Interesting Quote of the Day

This is very sad. It’s disturbing how the Neocons, who openly despise the South, and believe in using “noble lies” to manipulate their subject population, have managed to convince millions of well-meaning folks that subservience to the goals of the Likkud Party defines American conservatism. Forget the traditions of Edmund Burke, Richard Weaver, and Sam Ervin; if it’s good for the Likkud, then THAT’s the “conservative” position for these folks. Never mind that Neocon policies have wrecked the military, drained the economy, and gutted the Bill of Rights. Instead, we’re supposed to believe the interests of all Americans and the militant government of Israel are one and the same.

Of course, that’s nonsense. There are many Jews who believe Likkud’s belligerence harms Israel. But as far as I’m concerned, that’s their business. I believe DC should butt out of everyone else’s affairs, starting at home. And there’s no question but that DC’s blind and one-sided support for whatever Israel does has harmed this nation, not only in the financial costs of propping up Israel ($108 billion since 1972), but in diplomatic costs as well as DC’s biased defense of Israeli crimes angers the rest of the world. Some are so incensed that they have vowed revenge against us. How does creating terrorists advance our interests?

Anyway, that’s what happened. I’m not retaliating by deleting the Saber Point link. Instead, I’ll keep it there in remembrance of times past, and for that time in the future when our exploiters and deceivers are exposed for what they are, and compatriots can work together for the good of their own people, rather than sacrificing for foreign powers. — Source

Hmmmm: Rahm Emanuel to quit White House?

(Via Divine Moments on Twitter)

This comes via U.K. Telegraph, so keep that in mind while reading it:

Washington insiders say he will quit within six to eight months in frustration at their unwillingness to “bang heads together” to get policy pushed through.

“Democrats have not stood behind the president in the way Republicans did for George W Bush, and that was meant to be Rahm’s job.”

“It might not be his fault, but the perception is there,” said the consultant, who asked not to be named. “Every vote has been tough, from health care to energy to financial reform.

Mr Emanuel, 50, enjoys a good working relationship with Mr Obama but they are understood to have reached an understanding that differences over style mean he will serve only half the full four-year term.

Friends say he is also worried about burnout and losing touch with his young family due to the pressure of one of most high profile jobs in US politics.

“I would bet he will go after the midterms,” said a leading Democratic consultant in Washington. “Nobody thinks it’s working but they can’t get rid of him – that would look awful. He needs the right sort of job to go to but the consensus is he’ll go.”

An official from the Bill Clinton era said that “no one will be surprised” if Mr Emanuel left after the midterm elections in November, when the Democratic party will battle to save its majorities in the house of representatives and the senate.

It is well known in Washington that arguments have developed between pragmatic Mr Emanuel, a veteran in Congress where he was known for driving through compromises, and the idealistic inner circle who followed Mr Obama to the White House.

His abrasive style has rubbed some people the wrong way, while there has been frustration among Mr Obama’s closest advisers that he failed to deliver a smooth ride for the president’s legislative that his background promised.

Hmmmmm… I wonder. Could it be that “Hope and Change” has fizzled out and Rahm wants out? Maybe he has dirt and wants to avoid it coming out at a trial? Hmmmmmm… It is to wonder!

Updated: President Obama tells Senator Kyl: I won’t secure border because then Republicans will have no reason to support “comprehensive immigration reform.” White House: Kyl’s full of crap

The Video:

The money part comes at 3:17 in this video.

The Story via RedState:

On June 18, 2010, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl told the audience at a North Tempe Tea Party town hall meeting that during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico, “The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’” [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.] Sen. Kyl continued, “In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”

But this still does not prove that Obama blew up that Oil platform. That is just silly. This I can believe; but the other, sorry, that is just beyond the pale.

Update: AllahPundit makes a very good point:

Does any term of art exist to describe a revelation that’s shocking in one sense and yet not at all surprising in another? (“Kinsleyan gaffe” is in the ballpark, but that’s not quite what this is.) Of course The One won’t do anything about the border until he gets some political cover from Congress on amnesty; his party wants to build a heavy Democratic majority among Latinos long-term and he’s not going to mess that up. What’s stunning is simply the fact that he’d be so candid, to a member of the opposition no less, in admitting his dereliction of duty. Sure, he could fulfill his constitutional responsibility and try to enforce federal law — but what good will that do him politically? If Congress wants to see some action at the border, they need to make it worth his while. And you thought the BP deal was a “shakedown.”

