Awesome Video: Montage of Military Reunions

(H/T to The Jawa Report)

I, as a libertarian-type of “Right of Center,” believe that any politician, who even has the remote thought of starting a war; ought to be strapped to a chair and FORCED to watch this video. (I’m talking to YOU Bill Kristol and John and Norman Podhartz!…..and any other damn Wilsonian Conservative out there!)

The Feckless Far-Right: Exhibit C for Collectivism

Here is another example of why I distance myself from the Christian Far-Right in this Country.

A person by the name of Bryan Fischer over at a Blog named Focal Point at the American Family Association writes the following:

Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, let alone the monstrosity planned for Ground Zero. This is for one simple reason: each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government.

Each one is a potential jihadist recruitment and training center, and determined to implement the “Grand Jihad” of which Andy McCarthy has written.

Here is the strategy, in their own words, in the words of “An Explanatory Memorandum” circulated by the Muslim Brotherhood in 1991 which outlines “the General Strategic Goal” for the Islamic movement “in North America.”

He proceeds to quote the following:

Read it and shudder:

Muslims “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions…It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny…” (emphasis mine)

Here is where Mr. Fischer goes astray; he is quoting from The Muslim Brotherhood, A Muslim extremist group, who has been banned in other Muslim Countries. What he is doing here, is something that is common in Far-Right, Conservative Christian circles and that is the use of collectivism; assuming that ALL Muslims believe exactly the way that the Muslim Brotherhood believes. The question is, does the Muslim Brotherhood speak for all Muslims? The Muslim Brotherhood might believe that they do; but the question is, do they actually speak for the entire Muslim Community?  Some would say that Fischer is a bigot, I will not assume that, I do not know Mr. Fischer’s heart. But, I will say that the attitude that this man is portraying here is the same attitude that was displayed towards the black race in the south during the Jim Crow era.

Fischer continues:

Because of this subversive ideology, Muslims cannot claim religious freedom protections under the First Amendment. They are currently using First Amendment freedoms to make plans to destroy the First Amendment altogether. There is no such thing as freedom of religion in Islam, and it is sheer and utter folly for Americans to delude themselves into thinking otherwise.

Ask the Hutaree Christian militia how much good it did them to plaster Bible verses all over their website while plotting attacks against government officials. They are currently pondering the limits of the First Amendment, as they should, from the inside of a jail cell. The First Amendment cannot be used as a cloak for subversive activity.

Again, Mr. Fischer is assuming that all Muslims agree with the Muslim Brotherhood, which again is a faulty reasoning.

Another point I would like to make here. It is a point that I am sure that Mr. Fischer most likely did not think about. The idea of the United States Government banning the new construction of Religious building is not a smart one. The reasoning is this; that whole idea can be a two-edged sword. The same United States Government that would tell Muslims that they could not build Mosques —- is the same Government that could suddenly decide that new Churches should not be built either. Do you see where I am going with this? The less that the United States Government gets involved with the Religious affairs of America, the better. We have that first amendment for a reason; and I, as a Fundamentalist Baptist Christian, would prefer if it stayed that way!

This whole idea, that we have to treat Muslims different than any other religion is flawed on it’s face. Yes, I know that Islamic terrorism is an issue. If and when the Government finds these people, we should arrest them. But it is the Muslim community’s job to insure that extremism is rooted out of it’s ranks. Not the United States Government’s.

If we being to allow the Government to exercise any sort of control over ANY aspect of ANY religion at all, we will be putting ourselves unto a slippery slope that we will never be able to reverse.

UPDATED: Photo of the Day

This comes via the USO – Dallas/Ft. Worth Chapter:

President George W. Bush Greeting the troops at Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport earlier today

Allow me this space to write a few words…. I will be the first to say that I did not always agree with President George W. Bush on policy. But I will say this; I did always know, just right where he stood, on all policy matters. For all of his faults while he was in office; the man did one thing right and that was the decision to sacrifice his Presidency for the war on terror. President Bush knew the stakes and knew the he would most likely become a lame duck President. However, that did not bother him and he did what he had to do, to defend this great nation of ours.

Like him or not….President Bush was and still is a leader, he loved our Military and was willing to take the heat of criticism from the left, for the many deaths of our Military’s officers during the Iraqi war.

I may not have voted for him, but I do and will always respect him.

Update: Memeornadum Thread

On Ted Stevens

I have intentionally have avoided writing about this until it was confirmed.

I am sure all of you know about the passing of Ted Stevens.

I mean, what am I really supposed to say? The man is dead. Whatever happened prior to his death, really does not mean a thing now. The Government dropped its case; because of some very stupid screw ups of its very own.

The thing that ticks me off, is this morons on the left and some on the right, that feel the need to bring up and rehash the man’s supposed misdeeds. Honestly, who gives to flips what the man did? He is dead now! It really should not matter anymore.

What is known and what is the truth is this; a wife has lost her Husband. Sons and Daughters have lost their beloved Father. Grandchildren have lost their grandfather. An entire family has lost its patriarch. A life taken by tragic accident.

God Bless Him, Stevens is with the Lord. He lived a very full life, served his Country proudly. He has passed from Death unto life and is now at peace.

As everyone else on the right, that has any sort of morals has said —- May he rest in peace and my prayers are with the family.

Memeorandum Thread is here.

Blowhole Ricky Hollywood to run for Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Seriously

You can tell it is a slow news day when I am reporting on this idiotic crap….:

Ricky Hollywood - Not your average blowhole

Johnston will run for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska — yes, the same job that propelled Sarah Palin to governor of that state (and later, the vice presidential nomination) — in a new reality project being pitched by Stone and Co.

“Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor’s Office” will center on Johnston’s newfound fame as the baby daddy to Palin’s grandson, Tripp.

Johnston will trade on that notoriety to make his run for Wasilla City Hall — when he’s not pursuing a career in Hollywood, of course.

Sarah Palin - Not your average whatever she is....

Stone and Co. are already shooting the show’s pilot and have started pitching the show to networks.

Johnston admitted that he wasn’t thrilled at first about the mayoral campaign concept, which was pitched to him by Stone’s Scott Stone and David Weintraub.

“But the more I think about it and look into it, I think there’s a possibility we can make it happen,” Johnston said of his political prospects. “It’s something that I want to do.”

Johnston already has a campaign manager, Tank Jones, to help him with the task. Wasilla’s mayoral chair isn’t actually up for election until 2012, but in the meantime, Jones said Johnston may look to run for city council.

via Levi’s on the stump – Entertainment News, TV News, Media – Variety.

I must ask a question; I am the only person in America right now that wishes that these two morons would just disappear and quit trying to put themselves into my face and my life, and quit trying to insert themselves into the national conservation on politics or anything else for that matter? I mean, seriously! What in the hell does this feckless bitch have to say, that any sensible America would even remotely want to hear? I mean, during the 2008 election, this woman rode in on the white horse of Conservative Christianity in the Republican Party — all the while knowing that her daughter was pregnant. She chose to try and cover it up. That is right; she lied to the American people and to the Republican Party. Now she wants us to believe that she is some sort of a leader. Please, Sarah, do not make me laugh; you cannot even lead your own  family or your children properly; and you want to lead this Nation? Give me and the rest of the American people a break here. Because quite frankly, we are just not that stupid.

Oh and those so-called “American Values” that you claim to represent? Well, one of those values Sarah, is freedom of speech. It is quite clear to me, Mrs. Palin that you do not value that right; as evidenced in this previous waste of bandwidth about you. The only type of speech that you value, is friendly speech, nothing else. If anyone dares to mock, deride, and even criticize you. You go out of your way to try and destroy them. You did this in Alaska many times and was called out for it by many people; including those within your own party in Alaska.

So, to you Mrs. Palin I say; please, just go away. Because quite frankly at this point, you are nothing more than a funny minstrel show; a side show, a train wreck waiting to happen. Only reason people even look at you is because like a train wreck, once you see it, you can never look away. Also, please, do not delude yourself to believe that anyone in Conservatism actually takes anything you say, with any sort of seriousness. I mean, the only thing most Conservative men find you useful for is for a object to look at during masturbation or something similar. You are nothing more anymore in Conservatism than a pin up girl.

…and God knows at this point, the Republican Party and Conservatism needs something more than a pin up girl. We need serious leadership, and not some rock star pin up girl who believes that she is entitled to be President, because she is a woman.

Video: Finally: Sarah Palin gets confronted by real Americans Update: Palin Responds, Beclowns herself as usual

I have written on here before that I was no Sarah Palin fan. I never was, I thought she was a two-bit hypocrite; and I still do.

It seems that a real American has finally stood up to this feckless bitch and told her what Americans really think about her.

The Video:

Transcript of the Video:

Palin: like how? What’s up?

Kathleen: You swore on your precious Bible that you would uphold the interests of this state, and then when cash was waved in front of your face, you quit.

Palin: OH, you WANTED me to be your governor!  I’m honored! Thank you!

Kathleen: I wanted you to honor your responsibilities. That is what I wanted.  I wanted you to be part of the political process instead of becoming a celebrity so that you could (inaudible). And if that’s the best you could do, then good for you. If that’s the best you could do.

Palin: Here’s the deal. Here’s the deal. (inaudible) That’s what I’m out there fightin’ for Americans to be able to have a Constitution protected so that we can have free speech…And ALSO there…

Kathleen: In what way are you fighting for that?

Palin: Oh my goodness!

Kathleen: In what way?

Palin: To elect candidates who understand the Constitution, to protect our military interests so that we can keep on fightin’ for our constitution that will protect some of the freedoms that evidently are important to you too.

Kathleen: By using your celebrity status, certainly not by political status.

Palin Daughter: How is she a celebrity? That’s my question.

Palin: I’m honored!  No, she thinks I’m a celebrity!

Palin Daughter: That’s funny that you think she is.

Kathleen: Well, you’re certainly not representing the state of Alaska any longer…even though…

Palin Daughter: She’s representing United States?

Kathleen: Yes, I know. You belong to America now, and that suits me just fine. Yeah.

Palin: What do you do here?

Kathleen: I’m a teacher

Palin: Oh. (Eye roll and protracted grimace)

Palin Daughter: Oh.

Kathleen: I also have a few other jobs. I’m married to a commercial fisherman.  And so I fish.

Palin: Oh that’s cool.  So am I!  I married to-we probably have a lot in common!

Kathleen: Yeah. You know, I think that we do.

Palin: Hi! (waves to camera) Are we on video?

Kathleen: Too bad. I’m more of a still camera girl myself. (inaudible) I am, I am…I will tell you I’m very pleased to meet you.

Palin: I’m honored to meet you, I really am. And, no we both agree on the freedom of speech and the-

Kathleen: Yes we do.

Palin: you know – the protection of that. So, um, no I and, you know… best of everything to you too and Yeah.

Kathleen: Thank you for coming over.

Palin: Well, okay. It’s nice to meet you anyway.

