U.S. Secret Service gets 2 new buses, at 1.1 Million each, at taxpayer’s expense

This is unreal:

The Magic Negro Bus?

CBS News has learned the buses were purchased in recent months at a cost of just under $1.1-million each and will serve as part of the fleet of vehicles the Service uses for all of its protectees.

In the past, the Secret Service would lease buses as needed and outfit them with the security and communications equipment.

“We have not been satisfied with the level of protection offered by leased buses,” said a Secret Service official.

Last year, the Secret Service placed an order for two buses with the Hemphill Brothers Coach Company of Whites Creek, Tennessee at a combined cost of $2,191,960.

The buses have lavish interiors and are usually leased to transport stars of the entertainment industry.

The company’s website says its clients have included Beyonce, Cher, Gloria Estefan, Jennifer Lopez, Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Madonna, Jack Nicholson, and Pope Benedict.

via U.S. Secret Service gets 2 new buses ahead of Obama tour – Political Hotsheet – CBS News.

That’s right folks, you are paying for that bus!

Contrast with:

At least Dubya was not scared to be seen on his bus!

…and that was after 9/11! So, what’s Bambi Teleprompter’s excuse? Say what you want; but this President is nothing more than a damned yellow-bellied coward; period, end of story.

Seeing that what Obama just did to the trucking industry; I hope some driver cuts that damned bus off and it ends up in a ditch somewhere. 😡

Others: FishbowlDC, White House Dossier and Weasel Zippers

My thoughts on the riots in London

Yes, I know about silly riots in London.  My question is this, what the heck happened to jolly old England? Better yet, what the happened to the mighty Great Britain?

I’ll tell you what happened. Liberal Progressivism and Multiculturalism —- that’s what! 😡

I find myself in agreement with Lew Rockwell and a Gun blogger named “Say Uncle“: (H/T Insty)

What kind of Country sits back and allows knuckle-dragging nimrods trash and burn a great Country like England? Seriously!  I mean, at what point does the police or officials in Great Britain say, “Okay, screw it; this pacifistic bullshit is not cutting it anymore, it is time to bring out the REAL GUNS and the REAL BULLETS!” and start mowing these stupid bastards down? When?!?!?!

I saw those pictures, reminds me of another very famous socialist uprising — here in Detroit!

Let us compare, shall we?

London - 2011

and then here in Detroit — 1967:


Detroit - 1967

Detroit - 1967 (better picture...)

and yes….

It was that same old bullshit line of, "Oh woe is us! We're being kept down by them rich, white, capitalists who want to hurt our people!"

The truth is, in 1967, blacks were free to work, live and play where they wanted to. There was no oppression of blacks at all, period, end of damned discussion! 😡 Down south in Alabama, maybe; but not in Detroit.

What happened here was this; a group of far leftists decided that they resented the fact that white people were running the City of Detroit Government and that the police force in Detroit was all white, so, they decided to take it out on the businesses in Detroit. So, they burned them to the ground. All because of the fact that the city of Detroit had a special unit, called the STRESS unit — which stood for Stop the Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets by the way; that kept blacks from robbing and killing white people and other black people in the city.

The result? This:

This is Detroit 2011 --- A ghost of it's former glory --- This is corktown, looking down towards downtown Detroit. -- This is what progressivism gets you folks! For that it is worth, I can get more photos that look much worse than this one. They readily available on the internet and also, I can take some if need be.

This is what London, England and most likely the rest of Great Britain will look like, if they do not put down that Marxist uprising; and I do mean fast.  That above, is what class warfare and progressivism gets you — ruined cities. Believe me when I tell you, Detroit, Michigan is beyond ruined and this is why, progressivism and class warfare. Not to mention Multiculturalism or what it really should be called, “Punishing White people for things that happened before the majority of them in this day and age were even born.”

I mean, these rioters in England are doing it, why? — because they know damned well that they can get away with it.  I mean, what kind of a message does it send to the rest of the world, when a group of thugs says, “We’re doing this, because we want rich people to know, that we’re gonna rule you by causing fear?” It sends to me a message of cowardice, of the English Government, that’s what! It sends a message that the Government of Great Britain are cowering down to domestic terrorists.

In closing; could this happen in America? Yes. But it is very far off. We still have a second amendment and Conservatives who are still willing to fight. But our media is well on its way.  The good thing is, we here in America, have our own Conservative media, that does push back against the Liberal controlled, owned and financed media.

Nasty Antisemitism on the right

I figure if I am going to point out the bigotry on the left; I may as well point out the bigotry on the right as well.

Spotted over at the The American Conservative’s blog @TAC: (no direct link for these bozo’s either)

Americans who really like Israel and everything that pertains to it are certainly free to express their views, but there is something unseemly and even grotesque about the continuous promotion of foreign and ethnic group interests ahead of those of the United States and other American citizens. AIPAC is a lobby dedicated to maintaining uncritical US government support for a foreign country and it can be argued that Washington entered into at least one foreign war because of it.  The congressmen who accept the junkets should be asking themselves whose interests they are really serving.  At a time when both Democrats and Republicans are openly discussing cutting medical benefits for ordinary Americans, it is also difficult to understand what twisted thinking supports allocating additional taxpayer provided special medical benefits to some medicare recipients based on events that took place thousands of miles away from the US more than sixty-six years ago.

The only people that would write something like that would be Neo-Nazi antisemitic twits; and that is what the American Conservative is, an Antisemitic Paleo-Conservative Magazine.

Plus, check out this little article here, which slams “Neo-Cons.”

For those who do not know this, during the Bush era; the word “Neo-Con” is a word that got bandied around by the Anti-War crowd, many well-meaning Conservatives who supported Bush and Bush himself was branded a “Neo-Con.” If I have ever used it here on this Blog; it was meant to convey the term “Wilsonian” which refers to those who support Wilsonian Foreign Policy. What happened was, is that the Anti-War Left and the Anti-War right used it as well. The Anti-War Left used it to describe Bush and Co and anyone that supported them. The Anti-War Right; meaning the libertarians and Paleo-Conservatives —– meant it as a code word for Jews and those who supported Israel. Now to be fair, there are some on the Anti-War right, who I know for a fact simply mean it as a moniker for those who support Wilsonian Foreign Policy.  However, there are those who do use it as a Antisemitic code word..

They like to refer to themselves as “Radical Traditionalists.” I like to refer to what they believe in as  “Educated or very highbrow Racism and Antisemitism.” A perfect example of them, can be found here.  Only difference between this group and your average robe and hood wearing Klansman — is the IQ of the people involved.

