Enough is Enough!

I guess that you can consider this my “It’s on, Motherfucker!” Posting. I have sat back on the god-damned sidelines long enough. I have watched as Charles Foster Johnson has continued to slime a fellow Georgia Brother, A fellow Conservative, and a fellow brother in Jesus Christ. I am referring to none other Robert Stacy McCain.

I guess you could say; that I have just fucking flat out had it “Up to here!” with the fucking bullshit accusations against us on the right, that are against the fucking bullshit communist foreign policies of the Obama Administration, as being racist. I guess you could say that I am just fucking flat tired of the fucking collectivist bullshit tripe, that flows out of the mouth of those who want blame every last god damned fucking person under the planet, that has Conservative leanings; for the actions of a few idiots who want to try and discredit this movement of humanity against this administration.

I had some anti-LGF ads up here, that I ran for free. I removed them; because I had some questions that I really felt had not been answered good enough for my liking. Well, they were answered and it seems that Charles Foster Johnson is in full on smear mode. Well, I’ve fucking had just about god damn enough of it. šŸ˜”

Hold on to your hats, this might get a bit ugly.

It just so happens that we Conservatives were basically Anti-Slavery, and Anti-Racist for many years. Hell, Abraham Lincoln fought the civil war over the issue. However, the side that is not told about it is this; The Confederation Army did NOT go to war with the union over this; it was over CENTRALIZED Government! The Confederates knew that if the Union instituted a centralized Government, that freedoms would be lost and they decided to go to war.Ā  What is also not told, is that fact that Lincoln’s army basically committed what would be known today as acts of terrorism. That is what this song here is all about. Abraham Lincoln knew god-damned well, that he could not win the war against the south by fighting a war, by the rule book. So, he fought it dirty and won. Some people say this is a fallacy, but I call bullshit; I have read the writings of the confederates and believe me, it was a nasty war, fought by fucking cowards who could not win any other way.

….and then there’s the issue of the Negros……

After the war was fought and won; Slavery was abolished. A good thing, I might add. Holding people against their will and using them for labor and profit, is not only stupid, it is ungodly as hell. For this one thing; I will give Abe Lincoln credit for. But everything he did to the South was just fucking rotten and I still consider the fucking bastard a god damned traitor. The truth is; Lincoln was forced into the position, because of political issues, NOT because he wanted to:

“I will say, then, that I AM NOT NOR HAVE EVER BEEN in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever FORBID the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race.”

ā€” 4th Lincoln-Douglas debate, September 18th, 1858; COLLECTED WORKS Vol. 3, pp. 145-146

Yes, that is a real quote, here’s another:

“What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races.”

ā€” Spoken at Springfield, Illinois on July 17th, 1858; from ABRAHAM LINCOLN: COMPLETE WORKS, 1894, Vol. 1, page 273

“See our present condition—the country engaged in war! Our White men cutting one another’s throats! And then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or another.

“Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated.”

ā€” Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862, from COLLECTED WORKS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Vol 5, page 371

So, Abraham Lincoln; putting his personal feelings aside, pushed for and got; the outlawing of slavery in the south. Not long after that, the group known as a the “Radical Republicans” fought for and got a commission in the south to restore the South’s economy. Later, this was stopped by the Democrats of the day and as a result, many blacks and poor whites in the south ended up being sharecroppers. Still, the Slaves were freed.

But they still were not satisfied.

After slavery, some white men in the south were not too keen on the idea of black men roaming freely around in their towns; decided that the two races should be separated. Because they felt that the Negro man was not exactly known his civility. Now honestly — I do not agree with this; and I believe that it was a flawed mentality. However, I believe that it was the personal right of those, who chose to do this, to do it.Ā  Senator Barry Goldwater agreed with me; and refused to sign that unconstitutional so called “Civil Rights Act” of 1964.

The Negros fought and won against the Southern racist Democrats; however, they did trample on Constitutional rights to do so. But the fact is; they won. None of them are in chains, and they can now roam free as they wish, they cannot be arrested for eating in a “White” restaurant anymore. Those days are over and yet, some of them act like it is still 1945.

…and now, Today.

It can be said with the most confidence; that the age of “Jim Crow” and that of the mentality of the Klansman is officially dead. Oh, sure; there are those who are of the depraved, unenlightened mindset that still believe that the Negro man is not of the same elevated mindset of the white race. But those people have been long marginalized and largely discredited. America has elected aĀ  half Negro President; I refuse to call him “African-American”, either your American or African, make up your god damned mind! I say half Negro, because many forget, President Obama is half a White man too.

Yet today, you have the people of the very same party, that fought to keep the Negro race in chains; the very same party that fought to keep the negro race segregated; accusing the very people who agree with the political ideology, that freed the slaves in the first place — of being racist! —- and this after an Black President has been elected! President Obama is a a Democrat, he is a socialist! Therefore he is prone to critique by those of us, who disagree with the ideology of the Democratic Party!

