Heh: Sarah Palin does Conan O’Brian’s show, Schools Shatner

I will be very honest with you; I really do not care for Sarah Palin. That is because I believe personally that she embodies the rather idiotic lukewarm evangelical Christianity nonsense that I fled back in 2004, when I left the Pentecostal sect of Christianity, in favor of more traditional or some would say actual real Christianity.  However, I will be brutally honest with you; she totally owned this little piece right here. However, I will say that the fan boy comments over at HotAir.com were a bit much — Having said that, she did very well here in this video. Some people forget, she did have experience as a Sportscaster at a TV Station in Alaska. Therefore, she is no stranger to Teleprompters and she is actually good at it.

Again, I must hand it to the gal — She did really well here.

Here is the video: (Thanks to R.S. McCain)

Some changes around here

I just wanted to inform all of my readers of some changes that I have made and will be making here in the next few days.

First off, the big ad banner at the top of the blog is gone. While it might have brought the blog some revenue, it was, admittedly, annoying. There were many that told me this and I sort of agreed, but wanted to make the cash. However, after thinking about it — I realized that while making money is great fun, being an annoying person is not. Therefore, I canned that ad and the huge ad in the side bar, in favor of two smaller button ads that should be appearing shortly. As I said, the last thing I want people to be is annoyed when coming here.

I am also thinking and just may reduce the number of in-line ads as well. I believe I have that setting cranked up to max; which is a bit annoying. Therefore, I will be dialing that back as well. Personally, I find inline ads quite annoying, but they do make the money, if the traffic is there. This is why I went ahead with them. However, I want them to be within reason and not annoying to the user experience.

That is it for now.



Wonkette Jumps the Shark

Count me as someone who is very disgusted with this sort of disgusting bile that is now being shown on Wonkette. Whoever wrote this should be fired.

It has been over a month since Teabaggers from across the nation visited Capitol Hill to tear up physical copies of legislation and sit around Nancy Pelosi’s office like schmucks, because of her plans to create another Dachau. But next Tuesday it will be the Senate’s turn! Folks’ll walk into Senate office buildings and pretend to die, because they’re pussies, and won’t die for real.

Oh, it gets better:

This should be pretty funny. Probably a good 75% of Senators will see presumably dead bodies on the ground and do what they usually do, which is try to fuck them before they go cold. Try keeping your death gag up during that, lie-mongers.

Here the screencaps before Wonkette tries to remove the offensive posting or rewrites it:




The reason why this bothers me so bad is this is the same damn group that went after me, when I lost my cool and said something on twitter that I should not have said. However, it is okay for Wonkette to write something like this? It is a double standard and it is wrong. Something should be done about it. However, because we all know that liberals can get away with such nonsense and we Conservatives cannot, nothing will be done.

I just have to wonder, what does Obama think of such rubbish and does he endorse it?

(H/T Stop the ACLU)

Jenny Sanford Files for Divorce

I believe that Mrs. Sanford is doing the right thing and leaving Mark Sanford. Mark Sanford, in my eyes, is worst than any corrupt politician in Washington D.C. Not only because of what he did to his wife. In addition, because of what he did to those of us who actually supported Mark Sanford. There were actually some of us, who actually believed that Mark Sanford might be an excellent alternative to the likes of Wilsonian Republican hacks like Lindsey Graham and John Boehner. However, it was quickly revealed that Mark Sanford was nothing more than a morally and fiscally corrupt political leader.

Therefore, to Jenny Sanford, I give her the old “You Go Girl!” cheer. Because whatever of his that she decides to go after, is totally fine with me. I mean, this feckless bastard had a pretty wife and four darling little boys; and instead of being a model husband, this idiot was playing “sex doctor” in Argentina. I mean, let us not even get into the blatant hypocrisy that comes to mind here. I mean, this idiot was all about Conservative fiscal restraint and supposedly about Christian morals. So much for all that, I suppose.

Personally, I believe that Jenny Sanford is entitled to EVERYTHING of value that Mark Sanford owns. Mark Sanford should left a damn pauper when she is done with him. Jenny Sanford deserves to live like a queen; Mark Sanford deserves to be taken to the outskirts of town, shot, and left for dead. You ask what about Christian forgiveness? Oh, I forgive him. However, forgiveness has nothing to do with Mark Sanford profiting from moral infidelity while in public office, not to mention that fact that he lead on many people into believing that he was something that he was not —That my friend is unforgiveable.  Mark Sanford should lose every damned bit of wealth that he owns and it should be given to Jenny Sanford. Before anyone asks; No, I do not think that this should be the standard for every divorce case. However, in this case, it is entirely appropriate.

I am sorry friends, but there is just absolutely no excuse for this sort of immorality while in public office and also there is just no excuse for this sort of public deception. Mark Sanford did this and for it, he should be held highly accountable.

Quote of the Day

Barack Obama ran for president as a man of the people, standing up to Wall Street as the global economy melted down in that fateful fall of 2008. He pushed a tax plan to soak the rich, ripped NAFTA for hurting the middle class and tore into John McCain for supporting a bankruptcy bill that sided with wealthy bankers “at the expense of hardworking Americans.” Obama may not have run to the left of Samuel Gompers or Cesar Chavez, but it's not like you saw him on the campaign trail flanked by bankers from Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. What inspired supporters who pushed him to his historic win was the sense that a genuine outsider was finally breaking into an exclusive club, that walls were being torn down, that things were, for lack of a better or more specific term, changing.

Then he got elected.

Video: Penn Jillette on Elderly Parents

I present this video because I can totally relate to how Penn feels. I, too, have Elderly Parents who frankly are not getting any younger. My recent experience with my Dad really drove the point home; invincible is something that my parents are not. Here Penn gets a bit emotional talking about his Mother and Father. I will say this, those of you out there who have Elderly parents and have brothers and Sisters; ought to say a small thank you to the Lord for this. (This makes this posting even more humorous, because Penn is an Atheist.) As I have no siblings at all. What this means is, caring for my parents, when they reach the point of not being able to do will fall squarely on my shoulders. I have been often asked why I just do not leave the State of Michigan, go to another state, and find work. This is why, and you will see why in this video.


Editor & Publisher to Cease Publication

This is sad story and I do mean that in quite the big way. It appears that Editor & Publisher, which has been in business since 1884 is going out of business; that is unless someone steps forward, buys the magazine, and begins to sell it. There are a number of things, which one could blame — bad economy, changing times, and so forth. I guess some of you might think that I am delighted to see this happening. Well, let me publicly say that nothing and I mean nothing could be further from the truth. As a Conservative, I believe in the first amendment — even when I do not agree with those who do not share my political stance and views. Editor & Publisher has fought for the first amendment right of publishers for years, and I commend them for the service to the media community.

It is has been said by those in the establishment and corporate media world, that bloggers like me do not respect those in the mainstream media. This, in my case, at least is not true at all. Truth is folks, if it were not for the Fourth Estate; we bloggers would have nothing to write about, at all. Therefore, it does bring me great sadness to hear that one of the trade publications for the old media is closing its doors for good. I am very hopeful that someone out there, who is in a position to buy this trade publication out and enable it to continue for many years to come. Because allowing E & P to slip into the sundry bounds of historic memory would be, I feel with the greatest of convictions, a grave tragedy.

I wish all of the editors and staff of E & P all of the very best and I hope that somehow, someway that E & P is able to remain with us.

Guest Voice: Do we have the right to die? By David Cloud

Updated and enlarged December 10, 2009 (first published in O Timothy magazine, Volume 8, Issue 1, 1991) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article) –

In the last three decades we have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of headlines focusing on the “right-to-die” or euthanasia issue. Consider just a few of these:

* In 1985, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that all life-sustaining medical treatment can be withheld from terminally ill patients, whether incompetent or competent. In that ruling the court included feeding tubes as “medical treatment.”

* In 1985, a Virginia woman who killed her cancer-ridden husband with an ice pick was sentenced merely to two years’ probation and psychiatric treatment.

* The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in 1986 to allow a woman to stop the feeding of her comatose husband.

* In 1987, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled unanimously that an alert, mentally competent but dying woman, suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease, a fatal nerve disorder, should have been allowed to order her respirator disconnected. The woman had died a few days before her case reached the Court. The same court ruled to allow a man to remove the feeding tube from his 32-year-old wife.

* A U.S. District Court in Rhode Island ruled in 1988 that the feeding tube could be removed from a 49-year-old woman. The woman was in a coma as a result of a brain hemorrhage, and since she could not swallow, she received nourishment and liquids through a feeding tube. Her family had sued in court to compel the hospital to terminate her food and water. The medical workers who were caring for the woman were unanimous in opposing the action, but the court ordered them to remove the tubes so the woman would starve to death.

* A man severely crippled by a 1985 motorcycle accident went to court in an attempt to gain the “right” to kill himself. In 1989, the Georgia Supreme Court unanimously ruled that he could kill himself by shutting off the breathing apparatus that kept him alive.

* The parents of Nancy Cruzen, a young woman who suffered severe brain damage in a 1983 car crash, spent three and a half years in court in an attempt to remove the feeding tube which was keeping her alive. Though severely disabled, Nancy was not comatose nor did she require any life-support equipment. She even smiled at funny stories and cried when visitors would leave. In spite of this, on December 14, 1990, County Circuit Court Judge Charles E. Teel, Jr., ordered Nancy’s caregivers to withhold all food and water. Twelve days later, the 33-year-old woman died of dehydration.

