Stop the presses: Andrew Sullivan actually writes something I agree with

Yes, I know. Andrew Sullivan is a bit more liberal than most Conservatives here in America. Yes, I know that most people here in America, that call themselves Conservative, utterly despise the man. Yes, I know most of my blogging friends; if I still have any, hate the ground that this man walks on. But, damn it, when he is right, he is right.

Sully writes:

It seems to me simply wrong to ascribe the bile of flocks of angry commenters that appear on any site that tackles contentious topics to the blogger himself. You can criticize him or her for not deleting them and providing a platform to hate (Ann Althouse’s readers routinely mock me for having HIV, for example, and she does nothing) but you can’t criticize someone for attracting such creatures on the internet – let alone convict him of the same views. To further convict him on the basis of anti-Semitic emails sent entirely independently of him to a third party – and to describe them as “Stephen Walt’s Mailbag” when in fact, it’s Jeffrey Goldberg’s in-tray – strikes me as deeply unfair. But that’s what my colleague Jeffrey Goldberg has done with Stephen Walt in his latest post. He has every right to lambaste Walt for things he writes and has written (although I think “Jew-baiter” is an ugly and absurd excess) – but this guilt-by-association is perverse.

I must agree with the above. This is what Charles Johnson of little green footballs fame does all the damned time; and it is stupid. It is collectivism and it is wrong and flies in the face of what Conservatives everywhere believe.

Sully continues:

And if raising questions about Israel’s policies inflames anti-Semitism (and how can it not among the fever swamps of hate out there?), should that therefore prevent us from airing such questions? The chilling implications of this kind of argument are profound – and inimical to free discourse. Look: I know it’s awful to read bigoted emails. And relatively new bloggers may be unused to the routine bile. But you need to accept it as part of a new media with no filters.

My feelings on both points:

  • One of the worst things with having to debate or even discuss Israel and foreign policy of the United States is the Semite card playing buffoons of the Wilsonian crowd. Sadly, there are Jews out there that use their identity to tag anyone who dare challenge their foreign policy position a Jew-Hater, an Anti-Semite, and so on.
  • On the issue of the unfiltered New Media; I highly disagree with Sully’s conclusion. This is why I have strict moderation in place on this Blog. I also have a set of rules in place. You violate my rules; you do not comment here; Period. This also why I always keep moderation enabled here. I review every comment, if something does not pass muster, it is deleted. I wish I had a dollar for every time some moron pass through here and made a stupid comment about blacks, Jews and even liberals. Sometimes, I will post the stupid stuff, with the IP address, e-mail address and real name showing; just to show everyone how dumb this person is. But there are some that are so vile and nasty that I will not publish them. Those are the one that are why I have moderation enabled. I just will not give a open platform to hate, period.

Local Stupidity: Ann Arbor Michigan spends $850,000 on art, while firefighters are laid off

Finally, something worthy of a blog post!

This has to be the MOST tone deaf things that I have read since the election of Barack Obama…:

The debate in Ann Arbor, where firefighters are being laid off due to a multimillion dollar budget deficit, is over an $850,000 piece of art.

That’s how much the city has agreed to pay German artist Herbert Dreiseitl for a three-piece water sculpture that would go in front of the new police and courts building right by the City Hall.

The city has the money to do it because in 2007, it agreed to set aside for public art 1 percent of money that went into capital improvement projects that were $100,000 or larger. Most capital projects involve streets, sewers and water.

Ann Arbor City Council member Stephen Kunselman, a Democrat, opposed the art deal.

“I think it is incredibly insensitive,” Kunselman said. “It is insensitive to the staff and their morale. It is insensitive to the community. There are people out there struggling financially, and here we are spending a large amount of money on a piece of art.”

Kunselman said the city is also eliminating the solid waste coordinator from the budget, which oversees trash pickup, and hiring an art coordinator.

City Administrator Roger Fraser wrote in an e-mail that the solid waste coordinator position was eliminated as a cost-cutting measure because the solid waste millage had decreased. Fraser wrote that the art coordinator position would be paid for by the public art fund.