Fortunately,  These groups are on the fringe of the Conservative movement, they not and should be considered to be what I believe to be mainstream Conservatism. However, it does alarm me that some of the editors from the American Conservative, have been seen recently appearing on Fox News Channel programs as of late. I believe that Jews and Conservatives should be complaining to Fox News about this and get those vile antisemitic and racist bastards off of Fox News.

There are some things that you can do:

You can call Fox News At 1-888-369-4762. Tell them that you object to Fox News using people from The American Conservative on their shows.

You can contact and e-mail News Corp:

Brian Lewis, Executive Vice President
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E-Mail: brian.lewis@foxnews.com

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If you call or e-mail; please, be polite and tell them that you are a Fox viewer and that you object to the soft endorsement of antisemitism, by allowing these people on your show. Mention this blog posting and let your voice be heard. I am only a small part of this Conservative Blogosphere, but I do have readers. Also, please, pass this posting around to your friends, and mention it on forums. We can put pressure on Fox News to stop this nonsense.


Why does White on Black crime get more attention than Black on White Crime?

First, let me say this; I do not advocate what happened in this video to come.  Any sort of hate crime is awful and the guys who did this, ought to be sentenced to death.

The Video: (Via CNN)

Yes that above is horrible and the media rightly is bringing it to attention, But, when blacks attack whites or when Muslims shoot up a Military base; nothing it said by media outlets, nothing is said. I just do not understand it.

What I want to know is; how do they know this person was involved? That video was grainy. I did not see any definite proof that this man even did it! Not only that; how do we know this man did not provoke the attack? How can we trust the credibility of the witnesses; are they black too? Can we trust them?  I’m sure there are answers for all that; but the report did not include those answers.

Again, I do not justify this madness; I simply am pointing out the double standard. I guess you could say that I have “a dog in the fight.”

Again, let me state this; both crimes, the one above in the video and the one I linked; which is to previous posting of mine — are equally wrong, evil, immoral and should be punished as such. I just do not understand why the liberal media does not treat them equally. They should, but they do not.


Living proof that liberals and Muslims are classless assholes

Disgusting. 😡

Go read “Evil Unleashed”

This is nothing more than an attack on a Jewish Conservative who dares to stand against global Jihad. The Anti-Semites who write against her, that being ALL of them; should be exposed.



Video: The Truth about Anders Behring Breivik

I saw this tweet on twitter and watched this video and I jumped out of bed and came straight to the Computer here.

This comes via Bare Naked Islam:

This is not to justify or excuse this crazy man’s actions; it is point out what is happening in the media.

BIG, HUGE MASSIVE UPDATE! – Terrorist Attacks in Oslo, Norway

Update: Please note, everything that is linked to and quoted below is BEFORE I or anyone else knew this facts!

I was watching Fox News this morning, when the story broke. However, I was not much in the mood for blogging.

Anyhow, I now, after a bit of a nap; I feel much better. I have been struggling with my sleeping habits.

The MSM has a decent round up of the events in Norway:

Haroon Siddique / Guardian: Norway attacks – live coverage

New York Times: Blasts and Gun Attack in Norway; 7 Dead

Brian Ross / ABCNEWS: Oslo Explosion: One of Two Blasts Result of Massive Vehicle Bomb, Sources Say

BBC: Norway: Blast near prime minister’s office in Oslo

The Blogosphere is also doing a knock up job of covering this as well. Check out Michelle Malkin, Atlas Shrugs, Gates of Vienna and The Other McCain‘s Coverage.

Vox Day, A libertarian blogger observes:

Naturally, this bombing will no more lead the Norwegian people to reconsider the wisdom of permitting Muslim immigration than the vast increase in the number of rapes committed by Muslim men. But it should. The multiculturalists will be quick to point out the mathematically obvious fact that that most Muslims don’t set off bombs. But this is irrelevant. Because, it is also a fact that if a nation does not permit Muslims to enter its borders, it is far less likely to ever suffer any such incidents.

Expansionist Islam offers a challenge to the freedom of religion, (a right that does not actually exist in most countries outside the United States), that few secularists or Christians are presently capable of understanding. It should be eminently clear by now that simply repeating the multicultural mantra that “diversity is our strength” is not going to serve any purpose. At some point, it is going to become abundantly clear to everyone on all sides that the separatist practices of the past were not “outdated raciss bad-thought”, but the result of observation and experience.


Of course, I await a explanation of this from the Ron Paul crowd. However, I expect that Ron Paul and his mindless followers will somehow want to blame America for this; and yes, somehow Israel and the Jews. Fun Fact: Most Ron Paul supports also believe that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks here in America too.

Another tidbit of information: Olso, Norway was the site of the Oslo Accords of 1993.

My Thoughts and Prayers to those in Oslo; may God be with them, for they are now in the fight for their lives.



Quite frankly, I am sick about even publishing the above, at all. 🙁 I, like many right-wing bloggers; blew it, badly. I, like them, assumed the worst and that Radical Islam was involved. Basically this idiot was Norway’s version of Timothy McVeigh. (Except for McVeigh was not a “Christan,” but rather an agnostic. This is a Conservative, and I mean ultra-conservative and a supposed “Christian.”



More Black on White Violence

Here we go folks, more of Obama’s people doing what the Socialist teachers tell them to do:

The Video:

The Story:

An angry mother stood before a judge Friday afternoon in a barebones courtroom at the Richland County jail, describing the fractured skull, busted nose and broken eye socket her son received during an early Monday morning beating in Five Points.

Vicki Strange’s voice never quivered as she described racing to the hospital in the wee hours to get to her 18-year-old son, Carter Strange. She recalled standing in the emergency room and seeing a man on a gurney being wheeled down the hall, thinking, “That poor man.”

As nurses wheeled the man closer, Vicki Strange thought his hair looked familiar. Then she noticed the hands.

Vicki Strange speaks to a judge at a June 24 bond hearing for Tyheem Henrey. Henrey, 19, was charged for his alleged role in the beating of Strange’s 18-year-old son, Carter Strange, who was running home through Five Points to make curfew on Monday. The hearing was held at Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center.

– Kim Kim Foster-Tobin /kkfoster@thestate.com

“It was his hair and his hands, but the rest of him did not look like my son,” she said.

Strange told her story before City Judge Dana Turner during a bond hearing at Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center for one of eight people charged in connection with the brutal attack.

“Carter didn’t have a chance to fight against those eight,” Vicki Strange said. “Now, I get to fight for him.”