* On June 4, 1990, Jack Kevorkian claimed his first victim when he assisted in the administration of a lethal dosage of drugs to 54-year-old Janet Adkins. She was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, and her own doctor said she had at least ten years of productive life ahead of her. She had never met or talked with Kevorkian until she arrived in Michigan two days before her death. All arrangements were made by her husband, Ron, (64) who subsequently became president of the Oregon Hemlock Society. In the year before her death, Janet Adkins and her family were counseled by a family therapist who was coordinator of the Oregon Hemlock Society. According to an aunt, “She did not want to be a burden to her husband and family” and a friend explained, “She felt it [her death] was a gift to her family, sparing them the burden of taking care of her” (“The Real Jack Kevorkian, International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, http://www.iaetf.org/fctkev.htm). Kevorkian, who went on to participate in a reported 137 assisted suicides, does not have a license to practice medicine. His Michigan license was suspended in 1991 and his California license was suspended in 1993. According to the California Attorney General’s office, Kevorkian is “fundamentally unfit to practice medicine” (California Medical Board, Complainants Brief, 12/28/93, p. 19). Kevorkian proposed a “auction market for available organs” taken from “subjects” who are “hopelessly crippled by arthritis or malformations.” Part of the money from the dead disabled person’s auctioned organs could go to relatives whose financial burdens would be eased and “their standard of living enhanced.”

* A poll of adults conducted by CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll published January 1991 found that 58% believe doctors ought to be allowed to help terminally ill patients die if the patient asks for assistance.

* On October 23, 1991, 58-year-old Marjorie Wantz became Jack Kevorkian’s second victim, dying of a lethal dose of drugs administered by Kevorkian’s “death machine.” Marjorie had no life-threatening condition. The autopsy found that she had no illness or disease. She had complained of pelvic pain, but though a number of physicians had advised her that the pain was manageable she did not follow through with their recommendations. “She had reportedly been taking extremely large doses of Halcion (a medication known to impair judgment) in the months preceding her death. She had been hospitalized for psychiatric care on a number of occasions.” Kevorkian did not even give the woman a medical examination. On the same day, Kevorkian assisted in the suicide of Sherry Miller, age 43. She had multiple sclerosis and could have lived for many years but said she felt she was “becoming a burden on people.” She had been suffering from depressio n which had been noted five years earlier. She did not want to take the medication that had been prescribed for depression. She testified that she no longer had any quality of life. Her death was to have been from a lethal dose of drugs but, after repeated attempts and punctures to her arm, Kevorkian couldn’t insert a needle into her veins. He left her waiting for four hours at the death site while he “went to town” to get supplies so he could rig her death by carbon monoxide poisoning (“The Real Jack Kevorkian, International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, http://www.iaetf.org/fctkev.htm).

* In November 1994, the voters of the state of Oregon passed a referendum allowing doctor-assisted suicide. The law would allow patients to request life-ending medication if a doctor determines that they have less than six months to live. The Supreme Court let the law stand.

* A forum on end-of-life issues held in New York City in November 1996 noted that the preferred means of euthanasia today is starvation. The participants observed that it is legal for patients to refuse treatment, including nutrition, and doctors may legally offer painkillers and other comfort as these patients die. Therefore, “every single piece of the recipe is legal.”

* In October 1996, Australia’s Northern Territory allowed the world’s first legally assisted suicide. Bob Dent, 66, who was suffering from cancer, was allowed to take deadly drugs under a euthanasia law passed on May 25, 1996. (Thousands of assisted suicides are performed every year in The Netherlands, but technically they are not legal. They are allowed under loopholes in the law. Doctors who follow “strict guidelines” are guaranteed immunity.)

* In a Canadian national study reported in September 1996, almost half of all doctors surveyed said the law should be changed to allow physician-assisted suicide. In the survey, 47% of doctors supported euthanasia, while 39% were opposed, and 11% were uncertain.

* In March 1996, a 62-year-old New York man was sentenced to just six months in jail (he was expected to serve only four) for killing his wife with a mixture of honey and an antidepressant. He claimed it was assisted suicide, and a note left by the wife said she drank the potion “freely and without reservations”; but prosecutors also discovered that he had kept a diary indicating he was tired of caring for his sick wife, who had multiple sclerosis, and was eager for her death.

* In February 1996 the Episcopal diocese of Newark, New Jersey, declared that suicide and assisted suicide may be morally acceptable under some circumstances, i.e., when “pain is persistent and/or progressive; when all other reasonable means of amelioration of pain and suffering have been exhausted; and when the decision to hasten death is a truly informed and voluntary choice free from external coercion.”

* According to a study released in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1996, one in five intensive-care nurses have hastened the death of terminally ill patients. The study was based on responses by more than 850 nurses to an eight-page questionnaire administered by Dr. David Asch of the University of Pennsylvania.

