Breitbart to AG Holder: Do your job douche nozzle or we will burn the Democrats come 2010!

Oh Man, there’s gonna be many a Democrat singing the blues, if Eric Holder does not do his job before 2010.

The Video:

Breitbart: There’s a lot of hypocrisy and the dust has settled for ACORN and at the end of the day they’ve recognized that Eric Holder, the Attorney General, has not initiated an investigation into ACORN after we now have seven tapes. There were five initially that came out, ACORN was defunded by the Senate, was defunded by the House, lost it’s link to the Census; while all that damage occurred, Congress didn’t come in to investigate them, obviously not the Attorney General’s office, and they’ve now realized let’s get back into business because they realized that the dust settled and they were not being investigated, it was Hannah, James, and me who were being investigated, that’s why we’ve been forced to offer this latest tape.

Hannity: Are you saying, Andrew, that there are more tapes?

Breitbart: Oh my goodness there are! Not only are there more tapes, it’s not just ACORN. And this message is to Attorney General Holder: I want you to know that we have more tapes, it’s not just ACORN, and we’re going to hold out until the next election cycle, or else if you want to do a clean investigation, we will give you the rest of what we have, we will comply with you, we will give you the documentation we have from countless ACORN whistleblowers who want to come forward but are fearful of this organization and the retribution that they fear that this is a dangerous organization. So if you get into an investigation, we will give you the tapes; if you don’t give us the tapes, we will revisit these tapes come election time.

Hannity: This is a blockbuster, what you’re saying here. You guys have more tapes, you’ll release them before the election, that could have a big impact on the election, obviously…

via Big Government  – Breitbart to AG Holder: Investigate ACORN or We’ll Release More Tapes Just Before 2010 Election.

Needless to say; this election cycle coming in 2010 is going to be an extremely interesting one.  😯 If I were holder, I would be contacting Andrew and pronto. Because if there is something huge that Andrew is sitting on, like a corruption tape, involving say, The President. The fall out would be huge; As in Richard Nixon kind of huge.

Others:, Moe Lane, Top of the Ticket, Stop The ACLU and YID With LID

Joe Lieberman says that he will back GOP filibuster of Senate Healthcare Bill

I have an idea as to why Lieberman is doing this; well, I have several different ideas:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Tuesday that he’d back a GOP filibuster of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s health care reform bill.

Lieberman, who caucuses with Democrats and is positioning himself as a fiscal hawk on the issue, said he opposes any health care bill that includes a government-run insurance program — even if it includes a provision allowing states to opt out of the program, as Reid has said the Senate bill will.

“We’re trying to do too much at once,” Lieberman said. “To put this government-created insurance company on top of everything else is just asking for trouble for the taxpayers, for the premium payers and for the national debt. I don’t think we need it now.”

Lieberman added that he’d vote against a public option plan “even with an opt-out because it still creates a whole new government entitlement program for which taxpayers will be on the line.”

His comments confirmed that Reid is short of the 60 votes needed to advance the bill out of the Senate, even after Reid included the opt-out provision. Several other moderate Democrats expressed skepticism at the proposal as well, but most of the wavering Democratic senators did not go as far as Lieberman Tuesday, saying they were waiting to see the details.

Lieberman did say he’s “strongly inclined” to vote to proceed to the debate, but that he’ll ultimately vote to block a floor vote on the bill if it isn’t changed first.

“I’ve told Sen. Reid that if the bill stays as it is now I will vote against cloture,” he said.

via Joe Lieberman: I’ll block vote on Harry Reid’s plan – Manu Raju –

Here is my official theory as to why Lieberman is doing this. For one; I believe that Lieberman is doing this to get back at the Senate Majority leader for his scolding of him for supporting John McCain during the 2008 election. Another theory I have is that Lieberman is attempting to garner support amongst the Conservative leadership on the hill. Maybe Lieberman is going to try for a run as a moderate to Liberal Republican in the not-so-distant future in the Senate. Either that, or Lieberman knows that he will never be elected as a Republican or a Democrat ever again and he is doing this, thinking that it will, someday be seen as his last great feat to save the Country from out of control socialism.

Either way, I believe that any chance of Lieberman getting back into the Democratic Party just totally dissolved. At this point, if I were a Democrat, I would want Lieberman’s head on a platter.

Others: Michelle Malkin,, Weekly Standard, The Corner, AmSpecBlog, The Greenroom, JOSHUAPUNDIT, The Moderate Voice,

Honestly, What the hell is up with Alan Grayson?

The Short Video:

The Long Video:

RedState has more on this rather strange buffoon.

Dan McLaughlin writes:

Far be it from me to suggest that Alan Grayson should tone down his act. Hey, he’ll probably get another cookie from his enablers.

Ya think? Good Lord. 🙄

Next time some idiot calls me a extremist; please, show them this.

Robert Wexler to step down.

So says the Miami Herald:

U.S. House of Representatives member Robert Wexler of Boca Raton, a self-described “fire-breathing liberal,” defender of Israel and friend of both President Barack Obama and Gov. Charlie Crist, is quitting Congress to head a think tank seeking peace in the Middle East.

In a conference call Tuesday night with Democratic leaders, Wexler said he will become director of the Washington-based Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation. Wexler, 48, is expected to make a public statement about his plans at a 10 a.m. Wednesday press conference at his Boca Raton office.

The jockeying to represent his heavily Democratic congressional district began in earnest Tuesday as the news of his departure began to leak out.

“I’m still a little bit in shock over all this,” said state Sen. Jeremy Ring, D-Parkland, though he added he was “for sure” considering a run for the seat.

Other potential Democratic contenders in the district covering parts of North Broward and Palm Beach counties are state Sen. Ted Deutch of Delray Beach, West Palm Beach Mayor Lois Frankel, Broward County Mayor Stacy Ritter and former Broward County Commissioner Ben Graber.

Once Wexler’s resignation becomes official, state law requires Crist to call a special election. That can leave candidates little time to raise funds and campaign, and sometimes makes for an unpredictable and chaotic race.

Some of you might be expecting me to trash this guy. Sorry, Just not going to do that. I will give my honest opinion of the man. When I was still doing the “Left of Center” blogger thing; I admired this guy. He stood up for what he believed in. The problem is; he, like Cindy Sheehan, had become a caricature of himself. Basically, the man just kept pounding the drum of “Impeach Bush”, until it was quite annoying, even for Democrats. Wexler most likely knows that he cannot change, or further his goal of getting Bush impeached or prosecuted for war crimes. So, he is going to work on the outside.

Honestly, I actually feel sorry for people like Wexler and Sheehan; because they were used by the Democratic Party, as a means to an end. Sheehan for her Son and Wexler for his voice. But, then again, that is how the Democratic Party operates. Just look at the Black Community; the very same party that fought to keep slavery legal, and to keep segregation legal is now using that same very group for votes. It is a sad and quite sickening thing to observe.

Memeorandum has the round up.

Update: Here is Wexler’s Official Statement:

Dear Pat,

Today, with both sadness and excitement, I announced that I am leaving Congress in January to accept the position of President of the Center for Middle East Peace, a non-profit institute devoted to achieving a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East

This decision was not easy:  I love my job and my devoted staff, and have a long, close relationship with my constituents – many of whom I’ve served for nearly 20 years.

Throughout my 13 years in Congress, I sought to be an advocate for democratic values and provide a voice to vitally important progressive causes. Whether it was working to end the use of torture by the Bush Administration, fighting for a legitimate vote during election 2000, successfully pushing for a voter verified paper trail in Florida, or our shared quest for genuine accountability these last few years – I’m proud of the stands I’ve taken.  I am even prouder to have had you standing with me.

Those who have followed my career know that in addition to the progressive causes I have championed, one of my overriding passions has been my work on the Foreign Affairs Committee helping to ensure the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel, and promoting a comprehensive peace between Israel and the Palestinians and Israel and the Arab world.

While I regret that I will be unable to complete my current term in office, I truly believe we are at a unique and critically tense moment in the history of the Middle East and decisions made today will shape the world for years to come.  There is no time to waste.

The work on issues of accountability did not start with me, nor will it end with me leaving office.  This movement has always been driven by you – and your support for the vital causes we have worked on together.

One of the great lessons I learned in my time in Congress I learned from you – and it is this:
If you stand up for and defend the constitution and rule of law, you will gain the support of hundreds of thousands of citizens across the country.

Thank you for having being part of my team and, most especially, for being brave American patriots.

With warm regards,

Congressman Robert Wexler

Here is the statement from his Congress Page:

(Boca Raton, FL) Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) issued the following statement:

“Today, I am announcing that I will be accepting the position of president of the Center for Middle East Peace and will leave Congress effective in January of 2010.