The Story Via the Huffington Post:

Kathleen was motivated by the fact Palin was using the very place where her family makes a living to fortify the Palin personality cult — pretending to do the very thing they worked so hard to sustain. Initially, Kathleen just wanted to waste a little of the camera crew’s time, since Palin wasted so much of her time purporting to represent Alaska’s interests.

She didn’t imagine Palin would be so easy to draw out.

Saturday morning, Billy Sullivan helped Kathleen tape the banner up on his place of business at the top of the boat ramp. Then here she came. Sarah.

She couldn’t just walk by. Only a few fishermen and tourists would have seen the banner, but Sarah had to stop and protest. I spoke with Kathleen. She said she wanted Palin to know how she felt, but never dreamed she’d get the chance to say to her face, “You’re not a leader, you’re a climber!” Early in the conversation, Sarah actually winked at Kathleen in what seemed to be a case of eyelid Tourette’s Syndrome.

At one point, a Palin daughter chanted, “You’re just jealous”. Kathleen told Sarah she was disappointed that she dropped her responsibility to the state to became a celebrity. Palin said incredulously, “I’m honored. No, she thinks I’m a celebrity!” Really? So the camera crew wasn’t an indicator? How many times do you have to be on magazine covers to gain celebrity status? Something about camping with Kate Plus Eight in rain slickers seems, well, a little celebrity.

Billy Sullivan caught much of the interchange on his cell phone camera. The back of her security guard’s head and Todd Palin attempted to block Billy’s view, continually rotating like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. What were they afraid of? I guess that’s what happens when you’re filming a “celebrity”. He was even told by one of the Palin daughters, “You’re an A-hole”. Charming family values.

I asked both Billy and Kathleen which Palin daughter said what. Neither knew. They don’t have televisions and aren’t interested in Palin’s personal life and dramas.

In what has become typical tragic irony, Sarah initially claimed to support Kathleen’s First Amendment Rights. But as soon as Billy Sullivan walked toward the dock, one of Palin’s entourage tore down the sign to great applause from her group.

Todd Palin approached Billy (who owns a business called Dockside Fish and buys halibut on that dock) and asked him to get out of the Discovery crew’s shot. “You just can’t get enough of her, can you?” he asked. An Alaska State Trooper told Billy he should call the Homer Police Department and report the trespassing and destruction of property.

What the Palin folks don’t seem to understand is simple; if Fred Phelps gets to hold his hateful signs up at military funerals, Billy should be able to put Kathleen’s “WORST GOVERNOR EVER” banner on his building and not have a Palin goon tear it down.

The First Amendment only matters when you say or write something someone else doesn’t like.

For someone who doesn’t hold elected office and denies being a celebrity, Sarah Palin may want to get a “Constitutional Handler”.

You know see why I did not vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin; I could not in good conscience, vote for someone like that, ever.

Update: Little Miss Christian Charlatan Responds: (H/T to AllahPundit is obvious swooning over this feckless Bitch’s stupidity…)

The LSM has now decided to use this brief encounter for another one of their spin operations. They claim I – wait for it – “appear to roll my eyes” when the lady tells me she’s a teacher. Yes, it’s come to this: the media is now trying to turn my eyebrow movements into story lines. (Maybe that’s why Botox is all the rage – if you can’t move your eyebrows, your “eye rolling” can’t be misinterpreted!) If they had checked their facts first, they would have known that I come from a family of teachers; my grandparents were teachers, my father was a teacher, my brother is a teacher, my sister works in Special Needs classrooms, my aunt is a school nurse, my mom worked as a school secretary for much of her professional life, we all volunteer in classrooms, etc., etc., etc. Given that family history, how likely is it that I would “roll my eyes” at someone telling me that they too work in that honorable profession? Stay classy, LSM.

…and as usual, the stupid bitch does not get why the liberals are on her ass. The reason is; because of this right here:

Freedom of Speech, not in Sarah Palin's World, only when it is friendly speech. Hey Sarah, what about that Constitution you claim to want to defend? Stupid Bitch......

Nuff Said…

Update #2: I know someone is going to mention this; so I will get it out of the way. I realize you might be reading this and noticing the Palin ads. I can do something to remove them. But, I would cut into my revenue. So, I won’t block Newsmax. You can click and vote no, and I will get paid still. 😀 😛

Update #3: Some on the far right were trying to say that this woman was not even teacher. Well, one of their own corrects them. Don’t expect any correction out this idiot though. This is the same guy who likes to link to White Nationalist websites.

Why do Christians do stupid stuff like this?

Good Lord. 🙄

Pastor Donald Crosby - Bible-Thumping Moron at large

Warner Robins police say they arrested Pastor Donald Crosby Monday morning as he and a group of supporters protested Warner Robins High School’s “Demon” nickname and mascot.

Warner Robins police spokeswoman Tabitha Pugh says 36-year-old Crosby was arrested after police told him he didn’t have a picketing permit, as required by the city.

Crosby and the group set up the protest outside the school on the opening day of classes because of their opposition to the school’s Demon team nickname.

The pastor says his son attends the school and he doesn’t want him exposed to the name’s evil connotations.

via Warner Robins Pastor Arrested After Anti-‘Demon’ Protest | | Macon, GA.

Meanwhile family members are mourning the passing of their own, who was a Mennonite Medical Missionary, who was killed in Afghanistan:

AKRON, Pa. (AP) — A Mennonite international aid group based in central Pennsylvania says a medical worker gunned down in Afghanistan is only the third person killed in its 90-year history.

Representative John Williamson of the Mennonite Central Committee describes 40-year-old Lancaster, Pa., resident Glen Lapp as a “very kind, loving, respectful person.”

