The Republican Party’s resident RINO, John McCain, is now running radio ads

Looks like John McCain is running radio ads out in Arizona.

Click here to take a listen to them.

He says he is Arizona’s last line of defense, and is going to stop Barack Obama’s socialism. 🙄 Yeah, like he stopped George W. Bush’s spending during that era too, right?

As always, McCain tries to cash in on his Military record, in order to get elected. I wonder if it will actually work this time, or not? Hopefully not. The late Senator Barry Goldwater could not stand McCain, called him a phony; and I can totally understand why.

Hmmmmmmm: Fighter jets escort plane to after passenger becomes ‘unruly’

Saw this earlier… and it did make me wonder….

Two F-15 fighter jets escorted a passenger jet that had been headed for Hawaii back to Portland International Airport in Oregon after a passenger in coach became “uncooperative,” an airline official said Wednesday.

Hawaiian Airlines Flight 39 took off from Portland at 10:10 a.m. with 231 passengers and a crew of 10 when — 90 minutes into the flight — its captain decided to turn around the Boeing 767, said Keoni Wagner, the airline's vice president of public affairs.

The fighter jets intercepted the plane at 1 p.m. North American Aerospace Defense Command said in a written statement.

It landed at 1:16 p.m. without further incident, the TSA said.

Upon the plane's return, the passenger — a 56-year-old Salem, Oregon, man — was escorted from the plane with his female companion without incident, the FBI and the Port of Portland said in a joint statement.

The FBI said it was not releasing his name because he had not been charged.

FBI agents and Port officers interviewed the passenger and his companion, the flight crew and others, then released the two and referred the matter to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for review.

via Fighter jets escort plane to after passenger becomes unruly –

What did he do?

In a statement, the Transportation Security Administration said the captain decided to return the plane to Portland “due to a suspicious passenger who made threatening remarks and refused to store his carry-on bag.”

Port of Portland Public Information Officer Martha Richmond told CNN that the plane was turned around “due to concerns the crew had.”

Do I think it was an overreaction? Possibly. However, in light of what happened over the Christmas Holiday; any action, is better than no action at all. Glad to see that TSA is on top of things.

Quote of the Day

I would say the greatest failure of the Church today is its unwillingness to say and do the unpopular thing. Too many Christians busy themselves these days trying to come up with new ways of being admired and desired by the world rather than simply being obedient to the Lord they claim to love.

With a self-sustaining focus on acquiring evermore results and relationships (i.e., “church growth”) by way of pragmatism and consensus, none of which is biblical, today’s Christians are, by and large, being persuaded and trained week after week to embrace surveys, marketing principles, public relations programs and people skills as their new commandments with dialectically-trained consultants and facilitators posing as prophets and preachers – people pleasers who know how to work the crowd and steer the herd while selectively applying the scriptures as needed to maintain a biblical appearance of righteousness and religiosity.

We’re essentially giving people what they want at church these days in hopes they will reciprocate with more participation and support. How is this “tactic” any different from those used on Wall Street and in Washington D.C.?

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” – 1st Corinthians 1:18

Are the Democrats jumping from the ship?

It is a plausible question, and an interesting one at that.  Are the Democrats now jumping from the bloated ship of socialist waste ever known to humankind?  Are Democrats preparing themselves for the “Nuclear Option” on healthcare?  The questions abound, the speculation is running rampant, and internet meme’s are burning up the bandwidth.  I, on the other hand, will tell you what I do know.

First off, let us start with the local story; Michigan Lt Governor John Cherry was expected to be the person to succeed Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm at the helm of Michigan Governorship.  However, Democrat Governor Jennifer Granholm’s performance as Governor of this state has been less than stellar.  I ought to know this, I have lived here all of my life.  Double-digit unemployment, a one state recession that towered over the national recession for many years now; put quite bluntly, there are no jobs here in Michigan. Sure, there are jobs, if you want to work in a fast food joint, making minimum wage.  However, if you happen to be a 37-year-old man, looking for a decent paying, full time job, with health insurance — you are frankly out of luck.