Fraser noted that the public art dollars did not come from the city’s general fund, which is used to pay salaries and benefits, and that less than $6,000 of the art money came from the general fund.

The art projects also must have a “thematic connection” to the source of funding, Fraser wrote. The $850,000 art project is water-themed, because the money came from storm water funds.

But some critics say that a city creative enough to fund art from storm water projects should be able to find money to cover essential city services.

“That’s the classic argument,” said Glenn Thompson, an Ann Arbor resident and longtime critic of city spending. “But the city has become very, very good at shuffling money in and out of the general fund when they want. These people are very good at putting it in and out of the general fund when they wish.”

Michael LaFaive, the director of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy’s Morey Fiscal Policy Initiative said nonessential services are being funded throughout the state.

“Administrators cry poverty while lavishing money on the beautiful people,” LaFaive said. “The threat to dismiss firefighters often comes while officials protect golf courses, wave pools and art. No city can cry poverty while it defends recreation and aesthetics such as art.”

LaFaive said administrators get creative with budgets to fund pet projects.

via The Art of the Ann Arbor City Budget [Mackinac Center].

I would say that I am shocked about this; but hey, it is Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor, for those who are not from these parts; is a bastion of Liberalism. Basically, it is San Francisco in Michigan. Yeah, it is that liberal. 🙄

True Story: When I actually worked for a living; back in the mid 90’s, I made a delivery to that city, I mean, right downtown; you talk about feeling like driving into an alternative universe. 😯 There were people…..everywhere. I was near, as in like a block away, from the local university there. It was quite the interesting experience. I remember getting my package signed for, and scrambling to find the entrance to the freeway and getting the heck out of dodge!  I went back to the shop and said in my most pitiful, mournful, voice, “PLEASE, DON’T SEND ME TO ANN ARBOR ANYMORE!” I thought the secretary at the office was going to fall out of her chair laughing at me. 😀

A man can only handle so many weird looking people in one place! 😀

Others: Classical Values, American Spectator, Questions and Observations, The New Editor, Wizbang, theblogprof and Moonbattery

Video: Just a little something I need to get off my chest

This video is a result of conversation that I had earlier with a family member of mine who lives in Georgia. It is a sneak peak into my personal life; so, bear with it, please. The subject matter is a bit rough, but if you look past that, there’s a subtle message there; you just have to look for it.

It is something that just needs to be said to those people down there….

Hopefully, they get it.

Yes, I am still alive

I am just really, really, sleepy….

Actually, I only woke up at 5:30 this evening. That was after my dad came down to check on me; to make sure I was still alive.

What happened was this; yesterday, I took a nap that was supposed to only last about an hour. That nap ended up lasting for a few hours. 😮 Well, that threw off my sleeping hours, and I could not, for the life of me, go to sleep. So, I pulled an all-niter. I ended up finally going to sleep around 9:30 this morning.

So, needless to say…. I am totally out of sorts. 😯

Once I get it together here. I will have something to say about political events of the day.

The wages of the Far-Right: Exhibit BW: Byron Williams

This here, is what happens, when you allow Far-Right talk radio to continue on unregulated. (As in with no fairness doctrine)

The Story:

Byron Williams

Convicted felon Byron Williams loaded up his mother’s Toyota Tundra with guns, strapped on his body armor and headed to San Francisco late Saturday night with one thing in mind: to kill workers at the American Civil Liberties Union and an environmental foundation, prosecutors say.

Williams, an anti-government zealot on parole for bank robbery, had hoped to “start a revolution” with the bloodshed at the ACLU and the Tides Foundation in San Francisco, authorities said.

But before he made it to the city, Williams was stopped at early Sunday by California Highway Patrol officers for speeding and driving erratically on westbound Interstate 580 west of Grand Avenue in Oakland.

