Bill Kristol Enrages Libertarians

Stuff likes this cracks me up. It should not, but it does. 😛

NYT Columnist Bill Kristol basically kicks the Libertarians and fiscal Conservative purists square in the jewels.

Money Quotes:

But conservatives should think twice before charging into battle against Obama under the banner of “small-government conservatism.” It’s a banner many Republicans and conservatives have rediscovered since the election and have been waving around energetically. Jeb Bush, now considering a Senate run in 2010, even went so far as to tell Politico last month, “There should not be such a thing as a big-government Republican.”

Really? Jeb Bush was a successful and popular conservative governor of Florida, with tax cuts, policy reforms and privatizations of government services to show for his time in office. Still, in his two terms state spending increased over 50 percent — a rate faster than inflation plus population growth. It turns out, in the real world of Republican governance, that there aren’t a whole lot of small-government Republicans.

Five Republicans have won the presidency since 1932: Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and the two George Bushes. Only Reagan was even close to being a small-government conservative. And he campaigned in 1980 more as a tax-cutter and national-defense-builder-upper, and less as a small-government enthusiast in the mold of the man he had supported — and who had lost — in 1964, Barry Goldwater. And Reagan’s record as governor and president wasn’t a particularly government-slashing one.

Even the G.O.P.’s 1994 Contract With America made only vague promises to eliminate the budget deficit, and proposed no specific cuts in government programs. It focused far more on crime, taxes, welfare reform and government reform. Indeed, the “Republican Revolution” of 1995 imploded primarily because of the Republican Congress’s one major small-government-type initiative — the attempt to “cut” (i.e., restrain the growth of) Medicare. George W. Bush seemed to learn the lesson. Prior to his re-election, he proposed and signed into law popular (and, it turned out, successful) legislation, opposed by small-government conservatives, adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare.

So talk of small government may be music to conservative ears, but it’s not to the public as a whole. This isn’t to say the public is fond of big-government liberalism. It’s just that what’s politically vulnerable about big-government liberalism is more the liberalism than the big government. (Besides, the public knows that government’s not going to shrink much no matter who’s in power.)

Well, There are some Libertarians that having none of this. Some Libertarians that I happen to read are quite ticked.

David Donadio basically calls Kristol a “Self Loving Liberal” and lays the smack down, albiet nicely:

This is all quite clarifying. In Kristol’s view, modern conservatism has to have “a strong commitment to limited…government,” while passing trillion-dollar drug entitlements. In other words, Republicans aren’t going to restrain the undue growth of government. So, assuming one thinks Obama has a cooler head and better judgment than the GOP has shown on foreign policy of late, why exactly should he vote for Republicans anymore?

Kristol is surely right that a platform geared toward libertarians would fall flat, but he seems to have missed the memo that a platform geared toward neocons isn’t exactly going anywhere either. If the Republicans are going to alienate economic conservatives, foreign policy realists, and a whole rising generation that’ll eventually get wise to the fact that it’s footing the bill for all these bloated entitlements, what’s left? Somewhat socially conservative, self-identifying liberals who support school choice and tax cuts and Israel?

That’s not the swing vote, it’s the staff of The New Republic.

Stephen Bainbridge was not so nice about it, he basically said, “Excommunicate Kristol”:

Kristol thus reaffirms his position at the heart of the trio of reasons the conservative movement is in trouble: Iraq, K Street, and big government conservatism.

It’s true that government has a role. It’s true that sometimes government needs to do big things (like World Wars and bailing out the financial sector). But Kristol wants us to basically punt on the idea that government can be useful, productive, and effective at doing the big things society needs and still be a limited government.

The USA does not need two parties of big government. It doesn’t need two parties that support the nanny state. It doesn’t need two Mommy parties.

The USA does need at least one Daddy party. It needs at least one party that believes in individual freedom and limited government.

The GOP needs to become that party.

The GOP and the conservative movement don’t need Bill Kristol and his ilk. It’s time to kick his ass out.

Memo to Kristol: Put the pin back in the grenade! Before someone or yourself gets hurt! I mean, turning on your own base, which is mainly fiscal Conservatives and Libertarians is just not smart Bill, really. I thought even you would have known better than this.

To what was said above, let me simply say this. That only people that are getting any sort of anything out of this, is liberals. Hell, if they read this, they would be busting a gut laughing. I mean it cracks me up, because the Republican Party seems to be at a loss as to why their party is in such disarray. I submit this as one of the reasons.

The again, this is the same nimrod who was totally wrong about Iraq.

Others: (Left and Right) – Ross Douthat, Upturned Earth, The Corner, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Copious Dissent, Below The Beltway, Wonkette, Right Wing Nut House,, RedState, Washington Monthly, The New Republic and Reason

Is Obama Censoring Free Speech on his Website? Update: Not Obama’s Site

Seems so….

This comes from a site called Abolish the Federal Reserve:

Today, I received an email saying this idea “lies outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which is focused on identifying solutions that we believe can, through a grassroots lobbying effort, receive serious consideration from the Obama administration and/or Congress.”

Let’s hope like hell that this is not the norm.

(Via Twitter)

Update: After a few requests, me forgetting and being reminded, again. I want to be sure and point out that was an still is a PRIVATE website. was the OFFICIAL Obama transition team site, which now redirects to the White House website. was a private venture, and still is.  Thanks to reader Tony Spears for pointing this out. I totally forgot to update this before. Ooops!

Quote of the Day

Likewise, the paper “billionaires” of 1999—whose IPOs had yielded them options worth more than several African countries—were never anything like that rich. Their shares, which were “worth” $30 billion or something, were impossible to sell. The moment these 30-year-old hucksters started trying to unload the stocks, their value would plummet—based as it was on nothing. No profits, meager earnings, nothing more than the fantasy that a “greater fool” would come along to pay hundreds of millions for shares in a company that sold Hindu devotional mousepads made from recycled condoms. In the end, we ran out of fools.

So as I use my quarterly 401(k) statement to clean up after the beagles, I console myself with the thought that the annual gains of 25% which they earned throughout the 90s never really existed. They were promises of consumption, based not on previous savings, but the hope of future loans. Faery, insubstantial creatures of light and air, which vanished with the first ray of the dawn. The beagles, at least, are real.

Alfonzo on The “Declaration of Dependence”

An Excellent Video:

Now, towards of the end of this. He gets off into the weeds about the Unions. I’ll give him a pass on it. Because some of the stuff he says, I kind agree with. But he went overboard with the “They should gotten out from under them years ago…” I disgree with that crap. But the rest of the video is right on point.

Of course, if I was a real butt hole, I could say if it weren’t for the Democrats, his black ass would not have half the freedom that he has now. But to counter that, If it were not for Abe Lincoln, he would be still in chains. So, it evens out. 😀

Still I wish there were more black people, like Zo here who believed this way. But unfortunately most of them got sucked into that stupid socialist identity politics crap. Thanks to tools like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Good show Zo, as always man. 😀

Michelle Malkin goes….Cartoon?

Well, I knew she was short and some feel a little looney… (We’re tiny, we’re tooney, we’re all a little looney!)

Ahem. Anyhow… Michelle draws a line from Cartoons to the Bailouts. Well, the example is rather humorous. But when it comes to the 8.5 trillion bucks that the Government has been using to prop up everyone and their uncle. I was thinking somewhere along these lines here for a cartoon analogy:

Exit Question: Is Donald Duck your typical Democrat? I know Raaaaaacccist!  😉 😛

Starting to wonder about V-Dare.

They’re scapegoating the Job Losses in this country on…Get ready for it.

On a downturn in illegal immigration.

Yes, that is correct, go read it.

Guys, I’m from this Country. I was born here. I grew up in Southwest Detroit, Michigan. I’ve lived in the ‘burbs now since 1989. I entered the work force in 1991. I have not had a full time, good paying, long term job, since 2005. I’m White, I’m here legally and I’m an Natural Born American Citizen.

Where do I fit into that equation?


Scapegoating is the most stupid thing we can do. For as long as I can remember, It was the blacks fault that nobody could find work. Now it’s the Illegals. It’s the easy way out and it is stupid as hell.

Let’s get real people. The downturn is because of the Republican AND Democratic Party Stupidity. Period. End of fucking discussion.



Replying to this Bunch of Drivel:

As I discussed with economic guru Brian Wesbury on tonight’s show, the GOP should demand a real concession as part of a quick deal to get Detroit cash.  I think the price from the Dems should be a cut in the corporate tax rate for MI- and OH-headquartered businesses to Ireland’s 12.5%.  As Wesbury said, it would spark a huge economic revival in the Wolverine and Buckeye states –just huge.  And the teaching moment would be huge as well.

Detroit is going to get the money now or in February.  So get something worth having, House and Senate GOP.

Uh, Hugh? Has anyone bothered to inform you that you all are in the minority in Congress? I mean, you all had your chance in 2003 till 2006 to stop the economic crisis and you sat around and did nothing. You ought to hope that “The One” does not force the desolving of the G.O.P. and outlaws Conservatism in General.

Somehow, I highly doubt at Tax decrease would even help. We’re in a recession, in case you didn’t know. Of course, being the wealthy radio star and all, I would not expect you to know this.

New U.A.W. Ad

Unlike some, I happen to think that it is an excellent video.

Here it is:

How anyone can say that the U.A.W. put the big three where they are now, is beyond me. They did not design the shit cars that the big three were building. Anyone who says that the U.A.W. is to blame is; 1. Anti-Union  and 2. An ASSHOLE in my book.

All this argument is for nought , because Congress has agreed to float the big three with some money.

Glad to see that the people in congress in Washington D.C. have finally, decided that we, the people here in the Motor City are people too. It just never ceases to amaze me, that the people on capital hill will float 8.5 trillion to the various Banks and ask for nothing in return, but you let G.M., Ford and Chrysler ask for help and it turns into a fucking circus. It just does not make sense and it speaks to the attitude towards the working class in this country of those on Capital Hill.  The only Conservative that I have any remote respect for, Patrick J. Buchanan; has been the only one speaking out in thier defense, the rest are assholes. Period, Plain and simple.

Oh, yes! Let’s bail out Wall St., but to hell with Main Street! 🙄

Morons, Assholes, and self righteous pigs. All of them! 😡

Oh Brother!

If Congress does not bail out the big three…. they’re raciiiiiiiiiist!

So says The Detroit’s Council of Baptist Pastors

Minority auto suppliers are being disproportionately hurt by the auto industry implosion, and that is devastating Detroit’s African-American communities, the city’s Council of Baptist Pastors said Tuesday.

At a news conference in Hamtramck, council President the Rev. Dr. Oscar King called on Congress to approve a loan package for Detroit automakers.

“This is not a gift. We are not asking for anything that is not ours,” King said of the federal loans for the Detroit Three. “Taxes go up to the federal government. We’re asking for a reasonable redistribution.”

Oh Brother. 🙄

Yeah, they won’t be able to buy no more fried chicken on Sunday. Poor babies. 😛

I mean, they got their black President, what the hell else do they want?

….and Make the UAW President as Auto Czar? You must be kidding.

(Thanks to the Lew Rockwell Blog)

Further Proof that Neo-Cons are Stupid

Man, I have not been up and hour and I am already reading stupidity.

From the Neo-Con Rag, The Weakly SubStandard, some bozo named Matthew Continetti Says:: (Commenting on this piece here)

How does the Times know what many Americans have been “feeling in their bones”? Does Edmund L. Andrews, who wrote the story, also cover orthopedics? And isn’t the appropriate saying here that Americans have been feeling recession pains “in their pocketbooks,” not their bones? Based on anecdotal evidence, I can report that all that most Americans feel in their bones is the onset of arthritis and maybe a strange tingling right before a thunderstorm.

No, you ignorant piece of stupid shit. The people of America have been feeling this in their fucking bones; because they have been feeling it in their fucking wallets. Of course, you wealthy fucking Neo-Cons would not know a damn thing about that. I mean, you’ve made your fucking money getting rich off being a cheerleader for that beedy-eyed son-of-a-bitch in the White House. So, you would not know what it is like to be under the gun financially.

Folks, do you need any more proof than this, that the fucking idiot Neo-Conservatives, who control the Republican Party at the moment; are so out of touch with the reality that they act as if they’re living in an alternative universe?

No wonder the Republican Party got their asses kicked to the wilderness by the Democrats. It’s because of this stupid shit right here.

The High Price Tag of Nationalizing of America

Seeing I seem to be talking out of both sides of my mouth today. I give you some sobering news.

Want to know how much the bailouts are totally up to be? 700 Billion? That’s an old number now. Very old.

Try 8.5 Trillion. 8.5 flipping TRILLION BUCKS! …and for what? So some Wall Street Investment banks would not go out of business!

The L.A. Times has the story: (Thanks to Reason Hit & Run)

Indeed, analysts warn that the nation’s next financial crisis could come from the staggering cost of battling the current one.

Just last week, new initiatives added $600 billion to lower mortgage rates, $200 billion to stimulate consumer loans and nearly $300 billion to steady Citigroup, the banking conglomerate. That pushed the potential long-term cost of the government’s varied economic rescue initiatives, including direct loans and loan guarantees, to an estimated total of $8.5 trillion — half of the entire economic output of the U.S. this year.

Nor has the cash register stopped ringing. President-elect Barack Obama and congressional Democrats are expected to enact a stimulus package of $500 billion to $700 billion soon after he takes office in January.

The spending already has had a dramatic effect on the federal budget deficit, which soared to a record $455 billion last year and began the 2009 fiscal year with an amazing $237-billion deficit for October alone. Analysts say next year’s budget deficit could easily bust the $1-trillion barrier.


But even deficit hawks such as Walker acknowledge that the immediate crisis is priority No. 1. Just as with World War II, the government can worry about paying the bills once the enemy is defeated.

“You just throw everything you have at the problem to try to fix it as quickly as you can,” said David Stowell, a finance professor at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. “We’re mortgaging our future to a certain extent, but we’re trying to do things that give us a future.”

Washington could wind up spending substantially less than the sum of the commitments. Though the total estimated cost of the government’s efforts adds up to $8.5 trillion, only about $3.2 trillion has been tapped, according to an analysis by Bloomberg.

And not all the money committed is direct spending. About $5.5 trillion in loan guarantees and other financial backing by the Federal Reserve is included in the total.

“The only way those commitments would become obligations would be if the economy completely collapsed, in which case it’s a whole new ballgame anyway,” said John Steele Gordon, a business and economic historian.

Here’s why this even remotely bothers me. Because I, and everyone that reads this Blog; Your and My (if I ever have any) Children, their Children and their Children’s Children will be paying for this damn tab. Because our Government decided to prop up some banks that fund our stock market. All so Clinton could float some loans to high risk customers.

Now for the problem, that’s related to this.

It is official, we’re in a Recession!

CNN Reports: (H/T Meme)

The National Bureau of Economic Research said Monday that the U.S. has been in a recession since December 2007, making official what most Americans have already believed about the state of the economy .

The NBER is a private group of leading economists charged with dating the start and end of economic downturns. It typically takes a long time after the start of a recession to declare its start because of the need to look at final readings of various economic measures.

The NBER said that the deterioration in the labor market throughout 2008 was one key reason why it decided to state that the recession began last year.

Employers have trimmed payrolls by 1.2 million jobs in the first 10 months of this year. On Friday, economists are predicting the government will report a loss of another 325,000 jobs for November.

The NBER also looks at real personal income, industrial production as well as wholesale and retail sales. All those measures reached a peak between November 2007 and June 2008, the NBER said.

In addition, the NBER also considers the gross domestic product, which is the reading most typically associated with a recession in the general public.

Many people erroneously believe that a recession is defined by two consecutive quarters of economic activity declining. That has yet to take place during this recession.

So, the Government throwing all this money and bailing out everyone under the sun, except many the industries that need it, like the Auto sector, was a good thing to do, right?

Uh. No.

The financial market and credit crisis worsened during this summer, prompting Congress, the Treasury Department and the Fed to pump trillions of dollars into the economy through a variety of programs, including a $700 billion bailout of banks and Wall Street firms and hundreds of billions of lending by the Fed to major companies and lenders.

But Lakshman Achuthan, managing director of Economic Cycle Research Institute, said that at this point, the only solution for the recession is time.

“All the hand waving and real cash that policymakers are throwing at the problem won’t change the fact we’re stuck in this nasty recession,” he said. “The ultimate cure of a recession is letting it run its course.”

Achuthan’s research firm tracks weekly leading economic indicators that are supposed to signal a change in direction for the economy four or five months ahead of time. Those indicators are continuing to fall at a record pace.

Still, he said he’s not worried about the current recession turning into a depression, as many Americans fear.

“Even with indicators in a tailspin, this still is only a very severe recession,” he said. “There’s lots of gloom, but we don’t see doom.”

Of course, he did not use the word “Depression“, because he did not want to trigger a massive panic on wall street.  But the truth and the reality is, that we are on a slippery slope to a depression.  The difference between the two is this; The Depression of the late 1920’s and early 1930’s was caused by foolish investors, who basically “Bet The Farm” on a Wall Street bubble, and when that Bubble burst, those people lost it all. This time the depression or recession was caused by a Liberal President who forced an agenda, of giving loans to high risk recipients. When those recipients defaulted, because of a downturn in the economy, those loans went into default. When this happened, our Liberal Congress basically start plugging the holes in the sinking boat, or in this case, began pouring water into the bucket, but the bucket is full of holes; it works for a second, but the water does eventually run out.

The differences are night and day. There are no easy solutions, I wish that there was an easy solution, but most of it goes over my head. How this situation affects me is this; Jobs here in Michigan are scarce. This only compunds that sitution. A full scale depression only makes the prospects of getting another job even worse.  It is not a pretty picture, but it is one that is very well rooted in reality.

Thank You for your support

The Following was made by me. It is my feelings towards those who opposed and still oppose the help that the Detroit Auto Industry needs. It might cost me readers, but it is how I feel.

I declare this photo PUBLIC DOMAIN. Feel free to copy it and post it to your Blogs.

Thank you for your support

Thank you for your support

Update: I posted this for one reason and one reason alone, Washington D.C. will hand over 4 BILLION dollars to Wall Street banks and not even flinch, but when Detroit needs help, they are like “You need a plan.” I am not saying that the companies are not at fault. But it just strikes me as pretty damned funny that Wall St. Gets that help and Detroit gets told to go fuck themselves, in essence. So, Yeah, I’m a little pissed off and a bit jaded at this point. Can’t you tell??!

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Guest Voice: Dear Charlotte – You Are Bankrupt

Dear Charlotte – You Are Bankrupt

By J.J. Jackson

Dear Charlotte,

Even though you are far too young yet to understand this letter, and you are rightfully more interested in seeing how much noise you can make by throwing all of our pots and pans on the floor, I wanted to let you know that I am sorry. I am sorry at what has happened to you. For you see, you are bankrupt.

I know that this will come as a shock to you once you are old enough to read these words considering that you have never held a job, earned a wage or incurred a single debt to your name. But it is true and I am sorry that I was not able to stop this from happening. Believe me, your mother and I tried and tried hard to not have you placed in such a situation. We have worked hard, paid our bills and lived within our means.

It is not because of us, your parents, that you are bankrupt however. Ask your mother when you are older about how every week I toiled at the computer and wrote numerous articles and blog postings about the misbegotten economic ideas of our nation. These are the ideas and practices which are the real reason why, before you can even think about needing to earn a wage to support yourself, you will be tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars in debt to the federal government.

I am sad for you. I am sad for you because these are not burdens that someone who is not yet even two years old should be saddled with. It is not right that the people of this once great nation have stripped you of so much at such a young age and sold you, without permission or without you having committed any crime, into slavery and bound you to serve them and their greed.

A lot of citizens have mortgaged your future for their own present comfort and security. Knowing how it feels to have my own future mortgaged by these same greedy, and dare I say unrighteous, souls I understand that it will only get worse for you as you grow up. Your mother and I already have a heavy weight on our own shoulders in which thousands of our hard earned dollars are taken by the government at the behest of the greedy who did not care enough about their own future to save for their own retirement and believe they are entitled to such at our expense. We are burdened with the heavy cost of other greedy folks who believe that we should pay for their health care because of the virtue of our success while they have not cared one bit to better their own lots in life and acquire that which they desire. And then there are the myriad of other thieves that have compiled agencies of government to demand from us to pay the other debts that they could not pay themselves.