However, to be fair, some of Michigan’s woes cannot be laid at the feet of the Democratic leadership.  GM’s credit crisis cannot be blamed entirely on the Democrats, at least not the current ones in office here in Michigan.  GM and Chrysler’s troubles are a direct result of the mortgage crisis, which was caused by President Jimmy Carter and President Bill Clinton and that idiotic piece of legislation that opened up the mortgage market to high-risk individuals.  When the credit markets froze up, due to the stock market crash and subsequent credit freeze, the big three found themselves in the middle of it.  This is my biggest issue that I have with the “Republicans” or those within the Conservative movement.  They always, without fail, blame the unions for the troubles of the big three; when in all honesty, unions had zero to do with the meltdown or its effect on the automakers.  The entire mess was, in fact, lack of proper regulation in the mortgage industry and the stock market in regards to credit swaps that caused this whole mess in the first place.  Sorry to my fellow Conservatives, but I am just not buying that talking point.

However, it would be fair to mention that the unions did play a role in the financial woes of the big three, as did the big three’s failure to listen to the automotive experts, who saw what Japan was doing in the 1970’s and their arrogant attitudes.  The big three could have saved themselves much heartache, by building smarter, higher quality vehicles.  However, by the time the big three got around to embracing the ISO standards, it was too little, too late.  As for the talking point of Union workers making too much money, I find it amazing how many Conservatives have axe to grind with those who simply want to make a decent working wage.  Most of the people that make these idiotic claims are those who are making more than two hundred and fifty thousand a year and have no financial worries at all; but they want to rip away the comfortable living of others.  Do you see now why I have not voted “Republican” yet?

Another point that I feel that is important to make, is the fact that the big three are just designing some of the most god-awful looking car nowadays.  Heck, even the trucks are now getting just plain butt-ugly.  Does it make any damned sense to build cars for every day Americans that look like they taken from the pages of a twenty fifth century comic book?  Whatever happened to graceful, classic designs from the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s?  Those were real cars back then, now all the big three can produce is glorified garbage — and do not even get me started on the idea of an electric car, now that is a idea that is going to go right straight were the Chevy EV1 went, right straight into the scrap heap.

Now back on the subject of politics, it seems that Chris Dodd, going to retire.  Getting sweetheart deals on a house mortgage can do that to a fellow, especially when people in your district are losing their houses left and right.  I also notice that Bryon Dorgan is also retiring; he supported Obama’s healthcare plan, which made him damaged goods.  I also notice that Colorado Governor Bill Ritter is withdrawing from that race — corruption will do that to a fellow.

Now what is my personal take on these retirements and how it affects the 2010 elections?  My take is this; I believe that there are going to be some very big upsets come election time.  Now, I do not necessarily see a Republican wave or anything like that.  However, I do see a drastic change in Washington D.C.  I do also see a “defanging” of the socialist monster that exists on Capitol Hill right now.  As for the Governor’s race here in Michigan, I believe that the Republicans can win Michigan, but they are going to have to work to earn the trust of the American people.  It would take some very hard work and some massive breaking of some very established political rules to do it.  However it can be done.  The people of Michigan want real answers, real results, not political grandstanding, and platitudes.

It is going to be a very interesting 2010.  I look forward to writing about it and giving you my take.

Switched back to my original theme

As you can tell, I have switched back to the theme, that I had been using for the last 8 months. I am using a bit older of a version of that theme. The one I was running before I upgraded and started having problems with it.

Anyhow, I will change the rotating header images, what I get the gumption to do so. I personally think they are quite pretty myself. But this a political blog; I should have something political looking up there. 😛

Anyhow, so, we’re back to square one, at the moment. I may just keep this one, it looks pretty and it does what I want it to do.

Thanks for putting up with the ever-changing look of the joint.