Police say he then initiated a chaotic, 12-minute gunbattle with officers, firing a 9mm handgun, a .308-caliber rifle and a shotgun. He reloaded his weapons when he ran out of ammunition and stopped only after officers shot him in areas of his body not covered by his bullet-resistant vest, authorities said.

via Alleged gunman says he wanted ‘a revolution’.

Do you think that the Far-Right Wing media is not just a little bit liable for this incident? I do.

A fairness doctrine would stop such stuff; and force broadcasters to employ a bit more responsibility.

Why I left the Right: Exhibit C for Conspiracy

As you already know there is a HUGE story about the USDA workers firing.

…and what is wing-nut Andrew Breitbart now saying, that he has been exposed?

Think Progress reports:

Two white farmers who were supposedly discriminated against by former USDA official Shirley Sherrod spoke out on her behalf yesterday, saying “no way in the world” is she racist.

But last night, the right-wing blogger who instigated this faux controversy questioned the white farmers’ honesty and repeated his false racist charges. In interviews with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and CNN, the Iron City, GA couple Roger and Eloise Spooner described Sherrod as a “friend for life” and a “good person” who helped save their farm. Speaking with CNN’s John King, right-wing provocateur Andrew Breitbart challenged Eloise Spooner’s “purported” story, accusing King of trusting Sherrod “that the ‘farmer’s wife’ is the farmer’s wife…

The complete interview can be found Here and Here. But the money part is this right here:


You tell me as a reporter how CNN put on a person today who purported to be the farmer’s wife? What did you do to find out whether or not that was the actual farmer’s wife? I mean, if you’re going to accuse me of a falsehood, tell me where you’ve confirmed that had this incident happened 24 years ago. […]

You’re going off of her word that the farmer’s wife is the farmer’s wife?

Yeah, like CNN or anyone else for the matter is going to grab someone off of the street and put them on a farm and tell them, presumably at gunpoint or whatever is in Andrew Breitbart’s mind; and force them to say they were helped by this woman. Andrew Breitbart has lost all credibility in this situation and is now spinning like a top and has crossed over into WorldNetDaily territory. In short, the man is basically trying to save face and is failing badly.

Just another reason why I left the right.

Others, on the left covering this, and hell, who wouldn’t?!?!?!?!?!?:

Media Matters for America, Washington Wire, The Huffington Post, JONATHAN TURLEY, Wonk Room, Washington Monthly, Gawker, Wonkette, Media Matters for America, News Hounds, Rumproast and The Mahablog

WOW: Even Jonah Goldberg thinks that Andrew Breitbart should apologize to Shirley Sherrod

Now this is a surprise:

I think she should get her job back. I think she’s owed apologies from pretty much everyone, including my good friend Andrew Breitbart. I generally think Andrew is on the side of the angels and a great champion of the cause. He says he received the video in its edited form and I believe him. But the relevant question is, Would he have done the same thing over again if he had seen the full video from the outset? I’d like to think he wouldn’t have. Because to knowingly turn this woman into a racist in order to fight fire with fire with the NAACP is unacceptable. When it seemed that Sherrod was a racist who abused her power, exposing her and the NAACP’s hypocrisy was perfectly fair game. But now that we have the benefit of knowing the facts, the equation is completely different.

via Shirley Sherrod — My Take – Jonah Goldberg – The Corner on National Review Online.

Now that is a very big shock to see this guy make a turn like this. Very interesting…

From my Inbox: Environmental group and NYT cohorts?

From the inbox:

This story has yet to be fully exposed.  Please let me know if there is any other information you may need for a blog post!

In a memo recently cited by E&E news, communications firm Clean Energy Work (which can be found at outlines the possible method of using the New York Times as a centerpiece of a “tactical campaign” to reframe proposed tax increases on American consumers as “The Big Oil Welfare Tax”.

This is a left wing campaign strategy to use the New York Times as a tool to push a liberal agenda that would increase taxes on energy companies and consumers.

An actual article in the New York Times (“As Oil Industry Fights a Tax, It Reaps Billions From Subsidies”) seems to be one example of this strategy in action.  The article is riddled with inaccuracies and misrepresentations that are easily spotted by anyone with a basic understanding or background in tax policy.