* In early 1999, the Oregon Health Division presented its analysis of the state’s first year under the Oregon Death with Dignity law. According to the OHD’s study, 23 patients received legal lethal drug prescriptions between 1/1/98 and 12/31/98. Of those patients, 15 actually took the deadly drugs and died, 6 died from their illnesses without taking the lethal prescription, and 2 were still living as of 1/1/99. Of the 15 patients who died from the lethal drugs, 7 were women, 8 were men, all 15 were white, 13 had cancer, 1 had congestive heart failure, and 1 had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The median age was 69. Four were referred for a psychiatric or psychological consultation. The International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force warned that this information is “skewed and incomplete.” The reason is that the law contains no penalties for doctors who do not comply with its requirements and there is no way to determine if the reporting is accurate. “The data for this study came exclusively from the death-prescribing doctors, with n o corroboration from other sources. In fact, the OHD, citing privacy concerns, never even interviewed the patients’ families, friends, or caregivers regarding the circumstances and/or pressures surrounding the deaths. Nor did the OHD contact the patients’ other doctors who, for some reason, opted not to write the deadly prescription. In other words, the state is just assuming that doctors engaged in ending the lives of patients are of good will, have been totally compliant with the provisions of the PAS law, and are completely truthful and forthright in their reports to the state. But why would a doctor even bother to report a less-than-perfect death, one which might cause legal and professional problems for that doctor with the OHD, the state medical licensing board, or even the police?”

* A report published in February 1999 showed that Dutch physicians routinely ignore established euthanasia guidelines created to protect patients against abuse. “The reality is that a clear majority of cases of euthanasia, both with and without request, go unreported and unchecked. Dutch claims of effective regulation ring hollow,” explained researchers Dr. Henk Jochemsen, of Holland’s Lindeboom Institute for Medical Ethics, and Dr. John Keown, from England’s Cambridge University. Reviewing a 1996 survey of 405 Dutch doctors regarding end-of-life decisions, the researchers found that, in 1995, almost two-thirds (59%) of euthanasia cases went unreported, a clear violation of the requirement-codified into law in 1994-that all euthanasia and assisted-suicide deaths be reported to authorities. Furthermore, 20% of reported euthanasia deaths were involuntary, meaning that doctors ended patients’ lives without the patients’ explicit request or con sent. In 15% of these cases (where the patients were competent), the physician did not discuss euthanasia with the patient because “the doctor thought that the termination of the patient’s life was clearly in the patient’s best interests.” In 17% of the involuntary euthanasia cases, alternative care or treatment was available, meaning that euthanasia was not the “last resort” as required by the guidelines (Keown & Jochemsen, “Voluntary Euthanasia under Control? Further Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands,” Journal of Medical Ethics, February 1999).

* In March 1999, a Michigan jury found Dr. Jack Kevorkian guilty of murder for the September 1998 death of 52-year-old Thomas Youk. The man was suffering with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Kevorkian, who video-taped the death, killed Youk by injecting him with a lethal series of drugs. The video was subsequently broadcast on the 60 Minutes television show. During the broadcast, Kevorkian challenged Michigan prosecutors to charge him, and they did, not merely for assisted suicide but for first-degree murder. At the trial it was pointed out that just before Kevorkian injected Youk with a drug that rendered him unconscious, Youk attempted to speak but was ignored by Kevorkian. Prosecutor John Skrzynski noted: “We don’t know what he said, and it’s too late now because he’s gone now, he’s asleep and he’s never getting up again. What did he say? Did he say ‘wait’? Did Dr. Kevorkian have a duty to stop and find out what he was saying?” In a media interview in November 1998, Kevorkian was asked if Youk had anything to say at the end. He just laughed and said, “I don’t know. I never understood a thing he said” (Lessenberry, “I want a showdown,” Oakland Press, Nov. 20, 1998). When the jury announced its guilty decision, Kevorkian attempted to look unruffled in the courtroom, but after he got in the car away from the camera “he exploded, screaming with anger, rage and frustration at the irrationality and cruelty and backwardness of society.” In April 1999, Kevorkian was sentenced to 10 to 25 years in prison. The 79-year-old “Dr. Death” was released conditionally in June 2007.

* In January 2005, the United States Supreme Court let stand a ruling by Pinellas [Florida] Circuit Court Judge George Greer allowing Michael Schiavo to cut off his wife Terri’s feeding tube. Terri, 41, had been dependent on the tube since suffering a heart stoppage 15 years earlier. Terri’s parents fought to stop their son-in-law from disconnecting the tube. Though Terri had brain damage, she was not dying, could breath on her own, and exhibited many signs of being aware of her environment. This was testified by her nurses and by medical experts. The courts, both state and federal, allowed Schiavo to starve his wife to death. Her feeding tube was removed on March 18, 2005, and she died on March 31.

These are only some of the cases that have gained public attention in the last few years. What should the Bible-believer think of this? Euthanasia is a complex issue and it is impossible to give one simple, blanket answer to the matter, yet there are some Bible truths that apply clearly, and in this hour of moral relativism it is crucial that we point them out.

Read More …

On President Obama’s Nobel Speech

I really was not going to blog about this subject; seeing that I already made my feelings known. I read a bit of the speech and I was not overly impressed or shocked, some on the right liked the speech and some that outright hated the speech; some even thought it sounded a bit Bush-like.

