Blogs 4 Borders is going on long term Hiatus!

It seems that my friends M.J. and Jake are going have to put Blogs for Borders on Long term hiatus, due to a personal financial situation. Hey, it’s tough everywhere right now, including in the world of border security. I know their pain, all too well, this is why I stick up for the middle class on this Blog.

Here’s their “final” Video:

I don’t know if they’ll be back, but until then, you can head on over to their Blog called “Freedom Folks” and check out the latest on the battle against illegal immigration.

Guest Voice: Welcome To Obamaburger. May I Take Your Money

Welcome To Obamaburger.  May I Take Your Money?
By: J.J. Jackson

Behind the counter is an Obamaburger employee busily filing her fingernails and who barely looks up as a young man approaches her, bypassing a longer line at another register which does not seem to be moving. “Welcome to Obamaburger.  May I take your money?” she asks listlessly.

The perplexed customer responds, “Don’t you mean take my order?”

Her response, without so much as a look is, “Sir, you’re holding up the line.  Don’t make me call security.”

The customer, looks behind him and notices that he is the only one in this particular line but not wanting to cause a fuss replies hastily, “Geez, ok.  Uh … let’s see.  I will have –”

“Sir, I need your Social Security Number first.”

“Excuse me?” the customer asks.

“Your Social Security Number sir.  You’re holding up the line again.”

“What line?”  Now, very confused the customer asks again, “What do you need my Social Security Number for?”

Finally looking up from her “work” the employee gets very testy at the delay and the line of questioning.  “That’s it, I’m calling security –”

“What? No …” scared at what is going on the customer finally concedes to her demands, “Alright my number is 123-45-6789.”

Sighing at the thought of having to finally do something productive, the lady behind the counter starts punching numbers into her register, “One moment while I pull up your tax return for last year.”

“My tax return?  What the hell are you doing?”

Read More …

Creepy, Freaky and quite deaky!: Obama to appoint an “auto czar?”

(H/T to Michelle)

Full Disclosure: My Dad is a retired G.M. Employee and Union member.

You know, living here in the middle of all things Liberal, being a Libertarian Conservative is a bit, well; Odd. It does have it’s advantages. I tend to be a bit more Moderate about things. However, this one here spooks me.

This one’s via US News and World Report:

The troubles of the ailing auto industry are quickly becoming a major focus for President-Elect Barack Obama’s young administration. As Congress and President Bush debate an industry bailout, sources indicate that Obama may favor creating a White House office, headed by an “auto industry czar,” to oversee reforming the troubled American auto industry.

The Detroit News reports that both “Bush and Obama are signaling they may favor appointment of an auto czar to oversee the government’s efforts to funnel emergency assistance to automakers.” Congressional leaders and members of both the outgoing and incoming administrations have all said that automakers might receive federal aid only on certain dictions, including efforts “to further improve fuel efficiency and show that they have a plan to return to profitability. Automakers could also be required to give the government preferred stock in the companies and accept government representatives as board members. As in the 1979-80 Chrysler bailout, workers may have to make wage concessions.”

The press was unable to get direct confirmation of the plan yesterday. John Podesta, the former Clinton administration official heading Obama’s transition team, told the Washington Post “When we have an announcement about that, we’ll raise it.”

While I am bit happy to see that my dad’s 31 years will not be basically flushed down the toliet, because of incompetent managers.  The word Czar being used in the relation to Business, gives me the willies.  Least I be accused to trying to channel McCarthy; I think it reaks of Communism myself.

Could not they use another word? Like Commission, or Overseer, or something? Anything but Czar. 😮

I may just be a old paranoid weirdo, but Czar conjures up images of concentration camps, Nazi’s and all that sort of stuff.

Shocking News: Gay anarchist group attacks Church

This is sick and totally disgusting.

The Story via RightMichigan:

This is what we’re up against.

On Sunday morning, amidst worshiping congregants and following unifying prayers that our President-elect be granted wisdom as he prepares to lead our nation through difficult global, social and economic challenges, the Michigan left declared open war on peaceful church goers.

They did it with banners, chants, blasphemy, by storming the pulpit, by vandalizing the church facility, by potentially defiling the building with lewd, public, sex acts and by intentionally forcing physical confrontations with worshipers.

This didn’t take place in some dystopian, post modern work of fiction and it didn’t take place in San Francisco or Berkley.  This was the scene at a Bible believing church in Lansing, Michigan.


The lefties were a part of a liberal organization known as Bash Back Lansing and their collection of radical blogs, including one of the state’s most widely read "mainstream" progressive blogs (and none which will receive a link on this website) called on "queers and trannies" from across the state and the region to converge on Lansing for what they refer to as an "action."  While many of the members claim to be anarchists (they drove on roads, ate non-garden grown foods, printed materials on products created by government protected free markets, wore clothing, talk incessantly about "organization," etc etc etc) their broader goal is stated plainly on one of their lefty blogs.

"I can tell you that we are targeting a well-known anti-queer, anti-choice radical right wing establishment."

Mount Hope, for the record, is an evangelical, bible believing church whose members provide free 24 hour counseling, prayer lines, catastrophic care for families dealing with medical emergencies, support groups for men, women and children dealing with a wide variety of life’s troubles, crisis intervention, marriage ministries, regular, organized volunteer work in and around the city, missions in dozens of countries across the globe, a construction ministry that has built over 100 churches, schools, orphanages and other projects all over the world and an in-depth prison ministry that reaches out, touches and helps the men and women the rest of society fears the most.  They also teach respect for all human life and the Biblical sanctity of marriage as an institution between one man and one woman.

