dad

As some of you might know that read this blog regularly might know; I do live with my Parents. That, in itself is a very long story. Anyhow, My Father will be going into the hospital tomorrow morning at around 8:00 a.m. or so, to have a very important heart procedure done. They are going to run a dye into his bloodstream to check and see if there is any blockage and if there is, they will be putting stints in. There is, although not probable, a slight chance that my Dad could need open-heart surgery while they are in there doing that work. Therefore, needless to say, I will be quite occupied for the next few days. There is good news however; I will be taking the laptop to the hospital with me; as so, I do not go crazy with boredom in the hospital.

Everyone that knows me well will tell you; that I hate hospitals with a passion. I do tend to avoid them as much as humanly possible. However, this little trip is highly important to me. Therefore, I will be joining my Dad up at the hospital for a good part of the day. I am not sure how long it will take. I am told a good part of the day.

So, I am asking for everyone who either reads this blog daily or even does the occasional drive-by. Please keep my Dad in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow — and for the rest of the week. Also, keep my Mother in your prayers as this all is really making her worry and she is not in the greatest of health either.

Thanks again,


Uh-oh: Howard Dean: Dems ‘In Deep Trouble’ On Health Care

Here we have one of the textbook examples of why you do not overreach in your campaign promises. It looks like the Democrats are in deep trouble over Healthcare:

One of the leading progressive champions of health care reform is pessimistic about the state of the debate in the Senate, saying he sees virtually no path to passing strong legislation and predicting potential congressional losses for Democrats as a consequence.

Former DNC Chair Howard Dean told the Huffington Post on Monday that Senate Democratic leadership was “in deep trouble” on health care, even after Majority Leader Harry Reid cobbled together over the weekend the 60 votes needed to get legislation to the floor. The problem was as much about politics as policy.

“I think if you passed the Senate bill tomorrow it would be OK. But then the problem is they don’t have any defense for their members in 2010,” Dean said, noting that the public option would not become operational until 2014. “On the other hand, if they drop the public option [to placate moderate members], I think they lose seats.”

“So this is really tough. I didn’t anticipate being in this position. I thought it would pass. Maybe Harry has some magic up his sleeve. But I don’t see how he gets those four votes [Sens. Joseph Lieberman (Conn.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) and Ben Nelson (Neb.)] without compromising the bill,” Dean concluded.

via Dean: Dems ‘In Deep Trouble’ On Health Care, The Only Options Are A Bad Bill Or 2010 Losses.

This situation here is what happens when a Political Party gets extremely arrogant and thinks that there will be no opposition to their plans. The Democrats thought that because of the screw-ups of George W. Bush and the Republicans in Congress that the Democrats would be able to run rough shod over everything and everyone and get their agenda fulfilled. They have since discovered that plan is not going to work. That is because not everyone is on board with the far leftist socialism of the White House. What we are seeing here is a repeat of 1994. When the Democrats lost control of congress; and the sitting President got moderate fast.

However, this time, I believe the Democrats have much more to lose. Such as credibility, I say that because the Democrats horrifically oversold this President and themselves in general. The Democrats had many people thinking lots of crazy stuff; and now, it seems that the honeymoon is over and many on the left are realizing that the sell job was nothing more than a well-fabricated lie. I knew this well before anyone else. In fact, I said as much on this blog, back when Obama first started gaining in popularity, that they were totally over marketing the President as a messianic figure to the Democrats and to the far-left; and it was nothing more than over-zealous marketing.

This healthcare debacle could spell the end or at least a marginalizing of that Party for a long time to come. Howard Dean knows the score; he has people on the ground. If he says the Democrats are in trouble, call the ambulance, because there is a serious problem.