Kathy, lay off the booze on the Holidays, Please.

Heh…. Someone’s nuts. 😉

A totally crazy Saturday-morning thought: Wouldn’t George W. Bush make an awesome high-school government teacher? Wouldn’t it be something if his post-presidential life would up being that kind of post-service service? How’s that for a model? Who needs Harvard visiting chairs and high-end lectures? How about Crawford High? (Or wherever?) Reach out and touch the young before they are jaded, or break them of the cynicism pop culture and possibly their parents have passed down to them. Whatever you think of President Bush, he’s a likable guy in love with his country with some history and experience to share.Re: Civics by Kathryn Jean Lopez (via The Corner on National Review Online)

Not sure what’s more funny here. The original entry or the many humorous replies. 😆

Crazy?!?!? Ya Think? 😮 Someone, please, think of the kids! 😉

Shakesville, Once Upon a Time, Matthew Yglesias, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Booman Tribune, TBogg, Sadly, No! and Balkinization

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