What really ticks me off, is the collectivist mindset among these Socialist Democrats, who seek to blame the entire Conservative movement; for the actions of a few protesters. This is just absolutely asinine and smacks of that collectivist mindset, that the Socialist Liberal Democrats are known for; herding the cattle onto the plantation.

So, in solidarity of my Southern Brother Robert Stacy McCain, I present this song. May the spirit of the Southern Conservative never die and may we always be known as those who stood and fought against those who would try and destroy our Country.

Update: Video was removed, I guess Charles Foster Johnson’s trolls are lurking about. No matter; I still feel the same way and I will NOT submit or surrender to socialist assholes who want to smear those of us, who fight for freedom and against Islamic Jihad.Ā  (Fixed typo…. d’oh!)

and I still say to Johnson, Bring it on prick, because I can dish it out, as much as I can take it. šŸ˜”

Gore-backed firm takes money from Government to build car that nobody can afford.

This is an outrage!:

A tiny car company backed by former Vice President Al Gore has just gotten a $529 million U.S. government loan to help build a hybrid sports car in Finland that will sell for about $89,000.

The award this week to California startup Fisker Automotive Inc. follows a $465 million government loan to Tesla Motors Inc., purveyors of a $109,000 British-built electric Roadster. Tesla, like Fisker, is a California startup focusing on high-end hybrids, with a number of celebrity endorsements that is backed by investors that have contributed to Democratic campaigns.

Fisker’s Karma hybrid sports car, above, will initially cost about $89,000.

The awards to Fisker and Tesla have prompted concern from companies that have had their bids for loans rejected, and criticism from groups that question why vehicles aimed at the wealthiest customers are getting loans subsidized by taxpayers.

“This is not for average Americans,” said Leslie Paige, a spokeswoman for Citizens Against Government Waste, an anti-tax group in Washington. “This is for people to put something in their driveway that is a conversation piece. It’s status symbol thing.”

via Gore-Backed Car Firm Gets Large U.S. Loan – WSJ.com.

Ten years ago, my reaction would have been, “So what?” But now that I am a bit older and much wiser; when it comes to politics, this just sends me through the roof. Why the hell are my tax dollars being used to build a car, that no one that I know of, including me; could even afford? I hate to break to you all, but I just do not have $89,000 laying around to buy a car.Ā  Much less an electric car! šŸ™„

The just totally reinforces the idea, that the Democratic Party does not give a flying flip about the average common man anymore. They are simply out to fulfill their own warped agenda and if they happen to step on anyone in the process, so be it. Ā  I mean, look at Al Gore; the dude has gotten filthy rich on peddling paranoia about Global Warming. This another one of those investments for himself. The sick part is, he is using tax dollars to further that warped agenda of his.

Here is my question to Al Gore and his countless number of supporters; Mr. Gore are you planning on using Union Labor to build these cars with? After all, the Democratic Party has used the big labor vote as its resident useful idiot for many years, have they not? It is kind of like the African-American community, because seeing the Democrats cannot keep the Negros in slavery anymore, they have to use them for something; so, why not votes?

Yeah, I know, what I wrote up there was potentially offensive; it is no more offensive than the millions of babies that are slaughtered at the hands of the Socialist Liberal Democrats, who enacted such legislation. It is no more offensive that the millions of Children, that are molested at the hands of homosexuals; of whom that party enables.

Mr. Gore, I await your answer. Of course, I will not hold my breath, least I turn blue and die.

Black Teens Charged in School Bus Beating of White Teen

This comes via Gateway Pundit; an update to a story that I published about a week ago or so, about two black Teenagers who beat a white kid —- for sitting in the wrong seat.

St. Louis Today Reports:

Two Belleville West High School students were charged under the juvenile code today with felony counts of aggravated battery stemming from the violent beating of a 17-year-old student on a school bus earlier this week.

The incident grabbed national headlines and incited a heated debate about race when police said the incident, involving a white victim and black assailants, may have been racially motivated. They later recanted that claim.

The two teenagersā€”who are 14 and 15 years-oldā€”were charged as juveniles because they are under the age of 17. Illinois law shields the disclosure of their names because they are minors.

Juvenile courts are more informal and private than adult courts. Juvenile court records are not available to the general public.

Jim is happy about it. But I do not think that it is enough. I believe these kids should be charged with hate crimes as well. Because it is quite obvious to me that this beating was racially motivated. I mean, why else would two black kids beat up a white kid? I mean, Black President is in the White House; so, why not beat up a white kid? It just makes sense to me. They should be tried on hate crimes.