“More than anything, I want to thank the voters of Palm Beach and Broward Counties who have allowed me the privilege of representing our community in the United States House of Representatives and the Florida Senate for the past nineteen years.  I have truly cherished the opportunity to serve my constituents – many of whom make up the generation that sacrificed in World War II and Korea and rebuilt our nation after the Great Depression.

“I have both admired and learned from my constituents, especially their love of country and commitment to community.

“I am proud that everyday I have sought to advocate for and provide a voice to my constituents: whether it was fighting for a legitimate vote during the 2000 election, working toward enacting a voter verified paper trail in Florida, or advocating for health care, education, Social Security and countless other issues. Therefore, my decision to leave Congress did not come easy.

“Those who know me, and those who have followed my career know that one of my overriding passions has been my work on the Foreign Affairs Committee helping to strengthen and preserve the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel, and working toward a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East between Israelis and Palestinians and between Israel and the Arab world. Additionally, I have made a special effort to improve congressional relations with key allies in the Muslim world by founding the Turkey and Indonesia caucuses. Moreover, it was an extraordinary honor to serve as a Middle East advisor to President Obama during the presidential campaign, and I treasure the experiences I had traveling the country, and especially throughout Florida, advocating for the President’s Middle East agenda.

“Taking over as president of the Center for Middle East Peace offers me an unparalleled opportunity to work on behalf of Middle East peace for an important and influential non-profit institute. After much discussion with my family, I have decided that I cannot pass up on this opportunity.

“My one regret is that I will be unable to complete my current term in office, but I truly believe there is no time to waste.  We are at a unique and critically tense moment in the history of the Middle East with both significant opportunities to succeed in the Arab-Israeli conflict as well as major challenges involving Iran, Hamas, and al Qaeda. In the coming months, Israeli and Arab leaders will be faced with monumental decisions that will dramatically affect the region and the entire world for decades to come. Critically important American security and foreign policy interests are also at stake. I am convinced that now is the time for me to engage on these issues on a full time basis.”

Why Ron Paul is not President

First the Video:

First, AllahPundit, Who was in New York the day of the September 11’th attacks:

1. Who are the mysterious “neocons” who forced poor Barack Obama to disclose the secret Qom site, which Paul would have you believe he didn’t want to do even though he’s been preparing to do it for months? Or have I misunderstood and he’s actually suggesting that Obama’s been duped and that there’s no secret Qom site at all, even though other western intel services have been keeping tabs on it for years? Give us the names of this nefarious Jewish — sorry, I mean “neocon” — cabal, please.

2. According to The Only Man Who Can Save America, Iran actually disclosed the existence of the Qom site to the IAEA before Obama disclosed it, ergo it’s not actually a secret. True. What he doesn’t mention: They only disclosed it a week ago, in the vaguest possible terms, after having kept it a secret for at least three years, and only because they realized that the west knew about it and was about to blow their cover. Nuance, Ron Paul style.

3. An excellent point: He notes that U.S. intel apparently knew about the secret Qom site even before the infamous 2007 NIE declaring that Iran had halted its weapons program was released. Not so excellent: The conclusion he draws from this, apparently, is that the Qom site is nothing to worry about rather than the much more likely conclusion that evidence of Iranian weaponization was withheld from the NIE in a politicized bid to deny Bush any reason to take military action against Iran. Oh, also? No mention here that classified portions of that very same NIE declared that Iran had an estimated 10 to 15 secret nuclear sites. How come, Doctor?

4. “What does the law say?” wonders our hero, declaring Iran innocent of any international violations. In fact, IAEA chief Mohammed ElBaradei acknowledged just this morning that Iran had broken the law. (In Paul’s semi-defense, this clip was recorded three days ago.)

5. He asserts that the IAEA has never found Iran’s nuclear program to be at fault, which (a) overlooks point 4 above and (b) ignores the fact that the IAEA has been credibly accused by western intel agencies — and not just America’s — of suppressing evidence that incriminates Iran in order to avoid military conflict. In fact, ElBaradei himself is an Iranian stooge of such longstanding that we’ve been writing about it since practically day one of Hot Air. The fact that even he’s been forced to get tough-ish is all the proof you need that Tehran’s in flagrant violation of its international commitments.

I know that there are some, who read this blog, who possibly remember when I actually used to defend this feckless old goat. This stopped when I realized that Dr. Paul is nothing more than an nuanced Israel hating Jew basher. Between him and Pat Buchanan; I believe there are not two more perfect examples of what happened to the Republican Party AFTER the death of President Lincoln. For a historical context I will explain. After World War 1, a group of people; which at the time, was a large group, became what is now known as the “Taftwing of the Republican Party.  They were opposed to every aspect of the Administration of FDR; including the efforts to bring America out of the great depression; after the great stock market crash of 1929. After the rise of people like William Buckley Jr. and Irving Kristol; this group become less and less influential within the Republican Party. Thus creating the great gulf that is between the two camps.

I will be the first to admit; that when it comes to fiscal policy; I am somewhat in agree with Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul. I believe that Keynesian Economics is the worst model of economics out there; and that Austrian Economics, along with the taming of the Federal Reserve, at the very least would be a very good idea. I believe a full return to the gold standard would be a wise idea. However, I have heard the arguments for and against that idea, and I see the validity in both sides.

However, there is one thing that I cannot and will not attempt to defend and that is the sometimes outright and sometimes nuanced racism and antisemitism that flows through the ranks of the Paleo-Conservative circles. I mean, if it were left to people like Ron Paul and yes too; Pat Buchanan, the Jewish race would have been eliminated for the “Greater Good” of America and Hitler would have remained an ally of America. America after the attack of Peal Harbor would have seen as fit punishment for America’s dabbling into the affairs of other Governments. Do not laugh; I have read this sort of tripe on “Paleo-Conservative” websites.

While Ron Paul’s Fiscal polices might be a noble idea; albeit quite unrealistic in these days of globalism. His tolerance and promotion of antisemitism and nuanced racism are totally intolerable and are the reason why Ron Paul or any of the other “Players” in the Paleo-Conservative world are not in the White House; nor will they ever be.

Does President Obama want to impose a VAT tax?

Great, that is all we need. 🙄

(H/T to Reason)

Does President Obama have a secret plan to raise taxes on middle-class Americans — and,well, pretty much everybody else — with a European-style, value-added tax? Actually, it’s not such a big secret. Connect the dots:

1) The joint statement from the just-concluded G20 Summit in Pittsburgh called for balanced global growth — which means Americans must spend less and save more and reduce its budget deficit.

2) That same weekend, John Podesta, co-chairman of Obama’s presidential transition team and an outside White House adviser, tells a Bloomberg reporter that a value-added tax is “more plausible today” than ever, adding that “there’s going to have to be revenue in this budget.” A VAT is a kind of consumption tax.

3) Yesterday, the Center for American Progress, the liberal think tank with close White House ties, holds a conference on the rising national debt. While speaker after speaker — Paul Krugman, Roger Altman, CAP President Podesta (again), Laura Tyson — admits entitlement spending must be reduced, they also agree that taxes must be raised. Altman suggests $400 billion in new tax revenue is needed almost immediately to calm financial market fears, and a VAT would be a great way of doing it. That’s $400 billion a year, by the way, not over ten years.

4) Also, yesterday was the first meeting of President Obama’s tax reform panel led by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker. In a two-part interview with Charlie Rose airing yesterday and today, Volcker says that if Washington can’t get spending under control, either a VAT or a carbon tax would be effective revenue raisers. “Those are two big ones,” he says.

5) As they used to say in the Soviet Union, “It’s no coincidence.” This is also the conclusion of one Washington insider with ties to the White House economic team: “Does this all add up to a trial balloon? Of course, it’s a trial balloon. And I expect the administration will propose major tax reform, including a VAT.”

via James Pethokoukis – Obama’s not-so-secret plan to raise taxes

Terrific. First Obama wants to shove healthcare down our throats and then he wants to tax the living hell out of us; to pay for it. Fantastic. 🙄

Somewhere, John McCain is smiling. Because he warned America, that if they elected Obama to be President; that this would be the result. Did America listen? Of course not. Because of mean ol’ Bush; people wanted change. While I can understand the desire for change. But did America want this sort of change? Of course not. However, elections have consequences; and this is one of them.

Realistically however, I doubt that the White House would be able to get something of this nature. It just does not seem feasible. The reason being that Congress knows that they are on borrowed time.  The midterms are coming; and I highly doubt that anyone in Congress would be that crazy to try and pass anything of this nature. Heck, there already is great infighting over the “Public Option” in that healthcare bill. So, this would even lead to more that.