Andrew Langer at the Institute for Liberty has responded to this misinformation in a point by point post at (original NYT article and CEW memo are also at this page)

Something worth looking at.

Believe it when I see it: Obama to Target CRA

WaPo Reports:

Responding to the collapse in home prices and the huge number of foreclosures, the Obama administration is pursuing an overhaul of government policy that could diverge from the emphasis on homeownership embraced by former administrations.

“In previous eras, we haven’t seen people question whether homeownership was the right decision. It was just assumed that’s where you want to go,” said Raphael Bostic, a senior official in the Department of Housing and Urban Development. “You’re not going to hear us say that.”

Bostic, who has published leading scholarship on homeownership, added that owning a home has a lot of value, but “what we’ve seen in the last four years is that there really is an underside to homeownership.”

The administration’s narrower view of who should own a home and what the government should to do to support them could have major implications for the economy as well as borrowers. Broadly, the administration may wind down some government backing for home loans, but increase the focus on affordable rentals.

The shift in approach could mean higher down payments and interest rates on loans, more barriers to lower-income people buying houses, and fewer homeowners overall, government officials said. But it could also pave the way for a more stable housing market, one with fewer taxpayer dollars on the line and less of a risk that homeowners will not be able to pay their mortgages. And it could spell changes throughout the financial markets, as investors choose new places to put their money if the government withdraws some incentives for investing in the U.S. mortgage market.

I don’t buy it. But, it could happen.

Ed Morrissey, who is one of the more honest right-wing bloggers out there, says:

Will the White House go through with it?  It’s one thing to leak this to the Post.  It’s another thing entirely to follow through with the necessary rulemaking and legislative effort needed to succeed in it.  The Post notes that La Raza, one of the groups that gains material benefit from participating in government programs for these home-ownership efforts, is already unhappy with the idea.  At a time when Obama’s approval ratings are sinking towards Bush levels, this could alienate his ideological base and leave him utterly abandoned in 2012.

Let’s hope Obama commits to this reform.  If he does, it will easily be the most significant economic reform of his tenure, and would represent a significant retreat from the government interventions and social engineering that have ruined the American economy, and could set the stage for even further constraints on federal power.  That would show actual leadership and strength.

Pardon me if I sound about as jaded as an atheist on Easter Sunday; but it would make no sense for President Obama to do this. As it was the Democrats that created this whole mess in the first place. Social engineering is what they do; so, I will not break out the pom poms just yet. I will believe it, when the speculation of the real estate market ends. I will believe when they stop trading mortgages on the stock market. I will believe it when the sub-prime mortgages are gone. I will believe it, when Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are gone for good.

Until then, I remain unconvinced.

Holy Crap: Bell, Ca officials make a half a million a year

It’s good work when you can get it! 😯

Hundreds of residents of one of the poorest municipalities in Los Angeles County shouted in protest last night as tensions rose over a report that the city’s manager earns an annual salary of almost $800,000.

An overflow crowd packed a City Council meeting in Bell, a mostly Hispanic city of 38,000 about 10 miles (16 kilometers) southeast of Los Angeles, to call for the resignation of Mayor Oscar Hernandez and other city officials. Residents left standing outside the chamber banged on the doors and shouted “fuera,” or “get out” in Spanish.

It was the first council meeting since the Los Angeles Times reported July 15 that Chief Administrative Officer Robert Rizzo earns $787,637 — with annual 12 percent raises — and that Bell pays its police chief $457,000, more than Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck makes in a city of 3.8 million people. Bell council members earn almost $100,000 for part-time work.

via California Official’s $800,000 Salary in City of 38,000 Triggers Protests – Bloomberg.

Wow… They’re lucky the people didn’t burn the building to the ground! I can understand the rage, to a point.

