Video: Living proof that Ron Paul is a paranoid conspiracy theorist and has NO business being President of the United States

I’m sorry, but when you start spewing this sort of ignorant stupidity; you lose all credibility with me. Especially when you say it at a serious Presidential debate.


I am just going to say this; I too have doubts about our Government and I too, do realize that there is cronyism in our Government — on both sides of the aisle. I also, with a full B.S. filter enabled, do sometimes read what the conspiracy theorists write. I do mainly read them for the entertainment value. However, I usually put no trust, value, faith or stock in the what is usually printed on those websites; mainly because those sites contain about 10% or less of truth and 90% or more of someone’s opinion or as is properly called theory.

That being said; I do not want my President to be a conspiracy theorist, who spouts this sort of ignorant stupidity, at all. The Republican Part is not; I repeat is not, the party of the Conspiracy theory. There might be some on the far, far, right that might believe in this idiotic nonsense, but most Republicans, including the one that I gave the Hat Tip to, find this sort of nonsense laughable. Let me also go on the record as say that I also am one of those who find this ignorance to be laughable as well.

I just know now that the Ron Paul bots are going to come here and call me a Neo-Con, a Zionist, a JEW (!) ( 😯 ) or a liberal.  Let me say this; save your breath and my bandwidth — both of my parents come from the south and I was born in Southwest Detroit as my About Me page does say.  If you Ron Paulians have a problem with that I say; you are free to kiss my Lilly-white, hairy, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Independent, Fundamental, King James Bible thumping Ass. (wait! Can Christians say stuff like that?!???!? 😯 ….. I just did... 😀 )

That, my friends…. is all.


MSNBC admits to selective editing, but still does not admit to race-baiting

Remember this little gem of deception, where MSNBC got caught red-handed editing footage?

Well, they are now backtracking…..sort of.

But, they do not admit to the race-baiting at all. How typical. 😡

Like I said in my previous posts; 14 more month of this — 14.more.months 🙄

Awful: Stage Collapse at Sugarland Concert at Indiana State Fair

It is every concert promoter’s, venue manager’s and performers nightmare.

The Video:

There are no words.

The Story via Channel 6 News in Indy:

INDIANAPOLIS — At least four people were killed and 40 people were injured in a stage collapse at the Indiana State Fair during a severe thunderstorm on Saturday night.Indiana State Police confirmed the fatalities and said the injuries to some victims are so severe that the death toll could rise.

Information about the people who died wasn’t immediately released. ISP 1st Sgt. Dave Bursten said that the Marion County Coroner’s Office had confirmed the identities of two of the people who were killed by early Sunday morning.The number of injured could also increase, as authorities don’t have a handle on how many people drove themselves to hospitals or were taken there by means other than an ambulance.

The collapse happened about 8:50 p.m. as Sugarland, a country music act, was preparing to perform on the fair’s main stage.The National Weather Service said winds estimated at 60 to 70 mph buffeted the stage ahead of a line of severe thunderstorms. A severe thunderstorm warning had been issued for Marion County before the collapse.”What hit really wasn’t a storm. It was a significant gust of wind,” Bursten said.David Lindquist, a reporter for the Indianapolis Star who was there to cover the concert, told 6News that an announcement was made that weather was moving in about two minutes before the winds kicked up, but those in front of the stage had little time to get out of the weather, if they wanted to do so.

There is a ton of coverage from the area. You see the round up here.

Thoughts and Prayers for the families of those who lost their lives, the injured, and everyone else in Indiana. Also, keep Sugarland in your prayers tonight, as I would imagine they are going through hell right about now.


UPDATED: Black Mob Attacks Whites at State Fair in Wisconsin Police now denying that race was even involved!

Update #2: When I originally wrote this, I wrote it in an sarcastic manner. A few people emailed me concerned that my tone was overly hateful and even glorifying of a mass murderer.  To them and to anyone who might have gotten the wrong idea, I do apologize. I no more would praise Charles Manson than I would Madeline Murray O’hair.