So, while it would not hurt to be vigil for something of this nature. I highly doubt that the Democrats are going to attempt to do something this hair-brained.

Enough is Enough!

I guess that you can consider this my “It’s on, Motherfucker!” Posting. I have sat back on the god-damned sidelines long enough. I have watched as Charles Foster Johnson has continued to slime a fellow Georgia Brother, A fellow Conservative, and a fellow brother in Jesus Christ. I am referring to none other Robert Stacy McCain.

I guess you could say; that I have just fucking flat out had it “Up to here!” with the fucking bullshit accusations against us on the right, that are against the fucking bullshit communist foreign policies of the Obama Administration, as being racist. I guess you could say that I am just fucking flat tired of the fucking collectivist bullshit tripe, that flows out of the mouth of those who want blame every last god damned fucking person under the planet, that has Conservative leanings; for the actions of a few idiots who want to try and discredit this movement of humanity against this administration.

I had some anti-LGF ads up here, that I ran for free. I removed them; because I had some questions that I really felt had not been answered good enough for my liking. Well, they were answered and it seems that Charles Foster Johnson is in full on smear mode. Well, I’ve fucking had just about god damn enough of it. 😡

Hold on to your hats, this might get a bit ugly.

It just so happens that we Conservatives were basically Anti-Slavery, and Anti-Racist for many years. Hell, Abraham Lincoln fought the civil war over the issue. However, the side that is not told about it is this; The Confederation Army did NOT go to war with the union over this; it was over CENTRALIZED Government! The Confederates knew that if the Union instituted a centralized Government, that freedoms would be lost and they decided to go to war.  What is also not told, is that fact that Lincoln’s army basically committed what would be known today as acts of terrorism. That is what this song here is all about. Abraham Lincoln knew god-damned well, that he could not win the war against the south by fighting a war, by the rule book. So, he fought it dirty and won. Some people say this is a fallacy, but I call bullshit; I have read the writings of the confederates and believe me, it was a nasty war, fought by fucking cowards who could not win any other way.

….and then there’s the issue of the Negros……

After the war was fought and won; Slavery was abolished. A good thing, I might add. Holding people against their will and using them for labor and profit, is not only stupid, it is ungodly as hell. For this one thing; I will give Abe Lincoln credit for. But everything he did to the South was just fucking rotten and I still consider the fucking bastard a god damned traitor. The truth is; Lincoln was forced into the position, because of political issues, NOT because he wanted to:

“I will say, then, that I AM NOT NOR HAVE EVER BEEN in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever FORBID the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race.”

4th Lincoln-Douglas debate, September 18th, 1858; COLLECTED WORKS Vol. 3, pp. 145-146

Yes, that is a real quote, here’s another:

“What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races.”

Spoken at Springfield, Illinois on July 17th, 1858; from ABRAHAM LINCOLN: COMPLETE WORKS, 1894, Vol. 1, page 273

“See our present condition—the country engaged in war! Our White men cutting one another’s throats! And then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or another.

“Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated.”

— Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862, from COLLECTED WORKS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Vol 5, page 371

So, Abraham Lincoln; putting his personal feelings aside, pushed for and got; the outlawing of slavery in the south. Not long after that, the group known as a the “Radical Republicans” fought for and got a commission in the south to restore the South’s economy. Later, this was stopped by the Democrats of the day and as a result, many blacks and poor whites in the south ended up being sharecroppers. Still, the Slaves were freed.

But they still were not satisfied.

After slavery, some white men in the south were not too keen on the idea of black men roaming freely around in their towns; decided that the two races should be separated. Because they felt that the Negro man was not exactly known his civility. Now honestly — I do not agree with this; and I believe that it was a flawed mentality. However, I believe that it was the personal right of those, who chose to do this, to do it.  Senator Barry Goldwater agreed with me; and refused to sign that unconstitutional so called “Civil Rights Act” of 1964.

The Negros fought and won against the Southern racist Democrats; however, they did trample on Constitutional rights to do so. But the fact is; they won. None of them are in chains, and they can now roam free as they wish, they cannot be arrested for eating in a “White” restaurant anymore. Those days are over and yet, some of them act like it is still 1945.

…and now, Today.

It can be said with the most confidence; that the age of “Jim Crow” and that of the mentality of the Klansman is officially dead. Oh, sure; there are those who are of the depraved, unenlightened mindset that still believe that the Negro man is not of the same elevated mindset of the white race. But those people have been long marginalized and largely discredited. America has elected a  half Negro President; I refuse to call him “African-American”, either your American or African, make up your god damned mind! I say half Negro, because many forget, President Obama is half a White man too.

Yet today, you have the people of the very same party, that fought to keep the Negro race in chains; the very same party that fought to keep the negro race segregated; accusing the very people who agree with the political ideology, that freed the slaves in the first place — of being racist! —- and this after an Black President has been elected! President Obama is a a Democrat, he is a socialist! Therefore he is prone to critique by those of us, who disagree with the ideology of the Democratic Party!

What really ticks me off, is the collectivist mindset among these Socialist Democrats, who seek to blame the entire Conservative movement; for the actions of a few protesters. This is just absolutely asinine and smacks of that collectivist mindset, that the Socialist Liberal Democrats are known for; herding the cattle onto the plantation.

So, in solidarity of my Southern Brother Robert Stacy McCain, I present this song. May the spirit of the Southern Conservative never die and may we always be known as those who stood and fought against those who would try and destroy our Country.

Update: Video was removed, I guess Charles Foster Johnson’s trolls are lurking about. No matter; I still feel the same way and I will NOT submit or surrender to socialist assholes who want to smear those of us, who fight for freedom and against Islamic Jihad.  (Fixed typo…. d’oh!)

and I still say to Johnson, Bring it on prick, because I can dish it out, as much as I can take it. 😡

Ron Paul on the Fed

(H/T to the Daily Paul)

Okay, I will be the first to admit it; I do NOT agree with Ron Paul on Foreign Policy.

But he sure makes a hell of a great deal of sense; when it comes to economic policy.

Here he is on Bloomberg TV:

While I personally believe some of his followers are a bit goofy. The man himself, is another story.

…and let me give this fair warning. First idiot that comes in here and leaves a stupid comment about me being a damn Neo-Conservative will get sent to the damn twit filter so fast, it will make your head swim. 😡

Lies, Damned Lies and more Lies

I notice in the Blogosphere today that the Liberals are accusing Conservatives of lying about the turn out in Washington D.C.

How ironic that the Socialists are crying foul about lying; seeing that their own dear leader is quite the liar himself.

Let’s review, shall we?

My that’s quite a bit of lying.

I think his nose should be growing…

Remember this little whopper of a big lie?

…and the Kool-Aid Drinkers bought it; hook, line and sinker.

So, perhaps…. Joe Wilson; was right?

Of course, the bill was changed, after Joe Wilson called the President on it. But still, are not these other lies legit? I think they are.

Exit Question: If a Republican lied like this man has, would not he be held to a higher scrutiny? But because he is a black liberal, he skates for free? Isn’t that the honest truth?

Republican Congressman Joe Wilson Heckles the President

Now this is new; I have never heard of this happening ever on the Senate floor.

The Video: (H/T The Hill)

The Story via The Hill:

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) apologized Wednesday night for heckling President Barack Obama as a liar during the president’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Wilson shouted to the president “you lie” after Obama said illegal immigrants would not benefit from health insurance coverage from the reform bill. Obama glared disgustedly in the direction the remark came from, as did Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Vice President Joe Biden.

The problem is; he was lying.

Of course, John McCain showed his true colors as a RINO:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Democratic leaders immediately called on Wilson to apologize, and he did so in a statement that said he’d let his emotions get the better of him.

“This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the president’s remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill,” Wilson said.

“While I disagree with the president’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable.  I extend sincere apologies to the president for this lack of civility.”

House Democratic Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) called Wilson’s outburst “embarrassing,” while McCain said it was “totally disrespectful” and that there was “no place for it in that setting or any other.”

McCain said Wilson “should apologize for it immediately.”

Good ol’ Johnny McCain, always in lockstep with the Democrats. What more can be expect from someone who lied about his damn Vietnam experiences?

Of course, ol’ Shoeshine boy James Clyburn, has got to get his dig in:

Clyburn said South Carolina was already suffering because of Gov. Mark Sanford. “Now we got one of out Congresspeople to drive our reputation to a new low.”

Sanford has endured calls for his resignation after admitting to an affair.

Why is this all happening? Here’s why:

The incident was reminiscent of the town halls across the country that came to define Obama and the Democratic Party’s problems with healthcare during a tough August recess. Democratic senators and House members, including House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) were frequently heckled by constituents during the town halls, and the rowdiest events became staples of cable news.

Well, Golly gee… Let’s see, the President of the United States wants to essentially destroy one third of our economy; and he wonders why people, like Joe Wilson are angry?

But still there is a bit of historical context here:

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said he has never witnessed such a scene in 35 years of watching presidential addresses.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Leahy said. “I talked to a number of my Republican friends on the way out who were mortified and angry that someone would do that.

“I’ve been in situations with presidents with whom I absolutely disagreed with,” said Leahy, who had a memorable exchange in 2004 on the Senate floor with Vice President Dick Cheney. After criticizing the vice president about his ties to Halliburton, Cheney used an obsenity with Leahy.

Still, Leahy said he hadn’t seen anything like a lawmaker calling the president a liar during an address to Congress.

“But nobody — nobody — ever has done anything like that,” he said. “He is the head of government for our country.”

He does have a point. It is a respect thing. Barack Obama is the President of the United States and some respect is due. Even if he is wrong.

The Politico has reported that Joe Wilson has called Rham Emmanuel and apologized. His Statement:

“This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President’s remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.”

Which was the best thing for him to do. As the Democrats could and very much would try and censure the man. Just like they did Joe McCarthy who was working to prevent people like Barack Obama from ever getting to the White House in the first place.

Another startling report comes from Protein Wisdom, there are people; blacks mostly, that are threatening to kill Joe Wilson on Twitter.  This is totally disgusting and this should be investigated by the F.B.I. —- I also received several reports that Joe Wilson’s office in D.C. or somewhere was firebombed or was going to be. I hope that this is not the case. One twitter that I read said something involving Joe Wilson’s kids. Folks, that is just not funny, at all. If you have a beef with the man, fine. But leave the family out of it.

AllahPundit quips:

Update: When do Obama and Reid apologize for their month of jackassery?

Good question. When do Democrats apologize for their actions and disrespect of our Military? Good luck with that! 🙄

Seriously, why the hell would I care what Mark Foley thinks?

This will be one of them posts where I am going to make some on the far right angry… I think.

Nearly three years after then-Congressman Mark Foley, R-FLA, saw his political career crumble following the revelation of his sexually explicit emails with underage congressional pages, he’s garnering the spotlight once again: as a radio talk show host.

Foley, who resigned after ABC News’ The Blotter broke the story before going to rehab in Arizona, is set to debut his radio show entitled “Inside the Mind of Mark Foley” on Sept. 22 on West Palm Beach radio station WSVU 960am.

“You’re going to be amazed,” said WSVU spokesman Joseph Raineri of Foley. Raineri said that “with everything that’s going on with healthcare and everybody questioning what’s happening in Washington, DC, we thought who better to explain what’s going on than Mark Foley.”

via Mark Foley to Become Talk Radio Host After Email Scandal – ABC News.

I mean, I know this is going to make me sound like a crass asshole; which I will readily admit to being. But I really just do not give two flips what this morally depraved faggot thinks about anything at all.  Because more than likely it involves little boys and naked gay men; and I am just not really into that sort of thing.

Needless to say, I doubt very many people will be listening to this man’s show. I think he seriously needs to just disappear. As he was an embarrassment for the Republican Party.

What some people will not do, to stay in the spotlight. Oy. 🙄

Liberals now accuse us of being terrorists

That is correct, we are now the terrorists; that is according to the far left African-American wing of the Democratic Party.

I am, of course, referring to this absolutely asinine rant here.  I would quote that bunch of nonsensical prattle on this blog and respond to it directly; but I am afraid that my emotions would get the best of me and I would say something that I might regret later. Leave it to the idiotic Socialist Liberal Democrats, to turn a fact finding mission, about an admitted Communist, who said everything and I do mean everything; under the damn sun about white people into a “White vs Black” witch hunt; starring of course; Glenn Beck.

The truth is folks, this had nothing to do with “White vs Black” and everything to do with Right vs Wrong. In fact, here is Glenn Back’s Statement about Van Jones’s ouster:

The American people stood up and demanded answers. Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future.

That is the truth about what really happened people. The Socialist Liberals seem to forget something; and that is that not every person under the Sun voted for Barack Obama. Some that voted for radical extremists like Bob Barr, some that wrote in the name of the crazy extremist Texas Representative Ron Paul, some that actually held their noses and voted for Moderate Republican John McCain and his V.P. Pick Caribou Barbie; er, um, I mean, Sarah Palin.

That my friends is 42% of this Country of ours. Yes, President Obama won fair and square; there is no disputing that.  But he won the election for President of the United States of America and NOT President of the Democratic Party; NOT President of extreme socialist wing of the Democratic Party, not President of the Socialist States of America, not the President of the African-American wing of the Democratic Party —- But the United States of America. President Barack Obama is the American people’s President and we, as Americans, have a obligation as United States citizens to hold this President accountable for every last damn decision that he and congress make.  The same was true with George W. Bush and the Republican Congress and the same is and will be true with THIS President and this Congress.

We just cannot allow, nor can we afford, to become complacent in our attitude towards politics and Washington D.C. and most importantly about the Obama Administration.  That is what the Obama Administration wants; everyone just to tune out and let them handle everything. Let me be the first to say this; as a Independent Conservative writer, and not as a Republican —– that complacency is what got this Country in this mess in the first place. What am I talking about? I am referring to the last nine years in the Country. Back in 2000. There was an election, we elected George W. Bush, then the day after the election, the America said, “Okay, that is over with!” and they proceeded to tune out politics and went back to their normal lives.  Then 9/11 happened and everybody paid attention again, and that lasted about a month or so, maybe two or three; but by the time December of 2001 had rolled around the majority of America had moved on or lost interest.  Then 2003 rolled around, George W. Bush sort of declared war against a Country that had zero to do with the 9/11 attacks. All because upon intelligence that we now know was horribly bad. Again, everyone paid attention, for a while, maybe for about a month or so. But then, the story got to be old hat and the majority of Americans lost interest. Then came 2006, the Iraq War turned ugly — troops started dying in mass; and the American people got angry and started demanding answers. Changes were made, idiots were fired, and a magical surge happened and everything was fine again, and again the people tuned Washington D.C. and the President out, again.

Then came the 2008 elections, which really started way back in 2007. I know, I blogged about them; daily. The American people started, ever so slowly to pay attention again, weary from the Bush Years, people wanted change. Then in the middle of the horse race in 2008, the economic bubble burst and burst bad it did. This is when everyone and I do mean everyone began to pay attention.  What would President Bush do? What would become of our Nation? The American people actually said, “What will become…of me?” Bush did what any beltway Conservative does in time of crisis; he became a Democrat and started trying to prime the pump. He threw money at the Bankers and very quickly left the scene. By this time, the damned world was watching and some, were scratching their heads and wondering; “What on earth are these people doing to our Nation?”

Then the day of reckoning arrived; November 4, 2008. The Nation was in dire need of change and a new President; and the American people did what our Constitution guarantees us —- A right to vote.  During the election, Conservatives like myself, raised our objections to the Democratic forerunner and his policies.  But, the majority of the American people either were not listening or just simply did not care. They wanted a change in direction and boy did they ever get one!

Six months have passed now and Obama’s mantra of Hope and Change is now soured and the very people that voted for him are not shaking their fists in disgust at this President. His policies are failing, tax cheats have bailed, a Communist has resigned over furor of statements made by him. His own very base is now turning on him.

Where am I going with this? What is my point?

My point is this. The American people are actually paying attention to what you do, Mr. President. Do not deceive yourself into believing that you can just do what you damned well please. Your backroom deals with big pharma will come back to haunt you in 2012. Your feeble attempt to fix this economy has essentially failed.  You hired a racist-baiting, bigoted, Communist for a “Green Jobs Czar.” The American people, with the assistance of the Conservative Blogosphere; you know those 42% of Americans that did not vote for you. —- have become well informed of you actions sir. We will continue to fight for what we believe in, Mr President.

We are the loyal opposition. We have nothing to apologize for….. and we’re not going any damned where. Mr. President we elected you and we will make sure, that you are doing your job. We cannot ever afford to tune out, nor will we ever do so again.

Others:  American Power, Pajamas Media, Hot Air, Riehl World ViewAmSpecBlog, Power Line

YES! Political experts see double digit losses for Democrats in 2010 elections!

This is such a good thing to hear…:

After an August recess marked by raucous town halls, troubling polling data and widespread anecdotal evidence of a volatile electorate, the small universe of political analysts who closely follow House races is predicting moderate to heavy Democratic losses in 2010.

