Interesting Quote of the Day

This is very sad. It’s disturbing how the Neocons, who openly despise the South, and believe in using “noble lies” to manipulate their subject population, have managed to convince millions of well-meaning folks that subservience to the goals of the Likkud Party defines American conservatism. Forget the traditions of Edmund Burke, Richard Weaver, and Sam Ervin; if it’s good for the Likkud, then THAT’s the “conservative” position for these folks. Never mind that Neocon policies have wrecked the military, drained the economy, and gutted the Bill of Rights. Instead, we’re supposed to believe the interests of all Americans and the militant government of Israel are one and the same.

Of course, that’s nonsense. There are many Jews who believe Likkud’s belligerence harms Israel. But as far as I’m concerned, that’s their business. I believe DC should butt out of everyone else’s affairs, starting at home. And there’s no question but that DC’s blind and one-sided support for whatever Israel does has harmed this nation, not only in the financial costs of propping up Israel ($108 billion since 1972), but in diplomatic costs as well as DC’s biased defense of Israeli crimes angers the rest of the world. Some are so incensed that they have vowed revenge against us. How does creating terrorists advance our interests?

Anyway, that’s what happened. I’m not retaliating by deleting the Saber Point link. Instead, I’ll keep it there in remembrance of times past, and for that time in the future when our exploiters and deceivers are exposed for what they are, and compatriots can work together for the good of their own people, rather than sacrificing for foreign powers. — Source