Tyheem Jaqui Henrey, 19, of Old Manor Road in the St. Andrews area was detained on a $750,000 bond on charges of second-degree assault and battery by a mob, robbery and conspiracy to commit a crime.

A 14-year-old, 15-year-old and 16-year-old also have been charged with the same crimes as Henrey. A 13-year-old and three 16-year-olds have been charged with criminal conspiracy, Columbia police said. Their names have not been released because of their ages.

via Teen had no chance to fight back – Crime & Courts – TheState.com.

Now, some thoughts of my very own — about this case and those who committed this crime:

Whenever I encounter a case like this, where a group of blacks target a white person and do them physical harm, I have a terrible reaction. Images flash through my mind; my cousin being shot and killed in Detroit by two black police officers. I have an impulse reaction, my southern roots come to the surface; I want more than justice served on those who did the crime to this person; I want blood, their blood to spill for having the gall to attack a fellow white man. However then, common sense kicks in and I forced to realize that we do have a justice system in this Country and using that is a bit more sensible than a lynch mob is. That is because I have to stop and remember, we are a Constitutional Republic and in a Constitutional Republic mob rules are not the style or system of Government — But Jury trials and innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt is.

The second thing I truly begin to wonder is, “where are the parents of these black kids?” This ought to be a case study or a textbook example in the failures of parenting a child. The perfect example of why a strong Christian Father and Mother, and why Godly administered discipline is paramount to a controlled home and children who live in submission to parents and to God. It has been said that if a parent does not discipline a child; then society will —- and in this case, it was proven correctly.

Lastly, this is a textbook case to the fact that Multiculturalism, Black Entitlement, and Black Empowerment should be considered a total abject failure. This beating was a direct result of the progressive “pot stirring” that has taken place by the Marxist or progressive left in this Country for years. These black youths beat this white kid, because they figured that because they were black, they would most likely get away with it or get off with a light sentence. As kids and growing up; these young men were most likely told that they were entitled to anything and everything that a White Man was and more, because they were black. This fosters a mindset of “I can do whatever I please, because I am black” and this is a result of that reckless and very ignorant mindset.

I have to hand it to the mother and father of this young white man. If that were my kid — let us just say I would not be that calm about the situation; and there would be a great deal of black people in that town, who would be in fear for their lives.

(H/T to The Other McCain)

More Black on White Crime: Blacks attack Whites and Liberal media censors it

I sit here today with a decision; do I ignore this or do I write about it? After all, I have been called a racist by a jackass, who likes to stalk me.

It appears that our media is trying to censor the fact that black on white crime is happening.

Go read this… Now, go read this.

Watch this video:

After Jail Time for Contempt, Alleged Rape Victim Returns to Testify: MyFoxDETROIT.com

Now, go read this. and now go read this.

This is Obama’s world; and something is seriously wrong with it. I am not a White Nationalist, nor have I ever been. But, something is seriously wrong with America; something dreadfully sickening. It must be stopped.

Remember this come November 2012.

This posting is dedicated to the memory of my late Cousin, Michael Lydon Hill. Who was gunned down by two corrupt black Detroit police officers in 1994.

Confirmed: Rep. Sheila Jackson is stupid race-baiting Negro

I’m with Robbie Cooper, this chick ain’t dealing with a full deck.


The Story via The Hill:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Friday strongly suggested that members of Congress are making it difficult for President Obama to raise the debt ceiling because of his race.

“I do not understand what I think is the maligning and maliciousness [toward] this president,” said Jackson Lee, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Why is he different? And in my community, that is the question that we raise. In the minority community that is question that is being raised. Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully? Why has the debt limit been raised 60 times? Why did the leader of the Senate continually talk about his job is to bring the president down to make sure he is unelected?”

Earlier in her speech, Jackson Lee said Obama has been targeted unlike any other president.

“I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president — only this one, only this one — has received the kind of attacks and disagreement and inability to work, only this one,” said Jackson Lee from the House floor.

“Read between the lines,” she continued. “What is different about this president that should put him in a position that he should not receive the same kind of respectful treatment of when it is necessary to raise the debt limit in order to pay our bills, something required by both statute and the 14th amendment?”

Jackson Lee concluded by saying that she hoped someone would step up and say that what appears obvious to her is not in fact true.

Two things here, one, this dumb bitch must have been in coma during the Bush era.

….and Ya know; people accuse me of being a “racist.” Which as a rule, I am not. But you know; this bitch tasks my feeling that all humans should be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. I have judged this woman’s character and I have reached a conclusion.

…and here it is:

She’s a race baiting Negro. I had a video saying that; but using a politically incorrect word. But I removed it. Don’t wanna give those damned crazies any more ammo than they need. 😡

Why I see it, you act like one; you get mocked like one. 😀

Others: The Note, UrbanGrounds, The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers, Vox Popoli and CNSNews

If anyone thinks that I agree with this, they’re crazy

As some of you know, I am avid user of twitter and tonight something went whizzing by me; that I just had to check out.

This is from the Arab world’s resident terrorist apologist network:

This game has to end, and the continuation of a Peace Process that only encourages relentless Israeli occupation exacerbates the situation. It’s time for a dramatic shift in the Israeli/Palestinian dynamic which places costs where they belong, on the occupier. Whether this will be born out diplomatic initiatives at the United Nations, non-violent popular uprising, or Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions is still unclear. Perhaps it’s all of the above.

What we know for sure is that Washington’s insistence on a failed status quo has only proved costly for Palestinians and beneficial for Israel. Palestinians should not be subjected, or subject themselves, to engaging Israel in an arena they are cornered into and disadvantaged in, but rather should choose to meet them in an arena where the the playing field is fair or to their advantage. Increasingly, this is anywhere in the world outside of Washington.

Any new Palestinian strategy must put reversing this “cost-free occupation” dynamic at its center. Israel will only end its occupation when pressured to do so and it must be made to realise that it is more costly to maintain the occupation than end it.

Translation? We have to fire more missile bombs into Israel and sponsor more acts of terror in America to get them to support our cause!

It’s an opinion piece I do realize that; but I am also smart enough to know that these jokers are not honest brokers and never have been, ever.

As anyone knows, who has read my blog at all; I have been a critic of the Zionists abroad and in America. But let me tell you this; if anyone who reads this blog thinks that I support that sort of nonsense up there —- you are very highly mistaken.

The entire modus operandi of this idiot I quoted above and those who think like him; is not for the preservation of the Palestinian state, whatever that is — it is for the destruction of the Jewish state and of the entire Jewish race. It is also for the destruction of Israel’s allies in the west; namely America. It is the mentality of al-Qaeda, who attacked us on 9/11 and most Muslims.