The fact is folks; that given the chance, most blacks will beat up a white person. It is seen by blacks as a chance to get back at the white man for the way that the black man was treated for years.Ā  But the way our socialist liberal justice system is rigged, things are just not right. You let a group of black men beat up a white man and it is treated as a normal assault; but you let a group of white men, beat a black man; and it is automatically treated as a hate crime. A frightening example of this is the Christian Newsom murders that took place back in 2007.Ā  Tennessee was absolutely cowardly for not tossing in a hate crime charge, on top of the murder charges as well. Thus a perfect example of the absolute hypocritical state of our justice system in this Country.

It is, truly, a sad state of a affairs in this Country of ours.

Updated: So this is what happens when you put in a Black President? Two Teens Charged


The Story:

A Belleville West High School student was beaten aboard a bus on the way to school Monday, and a police spokesman said the beating could be racially motivated.

The 17-year-old victim was white and the teen assailants were black. Police released a video of the beating, which shows the victim being punched repeatedly while other students on the bus gather to watch, some cheering. It doesn’t appear that the victim did anything to provoke an attack and tried only to defend himself. Police said it all unfolded in a five-minute span.

The victim was trying to find a seat and was told by two students he could not sit next to them, police said.

As he walked to the seat, someone shouted, “Beat his ass.”

When he did sit down, one teen tried to push him out of his seat then began grabbing the victimā€™s neck and punching him in the face.

With each punch, some in the crowd chanted, “Boom, boom, boom.”

The victim eventually returned to his seat, but another student began taunting him a few minutes later. The victim was then struck in the face.

It was unclear what, if anything, the bus driver did to stop the attack. At one point, before the second attack, a man shouts, “Sit down guys.”

Students intervened to help the victim both times.

“In my estimation, it’s racially motivated,” said Capt. Don Sax of the Belleville Police Department. He said one reason he had formed this opinion was that many of the students, most of whom were black, yelled their support for the beating.

“There was absolutely no justification for the beating either time,” Sax said.

Of course, when Obama’s people got to him and told him he had better change his story; the police backed off:

A Belleville police spokesman now says an incident where a white student was beaten by teen black assailants on a bus ā€œmay not be racially motivated.ā€

ā€œIt was premature on my part,ā€ said Belleville Police Capt. Don Sax. ā€œIt was my personal and emotional comment after only seeing the video briefly.ā€

Sax said police interviewed the 17-year-old Belleville West High student. However, he said he was unaware of what the student told police.

Some of the students on the bus yesterday during the incident cheered the beating, the video shows.

Sax said a formal statement would be made available later today.

ā€œAfter having reviewed the video, it doesn’t strike me nearly as racially motivated,ā€ Sax said.

The about-face came this morning as the story made national headlines. Although, Sax said it was purely his review of the video that changed his mind.

Belleville has had a long history of racial turmoil, with a past that includes police harassment of black motorists, cross burnings and discrimination in city hiring.

The divide began a century ago, in 1903, when a black man was lynched by a mob of 5,000 people in the town square, set on fire and dismembered.

Yeah, Uh-huh, I wonder what Obama threatened you with, your job? Of course it was racially motivated! It is almost ALWAYS racially motivated whenever a black kid beats up a white kid, ALWAYS! Amazing, these black kids will get a slap on the hand and will get some detention or something to that effect; if they’re lucky.Ā  Meanwhile, Our prisons are filled to overflowing with White people, who just “Beat Up” a black man.

Amazing. šŸ™„

Others: Bob McCarty Writes, Moonbattery, thedanashow.wordpress.com, The Rhetorican, Stop The ACLU, theblogprof and JammieWearingFool

Update: Two Teens were charged under the juvenile code today with felony counts of aggravated battery.Ā  It was not the hate crime charge that I was hoping for; but I will take this. Hopefully these thugs learn their lesson. It’s too bad though that they were not tried as adults and had hate crimes on their records too. But, this is a half victory for white people everywhere. It should be a message to the black community that you cannot beat up white people with impunity .

Marc Garlasco Suspended

A little follow up on the Nazi collector, who just happens to be a military analyst for Human Rights Watch.

The New York Times reports:

A leading human rights group has suspended its senior military analyst following revelations that he is an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia.

The group, Human Rights Watch, had initially thrown its full support behind the analyst, Marc Garlasco, when the news of his hobby came out last week. On Monday night, the group shifted course and suspended him with pay, ā€œpending an investigation,ā€ said Carroll Bogert, the groupā€™s associate director.

ā€œWe have questions about whether we have learned everything we need to know,ā€ she said.

The suspension comes at a time of heightened tension between, on one side, the new Israeli government and its allies on the right, and the other side, human rights organizations that have been critical of Israel. In recent months, the government has pledged an aggressive approach toward the groups to discredit what they argue is bias and error.