Behold the Anti-White Anti-Conservative Bigotry of the Democratic Party

As articulated by the Progressive Movement’s resident “John Madden”

The Video: (H/T HotAir)

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Hmmmmm… Someone needs to tell Michael Steele, that the Tea Party Movement is a “Whites Only” Movement, as suggested by Chris Matthews:

President Bambi Teleprompter Says, ‘Yeah, We screwed up’

(H/T HotAir)

Yeah, Where the hell were you on Christmas Eve?  🙄

An aside, This agency, National Counterterrorism Center, was slated for budget cuts, before this little incident happened:

The highly touted intelligence fusion center at the heart of the nation’s counterterrorism establishment was preparing for deep budget cuts across 2010, senior intelligence officials said. According to one official, who asked not to be identified because intelligence budget matters are classified, the administration and Congress slashed the budget for the National Counterterrorism Center by at least $25 million. Those affected, the official said, included employees responsible for maintaining the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE) system, which contains the list of about 550,000 known or suspected terrorists…

“Without question, recent events will cause those proposals to be re-considered,” an intelligence official said.

As I wrote before, “Government Incompetence? Yes, We haz it!” 🙄

Updated: It is official, Keith Olbermann and MSNBC have gone off the cliff!

Two Words for this video clip…. Holy hell…. 😯

The Video, which comes to us via Olbermann Watch: (H/T to Ace)

No wonder I quite watching that idiotic network. 🙄 As an extra added bonus, a 9/11 truther at the end this video; makes for a great one.

Update: Reader Rich Writes in to say:

I think that Olbermann Watch is connecting dots that aren’t there on this one.  Several reasons:

1)  The theory is based on Wolffe’s statement about what the White House is examining.  Unless you hear this type of claim coming from a White House spokesman, I wouldn’t put a lot of faith in it.  I’m sure the White House is looking at lots of things but that doesn’t mean they have drawn any conclusions;  perhaps Wolffe is hearing only what he wants to hear.

2)  Obama calls this episode the result of a “systematic failure.”  That sure doesn’t sound like a statement from someone who wants to duck responsibility for it.

3)  Does one intelligence agency not share complete information with the other agencies?  Probably.  But the reason is likely related to competition between the agencies, not any conspiracy plot.

TV, be it Olbermann or Fox, is always looking for  controversy;  that doesn’t make it true.  Same goes for the “Obama wasn’t out there” (after the event) line;  I understand that Bush took six days to make a statement after the Richard Reid episode and that, at Bush’s next press conference, the neither the President or the press even spoke about Reid until well into the press conference.  It is all about stirring up conflict, which makes for a more engaging story.   Unfortunately, doing so only distracts from the genuine problem that we face here, which is best addressed though bipartisan action rather than political bickering.  Very sad, IMHO.

BTW, I just discovered your blog;  I like to read a wide range of political views, so I will be back!

Best regards,

BREAKING NEWS: Michael Yon arrested at Seattle airport

(H/T Ed @HotAir)

That’s right, Michael Yon, famed independent war corespondent was detained at the airport, handcuffs and all.

For not disclosing how much money he makes…. 🙄

From his facebook fan page:

Got arrested at the Seattle airport for refusing to say how much money I make. (The uniformed ones say I was not “arrested”, but they definitely handcuffed me.) Their videos and audios should show that I was polite, but simply refused questions that had nothing to do with national security. Port authority police eve…ntually came — they were professionals — and rescued me from the border bullies.


Got arrested at the Seattle airport for refusing to say how much money I make. (The uniformed ones say I was not “arrested”, but they definitely handcuffed me.) Their videos and audios should show that I was polite, but simply refused questions that had nothing to do with national security. Port authority police eventually came — they were professionals — and rescued me from the border bullies.


When they handcuffed me, I said that no country has ever treated me so badly. Not China. Not Vietnam. Not Afghanistan. Definitely not Singapore or India or Nepal or Germany, not Brunei, not Indonesia, or Malaysia, or Kuwait or Qatar or United Arab Emirates. No county has treated me with the disrespect can that can be expected from our border bullies.

Jazz Shaw asks, “WTF??!?!”:

Very strange. Even if you’re into profiling, Yon would hardly fit one you’d be interested in. Of course, his passport, by now, doubtless has a list of countries stamped into it which could give an inspector pause, but that’s no excuse. Very, very strange. I expect this one will be high profile enough that you’ll see an apology coming from the government.