So, while I might hurl my fair share of criticisms at the Zionist movement. I will never ever agree with the mindset quoted above, ever.

Some straight talk to the progressive Blogosphere, from a former Democratic Party voter

I feel the need to write something here.  I am addressing this to the progressive bloggers here, not you my daily and normal readers of this blog.  Therefore, when I use the words, “You,” “You Guys” and “You people”; I am referring to the people on these two blogs that I am writing about, not you normal readers here.


Hey, listen up chumps.  Because I am going to give you some very straight to the point talk about you and your moron President.  I call him YOUR fucking moron President and not mine, I did not vote for him, so do not try to pan that “Oh, he’s your president too!” horse manure on me, because I am not buying that at all.  Please, do not hand me the old “I suppose John McCain would have been better” routine, because I did not vote for him either.

You see, I used to be a Democrat; I used to vote for your party, ever since I was 18 years old.  I voted Democratic Party, because my Dad was a union worker, because my parents did, because I wanted to support the so-called “cause.”  I felt I was supporting the “Struggle” of the middle class every time I voted for your party.

I seem to remember that there were some very qualified people to be President and yet, your party threw those people over, for someone that you could actually rally someone around — a black person.  It would be the ultimate end to the “Jim Crow” era, of which your party championed.  Do you Remember, Douglas, of the Lincoln/Douglas debates?  Well, he was a Democrat.  Therefore, you all thought Barack Hussein Obama would be the ultimate victory.  So much for that idea, eh?

You chose style over substance, you chose Identity Politics over common sense.  You chose personality over proof of leadership; you chose an empty suit, who is more interested in an agenda over the future of your own damned party.  Such a tragic thing, too bad, so sad — now deal with your self-created garbage and shut the hell up and take what is coming to you, you silly idiotic morons.  You cast your own hopes, dreams, and aspirations on an inexperienced fool, who had about as much right to be President, as me.  Then your christened “Golden Boy” proceeded to defecate on you and the rest of your party.  My question to you is this; how does it feel to be played?

I seem to remember that there was a person — a woman, no less — who was a bit more of a moderate Democrat, who offered you the chance for America to succeed again.  However, you chose skin color over common sense.  I will confess, I was not a big fan of that woman and I still am not; due to some of the stupidity of her husband’s Presidential Administration — like the Waco debacle, for instance. 

Why do you think that the Republican Party was determined to destroy her?  Because they knew that if they tried to run against her, they would lose and lose badly.  However, out of nowhere, here comes Barry, shooting past her, and the rest of the Democratic Party primary candidates, using a slogan he stole from another candidate and all of a sudden he was the new progressive Messiah.  Suddenly, the other white woman was “Old School,” “Old hat,” and part of the old way.  You people wanted to new, fresh and clean – non-offensive to your guilt laden white base.

Now, you are sitting around; looking and feeling like chumps, because you, as they say — were played.  Even your media, yes YOUR media, the enlightened media, of whom is ninety percent and your blogosphere, of whom I used to respect, because of how you held George W. Bush’s feet to the fire for six years — went into the tank for this chump and now look like a group of special education students with Tourette syndrome.  Honestly, pointing at OUR side, the Republican side, the Conservative side, or any side that disagrees with you — is stupid.  You really should point the finger at your own damned selves.  You have no one, nada, zero, nobody to blame — but yourselves.

You are also to blame for losing me.  Your treatment of war soldiers and war dead was and still is — fucking pathetic.  This is another reason, among many as to why I left your party!  I come from a family of people who served, you all treat them like shit, and for that, you lost me.  Not to mention all the bullshit that you pulled during the 2008 election cycle and now continue to pull.  I will never be a part political party that stokes division, ever.  Whether it is races, class, or whatever — that is bullshit and I will never be a part of it, ever.  Not to mention how you idiots like to herd people into groups and practice that “Group Thought” shit; I am not a sheep thank you very much!

In closing: Man up.  Yeah, that is correct — Man the fuck up!  Admit that you stupid fuckers made a huge assed fucking mistake, and get you someone who can run against that feckless idiot and maybe, just MAYBE, you all might win another election.  I highly doubt it, seeing this President is seriously kicked America and its people in the fucking jewels.  Nevertheless, it is worth a shot.  I mean, after all, the only fucking thing the Republican Party is running; is a psycho from Minnesota, a far right-wing crazy, a RINO, Two Mormon freaks and a pizza chain President — who knows nothing about the middle east.  Surely, you have SOMEONE you can run against that fucking freak show on our side! This is the same party that got prayer taken out of schools and abortion legalized; surely you can pull something together!

Again, I wrote this, not because I wanted to mock you people.  I wrote because it makes me sick to my stomach that the party that my family, including my parents and me, voted for, for many years — has turn into pile of damned waste.  The Party that Ronald Reagan once called the “honorable party” has turned into a cesspool of Marxism; the party that once, under the leadership of FDR, rescued the Jews from a disastrous fate, now treats Israel and its people, like dirt.

So, when I see this stupid, petty nonsense between bloggers on your side, I have to seriously laugh.  Because, as I said before — you have no one to blame for what is happening in America, with your party — but yourselves.

Cross-Posted @ My FireDogLake

Video: Trailer: The Undefeated

It’s the Sarah Palin Movie. Personally, I loathe the woman, and this looks like a Sarah Palin propaganda movie. However, it looks like it might be a good movie, for a few good laughs perhaps? 😛

What this movie will not tell you; because the Sarah Palin cult never really tells the truth, is that Sarah Palin feels that she is entitled to be President of the United States, either because she is a woman or because she feels that it is some sort of bizarre calling for God himself. Which in the eyes of this Independent Fundamental Baptist is quite absurd.

I will not get into all the various reasons why I do not like Sarah Palin; the best thing to do, is go here and read all the posts tagged with her name, and then you will understand why it is that I detest this woman.

Again, it might be just be a good movie, but it is sole purpose is to promote all things shrieking harpy Palin.

(Via Mediaite)

Mark Halperin suspended for telling the truth about the President

He called Barack Obama a DICK, which is really what he and the progressives are anymore, in my humble opinion. So are the Neo-Conservative right for that matter.

Either way, here’s the video, via Politico:

The Story:

MSNBC senior political analyst Mark Halperin was suspended on Thursday by the cable network after he called President Obama “a dick” on a popular morning show and then quickly apologized.

“I thought he was a kind of a dick yesterday,” Halperin, who also is an editor-at large for Time, said on Morning Joe, referring to the President’s conduct during his press conference.