Williamson says Lapp was due to finish a two-year assignment in Afghanistan in October.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the Thursday shooting deaths of Lapp and nine other volunteers, saying the workers were trying to convert Muslims to Christianity.

But Williamson says any claims that Lapp’s group was proselytizing in the region are “rubbish.”

Lapp was working with a charity that was providing eye care and other medical services in the country.

I ask you, which one of these two sounds more like an actual Christian to you? A man who gave his life, so he could help others; or some idiotic freak who think it’s his God-Given mandate to protest some schools Mascot?

…and they wonder why I will not attend Church anymore…

On Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain: Let me ask one question

Video via Mediaite:

Ed Morrissey Says:

The end of the world? Obviously not. Tone deaf? Absolutely. And it’s telling that this tone-deaf, Marie Antoinette moment comes from the administration that continues to play class warfare to expand government control over the most private aspects of American lives.

My question to Ed and rest of the Conservatives and Republicans is this; would this criticism be as howling loud, if the President’s skin was white? I somehow highly doubt it. For the record, I am not calling Ed Morrissey personally a racist; I just have some reservations about all of this howling over what Michelle Obama does. Yes, I know about the recession and the tone deafness and private sector intrusion. I just wonder, where were all these carnival barkers when Bush was bailing out the banks? Where were they when Bush was spending all of this money taking us into a war; that had zero to do with 9/11?

This is one of the reasons why I have been avoiding this story. Mainly because of the partisanship that is behind it. I am all for criticizing the President; when he actually does something that is worthy of criticism. However, I am just not interested in partaking in, what I like to call partisan carnival barking. This blog, unlike others, is not a partisan blog. I mean, when the President does something, that I feel is detrimental to America; by all means, I will criticize him, scream, holler and swing from the rafters if need be. (Okay, maybe I won’t do the swinging.. I am a bit heavy for that…) However, I just will not sit here and gripe about something that Bush could have and would have done. To me, that is just stupid.

I will say that the carnival does happen on the left too and yes, it is equally as dumb. I have been known to call it out on here as well. So, if you happen to see a story and I have not covered, this is most likely why.

Daughter of 9/11 victim who is Muslim says, Build your mosque somewhere else

A very heart rending story. 🙁

On the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, I watched as terrorists slammed United Flight 175 into the South Tower of the World Trade Center, 18 minutes after their accomplices on another hijacked plane hit the North Tower. My mother was on the flight. I witnessed her murder on live television. I still cannot fully comprehend those images. In that moment, I died as well. I carry a hole in my heart that will never be filled.

From the first memorial ceremonies I attended at Ground Zero, I have always been moved by the site; it means something to be close to where my mother may be buried, it brings some peace. That is why the prospect of a mosque near Ground Zero — or a church or a synagogue or any religious or nationalistic monument or symbol — troubles me.

via A Muslim victim of 9/11: ‘Build your mosque somewhere else’.

Go read the rest of this; it is heart wrenching.

Anyone, with any sort of common sense would agree with this; but it is quite obvious that this common sense in not found in liberal circles. This is evidenced by this idiotic tripe, written by some moronic asshole on the liberal left. Which tends to make me believe that liberals are supportive, even sympathetic to the cause of those who flew those planes into the trade center, and the pentagon. Hell, after all, did not some of the liberal left accuse George W. Bush of ordering the attacks; and basically say that the United States deserved the attacks because of “Bush-Hitler” and his capitalistic society?

Leave it to the liberal left, to collectively piss on the graves of those who died on 9/11. It is what they are about good for. That and disrespecting those who’ve died in wars.

Conservative Bloggers and Conservatives on general, have been condemned by the liberal bloggers for referring to the liberals in this Country, as Anti-American. Well, as a former “Left of Center”, who woke up and smelled the coffee about the Democratic Party and those within it; let me say this —- Yes, they are Anti-American. Anyone who would support a Muslim Mosque within 25 or more miles of where those on 9/11 died, is nothing more than traitor to America. Plain and simple; you cannot claim to support America, its ideals and its freedoms; and then at the same damned time hand a token of victory to the Muslims; by allowing them to build this sort of a building. It just is not possible.

As I said once before; In the name GOD; do not allow this to happen.

Others: Sister ToldjahJammieWearingFoolLiberty Pundits BlogHugh Hewitt’s TownHall BlogJihad Watch, and Weasel Zippers

Quote of The Day

To measure his loss, and ours, look at Prepared for the Worst, a collection of his early work published in 1988, or his superb, and sadly still pertinent, book on Cyprus from 1984. Or read his Nation column from May 2001 on Bob Kerrey’s lasting culpability for a massacre in Vietnam. Hitchens was teaching at the New School at the time, making Kerrey, he wrote, “my president”; yet the piece, incandescent with moral outrage, is never callous or crude. “If you look back on the essays that made his name,” Hitchens writes about Noam Chomsky, “you will find a polemical talent well worth mourning, and a feeling for justice that ought not to have gone rancid and resentful.” I wish Hitchens a speedy recovery, a long life and as much celebrity as he wants. But it’s the Christopher with a feeling for justice I mourn. I miss him very much.

Senator Lindsey Grahamansty: Jesus made me vote for the Jewish Lesbian

This is just too rich:

The Video:

The Story:

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said that Jesus’s Golden Rule inspired him to vote to confirm Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court and suggested it would be a good thing for his Senate colleagues to also ponder Jesus’s words as they prepared to vote on Kagan.