Ed Morrissey weighs in:

Unless there is more to this story, an apology would be the least owed to Yon.  When an American citizen with a valid passport presents himself for travel, there should be some reasonable screening to verify identity and to determine whether there is a physical risk, ie, weapons and the like.  Why should border security be interested in Yon’s annual income?  How does that relate to national security and border protection?  Unless this is an arm of the Internal Revenue Service, it doesn’t, and Yon was right to refuse to answer the question.

Instead of hassling American citizens about their income or watching the ice melt, how about paying attention to actual security and intelligence issues?  Please?

I must say that I agree with both of these assessments, and I personally believe those responsible for detaining Mr. Yon, ought to be fired. I honestly have to ask this question, that neither Jazz nor Ed would even ask. If Michael Yon had been, say, Arabic or even black; would he have been detained? I somehow doubt it. But, because he’s a White American, he gets asked a stupid question and because he refuses to answer it, which was well within his rights; he gets detained. Welcome to Obama’s America people. Where white men are oppressed, interrogated and harassed; by the black power establishment. You say this isn’t about race? I disagree. This is all about race and as long as Barack Hussein Obama is President, you will continue to see this sort of nonsense happening in America. Bank on it.

Others: Michelle Malkin, Outside The Beltway, Gateway Pundit, Mudville Gazette, The Jawa Report, Atlas Shrugs, JammieWearingFool, Moonbattery

AWESOME! Expresso Operator thwarts a would-be robber, with 9 mm Kel-Tec

Woo Hoo! I LOVE stories like this one! 😀

The Video:

The Story via KTVB-TV in Idaho: (H/T to Freda)

COEUR D’ALENE — A teen attempting to rob an espresso stand in northern Idaho met his match in a gun totin’ barista.

Police say the 17-year-old confronted Sunshine Espresso owner Michelle Cornelson with a gun at about 6:20 a.m. on Wednesday, demanding all her money.

Cornelson has been hunting since she was a little girl and says she remained calm as a customer pulled up to the other side of her kiosk, distracting the teen.

Cornelson quickly whipped out her 9 mm Kel-Tec firearm — a Christmas present from her husband — scaring the teen off before calling police.

A Kootenai County sheriff’s deputy was nearby after picking up a beverage at the stand and caught the suspect, who was later transported to a juvenile detention center.

Two thumbs up the pretty lady with 9MM! The only true deterrent to crime, is GUNS baby!

Say uncle says:

“Obviosly, compensating for the size of her penis”

HEH! 😆 😀 😛

Anyhow, glad the lady is okay and the kid is alive. Thank God for Guns and for the second amendment! Barry has not taken that right…..yet.

Shoot out at Las Vages Court House, leaves a Federal Court officer Dead

Raw Video:

Not that this situation is even remotely funny. But there was a funny line in this video… “Helluva mornin’ for Jury Duty!” heh!

The Story, Via The Las Vegas Sun:

A federal court officer has died and another is in serious condition after being shot this morning in the lobby of the Lloyd D. George Federal Courthouse, 333 Las Vegas Blvd. South.

The U.S. Marshals Service says the shooting victims included a deputy U.S. marshal and a court security officer. The Associated Press is reporting that one of the officers has died, although it wasn’t immediately clear which one.

University Medical Center spokesman Rick Plummer said the dead officer was 65 years old.

Metro Police responded at 8:05 a.m. to the shooting, police spokeswoman Barbara Morgan said. FBI Special Agent Joseph Dickey says the gunman died shortly after a shootout.

Before the AP reported one officer’s death, police spokesman Ramon Denby said the officers were in “very serious” condition and undergoing surgery.

Denby said authorities had finished clearing the federal building. A suspicious vehicle on the east side of the courthouse was also cleared and determined not to be a threat.

Las Vegas Boulevard was closed in both directions.

Prayers are with the victims, and with Gunman’s family. I wonder what the story will be on this one. Countdown to Democrats beginning Gun-grabbing legislation in 5….4….3…2…

(Fixed Headline typo…)

For the record, No, I do not think this even remotely funny, at all.