…….and you wonder why I despise liberals so much?

This is obviously a sign that we as Conservative Christians are now at war. War against a Liberal machine that wants to destroy America and values that we a American and Christians hold dear.

But wait there’s more:

Their other props?  I’ll let them tell you in their own words… from another of their liberal blogs:

"(A) video camera, a megaphone, noise makers, condoms, glitter by the bucket load, confetti, pink fabric…yeh."

The video camera they put to good use as they attempted to provoke a violent reaction.  The image of the pink-clad folks above is one of theirs, stating in a picture worth more than a thousand words the goals of the Michigan left.

The "open minded" and "tolerant" liberals ran down the aisles and across the pews, hoping against hope to catch a "right winger" on tape daring to push back (none did).  And just in case their camera missed the target, they had a reporter in tow.  According to a source inside the church yesterday there was a "journalist" from the Lansing City Pulse along for the ride, tipped off about the action and more interested in getting a story than in preventing the vandalism, the violence and anti-Christian hatred being spewed by the lefties.  We’ll see what he files and what his editors see fit to print.

Do you now see what I mean, when I call the Liberal main stream media as the Marxist Liberal Media? They sat back and watched this Church getting attacked, hoping that the Church would lash out in self defense, they would get it on tape; then they could use against them in the media. A perfect plan.

My dear readers, it is time to stop being pacifists and start defending our own. There is a book, that I highly recommend that ALL Christians read, and that is this:

Others: American Power, Gateway Pundit, Classical Values, Moonbattery, Clayton Cramer’s BLOG, Wake up America, and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

Obama says, “I sorry Nancy!”

Seems like the “Magic One” has already stuck his rather large foot in his rather large mouth.

This comes via Ben Smith’s Blog:

President-elect Barack Obama called Nancy Reagan this afternoon to apologize for a joke about her having held “séances” in the White House, an Obama aide said.

“President-elect Barack Obama called Nancy Reagan today to apologize for the careless and off handed remark he made during today’s press conference,” said transition spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter. “The President-elect expressed his admiration and affection for Mrs. Reagan that so many Americans share and they had a warm conversation.”

Obama was asked at his press conference today if he’d spoken to all the “living” presidents.

“I have spoken to all of them who are living,” he responded. “I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances.”

He was apparently confusing stories about Reagan’s consulting with an astrologer with those about other First Ladies — from Mary Todd Lincoln to Hillary Clinton — who tried to make contact with figures from the past.

Here’s the video:

I’m just going to call him what he is; A classless Negro. There was a time in this damned country, when Barack the Magic Negro would not be even allowed in or near the White House. There was a time, when the only thing Barack the Magic Negro would be allowed to do, would be to shine Nancy Reagan’s shoes or work in her garden.

That idiot had better learn some respect for people like Ronald Reagan. Because we Conservatives will not stand to be insulted like this. Remember Barry, We brought down Bill Clinton, We brought down Dan Rather, we can and will bring you down too, Mr. Floppy ears, if need be. Before anyone screams and says that I threatened “The one”. I am talking about bringing him down Politically, not by any sort of violence at all. .

Others on the Right:, Riehl World View, Macsmind, JammieWearingFool, Michelle Malkin, AlthousePatterico’s Pontifications, Babalu Blog, The Jawa Report, Hot Air, HillBuzz, BizzyBlog, Scared Monkeys

Even More Liberal Stupidity from the comment moderation que

Remember the thing I posted about the school teacher verbally abusing a school kid whose parents supported McCain?

Well, this little gem of mentally depraved Liberal stupidity,  just popped into my comment moderation Que…

Author : donnette (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
Stop hating and be bless that God put a man in charge that is going to make a change and help the america live in a better world.

Stop hating….. Stop hating they say.

Why is it, when someone, like me, points out the fact that Obama supporters are the most vicious, nasty people, I’m called a hater?

Why is it, when I say that Barack Hussein Obama’s biggest accomplishment was being born a black man, when, in fact, he’s nothing more than a half breed, I am called a hater?

Why is it, when I say that Barack Hussein Obama is nothing more than a fucking sleazeball Chicago Politician, I am called a hater?

Why is it, when I say that I happen to think that Barack Hussein Obama is nothing more than a Baby Murdering, Communist Loving, Terrorist friendly, Brain-dead, god-forsaken, Liberal; I am called a hater?

Let me clue you idiot brain dead liberals in on something……. Yeah, you won your fucking election; you got your little negro Messiah. Well, whoopee fucking do! Yeah, he’s the President-Elect. I’ll respect his office. But let me clue you in on something and hopefully I can explain this, where your little fucking pea-sized brains can understand it.

He’s not MY President. He is in the sense that he was elected by the American people. But he’s not in the sense that I agree with his idiotic policies and his rather moronic political ideology. I despise his fucking big Government politics, I don’t buy the fucking bullshit line of, “Government is not the solution to all of America’s problems” that he gave to his brain-dead adoring fans. He DOES believe in big Government or he would not even be a fucking Democrat.

So, to you who come here and read this little blog of mine and want to leave your idiotic comments calling me a hater. I have one thing to say to you.

Fuck you.

No, Seriously, Fuck you. You waltz into my blog, which is owned by me, a site that’s really geared toward those who share my political, religious, and personal beliefs and you dared to leave some stupid fucking idiotic bullshit message of, “You’re a hater” and yet, YOU think that I am going to fucking approve something like that here? You’ve got some balls, my preconception of most dickless liberals aside; I will give you that.

