John McCain Politizes the War in Afghanistan

Seriously, someone needs to tell Grandpa McSame to seriously shut the hell up….:

Sen. John McCain blasted President Barack Obama’s stated goal of beginning troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in July 2011, saying Obama made a “political decision” not based on military strategy.

McCain (R-Ariz.), Obama’s opponent in the 2008 presidential election, continued to criticize Obama’s decision to include a timetable in his Afghanistan strategy, and he criticized military leaders who signed on to Obama’s timetable strategy.

“It was purely a political decision,” McCain said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Not one based on facts on the ground, not one based on military strategy.”

McCain, ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, went further, saying that no military advisers proposed to Obama any strategy that included a timetable. But when host David Gregory noted that Obama’s military leaders have endorsed the strategy, McCain faulted them for not opposing the commander in chief. – Via McCain blasts Afghanistan withdrawal date as ‘political decision’ by Obama –

Um, Mr. McSame? Isn’t getting on TV and blasting Obama War Strategy a political move too? The truth is, John McCain is still pissed off, because Barack Obama trounced his idiotic piece of crap ass in the 2008 election; and this basically is the pay back for that. The reason why President Barack Obama won is, because John McCain is not a true Conservative, he is a progressive in a Conservative suit. This is why he has been defeated EVERY TIME he has tried to run for election for President, because people see right through that idiotic smile of his.

The truth of the matter is this; the only reason that John McCain is even a Republican is because he divorced his first wife and married that the beer distributor heiress and is filthy rich. Otherwise, he would be over in the Democratic Party side of the fence. Now before anyone is shocked and makes a comment about this posting. I, in fact, NEVER WAS a John McCain fan, ever. In the 2008 Presidential Election, I voted for Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party‘s candidate for President. Now did I agree with everything that Bob Barr stood for? No. But at least I knew that Bob Barr was a honest man and did not lie about what he really was. Which is more than one can say about John McCain and the most of the Progressive Conservatives on capital hill at the moment, not to mention all of the Democratic Party socialists that are there as well. Some people might not agree with my opinion of Barr; in fact there are some who despise the man. I can understand why and I’ve read their complaints. Now, do I agree with them? Not entirely, but I do see their points. I also know that Bob Barr did not win either. 😉

The fact is this; we need new thinking up on that hill and in 2012 in that White House. The Beltway types need to go, Republican and Democrat both. We need new blood, people that want to look out for the best interest of this Country and not in the best interest of “special interest”. Special Interest and political corruption are the new “bad words” on the hill and in the political discourse in America, let’s hope that this continues.

As for John McCain, I do respect the man’s Military Record, but I do not respect his phony Conservatism, nor his pushing for an endless war in the Afghan Theater and the one in Iraq. That, my friends, is idiotic at best. We need a plan in the Afghan theater and if we cannot make any ground there, then we need to leave and try something different. Period.

….as for John McCain, he needs to seriously shut the hell up! 😡

Stupidity From the Moderation Que…

Just to show you what I deal with around here:

Author : Frink (IP: ,
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They should be fired?  Of course, why, how dare they criticize the icons of your dogmatic ideology?  Conservatism is, after all, above criticism, even by people who believe they are voicing them privately.  You’re no conservative.  You are a gullible reactionary, and this little blog of yours is pathetic.

Thanks for reading!

….and by the way, how’s the Weather down there in Illinois?

I guess when I get stuff like this; I must be doing something right!

Media Bias? What Media Bias?

Next time someone tells you that there’s no media bias against Conservatives. Show them this:

The reporters involved with this, should be ALL fired. I mean, there’s is no objectivity here at all. It’s wrong and these guys should lose their jobs.

File this one under, “Had this been Barack Obama and the voices were from Fox News Channel…”

It is official: Joe Biden is an asshole

Jeez… What an asshole….