In fact, I think it is pretty damned lame:

PLAINS, GA (WALB) – A doll found hanging off a Main Street building in Plains is causing controversy.

Controversial enough to get the United States Secret Service involved.

Witnesses say it was an image of President Barack Obama with a rope around his neck, and the display was found hanging in one of the city’s most recognizable sites dedicated to former President Jimmy Carter.

A few people were able to snap pictures of the black doll before it was taken down.

“I saw this stuffed thing hanging up,” said Alonzo Davis, Plains Resident.

Davis is one of the people who saw the doll hanging off the brick building, he said a sign on the front had President Obama’s name on it.

“People have seen it and have the pictures but no body is talking about it,” said Davis. “I don’t think it’s right I don’t know if it’s someone horse playing or what.”

Plains is proud of Jimmy Carter, with patriotism on display almost everywhere. Tourists walked around with no idea of what happened Saturday morning, but some who live here are speaking out.

“It’s wrong what they did, but I’m not shocked to hear about it,” said Plains resident Trevor Sims. “It’s a nice place to live and visit but some people out there don’t like it.”

via Obama’s effigy in Pres. Carter’s hometown –

I personally don’t give a flying flip who did it; but whoever did ought to be in jail! Period. There are some other Bloggers who are on the right, that are saying, “Standby for blame fest” and such, but you know, I am just going to say it. It could have been just some idiot kids, thinking that they were being cute.  Then again, that is Georgia and some attitudes down there have not changed a bit. Which proves what Barry Goldwater said, that you cannot legislate morality.

Either way; whoever did that, ought to go to jail. Some might say, “well, what about you!?!” I have an answer, I made my mistake, I paid for it, and I learned from it. I will not ever go there again; I do not care how much the other side wants to race-bait. Also, another blogger makes the point that liberals did the same thing to Bush. He does have a point, but; as much as a Conservative as I am, I realize with President Obama, it is very different, and Racism is a serious thing, and we as Americans should be a little bit more knowledgeable about that.

Others: Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Stop The ACLU, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Raw Story, Think Progress, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Mediaite, TPM LiveWire and Shot in the Dark

Government Incompetence? Yes, We haz it!

Oh Brother… 🙄 and these people want to control healthcare? You must be farking kidding me.

First it was phantom Congressional districts. Now it’s phantom zip codes.

Last month, we reported on federal stimulus money credited with creating jobs in nonexistent New Mexico Congressional districts. Further examination of the most recent report on the recipients and uses of New Mexico’s share of the $787 billion stimulus shows jobs created and money going to zip codes that do not exist.

New Mexico Watchdog broke what became a national news story, and fodder for Jon Stewart and Steve Colbert. The website launched by the Obama Administration to track the destinations of billions of dollars of stimulus funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act showed billions going to nonexistent Congressional districts. The website,, reported $26.5 million going to ten New Mexico Congressional districts that do not exist. Those millions were credited with creating 61.5 jobs. Spadework by our Watchdog counterparts in other states showed a total of $6.4 billion reported as being allocated to 440 nonexistent, or “phantom,” Congressional districts.

The agency charged with tracking the stimulus funds, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, attempted to eliminate this embarrassment by lumping all the billions reported going to nonexistent Congressional districts into a new category called the “unassigned” Congressional district.

Closer examination of the latest report for New Mexico shows hundreds of thousands of dollars sent to and credited with creating jobs in zip codes that do not exist in New Mexico or anywhere else. Moreover, funds reported as being spent in New Mexico were given zip codes corresponding to areas in Washington and Oregon.

The site reports that $373,874 was spent in zip code 97052. Unfortunately, this expenditure created zip jobs. But $36,218 was credited with creating 5 jobs in zip code 87258. A cool hundred grand went into zip code 86705, but didn’t result in even one person finding work.

None of these zip codes exist in New Mexico, or anywhere else, for that matter.

The report also credits New Mexico with $131,139, though the zip codes receiving these funds (but creating no jobs) are in fact located in DuPont, Washington, Richland, Washington, and Gales Creek, Oregon.

via Stimulus Funds Went to Nonexistent Zip Code Areas [Updated].