Some of the most prominent and respected handicappers can now envision an election in which Democrats suffer double-digit losses in the House — not enough to provide the 40 seats necessary to return the GOP to power but enough to put them within striking distance.

Top political analyst Charlie Cook, in a special August 20 update to subscribers, wrote that “the situation this summer has slipped completely out of control for President Obama and congressional Democrats.”

“Many veteran congressional election watchers, including Democratic ones, report an eerie sense of déjà vu, with a consensus forming that the chances of Democratic losses going higher than 20 seats is just as good as the chances of Democratic losses going lower than 20 seats,” he wrote.

At the mid-August Netroots Nation convention, Nate Silver, a Democratic analyst whose uncannily accurate, stat-driven predictions have made his website a must read among political junkies, predicted that Republicans will win between 20 and 50 seats next year. He further alarmed an audience of progressive activists by arguing that the GOP has between a 25 and 33 percent chance of winning back control of the House.

via Experts see double-digit Dem losses – Josh Kraushaar –

This reason why this is such a good thing is this; because of this, I believe that the Democrats will abandon the idea of Nationalized Healthcare. The reason why these numbers are so high is this; The Democrats, as I have written many times before, have overreached horribly after the 2008 election. They saw this economic crisis and the abject failure of the Bush Administration, as a chance to push through their progressive agenda. There was one thing, however, that the Democrats did not plan on; resistance. That would be the resistance from the 42% of Americans that voted for John McCain.

These number simply prove what I have believed all along. That not everyone in America is lockstep with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party; and their Identity Politics, Post Racial-Racialism, and the general Chicago style of politics that this Presidential Administration’s modus operandi.

For Republicans, this is their chance, put seeing their spokespersons are Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin. I do not expect much out of them; at least not in 2010.

Others:    Right Wing Nut HouseDon Surber, Wake up America, Sister Toldjah, Another Black Conservative, Flopping Aces, American PowerAnd So it Goes in Shreveport, The Corner on National …

Democrats Prepared to go it alone.

Call me skeptic, but this just does not pass the smell test….

Via The NYT:

WASHINGTON — Given hardening Republican opposition to Congressional health care proposals, Democrats now say they see little chance of the minority’s cooperation in approving any overhaul, and are increasingly focused on drawing support for a final plan from within their own ranks.

Top Democrats said Tuesday that their go-it-alone view was being shaped by what they saw as Republicans’ purposely strident tone against health care legislation during this month’s Congressional recess, as well as remarks by leading Republicans that current proposals were flawed beyond repair.

Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, said the heated opposition was evidence that Republicans had made a political calculation to draw a line against any health care changes, the latest in a string of major administration proposals that Republicans have opposed.

“The Republican leadership,” Mr. Emanuel said, “has made a strategic decision that defeating President Obama’s health care proposal is more important for their political goals than solving the health insurance problems that Americans face every day.”

The Democratic shift may not make producing a final bill much easier. The party must still reconcile the views of moderate and conservative Democrats worried about the cost and scope of the legislation with those of more liberal lawmakers determined to win a government-run insurance option to compete with private insurers.

On the other hand, such a change could alter the dynamic of talks surrounding health care legislation, and even change the substance of a final bill. With no need to negotiate with Republicans, Democrats might be better able to move more quickly, relying on their large majorities in both houses.

Okay here is why I do not believe that the Democrats will try and ram this legislation through. Right now, Congress in recess and they are out meeting with the people; the Congress critters are not stupid, they know that the people that are protesting at these meetings also vote, and whether the liberal media wants to admit it or not; these people are voting for the one’s who are trying to ram this through Congress. I believe before recess is over and the Congress convenes in August, there will be a major “Backsliding” in the Congress’s confidence in getting this passed. I believe at the last minute; many of these Congressmen will decide against this bill and It will die in the either the House or the Senate.

The reason I say this is because there are just too many “Blue Dogs” to prevent this bill from going anywhere. While there might be a 60 seat majority. Not all of these Congress people are far lefty Liberals. Some of them are Moderate and some some from very Conservative districts.  The Democrats made a very fatal error in their judgment; they assumed that the entire Democratic Party had leaned to the far left. I am sorry to say, but that just is not true at all. There are some Democrats; God Love them, who still believe in the idea of Free Market Principles. They are also knowledgeable of the fact that the Healthcare industry accounts for 12-15% of the Nation’s Economy and if this plan goes through, that it would destroy or at the very least impair our nation’s economy.

So, while some of my fellow Conservative Bloggers are throwing up their hands and are saying “Get ready for Obamacare!” I am not so ready to raise the flag of surrender yet. Because I just have this itching feeling that the “Blog Dogs” and some of the not-so-Blue Dogs are going to have a “Come to Jesus” moment on this and are going to hastily retreat on this bill and vote against it. So, while I do not underestimate the majority of the Democrats, I also know that some of those Democrats are looking at 2010 and are wanting to keep their jobs. We must keep this in mind.

Others Covering the Subject: , Hot Air, RedState, YID With LID, Sweetness & LightCommentaryThe Sundries Shack, The Strata-SphereWake up America, Right Wing Nut HouseQandO, , Scared MonkeysDon Surber and Atlas Shrugs

Healthcare redux times twelve sans five

or something like that….

First up; you can head on over and read “The One’s” desperate attempt to keep the debate afloat. I would sit here, and play the quote and challenge game; but it’s Sunday and I have a knee-ache, that is about to kill me. So, I will refrain. I think most of you all know how I feel about the damn thing. So, I will just let you go read for yourself.

Second up is the revelation that the public option might just be dead….CNN Reports:

A key Senate negotiator said Sunday that President Barack Obama should drop his push for a government-funded public health insurance option because the Senate will never pass it.

Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad of North Dakota said it was futile to continue to “chase that rabbit” due to the lack of 60 Senate votes needed to overcome a filibuster.

“The fact of the matter is there are not the votes in the United States Senate for a public option. There never have been,” Conrad said on “FOX News Sunday.”

Conrad is one of six Senate Finance Committee members — three Democrats and three Republicans — who are negotiating a compromise health-care bill that would be the only bipartisan proposal so far.

Three House bills and another Senate version have all been proposed by Democrats, and all contain provisions for a public health insurance option intended to compete against private insurers.

Republican opponents argue the public option is a step toward the government taking over the health care industry. Many Democrats argue that it would not have that effect.

Conrad has proposed creating non-profit health insurance cooperatives that could negotiate coverage as a collective for their members.

He said Sunday that such cooperatives would provide the competition sought by Obama and Democratic leaders to force private insurers to hold down costs and improve practices.

Of course, Liberals are NOT happy about this, as you can see here and here for yourself. Now, at this point you are most likely expecting me to say something snarky or nasty about this. Well, surprise. Believe it or not (Ripley?) I can certainly understand why those on the left would be upset at this. This is because I understand what is happening here. The President and the Congress are capitulating to the backlash from those of us, who do not want to see the Government involved in the process of health-care.  The reason why this is so upsetting to the liberal crowd is this. The people who voted for Obama; voted for change, they trusted that Obama would be to shatter the “Business As usual”  Government of Washington D.C.; Instead what he did was, is bring his own brand of “Business as usual” to Washington D.C. This has not flown well with those who actually voted for change in Washington D.C. As matter of fact, one of Obama’s own cabinet members was boo’ed and heckled at the Netroots conference that took places yesterday.

I have been pretty good at making predictions on this blog, so far. So, I am going to make a another public prediction. I predict that if come September, the Congress and Senate comes back, and this Health-care dies or gets shelved. That there will be blood. No, not literal blood. But, political blood. The sharks will be circling and quite frankly, it will get horribly ugly. You think the vitriol towards Bush was bad? You wait till this Health-Care Bill dies. You think Obama’s poll numbers are bad now? Wait till this all goes down. It is going to get really bad. Let’s just say that there are going to be a whole bunch of Liberal news organizations that are going to suddenly discover their objectivity again. Because for the last six months, The President has been getting a free pass, but now, the honeymoon is over, and the folks, as Bill O’Reilly calls them; are wanting to see what this guy is really going to do. The Liberal Establishment, and yes that includes the press, wants to know, is this guy going to deliver or not? If the President shows any sort of weakness at all, I predict that the media will go after him and the darling new President will become the next feeding frenzy.

Which brings me to my last point. What exactly is the point of having a health-care bill without a public option? I thought that is what the purpose of getting this bill passed in the first place! To me, stripping that option out, would spell disaster for all involved. Personally, if I were the Democrats, I would simply scrap the bill and start over, or put it off till after the elections. Because taking that out, would defeat the very purpose for having a health-care reform. Let me be clear, I do not support the idea of any kind of Government health-care at all. But it would seem that the Democrats would want to avoid shooting themselves in the foot like this. But then again, I have seen dumber things done by liberals in the past.