My intention was never to stoke hatred; but merely to inform those of the liberal bias and to encourage people to arm themselves.


Video: (Via JSOnline)


The Story via TMJ 4 News:

WEST ALLIS – Witnesses tell Newsradio 620 WTMJ and TODAY’S TMJ4 of a mob of young people attacking innocent fair-goers at the end of the opening night of State Fair, with some callers claiming a racially-charged scene.

Milwaukee Police confirmed there were assaults outside the fair.

Witnesses’ accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.

Authorities have not given official estimates of the number of people involved in the attacks.

“It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people,” said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ.  He left the State Fair Entrance near the corner of South 84th Street and West Schlinger Avenue in West Allis.

“They were attacking everybody for no reason whatsoever.”

“It was 100% racial,” claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car. 

“I had a black couple on my right side, and these black kids were running in between all the cars, and they were pounding on my doors and trying to open up doors on my car, and they didn’t do one thing to this black couple that was in this car next to us.  They just kept walking right past their car.  They were looking in everybody’s windshield as they were running by, seeing who was white and who was black.  Guarantee it.”

Eric, a war veteran, said that the scene he saw Thursday outside State Fair compares to what he saw in combat.

“That rated right up there with it.  When I saw the amount of kids coming down the road, all I kept thinking was, ‘There’s not enough cops to handle this.’  There’s no way.  It would have taken the National Guard to control the number of kids that were coming off the road.  They were knocking people off their motorcycles.”

There’s more coverage at WISN-TV.

I believe this would be a good opportunity to inform people that it is a good idea to arm themselves, within the law in your State of course; just the same, if someone had been armed — this likely would not have happened. I am, quite frankly, shocked that not more bloggers are not writing about this incident.  I guess fear and political correctness trump the truth anymore.

I believe this is only the beginning; as our economy begins to sour. Events like this will continue to happen. Arm yourselves; before it is too late.

Others: The Gateway Pundit, The Lonely Conservative, Moonbattery, The Greenroom, UrbanGrounds, Daily Pundit, Politics, Vox Popoli, and Confederate Yankee (Via Memeorandum)

Update: JSonline now reports: State Patrol called in, youth policy imposed after violence at State Fair

Go give that a read, they are now actually denying that race was even involved! That is how it works, Whites can attack blacks and it is a national crisis. But when Blacks attack whites — nothing to see, move along. How it has been for years and is still that way.  That is what you call Liberal Bias. Nothing more, nothing less.



Video: An Awesome American Moment — Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returns to the House floor

Amid all the gloom and doom, something wonderful happens: (Via Mediaite)

Update: Better Video:

Liberty, Sanity, and yes… America has won. Insanity, extremism and violence has lost.

My prayers continue for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in her recovery.

A Special Late Night Music Express: Remembering Harry Chapin

It’s been 30 years……

Since Harry Chapin left us.

Aaron Goldstein remembers:

I remember hearing about on the CBS Morning News the following day. What I distinctly remember about that report was that instead of the concert being cancelled, fans brought their guitars and went on stage to play Chapin’s songs. That has always stayed with me. In 2001, I comemorated what happened the day Chapin died with a poem called “A Thousand Guitars & A Cello” which would later appear in my first poetry chapbook, Oysters & The Newborn Child:

When it was announced that you would not perform

The observers and participants continued to arrive

Refusing to be deterred by the bitter storm

Determined to see that the music would survive

A thousand guitars ascended the stage

Accompanied by a single cello

Our stories would fill the blank page

For one night we all stood friend & fellow

In a land where hope is faint

Destiny and fate are still ours to choose

The portrait of ourselves we paint

Challenges us to better fill our shoes

Life will not be about loss and win

When we understand that the circle never ends or begins


When Chapin wasn’t performing in concert or working on his latest album, he could be seen on Capitol Hill lobbying Senators and Congressmen about the issue of world hunger. Although Chapin leaned liberal (before he became famous he worked on one of Allard Lowenstein ‘s congressional campaigns in New York), he would talk to anybody about addressing world hunger – Democrat or Republican. Well, Chapin made an indelible impression. Then Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole eulogized him on the floor of the Senate. Dole was one of nearly forty Senators and Congressmen paid tribute to Chapin that day. When he was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in December 1987 both Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch were on hand to sing Chapin’s praises. Chapin didn’t hate the people who didn’t share his politics. On the contrary, he wanted to persuade conservatives just as much as he wanted to persuade liberals.