Painful exit question: Isn’t this yet another example of Obama carrying on Bush’s policies? Dubya might not have been as blunt about the reason for his own poor track record on border enforcement, but let’s not kid ourselves.

I swear, me and that guy must be on the same wavelength. 😀

Update #2: White House Says: (H/T HotAir Headlines)

On June 18, Kyl, the Senate Republican Whip, told a North Tempe Tea Party town hall that in an Oval Office conversation between the two of them about securing the US-Mexico border, “here’s what the president said: ‘The problem is,’ he said, ‘if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’ In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”

The White House Monday rejected Kyl’s account.

“The President didn’t say that and Senator Kyl knows it,” White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer told ABC News. “There are more resources dedicated toward border security today than ever before, but, as the President has made clear, truly securing the border will require a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system.”

Kyl spokesman Ryan Patmintra said the senator stood by his account, which he said was “about as straight forward as you can get.”

Now the question is; who do you believe?

Uh.Oh: Is the United States headed towards a show-down, With Iran?

(H/T to Big Lizards)

This comes via Israel National News:

Egypt allowed at least one Israeli and 11 American warships to pass through the Suez Canal as an Iranian flotilla approaches Gaza. Egypt closed the canal to protect the ships with thousands of soldiers, according to the British-based Arabic language newspaper Al Quds al-Arabi.

One day prior to the report on Saturday, Voice of Israel government radio reported that the Egyptian government denied an Israeli request not to allow the Iranian flotilla to use the Suez Canal to reach Gaza, in violation of the Israeli sea embargo on the Hamas-controlled area.

International agreements require Egypt to keep the Suez open even for warships, but the armada, led by the USS Truman with 5,000 sailors and marines, was the largest in years. Egypt closed the canal to fishing and other boats as the armada moved through the strategic passageway that connects the Red and Mediterranean Seas.

Despite Egypt’s reported refusal to block the canal to Iranian boats, the clearance for the American-Israeli fleet may be a warning to Iran it may face military opposition if the Iranian Red Crescent ship continues on course to Gaza.

The warships may exercise the right to inspect the Iranian boat for the illegal transport or weapons. Newsweek reported that Egyptian authorities could stop the ship for weeks, using technicalities such as requiring that any official documents be translated from Farsi into Arabic.

Big Lizards says:

I’m somewhat amazed that Barack H. Obama has evidently decided to side with the Israelis against the Iranians; but certainly it’s a welcome shift. Although a shooting war is unlikely, the Israeli and American ships could board the Iranian vessels and search them. One hopes that this time, they won’t bring paintball guns to a bludgeon fight.

Heh… Stay Tuned, this could get very interesting…. 😯

If Israel does this, I do not want to hear NO MORE complaining by the Conservative Jewish Bloggers!

If Israel is this stupid, they get what’s coming to them:

Jerusalem (CNN) — Israel plans to ease its blockade of Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday following an Israeli Security Cabinet meeting, a step welcomed by the United States and Middle East envoy Tony Blair and brushed off by the Palestine Liberation Organization.

“This comes as a partial manner due to international pressure but does not meet the minimal needs of the people in Gaza to live in dignity,” said Hanan Ashrawi, member of the PLO executive committee.

Ashraw said the steps were an improvement but the blockade should be completely lifted and the Israeli occupation ended.

“Israel has decided to enable the flow of all civilian goods into the Gaza strip. From today, there is a green light approval for all goods to enter into Gaza except for military items and materials that can strengthen Hamas’ military machine,” a source in Netanyahu’s office told CNN.

via Israel easing blockade of Gaza ‘except for military items’ –

Israel basically just admitted that they are too damn cowardly to stand up to the Arabs and enforce the blockade. My support of Israel just ended.

Stupid bastards… They get what’s coming to them. Won’t stand up for themselves and allow themselves to be bullied by Arab Terrorists. What morons. 🙄

Just like America, easily bullied by Liberals.

Liberals = Arab Terrorists; Same thing.

Updated: Stupidity from the Moderation Cue

Earlier, I blogged about some of the stupidity that is being said in the Conservative Blogosphere. Well, it seems that I have touched a nerve among the Conservatives.

Behold some of the inane batty craziness from my Moderation cue:

Author : democratsarefascists (IP: ,
E-mail :
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Whois  :
Obama blew the platform and yes, he wants this to get as bad as it can be.

Don’t buy it? Listen to Kyl and see how Obama’s manipulating the border.

