Race Hustling and Michelle Obama….

You know, although I think what Fox News did to Michelle Obama was distasteful, wrong and just downright mean. When I read stuff like this, I just want to vomit.

How much more hate mongering can you get? I will not bother quoting none of that idiotic bile over here.

I mean, why cannot people just accept a damn apology and get the hell over it already? I mean, some of these people act like we have revoked the amendment to the constitution outlawing slavery or something.

…In addition, Please, do not hand none of that idiot baloney about their people still being in bondage, because you know what? I am not buying it. It just so happens that the black people in this country have been free for over 300 years. Yet they act like they are in some sort of bondage, the truth is the only damn bondage that the black community is in, is of their own damn making. 

It is, in fact our own fault. Our Congress, at the behest of the Democratic President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, signed into law, one of the worst bills that ever passed across the senate floor, and that was the civil rights act of 1964. One of my favorite and most respected senators, Senator Barry Goldwater voted against it, saying that one could not legislate morality.   

Did he do this because was a racist bigot and hated blacks? No. He did it because he knew that there would be people within the black community that would exploit the civil rights movement that would try to turn the peaceful civil rights movement, started by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. into a Black Nationalist Movement, which would seek to destroy the very equality that Martin Luther King Jr. stood for.

Yet, the Democrats and their foolish agenda of identity politics and entitlement passed this bill and opened the future floodgates of Anti-White Race Hatred in this country. The blog posting that I linked to is a perfect example of that.  

Now before anyone castigates me, as some sort of a racist bigot, let me say that I do not think that what happened in Alabama was acceptable. What happened in Selma, Alabama was a scar on the history of America. However, the way that it was corrected, was flawed, and has now set the stage for some of grossest violations of the constitution ever.

However, when I sit and read a posting by someone, who is apparently black and I read the hate and vitriol being spewed like this, I often wonder aloud, did we royally screw it up in 1964?

It really makes me wonder.

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Chuck Baldwin: "In Praise Of Marriage And Parenting"

Taken from Here:

My wife Connie and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary yesterday. Outside of the decision to trust Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, my marriage to this wonderful woman was the best decision I ever made in my life. Connie has given me three terrific children, and they have given us six spectacular grandchildren. None of our kids has been hooked on drugs or alcohol. They have not been arrested or jailed. (Although, with the way our government is passing laws contrary to the principles of liberty and decency, it is getting increasingly more difficult for any of us to stay out of jail.) They are polite, respectful, and courteous Christians. Our daughters-in-law and son-in-law are absolutely magnificent. We are all as close as any family can possibly be. As far as I am concerned, no matter what else I achieve–or fail to achieve–in this world, the family that God has given me makes my life a success. Anything else pales in comparison.

In addition, it seems to me that far too many people in our country overlook the importance of child rearing. Many seem to feel that just about everything else–job, career, money, "success," etc.–occupies a higher priority than raising honest, God-fearing children. However, Connie and I decided years ago that raising our children would be a priority in our lives, and boy, we are glad we did!

I’ll say it straight out: it does not take a village to raise kids; it takes loving and courageous parents. Parents who are not afraid to discipline their children (yes, Martha, I mean old fashioned spanking: applying the board of education to the seat of knowledge); parents who are willing to spend time teaching their children right from wrong; parents who will take–not send–their children to church; parents who will pray with their children; parents who care more about truth and right than they do about being well-liked or politically correct; parents who will teach their kids to say "Yes, Sir," and "Yes, Ma’am"; parents who are not afraid to say "No" to their children; dads who think it is more important that they be a father to their sons than a "buddy"; and moms who would rather their daughters had pure hearts than popular friends.

How is it that when it comes to leadership expectations, most people ignore a man’s leadership at home? It is almost as if parental leadership is a complete non-factor in judging a person’s fitness for anything. Now, please do not get me wrong: I am not suggesting that bad children cannot come from good homes. Goodness, no! I have seen very vile young people come out of some of the most righteous homes, and likewise, I have seen some of the most wonderful and Godly young people come out of the most wretched homes. I am only saying that real leadership is established and proven in the home first. Yet, it does not appear that too many people give parental leadership a second thought anymore. Perhaps this explains much as to what has gone wrong in our society.

Yes, I am aware of the various and sundry political and societal attacks against marriage and parenting. I see the many battles in the "culture war." I see the attempts to redefine the meaning of marriage, to wrestle control and authority of the home away from the parents, and to bombard our children with ideas and philosophies that will ultimately ruin their lives. And, yes, it could come to a point that decent families will be forced to make the same kind of choices that our Pilgrim forebears had to make.

That said, however, the power of marriage and parenting is still the greatest force in the world. Good families can stem the tide of humanism, socialism, fascism, globalism, or any other "ism" that seeks to enslave us. Good families can preserve liberty and independence, fight off totalitarianism, resist corporate elitism, and promote faith and virtue. Good families are the backbone of our country’s greatness, and the lack of good families will be the cause of our country’s fall from greatness.

Greedy, power-mad politicians are no match for a generation of strong marriages. Young people with character and courage trump purveyors of pretension any day. One principled champion–trained and equipped by strong, stalwart parents–will put a thousand moral weaklings to flight.

While Pharaoh built his monuments, a humble Hebrew mother taught and nurtured her son, a little boy miraculously drawn forth from the watery reeds. That little boy became the deliverer of his people. It was a Godly mother and father that produced the prophet who would anoint the greatest king of Israel. It was a Spirit-filled mother and father who produced the forerunner of the Messiah. And it was a virtuous, principled mother–not a government agency, educational institution, or commercial enterprise–whom God chose to bring the Savior of mankind into the world.

