Blowhole Ricky Hollywood to run for Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Seriously

You can tell it is a slow news day when I am reporting on this idiotic crap….:

Ricky Hollywood - Not your average blowhole

Johnston will run for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska — yes, the same job that propelled Sarah Palin to governor of that state (and later, the vice presidential nomination) — in a new reality project being pitched by Stone and Co.

“Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor’s Office” will center on Johnston’s newfound fame as the baby daddy to Palin’s grandson, Tripp.

Johnston will trade on that notoriety to make his run for Wasilla City Hall — when he’s not pursuing a career in Hollywood, of course.

Sarah Palin - Not your average whatever she is....

Stone and Co. are already shooting the show’s pilot and have started pitching the show to networks.

Johnston admitted that he wasn’t thrilled at first about the mayoral campaign concept, which was pitched to him by Stone’s Scott Stone and David Weintraub.

“But the more I think about it and look into it, I think there’s a possibility we can make it happen,” Johnston said of his political prospects. “It’s something that I want to do.”

Johnston already has a campaign manager, Tank Jones, to help him with the task. Wasilla’s mayoral chair isn’t actually up for election until 2012, but in the meantime, Jones said Johnston may look to run for city council.

via Levi’s on the stump – Entertainment News, TV News, Media – Variety.

I must ask a question; I am the only person in America right now that wishes that these two morons would just disappear and quit trying to put themselves into my face and my life, and quit trying to insert themselves into the national conservation on politics or anything else for that matter? I mean, seriously! What in the hell does this feckless bitch have to say, that any sensible America would even remotely want to hear? I mean, during the 2008 election, this woman rode in on the white horse of Conservative Christianity in the Republican Party — all the while knowing that her daughter was pregnant. She chose to try and cover it up. That is right; she lied to the American people and to the Republican Party. Now she wants us to believe that she is some sort of a leader. Please, Sarah, do not make me laugh; you cannot even lead your own  family or your children properly; and you want to lead this Nation? Give me and the rest of the American people a break here. Because quite frankly, we are just not that stupid.

Oh and those so-called “American Values” that you claim to represent? Well, one of those values Sarah, is freedom of speech. It is quite clear to me, Mrs. Palin that you do not value that right; as evidenced in this previous waste of bandwidth about you. The only type of speech that you value, is friendly speech, nothing else. If anyone dares to mock, deride, and even criticize you. You go out of your way to try and destroy them. You did this in Alaska many times and was called out for it by many people; including those within your own party in Alaska.

So, to you Mrs. Palin I say; please, just go away. Because quite frankly at this point, you are nothing more than a funny minstrel show; a side show, a train wreck waiting to happen. Only reason people even look at you is because like a train wreck, once you see it, you can never look away. Also, please, do not delude yourself to believe that anyone in Conservatism actually takes anything you say, with any sort of seriousness. I mean, the only thing most Conservative men find you useful for is for a object to look at during masturbation or something similar. You are nothing more anymore in Conservatism than a pin up girl.

…and God knows at this point, the Republican Party and Conservatism needs something more than a pin up girl. We need serious leadership, and not some rock star pin up girl who believes that she is entitled to be President, because she is a woman.

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