Updated: Jane Hamsher should be an inspiration for Bloggers everywhere

Yes, I know, Jane and I most likely agree on politics as much as Billy Graham and Madelyn Murray O’Hair agreed on Christianity. However, I have to admit, even as a “Right of Center” blogger; there is something to be said about someone standing up for what it is that this person believes in — even when, that what she believes in, is counter to what her political party is trying to do. I mean, the DailyKos is going after Jane for standing up against this HealthCare Bill.

Yes, I know, Jane is a progressive and, yes, I am a “right of center.” I used to be over on that side, albeit I was about as “half assed” as Democratic voter as one could get, but I digress; and I know how “tolerant” that side can be to people, who somehow manages to wander off the plantation. Yes, I am a Moderate Conservative; but let me tell you this, more importantly, I believe in being true to ones self. I believe in not allowing ones self to become bogged down by the worries of what other people might actually think of ones self, when one decides that the leadership of ones party is just damned wrong.

I will be e-mailing this Blog posting to Jane; and I do hope like hell, that she does read it, and possibly responds to it on her blog. Jane, you are one hell of a brave woman, you keep standing up for what you believe in. In the end, it will have been worth it and you will know that you were true to what you believe in and did not follow the crowd. Individualism is a awesome trait and do not allow those bastard collectivists tell you any different!

Consider me someone who is supporting Jane in her right to stand up to the leadership of the Democratic Party. Although, I am not sure she would want to hear it from this corner.

With that, I present this video:

Update: I wrote Jane to tell her about this posting and she replied! here’s the reply:

from Jane Hamsher <>

to Patrick <>

date Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:55 PM

subject Re: A little support in your defense

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8:55 PM (5 minutes ago)

Thanks Patrick, I appreciate it. I may not have time to respond on the blog — I’ve got some stuff happening that’s a bit time consuming at the moment — but I did read the post and liked it a lot.