You know the real sick and sad part? I actually kind of liked this guy, when I was still in the “Left of Center” camp and would have most likely voted for him, had he made the grade during the primaries. Needless to say, I do not feel that way anymore. What an elitist idiot! 😡

I’d rather be a smart-ass; then a Vice-President Dumb Ass like him.

Via RealClearPolitics

File this one under, “If Bush did this…”

Others:, Wizbang, Freedom’s Lighthouse, and Patterico’s Pontifications More Via Memeorandum

Okay, now THIS is terrorism!

Yes, I believe this is terrorism, not to mention just downright hateful:

BERLIN – A Jewish dance group was attacked with stones by a group of children and teenagers during a performance at a street festival in the Germany city of Hannover, police said Thursday. One dancer suffered a leg injury and the group then canceled their performance.

The teenagers also used a megaphone to shout anti-Semitic slurs during the Saturday afternoon attack, Hannover police spokesman Thorsten Schiewe said.

Police said the incident is under investigation and that they do not have an exact number of attackers yet. Schiewe said there were several Muslim immigrant youths among the attackers.

Two suspects, a 14-year-old and a 19-year-old, were being questioned, he said.

Alla Volodarska, whose Progressive Jewish community of Hannover group held the performance, told The Associated Press in an interview that members were still in shock.

“What happened is just so awful,” Volodarska said. “The teenagers started throwing stones the moment our dance group was announced, even before they started dancing.”

via Group of youths attack Jewish dance group – Yahoo! News.

Considering what I wrote a minute ago, I figured I would point this out. Yes, I do believe that stuff like the above is terrorism and they should be charged as such.

Sorry Conservatives, These Christians got what was coming to them

Any other time, I would have titled this, “Why do Christians do stupid stuff like this?”, But this time I believe this entry deserves a different title.

It appears that some Christians went to a Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan — To cause trouble, so they could get arrested to film the people.

Okay, this is where I break from the Conservative herd people. These idiots are doing this stuff for one reason and one reason only. To make a name for themselves. I do not know about you. But, if I were an Arab and I saw some idiot filming me and my kids; when I was at a festival celebrating my culture. I would be just a little pissed off too. For I would have known these guys were some perverted pedophiles filming my children to fulfill some warped sexual fantasy.

These Christians are operating under some sort idiotic idea that all Muslims are terrorists and that it is their “Mission from God Himself” to rescue these poor people from the Muslim Religion. It is called proselyting and in some Christian circles it can get you tossed out of a Church.  Example: You let a Baptist into a Pentecostal Church and he starts trying to convert the people over to his beliefs; he is going to get tossed out, and Vice-versa.

Recently, Al-Qaeda released a video, in that video was a condition of peace with Al-Qaeda. One of the “demands” was to leave Muslims alone. I think that Christians ought to take that “demand” to heart and try leaving Muslims alone. If Muslims are not trying to blow up buildings; which they are not usually trying to do, in Dearborn, Michigan, contrary to what you might have heard — we, as Americans, as Conservative Americans, as Conservative Christian Americans who believe in the freedom of Religion, should just leave Muslims to practice their religion in peace.

I may not make any inroads with other Conservatives for publishing this; but I know that I am right and any libertarian-minded Conservative will agree with me; that is if he is not ate up with this idiot notion that all Muslims are terrorists; which they are not.

Others, Mostly Conservatives who believe all Muslims are terrorists: The Right Scoop, Detroit News, Patterico’s Pontifications, RedState, Gateway Pundit, Power Line and Wake up America

Quotes of the Day

When the House agreed to give subpoena powers to President Barack Obama’s newly formed oil-spill commission, 420 members voted for the plan and only one voted against it: Texas Republican Ron Paul.

A spokeswoman for Paul declined to elaborate on the congressman’s vote.


On Monday, a former professor and I were chatting, and the war in Afghanistan came up. I have been supporting a 100 percent pull-out from that country- as well as Iraq- for some time now, and think that with the General McChrystal issue hitting the fan (for the record, I support the president’s acceptance of the general’s resignation), it’s as good a time as any to write about why we need to leave the country.