Injected suddenly into that heated conflict, word of Mr. Garlascoā€™s interest seemed startling to many. The disclosure ricocheted across the Internet: Mr. Garlasco, an American, was not only a collector, he has written a book, more than 400 pages long, about Nazi-era medals. His hobby, inspired he said by a German grandfather conscripted into Hitlerā€™s army, was revealed on a pro-Israel blog, Mere Rhetoric Mere Rhetoric, which quoted his enthusiastic postings on collector sites under the pseudonym ā€œFlak88ā€ ā€” including, ā€œThat is so cool! The leather SS jacket makes my blood go cold it is so COOL!ā€

It was a Rorschach moment in the conflict between Israel and its critics. The revelations were, depending on who is talking, either incontrovertible proof of bias or an irrelevant smear.

…and what this guys response?

Ms. Bogert called the attacks on Mr. Garlasco and her group ā€œa distraction from the real issue, which is the Israeli governmentā€™s behavior.ā€

Oh, Yes! It is Israel’s fault that your Military analyst is some Nazi Memorabilia collecting whack job?Ā  What a fucking stupid ass idiot!

The tool goes on to say:

Mr. Garlasco declined to be interviewed. But on Friday he posted an essay with the Huffington Post in which he called the Nazis ā€œthe worst war criminals of all time,ā€ explaining that he was simply a ā€œmilitary geekā€ whose interest grew out of his own familyā€™s history.

ā€œIā€™ve never hidden my hobby, because thereā€™s nothing shameful in it, however weird it might seem to those who arenā€™t fascinated by military history,ā€ he wrote. ā€œPrecisely because itā€™s so obvious that the Nazis were evil, I never realized that other people, including friends and colleagues, might wonder why I care about these things.ā€

Oh Sure, who confronted, play dumb! What a fucking tool. šŸ™„

Yaron Ezrahi, a professor of political science at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said he did not believe that Mr. Garlascoā€™s interest in memorabilia could support allegations of ā€œpremeditated bias.ā€ He said, however, that Human Rights Watchā€™s credibility might have been wounded because Mr. Garlascoā€™s hobby ā€œhas armed the right-wing fanaticsā€ who ā€œwork day and night to demonize any individual or organization that raises questions about the military practices of Israel when they end up even with unintended civilian casualties.ā€

And that is one thing that seems to especially trouble Ms. Cobban, who said in an interview that the controversy played into the hands of the government and its helpers in the fight.

ā€œThey have been given this deus ex machina gift,ā€ she said, ā€œabout the discovery of Garlasco and his out-of-hours hobby.ā€

Well, Ya think? What the fuck else would Jewish people and Israelis think about some asshole liberal human rights organization, who’s military analyst is some sort of fucking Nazi freak? If I were the prime minister or whatever the fuck Israel calls their political leader over there, I would want this ignorant asshole run out on a fucking rail!

If my Christian readers of this blog will please excuse me. I feel the overwhelming need to vent my spleen, please cover your eyes. It is late and I find myself in one of those “Andrew Dice Clay” frame of minds. —- Now can someone please answer me this one fucking simple question? Just why the fuck would someone, who most likely went to the 12’th grade, and went to College and got some sort of nice degree; then ended up getting some sort of cushy job like this, only the fuck himself squarely in the asshole, because some stupid fucking squirrel-humping stupid assed hobby like this?!?!?!Ā  Anyone?!??! I mean, seriously people; What the fuck is wrong with people’s fucking heads?

I mean, I am sitting here, a high school fucking drop out, I have A.D.H.D., unless God decides to suddenly heal me of this disability, I do not have a snowball’s chance in the devil’s hell of ever getting a job like this; and EVEN I KNOW that collecting shit like Nazi memorabilia, is not only stupid, butĀ  borderline mental patient material! On top of this, this jerk off has a fucking classy assed job of making sure that Israel is not breaking human rights laws. I mean, is this fucking mental midget serious? Holy.fucking.hell!!!!!! šŸ˜Æ

I swear; If I could bottle up common sense and sell it as a carbonated soda, I would be a fucking Millionaire. As for this Douche-nozzle, he needs a fucking keg. I mean, Nazi collector, being a human rights watcher for Israel. What the fuck?!

Answering the Leftist Socialist/Communist trolls

This plopped into my comment section.

New comment on your post #13012 “This here makes what I do totally worth it. ”
Author : Jerry (IP: , adsl-71-137-240-218.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net)
E-mail : cheneyinjail@aol.com
URL Ā  Ā :
Whois Ā : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
I don’t understand. Ā You are encouraging a woman who doesn’t want to hear from anyone who she doesn’t agree with regarding the president (“I just want to hear people who is opposing him”).

You’re encouraging this woman to stop learning, to abandon discourse, and be another zombie who just accepts whatever she hears – even if it’s from the side she agrees with.

What kind of dialogue is that?

Dialogue? There is no Dialogue with Liberals. Because we are right and you are wrong. Just that simple. I will consider dialogue with baby killers, homo enablers and terrorist sympathizers; When your fucking media gets their heads out the collective ass of Democratic Party and President Obama.