Furthermore, while the potentates and governments of the earth gazed steadfastly upon the might and power of the British Empire, no one noticed the humble homes of Colonial America, where mothers and fathers worked by the light of hearth and candle to discipline, teach, and inspire a generation of patriots unlike the world has ever seen.

Strong, committed, principled parenting has done more to change the course of history, depose despots, promote righteousness, protect virtue, and secure liberty than all of the colleges, corporate boardrooms, and presidential palaces combined. And who knows? At this very moment, mothers and fathers across America could be nurturing and training the next generation of patriots who will rise up and restore the principles of liberty and greatness to our land? I will tell you this: if parents do not do it, no one else can.

Chuck Baldwin’s Personal Website

Chuck Baldwin for President Official Website

Editorial: Objective Journalism or hit piece on Michelle Malkin?

I never thought in a million years that I would be defending the knuckle-headed woman. However, here I am, once again, defending someone, of whom my political beliefs are a bit similar. Michelle, being a staunch Republican and Conservative, and me a former “Left of Center” type and more of a Libertarian and very much a Constitutionalist.

In the interest of full disclosure, there are times, when I read what Michelle Malkin writes and I just roll my eyes and think to myself, “My God in Heaven, why do they let that women near a Computer?” However, there are other times, when I would like to whack her upside the head with an aluminum baseball bat, to knock some sense into her head, for some of the things that she has written. But then again, there has been quite a few times, that I would loved to kiss her soundly on the lips and give a nice squeeze on the butt, for some of the good stuff that she has written as well.

Deadly violence and sexual fantasies aside, when I see stuff like this piece in the Boston Globe, I find myself in a position of saying, “Hey, wait a minute here!”

What strikes me about this article is the glaring bias, could it be any clearer that this was written by some idiotic liberal who has a axe to grind with the Conservatives?

I mean, yes, when I read the article on Malkin’s Blog I just laughed and thought, “Well, maybe it is a slow news day, and she is looking for content.” It happens, I as a Blogger have the problem, some days, there just is not much write about in Politics. This is especially painfully true with the Democrats. I mean, can we just chose the candidate and move on please?

Nevertheless, what bothered me about this piece was this little quote here:

Some observers, including ultra-conservative Fox News commentator Michelle Malkin, were so incensed by the ad that there was even talk of a Dunkin’ Donuts boycott.

‘‘The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad,’’ Malkin yowls in her syndicated column.

‘‘Popularized by Yasser Arafat and a regular adornment of Muslim terrorists appearing in beheading and hostage-taking videos, the apparel has been mainstreamed by both ignorant and not-so-ignorant fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons.’’

The company at first pooh-poohed the complaints, claiming the black-and-white wrap was not a keffiyeh. But the right-wing drumbeat on the blogosphere continued and by yesterday, Dunkin’ Donuts decided it’d be easier just to yank the ad.

Said the suits in a statement: ‘‘In a recent online ad, Rachael Ray is wearing a black-and-white silk scarf with a paisley design. It was selected by her stylist for the advertising shoot. Absolutely no symbolism was intended. However, given the possibility of misperception, we are no longer using the commercial.’

Yowls? I mean, can you get any more biased than to reduce a woman of great writing skills and awesome Conservative values to a word like “yowls?” This is, by the way, an underhanded way of basically calling Michelle Malkin a crybaby.

I mean, I can understand the idea that some people find Michelle Malkin’s writing a bit screechy at times, but to basically slam her for her Conservative values in a article and disguise it as objective journalism is just pathetic. As far as I am concerned the editors at the Boston Globe owes Michelle Malkin and people like me, who share her values a big apology, and should terminate the employment of the writer who produced this story.

Chuck Baldwin officially launches his campaign website….

I received some great news this morning in my e-mail inbox. Dancing

Pastor Chuck Baldwin has officially launched his Campaign website.  

I am voting for Chuck Baldwin because he more represents the American values that I, as a Christian, as a Libertarian and as a Constitutionalist, hold very dear.

He might not win, but I will know that my vote went for someone who still believes in the old Paleo-conservative values that I hold dear. I will also know, that my vote did not go to a third term of George W. Bush, a Neo-Conservative, Globalist, Shill or a Socialist, Marxist, Liberal. 

This notion that if you don’t vote for John McCain, that your vote is a vote for Hillary or Obama is the biggest lie and the great travesty ever heaped upon this Nation. Heaped upon it by warmongering bastards who want to send this Nation into a pit that it will never get itself out of.

I ask you today, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Conservative, Republican, wake up and realize that this Nations only hope, is found in this man.

Check out his Website, Forum  and go to his "Money Bomb" page.

Let’s get American back on the right track, vote for Chuck Baldwin

What hath Senator Clinton wrought?

I was sitting around last night after Keith Olbermann’s show, digesting everything related to the remarks of Senator Hillary Clinton. I noticed that some within the Blogging world really could not see what all the fuss is about. I hope that this editorial will explain that a bit better.

Last night I was looking at an old article on New York Magazine. It was an interview of Keith Olbermann, of all people; it was some research that I was doing, after reading what some nutcase right-winger wrote on a Blog about him, and I, in my reporter type instinct, I went looking for facts, I guess you could say, I was following the old Russian proverb, “Trust, but verify.” I found what I was looking for, as suspected the right wing blogger got his facts wrong and what he did not get wrong, he stretched and outright made up. So typical for the Republicans, He must have learned it from his mentor and personal deity, George W. Bush.

It was after looking at the interview that I spied something on the main page of New York Magazine, the thing I had been wanting to use, to bring some sort of sense to this whole thing, to be able to calmly explain this whole thing, so that everyone, that just does not get it, would in fact, get it.

That is when I found what I was looking for, the piece of text that presented in the fashion that only a writer, a writer who was there, could present to the masses. It has been said that words are powerful, that they can move people emotionally, that they can inspire, and that, if used improperly can horrify and bring destruction.