A couple of hours later, MSNBC issued a statement, saying, “Mark Halperin’s comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the President, The White House and all of our viewers. We strive for a high level of discourse and comments like these have no place on our air. Therefore, Mark will be suspended indefinitely from his role as an analyst.

The cable outlet also put out a statment from Halperin at the same time, saying, “I completely agree with everything in MSNBC’s statement about my remark. I believe that the step they are taking in response is totally appropriate. Again, I want to offer a heartfelt and profound apology to the President, to my MSNBC colleagues, and to the viewers. My remark was unacceptable, and I deeply regret it.”

Time issued a statement later Thursday calling Halperin’s comments “inappropriate and in no way reflective of TIME’s views.”

The magazine did not suspend Halperin but said, “We have issued a warning to him that such behavior is unacceptable” and noted that he had “appropriately” apologized.

Here is why this bothers me; President Bush was called every last damned name under the sun by the media, the left, the left’s bloggers (which used to include me…) and now because someone dared to tell the truth about this President, he gets suspended. Let me go on the record as say that this man should be promoted a real job and not suspended.

Let me also go on the record as saying, that not only is President Obama a fucking dick; he is also a fucking asshole; who only really gives a shit about anything that promotes a BLACK agenda. Further, he only was elected BECAUSE he was BLACK! That is why the Democrats pushed him out front and made him the new NEGRO progressive Messiah! Because they knew that no white man would win the election! So, ol’ “Bambi Big Ears” was made the BOY for the cause and ended up being our next President.

Now there, assholes, you going to suspend me too? 🙄


: CNN, Firedoglake, TVNewser, Hotline On Call, Hot Air, Media Decoder, Booman Tribune, Michelle Malkin, Ben Smith’s Blog, Hugh Hewitt’s TownHall Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Scared Monkeys, FishbowlDC, NewsBusters.org blogs, Indecision Forever, RedState, Outside the Beltway, The New Republic, Pajamas Media, Gawker, Taylor Marsh, Ricochet Conversation Feed, New York Magazine, ImmigrationProf Blog, Daily Kos, Hold Fast, The Other McCain, PoliPundit.com and Runnin’ Scared, more at Mediagazer » More via Memeorandum


Classless: Chris Wallace asks Michelle Bachmann, “Are you a flake?”

Funny, I don’t recall him ever asking Obama that at all.

The Video:

Me and Ed Morrissey are on the same wavelength here:

I can understand why Chris Wallace asked this question. Given his guest’s propensity for gaffes, such as picking the name of a dead hero as a live Medal of Honor winner, botching a toast to Queen Elizabeth II, discussing the high points of the Austrian language, and several references to a military medic as a “corpseman,” it might be hard to take the person seriously.

Oh, wait — Wallace wasn’t interviewing Barack Obama after all…


Jim Hoft calls this “awful,” but it’s just the same old double standard applied to Republicans. We have yet to hear any serious coverage from the national media of Obama’s hundreds of gaffes while in the White House, just as we heard little of his “57 or 58 states” remark and other gaffes on the campaign trail, such as the six-month string that produced these doozies:

Did any of the national media ask Barack Obama in the summer of 2008 if he was a “flake”? Bachmann has not been without her gaffes, although she has improved her media interactions substantially since the “anti-American” comment in November 2008. But given Obama’s track record both before and after his election to the presidency, it would take a superhuman effort to vault into his league. And the media still mainly ignores Obama’s gaffes, which have grown into the hundreds, without a single outlet ever asking Obama if he is a “flake” on that same basis.

It could be that Wallace was giving Bachmann an opening to push back against the “flake” meme, but the fact that Bachmann’s having to respond to this rather than the gaffemaster in the White House is the real problem.

I hated to have to quote that whole thing; but I believe Ed is absolutely correct. Now, for the record, Wallace apologized, and there is video of that; However, I do not believe it is enough to say that he is sorry. I believe Chris Wallace should be removed from Fox News Sunday and someone else be put in his place. Asking questions like this, is unacceptable in professional journalism. Because quite frankly, it shows a sexist bias on Wallace’s part; and Fox News should not be allowed to get away with that sort of nonsense. Ed Schultz did not get away with it, when he called Laura Ingraham a right wing slut; and neither should Wallace.

More TSA woes

Check the story out over at Gateway Pundit.

Jim Hoft snarks:

It’s an Obama world…

Well, Jim, I’d buy that; but it not the Bush Administration’s failure to protect us on 9/11 that is the root of all of this? Why, Yes, I’d say it was! 🙄

You whiny ass bastards want to be protected from terrorism; but then you bitch when the TSA tries to protect everyone! 🙄

What Hoft and his friends want; is for Muslims to be segregated into one line, and everyone else into another line. There is only one problem with that stupid idea — last time I checked, this is not Israel, this is America and we treat everyone the same. I wonder if Hoft would like to see blacks segregated too? After all, he does link to items by the “White Council.

This here, is why the Neo-Conservative bloggers hate me; because I call them on their hypocrisy. Debbie Schlussel does it and gets called crazy; and every other slam under the sun — and I do too. Because I dare to call these bastards out, for what they are — racist, Neo-Nazi sympathizing bastards, who would sell their own damned mother up the river to make a cheap political point.

Sarah Palin: once a quitter, always a quitter

Now why I am not surprised?

Less than a month after she appeared poised to shake up the Republican presidential campaign, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has once again receded from the 2012 limelight.

When Palin launched her “One Nation” bus tour on Memorial Day amid a swirl of media attention and excitement from her fervent fan base, many political observers who had once dismissed her were reminded of the jolt that her candidacy could provide to what has thus far been a relatively sleepy GOP nominating fight.

As Palin toured historical sites along the East Coast, she was clearly reveling in the tangible excitement she’d ginned up: She even eagerly answered questions — from the denizens of the “lamestream” media — ranging from matters of political process to an array of issues facing the nation.

In an apparent repudiation to those who dismissed her trip as a mere publicity stunt, Palin’s openness with reporters about her intentions to visit Iowa and South Carolina — in addition to her highly scrutinized stop in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire — lent credence to her repeated assertions that she was indeed seriously considering a White House bid.

Though Palin and her staff never announced a timeline for the remaining legs of her trip, aides had drafted preliminary itineraries that would have taken her through the Midwest and Southeast at some point this month. But those travel blueprints are now in limbo, RCP has learned, as Palin and her family have reverted to the friendly confines of summertime Alaska, where the skies are currently alight for over 19 hours a day and the Bristol Bay salmon fishing season is nearing its peak.

