Further Proof that Neo-Cons are Stupid

Man, I have not been up and hour and I am already reading stupidity.

From the Neo-Con Rag, The Weakly SubStandard, some bozo named Matthew Continetti Says:: (Commenting on this piece here)

How does the Times know what many Americans have been “feeling in their bones”? Does Edmund L. Andrews, who wrote the story, also cover orthopedics? And isn’t the appropriate saying here that Americans have been feeling recession pains “in their pocketbooks,” not their bones? Based on anecdotal evidence, I can report that all that most Americans feel in their bones is the onset of arthritis and maybe a strange tingling right before a thunderstorm.

No, you ignorant piece of stupid shit. The people of America have been feeling this in their fucking bones; because they have been feeling it in their fucking wallets. Of course, you wealthy fucking Neo-Cons would not know a damn thing about that. I mean, you’ve made your fucking money getting rich off being a cheerleader for that beedy-eyed son-of-a-bitch in the White House. So, you would not know what it is like to be under the gun financially.

Folks, do you need any more proof than this, that the fucking idiot Neo-Conservatives, who control the Republican Party at the moment; are so out of touch with the reality that they act as if they’re living in an alternative universe?

No wonder the Republican Party got their asses kicked to the wilderness by the Democrats. It’s because of this stupid shit right here.