So, there, I said it, I don’t like Obama or his Politics. I feel better. I hope you enjoyed reading this rather razor sharp Blog entry, as I did creating it. 😀

Audio of Barack Obama explaining the Communist doctrine of redistribution of wealth

(A Very Big Hat Tip to Mark Steyn at NRO’s The Corner and Betsy’s Page)

First the bombshell Video, which comes via Naked Emperor News which has a YouTube Account:

The money quote in this video is:

The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf.

Bill Whittle lays the smack down on this whole idea:

The entire purpose of the Constitution was to limit government. That limitation of powers is what has unlocked in America the vast human potential available in any population.

Barack Obama sees that limiting of government not as a lynchpin but rather as a fatal flaw: “…One of the, I think, the tragedies of the Civil Rights movement was because the Civil Rights movement became so court-focused, uh, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. And in some ways we still suffer from that.”

There is no room for wiggle or misunderstanding here. This is not edited copy. There is nothing out of context; for the entire thing is context — the context of what Barack Obama believes. You and I do not have to guess at what he believes or try to interpret what he believes. He says what he believes.

We have, in our storied history, elected Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives and moderates. We have fought, and will continue to fight, pitched battles about how best to govern this nation. But we have never, ever in our 232-year history, elected a president who so completely and openly opposed the idea of limited government, the absolute cornerstone of makes the United States of America unique and exceptional.

If this does not frighten you — regardless of your political affiliation — then you deserve what this man will deliver with both houses of Congress, a filibuster-proof Senate, and, to quote Senator Obama again, “a righteous wind at our backs.”


I happen to know the person who found this audio. It is an individual person, with no more resources than a desire to know everything that he or she can about who might be the next president of the United States and the most powerful man in the world.

I know that this person does not have teams of highly paid professionals, does not work out of a corner office in a skyscraper in New York, does not have access to all of the subtle and hidden conduits of information … who possesses no network television stations, owns no satellite time, does not receive billions in advertising dollars, and has a staff of exactly one.

I do not blame Barack Obama for believing in wealth distribution. That’s his right as an American. I do blame him for lying about what he believes. But his entire life has been applying for the next job at the expense of the current one. He’s at the end of the line now.

I do, however, blame the press for allowing an individual citizen to do the work that they employ standing armies of so-called professionals for. I know they are capable of this kind of investigative journalism: It only took them a day or two to damage Sarah Palin with wild accusations about her baby’s paternity and less time than that to destroy a man who happened to be playing ball when the Messiah decided to roll up looking for a few more votes on the way to the inevitable coronation.

We no longer have an independent, fair, investigative press. That is abundantly clear to everyone — even the press. It is just another of the facts that they refuse to report, because it does not suit them.

Nothing could be more true.

My take on this so-called “Doctrine”. It is nothing short of diluted Communism. The whole idea of spread the wealth, in itself, is a core of socialism and is a form of Communism. The very idea the Government MUST do something for you, is in direct opposition of the principles that America was founded upon.

The very idea that our Government MUST do anything for anyone, is a doctrine of bigger Government, which is a socialist Doctrine and a core doctrine of Liberalism and a core doctrine of Communism.

Quite frankly, I fear for our Nation. I fear because our Nation is about to elect one of the most radical Presidents in the history of our Nation. It has absolutely nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with Politics and politics alone. This man’s political positions are left of Bill and Hillary Clinton. He is not just a Liberal, he is a ultra-Liberal or a Neo-Liberal, and that frightens me. Why? Because I have always said, any political power that goes unchecked or taken to it’s mind-numbing extremes is very dangerous. Barack Obama is a representative of that extreme.

Remember this, when you vote on November 4.

Others Blogging on this: Betsy’s Page, Fox News,, The Corner,, Pajamas Media, FOX Forum, BizzyBlog, FOX Forum, The Volokh Conspiracy, BizzyBlog, Runnin’ Scared, PrairiePundit, Fausta’s Blog, TigerHawk, American Power, The Campaign Spot, Atlas Shrugs, Doug Ross, The Radio Equalizer, Michelle Malkin, Commentary, Blogs of War, Right Wing Nut House, Wizbang, Riehl World View, Scared Monkeys, neo-neocon, This ain’t Hell …, Betsy’s Page, Suitably Flip, HillBuzz, Gateway Pundit

Obama’s Misplaced Robin Hood Complex by J.J. Jackson

Obama’s Misplaced Robin Hood Complex
By: J.J. Jackson

Barack Obama, like any good liberal, has a Robin Hood complex.  This came out plainly when he bluntly told “Joe the Plumber”, a man who has been vilified by the left and has had his actual comment distorted into things he never said, that he wanted to, “spread the wealth around,” by taxing people who make too much.  In this case, Obama has set that bar at a level of $250,000.

When it became clear to the Marxist left who believe in, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” that such ideas were not going to fly in America as they had across Europe, they started to sing a different tune.  In singing that different tune they have co-opted the figure of Robin Hood whose claim to fame, they believe, was that he “stole from the rich” to “give to the poor”.  To an extent it is true, but not to the extent that liberals want you to believe.

Robin Hood is a beloved story told to many children and has admittedly undergone many tweaks and changes over time.  As time has worn on, the left has been able to portray themselves as modern day Robin Hoods who want to take from those that have too much to give to those that have little or nothing.  But the true story of Robin Hood is not simply that he “stole from the rich” and dispersed those spoils to the poor.  Rather, those that Robin Hood fought against were the bureaucrats and the corrupt that kept the people under the heal of their boot.  He fought against what was, at the time, excessive government and those that controlled the reins of power and the feudal order of the time.