Democrats retreat on Climate Change AKA Cap and Tax

Big Surprise There!

Via BloomBerg:

Aug. 14 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. Senate should abandon efforts to pass legislation curbing greenhouse-gas emissions this year and concentrate on a narrower bill to require use of renewable energy, four Democratic lawmakers say.

“The problem of doing both of them together is that it becomes too big of a lift,” Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas said in an interview last week. “I see the cap-and-trade being a real problem.”

The resistance by Lincoln and her Senate colleagues undercuts President Barack Obama’s effort to win passage of legislation that would cap carbon dioxide emissions and establish a market for trading pollution allowances, said Peter Molinaro, the head of government affairs for Midland, Michigan- based Dow Chemical Co., which supports the measure.

“Doing these energy provisions by themselves might make it more difficult to move the cap-and-trade legislation,” said Molinaro, who is based in Washington. “In this town if you split two measures, usually the second thing never gets done.”

The House passed cap-and-trade legislation in June.

Leaders of the Democratic-controlled Senate say they are sticking with their plan to combine a version of that bill with a separate measure mandating energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources such as solar and wind power. The legislation also provides for an extension of offshore oil and gas drilling in certain areas, broadening its support.

Reid’s Comment

“I don’t think we are going to take to the Senate floor a bill stripped of climate provisions,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, told reporters in Las Vegas on Aug. 11.

The reason this is happening is because the Democrats know that they are losing their support; because of the health-care issue. The poll numbers for the President and Congress are nosediving; so, the Democrats are scaling back. Smart move, if you ask me. They could totally lose their standings, which I predict will happen. 2010 will tell the story. You watch and see.

Others: The Atlantic Politics Channel, American Spectator, Senate Guru, Say Anything, Hot Air, Grist, The Minority Report, YID With LID, JustOneMinute, The Corner on National …,, The Foundry, Erick’s blog, RedState, Americans for Prosperity, AmSpecBlog and Don Surber

Yes, it is wrong when someone rips up a poster of Rosa Parks

This is one of those postings that is going to most likely anger some on the far right that might read this blog.

I have two words for ’em.

Fuck ‘Em. 😡

Pam Spaulding of whom I have zero in common with, when it comes to politics; but this right here goes way beyond that and yes, it is highly racist and yes, it pisses me the hell off — reports about some ass-clown who took it upon himself to rip up some woman’s poster of Rosa Parks.

Here’s the video:

In case, you cannot see what they guy does; here is a picture of a close up:


A blog called Hating, Not Debating has the details:

This is the only video of what actually happened at the event this afternoon. The news only showed the woman being escorted away by the police. What happened was the women walked in with signs, the crowd booed and yelled at the women. The women rolled up their posters and put them down. A photographer/reporter approached the woman on the end and wanted to see what the poster was. As the woman went to show the photographer/reporter what the poster was, a man from the bleachers stood up and snatched the poster from the woman and photographer/reporter. As the woman went to retrieve her poster the police stepped in and escorted the woman and the man from the building.

The poster was not of Obama, it was not pro health care, the poster that was taken from the woman and wrinkled up into a ball was of Rosa Parks.

National news coverage only showed the woman being escorted from the forum and left out the fact that it was the man who started the incident. Not to mention it was a poster of Rosa Parks.

Okay, here is the deal; I understand that many people are not too thrilled about Obama’s attempt to Nationalize the healthcare system in this Country. Count me among those who are not too trilled about it either. But this sort of nonsense right here is just fucking wrong.  First off all, just who the fuck appointed this asshole to be the offical “Snatch the poster guy?” Second of all; how much more of a racist message could you send to the African-American community, than by ripping up a poster of an icon of the civil rights movement in this Country?

As a Conservative who is well versed in the Republican Party’s historic fight against segregation in the south; this steams me to my damn core.  Anyone who has ever read my about me page, knows that I have a thing for history; and this idiot just took a fucking page from the pre-1964 civil rights right act playbook of the Democratic Party.

I may take heat for writing this, but I just do not give a damn! This asshole does not represent me, nor anyone ELSE, that I know in Conservatism! 😡

Let me be absolutely clear, I have and will continue to use this blog to speak out against identity politics and stupidity that is associated with it on the left. But this is a clear cut case of racism and it is wrong. I will speak about against that, no matter what the cost.

Update: WizBang reports that it was a volunteer who was working the event. But that does not excuse this, as it was still wrong. Hope the damn bastard does some serious time for it.

More Pics via Mr. WizBang:



Thats it, walk that Mother Fucker outta there... asshole racist!

That's it, walk that Mother Fucker outta there... asshole racist!

Once again Andrew Sullivan shows that he is not a Conservative

Andrew Sullivan is Astroturfing (or is it asshole-turfing? Most likely BOTH in Sullivan’s case! DohHypnotized)   for his fellow Liberals.

Andrew Sullivan says:

welcome2insanity(2)Here’s another example. There’s a groundswell of grousing on the right about the cash-for-clunkers program, because the feds were caught off-guard by its popularity. The argument is that if the government can’t run cash-for-clunkers, how can it run healthcare?

To which one might respond: but cash-for-clunkers is one example of the government actually doing something right, helpful and popular. It’s the kind of pragmatic experimentation that FDR tried repeatedly. So you have a practical, targeted measure that seems to have helped abate a deeper recession in the auto industry, and the right is obsessed with the ideological abstraction of “government.”

What conservatives have to do, in my view, is not demonize government, but to champion limited government. If government can do tangible practical things that help everyone, while balancing its budget, it’s doing what conservatives think it should. Smart, practical initiatives that address problems that the private sector has failed at: what else is government for? The rest is ideology – and it seems to be all the Republicans have left.

Can someone tell how the Government affecting the Markets is doing something right? I mean, Ron Paul knocked out of the ballpark, when he said in his video that, while the “Cash for Clunkers” program might help those who are able to buy cars; but that it would damage the market for the poor people who buy those older so-called “Clunker” cars.

Reason Magazine’s Matt Welch weighs in:

I’m nobody’s conservative, but I’m pretty sure if I was telling conservatives how to think I wouldn’t admonish them for failing to champion limited government within two sentences of praising FDR’s pragmatism. It’s like, I dunno, lecturing the Labour Party about demonstrating their pro-union bonafides while praising Margaret Thatcher’s centrism. Sounds a bit off.


Sullivan is dead right about one thing: Cash-for-clunkers is indeed very “popular.” So is the home mortgage interest deduction, the prescription drug benefit, and any number of federal programs that siphon from the diffuse pool of tax revenue+debt and blast out concentrated benefits to the broad middle class. The standard for judging these things shouldn’t be popularity–Richard Nixon’s wage-and-price control spasm of 1971, to name one of many historical measures now widely and rightly considered asinine, was hugely popular at the time–but whether they make sense in both the short and long term.

Cash-for-clunkers amounts to a rounding error in Tim Geithner’s nose-hair at this point, which is probably why at least some liberals seem so genuinely baffled by the disproportionate criticism it has drawn. But for some of us it’s also a nearly perfect symbol of economic statism run amok. The federal government is taking from the many, giving it to the less-than-many, destroying functional cars, funneling money to an auto industry that it already largely owns (at a hefty taxpayer price tag), then taking multiple (and multiply premature) bows for rescuing the economy and the auto industry in the process.

I understand, and even appreciate, that not everyone interprets things this way. But what I don’t understand, and ultimately don’t respect, is the weird urge to react to yet another Obama administration brainfart by rounding up its opponents and putting them in a metaphorical holding pen marked “ideologically obsessed.” Particularly after eight years in which the only detectable ideology was taxcut-and-spend, and otherwise do what parties in power always do: look for creative new ways to bribe the middle class.

I happen to like that last part about bribing the middle class. Is not that the honest truth? I mean, the Republican Party does it, and so do the Democrats. Bribe the middle class for their vote. I tend to believe it happens on the left more; but honestly, both sides do it. This program is an example of that.

James Joyner weighs in as well:

Piggybacking on WSJ’s point, it strikes me that the “clunkers” aspect of this arrangement is morally dubious. Glenn Reynolds‘ 2004 Mazda RX-8 is a clunker that, were he so inclined, he would be eligible to trade to the government (indirectly) for $4500.  It would then be scrapped.  Doesn’t this remove a perfectly good used car from the market that some person of modest means could otherwise have purchased, either upgrading from an older, less reliable vehicle or none at all?  And doesn’t doing that mean the price of other used cars will increase accordingly?