Originally, when I wrote this; I said that Obama did secure the boarder. Truth is, he did send National Guardsman to the border, and he put signs up warning people along the Mexican board; which was I believe in Texas. However, since I have wrote that, I have discovered some other information about the border and Obama. But as to Obama blowing up an oil platform, I’m sorry, but that is just untrue. BP is the sole person responsible for that oil platform; and too the MMS for not enforcing regulation.

I have no idea who the hell “Kyl” is, nor do I honestly give a rip Update : They are referring to this. —  But, I challenge ANYONE, ANYONE! To prove to me personally, not with opinion, not with stupid idiotic kooky conspiracy theories, but with actual LIVING proof from legitimate media outlets, and not Alex Jones infowars, or WorldNetDaily stupidity; that President Barack Obama actually blew up that oil platform in the gulf.

The truth is, these moronic idiots do not have jack crap for proof; the only thing they have is their stupid Conspiracy theories, that are spouted by people like Alex Jones.

You see folks, THIS RIGHT HERE is why the Republican Party is going to get it’s butt handed to it on a platter by the Democratic Party in 2010 and 2012. Because of the inane batty stupidity of the far right. That is why we lost in 2008 and that is why we will lose come 2010 elections and 2012 elections!

I printed this, because I wanted to show an example of the idiot moronic stupidity of the far, far right.

Also, for what it is worth, Republicans can be just as fascist as Democrats can be. Eight Years of George W. Bush proved that. Nice try though. 🙄 His Wilsonian foreign policy that he fell in love with after 9/11 will be a stain on America for many years to come. Not to mention the fact, that part of the HUGE debt we are into now; is because of Bush’s idiotic decision to go war with a Country that had ZERO to do with 9/11. But you cannot tell that to the far right, they’re too damned busy believing the batty crazy reports from far right news outlets that say Saddam hid his WMD’s in Syria. Which was totally disproved, but many an outlet, even Fox News. But that does not stop these kooky crazy people. They believe what THEY want to hear!

Unbelievable….. 🙄

Great moments in liberal media hypocrisy

CEO of BP goes yachting it is a federal crime:

VENICE, La. (AP) – Just when it seemed Gulf residents couldn’t get any more outraged about the massive oil spill fouling their coastline, word came Saturday that BP’s CEO was taking time off to attend a glitzy yacht race in England.

Tony Hayward’s latest public relations gaffe didn’t sit well with people in the U.S. who have seen their livelihoods ruined by the massive two-month oil spill.

“Man, that ain’t right. None of us can even go out fishing, and he’s at the yacht races,” said Bobby Pitre, 33, who runs a tattoo shop in Larose, La. “I wish we could get a day off from the oil, too.”

As social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook lit up with anger, BP spokespeople rushed to defend Hayward, who has drawn withering criticism as the public face of his company’s halting efforts to stop the worst oil spill in U.S. history.

Robert Wine, a BP spokesman at the company’s Houston headquarters, said it’s the first break Hayward has had since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20, killing 11 workers and setting off the undersea gusher.

“He’s spending a few hours with his family at a weekend,” Wine said Saturday. “I’m sure that everyone would understand that.”

Not Mike Strohmeyer, who owns the Lighthouse Lodge in Venice, on Louisiana’s southern tip, who said Hayward was “just numb.”

“I don’t think he has any feelings,” he said. “If I was in his position, I think I’d be in a more responsible place. I think he should be with someone out trying to plug the leak.

President Barack Obama goes golfing, which is, a Homosexual’s sport, in this writers opinion:

President Barack Obama hit the golf course Saturday with Vice President Joe Biden.

The White House pool report noted that Obama left at about 1 p.m. for the course at Andrews Air Force base, and his golfing parters included White House Trip Director Marvin Nicholson and David Katz, the energy efficiency campaign manager at the Department of Energy.

Obama left the course shortly before 6 p.m.

Nicholson and Katz, along with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, joined Obama for four hours of golf last weekend. The Republican National Committee released an ad soon afterward taking aim at Obama’s golfing during the ongoing BP oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico.

The temperatures in the Washington, D.C., area Saturday were similar to last weekend, in the low 90s and humid.

….and *crickets*

Well, except for Conservative Bloggers who want to hold this President to the same standard that the left held George W. Bush for the past eight years, and as someone who was not a fan of said person; I think that is a good thing.

Like I said before, Heckeva Job Berry!