I will have to agree with Ed here however, Obama was smart enough include a reminder that the United States of America has not avenged attacks on our Country, but has also stood up and went after those who sought to eliminate a class of people; namely Hitler’s Germany. This is why I cannot allow myself to be painted as a “Paleo-Conservative.” Because it is the Paleo-Conservatives, who feel that FDR going after Hitler was, in fact, wrong. This is because they did not, and still no not believe in Foreign Interventionism. Let me be the first to say, that there a good number of Jewish Republicans who are, to this very day, very grateful for FDR and his decision to get involved in the situation in Germany.

Another point as well, Obama was thrown a curve ball here and The President did what anyone else would do in his situation. President Obama knew what this award essentially was, and that was a slap in the face to President George W. Bush. President Obama did what any other civilized human being would do. He accepted the award, acknowledged that he did not really deserve such an honor, and went home. This is why I do not buy into the whole Sean Hannity idiotic talking point that he should have refused the award. I also will commend the President for essentially telling the Norwegians, “Thanks, but no thanks” to their offer for him to bask in the victory of getting the award. This shows them how President Obama really felt about getting the award in the first place. Some Conservatives may want to criticize him for doing this; I will not be one of them.

So, in closing, I simply say to the President —- good job. Thank you for reminding the rest of the world, why it is, that America is still called the greatest Nation on earth. — And please, Mr. President more speeches like this, praising America — instead of apologizing for it.

Updated: The biggest reason why I always moderate the comments here

For one so nothing illegal gets posted here, plus it keeps the trolls away and so no stupid liberal blogger will use what is posted in the comments section against you.

Unbelievable. 🙄

Having said all that; this is just totally unacceptable:


I am not a fan of the socialist President, and I have made that point quite clear; but that comment is over the line. Someone ought to lose their job over at HotAir.com because of it too. Michelle, Allah, Edward; that is pathetic and I am very disappointed, in all of you, that anything like that would be permitted to stand —For any period of time.

Update: I thought it necessary to update this posting with a bit more reasoning why this display of nastiness bothers me so badly. Some of you, who have read this blog for a while might well remember, that yours truly found my personal self and my blog in a load of trouble with the left for producing a rather untactful graphic. I admit it; I screwed up in a big way. I also paid for it monetarily; the ultra-liberal left went after my advertisers and complained, and as a result, I lost a few ad companies on my site. As much as it pains me to admit it, the left was totally right for doing what they did. It was a free market solution to what I did, holding the advertisers feet to the fire and made them decide to sever ties with me. No, I am not going to play that whole Liberal Fascist line in this situation. The line of offensiveness was crossed, with my graphic, as well as, with what HotAir has done here. I feel that anyone who finds that comment offensive should contact HotAir.com’s advertisers and complain; you do have that right.

As for some idiotic freedom of speech argument, that is totally non-sequitur here. There is a line between freedom of speech and offensive speech, and it was crossed. I know, I have crossed it in the past and I have paid for it dearly. HotAir.com should NOT be allowed to get off without repercussion because they are a well-known blog either. If anything, they should be the one’s that are criticized the loudest; because they are supposedly professional bloggers.

Again, I say this, not to hurt Ed or Michelle or even AllahPundit. Nevertheless, there needs to be a standard set and this is one of them. Gentle poking of the left over policy and their idiotic identity politics and many other examples of literalistic idiotic nosense  is one thing, but outright racism is inexcusable. If the left goes after HotAir; they will have absolutely no one to blame — but themselves.

Update on Dad

Just a note regarding my Father.

Things went better than we thought. My Dad’s doctor dad did the dye procedure. No major blockage, so, no stints. Although, he does have some disease of the heart. and his heart is slightly enlarged. Which the doctor believes is due to sleep aphemia. He will be sending him for a sleep study.

So, the worst is over and he is not nearly is bad, as we had feared.

He also said my dad needs to stop smoking. HEH! Good luck with that! 😆

Thanks for your prayers and thoughts!

Winter Storm pounds midwest

This comes via Comcast videos:

Luckily, we dodged the bullet here in Southeastern Michigan. It snowed some last night, but it turned to rain this morning. However, it is expected to turn to snow again either later today or later this week. Either way, it stinks. I am not a fan of Michigan winters. I do what everyone else does from this area. I deal with it. 🙄

Healthcare-Gate Continues

I call it Healthcare-Gate because that it is about this whole debacle has become, a rather ridiculous spectacle which is going to cause a great deal of damage to the Democratic Party. First, there was word that the “public option” was being dropped, but now there is word that rumor was untrue. Therefore, at this point, it is anyone’s guess as to what is going to happen. The main point is that the majority of Americans do not want this idiotic so-called reform being foisted upon them and they are getting anyway. The sad truth is that this so-called reform bill is going to mean higher taxes for everyone and not just the so-called “Rich,” what that means anymore is anyone’s guess. The Democrats will get their bill and they will pay for it when the 2010 and 2012 elections come around. Hopefully, the Republicans will work to unwind the damage done by the Socialists who want to destroy out free market capitalist system.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney lays the smackdown on President Obama

Ouch. The demeaning gets worse and worse and from both sides.