In early tales Robin Hood was a member of the freeholder class and a land owner – not someone that was poor himself.  He had no real reason to stand up against the feudal system except that he saw it as wrong.

The Sheriff of Nottingham is perhaps Robin Hood’s best known adversary. In other tellings of the story Prince John was also right up there with the Sherriff and a cruel leader in the absence of King Richard who was off fighting in the crusades.  Both were of the nobility, the “chosen” class, and given fiat powers to rule over the people without consent of the people.  There were, for all intents and purposes, tyrannical politicians. The Sheriff was in fact, the “tax collector” of the day.

The second most famous enemy Robin Hood fights is Guy of Gisborne, whose roll changes depending on the exact story being told.  Whatever version of the story however, Guy of Gisborne is a corrupt figure in the service of the Sheriff either directly or indirectly and a partner in the corruption seeking out Robin Hood.

Others of Robin’s foes are members of the Catholic Church who have turned to corruption like the Bishop of Hereford who was fleecing his congregation for his own betterment.

In fact, Robin Hood was not just a champion of “the poor” but of what was right.  He regularly befriended tradesmen who would join his band of Merry Men.  Businessmen oppressed under the yoke of taxes, farmers, workers and even nobles rallied behind Robin Hood.  In fact, in early tales the “Merry Men” of Robin Hood were pretty well to do yeomen like figures.  They wielded swords, not the quarter staffs of later tales and of poorer folk, and swords were not cheap so one had to have money to have one.

Yes, depending on the telling of the story, the exact circumstances do change.  But overall the theme remains the same – Robin Hood fought against oppressive government and corrupt public officials and even church officials on behalf of the citizenry. Not just the poor, but all the citizenry.

This is a far cry from what liberals like Barack Obama want to do.  But for some reason they still envision themselves as modern day Robin Hoods.  Is it because of ignorance?  Is it because of stupidity?  No, it is because liberals do what they always do.  They change the meaning of words to suit their goals.  They rewrite history to clean their own consciousness while relabeling all the bad things their fellow travelers have done from slavery, to the formation of the KKK to Jim Crow laws to the murder of Jews during Hitler’s reign in Germany as somehow “right wing” and the product of conservative ideologies.  Meanwhile they portray themselves as heroic and fighting for the downtrodden.  Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, the one at the switches and levers that wants to oppress and intimidate you into service.

They ignore the fact that Robin Hood was really more of a conservative than a liberal by today’s definitions of the terms and not a fellow traveler of theirs.  They ignore the fact that he fought against tyranny, the established political order of oppression and high taxes.  They ignore that that he took on corrupt religious leaders and called them to the carpet.  And while ignoring all this, they supplant themselves as the true heir to a false legacy they have created for Robin Hood.

Yes, Robin Hood did steal from the “rich”.  And by “rich” I mean the corrupt politicians and leaders of the day in which the stories are set.  But he did not run around, much to the dismay of liberals, taking on good people who worked hard to make a living for themselves, stripping coin from their purse and running off to give it to another man who had not earned it.

On the other hand, liberals like Barack Obama are all about empowering big government and high taxation.  Which makes them more like the Sheriff of Nottingham or Prince John than any sort of Robin Hood.
J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author from Pittsburgh, PA who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the lead editor contributor to American Conservative Daily and also the founder of  He is the owner of The Right Things – Conservative T-shirts & Gifts ( His weekly commentary along with exclusives not available anywhere else can be found at

Blogs4Borders! for 10/20/2008

Due to the hectic events of earlier this week. I missed this.


Our weekly vlog/podcast on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition…

Illegal aliens & voter fraud? How many illegal aliens are registered to vote? We take a look.

B4B Follow up: 4 months ago Mackenzie Maddox paid the ultimate price for open borders. Now her mom unloads on the lowlife that killed her.

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders.

Download for your Ipod here.

Click on image

If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Depressing Quotes of the Day: Rush Limbaugh and Redstate Prove my Points

Remember what I wrote earlier about Colin Powell’s endorsement of Obama?

Well, it seems that Rush Limbaugh and someone over at RedState has basically proven my point.

Rush Limbaugh wrote to Jonathan Martin the following:

“Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race,” Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. “OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I’ll let you know what I come up with.”

As for Powell’s statement of concern this morning about the sort of Supreme Court justices a President McCain might appoint, Limbaugh wrote: “I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star [general] and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let’s hear it for transformational figures.”

and over at Redstate:

So Colin Powell has endorsed Obama. Let’s see, Powell is pro-abortion. So is Obama. Powell is pro-affirmative action. So is Obama. Powell has stated repeatedly that tax policy should ensure fairness. Obama likewise wants to “spread the wealth.” The endorsement of Obama only demonstrates what unpaid prognosticators could have told those million dollar a year experts years ago. Powell never was a Republican. He has been aligned with the Democrats from the day of his retirement from service.

On today’s talk show, Powell explains: “I think he is a transformational figure.” THAT’S what I’m afraid of. Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot were all transformational too, Colin.

Another note to moderate Republicans: Hey guys, are you happy with your fellow moderate? No? You should be–this is what you moderates do. They pretend in order to achieve status, and then attack the hand that feeds them–to maintain that status. Yes, you keep telling us that Palin’s conservatism is what is sinking McCain. Really? Do you think that McCain picking another moderate would have changed Powell’s position? If you do, I’ve got a nice bridge to sell you.

Affirmative action is now at its zenith here. A unqualified candidate for president who has never run anything; who has never governed anything; and who has policies precisely on line with Karl Marx–is going to be put into our highest office solely due to his race. Doubt me? Just ask if Obama would be where he is at if he were a white man. The answer is inevitable.

The Republican party must clean house or it is lost.

My goodness, the Republicans are not even trying to hide it anymore. It has went from nuance and inferring to outright blantant racism.  The part I put into red is what really disturbs me. The Republicans and Conservatives are now officially channeling McCarthy. The whole Idea is, if you cannot beat him, you slander him with racism and attempt to paint him, as some sort of communist. It is the oldest trick in the book.

The the guy from Redstate tries to claim that Moderates are ruining his party. What a damn joke. It’s the moderates that have kept the Republican Party from becoming the next Whig Party! Which is right where it is heading now. Some would say and good for it too. Myself, I think it is a sad place that the Republican Party is headed. Change is needed within that party, but not this sort of a change at all.

Hmmmmm: Leftist Website posts possible faked threatening voice mails?

As a rule, I am not a overly judgemental person. But something here stinks to the high heavens about this.

The leftist organzation, The People for the American Way’s website Right Wing Watch has posted two supposed voicemail threats leveled towards ACORN on thier website.

Here is what these voicemails said:

“Hi, I was just calling to let you all know that Barack Obama needs to get hung. He’s a fucking nigger, and he’s a piece of shit. You guys are fraudulent, and you need to go to hell. All the niggers on oak trees. They’re gonna get all hung honeys, they’re gonna get assassinated, they’re gonna get killed.


“You liberal idiots. Dumb shits. Welfare bums. You guys just fucking come to our country, consume every natural resource there is, and make a lot of babies. That’s all you guys do. And then suck up the welfare and expect everyone else to pay for your hospital bills for your kids. I just say let your kids die. That’s the best move. Just let your children die. Forget about paying for hospital bills for them. I’m not gonna do it. You guys are lowlifes. And I hope you all die.

Yes, these are disgusting, terrible and so forth.


Are they even real? Listening to these voice mails makes me very suspicious. For one, the woman’s voice on the first message sounds like she is a Canadian. It also sounds like she’s reading a script. The second one also sounds like he is reading a script as well. There is truly a lack of emotion in both of these persons voices, the woman, in fact sounds like she is about to crack up laughing at what she is reading.

I do not claim to be an expert at this sort of a thing at all. But something looks and in this case, sounds very suspicious.  After all, If you are a regular reader of this Blog. You already know that the left is very good at race baiting and outright hypocrisy.

I could be wrong, but something here stinks to the high heavens and the FBI should investigate if these recordings were faked or not.

Michelle Bachmann and the Politics of Division

I write this article neither as a Liberal nor as a Conservative. I write this article as an American. I write this as a Caucasian American who holds to a set of Moderate to Right-Libertarian political views. I write this as someone who is quote worried about the direction our Nation is taking. I write this as someone who is heartsick over the deep divisions in the world of politics.

For the first time, since I have been Blogging, I feel the need to speak out against those who hold similar political views as mine. I am referring to the comments that were made by Rep. Michelle Bachmann. Rep. Michelle Bachmann on an appearance on MSNBC’s Hardball said that there were persons in the United States Congress, who held to Anti-American views. She also said that these people should be investigated.

Before I get into why I disapprove of this, let me make some things clear. Contrary to popular belief, my Politics is not as far right as some. In fact, I tend to lean towards the center of some issues. I am a moderate on many issues. Although, when it comes to our Military, My disdain of the Islam Religion, Our Nations Constitution, and a few other things, I am much to the right of some. However, on other issues, I tend to be more of a Libertarian. For example, I do not believe that it is the Governments right to tell a woman what to do with her body.

Now personally on a personal level, I object to Abortion on grounds that it is murder, this is because I am a Christian and I believe that life begins at conception. Nevertheless, on a Political Level, I believe that the United States Government does not have the right to dictate to woman what she can and cannot do with body. Furthermore, I do not believe that the State Government should dictate to a woman what she can and cannot do to her own body.

This is because I believe in personal freedom. I also reject the Conservative Christian idea of turning America into a Theocracy. I also believe in a full wall of separation of Church and State. However, just as well, I believe the woman should be given all the alternatives to terminating a pregnancy, however, if she decides to do so, that is between her and God. Let God be the judge of that woman. I reject the browbeating that the far right gives to those who decide to perform such an action. That sort of abject nonsense goes against the very core freedoms in our Constitution. Those that cannot separate between the political and spiritual realms should not involve themselves in politics at all.

Now do my personal political views of mine make me Anti-American? I think the sane and logical answer to that would be no. Now in the interest of full disclosure, I have little or no use for the far left. I will spare you the reasons for that. I will simply say that I did not leave the Democrat Party, it left me, long ago, especially during this election cycle. However, for me to sit here and write that Democrats were Anti-Americans would be a lesson in abject foolishness. Frankly, Rep. Michelle Bachmann’s comments yesterday did nothing to raise the level of political discourse in this country whatsoever. Rep. Michelle Bachmann was essentially doing a poor imitation of Ann Coulter or at worst channeling Joseph McCarthy. I am fully aware that it was written recently that Joseph McCarthy was correct on some matters; it, in fact, was the destructive behavior of Senator McCarthy that ruined his career.

It is this writer’s opinion that channeling Senator Joseph McCarthy in this desperate hour would be a total and unequivocal disaster to the Republican Party’s cause. It is not lost upon me that the political landscape of the Democratic Party has changed a great deal in the last eight years, Mrs. Katrina Vanden Heuvel ‘s response to the remarks being a perfect example of this. However, the channeling of McCarthyism will do nothing to further the Conservative cause. In fact, it will alienate more than it will help.