First, we should leave for humanitarian and ethical reasons. We are sending service members to that country to die for an Afghan leader who is corrupt, and whose brother is a criminal. What is our goal over there? The Afghanistan people are, at best, a tribal people with no real central government and no willingness to even have a central government. Being there to have access to Pakistan is just not a good enough reason anymore. Secondly, to (admittedly, hesitantly) quote a front-page poster at Daily Kos, the worse Afghanistan gets, the less likely we are to leave. Since when does a proper cost-benefit analysis include sending good money after bad, and since when does honoring those who have valiantly served, been injured and/or died in Afghanistan include sending more young people to die without cause?

Secondly, we should leave because the American people don’t support this war. Oh, they say they do. But as New York Times columnist Bob Herbert described in December of last year, our support is minimal. Some money or other means of assistance is sent by those affected directly or indirectly by the war (friends and family with military members overseas, etc.) and some truly patriotic Americans, but most of the nation is satisfied with rhetoric pulled from blogs, talking heads and Associated Press articles. (Oh, yeah, and they have yellow ribbons on their bumpers.) As Herbert put it,

The reason it is so easy for the U.S. to declare wars, and to continue fighting year after year after year, is because so few Americans feel the actual pain of those wars. We’ve been fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan longer than we fought in World Wars I and II combined. If voters had to choose right now between instituting a draft or exiting Afghanistan and Iraq, the troops would be out of those two countries in a heartbeat.

Alright, who pissed in Robert Stacy McCain’s Cornflakes?!?!?!

What the hell crawled up RSM’s ass and died? 😯 🙄

That may even be a tad optimistic, considering recent history: The educated upper-crust of Afghan society fled when the Soviets invaded and has never returned. After the Soviets withdrew in 1989, they left in place a puppet government that was overthrown in 1992 by something called “The Islamic Jihad Council,” while the countryside was ruled by tribal warlords. By 1996, the Taliban had captured Kabul. For more than 30 years, then, any reasonably ambitious person in Afghanistan has followed one of two career paths:

1. Join a tribal militia and start killing people; or

2. Get the hell out of Aghanistan. (Get the hell outta where? -Pat)

As a result, Afghanistan lacks sufficient human resources to support civil society and generate economic prosperity.

In other words: It’s Detroit.

If Petraeus can win this one, he’ll go from hero to legend.

via Gen. McChrystal Relieved of Command : The Other McCain.

Typical beltway elitist drivel bullshit from a third rate, washed up, reporter.

I won’t call him a White Nationalist. That would be insulting the White Nationalists. 🙄

I will just call him, what he sounded like, to me, in that little snippet. A fucking asshole. 😡

Hmph… Maybe Charles Johnson has a point after all.

Just sayin’

Oh, and McCain, learn how to spell, ya idiot. Aghanistan?!?!??! What the hell is Aghanistan? 🙄

Move America Forward on McCrystal’s Resignation

I highly doubt that this will happen, but it is a good try.

Sacramento, Calif – Move America Forward ( the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization, is calling on discharged General McChrystal, formerly in command of the American forces in Afghanistan, to come public with the true extent of the Obama Administration’s disengagement with the war in Afghanistan.

“In a time when America is at war, when the greatest threat to American security is Islamic terrorism, it is appalling and inexcusable that the Obama administration is preoccupied, uninformed, and disinterested in winning the war in Afghanistan. It’s now public that McChrystal was frustrated with Obama’s people who are getting in the way of progress in Afghanistan, and the American people deserve to know the truth. We implore General McChrystal to blow the whistle and go public with what he knows.” Gonzalez said.

As the Obama administration fumes over General Stanley McChrystal’s comments in the upcoming Rolling Stone article “Runaway General,” the pro-troop group organization is expressing shock that the President of the United States can be disinterested and uninformed on the war against Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan.

“Now that General McChrystal is no longer part of the military chain of command, he is free to expose the mismanagement of the war by the Obama administration, which is what got him in trouble in the first place.” said Move America Forward’s Director of Communications, Danny Gonzalez.