Quotable Quote: (H/T Gateway Pundit)

Sean Hannity: You said about Barack Obama that he is projecting weakness to America’s enemies. Expand on that.

Dick Cheney: Well, I think most of us believe and most presidents believe and talk about the truly exceptional nature of America. Our history, where we come from, our belief in our Constitutional values and principles. Our advocacy for freedom and democracy and the fact that we’ve provided it for millions of people all over the globe and so unselfishly. There’s never been a nation like the United States of America in world history. And, yet when you have a president that goes around and bows to his host and proceeds to apologize profusely for the United States, I find that deeply disturbing. That says to me there’s a guy who doesn’t fully understand or share that view of American exceptionalism that I think most of us believe in.

Now there are those that would say, “Who cares what Dick Cheney thinks?” It would be help to point out, that the only people that would say this, would be the Liberal Left or the Anti-Semite and Racist Paleo-Conservatives, who are in bed with the left. Having said all that; It does say quite a bit, when a former V.P. or President say something like that about a President. Now I fully expect for one of the African-American Congressmen, who are essentially President Obama’s attack dogs, to go after Dick Cheney and call him a racist. Which is about normal for those types.

Others: Pajamas Media, Fox News, Riehl World View and Israel Matzav

Obama to Conyers: Stop Demeaning Me!

The phone rings, it is the President wanting to know why a senator has been demeaning him in the media. The President is calling a firebrand Republican Senator, it must be, correct? Well, no. actually, President Obama was calling one of his own — Democrats, I mean —- you did not think that I meant THAT did you?!?!?!?! Anyhow:

This comes via The Hill:

President Barack Obama recently called Rep. John Conyers Jr. to express his frustrations with the Judiciary Committee chairman’s criticism.

In an interview with The Hill, Conyers said his opinions of Obama’s policies on healthcare reform and the war in Afghanistan have not sat well with the president.

According to the lawmaker, the president picked up the phone several weeks ago to  find out why  Conyers was “demeaning” him.

Obama’s decision to challenge Conyers highlights a sensitivity to criticism the president has taken on the left. Conyers’s critical remarks, many of which have been reported on the liberal-leaning Huffington Post, appear to have irritated the president, known for his calm demeanor.

Conyers, the second-longest-serving member of the House, said, “[Obama] called me and told me that he heard that I was demeaning him and I had to explain to him that it wasn’t anything personal, it was an honest difference on the issues. And he said, ‘Well, let’s talk about it.’”

Sitting in the Judiciary Committee’s conference room two days after Obama delivered his speech on Afghanistan, the 23-term lawmaker said he wasn’t in the mood to “chat.”

Obama’s move to send in 30,000 troops to Afghanistan by the summer of 2010 has clearly disappointed Conyers.

He said he intends to press his case in writing soon.

I will give John Conyers credit on one thing. He is not shy about speaking his mind. Neither is his wife. This is the husband of the woman, who went toe to toe with another member of the Detroit City Council. When I say went toe to toe; I am not overstating the truth one bit — Because that little confrontation got ugly —VERY ugly. It got ugly almost to the point of the police being called. There were no punches thrown, but there was a whole bunch of hollering. This very much made me pity and respect Mr. Conyers on a completely new level. Any man that can live with a woman with that shrill of a voice and not beat the tar out of her within minutes has definitely earned my respect.

Second, as the article says, Obama seems to be a bit touchy, or as it says, sensitive about critics from the left. Oh, he just ignores us on the right, seeing we are crazy and all. If you believe that, I have got land in a Texas swamp to sell you for cheap. Let me tell you something, the President is no dummy, because if he was, he would not be in the White House and I would be running the Country. The President knows about that little thing called political capital and the President is well aware that he is burning through that capital, quicker than a Chicago minute. The President also knows that he needs to finish the job that Bush started in Afghanistan, otherwise people like me, and other Conservatives will never let him live it down. The last thing he wants to do, is pull a Vietnam bonehead move and pull us out, at least before we give a good collage try to finishing that war over there.

This story of Democrat vs. Democrat when it comes to the war is going to play out in a very interesting manner. Where it puts Obama is going to be interesting to watch as well.

Other People covering this: Townhall.com, Left Coast Rebel, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Weekly Standard, Riehl World View, POWIP and Weasel Zippers

Another liberal tool tries to throw tomatos at Palin, hits cop instead

Stay classy liberals!

BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (FOX 9) – A man was arrested for throwing tomatoes at Sarah Palin during her book signing on Monday at the Mall of America.

Jeremy Olson, 33, allegedly threw two tomatoes from the second balcony, however did not come close to hitting Palin.