This text, taken from New York Magazine, which is a snippet from the Book, “A Time It Was: Bobby Kennedy in the Sixties,” which is to be published later this year, gives us the true image of scab that Hillary Clinton ripped off in a rather bizarre manner.

“I thank all of you,” he was saying now. “Mayor Yorty just sent a message that we have been here too long already.” Loud laughter. “So my thanks to all of you and now it’s on to Chicago … ”

Kennedy thrust a thumb in the air, brushed his hair, made a V with the fingers of his right hand. The crowd was chanting now. “We want Bobby! We want Bobby! We want Bobby!” Plimpton and I went down three steps off the side of the stage, through a gauntlet of Kennedy volunteers and brown-uniformed private security guards. We turned left. At the other end of the stage, people turned right. On to Chicago. On to Chicago …

We entered a long grungy area called the pantry. I would write later that it was the sort of place where Puerto Ricans, blacks, and Mexicans usually worked to fill white stomachs. Fluorescent ceiling lights, bare sandy-colored concrete floors, pale dirty walls. A rusting ice machine. Shelves filled with dirty glasses. Through an archway to the left, we could see the main kitchen. A small group of Mexican-American cooks and busboys waited for Kennedy. To shake his hand. To murmur about luck, and thank him for coming. Against the left wall, three steel serving carts stood end to end. At the far end of the long pantry, two doors led to an improvised pressroom where Kennedy would speak to the press about the primary.

Kennedy moved slowly into the area, shaking hands, with people from the stage behind him, at the head of a platoon of reporters, photographers, campaign staffers, TV men, and the curious. I was walking backward, facing Kennedy, scribbling notes. I saw him turn to his left to shake hands with a smiling young Mexican man (we learned later that his name was Juan Romero). From the Embassy Room we could still hear chants.

“We want Bobby. We want—”

Then a cruel messenger arrived. Curly-haired. Pockmarked face. In a pale-blue sweatshirt. Blue jeans. His right foot was forward. His right arm was straight out. He was firing a gun.

A ferocious brawling moment: Grier, Plimpton, Rafer, Schulberg, me. Others. All of us trying to get the gun. The pockmarked young man still firing, so that some people behind Kennedy were hit in the legs. Then the gun was out of the man’s hand, and he was being lifted, slammed onto the line of steam tables, dragged toward the exit to the pressroom, someone yelling, “Don’t kill him, don’t kill him, no Jack Ruby!”

And there was Kennedy on the floor, at the foot of the ice machine, his eyes open, a kind of sweet accepting smile on his face, as if he knew it would all end this way. There was blood on the fingers of his right hand, and blood on his chest, so I thought he had been shot just below the neck. But because his head had been turned to say hello to Juan Romero, the first shot hit him behind the right ear and his hand brushed reflexively at the wound as he crumpled to the floor.

Ethel came to comfort him, and seemed to know that he was forever beyond comfort. Juan Romero came to him too, as shown in the extraordinary photographs Bill Eppridge made in that awful pantry. My notes told me later that Kennedy was shot at 12:10, and was carried out of that grubby kitchen at 12:32. It seemed a lot longer.

Brian and I ran outside the hotel. A large enraged black man was heaving chairs into the swimming pool. Another was punching a hotel pillar with a bloody right fist. Weeping Kennedy volunteers were all around us. We kept hearing a single word, repeated in many variations. Why? Why? In my own head, I blamed some dark hole in American life, but I was wrong. The origins of this killing—for Bob was sure to die in a matter of hours—lay in the Middle East. The gunman was a Palestinian immigrant named Sirhan Sirhan. He was 24. His rage was fueled by the Six-Day War the previous year and by Kennedy’s support for the sale of jet fighters to Israel. The motives didn’t truly matter. The crucial fact was simpler: He was able to get a gun. Brian and I drove to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where Kennedy was dying in a room on a high floor.

Early in the morning, Brian drove south in the California night. I dozed and felt sick. When we came through the canyon into Laguna Beach, I could see the colors of the sky warming as the sun pushed over the mountains. Flocks of birds were rising from the darkness. We reached the house and I went in and turned on the television set and looked at the latest bulletins. I sat facing the set and the sea. Brian and I drank some whiskey and then he went off to sleep. I looked up and saw my daughter, Adriene, staring at me in a baffled way. My face must have been a ruin. She came over to me, tears in her eyes, and touched my face. I started to weep for her, for her sister, for my Irish parents, for my friends, for America. Out there. Sea to shining sea. I held her tight, wondering what would become of all of us.

Therefore, you see, my friend that is what Senator Clinton brought back to the minds of many who were old enough or were there at this event or even had to suffer through the shock and horror of that horrific moment. Hillary Clinton did not just make a flippant remark; she reopened a nasty wound in the conscience of America. One that America has taken years upon years to heal. All so, she could take a cheap political shot at her opponent and justify her reasoning to stay in the Primary.

This moment of soulless apathy my friends, is what Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton hath wrought upon America.

Let us not forget our United States Servicemen

While I have been a very vocal critic of the Bush Administration’s Handling of the war in Iraq. I will always stand in honor for our United States Military.

Here is a video that I think everyone, Liberal, Conservative and everything in between, needs to watch: (H/T to Army Wife Toddler Mom and Tammi)

Please, support Military Ministry or Soldiers’ Angels

Let’s not forget those, who choose to serve our Nation, so that Bloggers, like me, can write and be free.

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Special Podcast for my readers: Donation Appeal

This is a special Podcast for the regular readers of my Blog.

I need some serious help folks, please, listen to this.

Click here to get your own player.


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Another Liberal, Another Book… Zzzzzzz

The Liberal Marble Mouth from Greece, is trying to sell a book by slamming McCain. What else is new?

A New Video….that everyone should watch!

made by yours truly…

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Peggy Noonan doesn’t get it…..as usual…

From her column:

And I quote:

I am out of step. There is something that is upsetting others whom I care about and whose thoughts are often not unlike my own. And it’s not hitting me the same way.

I won’t quote the rest of it. Go read it for yourselves.

Peggy, all I am going to say this. As a white man of 35 years. I am highly offended at Jeremiah Wright’s comments, I will not insult the Gospel of My Lord Jesus Christ, not the profession or high calling of a Minister of the Gospel, by calling that race baiting fool, a Reverend.  Why? I’ll tell you why

Number one, I, nor any White man living today, put anyone in the black race in chains, Slavery ended in 1865. That is 143 years ago, in case anyone has not bothered to check that fact. I for one, do not appreciate being blamed for something that I, nor any other American White person, living in America today, is responsible for.

Second of all, Rev. Wright has the audacity to to blame the United States of America for creating the AIDS virus to kill off the black race? Has this feckless moron ever looked at the history of the AIDS virus and who it affected the greatest in America? I have, I was a young man, growing up in the 1980’s. You want to know who was affected, mostly the Homosexual community, mainly on the west coast of California.  Do you see Homosexuals coming out swinging, accusing the Government of purposely inventing the AIDS virus to kill off the Homosexual community? No, you haven’t. Because they know better. The only people that would possibly say this, would be the feckless, brain dead followers of Alex Jones, who follow that moron around and eat up every little thing that he says, like it is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Further more, this man’s theology is inherently corrupt, he is, from he has said himself, a believer in the doctrine of Black Liberation Theology. Which is, in itself, a derivative of Liberation Theology, A MARXIST DOCTRINE!  The man is a communist, it is just that simple, and if B. Hussien Obama believes the same thing, then HE is a Communist! 

Now, I will admit, from a Fundamentalist Christian stance, I feel that America has not pleased the Lord Jesus Christ with it’s acceptance and mainstreaming of the Homosexual lifestyle. I believe that with my whole heart, and I say it without apology.

However, for this race baiting, American hating, jack ass, fool to make a comment such as "God Damn America" and to claim that it is in the Bible, because of how America treated black people 143 years ago. That speaks to this man’s understanding of the Bible, much less his mental stability. Not even to mention the timing of this comment, 6 days after the attacks on September 11, 2001, and then to add insult to injury, he tries to say that this happened in retaliation for what America did to end the war with the empire of Japan. Which was started AFTER, the empire of Japan attacked the United States and several other countries, to attempt to cripple us, so we could not interfere with the empire of Japan’s fool hearty attempt to link up with Hitler, to overtake the Eastern Hemisphere for Communism. 

Yes, I have heard the many conspiracy theories behind World War II and Pearl Harbor, and I feel the individuals who make that stuff up, ought not to be allowed near a computer, much less be allowed to drive a damn car.

So, in closing, Mrs. Noonan, I do not know, what it is, that you do not get. But I suggest highly, that you look into it. Because, quite frankly, you are insulting many Americans, both living and dead, who have done more for this wonderful Country, that we call, the United States of America, than you’ll ever do in your entire lifetime.

Other Blogs on this: No More Mister Nice Blog and Wonkette

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Editoral: Memo to WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah – You need to grow up!

Friday April 25, 2008

Memo to WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah – You need to grow up!

By Chuck Adkins

Owner and Publisher

Political Byline – http://politicalbyline.blogspot.com/

The American Nationalist News Service: http://cnationalist.wordpress.com/

It greatly pains me, that I am forced to write an editorial of this nature. Nothing saddens me more to have to publicly rebuke someone, who, not only is a brother in the Lord Jesus Christ, but is someone whom I share similar political and moral values.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am, and will continue to be, an avid reader of WorldNetDaily.com. I do not, and will not, judge an entire organization by the actions of one man. Regardless if that man happens to own said company or not.

However, recent events insist that something be said about the actions of this said person, of whom I hold the highest regard and respect for the profession that he practices.

Yesterday I happened to be over reading Joe’s daily column, where he was asking for advice as to what to do about CAIR smearing him in the press. I, being someone who has been smeared by various people in the past, wrote him a short, but quite courteous e-mail showing my support for Mr. Farah and his work that he does at WorldNetDaily. Here is that E-mail:

Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:30:31 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <c3a04f3c0804240230t710acbb8o3868f9512d872893@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:30:31 -0400
From: "Political Byline" <tpblogeditor@gmail.com>
To: (snipped)
Subject: RE: Farah v. CAIR
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Hi Joe,

I read your site everyday. You're doing the Lord's Work. I wish I could come
to Oregon and Work for you. Anyhow... I would:

1. Sue the living daylights out of CAIR
2. Sue the living daylights out of New York Daily News

Now, I'm currently unemployed, Well, to be honest, I want to be a full time
writer. I do own a few Blogs, Anyhow, I would help money-wise, but I just
don't have it.

Anyhow, I will be praying for you. Don't let the bastards get you down. Keep
your chin up, Keep Jesus close to your heart, and above all, keep fighting!

God Bless,

-Chuck Adkins

A few hours later, I received the following reply from Joseph Farah, Now I won’t be sharing the header information, because as much as Joe angered and disappointed me with his terse response later in this exchange, I will not broadcast his personal information in regards to email address and internet providers. I, unlike some Liberals and some conservatives I know, do have standards. Anyhow, here is the reply I received from Joe Farah:

Give me some more background. We’re developing a new sub-site that is essentially a blog portal. Maybe you can help with it.

Joseph Farah

Editor and CEO



Now at this point, I was pretty much bouncing off the walls. Well, not literally, but I was feeling mighty excited at the prospect of writing and whatever else for a website that I read daily, just as a bystander, and so, I replied back with the following, parts of this I will be omitting, but the majority of it, I will be including here.