Yeah, that’s right, I called Golfing a FAG BOY sport, for stupid sissies who are too damned stupid or too much of a girly man to do anything else; like a real sport, like football, basketball or baseball. So, you faggot golfers can SUCK IT! There, I said it, I feel better. 😡

Others, who are on the job, unlike the dead-wood media: The Confluence, Don Surber, Reuters, BBC, Pajamas Media, Outside the Beltway, Liberty Pundits Blog, Cubachi, The Daily Caller, Flopping Aces,, USA Today, Patterico’s Pontifications, No Sheeples Here, Freedom’s Lighthouse, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, HotAirPundit, American Power and Nationals Journal

Why do Conservatives and Republicans Say and Write Stupid Stuff like this?

Far from it for me to defend or even support Charles Johnson. But when the man is right — He’s right.

This has to be one of the most stupidest damned things I have ever read in the Right Wing Blogosphere yet. ….and I have been around it for quite a while.

The headline is now coming from

Could the Obama Administration be Blocking Gulf Clean-up Efforts Intentionally?


At first blush this sounds like an outlandish question with a conspiratorial twist. The corollary question goes like this: Is the Obama administration intentionally scaling back clean-up efforts in the Gulf in an attempt to maximize the damage so Democrats in Congress will have an excuse to take effective control over yet another major sector of our economy and impose crippling and draconian new taxes on the American people?

We first learned of this controversy reading Sher Zieve who wrote in the Canada Free Press: “Obama is doing the bare minimum so that destruction will be at an all-time maximum — in order to shove his Cap and Trade bill (which will complete our destruction) down our throats.”

It goes on to basically accuse the President of the United States of America of purposely allowing that oil spill to continue to destroy our ecosystem; in order to further Obama’s progressive agenda. I am quite sorry my friends, but that sort of bat-shit crazy nonsense is just totally unacceptable, and before you say it is just Townhall, it is not. It is every damned where in the Conservative Blogosphere.

I am going to make something very clear here. One of things that drove me away from the Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan Paleo or Old Conservatism is this; One of them was the blatant Antisemitism and yes, blatant racism of the “Old Right” and the other was the idiotic conspiracy theories that were always being repeated. This is a classic example of that. This is the same damned stupidity that happened during the Clinton Administration years. Only turned up to 11 on the kooky conspiracy amplifier machine.

Let me be clear, (Thank you President Obama for using my favorite clarity statement and making it into a punch line…) I do realize that President Obama is a progressive and yes, I do know he has an agenda as the elected President of the United States. Every President does. But to purposefully poison our ecosystem is NOT one of them people! Please, let’s use our damned brains here a little, for something besides a hat rack.

I can tell you right now, if the Conservative grassroots and more importantly the Republican Party starts repeating this idiotic tripe during the midterms and also during the 2012 elections. I will make a prediction, the Republican Party will get it’s ASS handed to it in 2012. Stupidity like this, does not win elections, at all. Just ask Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan.

We need leadership and a sane alternative to the socialism of President Barack Obama, not this sort of blatant stupidity.

Hey, Quit Playing with Yourself!

It’ll make you go blind….


One day after facing accusations of fondling himself, Detroit Public Schools President Otis Mathis wrote a letter to colleagues today blaming “ongoing health problems” for his “poor judgment.”

The letter, which attempted to rescind his resignation he submitted Thursday, doesn’t explicitly address accusations from Superintendent Teresa Gueyser that he touched himself during a private meeting.

But Mathis acknowledged that he “made inappropriate actions toward a professional employee of the board” and promises to remove himself from personnel decisions involving her.

“I am following up with my doctors because I need to pursue treatment, and because I want to make sure that what happened doesn’t ever happen again,” Mathis said. “However, I do not need to resign in order to take care of my health.”

via Detroit schools president: Health woes caused ‘poor judgment’ | | The Detroit News.

Cue the Music!

Others: theblogprof and Gateway Pundit

Mort Zuckerman: The World thinks, what we already know, that President Obama is a BOOB!

From the Dept. of “No, Really?!?! What gave you your first clue?”:

President Obama came into office as the heir to a great foreign policy legacy enjoyed by every recent U.S. president. Why? Because the United States stands on top of the power ladder, not necessarily as the dominant power, but certainly as the leading one. As such we are the sole nation capable of exercising global leadership on a whole range of international issues from security, trade, and climate to counterterrorism. We also benefit from the fact that most countries distrust the United States far less than they distrust one another, so we uniquely have the power to build coalitions. As a result, most of the world still looks to Washington for help in their region and protection against potential regional threats.