“The focus of news media reports has been on the poor judgment shown by McChrystal is his Rolling Stone article, but the real important issue to Americans is the conduct of the war to protect us against Islamic extremist. Our doubts and concerns about President Obama and his seeming lackluster approach to the war have been accentuated by the McChrystal revelations. We hope that he would do a great service to the American people by elaborating on the frustrations that ultimately led to his ouster. — — Via Move America Forward Press Release

I just do not understand why people just cannot be content with fact that the dude shot his mouth off and got caught.  I mean, There is no conspiracy. This guy just was used to doing things HIS way, and finally someone reported it.  The man let his guard down; he got sloppy and paid the price for it. Anyway, this guy has been replaced with someone who seems to have a better head on his shoulders. Hopefully, I am correct.

Also, let me say this. While I have all the faith and confidence in the Military to win this war in the Afghan conflict. I am beginning to have the feeling that this war is going to become another Vietnam. I say this because it is simply a fact; you cannot win a war, if the Government that you are fighting to keep free and are hoping is working with you, to out a terrorist organization, is just inherently corrupt. This increasingly seems to be the case in Afghanistan. I just hope that our President has the wherewithal to make a decision to pull out, should it become clear that we are just running in circles.

As bad as I want to see Osama Bin Laden come to justice for his role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I sometimes think that as long as he is being given cover by the Taliban in Pakistan and or Afghanistan; we will most likely never catch him. I also tend to believe that Osama is dead and buried in the mountains in that tribal region. If that is the case; we will never find him, ever.

Good grief BP get it together already!

Oy Vey….:

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The Coast Guard says BP has been forced to remove a cap that was containing some of the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico.

Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen says an underwater robot bumped into the venting system. That sent gas rising through vent that carries warm water down to prevent ice-like crystals from forming in the cap.

Allen says the cap has been removed and crews are checking to see if crystals have formed before putting it back on. In the meantime, a different system is still burning oil on the surface.

Before the problem with the containment cap, it had collected about 700,000 gallons of oil in the previous 24 hours. Another 438,000 gallons was burned.  — Via Oil Gushes Unchecked After Problem With Cap –

This is not to say that I don’t think they can get the job done. Oh, I do. We might not have much of ocean, by the time they do get it together. But I digress. 🙄

Your Brillant Government hard at work……again

Oh Boy, The U.S. Government keeps this brilliance up and we’re all going to be screwed:

The federal government is shutting down the dredging that was being done to create protective sand berms in the Gulf of Mexico.

The berms are meant to protect the Louisiana coastline from oil. But the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department has concerns about where the dredging is being done.

Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser, who was one of the most vocal advocates of the dredging plan, has sent a letter to President Barack Obama, pleading for the work to continue.

Nungesser said the government has asked crews to move the dredging site two more miles farther off the coastline.

“Once again, our government resource agencies, which are intended to protect us, are now leaving us vulnerable to the destruction of our coastline and marshes by the impending oil,” Nungesser wrote to Obama. “Furthermore, with the threat of hurricanes or tropical storms, we are being put at an increased risk for devastation to our area from the intrusion of oil.
Via Federal Gov’t Halts Sand Berm Dredging – New Orleans News Story – WDSU New Orleans

Of course, that is what happens when you have radical environmentalists appointed to Governmental positions. Also, it speaks of the tone-deaf, out of touch Liberal Elite Government that is now in place. This also proves Michael Savage’s point that liberalism is, in fact, a mental disorder.

Others Covering: HotAir, Another Black Conservative, Confederate Yankee, Questions and Observations,, Fausta’s Blog, Don Surber, The Daily Caller, Pat Austin, Questions and Observations and Pundit & Pundette

Sweet Justice: Nikki Haley wins G.O.P. Nomination for SC Governor

You know, I am actually glad to see this gal win.

South Carolina state Rep. Nikki Haley cruised to the Republican nomination for governor tonight, a victory that makes her not just the frontrunner for the office this fall but a likely national GOP star.

