Oh Tweety…..

Chris Matthews, Does it….again.


I liked the old Media Matter music better, this new one is a bit, shall we say, stale?

The Quote:

MATTHEWS: Up next: They’re the working-class white voters Hillary Clinton won and Barack didn’t. Can Obama now win over the regular folks, white folks, against John McCain? We’ll ask the strategists. You’re watching Hardball.

Sometimes, I think he says stuff like that, intentionally, just to piss the liberals off.

I hate to say it, but I kind of view Matthews as the Bill O’Reilly of MSNBC. (Ha!)

What rubs me to no end, is how some of the morning people use their shows or airtime to push their little political agendas. Andrea Mitchell is a classic example. She loves to belittle the Democrats. Of course, seeing her hubby is Neo-Con Alan Greenspan, that should be no surprise.

Asking legitimate questions is one thing, editorializing disguised as questions, is another. Right Andrea? You Neo-Con slime ball.

Others: Shakesville and Group News Blog

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Fox News, The village of the Asshats

I never was much of a watcher of the Rupert Mudoch owned Neo-Conservative propaganda machine.

Perhaps this is why.


Like most working journalists, whenever I type seven letters — Fox News — a series of alarms begins to whoop in my head: Danger. Warning. Much mayhem ahead.

Once the public relations apparatus at Fox News is engaged, there will be the calls to my editors, keening (and sometimes threatening) e-mail messages, and my requests for interviews will quickly turn into depositions about my intent or who else I am talking to.

And if all that stuff doesn’t slow me down and I actually end up writing something, there might be a large hangover: Phone calls full of rebuke for a dependent clause in the third to the last paragraph, a ritual spanking in the blogs with anonymous quotes that sound very familiar, and — if I really hit the jackpot — the specter of my ungainly headshot appearing on one of Fox News’s shows along with some stern copy about what an idiot I am.

Yeeesh, charming people. 😮 🙄

Oh Wait, there’s more:

At Fox News, media relations is a kind of rolling opposition research operation intended to keep reporters in line by feeding and sometimes maiming them. Shooting the occasional messenger is baked right into the process.

As crude as that sounds, it works. By blacklisting reporters it does not like, planting stories with friendlies at every turn, Fox News has been living a life beyond consequence for years. Honesty compels me to admit that I have choked a few times at the keyboard when Fox News has come up in a story and it was not absolutely critical to the matter at hand.

But it cuts both ways: Fox News’s amazing coup d’état in the cable news war has very likely been undercovered because the organization is such a handful to deal with. Fox is so busy playing defense — mentioning it in the same story as CNN can be a high crime — that its business and journalism accomplishments don’t get traction and the cable station never seems to attain the legitimacy it so clearly craves.

Yikes, sounds like a McCarthy type mentality, if you ask me. I mean, blackballing people? Wow.

This Gets Better, trust me…. remember the altered Photos that I posted about last week? It turns out, that it is supposedly standard policy to do that, so says Faux Noise. Oh Yes, I am not kidding…


The accompanying photographs were heavily altered, although the audience was probably none the wiser. Mr. Reddicliffe looked like the wicked witch after a hard night of drinking, but it was the photo of Mr. Steinberg that stopped traffic when it appeared on the Web at Media Matters side by side with his actual photo. In a technique familiar to students of vintage German propaganda, his ears were pulled out, his teeth splayed apart, his forehead lowered and his nose was widened and enlarged in a way that made him look more like Fagin than the guy I work with. (Mr. Steinberg told me that as a working reporter who covers Fox News, he was not in a position to comment. A spokeswoman said the executive in charge of “Fox and Friends” is on vacation and not available for comment but added that altering photos for humorous effect is a common practice on cable news stations.)

But you have to remember, you are dealing with Fox News here or as I just love to call them; Faux Noise, with those guys, Up is down, Right is left, and George W. Bush is the greatest President, ever. Stop Laughing! I didn’t say that I thought he was.

Again, as I have said a thousand times, in my time as a Political Blogger, I just do not watch Fox News, because, quite frankly, I find it to be an insult to my intelligence. I mean, the whole damn Network is a giant propaganda machine. It’s humorous, but borderline insane. But then again, are not most Neo-Conservatives?

The Carpetbagger Report, Think Progress, News Hounds, TVNewser, Philly.com and Political Punch

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Josh Marshall doesn’t know the difference between a Legit McCain ad and a parody…

This is funny:

Click here to read the blog posting about it, by the maker of it.

I mean, how hard is it to look up an web address?

Do we need any further proof that Liberals are just stupid?

Blogs4Borders Blogburst for week 07/07/08

In this weeks edition

Who are the violent ones? The SPLC insists that the Minutemen are a powderkeg of violence, but who is committing political violence?

The Rule of Law? When sanctuary cities go bad!

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders, when will the madness end?

Download for your ipod here.

Our friend John Monti is facing yet another bogus legal challenge (learn more here) and he could use our support. Make sure to join his Facebook group and hit the tip jar!

Click on image

If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, open borders, splc, southern poverty law center, mexico, el salvador, murder, crime, criminal aliens, invasion, insanity, san francisco, ms 13, gangs, violence, drugs,

Is this the Democrats idea of the new Politics of hope and change?

Hope Change and Commies?

Via Gateway Pundit:

New information reveals that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was indirectly sending messages to the FARC. The Marxist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) is designated as a terrorist group by the US government. Speaker Pelosi was doing this while at the same time she refused to bring a free trade agreement with Colombia up for a vote in the US House. In fact, Pelosi took extraordinary steps to block this trade agreement with America’s closest ally in South America.

Funny, anytime a Conservative says that Liberals are just Communists with a fancier name, most liberals heads explode. But this just proves what I’ve believed all along, that Liberal Democrats are nothing more than a watered down form of Communism. I mean, was it not a Democrat senator who threatened to Nationalize our Oil companies?

I rest my case.

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Jim Webb says no offically to a V.P. Spot

Via Memeorandum:

MSNBC reports that Jim Webb is saying no to being Obama’s V.P.

“Last week I communicated to Senator Obama and his presidential campaign my firm intention to remain in the United States Senate, where I believe I am best equipped to serve the people of Virginia and this country. Under no circumstances will I be a candidate for Vice President.

“A year and a half ago, the people of Virginia honored me with election to the U.S. Senate. I entered elective politics because of my commitment to strengthen America’s national security posture, to promote economic fairness, and to increase government accountability. I have worked hard to deliver upon that commitment, and I am convinced that my efforts and talents toward those ends are best served in the Senate.

“In this regard, the bipartisan legislative template we were able to put into effect through 18 months of work in order to enact the new, landmark GI Bill will serve as a prototype for my future endeavors in government. This process, wherein we brought 58 Senators from both parties to the table as co-sponsors, along with more than 300 members of the House, gives me renewed confidence that the Congress can indeed work effectively across party lines and address the concerns of our citizens.

“At this time I am also renewing my commitment to work hard to make sure that Senator Obama wins both Virginia and the presidency this November. He is a man who speaks eloquently about our national goals and calls for the practical solutions that must be put into place to obtain them. I will proudly campaign for him.”

Word is that the Democrat card readers are saying that Joe Biden is in the running. Of course, that is strictly rumor.

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Please, give Jesse Helms a break…

You know, I am about sick and damn tired of reading the ongoing rambling about Senator Jesse Helms. The man is dead, let’s move on, please. I mean, let’s show a little respect of his family.

it just goes to show you the true colors of the New York Times and The Washington Post, especially of WaPo for republishing an article, slamming helms as a racist, the day he retired from the Senate.

As far as I am concerned, The Washington Post is nothing more than a shill for the Commie Liberals who hate everything that we Conservatives stand for in America.

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From the “WTF?!?!?!” File….

This is messed in the head on so many levels.


The National Children’s Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.

This could include a child of as young as three who says “yuk” in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.

The guidance by the NCB is designed to draw attention to potentially-racist attitudes in youngsters from a young age. – Toddlers who dislike spicy food racist, say report – Telegraph

So if I happen to think that hog jawls and collared greens and okra taste the reprocessed human waste, does that make me a racist too?

It is to wonder.

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From the “WTF?!?!?!” File….

This is messed in the head on so many levels.


The National Children’s Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.

This could include a child of as young as three who says “yuk” in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.

The guidance by the NCB is designed to draw attention to potentially-racist attitudes in youngsters from a young age. – Toddlers who dislike spicy food racist, say report – Telegraph

So if I happen to think that hog jawls and collared greens and okra taste the reprocessed human waste, does that make me a racist too?

It is to wonder.

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It’s about time Bozell!

Well, it’s about time!


CNSNews.com will launch its new Web site on Tuesday, July 8, with a fresh look, more stories, videos, photos, and reader comments. Check out the new www.cnsnews.com on Tuesday, July 8.- CNSNews.com Launches New Web Site on Tuesday, July 8 — 07/04/2008

I’ve always said that Brent Bozell needed to update that 1990’s era website of theirs. Hopefully, it will rival Media Matters for America’s site, embeddable video clips, nice banners or buttons for Blogs. It has to be totally web 2.0 friendly. Now if they could just get the MRC site updated too, they’d be in good shape.

I can’t wait to see it.

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It’s about time Bozell!

Well, it’s about time!


CNSNews.com will launch its new Web site on Tuesday, July 8, with a fresh look, more stories, videos, photos, and reader comments. Check out the new www.cnsnews.com on Tuesday, July 8.- CNSNews.com Launches New Web Site on Tuesday, July 8 — 07/04/2008

I’ve always said that Brent Bozell needed to update that 1990’s era website of theirs. Hopefully, it will rival Media Matters for America’s site, embeddable video clips, nice banners or buttons for Blogs. It has to be totally web 2.0 friendly. Now if they could just get the MRC site updated too, they’d be in good shape.

I can’t wait to see it.

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What the heck was John McCain thinking when he allowed THIS to happen?

Oy…. Juan McCain’s vast expanse of Blatant Stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

Via ABC News Political Radar:

ABC News has learned that Sen. John McCain’s campaign has hired Mike DuHaime as political director, the first new hire by Steve Schmidt in his capacity as the person in charge of day-to-day campaign operations.

DuHaime had served as a senior advisor for political operations at the Republican National Commitee since March, but now he will head up the political team from within the McCain operation.

The move comes as the McCain campaign essentially relaunches its general election effort, after weeks of complaints in Republicans circles that McCain, R-Ariz., has been slow to find his footing against Illinois Democrat Sen. Barack Obama.

DuHaime most recently managed the failed presidential campaign of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. DuHaime brings years of experience, organizing on behalf of Republicans at the state and local level, to the job. Notably, DuHaime served as political director of the Republican National Committee, and as regional political director for the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign in 2004.

I hate to say it, but that was a big time boneheaded move and the Liberals are going to nail him on it, big time.

Claudia over at Poligazette puts it much better, than I can:

What do you do when you’re a Republican in a terrible year for Republicans, and when fellow Republicans have been complaining for weeks that you haven’t found your voice against your opponent? Well you do a shake-up of course. And who do you bring in to be your new political director? Well a former senior advisor to one of the most disasterously missmanaged campaigns this season, of course!

Ha! So true. No wonder some republicans are buying these stickers like mad:

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He might be a crook, but he’s a PATRIOTIC one!

(via instapundit)

Hmmmmm… I wonder if this one will show up in the New York Times? I highly doubt it. 🙄

Via The New York Post:

He’s a criminal, but he “did the right thing” when it mattered – alerting cops to what he feared was a terror plot the day before the Fourth of July.

At about 5 p.m. yesterday, an unidentified thief with a police record broke into a red van that had been parked at 53rd Street and Second Avenue in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park for about a month, a source told The Post.

He was stunned when he looked inside – it was filled with gas cans and Styrofoam cups containing a mysterious white substance with protruding wires and switches.

Stealing vans in one thing, but blowing up part of the damn city is another. Kudo’s to the guy for doing the right thing.

I just wonder how many Democrats will deny this even happened, because it is a New York Post story and dismiss it as Rupert Murdock produced pro-war Propaganda?

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He might be a crook, but he’s a PATRIOTIC one!

(via instapundit)

Hmmmmm… I wonder if this one will show up in the New York Times? I highly doubt it. 🙄

Via The New York Post:

He’s a criminal, but he “did the right thing” when it mattered – alerting cops to what he feared was a terror plot the day before the Fourth of July.

At about 5 p.m. yesterday, an unidentified thief with a police record broke into a red van that had been parked at 53rd Street and Second Avenue in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park for about a month, a source told The Post.

He was stunned when he looked inside – it was filled with gas cans and Styrofoam cups containing a mysterious white substance with protruding wires and switches.

Stealing vans in one thing, but blowing up part of the damn city is another. Kudo’s to the guy for doing the right thing.

I just wonder how many Democrats will deny this even happened, because it is a New York Post story and dismiss it as Rupert Murdock produced pro-war Propaganda?

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Afghanistan officials claim US air strikes killed civilians

You know, I’m just going to say it….


Afghan officials said fighter aircraft battling militants accidentally killed up to 27 Afghans walking to a wedding ceremony in eastern Afghanistan early Sunday, the second military attack in three days with reports of civilian deaths — Afghan officials: US missiles killed 27 civilians – Yahoo! News

Two Words….

Tough shit

Why would I say that? I’ll tell you why. The way I see it, if your country knowingly harbors a terrorist leader and his group of thugs, that was responsible for killing 2,974 of our people. Then I say if some of your people, who happened to be in the area, when our forces happen to be taking out a group of terrorists. That’s just too damn bad.

Does that make me a chicken hawk? Hell No. What that makes me is someone who supports our Military, it makes me a Nationalist, who loves America and happens to believe in the doctrine of “what comes around, goes around” and of “If you play with mud, you’re gonna get dirty”.

Some of us, have not forgotten, at all, what happened in New York, and at the Pentegon on 9/11.

Others: BLACKFIVE, Sweetness & Light

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The only way to spend a nice warm Sunday evening….

Seeing politics is kinda on the slow cycle of things… I thought I’d share a few pictures here.

Here are 3 that I just snapped:

outside pics 001

A Wifi connection, A Laptop, A table with an umbrella, and a nice big mug with some tea with lemon in it.

outside pics 002

Another view of the hook up….the extension cord was for the laptop, my battery only lasts an hour.

outside pics 003

Hey, it’s not beach front in Miami, But it will do! 😉

Update: The really funny part was, shortly after I snapped these. I started getting hot, I mean as in “I feel like I’m gonna puke”, hot. So, I rolled up the cord, and put it back in garage, scooped up the laptop and went back inside, I can handle 70 degrees and sunshine and a slight breeze, but when it starts getting into the upper 80’s and muggy, with the medication that I take for A.D.H.D., I start getting sick to my stomach, so, I went back in.

It was fun, while it lasted. 😀

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Gotta love our Liberal Main Stream Media

It seems that according to various British media sources, the United States scored a major victory in Iraq.

Too bad the vast majority of Americans, unless they read blogs, won’t hear about it. That’s because the United States Liberal controlled media is too busy trying to tell Americans that the war in Iraq is lost and that we’re losing, and so forth.

What further proof do we need, that the Liberals in this country, hate America, Our Military and the values that we conservatives hold dear?

It is no wonder that places like the New York Times and other dead wood media sources are losing money left and right and will eventually be put out of business.

The Silence of these media sources speak volumes to me.

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Libertarians love Obama?? Wha?

This is crazy…..

Via Rasmussen Reports:

Libertarian voters make up 4% of the nation’s likely voters and they favor Barack Obama over John McCain by a 53% to 38% margin. Three percent (3%) would vote for some other candidate and 5% are not sure. These results, from an analysis of 15,000 Likely Voter interviews conducted by Rasmussen Reports, challenges the conventional wisdom which assumes that strong support for a Libertarian candidate would hurt John McCain.

Why any self respecting Free Market, Pro Gun, Anti-Big Goverment, Anti-Socialist, Pro Capitalist, Libertarian would vote for a big government, anti-Capitalist, Socialist, Marxist like Obama is totally beyond me.

Obama is everything that Libertarianism is not. Big Government, Anti-Gun, Anti-Capitalist, Pro-socialist, Communist, Marxist… (same difference, but….)

But then again, the Libertarian party did choose Bab Barr for the Presidential candidate. That says quite a bit, considering that Bob Barr was 100 percent against everything that he is running for now. Which is, well, odd.

I think it would not be a bit of embellishment to say that, in the words of the great Bob Dylan, the times they are changin’….

….and for whatever it’s worth….. Not THIS Libertarian! Not on Barry’s Best day!

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Kathy, lay off the booze on the Holidays, Please.

Heh…. Someone’s nuts. 😉

A totally crazy Saturday-morning thought: Wouldn’t George W. Bush make an awesome high-school government teacher? Wouldn’t it be something if his post-presidential life would up being that kind of post-service service? How’s that for a model? Who needs Harvard visiting chairs and high-end lectures? How about Crawford High? (Or wherever?) Reach out and touch the young before they are jaded, or break them of the cynicism pop culture and possibly their parents have passed down to them. Whatever you think of President Bush, he’s a likable guy in love with his country with some history and experience to share.Re: Civics by Kathryn Jean Lopez (via The Corner on National Review Online)

Not sure what’s more funny here. The original entry or the many humorous replies. 😆

Crazy?!?!? Ya Think? 😮 Someone, please, think of the kids! 😉

Shakesville, Once Upon a Time, Matthew Yglesias, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Booman Tribune, TBogg, Sadly, No! and Balkinization

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Blogs4Borders! for the week of 06/30/2008

In this weeks Edition:

Budget Woes? Several states are cutting benefits for citizens, are they missing something obvious?

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders! When will the madness end?

The Other War: Mexican drug cartel hitmen assassinate a Phoenix drug dealer. Is there a Mexican military connection?

Download for your ipod here.

Our friend John Monti is facing yet another bogus legal challenge (learn more here) and he could use our support. Make sure to join his Facebook group and hit the tip jar!

Click on image

If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, open borders, deportation, rape, hit and run, invasion, podcast, vlog, mexico, culture, tolerance, multi-culturalism, insanity, 4g war, mexican drug cartels, culture, pedophile, california, governator, arnold schwarzenegger, budget,

Cross Posted @ The American Nationalist News Service

Did the White House pay for the release of the FARC Hostages?

You Decide.


Leaders of the Colombian FARC rebel movement were paid millions of dollars to free Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages, Swiss radio said on Friday, quoting ‘a reliable source’.

The 15 hostages released on Wednesday by the Colombian army ‘were in reality ransomed for a high price, and the whole operation afterwards was a set-up,’ the radio’s French-language channel said.

Saying the United States, which had three of its citizens among those freed, was behind the deal, it put the price of the ransom at some $20 million.

The radio said its source was ‘close to the events, reliable and tested many times in recent years.’FARC leaders were paid millions to free hostages: Swiss radio – Forbes.com

Of course, the article does not cite any direct sources, but rather anonymous sources, this raises some questions. But it does bring back some memories of another hostage situation that resolved in a very controversial manner. I wonder who will be the fall guy for this one?

Should be interesting to follow this one, if it hits the MSM.

Stay Tuned.

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Barack Obama’s birth certificate…… a fake…

According to the Israel Insider, The birth certificate posted at the DailyKos and being used at Barack Obama’s fight the smears website, is nothing more than well produced fake. Kinda like the rest of his Political Career.


Jay McKinnon, a self-described Department of Homeland Security-trained document specialist, has implicated himself in the production of fake Hawaii birth certificate images similar to the one endorsed as genuine by the Barack Obama campaign, and appearing on the same Daily Kos blog entry where the supposedly authentic document appears.