My dear Charlotte, I know it will only get worse for you because it has only gotten worse for us. Already in the past year the government has issued hundreds of billions of dollars in debt certificates, paper money with no substantive backing simply printed on a whim, to line the pockets of people that have made more bad choices in ten minutes than you will make in your lifetime and who believe that they are “too big to fail.” The government calls these debt certificates “money,” but they are nothing more than I.O.U.s which are being financed by foreign governments that will demand the interest we are promising them in return for taking on this debt. Yes, you, my dear, will be tasked to repay these “loans” and all the other spiraling costs of a government run amok beyond sound limits.

For now you will not have to worry much about this looming crisis. There is so much that is of greater importance to you at this moment and for the next few years. You will thrill in chasing the dogs around the living room as they try to escape your all encompassing love and simple desire for just a hug and a sloppy doggie kiss from them. You will be learning your ABC’s and your 123’s and discovering new words. You will be busy trying to mimic new actions you see your mother and I doing and continue trying to sweep the floor, dust the table and clumsily sop up spills with paper towels. You will soon be learning how to ride a bike and to roller-skate. You will undoubtedly revel in enjoying the thrills of the first snow each year and then the first blossoms of spring that will follow. You will eagerly anticipate Christmas morning for many years and what Saint Nicolas has brought for you as a reward for being a good little girl.

I do not write this letter to you in order to strip you of the childish joy you will be filled with over the coming years. I do not expect you to even understand the severity of the situation in which you have been placed even when you are able to read these words, probably asking how to pronounce certain new and unfamiliar ones that you will come across in doing so. I do however write this letter to you hoping that someday, when you are older and wiser and buried by the avalanche of public debt that is bearing down on you, you will find it in your heart to forgive me for not being able to stop the pending disaster which will doom you to a life of servitude to the slothful and the greedy. I hope that you will forgive me for not being able to stop the bad policies of our government that will invariably force you to have to work even harder to support not only yourself but also support all those that the bureaucracy has decided that you must, in addition to yourself, while pursuing the American Dream.

I know that you will be able to succeed in bettering yourself and taking care of yourself but I am sad and disappointed in myself that I have not been able to make it easier on you to live free and experience a greater sense of liberty than the generation before you. I hope and pray that you will not hold it against us, your parents. And I want you to know that I will continue to do everything in my power so that I will, hopefully, one day be able to tear up this letter and never have you read it.

Love eternally,

Your Father

Whew! Internet Advertising will not be affected by Economy downturn

Via The Economist:

AT THE beginning of the year Jeff Zucker, the boss of NBC Universal, a big television and film company, told an audience of TV executives that their biggest challenge was to ensure “that we do not end up trading analogue dollars for digital pennies”. He meant that audiences were moving online faster than advertisers, thus leaving media companies short-changed. Now, near the end of the year, the situation looks even worse, as the recession threatens to turn even the analogue dollars into pennies. Will this hasten the shift towards internet advertising, or will it decline too?

Advertising rises and falls with the economy, though how much is a matter of debate. Randall Rothenberg, the boss of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, a trade association for digital advertisers, points to the remarkable stability of advertising at about 2% of GDP since 1919, when the data began to be collected. This would suggest that ad budgets will move roughly in line with economic output.

But Mary Meeker, an internet analyst at Morgan Stanley, believes that modern ad budgets rise and fall much more than GDP does. According to her estimates, if the economy stops growing, ad spending is likely to fall by 4%. If the economy shrinks by 2%, overall ad spending may fall by 10%. As for the online segment, recent history is cause for pessimism. Between 2000 and 2002, during the dotcom recession, online ad spending in America fell by 27%.

Yet the web has changed a lot since 2002. Back then, gaudy display “banners” on web portals such as Yahoo! and MSN were the preferred technology. These still exist, but they now account for less than 20% of online ad spending. More than half goes to search advertising on Google and rival search-engines, which place small text ads next to results based on the keyword of the query, and charge only when a user clicks on them. In brand advertising, “rich media” ads are taking over from banners. These allow users to interact by clicking, so their engagement can be tracked.

All this makes spending on advertising much less speculative, so that it starts to be treated instead as a cost of sales. This is one reason why online advertising should suffer less than other sorts. This week eMarketer, a market-research firm, predicted that online-advertising spending in America, which makes up about half the global total, will increase by 8.9% in 2009, rather than the 14.5% it had forecast in August. The firm thinks search advertising will grow by 14.9% and rich-media ads by 7.5%, whereas display ads will grow by 6.6%. In short, online advertising will continue to expand in the recession—just not as quickly as previously expected.