Bloomington Police report that Bloomington Commander Mark Stehlik was struck in the face with one of the tomatoes and may face charges for assaulting a police officer. Olson was booked at the Bloomington jail. He was arrested for suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct.

via Fox 9 – in Minn. Man Chucks Tomatoes at Sarah Palin at MOA.

Man, what a loser. Looks like a child molester. Well, Child Molesters… liberals, same difference. 😛 What liberals will not do to get a piece of the spot light.

Others: Gateway Pundit, The Jawa Report, Riehl World View, Left Coast Rebel, Jules Crittenden, Nice Deb, JammieWearingFool, Confederate Yankee, The Political Carnival, Weasel Zippers, The Politico, Conservatives4Palin.com, iOwnTheWorld.com, msnbc.com, The Awl and Hot Air

Thoughts & Prayers needed for my Dad

As some of you might know that read this blog regularly might know; I do live with my Parents. That, in itself is a very long story. Anyhow, My Father will be going into the hospital tomorrow morning at around 8:00 a.m. or so, to have a very important heart procedure done. They are going to run a dye into his bloodstream to check and see if there is any blockage and if there is, they will be putting stints in. There is, although not probable, a slight chance that my Dad could need open-heart surgery while they are in there doing that work. Therefore, needless to say, I will be quite occupied for the next few days. There is good news however; I will be taking the laptop to the hospital with me; as so, I do not go crazy with boredom in the hospital.

Everyone that knows me well will tell you; that I hate hospitals with a passion. I do tend to avoid them as much as humanly possible. However, this little trip is highly important to me. Therefore, I will be joining my Dad up at the hospital for a good part of the day. I am not sure how long it will take. I am told a good part of the day.

So, I am asking for everyone who either reads this blog daily or even does the occasional drive-by. Please keep my Dad in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow — and for the rest of the week. Also, keep my Mother in your prayers as this all is really making her worry and she is not in the greatest of health either.

Thanks again,


Oh My: Obama’s Approval Rating Slips to 47%

This is a bit of a shock… Well, maybe not:

Any slight bump in support Obama received coincident with his new Afghanistan policy proved to be very short-lived, as his approval rating returned to below the majority level by the weekend, and slipped further to 47% in Dec. 4-6 polling.

Afghanistan is just one of many high-profile issues with which the president is dealing. Immediate public reaction to his new Afghanistan policy showed 51% in favor and 40% opposed, according to a Dec. 2 USA Today/Gallup poll.

Obama spent part of Sunday on Capitol Hill talking to lawmakers as they continue working on healthcare reform legislation. In the most recent Gallup update, more Americans said they would advise their members to vote against healthcare legislation than said they would advise them to vote for it.

More at Gallup:  After Brief Uptick, Obama Approval Slips to 47%.

It is not much of a shock to me, especially if you take in account all of the tried and failed policies that the President has tried and ultimately failed in doing. The stimulus for all of its hype, bluster, and yes, money spent, has failed to create any meaningful jobs; especially here in Michigan, where things are bad.  The Democrats, specifically Obama had the American people believing that his continuation of the Bush Stimulus plan was going to cause the Stock Market to roar back and the jobs would come back and everything would be roses and unicorns and everyone would be working and happy. You see how that all worked out, did you not? Is it any wonder that even liberals now are calling their own lot useless?

Not only this, but just look at his performance with the Afghanistan; the President’s dithering was enough to make any Military man angry and even the most positive person nervous. Then there is Nationalized Healthcare bill that Obama’s Democrats are trying to foist on the Nation, even when most polls say that the American people are quite happy with their healthcare plans and with Medicare and do not want the Federal Government changing that.

The only thing that really shocks me is how fast the President’s approval ratings have dropped. It took six whole years for George W. Bush’s approval ratings to plummet. Even this did not take place, until the Iraq War had taken a bad turn in 2006. In fact, it has taken President Obama six months for his approval ratings to drop to their current level. This spin, of course, from the Democrats is that it is because of the press of the opposition, like Fox News, that has created a negative climate in which for the President to operate. But the truth of the matter is, that the Democrats have overreached once again, this time to a maddening degree and the only people that the Democrats have to blame for the dropping in Obama’s poll numbers, is themselves.

Quote of the Day

Liberals are a useless lot. They talk about peace and do nothing to challenge our permanent war economy. They claim to support the working class, and vote for candidates that glibly defend the North American Free Trade Agreement. They insist they believe in welfare, the right to organize, universal health care and a host of other socially progressive causes, and will not risk stepping out of the mainstream to fight for them. The only talent they seem to possess is the ability to write abject, cloying letters to Barack Obama—as if he reads them—asking the president to come back to his “true” self. This sterile moral posturing, which is not only useless but humiliating, has made America’s liberal class an object of public derision.