“It is divine in its orientation, and it is probably something that would serve us all well if we thought about it at moments such as this,” Sen. Graham said on the Senate floor, as he pointed his colleagues to the Golden Rule and counseled them to look to the wisdom of “somebody far wiser than I am” as they cast their votes on Kagan.

via – Republican Senator: Jesus’s ‘Golden Rule’ Inspired His Vote For Pro-Abortion Kagan.

Stick a fork in this RINO, he’s done!

The quicker that moronic Neo-Conservative RINO is out of office the better!  Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. John McCain ought to be gay lovers; because God knows, (heh!) that they are cut from the same tree.

Sen. Lindsey Graham has been in the beltway way too long. It is time for him to get the hell out of dodge.

Remember this come 2010 and 2012.

Here it is: My official opinion on the New York Mosque that is being built near the 9/11 site

Two Blocks, four blocks, it does not damn matter…

Here is my opinion: (STRONG CONTENT WARNING!)

I saw the above video with the following comment under it:

“And we’re suppose to not think nothing of letting a Mosque to be built near ground zero. These people are really quite arrogant and cruel to us…and they have the gall to say we’re arrogant. The people who suffered because of 9/11 deserve to thought of better than this”

…Let me go on the record as saying….

That I totally and wholeheartedly agree. This is not about religious freedom, nor is it about hating Muslims or Islam. It is about protecting the memories of those who died on September 11, 2001; all 2,976 victims.

United We Stand, divided we fall.

In the name of the God — Do not let this happen.

Update: Memeornadum Thread

Economic report: We are so farking screwed, Obama White House adviser bolts

First the bleak outlook, from the Old Gray Lady:

With the American economic recovery hanging in the balance, private employers added 71,000 jobs in July, up from a downwardly revised 31,000 in June but well below the consensus forecast of 90,000. The unemployment rate stayed steady at 9.5 percent.

Over all, the nation lost 131,000 jobs last month, but those losses came as 143,000 Census Bureau workers left their temporary posts, the Labor Department said. June’s number was revised dramatically downward to a total loss of 221,000 jobs. The agency originally reported that the nation lost 125,000 jobs in June.

Figures released last week confirmed that the United States economy slowed in the spring, and the Department of Labor’s monthly statistical snapshot of hiring pointed toward a stall in hiring this summer, as employers failed to add jobs at the rate they were earlier this year.

What’s more, the number of jobs added in July is about half the 125,000 to 150,000 that economists generally say employers need to generate simply to accommodate new entrants to the labor market. With more than 8 million people having lost their jobs during the recession, such tepid job growth can’t begin to plug the hole.

“The private sector is still hobbled and certainly is not nearly strong enough to overcome the drain on the government side,” said Robert A. Dye, senior economist at PNC Financial Services Group in Pittsburgh.

Which, of course, results in the proverbial “Rats Jumping from the ship.”

The Story Via Hotline on Call:

Christina Romer, chairwoman of Pres. Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, has decided to resign, according to a source familiar with her plans.

Romer, an economics professor at the University of California (Berkeley) before taking the key admin post, did not respond to repeated calls to her office.

“She has been frustrated,” a source with insight into the WH economics team said. “She doesn’t feel that she has a direct line to the president. She would be giving different advice than Larry Summers [director of the National Economic Council], who does have a direct line to the president.”


Instead, the jobless rate is 9.5%, after exceeding 10% last year. It was “a horribly inaccurate forecast,” said Bert Ely, a banking consultant. “You have to wonder why Summers isn’t the one that should be taking the fall. But Larry is a pretty good bureaucratic infighter.

So much for all the wonderful economic recovery promised under the promised “Hope and Change” of the Barack Obama Administration.  This should be a textbook example of why “Tax and Spend” strategies to get a Country out of a recession does not work. If that does not convince you, this might:


(H/T Calculated Risk)

Welcome to Obama’s America. It is going to be long four years. Remember this come 2010 and 2012.

Senate confirms first Jewish Lesbian to SCOTUS

Another activist Liberal makes it to the SCOTUS:

The Senate has confirmed Elena Kagan, President Barack Obama’s solicitor general, as the newest Supreme Court justice.

Kagan, the former dean of Harvard Law School, replaces retiring Justice John Paul Stevens and becomes the fourth woman to serve on the court in its 121-year history. The vote confirming Kagan, who also served in the Clinton administration, was largely along party lines, with just a handful of Republicans voting with Democrats to confirm her – and one Democrat, Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), voting no. She is expected to join the court when it reconvenes after its summer recess

via Senate confirms Kagan – Josh Gerstein –

I figured that this would end up happening. This is just proof that elections matter. When you vote for a personality, without checking into his background thoroughly; this is what you get.

Remember this come 2010 and 2012 folks.

The painfully obligatory prop 8 strike down posting

Honestly? I just do not give a rip.

It’s a state issue and not a federal one. So, I why should I care?

Here’s the huge round up @ Memeorandum

The dude was a Reagan served and George H.W. Bush followed up judge.

So, like I said; Meh, I just do not care.

What saddens me, is crap like this here.

WHOA: Audio: Liberal Talkers unload on President Obama

(This comes via The Radio Equalizer with a H/T to Gateway Pundit)

Gateway Pundit says, “Dixiecrat Alert!” Which is kinda funny. But that is not what this is; well, first off, if a white Conservative had said all that. The Democrats and the liberal talkers  would be swinging from the trees — so to speak — in indignation. That person would be also decried as a racist bigot too.  Anyhow, that is not what this is; what you just heard, was the black liberal base griping and complaining, because the President is not kissing up to these people. For what is is worth; this same thing happened in the era of Bill Clinton. Does anyone remember the “sister soulja moment?” Well, this could be called the “Brother Barry Moment.”