Anyhow, I sent back my reply:

You want a resume? Here it is:

I sent over my resume, I did not include it here for space considerations. However, I did include it, with some other remarks to Joe. Those remarks were:

Other than that, what else? Been a Christian for 25 years, I’m 35. Single, Never Married, No Kids, I live with my Parents. (How lame is that?) I’ve never made enough to afford to live out on my own. I’m no rock star, but I enjoy writing.

I’ve been Blogging since February of 2007.

I don’t program, as far as Blog design, But I do know my way around WordPress. What I want, is a syndicated column!

I’m a “Right of Center” type, Like an Ann Coulter, but less offensive.

Mind if I ask you a question or two? Newswithviews.com? Are you and that guy friends or something, sites are very similar. You do know, that you could use Worldpress MU (Multi User) for your site, to basically have multi Blogs, for your columns and to create your pages. What do you use now? If I may ask. Reason why I ask about News With Views, he has no RSS feed, which drives me bananas!

If you’d like to chew the fat on the telephone, I’d be more than happy to swap lies and talk about people! *grinning* I can call you, I get free long distance.

I have no day job, in case your wondering… and yes, I have no had a full time, long term job since 2005. If it were not for my parents, I’d be living under an overpass. Basically, without getting into the gore and the bore, I attempted a career change and because of our messed up insurance laws, that are in massive need of reform, I can’t get a job, driving truck, unless I want to live like a hermit and make less than $400.00 a week, for two years… I choose not to do that. too old, when I was 19 I might could have done it, but 35 is a bit old for that sort of life. I like my bed too much.

Anyhow, if you need anything else, let me know…

I would like to get paid for my little talent, that I do have. Which ain’t much, I am a high school drop out, I have A.D.H.D. (and no, it’s not a myth, like Michael Savage says it is….I do take meds…)

anyhow, there you go!


Therefore, there it was, my resume and an off the cuff sales pitch for my service to WorldNetDaily, no harm done, no offensive remarks, or so I thought. Shortly after that, back comes Mr. Farah’s tersely written reply to me:

If you perceive any similarity between WND and NewswithViews, I think you miss the point.

Joseph Farah

Editor and CEO



Now did he try to explain what point HE was trying to make? No. He just wrote a very tersely written remark.

I tried, in vain, twice to explain myself, see below:

OK… Well, I didn’t mean to insult you. I hope I didn’t. I wasn’t aware that you were not friendly.

And again:

I was referring more about design and layout, not content… anyhow, hope that wasn’t a sore spot.

Well, seeing I was not going to get reply out of the man, I fired up good old Microsoft Word and wrote Mr. Farah a more formal reply. I expressed my dismay for his lack of professionalism and immaturity towards someone, who, frankly, is somewhat new to the political writing world, heck; I ha

ve only been doing this since February of 2007. Here is my reply:

Mr. Farah,

When I contacted you and offered my support, I thought I was dealing with a professional person, who, with his experience and maturity, would not mind a question, such as the one that I asked. I am very highly disappointed to know that I was not dealing with mature person, but rather someone who, frankly, needs to grow up.

As to your statement:

“If you perceive any similarity between WND and NewswithViews, I think you miss the point.”

This entire statement, exhibits a very poor attitude sir. Further more, content wise, I do know the difference between WND and NewsWithViews. NewsWithViews deals with non-Mainstream Writers and those whose opinions are not considered within, what is known in the Media and Blogging World, as “Not ready for Primetime.” Alan Stang is a prime example.

However, your publication, I thought, was more of a Mainstream conservative online Publication that prided itself in journalistic integrity, and tended to stay away from the more Conspiracy theory related content.

Now as to your tersely written reply, if I upset you, I apologize, but you should not be so quick to dismiss someone like that, it looks bad on you, as a professional, and as a Christian. I do not make it my business to keep up with who is friendly and who is not, among such publishers.

I trust that I will hear from you again. If not, my life will not end. I will still write, with or without the support of WorldNetDaily.

Take Care and God Bless,

-Chuck Adkins

Owner and Publisher

The American Nationalist News Service

Political Byline

I have not received any reply, nor do I expect to ever hear from him again.

Why am I writing this? Because it needs to be written, Joseph Farah claims to be a Christian. My question is, what Christ does he serve? Does he serve the same Jesus Christ as I do? Does he serve the same Jesus Christ, who by the way, is the Son of the Living God, as Jesus did say the following:

I and my Father are one. (John 10:30 KJV)

Has Joseph Farah ever read the Bible where it says the following?

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. (John 13:34-35 KJV)

Has Joseph Farah ever read the following?

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:29-32 KJV)

It truly does make me wonder, very greatly of the condition of Joe Farah’s heart. I sometimes wonder, is he that eaten up with bitterness, that he was the editor of Sacramento Union and within 15 months he ended up leaving? I am beginning to believe so. I frankly believe that Joe Farah’s god is not Jesus Christ, but rather his business, that being WorldNetDaily. Because why else would someone of Joe’s stature and respect within Conservative Journalism make a terse statement like that?

I will simply end this, with the only thing that I know, that is, the Word of the living God. Joe, if you happen to read this, I published this upon the authority of the Word of God, which says the following:

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. (2 Timothy 4:1-5 KJV)

Joe, I am praying for you.

Cross-Posted @ The American Nationalist News Service

Editorial: Answer to a very stupid Question

Tom Blumer at Pajamas Media asks this question.


The current president has done more than any other to combat the spread of AIDS in Africa. Why haven’t the media noticed?


Two Reasons, for one there is an election taking place, just in case you forgot, and the main stream media is also too busy covering our President ripping our Constitution to shreds and violating the various Geneva conventions.