Clean Streets? HA! For that kind of money, they should be paved with gold. 😀

Ousted USDA Official: I am not sure I even want my job back

Can you blame her? (via Today on NBC)

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I mean, seriously. To me, this was nothing more than a high tech lynching. If I were a black person and I was in the White House or even remotely close to it in a Governmental position. I would be looking for another job really fast. Because who is to say that BreitBart is not holding onto something else that might damage someone? Of course, that is what the far right wants, they want those “Dirty Niggers” out of the White House and out of the Government. Because of how it is poisoning the White House or whatever stupidity those people happen to believe.

Left Wing Stupidity: Left Wing Journalists want Fox News shut down by Government

Just to show you that I have not gone totally “around the bend”, so to speak. This struck me as just incredibly stupid:

This comes Via Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller:

The very existence of Fox News, meanwhile, sends Journolisters into paroxysms of rage. When Howell Raines charged that the network had a conservative bias, the members of Journolist discussed whether the federal government should shut the channel down.

“I am genuinely scared” of Fox, wrote Guardian columnist Daniel Davies, because it “shows you that a genuinely shameless and unethical media organisation *cannot* be controlled by any form of peer pressure or self-regulation, and nor can it be successfully cold-shouldered or ostracised. In order to have even a semblance of control, you need a tough legal framework.” Davies, a Brit, frequently argued the United States needed stricter libel laws.

“I agree,” said Michael Scherer of Time Magazine. Roger “Ailes understands that his job is to build a tribal identity, not a news organization. You can’t hurt Fox by saying it gets it wrong, if Ailes just uses the criticism to deepen the tribal identity.”

Jonathan Zasloff, a law professor at UCLA, suggested that the federal government simply yank Fox off the air. “Do you really want the political parties/white house picking which media operations are news operations and which are a less respectable hybrid of news and political advocacy?”

But Zasloff stuck to his position. “I think that they are doing that anyway; they leak to whom they want to for political purposes,” he wrote. “If this means that some White House reporters don’t get a press pass for the press secretary’s daily briefing and that this means that they actually have to, you know, do some reporting and analysis instead of repeating press releases, then I’ll take that risk.”

Scherer seemed alarmed. “So we would have press briefings in which only media organizations that are deemed by the briefer to be acceptable are invited to attend?”

John Judis, a senior editor at the New Republic, came down on Zasloff’s side, the side of censorship. “Pre-Fox,” he wrote, “I’d say Scherer’s questions made sense as a question of principle. Now it is only tactical.

What you have just read above; is why I sided against the liberal left. Because Liberals believe in freedom of speech; as long as it matches up with their political ideologies. Conservatives, for all their faults, do embrace true freedom of speech. Liberals, I am afraid, do not. This is a perfect example of that. The very idea of the FCC pulling Fox News’s broadcast license, because of their political stance, is absolutely asinine. Not to mention it smacks of communism and yes, even Nazi fascism.

For what it is worth and as horrible as it sounds; Nazi Germany and Communist Russia BOTH did control their press and even had a Government-controlled press. This sounds like what these guys want, a controlled press that only exposes their ideals. That is a true definition of fascism; government control over every aspect of people’s lives —- including the privately owned press.

Why I left the right: Exhibit C for Common Sense

…or a lack of it, by people on the right, that is….

Seems that now that Sen. Lindsey Graham decided to stand up against the bigotry, hatred towards gays and yes, Antisemitism in the GOP. Because this, he is now a lame-duck in the ranks of the GOP.

Chris Cillizza, who is about the only political reporter is has any kind of integrity anymore, has the story:

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R) announcement that he will vote in favor of Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court is likely to further incite conservatives already unhappy with him and, according to close observers of the state’s politics, ensures he will face a serious primary challenge in 2014.

“I think there’s a good reason for a conservative to vote yes,” Graham said this morning.

Graham’s apostasy on Kagan comes after other high profile breaks with conservatives in his state (and nationally) over climate change and immigration reform and will likely make him a central target of those tea party Republicans who helped oust Utah Sen. Bob Bennett in his bid for renomination earlier this year.

“It’s no longer a question of ