Starting to wonder about V-Dare.

They’re scapegoating the Job Losses in this country on…Get ready for it.

On a downturn in illegal immigration.

Yes, that is correct, go read it.

Guys, I’m from this Country. I was born here. I grew up in Southwest Detroit, Michigan. I’ve lived in the ‘burbs now since 1989. I entered the work force in 1991. I have not had a full time, good paying, long term job, since 2005. I’m White, I’m here legally and I’m an Natural Born American Citizen.

Where do I fit into that equation?


Scapegoating is the most stupid thing we can do. For as long as I can remember, It was the blacks fault that nobody could find work. Now it’s the Illegals. It’s the easy way out and it is stupid as hell.

Let’s get real people. The downturn is because of the Republican AND Democratic Party Stupidity. Period. End of fucking discussion.