Let me give you some working examples…:


These Videos come from one of the best political shows on American television, his reporting transcends political parties and appeals to Americans who still believe in that Constitution and the values it stands for.  


The Videos:




and finally, one of the most telling of videos ever to be broadcast on National American Television, This Commentary, by one of the highest rated Political Television Commentators out there:



Now as to your question about AIDS, While I know and personally believe AIDS is a horrible and dreadful disease, it is being over shadowed by a Presidency that is, in the most Conservative of terms, shameful. George W. Bush and his clan of Neo-Conservative, war-mongering, thugs have disgraced America, Disgraced the Republican Party, possibly to the point of never, ever, being able to gain access to the White House, for the next four to six years or possibly and quite frankly, hopefully, for longer than this. Why? All because a very simple minded man, who felt he needed to out accomplish his Father, and in the process has put the United States of America in one of it’s worse positions in foreign relations, in it’s many years of existence as a Nation.


Now it would be easy, to dismiss me as some disenfranchised, Anti-American, Liberal with an attitude, but allow me to make some very valid points here. When the John Birch Society, Writers at NewsWithViews.com, WorldNetDaily, like Dr. W.R. Marshall, Ph.D, Cliff Kincaid, Chuck Baldwin, Devvy Kidd, Joseph Farah, Ilana Mercer are saying that the President of the United States of America has abused his powers, disgraced the Nation and totally ignored the Constitution all for his perverted and rather narrow sighted political view, then something is very wrong.


And yet, the Republicans just continue to sit, like mindless trolls and continue to allow this man to completely and abjectly, lie to them and tell them that he is protecting America.  All because of a now dead, half baked, Former Democrat, Former President told some reporters, "Thou Shall not speak against thy fellow Republicans".  I am sorry, But I do not, for one second, believe that Ronald Reagan meant that you should sit idly by and watch as some criminal warmonger destroys America, the values it was based upon and the Constitution that serves, as the very underpinnings of founding principles of this Nation.


I will end this rather lengthy Blog entry, turned editorial with this thought, if the Republican Party and Conservatives in America do not wake up to the fact that they have been betrayed, lied to, and double crossed by the most evil of persons, within the Conservatives and within the Republican Party. The Republican Party will, in fact, go the way of the Whig Party of old.


I truly hope that they awake from their slumber before then.

Editorial: In defense of Senator Debbie Stabenow

I am not writing this to defend the actions of Senator Stabenow’s husband.  The actions of Thomas Athans were deplorable.  If I were the senator, I would be seeing a lawyer and relieving this man of his burden of marriage.

However because the story of Thomas Athans has become the catalyst of great political fodder and blogger ridicule, and outright mocking by those of opposite political ideology.  Because of this sort of nonsense, I am writing a simple defense of Senator Stabenow as a Senator of the State of Michigan.  

I am quite aware of Senator Stabenow’s political stance, However, I am also aware of her performance in the Senate.  I can personally testify to her consistency in addressing issues brought before her.  I have personally e-mailed TONS of issues, brought to my attention by the John Birch Society, to Senator Stabenow’s office.

Senator Stabenow’s office was always faithful to reply to my e-mails to her, sometimes, the replies were even personal, and not a computer generated response, even though I am sure that some of the issues brought to her attention were in direct opposition to her political stance.

Further, of all the political representatives in my local area, other than one other political official for my local area, Senator Stabenow was the ONLY political official who responded to my e-mails, sometimes Senator Stabenow would reply to me personally via United States Mail, Even though she did not have to.

Therefore, I feel that this smearing by the Republican and Conservative Bloggers is just unwarranted.  We are not dealing with a seedy politician here.  We are dealing with a very nice woman, who has a husband who is an idiot.

I think that the Blogosphere needs to take a step back and leave this woman to sort out her own affairs.  I hope that she will do the right thing in the situation regarding her husband.

More Opinions via Memeorandum

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Editorial: Mr. Mayor, You are wrong!

While the national media today is focusing on the moral failure of the Governor of the State of New York.  We here in the State of Michigan and those in the city of Detroit and the many suburbs of this great city are watching in utter horror as a Mayor is attempting to turn a failure, of his own making, into a race war.

Mr. Mayor, You sir, created this mess.  You were the one, who had the extra-marital affair, you sir, were the one, who used a device, bought by your own governmental organization, to provide accountability to your office.  You sir, were the one, who foolishly used this device to commit criminal offenses and were the one, who was caught.

This whole mess was created by you and you alone.  It was not created by the local media.  The local media did not have sex with another woman, while still married to your wife, the local media did not lie to a federal judge and a grand jury and give a settlement to people trying to sue the city of Detroit.  Further more the Media did not attempt to cover this up either.  These things were committed by you and you alone.

As if this all were not enough, YOU have the blatant audacity to turn this scandal of your own doing, into a racial matter! This and the utter abject “pimping” of your wife and children to rally your supporters around you, is utterly detestable.

Mr. Mayor, You said something that troubles me, you said and I quote:

“In the past 30 days, I’ve been called a nigger more than any time in my entire life.  In the past three days, I have received more death threats than I have in my entire administration.  I’ve heard these words before, but I’ve never heard people say them about my wife and children.”

Mr. Mayor, while I personally think that it is reprehensible that someone would threaten to harm your wife, children, and yes, even you.  The fact remains, the people that are attempting to investigate your wrong doings, are not those of the Anglo Saxon race; like me, they are your own people!  They are black; they are African-American, Just like you! 

Therefore, for you to go up on a stage, and complain that the “big bad media” is picking on you and use terms like “unethical, illegal lynch-mob” is totally out of bounds, and further it smacks of something that the Republicans constantly accuse the Democrats of partaking in, that being Identity Politics.