Yet, the Iraq war lingers; Afghanistan continues to be immersed in an endless cycle of tribalism, corruption, and Islamist resurgence; Guantánamo remains open; Iran sees how North Korea toys with Obama and continues its programs to develop nuclear weapons and missiles; Cuba spurns America’s offers of a greater opening; and the Palestinians and Israelis find that it is U.S. policy positions that defer serious negotiations, the direct opposite of what the Obama administration hoped for.

The reviews of Obama’s performance have been disappointing. He has seemed uncomfortable in the role of leading other nations, and often seems to suggest there is nothing special about America’s role in the world. The global community was puzzled over the pictures of Obama bowing to some of the world’s leaders and surprised by his gratuitous criticisms of and apologies for America’s foreign policy under the previous administration of George W. Bush. One Middle East authority, Fouad Ajami, pointed out that Obama seems unaware that it is bad form and even a great moral lapse to speak ill of one’s own tribe while in the lands of others.

via Mort Zuckerman: World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur – US News and World Report.

We on the right were saying it from day one. That this idiot was not qualified to be President of the United States; but we were in the minority and ignored. Now the whole damn world and the liberals are now figuring it out. That President Obama is nothing more than a highly educated BOOB!

Others: Wake up America, Scared Monkeys, Fausta’s Blog, Dean’s World, Riehl World View, The Corner on National … and and one big fat dumb ass cheerleader LIBERAL IDIOT!

Now why am I not surprised about this?

Shocking, Well, maybe not….:

“8: The Mormon Proposition,” a documentary detailing the large role the Mormon Church played in passing California’s Proposition 8 in 2008.That ballot initiative added an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman. While the media has naturally been praising the documentary, the movie is so biased that even some reviewers couldn’t avoid pointing out how one-sided it is.

Directed by Reed Cowan, the film first premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. “8: The Mormon Proposition” is narrated by Lance Dustin, who was the screenwriter for “Milk,” the movie about California’s first openly gay elected official.

The trailer features protesters, people upset about the passage of Proposition 8, and paints the Mormon Church negatively for influencing the outcome of Proposition 8.

Cowan has not attempted to hide his bias in the documentary. He stated, “The separation of church and state in the USA is a sacred value. It’s what keeps us from being a theocracy. We are a democracy and should forever stay that way. ‘8: The Mormon Proposition’ is a crucial piece of documentary film making because it puts on record what I believe to be the greatest encroachment into matters of state by a church in American history.”

Mormon Church spokesperson Kim Farah told the Washington Post in January that although she has not seen the film, “judging from the trailer and background material online, it appears that accuracy and truth are rare commodities in this film. Although we have given many interviews on this topic, we had no desire to participate in something so obviously biased.”

via Media Praises ‘8: The Mormon Proposition,’ But Admit Film is One-Sided.

Criticize radical Islam and you’re a hater. Criticize Mormonism or Christianity? Oh, that’s just fine.

What a crazy would we live in. 🙄

This is why I like Ann Coulter

(Via Noisy Room)

I will note this, where Ann talks about the “Backstabbing traitors and children”; if you do not think that this happens in the Republican, you are kidding yourself. There are those types of people in the both parties. I have seen it time and time again.

You cannot hide your money in Switzerland anymore

If you are wealthy, do not try sending your money to Switzerland anymore. The United States Government will come for it:

The Swiss parliament approved a deal Thursday to help the Internal Revenue Service obtain the names of Americans with secret accounts at Switzerland’s largest bank.

The approval averted a renewed conflict between the U.S. and Swiss governments over bank secrecy. If the deal had collapsed, Swiss banking giant UBS faced the threat of potentially crippling U.S. legal action.

Instead, the breakthrough paves the way for the Swiss government to turn over the names and account details of as many as 4,450 U.S. clients of UBS suspected of using undeclared accounts to hide income and evade taxes.

via Swiss to help IRS identify secret UBS accounts in tax probe.

What is the alternative you ask? Simple. Gold and Silver.

It is a pity that our Government has embraced such blatant attempts at robbery. Socialism is just that, steal from the working to give to the lazy.

Uh-Oh: Afgan Military Members go AWOL in Texas

Not a Surprise:

A nationwide alert has been issued for 17 members of the Afghan military who have gone AWOL from a Texas Air Force base where foreign military officers who are training to become pilots are taught English, has learned.

The Afghan officers and enlisted men have security badges that give them access to secure U.S. defense installations, according to the lookout bulletin, “Afghan Military Deserters in CONUS [Continental U.S.],” issued by Naval Criminal Investigative Service in Dallas, and obtained by

via – EXCLUSIVE: Alert Issued for 17 Afghan Military Members AWOL From U.S. Air Force Base.