What these people are getting a painful lesson in, is this; these people are getting a painful lesson in what happens when you elect an activist President and try to use him for influence peddling. These people thought that they would elect this man and be use the office the President of the United States as their ally in the White House for their pet causes. Well, cold and wet towel to the face for these people; it worked — to a point. They got their man in there, but he has proven himself to be his own person and not influenced by anyone, except his own agenda. This happens all the time. George W. Bush did it to an extent; there were people on the Conservative side that wanted to influence peddle him as well. George W. Bush ended up doing the same thing to those people, and they ended up getting on radio and whining about it. I heard some of it. This also happened to a larger extent with Ronald Reagan’s Presidency as well. There were people on the far-far right who thought than Ronald Reagan was going to be a Christian Conservative activist President.

Well, needless to say, that never happened. We still have abortion in this Country and we still do not have, nor will we EVER have Prayer back in school. That is because this sort of activism does not work in the White House. The President of the United States only has so much power and can only do so much. That is why there is three branches of Government; Legislative, Executive, and Legislative —- and each are limited in scope and each checks the other. It keeps from the other branches from getting out of control. —- or at least that is how it is supposed to work.

This is, simple, high school level, Government class stuff. I am quite shocked that the Liberals do not seem to understand it. Of course, truth be told, most people on the left, especially the far-far-socialist left; wants a communist dictatorship. They will never admit that, but it is what they want.

A few words about yesterday’s primary race here in Michigan

Obviously I am not happy about Mike Bouchard not winning the primary.

However, I do understand why it is that Mike Bouchard was not able to pull off a victory. Well, frankly, it was this:

Governor Republican
Rick Snyder                                  380,489        36%
Pete Hoekstra                              280,326        27%
Mike Cox                                       239,752         23%
Mike Bouchard                          126,991           12%
Tom George                                16,965               2%
100% reporting


There we just too many people running on the Republican ticket. As you can see above, there were five names on the ballot for Republicans; there were two on the Democratic Party side. If it had been Tom George and Mike Bouchard; Bouchard would have aced the race. But because you had three big ticket names in the race and one person that I had never heard of; Bouchard just was not able to pull it off.

Seeing that Bouchard is out of the race, I will support and do endorse Rick Snyder for Governor of Michigan.

In other news locally here in Michigan; there was a HUGE upset in the race for Congress. Hansen Clarke, who grew up on Detroit’s lower east side, has soundly defeated Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick. WXYZ-TV has the videos and the story:

(WXYZ) – Hansen Clarke has won the Democratic nomination in the 13th Congressional District.

Clarke’s victory is an upset over sitting Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick. Many political analysts believe the legal troubles of the congresswoman’s son, former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, contributed to her loss.

Because of the nature of the district, the nomination is viewed as an automatic path to the Congressional seat.

Okay, the whole “power to the people” thing was a bit creepy. But that is to be expected amongst Democrats; as the Democratic Party was founded as the “Party of the people.” Anyhow, even as a “Right of Center” blogger, I, as someone who has lived here all my life, watching Kilpatrick having to eat crow, is one of the best things I have ever seen. The really cool part is, Kilpatrick cannot scream “Race!” at all. The man who beat her was a minority too. The truth is, Kilpatrick screwed herself, when she said, “I’m proud of my son, very proud…” I mean, that just sealed it for her. She is proud of a corrupt man? Not that anyone actually believes that; but in politics perception is a big of reality. Heck, just look at Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan. There are some on the right that cannot look at those two, without going into a Tourette’s Syndrome-type fit and screaming “Jew Hater! Anti-Semite! Racist!”

I just am hoping and Praying that the Republicans can pull off a nice victory in November. The climate is right; we just need to get the message right and not louse it up.

It is time to vote in the Michigan Primaries

I should have posted this earlier. But, I was busy.

I voted in today’s primary. I voted for Mike Bouchard for Governor of the State of Michigan.

I ask that if you live in Michigan and you are registered to vote, that you do so. When you vote, vote for Mike Bouchard.

A little about Mike Bouchard:

Born and raised in Michigan, Mike Bouchard has been committed to improving our state. Growing up in Oakland County, he attended Birmingham Brother Rice high school. He and Pam, his wife of twenty years, are teaching the same Michigan values they learned growing up to their three kids. From police officer to small business owner to elected office, Mike has taken on many different roles in his efforts to preserve and protect our way of life.

Bouchard FamilyMike brings all his experience, knowledge and leadership to the race for Governor. He understands it’s a critical time for the state, as many families face uncertain times as our economy continues to struggle. As governor, he’ll be prepared on day one to start making the tough choices that will turn our state around. He knows it took a long time to get here, so there are no easy fixes or simple solutions. But we need to take the first steps in order to get us back on the road to prosperity.
Mike believes if we fix Lansing, we’ll get Michigan back to work.

He’ll be able to bring his knowledge from serving as a leader in the state Senate to develop lasting solutions. He was in the Senate when our leaders worked together to deliver balanced budgets and tax cuts every year he was there. As Assistant Senate Majority Leader, he worked closely with leaders like Governor Engler and then Senate Majority Leader Posthumus. Mike placed a priority on helping families. He pushed for the Michigan Sex Offender Registry requiring sex offenders to register with local law enforcement agencies and making that information publicly available for concerned parents and neighbors. He also chaired the education committee where he worked to empower parents and students to make more decisions about their future.

Go read the rest of that. Mike’s a proven leader, that knows how to get things done. Just we need for Michigan and for jobs to be returned to this area. I supported Mike Bouchard since day one and I do truly hope that he does win this primary.