Blogs 4 Borders! 10/13/2008

Jake snuck this one out on me or I didn’t see it, one of the two! Doh


Our weekly vlog/podcast on illegal immigration and border security issues. In this weeks edition…

The subprime meltdown: a basic issue of fairness?

You do the math: California calls for $7 billion bailout, where’d the money go?

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. When will the madness end?

Download for your Ipod here.

Make sure to visit this weeks sponsor….

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If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Rumor Mill Did Bambi Have an affair?

For what it is worth, adultery is very common in the African-American community. I know guys that have several little “Thangs” on the side and are married.

Via Mail Online

Barack Obama is the target of a shadowy smear campaign designed to derail his bid for the US Presidency by falsely claiming he had a close friendship with an attractive African-American female employee.

The whispers focus on a young woman who in 2004 was hired to work on his team for his bid to become a senator.

The woman was purportedly sidelined from her duties after Senator Obama’s wife, Michelle, became convinced that he had developed a personal friendship with her.

The allegations were initially circulated in August, just two weeks before the convention at which Obama finally beat his opponent for the Democratic Party nomination, Hillary Clinton.

The woman, now 33, vigorously denies the vicious and unsubstantiated gossip.

And some Washington insiders suggested that she was the victim of an 11th-hour attempt to smear Obama by die-hard Hillary supporters.

But now the rumours have resurfaced, suggesting that they may be coming from elements in the Republican Party.

According to sources interviewed by The Mail on Sunday, the respected Los Angeles Times, the tabloid National Enquirer and the huge ABC television network have been provided with the woman’s name.

I just wonder if the Obama compaign will play the race card on this one too?

Others on this:
HillBuzz, NO QUARTER, The Other McCain, Say Anything, YID With LID and JammieWearingFool

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Why I cannot and will not vote for Barack Hussein Obama

(Hat Tip and Thanks to Macsmind)

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Blogs 4 Borders! 09/29/08

I missed this on Monday. Hopefully I will remember next week….

Our weekly vlog/podcast on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition…

Vigilance Dispatch: Everyone is talking about the massive bailouts. How has illegal immigration fed into the financial crisis that Washington plans to fix using our taxpayer dollars?

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders, when will the madness end?

Blogs For Borders 09/29/08

Download for your Ipod here.

Make sure to visit this weeks sponsor….

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If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Here are some books that I highly recommend that everyone read, related to this subject:

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New Video: Vets for freedom Ad to air in California

This ad is to Air in California:

Text from the Site:

Today Vets for Freedom released “Skipped” as part of a continuing campaign to urge Senator Obama to tell the Truth about the Surge and fully acknowledge U.S. success in Iraq. The $2.2 million dollar statewide television advertising campaign is VFF’s largest expenditure in a single state buy thus far on this issue. The ad will air in California on October 1st and run through October 9th.

Senator Obama repeatedly denies that the surge worked, contradicting reports from top commanders on the ground in Iraq, yet has only been to Iraq twice and has missed countless votes regarding the mission. VFF released “Skipped” to underscore Senator Obama’s failure to be informed of the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to ask him, and Congress, to support passage of legislation in the U.S. Senate that recognizes the success of the surge and our troops

Click here to read Sen. Resolution 636.

Click here to read Sen. Obama’s previous statements about the surge.

I just wonder if the “Magic one” will try and employ his goon squads to silence these commercials too? Oh, I forgot this discussion is not helping Michelle Obama’s brat kids.

I guess I’ll let that little nugget out of the bag. A few days ago, I received an e-mail from a source, which I will never reveal, letting me know, that I, as a Blogger, should not buy the lie that Obama’s two girls are darling children. The truth is, both of those girls are nothing more than snotty nosed little harpy brats. In fact, one reporter tried “Correcting” them for something they did and the Obama campaign threatened to have that person tossed off the plane. So, a word to the wise. Don’t believe everything read about this man and his family.

Vets for Freedom‘s website.

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Blogs 4 Borders for the week of 9/2208

Our weekly vlog/podcast on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition…

You do the math: Lake County Illinois cuts murder rate in half utilizing 287(g) protocol.

Uncounted Beans: Kansas politicians on the other hand are quite happy to have illegal aliens killing their citizens.

100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders, when will the madness end?

Download for your Ipod here.

Make sure to visit our sponsor….

Click on image

If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here.

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.

Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, deportation, 287(g), invasion, lake county illinois, open borders, border security, mark curran, murder, rape, prince william county, fairfax county, virginia, chicago,

New Video by Vets for Freedom PAC

(Seen Originally over at

This plopped in my e-mail inbox this morning…:

Click here to read the text of Senator Resolution 636

Click here to read the previous comments of B. Hussien Obama on the Surge. (PDF FILE)

Click here for the website of Vets for Freedom

Let’s support our troops. They’re doing the job, that the Communist Liberals in America, won’t do.

I don’t know about you. But I think scary Harry Reid and Mr. Hussein Obama will skip out on this vote. Like the America Hating Nazi Liberals that they are. 😡

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Editorial: Sometimes acting like Michelle Malkin is a good thing

I sit here tonight, as a former “left of center” Blogger, amazed at what has become of the party, that I once used to just blindly vote for every year.  I fully understand what Ronald Reagan was referring to, when he quoted Al Smith in his 1964 speech called “Rendezvous with Destiny.”  It just seems to me that the Liberals in this country of ours, instead of listening to the other side of the political fence and possibly learning from them, are more interested in mocking them and living in their own altered state of reality. Conversely, I have been told that this is nothing new, Democrats have been doing this for years.