Haley crushed Rep. Gresham Barrett in the runoff race, an expected result given that she took 49 percent of the June 8 primary vote — narrowly missing the chance to win the nomination outright. The Associated Press called the runoff race for Haley at 8 p.m. eastern time.

“This is a story about determination, and a story about a movement,” said Haley in her victory speech tonight. “This was the best grassroots, underdog campaign we have ever seen.”

Haley also credited former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who endorsed her candidacy, for giving the campaign a “boost we needed when we needed it.” – Via The Fix – Nikki Haley wins South Carolina primary, Rep. Bob Inglis loses

I bet the blogger who tried smearing this lady feels like a real tool right about now. He ought to, anyone that would try and derail a woman who’s trying to better a state ought to be ran out of that State on a rail. I also bet that racist asshole that called her a rag head is feeling a bit worried right about now.

Here’s hoping that Nikki Haley goes all the way; and puts her 9 inch heal on the throat on the Republican establishment in SC.


An alternative view on Gen. Stanley McChrystal

If you can get past the Gold commercials  and the calling of the MSM, the “Government Controlled Media”, which sounds so Alex Jones’ish; this here, sounds like a decent podcast.

Josh Price speaks the truth on the Afghan conflict and on Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s comments in rolling stone.


Click here to listen

Gen. Stanley McChrystal fit hits the shan

A very catch title to a story; that quite frankly, has me slacked jawed.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal gave a reporter unfettered access to himself and his staff; and boy did the dirty make it to the press, the article is in Rolling Stone: (Language Warning!)

‘How’d I get screwed into going to this dinner?” demands Gen. Stanley McChrystal. It’s a Thursday night in mid-April, and the commander of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan is sitting in a four-star suite at the HĂ´tel Westminster in Paris. He’s in France to sell his new war strategy to our NATO allies – to keep up the fiction, in essence, that we actually have allies. Since McChrystal took over a year ago, the Afghan war has become the exclusive property of the United States. Opposition to the war has already toppled the Dutch government, forced the resignation of Germany’s president and sparked both Canada and the Netherlands to announce the withdrawal of their 4,500 troops. McChrystal is in Paris to keep the French, who have lost more than 40 soldiers in Afghanistan, from going all wobbly on him.

“The dinner comes with the position, sir,” says his chief of staff, Col. Charlie Flynn.

McChrystal turns sharply in his chair.

“Hey, Charlie,” he asks, “does this come with the position?”

McChrystal gives him the middle finger.


Now, flipping through printout cards of his speech in Paris, McChrystal wonders aloud what Biden question he might get today, and how he should respond. “I never know what’s going to pop out until I’m up there, that’s the problem,” he says. Then, unable to help themselves, he and his staff imagine the general dismissing the vice president with a good one-liner.

“Are you asking about Vice President Biden?” McChrystal says with a laugh. “Who’s that?”

“Biden?” suggests a top adviser. “Did you say: Bite Me?”

Believe me, I’m reading though this thing, it gets worse. This alone right here; will most likely end his career:

By some accounts, McChrystal’s career should have been over at least two times by now. As Pentagon spokesman during the invasion of Iraq, the general seemed more like a White House mouthpiece than an up-and-coming commander with a reputation for speaking his mind. When Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made his infamous “stuff happens” remark during the looting of Baghdad, McChrystal backed him up. A few days later, he echoed the president’s Mission Accomplished gaffe by insisting that major combat operations in Iraq were over. But it was during his next stint – overseeing the military’s most elite units, including the Rangers, Navy Seals and Delta Force – that McChrystal took part in a cover-up that would have destroyed the career of a lesser man.