As Palin enjoys her sojourn to the 49th state, she has not reconnected with key early-state figures like Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and she may have jeopardized whatever political momentum she gained from her recent reemergence in the 2012 discussion. Her political action committee’s website still greets visitors with a stale banner, announcing the nationwide bus tour beginning “[t]his Sunday, May 29th.”

More than a few of Palin’s core supporters have grown impatient and confused about her strategy, venting their frustration on Internet fan sites.

via RealClearPolitics – Palin Bus Tour Takes Extended Pit Stop.

Of course, there is a reason for this, it is because Sarah Palin’s tour was about nothing more, than Sarah Palin herself. It was a way to gain attention for herself. When the media lost interest, so did she. This was nothing more than a way to generate revenue for her “Conservatism for Kindergarteners” — style of written books of hers. Which are kind of like Ann Coulter’s books. (and before you ask; yes, I have read previews for both author’s books on my iPod, both author’s writings did nothing for me.) 

Which leads me to my final comment; if you honestly believe that this woman is truly interested in the future of this Country or even gives a remote damn about the people that live in it —- you are crazy.  The only person that Sarah Palin gives a remote damn about; is herself. Everything she does, every move she makes, is all about her political future and her limelight image.  She reminds me of another rabid feminist; Hillary Clinton. The similarities are striking and she does the very same things.  The only striking difference is, that Hillary Clinton has actually worked for her political image and has some credibility to her resume and Sarah Palin does not. 

Others: The Raw Story, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway, Flap’s Blog, GOP 12, New York Magazine, The Daily Caller and Balloon Juice — via Memeorandum

Message to Rep. Sheila Jackson, Maybe we should investigate militant Negros who want overthrow our Country

The headline is provocative one and for a damned good reason.

First the video:

The Story via CNSNEWS:

(CNSNews.com) – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”

In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.

Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”

Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”

Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not — your distinction is not answering the question.

This proves it right here; that liberals equate small time lone wolf criminals to foreign funded Muslim terrorists. I see the point she is making; and it is a stupid one, there is no comparison.

While we’re on the subject, why don’t we investigate terrorist Negros that would like to see our so-called “White Controlled Government overthrown, like these people here:

or maybe as to the funding of this man here:

This is what we ought to be investigating in this Country, is how things like this were funded by Liberals in this Country.

We as Americans are supposed to be sane, rational people. We are told that not all blacks feel this way. We, as Conservatives, who reject the idea of “group thought” or collectivism, are not supposed to believe that all blacks feel this way. However, when you have a liberal senator comparing the actions of a few extremists to the actions of a globally funded group of Muslim terrorists; one must ask, where do her loyalties lie? One must ask, does she agree with the militant Negros like the ones in the video above? Who, by the way, agree with Al-Qaeda terrorists, — that America should be destroyed.

It is questions like this, which I ask on this blog. There is a battle for the soul of America; these are two of the groups, which wish to overthrow the power structure in this Country. This is why I blog, this is why I write, to fight against this liberal, idiotic mentality; because I do not wish to see my Country overran by those who wish to destroy her from within.

It is a fight that I will continue to battle till my dying days.

Update: Moonbattery Agrees with me.

Is Sarah Palin making the same fatal mistake as George W. Bush?

Honestly, I hate having to write stuff like this; but, as I have explained on this blog before —- this blog is not about partisan politics, nor it is about defending a particular political party. This blog, is about honesty, even when it is not popular.

Having said all that, John Ziegler over at the Daily Caller dishes on some brutal honesty about Sarah Palin:

But in spite of being approached by Sarah’s husband Todd only a month ago and specifically discussing the possibility, I won’t be working on any Palin presidential campaign. Why? Well, first of all, contrary to what geniuses like Andrew Sullivan and Howard Dean may want you to believe, there is absolutely no way that she can be elected. I’ve told this to her directly; more than once. While many pundits mistakenly think what she is doing is some Trump-like PR stunt, I’m pretty convinced she is running and in doing so will damage the prospects of any conservative defeating Barack Obama in 2012.

These aren’t my only concerns.

There’s also the fact that Sarah’s entire operation is increasingly managed like a CIA field office; that she’s adopted a bunker mentality; that she’s trusting the wrong people, some of whom I know are simply exploiting her. As a result, even those most loyal to her get tossed under the bus, with little or no effort to avoid the collateral damage. Which raises the question: if people like me who would once have taken a bullet for Sarah (and at least figuratively I did many times) can’t get behind her any more, what the hell happened?

Does any of that up there, that I underlined sound even vaguely familiar? It does to me; I seem to remember that President George W. Bush did the same thing; twice.  The first time, when he decided that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and decided to invade that Country. There were some well-known Conservatives who objected to that invasion, and they were called unamerican and where scorned by the Neo-Conservatives at the time.

The second time that this happened, was in 2006, when it became quite obvious that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. George W. Bush went fully into the bunker, and loyalists went with him; and any who even remotely was skeptical was left out in the cold.  This mentality continued up until the end of Bush’s Presidency, almost to the point when even hardened Bush supporting Conservatives, knew the man was wrong and just wanted him out of office. This was especially true after the “throwing of principles into the wind” and bailing out of the banks on Wall Street.

Defenders of Sarah Palin, like Ed Morrissey over at HotAir.com; where I saw the link to this story, says the following:

While comebacks in presidential politics are rare, they’re not unknown.  Richard Nixon lost a national election, and then lost a state election two years later, which caused the media to declare his political career a dead letter.  Six years later, he won a presidential election in the middle of a war.  In what is by far a more attractive analogy, Ronald Reagan lost a bitter, narrow primary contest in 1976 that went all the way to the convention, and came back four years later to unite the GOP despite his age and his supposed inability to woo moderates. Neither man was known for his admiration of or by the media, either, although Reagan certainly knew how to use them better than almost anyone.  The difference between those examples and Palin are significant (especially the resignation), but perhaps not fatal; a primary campaign would certainly prove the issue.

Here is the whole problem with the above thought. Now, Nixon was before my time. I will not, because I am honest try to take that apart. Here is the problem with comparing Reagan to Palin; Reagan had a four term Governorship under his belt, Sarah Palin served one year and resigned; she is seen as a quitter, by the majority of those in the G.O.P.

Further more, Ronald Reagan had a legion of friends and supporters, who were formerly Democrats from his Hollywood days. What happened was this, Ronald Reagan became angered by what he saw in the Democratic Party; that was the increasing warm embracing of the tenants of Communism by the Democratic Party in California, and by the liberal establishment in California; and by the National Party as well, This included the embracing of doctrines of Marxism; like “social justice” and so forth. Further more, Reagan became incensed when he discovered that there were several trade unions were simply Communist fronts in the 1950’s. This lead Reagan to make a list of people that he knew, divided by one thing alone; who were Democrats and who were Republicans. The list of Republicans was much longer.