The evidence of forgery and manipulation of images of official documents, triggered by Israel Insider’s revelation of the collection of Hawaii birth certificate images on the Photobucket site and the diligent detective work of independent investigative journalists (led by JimJ and Texas Darling) and imaging professionals such as Polarik in the three weeks since the publication of the images, implicate The Daily Kos, a “progressive” blog site, and the Obama campaign’s “Fight the Smears” website, in misleading the public with official-looking but manipulated document images of doubtful provenance. Moreover, the blog and the campaign have been negligent in allowing the promotion of obviously forged and fake official documents together with the purported image of Obama’s birth certificate.

This is could be quite deadly, especially if Obama’s campaign did not check to see if that Certificate was legit or not. I would advise Hillary to keep on standby, because if the Main Stream Media picks up on this, Obama wil be done.

Stay Tuned.

Others: Doug Ross, Atlas Shrugs, Macsmind, GINA COBB and NO QUARTER

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Barack Obama’s birth certificate…… a fake…

According to the Israel Insider, The birth certificate posted at the DailyKos and being used at Barack Obama’s fight the smears website, is nothing more than well produced fake. Kinda like the rest of his Political Career.


Jay McKinnon, a self-described Department of Homeland Security-trained document specialist, has implicated himself in the production of fake Hawaii birth certificate images similar to the one endorsed as genuine by the Barack Obama campaign, and appearing on the same Daily Kos blog entry where the supposedly authentic document appears.

The evidence of forgery and manipulation of images of official documents, triggered by Israel Insider’s revelation of the collection of Hawaii birth certificate images on the Photobucket site and the diligent detective work of independent investigative journalists (led by JimJ and Texas Darling) and imaging professionals such as Polarik in the three weeks since the publication of the images, implicate The Daily Kos, a “progressive” blog site, and the Obama campaign’s “Fight the Smears” website, in misleading the public with official-looking but manipulated document images of doubtful provenance. Moreover, the blog and the campaign have been negligent in allowing the promotion of obviously forged and fake official documents together with the purported image of Obama’s birth certificate.

This is could be quite deadly, especially if Obama’s campaign did not check to see if that Certificate was legit or not. I would advise Hillary to keep on standby, because if the Main Stream Media picks up on this, Obama wil be done.

Stay Tuned.

Others: Doug Ross, Atlas Shrugs, Macsmind, GINA COBB and NO QUARTER

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43 percent of Democrats still say “No Thanks” to Obama

According to a New CNN/Opinion Research Poll, 43 Percent of Democrats still say that they’d rather stay home, than vote for Obama.


One week after Sen. Hillary Clinton made a public show of unity with Sen. Barack Obama, a new survey suggests supporters of the New York senator are increasingly less likely to follow her lead.

A growing number of Clinton supporters polled say they may stay home in November instead of casting their ballot for Obama, an indication the party has yet to coalesce around the Illinois senator four weeks after the most prolonged and at times divisive primary race in modern American history came to a close.

According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Friday, the number of Clinton supporters who plan to defect to Republican Sen. John McCain’s camp is down from one month ago, but — in what could be an ominous sign for Obama as he seeks to unify the party — the number of them who say they plan to vote for Obama is also down, and a growing number say they may not vote at all.

One thing to remember, it’s very early in the election cycle. These numbers will change before November. I believe that because the said importance of this election, I believe that the Democrats, who are not supporting Obama, will take a long hard look at McCain, and take a long hard look at Obama, and will come around and vote their party. Raw emotions aside, they will vote for Obama.

Of course, the Neo-Cons and McCain supporters are wetting themselves, because of this news, but of course, they want to keep a Republican in the White House, to protect their investments. They want to keep that “Enron loophole” open, so, that they can continue to remain wealthy.

Do I believe that Obama flip flopped? No, I think he was clear on his policy, but I also believe he is refining his message to appeal to the center, which is quite upsetting to the far left, like the Huffingtons and the Kossaks.

Again, I think before the election in November, these poll numbers will change. Stay Tuned.

Others: Flopping Aces, QandO, Hot Air, Donklephant, Outside The Beltway, Gateway Pundit, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Tennessee Guerilla Women and The Moderate Voice

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