After Cpl. Pat Tillman, the former-NFL-star-turned-Ranger, was accidentally killed by his own troops in Afghanistan in April 2004, McChrystal took an active role in creating the impression that Tillman had died at the hands of Taliban fighters. He signed off on a falsified recommendation for a Silver Star that suggested Tillman had been killed by enemy fire. (McChrystal would later claim he didn’t read the recommendation closely enough – a strange excuse for a commander known for his laserlike attention to minute details.) A week later, McChrystal sent a memo up the chain of command, specifically warning that President Bush should avoid mentioning the cause of Tillman’s death. “If the circumstances of Corporal Tillman’s death become public,” he wrote, it could cause “public embarrassment” for the president.

“The false narrative, which McChrystal clearly helped construct, diminished Pat’s true actions,” wrote Tillman’s mother, Mary, in her book Boots on the Ground by Dusk. McChrystal got away with it, she added, because he was the “golden boy” of Rumsfeld and Bush, who loved his willingness to get things done, even if it included bending the rules or skipping the chain of command. Nine days after Tillman’s death, McChrystal was promoted to major general.

Some would dismiss that is liberal propaganda; but I tend to believe it.

There is more:

One soldier shows me the list of new regulations the platoon was given. “Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads. For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any fucking sense?” asks Pfc. Jared Pautsch. “We should just drop a fucking bomb on this place. You sit and ask yourself: What are we doing here?”

The rules handed out here are not what McChrystal intended – they’ve been distorted as they passed through the chain of command – but knowing that does nothing to lessen the anger of troops on the ground. “Fuck, when I came over here and heard that McChrystal was in charge, I thought we would get our fucking gun on,” says Hicks, who has served three tours of combat. “I get COIN. I get all that. McChrystal comes here, explains it, it makes sense. But then he goes away on his bird, and by the time his directives get passed down to us through Big Army, they’re all fucked up – either because somebody is trying to cover their ass, or because they just don’t understand it themselves. But we’re fucking losing this thing.”

McChrystal and his team show up the next day. Underneath a tent, the general has a 45-minute discussion with some two dozen soldiers. The atmosphere is tense. “I ask you what’s going on in your world, and I think it’s important for you all to understand the big picture as well,” McChrystal begins. “How’s the company doing? You guys feeling sorry for yourselves? Anybody? Anybody feel like you’re losing?” McChrystal says.

“Sir, some of the guys here, sir, think we’re losing, sir,” says Hicks

Truthfully, the article is hard-hitting, blunt, and just plain harsh. I predict that McChrystal will most like retire. McChrystal was, to be fair, a holdover from the Bush Administration; but his Military service predates that. McChrystal is just a tough Military man, that knows the business; more than Obama. He also knows that he does not like the current administration in Washington D.C.

Ed Morrissey says:

Some will say that we have had plenty of brilliant generals who won wars while being difficult and opinionated. That is true, but even those generals understood to keep their opinions within a tight, private circle — and knew not to encourage insubordination among their staff. George Patton wound up getting fired for airing too many of his opinions about de-Nazification and the Soviets publicly while administering post-war Germany; Douglas MacArthur, one of the most self-centered military leaders in American history, succeeded brilliantly until he publicly challenged his Commander in Chief on war strategies. Being right, or at least mostly right, didn’t do either Patton or MacArthur much good in the end, nor should it have.

So far, McChrystal hasn’t earned enough leash by winning anything. Regardless of what one thinks of the current C-in-C, Obama is still the man elected by the people to run the executive branch and the military. The picture this article paints is one of a lack of discipline and respect, and the White House has every right to demand an apology and replace McChrystal with someone who understands better the subtleties of overall command and its politics.

Will Obama fire McChrystal? It’s hard to say, mainly because of the critical juncture we face in Afghanistan and McChrystal’s deep involvement in all phases of the effort. But after reading the Rolling Stone article, which McChrystal has yet to deny, it would be very hard to blame Barack Obama if he canned McChrystal over it.