Earlier tonight, I was over looking around on a well-known liberal Blog called Crooks and Liars, which, for those of you who are not normally of the Blogging community is a rather humorous reference to former President Richard M. Nixon’s statement of, “I am not a crook.” John Amato, A liberal from California, runs that rather interesting Blog.  Earlier tonight, John made a rather flippant comment that burned me to my core, and as a result, I felt the need to write about it, and the person, of whom he was referring.

John Amato was reporting on a Conservative Radio host from Alaska, who rather idiotically, made some rather nasty comments about some women holding a Anti-Sarah Palin rally in Alaska, and also about him giving their personal cell phone numbers out, whereby causing some of them to receive threats.  The host was suspended a week, without pay, which I feel was ample punishment.  To be fair to the Host, he was not aware that the numbers given out were personal cell phone numbers.

It was not the reporting of the incident that annoyed me to my core, it was the rather offhanded, mean spirited comment that was attached to the reporting of that story, that warranted this Editorial.  The comment that sent me over the rails, the comment, that I feel, was a shot over the bow of a rather highly intelligent woman, who I feel is unique spokesperson for American Conservative values in this Country.

“Acting like Michelle Malkin does have some consequences after all.”

That, Mr. Amato, is over the line.  I will explain why. However, I do not expect you, being locked into your bastardly Liberal mindset, to understand why I feel so damned strongly about this. Nevertheless, I will try to make your rather simple liberal mind understand the questions I am about to ask you.  I realize it might be a crab shoot with you, but I am in need of a challenge this evening and you are the target of interest.

  1. Do you believe that Michelle Malkin’s due diligence in reporting on the war on terror is a hateful thing?  I would expect so, seeing most of you liberals believe that we should try to talk to people who want to see this Nation and everything it stands for destroyed.
  2. I suppose that you believe that Michelle Malkin’s reporting of the vandalism that happened to the Vietnam vets war memorial in Washington D.C. is a hateful thing as well?  This would not surprise me.  Seeing it is you liberals, who hate our military, to the point of wanting America to lose a war and return home in disgrace.  Vietnam proved that sir.
  3. I suppose you would disapprove of Michelle Malkin’s resolve to “Lan Astaslem” which is Arabic for “I will not submit/surrender?”  This is a pledge that we as Americans will not submit or surrender to Islamic extremists who want to strike fear into the American people and ruin our livelihoods, something that I also believe in, to my very core.  I say this because it is you and your Liberal friends wish to appease those who want to destroy this Nation.

Yes, Michelle Malkin and I do have our differences.  Her brand of Conservatism is a bit different from mine.  I do not agree with every thing that she writes.  I am not a “Malkin-bot,” a funny term that I gave to some of her supporters, who tend to be, what I and Andrew P. Napolitano like to call sheep. However, that is about where the differences end.  When it comes to matters of National Defense and Defending our Military against those who would like to see it destroyed, including brain-dead liberals like you, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.  I am, in fact, in agreement with her on these issues.

In closing, let me simply say this.  The Democrats talk about change.  Well, this year is going to be a major change for me as well.  For the first time, since I have legally eligible to vote, I will be not voting for a Democrat.  This is because the party that I used to just blindly vote for, in every election has totally drifted beyond the point that I feel to be acceptable in American politics.  I am sorry, but I cannot and will not vote for a Party’s candidate, whose politics resemble that of Karl Marx or that of the Nazi Party.  Furthermore, I will not vote for a candidate whose party abdicated its core principles in the Primary and at the convention, just so they could hurry up and get their nominee.

This is to say nothing of the communist socialist agenda,  the wholesale slaughter of innocent babies, the outright attack of the Judeo-Christian Faith, The Promotion and advocating of the Atheistic movement and the furtherance of the Homosexual agenda, the promoting of Identity Politics within the African-American community, in response to a perceived and mostly falsely assumed attack on the Negro Race.

All of these things are why this Blogger will be voting differently on November 4, 2008.

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My thoughts on the AIG bailout…

First Fannie May and Freddie Mack and now AIG.

It just seems to me that more and more everyday. The United States of America is starting to resemble the old Soviet Union, with everything being nationalized.

I just wonder how long will it be, before the oil refineries will be nationalized.  

We fought long and hard in Germany and in Japan to defeat communism. Now it seems to be taking our Country over from within.

I would write, God help this Nation. But at this point, that seems a bit moot. Seeing this Nation with it’s liberal Government wanting to eradicate everything and anything even remotely Christian. I am left with nothing to say except to offer the thought that God has forsaken this Nation long ago and has left it to be consumed from within.

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The Obama Plot thickens?


Needless to say this is going to be an interesting election year.

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Stupid Local Story of the day: Crowd prays to heal Detroit’s economy

Via The Detroit News:

Nearly 1,000 believers of all faiths descended on Hart Plaza Sunday to pray for healing and economic prosperity for the city of Detroit and the region.

Organizers from Warren’s Renaissance Unity mega-church titled the event “I lift Detroit in Prayer,” and distributed bright yellow bumper stickers with that message. The interfaith ceremony attracted members of the Jewish, Islamic, Christian and other faiths, as well as a mix of Detroiters and suburbanites.

“I am focusing on the economy of the Metro Detroit area,” said Jaime Nix, 58, of Warren. “We’re all in this together.”