The whole problem with you assholes, is you do not play fair….. Just that simple. You lie, distort, and cheat your way to achieve your means. You did it to Bush, you did it to Sarah Palin and now you are doing to the Right in defense of Obama.

So, with me; there is no dialogue …. ever.

When you elected a President for the simple reason that he was a black man. Is when I said, “Let me off of the bus!” Best thing I ever did in my life.

dialogue….Ha! that’s a laugh! šŸ˜†

Former Leftest turned FBI informant exposes ACORN for what it really is

This is quite the interesting read.

The Money part:

In the following weeks, I was made aware of the fact that ACORN had reopened its New Orleans office (several months after the storm). Various groups from around the city informed me that Acorn was upset with us because we were in ā€œtheirā€ community and had not sought approval from ACORN to operate there. I was told that ACORN said that we were ā€œprivileged white people who had come to a Black community as saviors and we refused to work with local Black leadership.ā€

The more I pondered the matter, the more I realized what was happening. As usual in marginalized and impoverished communities, a small group of radical self-proclaimed leaders was insisting that all local aid and relief came through themā€”even if they were AWOL for several months. Though the majority of residents either hadnā€™t heard of ACORN or simply disagreed with their politics- ACORN insisted that they were THE Black leaders. This was upsetting to me. Sure, the local pastor we worked most closely with was Black; but that didnā€™t matter to ACORN. It was as if Pastor Johnson didnā€™t count because he didnā€™t evoke the name of Elijah Mohammed or Malcolm X. It was as if Pastor Johnson didnā€™t count because he didnā€™t submit to ACORNā€™s mandate that ACORN was the sole leadership of Black New Orleanians.

As then director of Common Ground Reliefā€™s 9th Ward project, I was warned by many that ACORN would ruin me politically if I didnā€™t submit to their leadership. I believed in what I was doing and how I was doing it. I refused to submit. The political fallout was almost unbearable. I just kept my eyes on meeting the needs of the community. When confronted by adherents to ACORNā€™s brand of race analysis, I pointed out that ACORN was not there immediately after the storm, so I could not have sought their leadership even if I had wanted to.

Over the following years, that particular style of political attack was prominent in New Orleans. Anytime that ACORN was displeased, the other party was deemed a racist. If the other party disagreed with the label or with ACORNā€™s agenda- they were met with ā€œof course you feel that way. You are a racist.ā€ Though it is clearly woefully inaccurate and unethical to use such an accusation as a political attack and as a means of shutting down philosophical debate and discourse, some at ACORN didnā€™t let that stop them. I refused to submit to it. I believed in listening to the majority of the community, who were desperate for our help, and not only to the self-proclaimed leaders. I paid a dear price for it.

via Big Government Ā» Blog Archive Ā» Former Leftist Activist, Turned FBI Informant, Pulls Back the Curtain On ACORN.

Wow…. Just wow… No wonder the census bureau cut these people loose. Ā  My question is this here. Why in the heck were these chuckle-heads involved with the Government, in the first place? I mean, who was the brain-dead fool, who decided that the US Government should be involved with them?

Many questions arise here; and I will bet you that none of them will be answered, until President Obama is safely out of office and living back in Kenya Chicago.

Video: Two From RedState Update

I have been so busy as of late; Writing about crazy Communists and their resignations in Obama’s White House, that I have been slacking in my video postings. Sorry. šŸ™Ā Ā  A one man operation can only do so much. šŸ˜€

Here’s two from the guys over at RedState update:

First up a very funny, but quite offensive tribute to Ted Kennedy:

…and an alternative to Obama’s School Speech: (Content Warning! Half Naked Chicks, Booze and Sex!)

RedState Update’s HQ

Yes, The AP was stupid….

Yes, They were.

That is all.

However, Villainous Company makes a very valid point:

When you decided to allow journalists to photograph the coffins of returning service members at Dover, you broke down a barrier that should have been left intact.

Since the dawn of time, human societies have had taboos. They exist for a reason. They exist because some things simply ought to be unthinkable, and nothing short of a total ban will prevent some people from pushing the envelope.

The media have contended, over and over, that the photographing of coffins and dead bodies and wounded soldiers or Marines thrashing about in agony are necessary to help the American people understand the cost of war. Evidently, the availability of graphic war movies depicting fountains of blood and oozing gore are insufficient visual aids.

The Associated Press took all of one hour to balance the newsworthiness of graphic photos of a fellow human being’s last moments against the wishes of Lance Corporal Joshua M. Bernard’s grieving family. In the end, compassion and human decency gave way to the profit incentive. Of course, the AP will claim they were motivated by elevated concerns that the American public, despite being exposed to violent and graphic footage on TV, cable, and at the movie theater on a daily basis, are too stupid to comprehend that explosions often result in shredded body parts, blood, agonizing pain, and death.