However, a Military expert who spoke to Tapped, which is a blog for the American Prospect; which is a progressive Blog — says, No so fast on the insubordination charges:

So do McChrystal’s comments amount to insubordination? No, says Eugene Fidell, who teaches at Yale University School of Law and is president of the National Institute of Military Justice. “I don’t really think this is contemptuous,” says Fidell. “I don’t think it makes the needle bounce under Article 88. There’s ‘contemptuous words’ and being disrespectful,” Fidell added. “Those are two different things.”

That said, Fidell still believes McChrystal should go. “The real problem here is that an officer at his level has to set an example, and the president has to have complete confidence in an officer at that level,” Fidell says. “McChrystal has to resign or retire.”

“You cannot have a senior official saying this kind of thing,” Fidell says. “It’s a democratic society, but you can’t have this kind of dissension at the highest levels [of the military]. People have to get out if they feel that way.”

UPDATE: Since most of the disrespectful comments came from McChrystal’s aides and not McChrystal himself, I asked Fidell whether these rose to the level of insubordination under Article 88.

“The officers in his staff are in for some heavy weather, if that’s the water cooler conversation,” Fidell said, predicting that they would face some kind of consequences. But added that he didn’t think the anonymous comments amounted to insubordination. He added that administration officials were “entitled to better.”

Either way, McChrystal has been summoned to the White House to get his tail kicked; or at least to have a beer summit:

KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Tuesday that his top commander in Afghanistan “made a significant mistake and exercised poor judgment” in making dismissive and derogatory remarks to a magazine reporter about U.S. government officials involved in Afghan policy.

Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal has been summoned to Washington to explain a Rolling Stone article that includes highly critical comments by him and his staff about Vice President Biden, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl W. Eikenberry and other top Obama administration officials.

The profile of McChrystal, titled the “Runaway General,” is certain to increase tension between him and the White House. It also raises fresh questions about the judgment and leadership style of the commander appointed by President Obama last year in an effort to turn around a worsening conflict.

“I read with concern the profile piece on Gen. Stanley McChrystal in the upcoming edition of ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine,” Gates said in a statement, adding, “Our troops and coalition partners are making extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our security, and our singular focus must be on supporting them and succeeding in Afghanistan without such distractions.

“Gen. McChrystal has apologized to me and is similarly reaching out to others named in this article to apologize to them as well. I have recalled Gen. McChrystal to Washington to discuss this in person.”

Blackfive; which is a very nice MilBlog is all over this. You can read the entries about this Here, Here, Here, and Here.

Michelle Malkin makes a very good point:

No matter how right or wrong I think Gen. McChrystal may be (praise here, criticism here), I think we can all agree that in a time of war, the last place a military commander should be blabbing is an anti-war pop culture rag that specializes in slime.

Cannot say that I disagree with that.

The fallout so far, is an Civilian Press Aid has gotten canned:

KABUL — Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal’s civilian press aide resigned Tuesday over an upcoming magazine story that portrayed the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan and some of his aides as derisive toward Obama administration officials.

Duncan Boothby, who has been on McChrystal’s staff for roughly a year, was the first casualty of a controversy that prompted White House officials to summon the general to the White House to explain the remarks in the profile that will appear in this week’s issue of Rolling Stone.

Boothby was heavily involved in arranging access for journalist Michael Hastings to McChrystal and his staff this year so Hastings could write the profile, titled “The Runaway General.”

An official in Kabul confirmed the resignation, speaking on condition of anonymity because it was a personnel issue.

Boothby is not a military officer. He is one of a growing number of civilians hired as press aides for senior military brass as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to generate considerable public interest and controversy.

Military officials say civilians are often better suited to provide constructive criticism and unconventional ideas than military public affairs professionals. In many cases senior generals have reached out to former journalists for an outside set of eyes. Often these civilian aides have a loose portfolio and are brought along in part because they aren’t as constrained by the military’s chain of command.

Expect more fallout.

The roundup of reactions from the right and the left; can be found here.

I am just waiting for some idiotic race-baiting twit on the left to accuse this guy of being a racist bigot for having the stones to criticize President Obama.

White House: Senator Kyl is full of Hot Air!