This caused Reagan to switch sides; and many of Reagan’s friends followed him to the other side. Some publicly, and some not publicly. Sadly, Sarah Palin does not have that sort of support at all. All she really has, is a small group of devoted supporters, who really refuse to look at the things that disqualify her for winning an election.

Further more, Sarah Palin has people who are her “Supporters” who, quite frankly, make this writer want to wretch. Sarah Palin’s biggest supporting blog, Conservatives4Palin is ran by a supposed former Obama Supporter. The picture of that woman, is enough to cause a young man to swear off sex and join the convent. Further more, based upon some of the recent events around that woman; I am convinced that she is not a “true-blue” Conservative. But rather a secret undercover liberal operative who is working to undermine Palin’s chances.

Lastly, one of the biggest issues with Sarah Palin, is that she is a feminist. Sarah Palin appeared with Geraldine Ferraro on Fox News channel and was literally fawning over her about how she was such an inspiration for her and so forth. Feminism, especially among the Conservative Christian right, and with this writer, is considered antithetical to all things Conservative. Even one prominent female Conservative named Phyllis Schlafly wrote a book condemning the movement as a whole.  But yet, Sarah Palin continues to promote this very strange idea that a woman can be a Conservative and a Feminist as well. Which is, in this writers opinion; utterly idiotic. Which does explain much of Palin’s reasoning.

Others: GOP 12, Hot Air, Sister Toldjah, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, New York Magazine, pandagon.net, Patterico’s Pontifications, FrumForum, Mediaite, RedState, The Lonely Conservative and The Daily Dish


Video: The Daily RANT! – Weiner fesses up!

I guess this pretty much blows my position of not blogging about it eh?

The Video:



Déjà Vu: Another Congressman Bares Naked Torso (and More) for Online Pal

Weinergate Grows: Another Woman Provides Sex Messages From His Account

Weinergate Bombshell: New Woman Comes Forward Claiming Cache

Rep. Anthony Weiner: ‘The Picture Was of Me and I Sent It’

‘It’s Me’: Rep. Weiner Sends Playful Photo to New Friend

Anthony Weiner admits tweet, will not resign

‘Me and the pussys’: Weiner Sends Intimate Home Pic; Apparently Relishes Double Entendres, Too

Should We Care About Anthony Weiner’s Photo Scandal?

Live Blog: Weiner Admits Sending Inappropriate Photos

More here

Other Bloggers Reactions: Mediaite, The Jawa Report, NY Daily News, Washington Post, Taylor Marsh, National Review, Bookworm Room, Guardian, TexasSparkle, Open Congress, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Capital Tonight, msnbc.com, CANNONFIRE, Gawker, The Shark Tank, Fausta’s Blog, UrbanGrounds, Verum Serum, The Gateway Pundit, FishbowlDC, Michelle Malkin, Atlas Shrugs, Gothamist, Pajamas Media, The Other McCain, Towleroad News #gay and Pundit Press, more at Techmeme », ABCNEWS, Power Line, Weasel Zippers, Pundit Press, Mediaite, Ricochet Conversation Feed, The Daily Caller, Gawker, Patterico’s Pontifications, Don Surber, Althouse, Pajamas Media, Patterico’s Pontifications, Hot Air, Mediaite, The Daily Caller, JammieWearingFool, Politisite, Wake up America, Balloon Juice, The Other McCain, Runnin’ Scared, Datechguy’s Blog, americanthinker.com, UNCOVERAGE.net, Salon, New York Magazine, UrbanGrounds, Weasel Zippers, Verum Serum, RedState, The Lonely Conservative and Maggie’s Notebook, The Other McCain, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, TPMDC, Runnin’ Scared, Guardian, Fox Nation, UNCOVERAGE.net, Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, Sky Dancing, New York Magazine, HotAirPundit, The Page, Zandar Versus The Stupid and Lisa Graas, more at Mediagazer », Runnin’ Scared, Pajamas Media, The Daily Caller, Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit, Power Line, Nice Deb, Patterico’s Pontifications, The Other McCain, Gawker and National Review, more at Mediagazer », Runnin’ Scared, Pajamas Media, The Daily Caller, Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit, Power Line, Nice Deb, Patterico’s Pontifications, The Other McCain, Gawker and National Review, more at Mediagazer », Gothamist and The Gateway Pundit, Crooks and Liars, Salon and National Review, Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times, Moonbattery, Wake up America, Balloon Juice and No More Mister Nice Blog

The feckless left, Exhibit RP for Racial Paranoia

The Video: (H/T Saber Point)

The story via Central Coast News:

Soquel Students Suspended for White Supremacy Claims
Posted: May 26, 2011 1:29 AM EDT Updated: May 26, 2011 1:40 AM EDT
By Azenith Smith – email

SOQUEL, Calif. – Students banned from a Central Coast school for wearing a white t-shirt. On Wednesday, Soquel High School suspended at least two students. The students say it’s because of allegations, they’re part of a white supremacist group.

“All the girls wore pink, all the sports guys wore tank tops,” says Soquel High Senior Mikey Donnelly. “We were all going to wear white so that was the plan. Just wear white t-shirts to identify ourselves and look back and say that was our group of friends right there.”

Soquel High Senior Mikey Donnelly wore a white t-shirt for his senior class photo Tuesday. About 10 of his friends did the same. That decision may seem harmless. But Soquel High suspended Donnelly for three days because of it.

Donnelly said the school told him people were offended and intimidated by his group, claiming they’re a white supremacist gang.

“I do think this is BS,” says Donnelly. “I’m not a white supremacist in any way shape or form. If I did say white power, I would probably say it just as much as I say black power.”

He’s not the only one upset.

“I feel disrespected,” says Soquel High Senior David Mine.

Mine also wore a white t-shirt and was also suspended. He’s missing out on finals and that could jeopardize his graduation.

“I’m Asian,” says Mine. “I don’t see how I can be a white supremacist. I’m against it completely.”

I don’t know about you; but if I were accused of something as stupid as this, if I were not a White Supremacist, I would most likely want to become one or at the very least, I would really begin to rethink my feelings about politics and multiculturalism.

But, this is what happens when political correctness gets out of control. Not to mention, what is wrong with having a “White Pride” group? Blacks have “Black pride” groups; so why the double standard? It is because liberals and some Neo-Conservatives, like to demonize we WASP’s. (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) All because of the stupidity of the Southern Democrats of days gone by. We WASP’s will have to carry that guilt card, and demonetization for the rest of time. Just ask Rick Sanchez, Taki Theodoracopulos, Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul.