If that makes no sense to you, you’re not alone.

So if we buy into the notion that we need to see the results of violent episodes to truly understand their consequences, does this mean the media will now begin showing graphic footage of rape victims who have been beaten or tortured or cut to shreds by their attackers?

I tend to believe that Obama and the head of the Military are regretting their decision to allow photos of the war dead. Then again, maybe not. As we all know, liberals do hate our Military. Did not always used to be like that. There was a time when Democrats were the hawks and the Conservatives were the peace lovers. That all changed after 1964; with the rise of the “New Conservative” movement or Neo-Con as it sometimes badly called.

Somewhere, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, and possibly Dick Cheney are smiling.

Next time a liberal tries to tell you that that communism is different, show them this

Take a listen:

That is none other than Democrat Rep. Diane Watson of California. The race-baiting bitch from hell.

Partial Transcript: (H/T Michelle Malkin)

WATSON: You might have heard their philosophical leader. I think his name is Rush Limbaugh. And he said early on, ā€œI hope that he fails.ā€

Do you know what that means? If the president, your commander-in-chief, fails, America fails.

Now, when a senator says that this will be his Waterloo, and we all know what happened at Waterloo, then we have him and he fails. Do we want a failed state called the United States?

And remember: They are spreading fear and they are trying to see that the first president that looks likes me fails.

Now just understand whatā€™s at the bottom line.

And you know we just got, 48 hours ago, we just go back, we were in Beijing, China, Hong Kong, China, we were in Taiwan, we were in Guam, we were all over the Far East.

I just want you to know: People look at the United States as a country that has changed its way and has elected someone from Kenya and Kansas, Iā€™ll put it like that.

And theyā€™re saying, ā€œWe thought you would never do that.ā€

So we donā€™t want to have this young man, and he just turned 48 ā€” we want him to succeed, because when he succeeds, we regain our status. We regain our status.

It was just mentioned to me by our esteemed speaker, ā€œDid anyone say anything about the Cuban health system?ā€

And lemme tell ya, before you say ā€œOh, itā€™s a commuā€“ā€, you need to go down there and see what Fidel Castro put in place. And I want you to know, now, you can think whatever you want to about Fidel Castro, but he was one of the brightest leaders I have ever met. [APPLAUSE]

And you know, the Cuban revolution that kicked out the wealthy, Che Guevara did that, and then, after they took over, they went out among the population to find someone who could lead this new nation, and they foundā€¦well, just leave it there (laughs), an attorney by the name of Fidel Castroā€¦

Her Picture:

A True Blue Communist - Democrat Rep. Diane Watson of California

A True Blue Communist - Democrat Rep. Diane Watson of California

Ugh… Liberals are such ugly cretins.

Video: Everything is made in China!

This guy contacted me via YouTube and wanted to be friends.

Once I saw his video, I totally understood why. šŸ˜€

If anything, this video is just funny because the guy just keeps breaking stuff with his baseball bat! šŸ˜†

The Video: (Mild Content Warning… Crazy swearing Hillbilly with a Baseball Bat!)

Nothing says America better than a Angry White American with a louisville slugger, a junk printer or two and a point.

Updated! It has started: Black Virginia Police Officer threatens to arrest White Man if he holds up Anti-Obama sign Officer Cheeks works for the SCHOOL and NOT the City Police!

…..and they said that this President would be post-racial… I call BS!

The Video: (Via HotAir)

There is a word that comes to mind to describe this fat turd. But I will not utter it here.

I knew this was coming. I just knew it.

The one the really got me was the exchange of:

Man: “This is America!”

Black Cop: “It ain’t no more, okay?”

Folks, something is seriously wrong...


I contacted the Fairfield County Police in Virginia and I received this reply:

Wesley Cheeks is NOT a Fairfax County police officer; he is a security
officer employed by the Fairfax County Public Schools. You may go to
http://www.fcps.edu to contact the School’s Department of Communication
and Community Outreach concerning this matter. They may also be reached
by phone at 571-423-1200.

Thank you.

Patti Smylie
Administrative Assistant to Chief Rohrer
Fairfax County Police Department

So, everyone STOP calling the local police down there and call the School and complain!

Here’s the correct dept. to contact:

8115 Gatehouse Road
Suite 5100
Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone:Ā 571.423.1200

Barbara Hunter
Assistant Superintendent

Remember, Be civil, NO THREATS! Just ask if they know about the incident and if they have seen the video. Click o Barbara’s name to e-mail her.

The Left’s plans to desecrate 9/11

This is unbelievable.

This comes via The American Spectator:

The Obama White House is behind a cynical, coldly calculated political effort to erase the meaning of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks from the American psyche and convert Sept. 11 into a day of leftist celebration and statist idolatry.