Kinda obligatory… But, remember that video of Senator John Kyl? Well, the Obama White House is coming out swinging on that one:

White House officials challenged the veracity Monday of an account of a private conversation Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., said he had with President Obama.

On June 18, Kyl, the Senate Republican Whip, told a North Tempe Tea Party town hall that in an Oval Office conversation between the two of them about securing the US-Mexico border, “here’s what the president said: ‘The problem is,’ he said, ‘if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’ In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”

The White House Monday rejected Kyl’s account.

“The President didn’t say that and Senator Kyl knows it,” White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer told ABC News. “There are more resources dedicated toward border security today than ever before, but, as the President has made clear, truly securing the border will require a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system.”

via White House: Senator Kyl Not Telling Truth About Immigration Reform Conversation – Political Punch.

I figured this was coming; and I tend to believe the White House on this one. Republicans have been known to tell half truths in the past. Just look at George W. Bush. He was not exactly known for his truthfulness. Especially when it came to Iraq; so, I tend to side with the White House on this one here. Like I said in a previous posting; Republicans, If this is your strategy to win the White House in 2012 or to win in the 2010 elections, count on losing. Because the American people are just too damned smart for this sort of idiotic nonsense.

(H/T to HotAir Headlines)

Capital Hill going to the dogs?

Ha! I’ve known that for years! 😉


Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) and his wife, Cheryl, with Tinker, a 7-month-old Dalmatian mix, who looks a bit worried about the whole idea!

The Story via the Washington Post: (H/T to the Daily Caller)

They are the ultimate Capitol Hill insiders, privy to high-powered meetings between lawmakers and lobbyists, able to just saunter into congressional offices — no appointment necessary. Want this kind of access? Tuff.

We’re talking about dogs. A couple of dozen — dozen — roam the halls of power in the Capitol every day.

“Treat time! Treat time!” booms Sen. Christopher S. “Kit” Bond (R-Mo.) from behind his desk. As vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bond was about to go on television to talk about terrorism, but first it was Tiger time. Now you might think an expert on national security would have a noble German shepherd or a muscular Doberman, and Bond is sure to mention that he grew up with Labrador retrievers, hunting dogs and beagles. But Tiger is a 2-year-old Havanese, a cuddly toy breed that looks like a gray baby Wookiee.

“This is the first time I’ve had a fufu dog,” he says. And his colleagues don’t let him forget it: When Tiger was a puppy and weighed only five pounds, Bond took her outside with a pink leash and collar and someone said, “Didn’t you used to be Kit Bond?”

It was noon and Tiger had her eyes locked on Bond’s container of yellow dog treats. Next to Tiger sat Pooley, a Chihuahua mix who belongs to Shana Marchio, Bond’s communications director. “I think they can tell time, because they always know when it’s treat time,” the senator confides.

Tiger is named after the University of Missouri mascot. She likes to lie on her bed under Bond’s desk and destroy University of Kansas Jayhawks toys. Tiger’s school spirit once led to an embarrassing situation, Bond said: She wouldn’t stop barking at Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila C. Bair. Bair has two degrees from Kansas, and “I think she sniffed it out,” Bond said.

I always knew Politics was a….ahem, Dog eat Dog sport….But…. This? Wow… Just….Wow…

A very cute sideshow of the Beltway Pooches can be found here.

What Father’s Day is really about

This is most likely the best Father’s Day video I’ve seen yet.

The Father in this video, is really a Father, He’s got like 500 kids. (Okay, it’s really like 5…) his name is Shannon Parr and he’s a local guy in the area. I used to go to Church with him, many moons ago. (Which explains much I’m sure. 😛 )

Here’s the video! Enjoy… :

If you are getting married, and live in Michigan; give Shannon a call. He snaps a mean picture and makes a good load of loot doing it too! 😉

Say what you want about War

Say what you want about Wars and the people who start them; But, if this here does not make your heart swell. You don’t have a soul. Enjoy….:


Go read the Story

(H/T to Uncle Jimbo @Blackfive)