List of names are: (Via Fox News)

Abdul Ghani Barakzai, born 8/8/1977

Mohd Ali Karimi, born 9/3/1982

Mohammad Nasim Fateh Zada, born 12/4/1966

Aminullah Sangarwal, born 8/27/1982

Mohd Ahmadi, born 5/5/1978

Ahad Abdulahad, born 5/5/1984

Sayed Qadir Shah Habiby, born 5/7/1985

Javed Aryan a.k.a. Aryan Javed, born 1/1/1987

Mirwais Qassmi, born 4/24/1974

Barsat Noorani, born 6/3/1981

Atiqullah Habibi, two dates of birth are listed on the alert: 6/2/1982 and 7/2/1982

Ahmad Sameer Samar, born 5/2/1983

Mohamed Fahim Faqier, born 6/1/1987

Obaiddullah Abrahimy, born 8/1/1979

Sayed Nasir Hashimi, born 4/5/1972

Shawali Kakar, born 12/31/1979

Khan Padshah Amiri, born 4/1/1978

Welcome to Obama’s America.

If I were in Texas tonight or anywhere near it; I would have my guns loaded and ready for anything. We’re not fighting them there anymore, we’re fighting them here now too. Thanks to Bush’s desire to settle the score in Iraq for his Daddy, we schlepped off Afghanistan and now, we’re stuck with stupidity like this here. Of course, Obama’s inability to call terrorism what it is actually is, is not much of a help either. So, basically, we’re screwed.

Hopefully, they find these idiots and round them up and send them back were they belong! 😡

Others: No Sheeples Here, Atlas Shrugs, The Jawa Report, Liberty Pundits Blog, Creeping Sharia and And So it Goes in Shreveport

Quote of the Day

This past week, Beck aired a show that was so preposterous in conception — and so emblematic of what’s wrong with American conservatism — that I couldn’t resist giving it a detailed analysis. The unlikely subject of the program was America’s Black Founding Fathers.

In this episode, part of his “Founding Fathers’ Fridays” series, Beck begins by informing his audience that much of what they learned in school is wrong and that for at least a century, American scholars have been suppressing (consciously, I presume) the grand history of African-American achievement. These sins of omission are grave. Forgotten black heroes include, Peter Salem, who was, according to Beck, the “hero of Bunker Hill,” and James Armistad, who, Beck reveals, “may have won the Revolutionary War” through his daring-do.

To back up these revisionary claims, Beck brings on David Barton, a man who made headlines recently in Texas’s “textbook wars” (more on that below). Barton is the president of the “WallBuilders” think-tank, which is dedicated to documenting the religiosity of the Founding Founders and the achievements of African Americans. Reading through Barton’s website, one gets the impression that he all but equates African-Americans’ participation in government with Christian righteousness.

Then comes Lucas Morel, a professor with a doctorate from the Claremont Graduate Program, the hotbed of Jaffa-ite and Straussian conservatism, who declares that “American history can be described as one long Civil Rights struggle,” which, I gather, includes not only the past 45 years of socially uplifting legislation but various world wars.

One could get bogged down deconstructing the assertions of the pair, so, I’ll focus on just one. Beck became particularly giddy over Barton’s tale of the “Black Paul Revere,” Wentworth Cheswell, a brave African-American New Hampshirite who was elected as his town’s constable in 1768 and in 1775 made an all-night ride from Boston to declare to his community “The British are coming!”

Did you know that Wentworth Chesswell was black? No? You’re not alone, because neither did his constituents, who were under the mistaken assumption that they were governed by an Anglo-Saxon. There’s also no mention of an African in the Cheswells’ authorized family tree, though historians have located a 17th-century Negro, “Richard Chesswell,” who was likely Wentworth’s grandfather, making the later, at the very most, a quadroon. Put simply, the “Black Paul Revere” probably could have gained admission to the 18th-century version of a WASP country club. Even PBS, which one wouldn’t expect to discount Cheswell’s blackness, writes that the Chesswell genealogy stands as an example of “the ‘passing’ process”…

(Also lionized in the Black Founders pantheon was an 18th-century “African-American preacher” of a white congregation, Lemuel Haynes.” Does this man look African to you?)

In defense of Keith Olbermann

I am usually not the type of person to defend someone like Keith Olbermann. But this little incident warrants a comment from a Non-Partisan Blogger like me.