Which is exactly what Ron Paul said in his video. Here is another area that this program will hurt. Auto Mechanics; these guys are the ones who keep those older cars going, thus creating a living for themselves. Which, in case the liberal socialist left have forgotten; does contribute to the economy. Which proves to the this writer, that the socialist far liberal left, in their quest to further their so-called Green agenda, which is basically a big scam, that is only going to benefit big business; they have left the most important people behind —- their constituents, that are the poor and lower middle class in this Country.

Graphic Credit: McGurk @ Ace of Spades

Blue Dogs cut a deal and run like hell

Well, I thought it was funny! 😉 😛

The Hill reports:

The Energy and Commerce Committee will resume its markup of healthcare legislation Wednesday afternoon under a deal between Blue Dogs and House leaders, but there will be no floor vote on the legislation before August.

Delaying a vote until after August was a key demand of the Blue Dogs, along with reducing the cost of the bill by $100 billion and allowing states to create health “co-ops” that would compete with the government-run “public option” and private insurers.

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was in the negotiations speaking for President Obama.

“We cut the cost of the bill, delayed a floor vote and ensured that the public option will not be forced on anyone,” said Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.) who has led the negotiations for the Blue Dogs. “Members will have time to go home to talk to their constituents and actually read the bill.”

Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) said he plans to finish the markup by Friday, the day Congress is scheduled to adjourn.“We cut the cost of the bill, delayed a floor vote and ensured that the public option will not be forced on anyone,” said Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.) who has led the negotiations for the Blue Dogs. “Members will have time to go home to talk to their constituents and actually read the bill.”

Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) said he plans to finish the markup by Friday, the day Congress is scheduled to adjourn.

“That is my expectation and hope,” Waxman said.

A couple things come to mind.  I am glad that the Blue Dogs talked the rest of those pinheads out of forcing people to take the public option; that bothered me greatly.  I figured that the “forcing someone” bit would never make it to the final bill.  Because the Democrats know that killing off Private industry, whatever it might be would not be in their best interests.  (Despite what Sean Hannity might say about that…. 😉 😛  )   Those people up on Capitol Hill might act dumb; at times, but in reality they know fully that private industry is the backbone of America.

This is not to say that there are not some far lefty socialists in the Democratic Party; there are plenty of them.  Only difference between those idiots and the Communists in Russia are the party name and the language accents.  However, I am happy to know that there are some moderates still in that party.  Now, do I think this bill will pass?  That is a good question.  I believe that there is going to be some push back, among the far left in the Democratic Party, especially from the netroots people who want a single payer health-care system.  Which I feel personally is an unreasonable goal, as I feel it would bankrupt the Nation.

I also know very well, that there is going to be a massive push by the far right types to kill this bill off entirely.  Whether they succeed or not, is another story.  It is important to note that the forcing language was stripped out and some state ran alternatives are being introduced.  Some still may not like this, but I tend to believe the wind will go out of sails of those who were fiercely opposed to the plan.

I am just happy that they put the thing off till August and are actually are going to read the bill. That my friends is PROGRESS! 😀 😛 😉

Senate Panel Approves Sotomayor in 13-6 Vote

This was not a big surprise at all. But it is content and that’s what this game is all about. 😀

Via NYT:

WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee voted, 13 to 6, on Tuesday to endorse the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor, easing her path to likely confirmation as the first Hispanic member of the tribunal.

As expected, all 12 Democrats on the judiciary panel voted for Judge Sotomayor. But among the seven Republicans on the committee, only Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina voted in favor.

“She is a restrained, fair and impartial judge,” said Senator Patrick J. Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who heads the committee.

The action sends the nomination to the full Senate, where her confirmation by a comfortable margin seems to be assured.

Republican critics of the judge expressed displeasure with her rulings as a member of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, as well as with some of her public comments. The rulings and comments show that she is a judge is too “activist” and liberal and has too little commitment to the rights of gun owners, the critics complained.

Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the committee’s leading Republican, said just before the vote that he was compelled to oppose the nomination because of the judge’s “liberal, pro-government ideology.”

In an Op-Ed article in USA Today on Monday, Mr. Sessions wrote: “I don’t believe that Judge Sotomayor has the deep-rooted convictions necessary to resist the siren call of judicial activism. She has evoked its mantra too often. As someone who cares deeply about our great heritage of law, I must withhold my consent.”

Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, said Mr. Sessions’ questioning of the nominee had been “sharp but fair.” Still, Mr. Schumer said, he was perplexed that anyone could accuse the nominee of being a liberal activist, since an examination of her record shows her to be a moderate.

Barring some totally unforeseen event or shocking disclosure, confirmation is inevitable, since the Democrats have a 60-to-40 advantage in the Senate, counting two independents who vote with them. Moreover, several Republicans in addition to Mr. Graham have announced that they will vote for her.

Mr. Graham said he supported the nomination, despite early reservations. “I feel good about Judge Sotomayor,” he said, adding he was sure that she would decide cases “based on what she thinks is right” and be an inspiration for young women. The Senate is expected to debate the nomination next week, so Judge Sotomayor is likely to be sworn in as the Supreme Court’s first Hispanic justice (and only its third woman) in time for the start of the high court’s next term, which begins in October.

I am heartened to see Republicans standing on their principles; for a change. I believe if there had been more Republicans in the Senate, that the “Wise Latino” would be been rejected. However, I am well aware that elections have consequences. If any conservatives want to be angry, be angry at Bush for royally screwing up the Republican Party’s holding in both houses of Congress. Before anyone accuses me of having the poorly-named “BDS”, it is a fact, that the Bush Administration made some serious blunders during is tenure and as a result of that the election went the way that it did. This nomination is one of the unfortunate bi-products of that process. The Republican Party should be mindful of this during the next election cycle in 2012, in their choosing of the next Presidential candidate.

CBO Says Obamacare will save no money over 10 years

Do you think that maybe NOW Obama will understand why the blue dogs revolted?

For the second time this month, congressional budget analysts have dealt a blow to the Democrat’s health reform efforts, this time by saying a plan touted by the White House as crucial to paying for the bill would actually save almost no money over 10 years.

A key House chairman and moderate House Democrats on Tuesday agreed to a White House-backed proposal that would give an outside panel the power to make cuts to government-financed health care programs. White House budget director Peter Orszag declared the plan “probably the most important piece that can be added” to the House’s health care reform legislation.

But on Saturday, the Congressional Budget Office said the proposal to give an independent panel the power to keep Medicare spending in check would only save about $2 billion over 10 years- a drop in the bucket compared to the bill’s $1 trillion price tag.

“In CBO’s judgment, the probability is high that no savings would be realized … but there is also a chance that substantial savings might be realized. Looking beyond the 10-year budget window, CBO expects that this proposal would generate larger but still modest savings on the same probabilistic basis,” CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf wrote in a letter to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on Saturday.

via CBO deals new blow to health plan – Chris Frates –

The Blue Dog Democrats revolted on this stupid plan, because they know; what the majority of clear-thinking Americans know. That the Nation’s Economy is in the Toilet and is not expected not to get any better anytime soon. The passing of this Health-care Bill and the Nationalization of our Health-care system is going to sooner or later drive America into Bankruptcy.  The Blue Dog Democrats know this, they are not under the spell of hope and change, like Obama wants them to be. In other words, they are not drinking the Kool-Aid on the Obamassiah.

One trillion dollars and The economy is at it worst since the 1980’s? Is this President serious?

I think the President and the Democratic Party need to seriously reconsider what they are attempting to do here. Because if they do not, this country may just end with a one party system after the damage is all done. Some Republicans might be thrilled at the prospect of the total and complete destruction of the Democratic Party; but I would not be thrilled at all. Why?

I will tell you why, because, like Bill O’Reilly; believe that a two-party system in this Country is important. I believe, personally, that neither of these parties; Republican Party or The Democratic Party have all of the answers. There is good and bad in both of them, and because of this, I believe that the Democratic Party is about to do one of the stupidest an horrific overreaches in many years. It was attempted in Clinton Administration and it failed, and now it is about to be attempted again.  This time, it will be a disaster.

Somebody up there on Capital Hill needs have some clear thinking and really seriously consider what might become of the Democratic Party, should this blow up in their faces. Because I have a feeling that this all is going to get much uglier, before it gets any better.

Others: RedState, Weekly Standard, theblogprof, Betsy’s Page, Cold Fury, Economix, PrairiePundit, Hot Air and The Hill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: No Healthcare Vote Before August Recess

A victory, albeit a minor one:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today that the Senate would not attempt to pass sweeping health care reform until after returning from the August recess.

“It’s better to get a product that’s based on quality and thoughtfulness than on trying to just get something through,” Reid told reporters.

Reid said the Senate would try to complete a package in the fall.