May we never forget: Pearl Harbor – December 7, 1941

December 7, 1941 – 68 Years ago today. The empire of Japan attacked the United States Military Base at what was then called the the Territory of Hawaii. (The United States had not taken possession of that territory making it the 49’th state yet.)

It is a day, that will live…. In infamy…

Update: Video removed, because the ignorant bastard who owns it, can’t remember telling me that I could link to it.

Damned idiot.

Here is the entire “Day of infamy Speech”, Now this is a way to make a speech! Obama, Take notes!:


I do not know quite why it is that I get so emotional when the anniversary of the attack of Pearl Harbor comes around; but do I ever. I guess it is because it affected my personal family a great deal. My grandfather’s two brothers, Frank and Harlan Hayes both were in the United States Army and my grandmother’s stepbrother Jess Runyan served also in the Military in World War II. My Great-Uncle Frank and Harlan both served in Germany, with Frank getting his finger blown off, while tossing a hand grenade that went off too soon. They were able to reattach it, but he never was able to use the finger very well after that. I do not know much about Harlen, or I would share his story. Jess Runyan came back from World War II with the condition now known as traumatic stress disorder or as they used to call it — shell-shocked. Jess was never able to work and collected military benefits, and I think social security for the rest of his life. Jess never married. For what it is worth, all of these people lived in Dalton, Georgia, which is where a good amount of my family is from.

Another reason is because, damn it, I just love America; since when did that become a federal crime? This Nation is the best-damned Nation on earth. Yes, we are having some bad times here; the economy is bad, jobs are scarce. However, the status of this Nation could be much worse; we could be living in same situation as North Korea or even communist China. I guess Pearl Harbor is a personal one for me, because I happen to be a history buff and because of my family’s involvement in that war. I believe also that the Nation’s isolationism also caused the attack as well, not to mention the economic warfare that was being committed against Japan by FDR. This same mentality of isolationism is what had affected the United States the day that the September 11 attacks in 2001. We were different Nation then and we are now a different Nation since those attacks. The tragic thing about the 9/11 attacks, is that they became quite politicized. When the attack on Pear Harbor took place and then the subsequent war began; America stopped being Democrats and Republicans; and just started being Americans. The sad thing is that after 9/11, there was a short burst of American patriotism. However, it did not last; there are many reasons for this, I believe the biggest reason is times have changed greatly. I could get into all that, but this blog entry would end up being over 50 pages long.

I think the biggest and best thing that Americans can do for those who perished in World War II is to never forget what happened and to work to ensure that it never happens again. We must ensure that the politics of our Nation or any other Nation gets that sort of ugly point again. This is why I believe that wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are worth every last dime and worth every life lost. There are those that say that fighting that war in Afghanistan is not worth it and that it is another Vietnam. I disagree with that nonsense. ANY War that is worth fighting is worth winning. I just wish those on the Socialist Left realized that as well. There was a time, when Democrats actually believed in fighting wars. This all changed in the late 1960’s with the rise of the socialist and hippy movements. Vietnam was essentially lost because of the socialists that had taken over the Media at the time. Walter Cronkite’s literal lying to the Nation about the Tet Offensive was a perfect example of that. Thankfully, there were Democrats who crossed over, for whatever reasoning, who still believed in defending this Nation and believed the Wars could be won, and because of that, and because of President’s like Ronald Reagan; we have the great Military we have today. It is my personal hope, that President Barack Obama will continue that respect for our Nation’s Military. Although, as of late President Obama’s performance as a leader, when it comes to the war in Afghanistan has been dismal at best.

Therefore, in conclusion, I simply end with this — May we never forget December 7, 1941. Because to do so, would be a horrible tragedy.


May we never forget - December 7, 1941

The National Pearl Harbor Survivors Association website is here.

Pistol Blows up in Deputy’s Hand

Oh man, this has to suck… 😯 😮

The Video is over at the story, so, click on over and take a look. This is what bad ammo will do to a gun and to the person firing it.

Via WTOV-TV in West Virginia: (H/T Say Uncle)

MARSHALL COUNTY, W.Va. — At first glance, the Glock 21 Marshall County Chief Deputy Kevin Cecil was handling looked like any other gun. But he pointed out there was no trigger, the gun was cracked and the small metal pins were missing.

“The firearm that one of our officers was using exploded on him,” Cecil said.

Cecil said a Marshall County officer was shooting at the range Tuesday morning when his service weapon literally blew up in his hand during a round of fire.

“The weapon went to the ground, the range officers were yelling for cease-fires,” he said.

Cecil says it was the first time the .45-caliber pistol had ever been used.

“All that energy blew out on the top of his hand. And that’s where his injuries are,” Cecil said.

The deputy is now recovering at home. He’s still undergoing testing to find out the severity of his injuries.

The chief believes bad ammunition caused this bizarre accident, but he’s looking into it further.

Please, head on over and read the rest of that story. My thoughts are with this deputy as he recovers. If I were him, I would be getting a lawyer and suing whomever was responsible for this accident.