From what I have read, Keith Olbermann basically told the people at DailyKos to bite his happy-go-lucky, and left:

I was checking in tonight to see what was new, came across a diary trashing first me and my colleague Rachel, and scrolled through it shaking my head, sadly, until I got to one comment that leaped off the page.

can’t verify, of course… (2+ / 0-)
but a friend in the news biz tells me he got a damaging e-mail from one of his pals at NBC. something to the effect that their anger was pre-planned because “beating up on the President has been good for ratings.”

I haven’t checked but I’m hearing that Olbermann slammed the speech on Twitter before it even started.

“Can’t verify”… “haven’t checked”…It can’t be verified because it’s nonsense, and it wasn’t checked because nobody bothered. Unfortunately there’s been a lot of this here lately.

And what’s more, I didn’t “slam” the speech on Twitter before it even started. I got off the phone with my White House source at about 7:35, and then summarized his description of the speech thusly:

I gather this may not be the big picture broad canvas “never again” speech redefining our nation’s energy addiction that many are expecting

Wow. What a slam!

For years, from the Katrina days onward, whenever I stuck my neck out, I usually visited here as the cliched guy in the desert stopping by the oasis. I never got universal support, and never expected it, nor wanted it (who wants an automatic “Yes” machine?). But I used to read a lot about how people here would ‘always have my back’ and trust me this was of palpable value as I fought opponents external and internal who try to knock me and Rachel off the air, all the time, in ways you can imagine and others you can’t.

Now I get to read how we pre-planned our anger because ‘beating up on the President has been good for ratings’.

If I can understand people’s frustration with seeing a speech by a Democratic president criticized in a venue such as mine, why is it impossible for some people here to accept my frustration about the speech? You don’t agree with me, fine. You don’t want to watch because you don’t agree with me, fine. But to accuse me, after five years of risking what I have to present the truth as I see it, of staging something for effect, is deeply offensive to me and is an indication of what has happened here.

You want Cheerleaders? Hire the Buffalo Jills. You want diaries with conspiracy theories, go nuts. If you want this site the way it was even a year ago, let me know and I’ll be back.

Now, this is where I am going to run afoul of some Republicans. I hate to be the one to do it; and I doubt Keith Olbermann would want to hear it from my corner. But, I have to agree with the man. As someone who watched “Countdown” during the Bush years; after being fed up with CNN’s crusade on Christians. Also after getting involved with Politics in 2006, after hearing that Bush’s people were just utterly incompetent, when it came to a back up plan on Iraq. I did tune to Keith’s show and yes, I have read and have listened to Keith tell about his death threats, and the attempts to poison him. In fact, Keith wrote a book about it. You can order it by clicking here.

I realize that some of you might not like it, that I am defending Keith, but I have always felt, that no Presidential Administration is above criticism. To Keith’s credit, he did criticize Bush’s handling of many affairs, The Iraq War, Katrina and many other things. Olbermann also almost, on several occasions paid for those remarks with his life. In my opinion, he deserves to be commended for that. Keith should also be commended, not condemned, for having the guts to stand up and criticize this President as well.

The preservation of a Constitutionally Republic Nation depends on a Free Press, Free from any sort of political pressure. I commend Keith for sticking his neck out, as a independent — albeit liberal — voice in politics at the expense of some of his fans.

Keith also this:

This is easily the smartest political leader I have ever seen, as good a political public speaker as I’ve heard, + last October I was privileged along with 11 other newspeople to spend 2 hours with him as he showed extemporaneous mastery of every one of two dozen topics fired at him by us in random order. I left the room wondering if we had ever before actually elected a president who was one of the 1,000 smartest people in the country (or maybe 100, or 10) as we had now. I believe in him and in his presidency and he has frequently achieved success (in health care reform, particularly) by doing that for which I criticized him. I hope that is again the case now because the Gulf Speech was not up to his standards nor did it express his mastery of policy. And if you will stop watching because I said this, I’ll be very sorry, but you will have been watching for the wrong reason. I am not, have not been, and will not be, any politician’s, nor any president’s, spokesman.

Others: Weasel Zippers, Big Journalism, Hit & Run, Wake up America,, Riehl World View, Don Surber, The Other McCain, The Huffington Post, Dean’s World, JammieWearingFool, Commentary,,

Technical Issues

Just letting everyone know that the software that my blog uses released an milestone upgrade… and naturally I made a bonehead move during the upgrade.

I am chasing bugs and trying to figure out which plug-in, is not sitting straight and flying right with WordPress 3.0.