Check out Mike Bouchard for Republican  Governor of the State of Michigan.

Why I left the Far-Right: Exhibit R for Racism and L for Lies

Here is another reason why I basically decided to part ways with the Neo-Conservative, Far-Right in the Blogosphere — Which included me leaving the Conservative Hive on BlogAds.

It seems that some writer over at John Hawkings’s Right Wing News Blog, which is a strict Neo-Conservative Blog, has posted a entry rife full of lies and outright racism towards Arabs in Detroit.

First, the racism:

Just as no good deed goes unpunished, no act of evil remains unrewarded for long — much less a whole career of evil that reached its crescendo with a denunciation of Jews so tasteless that not even the liberal establishment media could stomach it. This is why the Muslim colonists populating Dearbornistan are erecting a statue of Helen Thomas.

Did you get that? “Dearbornistan.” That is what your Far-Right in this Country is come to; outright racism and bigotry towards Arabs. Dearbornistan is a racist play on words for the city of Dearborn, Michigan. Which is populated by Arabs. The good majority of which are peace-loving Muslims and yes, some Christian Arabs as well. But, that is no matter to those on the far-right; they are ate up with bigotry and hatred towards the Arabs in this Country. Mainly because of 9/11. My question to them is this; do two wrongs make a right? I think not. Could you imagine if someone referred to an area of America, that was heavily populated by Jews in the same manner as this? The outrage would be absolutely deafening.

Not being satisfied with just being a racist bigot, this guy is also a liar as well, check out this little nugget of B.S.:

I’d be surprised if taxes aren’t making up most of the difference. No problem, Michigan is flush with cash these days.

Nowhere at all in this story, which is about Helen Thomas getting statue of her likeness in a Arab Museum; does it say a thing about Helen Thomas’s statue being paid for by U.S. Tax dollars, nowhere. But that does not stop these far-right, Neo-Conservative bigots from spreading lies like this. Because, you see, it is all about their bigoted little narrative, that ALL Arabs are terrorists, and that they are out to kill all Americans and so forth.

Do not misunderstand me here, I do not not, nor will I ever side with the socialist left in this Country. But I will be damned if I ever side with a bunch of far-right bigots either! This is the reason why I personally believe that the Republican Party is going to get it’s ASS handed to it in the primaries and in 2012. The American people, like me, just do not have any tolerance for bigotry and racism —– towards ANY race at all. This is why I voted libertarian in the 2008 election. One because I thought Sarah Palin was an idiot, and still do; two because of this sort of idiotic racist bigotry that exists in the Conservative circles. It is wrong, it should be flushed out and exposed for what it really is.

I mean, these guys are acting like the Jim Crow racist Democrats of the south prior to 1964. It is truly unreal.

Let me also say this; this sort of crap right here, is why I basically parted ways with the more Paleo-Conservative circles in the past. Because I just do not have any tolerance for this sort of nuanced bigotry and racism, and now here it is being found in the more main-stream, Neo-Conservative circles. If William F. Buckley was alive he would be fit to be tied for idiotic nonsense like this. Using 9/11 as a license to act like Klan members; it is truly unbelievable.

Sorry, but, no one rescued me

I feel the need to write about this, but I am not. I am going to post a video reply.

Over at “The Other McCain”, I saw this headline:


Aside from the “ZOMG! Eleventy!!!!” element to it. I didn’t think much of it. So, I went over and looked:

Home foreclosures are continuing at a brisk pace, according to an article by McClatchy News.   Many of the first foreclosures that began three years ago, when the housing bubble began to burst, were for subprime mortgages.  Now, however, a fresh batch of foreclosures is occurring because people have lost their jobs and can’t pay them.  I am now in that category.  I didn’t pay my July mortgage payment and probably will miss August as well.  I haven’t been answering the phone, which rings constantly from bill collectors.

Our savings kept us afloat for a year.  When it was gone, I borrowed the equity out of my life insurance.  That’s gone too.  We were hoping to ride out this recession, to survive until it was over.

This prompted a back and forth between me and Robert Stacy McCain:

July 31st, 2010 @ 6:30 am

Meh, No pity…

Maybe Rupert Murdok or one of his Zionist friends can bail him out.


Robert Stacy McCain
July 31st, 2010 @ 6:50 am

Dammit, Pat, if you knew what a great guy Stogie is, you wouldn’t say useless crap like that. I was tempted to delete your comment, but I’ll leave it up, just to chastise your conscience when you see the testimonials to Stogie’s valiant character.

July 31st, 2010 @ 7:10 am

I’m sure he is a great guy. But nobody bailed my ass out when I was over 18 grand in the hole back in 2004. I filed for chapter 7 and started over.

I’m just sayin’…

Of course, McCain’s sock puppets came out in full force against me; which is of no surprise.

Here’s my video reply on the subject and my apologies in advance for the poor audio quality and picture:

That’s my opinion, and I welcome yours.

Boy can I relate, to a point: Anne Rice quits Christianity

Writer Anne Rice announced on her facebook page, that she’s had it with the organized Church: (Via)

For those who care, and I understand if you don’t: Today I quit being a Christian. I’m out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being “Christian” or to being part of Christianity. It’s simply impossible for me to “belong” to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I’ve tried. I’ve failed. I’m an outside. My conscience will allow nothing else.


As I said below, I quit being a Christian. I’m out. In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.


My faith in Christ is central to my life. My conversion from a pessimistic atheist lost in a world I didn’t understand, to an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God is crucial to me. But following Christ does not mean following His followers. Christ is infinitely more important than Christianity and always will be, no matter what Christianity is, has been or might become.