This effort to reshape the American psyche has nothing to do with healing the nation and everything to do with easing the nation along in the ongoing radical transformation of America that President Obama promised during last yearā€™s election campaign. The president signed into law a measure in April that designated Sept. 11 as a National Day of Service, but itā€™s not likely many lawmakers thought this meant that day was going to be turned into a celebration of ethanol, carbon emission controls, and radical community organizing.

The plan is to turn a ā€œday of fearā€ that helps Republicans into a day of activism called the National Day of Service that helps the left. In other words, nihilistic liberals are planning to drain 9/11 of all meaning.

A coalition including the unsavory left-wing pressure group Color of Change and about 60 far-left, environmentalist, labor, and corporate shakedown groups participated in the call. Groups on the call included: ACORN, AFL-CIO, Apollo Alliance, Community Action Partnership, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, 80 Million Strong for Young American Jobs, Friends of the Earth, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Mobilize.org, National Black Police Association, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, National Council of Negro Women, National Wildlife Federation, RainbowPUSH Coalition, Urban League, and Young Democrats of America.

Of course, the annual commemoration of the 2001 terrorist attacks belongs to the entire nation, but President Obama and the activist left donā€™t see it that way. They view the nationwide remembrance of the murder of 3,000 Americans by Islamic totalitarians as an obstacle to winning over the hearts and minds of the American people.

Unreal, just farking unreal. The left will stop at nothing to mar the Memory of those who were killed at the hands of terrorists. Maybe it is because the left sympathizes with terrorists.

Be sure an sign up for the 2,996 project. I have. My memorial will post on September 11’th. I finished it a few weeks ago, the post is set to drop on September 11’th at 7:00a.m. EST. It will be a barn burner, I assure you on that. We must, as Conservatives; be the one’s to keep the real meaning of September 11’th alive. Do not allow the Liberals to steal this one from America.

Update: AllahPundit isn’t buying it. Big Surprise there! šŸ™„ This is the same guy who’s got it bad for Megan McCain. Shocka! šŸ˜›

Update #2: Pamela Geller is NOT happy about this at all. šŸ˜®

Others: Michelle Malkin, Right Wing Nut House, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Cold Fury, Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

Michelle Bachmann, Traitor?

Now this sounds interesting….

This comes via Freedom Fighter Radio:

Yes, Michelle Bachmann the latest FAKE Conservative that had recently had TOO swift a rise to national notoriety and gained popularity within the Patriot community with her Academy Award Winning floor speeches pretending to attack the Federal Reserve voted AYE on HR2749 Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. I have looked at two different sources of the voting record of this bill. If someone can show me that these records are inaccurate, please notify me ASAP, and I will call off the dogs.

On July 30th at 10:02 PM this bill that was supposed to have been delayed for 90 days actually passed the House with the help of 54 Socialist Republicans. This vote broke the House rules in order to get passed in the House swiftly. I would michelebachmannbr-mnsuggest that anyone that is in realistic driving distance to one of Michelle Bachmannā€™s townhall meetings show up and expose this vote and make her explain to her constituents how she could possibly have helped pass this egregious bill that will turn over tremendous control to the Federal Government of all crops grown in the US, bankrupt our farmers and even applies the same mandatory control on our backyard gardens. This bill has not passed the Senate yet but we know there is virtually no hope there! Together with the amendment of the water bill which turns over control of ALL water regardless of private property rights is the perfect storm and nailing of the coffin on private property rights in the US.

It is obvious the New World Order has FULL control of the passage of all of these bills no matter how many people shout or how loudly, it has done us no good. Only the bravest and most principled will buck the agenda and sadly there are very few left in the halls of Congress. We need to fire them all and encourage REAL Americans to run for every office in this land.

ALL Minnesota Congressman voted AYE. Calling all MN Patriots and those nearby need to hold their Representatives accountable and explain their vote! Phone calls, emails and townhall meeting participation in mass. The Full list of surprise votes is linked below. How Dennis Cucinich and Marcy Kaptur also went along with this, is beyond words.

You can see the record of the votes by going here. I believe it is important to defend our farmers from those who would want to have Governmental control over them. Ā If Michelle Bachmann is in favor of big governmental control over our farms, she should be replaced with someone else, who does not.

Today in History for August 15, 2009

Man, a whole bunch of stuff happened yesterday… and would you believe, I missed it? Well, I forgot to post the video! šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜›

Here’s what all happened:

Highlights of this day in history: Allies mark VJ-Day as World War II effectively ends; Woodstock begins; France’s Napoleon Bonaparte born; India gains independence; Blast hits Omagh, N. Ireland; ‘The Wizard of Oz’ premieres in Hollywood.

Oh Wonderful…. There are Russian Subs Patrolling Off East Coast of U.S.

As if we do not have enough trouble already.