Further more, Mr. Mayor, This is not 1964, this is the year 2008, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of racial equality has been realized, the Selma, Alabama bridge has been crossed already, so, why are you attempting to turn back the clock?  Why are you trying to go back across the bridge and stir up something that has been resolved for years?  It does not make any sense, at all.

Mr. Mayor, you have totally disgraced this city, this state, and your office as a whole.  Please, for the sake of the city of Detroit, the State of Michigan and for the viable future of it.  Do the one thing left that can provide atonement for the sins that you carried out while in office:


Resign and reclaim what little dignity you still have left.

This nation is at a crossroads; the Bush Administrations reign of warmongering is about over, the democrat party has the nation’s first African-American Presidential candidate that is about to take office.  We have already had one scandal in the State of New York; we do not need another dent in the party’s armor.  

However, realistically, I know that you will not listen, you will do, just what our embattled President in Washington DC is doing, surround yourself with people, that will tell you exactly what you WANT to hear.  Instead of people that will tell you, what you NEED to hear.  

I thought that a man from the City of Detroit, and a democrat, no less, would be better than that sort of political tone deafness.  I must have been mistaken, because what I am seeing from you, Mr. Mayor, is just that, George W. Bush, with black skin.

I hope, Mr. Mayor that you will awake from your Political tone deafness soon, because the future and the legitimacy of the city of Detroit rests in that awakening. I just hope that you do not wait, until that moment has come and gone.

And that’s the way I see it…..

Cross-Posted on my Blog @ Detroit Free Press

Democrats win Seat held by Rep. Dennis Hastert

Read about it here.

There is quite a bit that could be said about this. Many other Bloggers have already written much of it.

The writing is simply on the wall. I do not place the blame squarely on Bush himself. Because I am keenly aware of how things operate in Washington D.C., I know that the blame does not all go to him.

I blame the advisers who went to him, the ones who were the dye-in-the-wool Neo-Conservatives, who went to him and said, "We can change the shape of the middle east, by invading Iraq." He, of course, bought into that foolish mindset and the scramble for intelligence began and when they found a piece of questionable intelligence, they proceeded to cherry pick it, to suit their needs.

What followed was the quagmire that we are involved with now. This will end up costing this Nation for many years to come. Current cost estimates are at 3 trillion dollars.

Of course, this all did happen and it is not a nightmare, and at what cost? Conservatism is now in it’s death throws, Republicans are now the scourge of American, Obama is the new messiah for America and the Democrats will, most likely, hold the majority in the both houses of Congress.

America wants change and Obama and, somewhat, Hillary are offering that. But what kind of a change are they really going to bring?   What will we see? An end to a war, ended so fast that Iraq descends into chaos? Will we see Churches being closed because they dare to speak out against the Homosexual lifestyle? America’s tax system changed to force churches to pay income tax? Our civil liberties being taken away, the ability to set up a blog and criticize the government, taken away as a threat to national security?

Some of us have not forgotten the tragedy, which happened in Waco, Texas.  I often ask myself, if the liberals take the White House again, will there be more Waco’s? Will they be more Ruby Ridges? Will they be more out of control Government Police action?

I have always believed in balance in Government, the balance of two political parties, both checking one another and each preventing the other gaining total power in the houses of Government. However, what we are seeing now, with the Conservatives being chased to the fox holes, is possible throwing of our Government into a total liberal state, and quite frankly, that scares me to death. I believe in freedom, in all it’s forms, whether it be Speech, Religion, Expression, Press, or whatever else, and I am quite afraid that the Liberals do not believe in total freedom, oh they believe in freedom of speech, as long as it fits their political ideologies.

There are those who say that the Iraq War will bankrupt this Nation. I disagree, I believe that National Healthcare plan will bankrupt this Nation or at worst, place a bigger demand of foreign currency from China and other countries. This is totally eroding our Nation’s sovereignty, with each deposit that we take. 

It is going to be an interesting four years, after the liberals win Congress and the White House. I just have a sinking feeling that the United States is going to be stuck with buyers remorse, because many people are, to coin a phrase, "Betting the farm", on this new messiah, and I have sinking feeling that there is going to be this massive let down, when he gets in office and absolutely nothing changes. It is a grim outlook, but I am afraid it is the reality of the situation at hand.

Editorial: Is there a subtle message in the new Obama Video?

Before I go any further, let me just say that I have absolutely no problem with an African-American being President. I think that it is wonderful, that we finally can, bury the "Jim Crow" racism that his scarred our much troubled past. I would much rather see someone who will not raise our taxes and promote the homosexual lifestyle and further the cause of the abortionists, but at this point, anything is better than the idiot we have in the White House now.

The fervor of Barack Obama is unbelievable, there is a new video out, that was made by one of his supporters and it is titled "We are the ones." It was made by an artist who goes by the professional name of "Will.I.Am." Previously, this same person made a video titled "Yes we can." I must confess, I enjoyed that video highly, it spoke of hope, and my friends in these hard times, especially here in Michigan, hope is all we got.

However, I am much highly concerned about the subtle message within this new video. I watched the video, I found out about from the guys over at HotAir.com. Granted, I do not always agree with what is written over there. However, there are times when I do. Anyhow, I watched this video, and the feeling I took away from this video was that minorities in this country feel that we white people in this country owe them something.

Now folks, I hate to sound like an old curmudgeon, but I personally do not feel that I owe any minorities anything at all. I am sorry, but I was not involved in any of the lynching that took place in the south, neither was any of my family members, that I know of.

The thing most offended me the most about this video is that about half of the people in the video were speaking in Spanish. Now the way I feel about it, if you are going to produce a video, that is singing the praises of an American politician, the very least that you can do, is have the people in the video speak in English!