My posts about quitting Christianity have brought in a lot of mail. Most of it is positive; a small amount is negative. But one thing is clear: people care passionately about belief. They care about living lives of meaning and significance. And that is a beautiful and reassuring thing. I’ll have more on the subject in… the future.

I can relate, to a point. As far as the Anti-Gay nonsense. Let’s go to the Bible:

Read from 1 Corinthians 6:8-10 from the Amplified Bible:

But [instead it is you] yourselves who wrong and defraud, and that even your own brethren [by so treating them]!

Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality,

Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God.

You cannot separate God, or Christ from his Word. Some more Bible:

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2The same was in the beginning with God.

3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

John 1:1-3 (King James Version)


25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.

26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish , neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.

30 I and my Father are one.

31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.

32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?

33 The Jews answered him, saying , For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said , Ye are gods?

35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came , and the scripture cannot be broken ; —  John 10:25-35 (King James Version)

If that is what she is running from, I say let her run. But she’s referring to the people who claim to represent Christ, acting like heathens, and basically saying one thing from the pulpit and doing another in their lives; I can very much relate.

As Christians, we should be praying for our President


I know some of you are going to groan aloud when I write this, well, too bad. Because I believe this is an important point to make.

I happened to be roaming around the White House’s official Flickr Stream and I came across this photo; and it really hit me hard. I know, that I do not much blog about Christianity and Religious stuff much, except to criticize that crowd, but I would be an abject fool, if I did not stop and opine about this photo.

Because I am not a partisan hack or a person who is loyal to a party, I feel the need to say this.

The President of the United States, Barack Obama was elected by the majority of America. The fate of our Nation’s future rests on his shoulders. I believe that Christians everywhere, in spite of their political convictions should keep this man in his prayers. We should be asking God to guide this man, protect him from any crazy people out that might want to hurt him and to ask the Lord to guide him to make the right decisions that will affect the future of America. That is what we should be doing.

This is not to say that there not a place for Political criticism; but rather a reminder that his job, is the hardest in the World and that a little help from the One above is always nice to have.

Remember this today.

Support The American Conservative

I will admit, I do not always agree with what I read at The American Conservative. However, I do believe in a diversity of thought and Ideas within the realm of Conservatism.

It appears that The American Conservative is having a Donation drive and is in need of financial support. Now, is The American Conservative a George W. Bush loving, flag waving Neo-Conservative publication? No, quite the opposite. In fact, check out this quote:

I agree with that, and if I could, I would be sending them the $20.000 they need to stay afloat. But, I am one of the people, suffering under the brutal leadership of the Democratic Party here in Detroit, Michigan. So, please, if you are able, donate to that fine publication, and help keep the voice of American Conservatism in print and on the internet.

Click here to Donate to the American Conservative.

Now, for the $100 question. Which am I? Neo or Paleo? Well, honestly, I am a bit of both. There are good and bad in both schools. Really, There are eleven different schools of Conservatism; they are:

I believe that all of these schools have good ideas and some bad. I believe that we as Conservatives should try and embrace all of the ideas within these different schools and try to work on a collation in the Conservative movement to run in opposition to the big Government ideas of the Democratic Party. The problem is, that people within Republican Party are more interested in party loyalty, than they are furthering the cause of Conservatism.

Having said all that, do what you can to help.

Phyllis Schlafly and stubborn facts

I got to hand it to Phyllis Schlafly she really knows how to make the Liberal left crazy. I love her for that.

The Video:

The Money Quote:

“One of the things Obama’s been doing is deliberately trying to increase the percentage of our population that is dependent on government for their living. For example, do you know what was the second-biggest demographic group that voted for Obama? . . . Unmarried women. Seventy percent of unmarried women voted for Obama. And this is because, when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have Big Brother government to be your provider. . . .”

Now the facts, taken by poll by CNN:

Stubborn Facts

Not to mention this:

Take a recent report entitled “Advancing the Economic Security of Unmarried Women” by the Center for American Progress, the “progressive” nonprofit run by Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff John Podesta. The report reviews the problems of a growing segment of our society: unmarried women. They are poorer, more likely than other women to be unemployed, have less access to health care, and often struggle to care for children without support from fathers.

What’s CAP’s solution? More government at every turn. Among the recommended proposals are more generous unemployment benefits, more job-training and job-placement programs, greater subsidies for child care, more generous child-nutrition programs, direct welfare payments for those with children, government intervention to prevent foreclosures, expanded low-income-housing programs, an increased minimum wage, government intervention to increase the pay of occupations dominated by women, mandatory paid family and sick leave, and, of course, government-provided health care. In other words, complete cradle-to-grave, taxpayer-provided government support.

It’s tempting to call this paper sexist: Women — especially unmarried women — are portrayed as barely able to subsist without extra protection. One could also ruminate on CAP’s view of family formation, which seems willing to substitute a dependent relationship on the government for marriage. A woman without a man is encouraged to depend on Uncle Sam.

Once again, Phyllis Schlafly makes the liberal left crazy…. With the FACTS!

...and I just love her for that…..

Phyllis Schlafly is the real deal — a True Conservative Christian woman, who; unlike Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham, dresses, talks and acts like a true Conservative Christian woman.

The thing that I find some incredibly ironic, is that the fact that liberals think that Phyllis Schlafly is speaking extremism. But Mike Malloy wishing that Glenn Back and Rush Limbaugh would die, is perfectly fine.  It’s funny how those liberals work, isn’t it?

By the way, I have an entire WING of Mrs. Schlafly’s books in my Bookstore.