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin said Wednesday that he expected that a bill would not be passed before the upper chamber breaks for recess on August 7.

“All this is no surprise to anyone,” Reid said.

Reid also said that the Senate Finance Committee’s long-awaited markup would be completed before the August 7 date.

Reid said Republicans, who have shown intense resistance to President Obama’s push for health care reform, had asked for more time to work out a package.

“We will do what we can to make sure their concerns are not buried,” Reid said.

via Reid: Health care won’t happen before recess –

So, it looks like the President’s little dog and pony show last night was all for naught. Instead of forcing the hand of Congress; Obama succeeded in making himself look like quite the jackass, in front of the American people. Instead of Obama pushing his Healthcare plan; Obama just played the game of trying to reassure the American people. Which, in this writers opinion failed; because he simply dealt in generalities, instead of specifics.

Seems to me that President Obama believes that the entire Democratic Party is just going to roll over and allow this Healthcare bill to pass unchallenged. It just does not work that way. The entire Democratic Party, is just not sold on the idea of President Obama’s far left socialism. The Blue-Dogs as they are called, still believe in free market values. They are just not going to swallow Obama’s agenda; just because he is black.  This was the fatal flaw in the Obama strategy, thinking that he was going to get his way; and if anyone tried to block it, he would play the race card. It worked during the campaign, but it will not work in Washington D.C.; because the Blog Dogs just are not that stupid.

If the Blue Dogs are going to be convinced to pass something like this, they will have to be told how, in very specific terms, this Healthcare program is going to be paid for. So far, Obama has not given that. Only simple generalities; that will not fly with the Blue Dog Democrats at all.

I will continue to cover this interesting little story. Because I want to see what strategy that the Obama Administration employs. I can tell you, that if the Obama Administration tries to employ the “race card”, there could be some backlash from that as well. Because some in the Democratic Party just do not buy into that whole, “Play the card, if you’re losing the argument” strategy. It could cost Obama in poll numbers and possibly in 2012, should he decide to run again.

Update: You can read the round up of opinions on Memeornadum

The Wall Street Journal’s shocking Discovery: "Obama is not Post-Partisan"

You mean, they are just now figuring this out? Raised Eyebrow

Only last summer we were told that Barack Obama’s political appeal rested on his vision for a “post-partisan future.” The post-partisan future was one of the press corps’ favorite phrases. It served as shorthand for the candidate’s repeated references to “unity of purpose,” looking beyond a red or blue America, and so on.

Six months into the president’s term, you don’t read much about this post-partisan future anymore. It may be because on almost every big-ticket legislative item (the stimulus, climate change, and now health care), Mr. Obama has been pushing a highly ideological agenda with little (and in some cases zero) support from across the aisle. Yet far from stating the obvious—that sitting in the Oval Office is a very partisan president—the press corps is allowing Mr. Obama to evade the issue by coming up with novel redefinitions.

via Let’s Face It: Obama Is No Post-Partisan –

You know, if I were one of those uncouth types; I would say something along the lines of, “Well, Duh!”  But that would be unbecoming of a blogger of my caliber. Now if you will pardon me, I need to adjust my top head and tails. Smug

Seriously folks, you mean to tell me the Rupert’s people up at the WSJ are just now figuring this out? I mean, did not the whole “I won” sniveling line to the Republicans, give them any clue at all that Obama did not intend to bend an ear to the Republicans?

But of course Obama is not a Post-Partisan; He is going to ride this ever-rapidly-decreasing wave of support to get his agenda through, while he still has the sixty-seat majority in the Congress; to pass his agenda. Well, that is if the “Blue Dog” Democrats do not derail it. Which most likely will happen. I mean, I ridicule the Democrats quite a bit. But the Conservative wing of the Democratic Party; small as it might be, is still there and I just do not believe that they are just going to bend and allow Obama to bowl them over.

I just cannot believe that WSJ is just now figuring this out. They seriously need to hire me. I mean, I could told them this eons ago. Big Grin

ACU Offers support for a price, Democrats rejoice; But! Democrats do the same thing….

Well, Maybe a little worse. But anyhow…Here’s the quote:

The American Conservative Union asked FedEx for a check for $2 million to $3 million in return for the group’s support in a bitter legislative dispute, then the group’s chairman flipped and sided with UPS after FedEx refused to pay.

For the $2 million plus, ACU offered a range of services that included: “Producing op-eds and articles written by ACU’s Chairman David Keene and/or other members of the ACU’s board of directors. (Note that Mr. Keene writes a weekly column that appears in The Hill.)”

The conservative group’s remarkable demand — black-and-white proof of the longtime Washington practice known as “pay for play” — was contained in a private letter to FedEx , which was provided to POLITICO.

The letter exposes the practice by some political interest groups of taking stands not for reasons of pure principle, as their members and supporters might assume, but also in part because a sponsor is paying big money.

In the three-page letter asking for money on June 30, the conservative group backed FedEx. After FedEx says it rejected the offer, Keene signed onto a two-page July 15 letter backing UPS. Keene did not return a message left on his cell phone.

via Exclusive: Conservative group offers support for $2M – Mike Allen –

Video via Politico:

Without missing a beat, the Democrat/Liberal bloggers all jumped up at once and said, “Ho Ho! See??!?! The Conservative are in the bed with BIG BUSINESS!”

….and the Democratic Party is without fault and never commits acts of dishonesty, right? Well, Not so much. As the Politico’s Glenn Thrush points out: (H/T to

Three House Democratic leaders who were whipping members on the climate change bill gave tens of thousands in campaign cash to party moderates around the time of the 219-212 vote on June 26, according to Federal Election Commission records.

It’s impossible to tell if that torrent of cash was an attempt to schmear wavering Democrats — or just part of the usual cash dump made by leaders on the eve of the June 30 quarterly fundraising deadline.

Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) doled out $28,000 to reps who eventually voted yes on June 24, two days before the big vote — on a day when House leaders were doing some heavy-duty arm-twisting.

Clyburn recipients who voted for the bill included a who’s-who of battleground district Dems: Steve Driehaus, D-OH ($2,000); Martin Heinrich, D-NM ($2,000); Suzanne Kosmas, D-Fla. ($4,000); Betsy Markey, D-Colo. ($2,000); Carol Shea-Porter, D-NH ($2,000), Baron Hill, D-Ind. ($2,000); Alan Grayson, D-Fla. ($2,000); Leonard Boswell, D-Iowa ($2,000); Jim Himes, D-Conn. ($2,000);  Mary Jo Kilroy, D-OH ($2,000); Kurt Schrader, D-Ore. ($2,000); Jerry McNerney, D-Calif. ($2,000) and Tom Perriello, D-Va. ($2,000).

On the other hand, Clyburn also gave at least $14,000 to Democrats who voted no despite his pressure: Mike Arcuri, D-NY ($2,000); Marion Berry, D-Ark. ($2,000); Bobby Bright, D-Ala. ($2,000); Chris Carney, D-Penn. ($2,000); Chet Edwards (D-Tx.), Travis Childers , D-Miss. ($2,000); Parker Griffith, D-Ala. ($2,000) and Harry Mitchell, D-NM ($2,000).

The same pattern held true for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who gave $4,000 to yes-voting Ohio Democrat Zack Space and the same amount to no-voting Chris Carney.

House Energy and Commerce Henry Waxman gave at least $16,000 to yes-voters on June, 25, FEC records show.

A Waxman campaign spokesman said the payouts were part of the usual “end-of-quarter activity.”

Ken Spain, communications director of the National Republican Congressional Committee emails this response:

“If this was a concerted effort by the Democratic leadership to purchase votes for Nancy Pelosi’s national energy tax at the eleventh hour, then it is unconscionable at best and corrupt at worst. The sad fact for those Democrats who were seemingly bought and paid for, is that it will take a lot more money than they received to defend such an atrocious vote.”

Of course, the Democrats right away sent Glenn a list of Republicans; who supposedly have done the same thing. Mostly vulnerable Republicans who may lose their seats in the 2010 election. (But of course!)

The point of this is, both of these parties are inherently corrupt and both need a good cleaning out and need new faces and new leadership; preferably ones that cannot be bought.

Others, on both sides of the fence: The Huffington Post, Michelle Malkin, Outside The Beltway, Right Wing News, Think Progress, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Firedoglake, Hot Air, The Note, Gawker, The Volokh Conspiracy, MoJo Blog Posts, Balloon Juice, Weekly Standard, Riehl World View, Washington Monthly, Democracy in America, Salon, Reason, The Corner,, The Atlantic Business Channel, Vox Popoli, Michael Calderone’s Blog, Say Anything, Eschaton, and The Washington Independent