Another reason for optimism, says Mr Rothenberg, is that online advertising is making obsolete the old distinction between marketing spending “above the line” and “below” it. In the jargon, above-the-line spending drives brand “awareness” (probably on television) or “consideration” by a consumer planning a purchase (probably in a newspaper). Such spending is often slashed in recessions. Below-the-line spending includes promotions or coupons to whet the consumer’s “preference” for the brand as he nears a purchase, or schemes such as frequent- flyer miles to increase his “loyalty” afterwards. These budgets are more robust. — Rest the Rest

Job Security people…. Job Security…. 😀

Although, BlogAds are not selling here. 🙄 I mean, people $50 for advertising, that is cheap! Come on, Buy people BUY!

Finally – An African-American that gets it!

A very excellent article by Erik Rush on the problems on Wall Street and our Economy.

Highly Recommended! 😀

Money Quote:

Remember affirmative action? It was that lovely social program that (again, ostensibly) promoted access to education and employment to minority groups, usually ethnic minorities, women and those considered socioeconomically disadvantaged. In practice, education and job opportunities wound up being made available to many who were either indolent or unqualified, as opposed to disenfranchised, resulting in inequity, a lowering of standards and bitterness on the part of qualified, industrious Americans who were passed over for these opportunities.

Man, he is ever right. God is he ever.

Guest Voice: Too Much Denial Going On Around Here By By: J.J. Jackson

Too Much Denial Going On Around Here

By: J.J. Jackson

Dear God in Heaven above!  There is so much denial going on right now among Conservatives that I feel like I have just arrived at an AA meeting where there are bunch of first timers, who have been dragged there by their friends and family, and are shouting about how they, “don’t have a problem.”  I have just gotten about as sick of this as I can take and am ready to start slapping you denial riddled fools upside your empty little heads.  So here is my hand and here comes the slap that you all so rightfully deserve.

For nearly the past three weeks I have been hearing conservatives softening their tones on Barack Obama after he beat John McCain and his moderate ramblings on November 4th.  And if it did not sink in when I said in the last paragraph that I am sick of it, then let me reiterate it again.  I am damn sick of it.

You little pansies, and you know who you are, who are talking about giving Barack Obama a honeymoon and talking about waiting to see what he actually does really do make me sick.  You make me sick because a lot of you were the same people who were unloading on him and his Marxist ideology (clearly able to be seen by anyone reading what he has written and listening to anything he has said) for months prior to the election.  He deserved that barrage from the big guns then and he deserves the same firepower, if not more, pointed and unleashed upon him now that he has won. The man does not deserve any sort of a “honeymoon.”  There is no, “wait and see what he will do,” reasoning that is valid.  We know what he wants to do.  He has said it time and time again.  The only question is will he be allowed to do it.

But a lot of you namby-pambies, who try desperately to put forth your conservative, pro-liberty credentials, are denying everything that the man has said and done within his life and his campaign. You are hoping, beyond hope if you ask me, that he will all of a sudden change his stripes and not go full auto Marxist on our butts.  My God, what has happened to you cowards?

I would love to think that you are maybe just scared of saying something that Barack Obama or his “truth squads” might find objectionable and that you are moderating your tones out of fear.  We all know that history is replete with examples of how people with Obama’s ideas deal with their political opponents.  I cannot believe that you actually however believe that things will be different than what he promised when he was on the campaign trail.

Maybe he will be more moderate on taxes?  He will not be if you keep making excuses for him instead of preaching economic reality!

Maybe he will be more reasonable in fighting the war on terror?  If you start giving him a honeymoon and believing that now, all of a sudden, he will see how serious terrorism is, he will not be.

Maybe he will be a little more considerate of the first amendment? Yeah, I see that happening if you start making excuses and take a wait and see attitude!

Maybe he will not rush headlong into trampling on the second amendment? Ok, sure … you believe this despite all his anti-gun, anti-self defense remarks during his life and on the campaign trail why?

