Updated: Stupidity from the Moderation Cue

Earlier, I blogged about some of the stupidity that is being said in the Conservative Blogosphere. Well, it seems that I have touched a nerve among the Conservatives.

Behold some of the inane batty craziness from my Moderation cue:

Author : democratsarefascists (IP: , host-72-174-1-75.msl-mt.client.bresnan.net)
E-mail : planitandgo@bresnan.net
URL    :
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
Obama blew the platform and yes, he wants this to get as bad as it can be.

Don’t buy it? Listen to Kyl and see how Obama’s manipulating the border.

Originally, when I wrote this; I said that Obama did secure the boarder. Truth is, he did send National Guardsman to the border, and he put signs up warning people along the Mexican board; which was I believe in Texas. However, since I have wrote that, I have discovered some other information about the border and Obama. But as to Obama blowing up an oil platform, I’m sorry, but that is just untrue. BP is the sole person responsible for that oil platform; and too the MMS for not enforcing regulation.

I have no idea who the hell “Kyl” is, nor do I honestly give a rip Update : They are referring to this. —  But, I challenge ANYONE, ANYONE! To prove to me personally, not with opinion, not with stupid idiotic kooky conspiracy theories, but with actual LIVING proof from legitimate media outlets, and not Alex Jones infowars, or WorldNetDaily stupidity; that President Barack Obama actually blew up that oil platform in the gulf.

The truth is, these moronic idiots do not have jack crap for proof; the only thing they have is their stupid Conspiracy theories, that are spouted by people like Alex Jones.

You see folks, THIS RIGHT HERE is why the Republican Party is going to get it’s butt handed to it on a platter by the Democratic Party in 2010 and 2012. Because of the inane batty stupidity of the far right. That is why we lost in 2008 and that is why we will lose come 2010 elections and 2012 elections!

I printed this, because I wanted to show an example of the idiot moronic stupidity of the far, far right.

Also, for what it is worth, Republicans can be just as fascist as Democrats can be. Eight Years of George W. Bush proved that. Nice try though. 🙄 His Wilsonian foreign policy that he fell in love with after 9/11 will be a stain on America for many years to come. Not to mention the fact, that part of the HUGE debt we are into now; is because of Bush’s idiotic decision to go war with a Country that had ZERO to do with 9/11. But you cannot tell that to the far right, they’re too damned busy believing the batty crazy reports from far right news outlets that say Saddam hid his WMD’s in Syria. Which was totally disproved, but many an outlet, even Fox News. But that does not stop these kooky crazy people. They believe what THEY want to hear!

Unbelievable….. 🙄