Which really bothers me is, the fact that these same people want to control our Healthcare system. 😯

I mean, there’s really not much else that I can say about this one. No wonder Ronald Reagan said that “Big Government is BAD Government”, because this is living proof of that.

Others: Hot Air, protein wisdom, QandO, Gateway Pundit and Wake up America

Site Numbers….

I post this every now and again….

From the beginning of the month: (via

Hits: 3368
Hosts: 1744
Visitors: 2028
Sessions: 2322
New Visitors: 1807

Last week:

Hits: 6912
Hosts: 4091
Visitors: 4599
Sessions: 5029
New Visitors: 3966

Oh My: America Rising?

(H/T Dan)

Via HillBuzz:

If the owner of this video wants to contact me. I would be more than happy to put it on YouTube, on my account as well. Hell, I will put in on this server! Awesome video! Good job to whomever created it.

Late Night at the PB Pub Presents: The Who

One of my favorite clips from the late 1960’s. I don’t care what your politics is, this is just plain cool.

A bit of tech stuff here; it is obvious from this clip and it has been verified, that Pete Townsend’s Guitar amp was malfunctioning during this performance. It kept cutting in and out. So, he just trashed the guitar and closed the show. Jimi Hendrix saw what he did and took it even further. Needless to say Jimi’s sounded better.

Bonus Video! Here’s Jimi’s “upstaging” of Pete at the end of his performance at the same show:

Looks on the faces of the people, after Jimi destroys his guitar are absolutely priceless. 😀

Why do Conservatives say and do stupid stuff like this?

I saw this over on a leftist Blog and I really did not want to use their video. Fortunately, my favorite EeyorePundit came to the rescue.

Um, Mr. Hume? You’re not helping at all. Man, how would you like to have been in that little situation? Oy. 🙄 did you notice that little uncomfortable moment, after Brit spoke? Holy Toledo. 😮

I mean, why didn’t Brit Hume just say, “Hey Darky, your stupid religion ain’t good enough; you need to get with the white man’s theology in order to get your career back.” I know, that’s an extreme interpretation, but Oy Vey… talk about a foot in mouth moment there. 😯

As expected, this little silly remark has become a big time Blog story. Memeorandum has the roundup.

Updated: From the Dept. of Socialist Democrat Reactionary Politics

Are they fucking serious?

Okay, here’s the background:

These two photos were released:


Glenn Reynolds writes on his Blog which is called InstaPundit — Update: I should have written this in the first place, Glenn was posting the words of one of his readers, it was NOT Glenn speaking himself. So, once again, the Liberals are distorting stuff, as always…:

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Joseph Gautier writes: “If I really wanted to set my dad off, all I’d have to do is send him this photo. The amazing thing is, that it is found on the WH’s flickr page. Proving that they don’t see what we see.” It’s interesting to read the comments, where what people see is very different depending on who’s posting. Well, Obama did say that he had cultivated the ability to be a blank screen onto which people could project things. . .

Well, look what some asshole fucking liberal blogger writes…:

No doubt it would: “A nigger in a tuxedo!”

“… The amazing thing is, that it is found on the WH’s flickr page. Proving that they don’t see what we see.”

Hate to tell ya, buddy, but we don’t see the pink elephants or the leprechaun that tells you to burn things, either.

Was there a gas leak at the last CPAC convention or something?

No, it it is pretty fucking obvious to me, and everyone else, that there some sort a fucking “gas leak” in your fucking brain asshole. Nobody was making this about race, at all. Except maybe for you.

See guys? This right here, is a perfect, and I do mean PERFECT example of why I will never, ever, vote for a fucking democrat, ever again! The fucking constant bringing race into shit, that does not have jack shit to do with race, at all. I mean, can we get any more of an text book example of race baiting? I mean, it was just a fucking picture and the right had a little fun with it, and naturally some dickheaded liberal has to go all racial on it. For all we know the two guys were just standing there shooting the breeze, until they got up on the stage.