The crowd sang “Amazing Grace” and many lifted their hands in prayer. Later, they were invited to scrawl prayers or positive affirmations in 48 journals positioned around the event.

At a time when the sign on the plaza’s kiosk still reads “Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Welcomes You to Detroit,” many said they were there to pray for healing in the wake of the scandals that prompted the resignation of the former mayor.

“Detroit needs prayers, the way it’s been lately,” said Shannon Carrier, 37, of Roseville. “It’s been the mayor, the economy, unemployment … the list just goes on and on.”

Nancy Salder, 69, of St. Clair Shores, wrote a message of hope in one of the bright yellow books.

“I wrote ‘Thank you God for the transformation that’s already going on,'” Salder said. “We already have a new mayor. This is going to open up all the energy, and get Detroit back.”

While they’re praying, they ought to be praying for all those corrupt Democrats that brought all the troubles on the City of Detroit. Of course, the most corrupt one, Coleman A. Young, is already in hell. So, no amount of praying will help him.

While they are at it, pray for the corrupt unions that broke the Auto industry with their insane greed and collective bargaining to the point to breaking the Auto Companies and keeping them from turning profits.

Idiotic Liberals, you just have to love them, or you’d go crazy!

Our local economy is broken, let’s cry to the Gods! 😆 🙄

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A possible dicey day on Wall St.

I knew about the problems that were happening over on Wall Street and in the banking world. I was just unaware of just how bad it is.

It turns out, that it is really bad. I mean, really seriously bad!

The Wall Street has a great Video and Story up over on their site.

Here’s the Video:

Quote from WSJ:

The American financial system was shaken to its core on Sunday. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. said it would file for bankruptcy protection, and Merrill Lynch & Co. agreed to be sold to Bank of America Corp.

The U.S. government, which bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac a week ago and orchestrated the sale of Bear Stearns Cos. to J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. in March, played much tougher with Lehman. It refused to provide a financial backstop to potential buyers. Without such support, Barclays PLC and Bank of America, the two most interested buyers, walked away. Barclays said Monday it pulled out of the potential deal after deciding it wasn’t in the best interest of shareholders.

Late Sunday night, Lehman said it intends to file for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. Lehman said none of the broker-dealer subsidiaries or other subsidiaries of LBHI will be included in the Chapter 11 filing and all of the broker-dealers will continue to operate. Customers of Lehman Brothers, including customers of its wholly owned subsidiary, Neuberger Berman Holdings LLC, may continue to trade or take other actions with respect to their accounts, Lehman said.

On Sunday night, Bank of America struck an all-stock deal to buy Merrill Lynch for $29 a share, or $50 billion.

Though it steered clear of a bailout, the Federal Reserve is expected to take new steps to stabilize the broader financial system. These steps, expected to be temporary, would make it easier for banks and securities firms to borrow from the central bank by using a wider range of collateral. Bankers say these financial institutions might need short-term funds as they unwind their many trading positions with Lehman.

While I do not have anything invested on Wall Street, I know people who do, in fact, my parents have stock options in G.M. So, this may just affect them. I will be watching this story all day today. This Blog is mainly politics, but I also Blog about other news stories of interest. Anyhow, this could trigger panic selling everywhere and could trigger a massive crash of the stock market, rivaling the crash of the 1930’s or at least rivaling the mini-crash of the 1980’s.

I do realize that the FDR did put some protection in our bank system to prevent another major crash, as to just good those protections are, we will see I suppose. I do not claim to be a banking nor financial expert. But I can see the panic in the eyes of those men that made that video. So, I expect a horrible day on the stock market.

Of course, our communist liberals, especially the far left with their anti-capitalist mentality, will be cheering this little misfortune. I’m sure that B. Hussein Obama will be saying stuff like, “They deserve to be punished, for making the little people suffer!” and “It was George W. Bush’s fault that the stock market crashed!”

On the other hand, John McCain will most likely make some rather stupid comment and then blame his time as a P.O.W. on his idiotic gaffe. Like he always does. 🙄

Either way, this story is going to be interesting to follow. Stay tuned. 

Update: Michelle Malkin says “The Fit has hit the shanIndeed. But she also says:

And now is the time where I get to say, “See, I told you so.” From March 17, 2008, as the Bear Stearns bailout was underway:

I warned from the start of stimulus-palooza that we were headed in this direction. Both political parties support these massive government interventions–from empowering judges to meddle with private contracts to backing billions in mortgage securities. This isn’t the last step. It’s the first. And you know who will end up getting screwed: The responsible and the frugal.

True Michelle, But don’t you think that Mr. “Nation of whiners“, has to share some of the blame, because of his lobbying for the deregulation of the housing industry? Which caused all of this in the first place? I think so. What is really known, is the fact that it is going to get a hell of lot worse, before it gets any better. *gulp!*

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Once Again, I must instruct Liberals on what is racist and what is not….

*rolls out the blackboard*


Alright class, today we will, once again, review as to what is racist and what is not.

Ready? Good!

THIS is Racist!:

Video: Unknown

Music: Johnny Rebel

This is NOT:


The Back story is Here.

This is called Political Satire. It is funny, that is what Political Satire does, make one laugh. It is commonly found in Political Cartoons. The only people that would find this sort of a thing, even remotely offensive, would be those who are commonly referred to as race baiters or race hustlers, or for short, Al Sharpton.

That is all….

Class Dismissed!

Race Baiting Hall of shame: Think Progress, Balloon Juice, The Raw StoryAt-Largely, TheZoo, Jack & Jill Politics,