The biggest message that I took away from this video was, "We’re Minorities, You Owe us!" That mentality my friend is a dangerous mentality. Of course, this is, pretty much, the mentality of the Liberals, the mentality of entitlement. You owe me.

I just wonder how long it will be, before the Liberals will enforce a "Jim Crow" tax to put on white people to give to the blacks for the sins of their forefathers. If you think it will not happen, think again, Liberals know no bounds, if you give them an inch, they will take a mile.

If Mr. "Will.I.Am" wants to make a pro-America video, make it with English speaking people, and lay off the "you owe me" overtones. But then again, we are dealing with Liberals here.

Cross Posted at Wayward Fundamentalist Christian 


Keith Olbermann Special Comment on FYCA and the telecoms

Original Location

For the most part, I agree. If the Bush Administration has done nothing wrong, then why threaten to veto? Confused

Sorry, I don’t buy the frivolous lawsuit B.S. Line. 

Have Conservatives just given up?

January 12, 2008

Have Conservatives just given up?


Nobody likes to lose; it is a common trait among human beings. We all love being winners. We all like winning the prize; some are just down right obsessive about it. If you do not believe me, you can stop by your nearest ball field or sports arena, you’ll see enough testosterone and obsession with winning to last you a lifetime.

However, I happened to have been reading articles by Rudy Takala and Dr. W.R. Marshall, Ph.D and by reading these articles, I get the impression that they must believe that the Democrats have already won the White House and both houses of Congress, and the G.O.P. had been dissolved. Last time I checked, we were only in the Primaries. The General election had not been started yet.

Yes, Barack Obama does seem to be the candidate on the left that has been made the darling of the liberal media. However, Obama has not answered questions, as to how he is going to make this so called “change” that he speaks of. He only has spoken in generalities, not in specifics. I believe that if the Conservative candidates for President want to beat the Democrats in the election in 2008, they need to stop bickering amongst themselves over minor policy differences, rally behind one of these candidates, and take Obama to task on his policy intentions.

As a right of center voter, I do truly believe change is needed, in the White House, (Unlike Mitt Romney!) and in Washington DC as a whole. However, I do not believe that this change should involved raising my taxes to make this change possible! While I do believe that, we do need jobs in this country, and more specifically in this state here, (I live in Michigan) I do not believe that we need to steal money out of the hands of successful business men, who have worked hard all their lives to make their fortunes to make this happen.

I mean, I, technically, would be considered in the poor class economically, but the last thing that I would want to do is demand that someone who has worked hard for his money, surrender it to me. I am sorry, that, my friend is not the American way that is called highway robbery and outright socialism. I might not be as well off as some, but I do not expect those who are well off to give me their money. I believe that if you want to be rich, you ought to work for it and earn it, like everyone else. I mean, sure, I would love to be a rich syndicated writer, like Ann Coulter, but do I expect Ann Coulter to give me her wealth so that I can be? No! She has earned her wealth, by writing and by being a lawyer. She went to school to be a lawyer. Her good looks did not hurt either, but that is not the issue here. (tee hee)

The issue is that Republicans candidates need to stop the stupidity, and debate the issues at hand. The Republican candidates weed out the cranks, like Ron Paul and get down to the business of serious politics, why Ron Paul has been allowed to continue this far, is very much beyond me. The fact that Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani are even still running, shows that there is just too much dissent in the Republican Party. I say let us pick 3 out of the top runners and let the rest to go home.

We do need change, but we do not need the change that the Liberal Democrats want to bring to America, by negotiating with terrorists, raising taxes, and giving hand outs to everything from former slaves to Iraqi suicide bombers.

If Conservatives are going to win, this is what needs to happen.

Editorial: No, It is not a fake

January 10, 2008


Editorial: No, It is not a fake

It could never be said that I could be accused of being a water carrier or a cheerleader for this current Presidential Administration.  I am about as close to being a water carrier for the Republican Party as Madalyn Murray O’Hair was a missionary to Christianity.  However, I find myself being greatly offended by those, who actually call themselves American citizens, you know, those on the more Liberal side of the political fence, who claim that they support our troops?

Yesterday, I was looking at my usual source for news stories that are hot in the Blogging world, and I happen to come across a story that basically accuses our Military of lying about producing a video that shows our Military being taunted by Iran’s revolutionary guard.  Frankly, the very idea that our Military personnel would risk their careers to produce fraudulent material for the purpose of political gain is laughable to those of us who live in the real world.  I really do believe that Mr. Hooman Majd should really look into getting a job working for Alex Jones; it could only help his rather flimsy resume.

Not to mention with a last name like that, it is quite obvious which side he has taken in this war on terror that does exist in this country, despite the attempt by the far left to pretend that it does not even exist.  While I am more progressive minded conservative, I find myself increasingly disappointed by the lunatic fringe mentality of the Liberals in this country.  The reason for this, is it makes us more “Middle of the Road” type people look stupid, I mean, I am as disappointed in this President as anyone, but my gosh, has the factual reasoning of the American people as whole collectively gone out the window?

I can hear the screams of the far left, “But look what Bush has done!” and I understand where they are coming from, Yes, our President was wrong, his intelligence people were totally wrong, they have admitted this, time and time again.  However, to sit and accuse the United States Military of aiding and abetting the President in some sort of political scheme is borderline treason, in my humble opinion.

Barack Hussein Obama, Johnny Reid Edwards, and Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton all say that they want to bring change in this Country.  Let me be the first to suggest to these people that the first thing they need to do, is to speak to the far left lunatic fringe within the Democrat Party and tell them to stop dragging our Military into their collective political bitch with the Government.  I can understand the complaints that they have with the politics in Washington D.C., but for the sake of Almighty God, leave our men and women in uniform the hell out of it, please.

Thank you for reading