Now a few thoughts of my own about Harry Chapin:

Harry Chapin was one who, unlike many of the entertainment industry, actually practiced what he preached.  Unlike many of the Hollywood and entertainment Liberal crowd in California, Chapin saw wrong and tried to fix it.  Was he a liberal?  Absolutely, however back in Chapin’s day, being a liberal meant an entirely different thing, than it does today.  I truly believe if he saw what the Democratic Party was about today; at the very least, he would be a libertarian.

Chapin was a part of the “thinking” artists and liberals of his era.  He fought for what he believed in, did what he loved and helped one hell of a great deal of people doing it.  He; like Gordon Lightfood, like Jim Croce and many more like them — inspired many in that era to not accept what the previous generation told them, but to think for themselves.

America is a much shallow place without him.

Rest in peace Harry — God knows, you earned in the short time you were here.

Video: Jack Hunter on the GOP going tiger

Transcript here

Video: Trailer: The Undefeated

It’s the Sarah Palin Movie. Personally, I loathe the woman, and this looks like a Sarah Palin propaganda movie. However, it looks like it might be a good movie, for a few good laughs perhaps? 😛

What this movie will not tell you; because the Sarah Palin cult never really tells the truth, is that Sarah Palin feels that she is entitled to be President of the United States, either because she is a woman or because she feels that it is some sort of bizarre calling for God himself. Which in the eyes of this Independent Fundamental Baptist is quite absurd.

I will not get into all the various reasons why I do not like Sarah Palin; the best thing to do, is go here and read all the posts tagged with her name, and then you will understand why it is that I detest this woman.

Again, it might be just be a good movie, but it is sole purpose is to promote all things shrieking harpy Palin.

(Via Mediaite)

Video: This is why I like Rick Santelli

No, he is not crazy……Just slightly animated.

(via Mediate)

Video: Jack Hunter Says, “Tim Pawlenty is another Big Government Conservative!”

Transcript Here

The Daily Rant! Debt Ceiling, Geert Wilders acquitted and more!


World Oil Reserves Tapped

Super! Obama to release part of strategic oil reserves

Republicans say “No Mas!” to debt ceiling talks

Victory! Geert Wilders Acquitted of Hate Speech Charges!


Sarah Palin: once a quitter, always a quitter

Delta adopts Saudi ‘no-Jew’ fly policy

EXCLUSIVE — Herman Cain: Jon Stewart Attacked Me ‘Because I’m Black’




Video Where the heck was Pat today?

Here’s the video explaining where I was today. This is my rather weird attempt at a partially funny beginning:

The Posting that spurred the donation, is here.

So, there you go. More posting whenever I arise from my slumber, later today. 😀

Example of the stupidity I have to deal with here.

Here’s a comment from a “Charles”:

Author : Charles (IP: ,

E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
You’re obviously fond of the adage, “Might makes right,” as you seemingly feel that any time people say things to or about you on the internet they should, “man up”, and be ready to fight. This is ludicrous; you cannot effectively defend yourself verbally so you want to be a bully and “prove” that you’re smarter by taking the ignorant road and using violence.

You made some things painfully clear in the video; you are not educated and you have mental health issues. You aren’t crazy; you just have a chemical imbalance and a learning disability. However, I believe that your lack of education is what leads you to the conclusion of violence. And while your mental health issues are ones I can empathize with, having both dyslexia and ADD, they do not give you a pass.