A pair of nuclear-powered Russian attack submarines has been patrolling off the eastern seaboard of the United States in recent days, a rare mission that has raised concerns inside the Pentagon and intelligence agencies about a more assertive stance by the Russian military.

The episode has echoes of the cold war era, when the United States and the Soviet Union regularly parked submarines off each otherā€™s coasts to steal military secrets, track the movements of their underwater fleets ā€” and be poised for war.

But the collapse of the Soviet Union all but eliminated the ability of the Russian Navy to operate far from home ports, making the current submarine patrols thousands of miles from Russia more surprising for military officials and defense policy experts.

ā€œI donā€™t think theyā€™ve put two first-line nuclear subs off the U.S. coast in about 15 years,ā€ said Norman Polmar, a naval historian and submarine warfare expert.

The submarines are of the Akula class, a counterpart to the Los Angeles class attack subs of the United States Navy, and not one of the larger submarines that can launch intercontinental nuclear missiles.

According to Defense Department officials, one of the Russian submarines remained in international waters on Tuesday about 200 miles off the coast of the United States. The location of the second remained unclear. One senior official said the second submarine traveled south in recent days toward Cuba, while another senior official with access to reports on the surveillance mission said it had sailed away in a northerly direction.

via Russian Subs Patrolling Off East Coast of U.S. – NYTimes.com.

This is exactly what the United States does not need right now. Rogue Subs near our coastal waterways; If the President was a real President and loved this Country the way he should. He would order those vessels out of the area or He would order the Military to get them out of our area.Ā  The President needs to stop playing patty cake with the Russians and give forceful with them. Ether get in line or else, face our wrath. But seeing this is the apology tour President; I do not expect much from him, at all.

Others: Hot Air,Ā Gawker and JammieWearingFool

White House wants snitches!

This is seriously screwed up. Now The Obama Administration wants people to snitch on this who are opposed to the Public Healthcare opinion.

If you see anybody publicly opposing President Obamaā€™s plan to implement a government-centric overhaul of the health care system, the White House wants you to report that person (or persons) ASAP.

From the White House website:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we canā€™t keep track of all of them here at the White House, weā€™re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.

Emphasis added. Of course, as weā€™ve seen in the health care debate to date, the term ā€œdisinformationā€ is used by the Obama White House as a catchall to describe any opposition to the Presidentā€™s push for single-payer, government-run health care ā€” meaning the White House wants to be informed of any forwarded emails or blog posts or any ā€œcasual conversationsā€ that could be taken as opposition to their health care overhaul plan.

The White House has, as yet, offered no explanation of what it is they plan to do with the tips on policy opposition they hope to receive from citizen informers.

Interestingly, as Jake Tapper pointed out on Twitter this morning, the title of that post on the White House is a quote from John Adamsā€™ 1770 ā€œArgument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials.ā€

via Call For Informants: If You Oppose Obamacare, Even in ā€˜Casual Conversation,ā€™ the White House Wants to Know About It – Jeff_Emanuelā€™s blog – RedState. (H/T Michelle Malkin)

That is what I would like to know, what does the White House plan on doing to these people, who decide to oppose the White House plan? Have us all killed? It is to wonder.

This is nothing short of Communist Russia man, or even worse Nazi Germany. Snitch on those who oppose. Get ready folks, because this is going to get ugly, I believe.

Others: JustOneMinute, JammieWearingFool, The Volokh Conspiracy,Ā  Right Wing News,Ā  The Next Right,Ā  The Jawa Report, , Atlas Shrugs, Townhall.com, QandO, TigerHawk, Wake up America, Stop The ACLU, , Argghhh!, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Michelle Malkin

Liberal Hypocrisy of the day

Via Weekly World News:



and the knee jerk reaction from L.A. Daily:

A new poster depicting President Obama as a version of Heath Ledger’s Joker character in The Dark Knight has appeared in Los Angeles, according to rightwing sources. Blog posters to such online sites as American Thinker and Tammy Bruce are predictably in the throes of political orgasm.

The poster, which bears a very superficial resemblance to Shepard Fairey’s famous Obama Hope illustration, has been pasted on freeway supports and other public surfaces. It has a bit of everything to appeal to the drunk tank of California conservatism: Obama is in white face, his mouth (like Ledger’s Joker’s) has been grotesquely slit wide open and the word “Socialism” appears below his face. The only thing missing is a noose.

Hmmmm….. Does anyone remember this?: (Via Big Hollywood)


All one need to do is a quick google image search you’ll all sorts of unhinged liberal stuff against Bush:

You know Stuff like this:


and this:


But yet, the liberal L.A. Weekly will wet their pants over something as simple as calling Obama and joke and a, God-forbid, Socialist?!?!

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrats, Liberals and Socialists.

Others: theblogprof, Hot Air, American Power, Don Surber, Macsmind, Big Hollywood, American Thinker, The washington times Blogs and Conventional Folly