For the record, No, I do not think this even remotely funny, at all.

In fact, I think it is pretty damned lame:

PLAINS, GA (WALB) – A doll found hanging off a Main Street building in Plains is causing controversy.

Controversial enough to get the United States Secret Service involved.

Witnesses say it was an image of President Barack Obama with a rope around his neck, and the display was found hanging in one of the city’s most recognizable sites dedicated to former President Jimmy Carter.

A few people were able to snap pictures of the black doll before it was taken down.

“I saw this stuffed thing hanging up,” said Alonzo Davis, Plains Resident.

Davis is one of the people who saw the doll hanging off the brick building, he said a sign on the front had President Obama’s name on it.

“People have seen it and have the pictures but no body is talking about it,” said Davis. “I don’t think it’s right I don’t know if it’s someone horse playing or what.”

Plains is proud of Jimmy Carter, with patriotism on display almost everywhere. Tourists walked around with no idea of what happened Saturday morning, but some who live here are speaking out.

“It’s wrong what they did, but I’m not shocked to hear about it,” said Plains resident Trevor Sims. “It’s a nice place to live and visit but some people out there don’t like it.”

via Obama’s effigy in Pres. Carter’s hometown –

I personally don’t give a flying flip who did it; but whoever did ought to be in jail! Period. There are some other Bloggers who are on the right, that are saying, “Standby for blame fest” and such, but you know, I am just going to say it. It could have been just some idiot kids, thinking that they were being cute.  Then again, that is Georgia and some attitudes down there have not changed a bit. Which proves what Barry Goldwater said, that you cannot legislate morality.

Either way; whoever did that, ought to go to jail. Some might say, “well, what about you!?!” I have an answer, I made my mistake, I paid for it, and I learned from it. I will not ever go there again; I do not care how much the other side wants to race-bait. Also, another blogger makes the point that liberals did the same thing to Bush. He does have a point, but; as much as a Conservative as I am, I realize with President Obama, it is very different, and Racism is a serious thing, and we as Americans should be a little bit more knowledgeable about that.

Others: Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Stop The ACLU, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Raw Story, Think Progress, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Mediaite, TPM LiveWire and Shot in the Dark

2 Replies to “For the record, No, I do not think this even remotely funny, at all.”

  1. What! It does not look anything like Obama. Good thing there was the sign to say who it was.

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