Oh, I know what your excuse is because you keep saying it.  You keep saying that now, because he is actually going to be sitting in the oval office and (you assume) held accountable for his actions, he will recognize the reality of the myriad of situations which will confront him and that he will have to act in more moderate ways because his is “smart”.  Yeah, “smart” … that’s what they call spouting Marxist talking points and promoting an ideology that has failed time and again from Mussolini’s Italy to Hitler’s Germany to Stalin’s Russia to Khrushchev’s Soviet Union to Mao’s China to Kim Jong Il’s North Korea to Castro’s Cuba to Chavez’s Venezuela?  Not to mention how it is currently failing in the plethora of European states that continue to struggle under chronically high unemployment rates and legacy costs for the “free” healthcare and welfare of Marxism light and the entitlement mentality.

You want him to change his stance on anything he believes?  You have to unload on him and keep hitting him with the truth.  No honeymoons.  No grace periods.

If I hear one more conservative or so-called capitalist (most of whom I believe are corporatists, in that they are capitalists looking to game the socialist system for their own ends, and not true capitalists) claiming that Obama is “smart,” despite my previous points about his promotion of an idiotic ideology that has always and will always fail, I may have to move from slapping them silly to putting a boot up in where the sun does not shine.  It is a ridiculous notion that you folks espouse.

“Smart” people do not rush headlong down a road that leads off a cliff.  I do not care how many degrees and letters they have after their names.  As we all know the halls of academia are littered with the corpses of people that have such honors behind their names and could not think their way out of a paper bag.  But they can certainly pontificate on the way things, “ought to be,” in their minds and muse and whine about why things are not that way.

It is time to stop denying who Barack Obama is, and always has been, and admit that he has given no reason to “hope” that he will be anything other than the man he has shown us to be.  It is time to admit that in order to “change” him (and the course this country has been on for the previous century regardless of what liberals believe) that he must be ridden and ridden hard.  He must be constantly smacked upside the head with the facts and not allowed to get by on good looks, charm and lofty, vacuous rhetoric.  He must not be given a free pass.  He must not be given a honeymoon.  And most importantly he should not be given any more credit than he is due.

Right now, his credit is zero.  So get up and stop being a bunch of wishful hopers like the mindless Obamatons that voted for him are.  And stop feeling, as they do, that by merely having “hope” that our troubles will be washed away and get your butts to work.


J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author from Pittsburgh, PA who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the lead editor contributor to American Conservative Daily and also the founder of  He is the owner of The Right Things – Conservative T-shirts & Gifts ( His weekly commentary along with exclusives not available anywhere else can be found at

The Gold Standard – Another view…

….and it’s an interesting one, at that.

From Citizen Economists:

Therein lies the fundamental problem of gold as a backing for fiat money, or as a direct global currency.

There simply is not enough gold on the planet, existing above ground or yet to be mined, to back all the fiat currencies that have been created to accommodate the continually rising population in this world.

Better yet, if we applied simple supply and demand laws, the price of gold would reach enormous proportions compared to the universally accepted world standard of the equivalent US$700 per ounce at today’s values. Careful, please, the price may rapidly move or down from that level!

We know reasonably well how much gold there exists on the planet. We also know approximately who owns how much, both in physical gold and in reserves still to be mined. With the expected gold craze to continue, major exploration and mining companies are hoping to bring those underground reserves to daylight to join in the speculative fever of potentially recovering gold.

For example, Northgate Minerals Corporation (TSX: NGX, AMEX: NXG) announced September 8, 2008 that it found new mineral reserves at its Australian site, including some 140,000 ounces of gold. In their press release, the company stated that the find “will extend the current mine-life by an additional 18 months until the fourth quarter of 2011.” ( (

If you do simple math and use today’s value at $700/oz., that results in some $98 million. At a cost of some $20/oz, that results in a nice profit for the company and its shareholders.

However, that amount pales on a macroeconomic level.

Egad, don’t tell that to the people that support Ron Paul, The Ludwig von Mises Institute or the people that are hawking gold on all the Conservative sites that run the ads for gold. The only response to this that I can offer is, if they ended the federal reserve bank and stopped the mass production of money. Perhaps we could go back to the gold standard. However, I will be the first to tell you that I am not, nor have I ever been an expert in economics.

It is an interesting article, I do recommend that you read it.