I’m sorry to those who I may have offended with my language, but this sort of stuff, just burns my ass. 😡

Update: I guess the widdle liberal asshat didn’t like what I wrote, and also linked to an old posting of mine. First off, Mr. Liberal pansy, learn the fucking meaning of Snark, and also, get over your idiotic fear of white people, please. I haven’t killed a Black man….yet. Then again, a black man hasn’t tried to break into my house either….yet.

Others: Althouse, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, Another Black Conservative, Nice Deb, PoliBlog and American Power

One of the many reasons why I do not buy into the birther nonsense

Oh brother, this again?

If you thought 2010 was the future, think again. A phony new email chain letter — one of the antiquated viral sort leftover from the AOL era — is claiming that the case against President Barack Obama’s citizenship has reached the Supreme Court, based on a forged and typo-riddled Associated Press “report.”

The birther movement of angry citizens who believe President Obama was not born in the country and is thus ineligible to be president seemed to lose steam in the year since the 2008 election, but this new email spreading takes the accusations to a new level of ridiculousness based on fake news done poorly.

via Birther Chain Email Uses Fake AP Story To Question Obama’s Citizenship – Mediaite.

This is the main reason why I quit giving that birther crap any space on my blog. Because they know they are wrong. But that will not stop them. What they cannot prove; they make up. Which is horrible, but they are entitled to free speech, like everyone else — like me.

The problem is, there are well-meaning Conservatives, who actually believe this bunch of nonsense. The problem is, not many of them know this theory’s origins; which was on the White Nationalist website, Stormfront. It was then picked up operatives in the Hillary Clinton campaign, and then finally by political operatives within the Republican Party. It was quickly dumped by the Republicans and somewhat by the Hillary people. But it still festers out there. There are some, who are still angry at Obama from the Hillary camp, and some angry Republicans, who still, to this day, forward these e-mails around. It is, as Charles Johnson noted in the interview that I posted, a nuanced racial message, that basically says, “Go back to Africa, nigger!” I will be the first to admit it, there are some racists still in the ranks of Conservatives, especially in the south. Some of these people, at some point may have voted Democrat. Some not. It depends entirely on the person. This is not to say, that they all are, but there are some who hold that well-nuanced feeling towards blacks.

I think one of tragedies of the Conservative Blogosphere is that some of them, including me, got caught up into that birther nonsense. Especially when Orly Taitz started bringing out her “supposed” Birth Certificates. I was burned on that story once; it will never happen again, I can assure you of that.  I went as far as to add a retraction to the story and went out of my way to slam that pathetic woman, for even trying to deceive the American people. I also slammed the owner of WorldNetDaily for giving Taitz the space to spout her nonsense too. Most of the rest that covered it, never bothered, and that to me, is a real issue. I mean, if you going to cover a story, at least have the common decency to say that it was a hoax.

Charles Johnson does

I am presenting this video, because quite frankly, I feel that in some, not all, instances Charles Johnson has gotten a bad rap on the right, especially by those who are to the right of me.

Here are the things that I did NOT agree with at all or did not like in the video:

  1. The accusation that Robert Stacy McCain is a Racist Bigot; that is, I am afraid, utter nonsense. If I thought that Mr. McCain was even slightly like that, I would never, ever link to his Blog.
  2. Conn Carroll’s idiotic eye rolling and childish facial gestures in the video, if you do not agree with someone, just say so and move the hell on, do not act like a child. Further, his badgering of Charles on his position on Abortion, which is a classical libertarian position, that it should be a state issue was idiotic, classless, and lame; shame on Conn for this.

Here are the things that I do agree with:

  1. Global Warming: I agree that it is not a hoax, however, like Charles; I believe that it has been terribly politicized to the point that even the scientific data has possibly even been altered.
  2. On the racist imagery at the Tea party protests. Yes, I saw the watch doctor signs and yes, I thought they were highly offensive to me too. Yes, I know what the left did to Bush; does that justify that sort of nonsense? No. It does not. Charles does make a point to say that he does not think everyone at the Protests were racists. I give him that.
  3. I give Charles mad damned props for saying on that video, what I have said on this blog for a while now. The damned Birther controversy is steeped in outright racism. I was one of the first blogs on the right that reported that much of the misinformation that was being passed around about Obama’s citizenship was taken straight from the Anti-Semitic and racist website Stormfront dot org.
  4. Charles Johnson did admit that he was a socially a liberal. Glad he came out and admitted it.
  5. I give props to Charles for admitting that he did not have the information on items thrown at him, this showed that he is not a blowhard, as he is portrayed on the right by some. I believe that stems from his banning of people on his site; which I personal believe he has a right to do.