On the parts of the video that were addressed specifically to me; I never said your family DID enslave black people, I said it was possible. I find it fantastic that your family held no slaves, but they were essentially slaves themselves. I applaud your efforts to find answers to this question, as I’ve had to do similar research concluding in my royal lineage in Spain being murdered in a peasant revolt (sweet justice).

The funny thing about all these topics is they have absolutely nothing to do with white privilege. Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean you’re not in a privileged position. I know this may be difficult for you to grasp, but there are things outside of your understanding; namely, the idea of white privilege.  I recommend Tim Wise as a good start on the subject as it is too long and difficult to explain in a comment:

Tim Wise also has a fantastic series of videos talking about this issue. Please remember though, I am only recommending him because he has an absolutely fantastic understanding of the issue and can explain this more succinctly than I ever could, regardless of education.

To close, what I said you could not pass judgment on was whether or not the ad was racist. The reason I said this is because you were saying what people could or should find racially offensive while speaking from a position of ignorance. Look, you have a right to your opinion like anyone else but if you spout some uninformed bullshit I will call you on it. I don’t say that women don’t have a right to get angry about sexist jokes or tell victims of rape to just, “calm down” when someone makes light of rape; neither is my place as I am ignorant of both. You have to understand this point otherwise a dialog is a waste of time.

My video response:

Special Video Reply: Answering the stupid charge of “White Privilege”

….and the accusation that my forefathers or family persecuted Blacks and that I should not be able to Judge Blacks…

This was shot in response to a comment that I received on my blog; which of course, I did not approve. When someone leaves a comment on my blog, I get an e-mail. Unfortunately, when that e-mail came in, I deleted it, and with GMail’s priority mailbox feature, once you detail an e-mail, it is gone and does not go to your trash folder. So, I lost the original comment. But this here is my response to this anonymous douche-bag’s comment.

The Video — Let me apologize in advance for the language; but right now, I’m pretty steamed about that comment. 😡

So, like I said in the video:

1. White Privilege is a bogus charge against me, and I explain why in the video.
2. The charge that my family lines going back to the time slavery would have persecuted blacks is also bogus. And I explain that in the video.

3. Those calling me mentally ill, are welcome to do it to my face.

By the way, I’ve written all of the above on here before; but because people do not know how to look stuff up; and then run their mouths about me and/or leave stupid comments, I am forced to make videos like this.

By the way here’s my Bank Statement:

Kiss my “White Privileged” hairy white butt! 🙄

….and yeah, I earned that little stash I made, right here on this blog; and I am damned proud of it.

Message to Rep. Sheila Jackson, Maybe we should investigate militant Negros who want overthrow our Country

The headline is provocative one and for a damned good reason.

First the video:

The Story via CNSNEWS:

( – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”

In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.

Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”

Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”

Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not — your distinction is not answering the question.

This proves it right here; that liberals equate small time lone wolf criminals to foreign funded Muslim terrorists. I see the point she is making; and it is a stupid one, there is no comparison.

While we’re on the subject, why don’t we investigate terrorist Negros that would like to see our so-called “White Controlled Government overthrown, like these people here:

or maybe as to the funding of this man here:

This is what we ought to be investigating in this Country, is how things like this were funded by Liberals in this Country.

We as Americans are supposed to be sane, rational people. We are told that not all blacks feel this way. We, as Conservatives, who reject the idea of “group thought” or collectivism, are not supposed to believe that all blacks feel this way. However, when you have a liberal senator comparing the actions of a few extremists to the actions of a globally funded group of Muslim terrorists; one must ask, where do her loyalties lie? One must ask, does she agree with the militant Negros like the ones in the video above? Who, by the way, agree with Al-Qaeda terrorists, — that America should be destroyed.

It is questions like this, which I ask on this blog. There is a battle for the soul of America; these are two of the groups, which wish to overthrow the power structure in this Country. This is why I blog, this is why I write, to fight against this liberal, idiotic mentality; because I do not wish to see my Country overran by those who wish to destroy her from within.

It is a fight that I will continue to battle till my dying days.

Update: Moonbattery Agrees with me.