It is truly a sad state of affairs.

Others: Five Feet of Fury and Moonbattery

Cross-posted @ Alexandria

Change: Obama Says “Drill baby Drill”!

The Video:


So much for that, eh?

Reality sets in:

WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama laid out his strategy to continue to expand responsible and safe domestic oil production, leveraging existing authorities as part of his long-term plan to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. He is directing the Department of the Interior to conduct annual lease sales in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve – while respecting sensitive areas, to speed up the evaluation of oil and gas resources in the mid and south Atlantic, and to create new incentives for industry to develop their unused leases both on and offshore. Also, to give companies more time to meet higher safety standard for exploration and drilling, the administration is extending drilling leases in areas of the Gulf of Mexico that were impacted by the temporary moratorium, as well as certain leases off the coast of Alaska. And, he is establishing a new interagency working group to ensure that Arctic development projects meet health, safety and environmental standards. The past few months, rising gas prices have put an added strain on American families. While there are no quick fixes to the problem, these are steps, along with eliminating taxpayer subsidies for oil companies and rooting out fraud and manipulation in the markets, that are worth taking.

via Weekly Address: President Obama Announces New Plans to Increase Responsible Domestic Oil Production | The White House.

$4.00 a gallon gas and people are getting ticked; including his base. So, he quits with the cute silly liberal answers and starts back to drilling. Ed Morrissey says, “Nice try, but no.”

Quoting Ed Morrissey:

In fact, most of this action deals with extensions for existing leases, rather than new drilling. Instead of approving extension requests individually, Obama will issue blanket one-year extensions in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. The lease sales for the Gulf that Obama announced were supposed to take place last year. They’re not new leases. Obama did pledge to hold annual lease sales in Alaska’s North Slope area, where they had been ad hoc in the past, which is the only hint of new expansion in his remarks.

This isn’t leadership. It’s a threadbare attempt at triangulation that doesn’t add much new capacity at all, nor does it speed up the process of exploration and extraction. The White House will drag its heels on expansion of American production as long as possible; this announcement just buys Obama some time and a respite from the political fallout of high gas prices. Still, the fact that Obama had to protect himself in this manner shows how politically damaging his refusal to expand American production has become, and how damaging it will continue to be.

So, basically, Barry is trying to cover his backside and make it look like he is doing something about the high gas prices. When in all reality, the President and his Administration are simply giving political cover and lip-service to the American people. Which is what President Obama is actually pretty good at —- as long as he has his teleprompter.

Which proves what we Blogs on the right have known for three years now. That this President, who was elected more as a Black Novelty, than anything else; has no plan for this Nation’s future. Nor does have, nor does he care, about this Nation’s energy policy and its future. All he truly cares about, is his idiotic vision of progressive utopia; which is in reality, nothing but a pipe dream. Hopefully, the voters in 2012 will see this and vote accordingly.

Memeorandum Thread

Confirmed: President Barack Obama is an Anti-American, Asshole, Piece of Shit

I am sorry, but that is how I feel. This man, this bastard piece of shit; has not only bungled a major kill in the war on terrorism. He has refused to give the American people closure.

Now there is this:

Audio: (H/T Pat Dollard)

Video: (H/T Atlas)

The Story via Real Clear Politics:

Debra Burlingame, the sister of Charles “Chic” Burlingame (pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon) met with President Obama today, along with other families who were victims of 9/11. Burlingame said she confronted Obama about Attorney General Eric Holder prosecuting the men who interrogated KSM, which may have produced intelligence leading us to bin Laden.

Burlingame describes the encounter with Obama: “As a former attorney I know you can’t tell the Attorney General what to do, he said, ‘No, I can’t.’ But I said ‘we — that shouldn’t stop you from giving your opinion. We wouldn’t be here today if they hadn’t done their jobs. Can’t you at least give them your opinion.’ And he said ‘no I won’t,’ and he turned around and walked away.”

There is not anything more than I can add to this. The man is an ASSHOLE and a piece of shit. An Internationalist Democrat, who does not give a damn about America, its people or its principles.

Quite frankly, here is hoping that President Obama rots in the Devil’s hell. Screw him, Screw. him. hard. 😡

Because obviously this President does not give a flying fuck about anyone, but himself. Especially white people, who have lost loved ones who lost family members on 9/11. He is an internationalist Democratic and a black man, who at the very least, has sympathies to the Muslim community and for all we know; radical Muslims as well. Why else would he do something like this? Again, I say, SCREW HIM, SCREW.HIM.HARD…. 😡

Others: protein wisdom

Update:  Let me say this as well; I could have dealt with the President nicely saying to this woman, “I will take it under consideration and speak with my advisers,”  and then,  not doing anything. But to just say, “No, I won’t.” That my friends, is pure asshole behavior.  It is beneath the office and it brings a reproach to the office. For this, as far as I am concerned; President Obama has lost any sort of credibility, that he might have had with me. I’m finished with him and I will be voting in 2012 against him and I hope you, the reader, are too.


Confirmed: Orly Taitz is a moronic screwball

Oh Brother…:

In a development that will surprise no one, it turns out that President Barack Obama’s decision to release his long-form birth certificate hasn’t quieted members of the “birther” movement who promote the conspiracy theory that he wasn’t born in the United States.”Look, I applaud this release. I think it’s a step in the right direction,” so-called “birther queen” Orly Taitz told me in one of her many media interviews this morning. “I credit Donald Trump in pushing this issue.”But she still has her suspicions. Specifically, Taitz thinks that the birth certificate should peg Obama’s race as “Negro” and not “African.”

via Orly Taitz: Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate Should Say ‘Negro’ Not ‘African’ | TPMMuckraker.

From Wikipedia:

Orly Taitz was born to a Jewish family in Chi?in?u, Moldavian SSR in the Soviet Union (present day Moldova).[6] Both of her parents were science teachers.[10] In 1981, Orly immigrated to Israel,[1] where she obtained a dentistry degree at Hebrew University.[1]

If there ever was a case for calling someone a screwball Jew. This would be one of them. Someone please send this crazy woman back to Israel, where she belongs please; preferably in a straight jacket.

Others: Washington Wire, TPMDC, Jack & Jill Politics, Fox News, Alas, a Blog, Weigel, National Review, Comments from Left Field, Gawker, The Raw Story, Outside the Beltway, Colorlines and Raw Replay