The joys of owning your OWN blog and being a one man operation. 🙄

That is all.

Uh-Oh: The Solar Flare from HELL is coming!

The Video:

The Story: (Via U.K. Telegraph)

National power grids could overheat and air travel severely disrupted while electronic items, navigation devices and major satellites could stop working after the Sun reaches its maximum power in a few years.

Senior space agency scientists believe the Earth will be hit with unprecedented levels of magnetic energy from solar flares after the Sun wakes “from a deep slumber” sometime around 2013, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

In a new warning, Nasa said the super storm would hit like “a bolt of lightning” and could cause catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security unless precautions are taken.

Scientists believe it could damage everything from emergency services’ systems, hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control devices, through to “everyday” items such as home computers, iPods and Sat Navs.

Due to humans’ heavy reliance on electronic devices, which are sensitive to magnetic energy, the storm could leave a multi-billion pound damage bill and “potentially devastating” problems for governments.

“We know it is coming but we don’t know how bad it is going to be,” Dr Richard Fisher, the director of Nasa’s Heliophysics division, said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph.

“It will disrupt communication devices such as satellites and car navigations, air travel, the banking system, our computers, everything that is electronic. It will cause major problems for the world.

If you need me, I’ll be under my bed.

A world without IPod’s, IPhones and other Electronics?!?!? 😯 😮 Heh, let’s see Barry explain that one to the moonbats! 😆

I mean, Obama is now saying, “Plug the damn hole!”; What would he say then? “Light the farking Sun!” 😆

California, especially Silicon Valley, would be in riots! 😉

Warren Buffett says that all wealthy people should give thier money to me!


Can a little peer pressure make the ultrarich more generous? Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett are launching a drive to persuade billionaires to give away the majority of their fortunes.

What started as a series of very private dinners last year became a public campaign Wednesday when they called on their fellow billionaires to sign a “Giving Pledge,” to donate most of their wealth to philanthropic causes of their choice.

The pledge isn’t legally binding, but they hope the effort will generate more money to address important social problems and set a standard that becomes the norm, former Gates Foundation Chief Executive Patty Stonesifer, now an adviser to the Gateses, said in an interview.

The potential for philanthropy is huge — the United States alone has at least 400 billionaires with a net worth that Forbes estimates at $1.2 trillion. If those billionaires gave the minimum pledge of half of their fortunes to charity, that would triple the current amount of charitable giving in the United States.

via Donate your money, billionaires challenge the rich | Seattle Times Newspaper.

Of course, Warren Buffet did not get rich by giving his money away to anyone. Buffet got it by working hard and making something of himself. Now, he wants to give it away.

Memo to Buffet: Hit the TipJar as much as you wish. If you really wanna get crazy, leave me a message via the blog and I’ll give you my mailing address.

Okay something a little newer than that….. Hey, I am old, ya know! 😉

Oy…. and I don’t even really like Abba. But that one’s pretty cool. 😀

As you can see

I really did not blog much today. I had to take care of some personal business today, and after that, I just really could not get into the swing of things. I just was not feeling it.

I guess it’s the lack of donations that has me feeling a bit blue. I’m at one of my lower points. I’ve got 20 bucks and some change in my personal checking account.

I’d rattle the TipJar; but honestly? What is the point? None of you all would hit it any damned way.

Some people can rattle theirs and get paid very well; Me? I’m just left in the cold. As usual. 🙄

Maybe I’ll be in a better mood tomorrow.

But today, I just ain’t feeling it…

Some music:

Quotes of the Day

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Which is to say, they’re starting to figure out that being President of the United States has not conferred magical powers on Obama, and he didn’t bring any magical powers of his own to the job.

A degree from Harvard Law isn’t necessarily helpful to fixing a mechanical engineering problem, which is what BP is dealing with in trying to cap the Deepwater Horizon well.

The Gulf oil spill is not a political problem. You can’t negotiate a compromise with a broken well. Nor is the oil spill a legal problem. You can sue BP, but litigation isn’t going to cap that well. And all the “community organizing” in the world isn’t going to fix the problem, unless you’re planning to plug the well with SEIU members.

What is Obama’s greatest skill? Reading speeches. As I remarked in February 2009, Obama could read the ingredients from the side panel of a box of pancake batter (“…dextrose, partially hydrogenated soybean oil with mono- and diglycerides…“) and inspire standing ovations from an audience of adoring Democrats. But all Obama’s oratorical powers are useless to the task of plugging that well.