The thing or things that I agree half, and half disagree with Johnson:

  1. His Paranoia of the Religious Right is obvious. I believe his fears are a bit unfounded. I do not believe that the Religious Right is as big of a threat as Johnson might believe. However, I do agree with his assessment that Religion and politics, just do not mix. I have believed that for years. This is what brought us Ronald Reagan and brought us the disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush.
  2. Another point that I, in a way, agree with Johnson on is the John Birch Society. First, his accusation of the John Birch Society being a racist origination in a monolithic sense is just very ridiculous. However, it is fair to point out, that there were those in the early days of the John Birch Society that were involved in those sorts of affairs. What Johnson does not know, or is not telling; is that the John Birch Society purged itself of those sorts of people back at some point in its history. Further more, Johnson points to William F. Buckley’s basic sidelining of the JBS. The criticism of the John Birch Society, regardless of what you might read or may have heard, boils down to this — The John Birch Society was an non- interventionist group and was, and still is an anti-United Nations Council group. William F. Buckley worked at the United Nations at one point in his career, and he rejected the notion of total non- interventionism; thus the rub between the two parties. As for Johnson’s accusation of conspiracy theories, Johnson either is misinformed or is being purposefully deceitful; but more than likely, he gets his information from leftist sources. The JBS has done more to dismiss these sorts of nonsensical theories, than anyone else has. I know this from reading their site. For what it is worth; I am not, nor have I ever been a member of the JBS. I just actually read their site, instead of making silly assumptions.

There you have it, my take on the video… here’s the video and if you want to give me any crap for posting, feel free, but let me warn you. You start acting like a troll. I do not care who you are. I will kick your sorry butt to the curb, just as I do the rest of the trolls around here.

Here is the video:

Obama’s People: Chicago suburb cops tasered unconscious diabetic 11 times

Oh Brother…. 🙄

Police officers from two Chicago suburbs are being sued after one of them allegedly Tasered a man having a diabetic seizure because the diabetic involuntarily hit the officer while being taken to an ambulance.

Prospero Lassi, a 40-year-old employee of Southwest Airlines, filed the lawsuit (PDF) with a federal court in Chicago last week, following an April 9, 2009, incident in which Lassi was taken to hospital following a violent diabetic seizure — and being Tasered 11 times while unconscious.

That day, Lassi’s roommate found the man on the floor of his apartment having a seizure and foaming at the mouth, according to the statement filed with the court. The roommate called 911 for help, and police officers from the Brookfield and LaGrange Park police departments arrived to help with the situation.

As police officers were helping the paramedics move Lassi to an ambulance, Lassi — still in the midst of the seizure and described as “unresponsive” — involuntarily smacked one of the officers with his arm.

“Reacting to Mr. Lassi’s involuntary movement, one or more of the [officers] pushed Mr. Lassi to the ground, forcibly restraining him there,” the complaint states. “[LaGrange Park Officer Darren] Pedota then withdrew his Taser, an electroshock weapon that uses electrical current to disrupt a person’s control over his muscles, and electrocuted Mr. Lassi eleven times.

via Chicago cop tasered unconscious diabetic 11 times | Raw Story.

As you all know; I am person that is an adamant defender of the rule of law. However, if this story is to be taken at face value; this is not one of those instances. This is nothing more than a classic case of police brutality. I personally hope that the judge throws the book at the police officers involved in this case. Because it is obvious to me, that the idiots that pulled off this little number, were well out of line and should be punished for it.

Changed theme again….

I ran this one before. So, I’m gonna just keep it. That other one, just wasn’t my speed. Anyhow, I am now going to snag some stuff out of the old one and proceed to dump all the old themes. I am done changing! 😛 (I promise!)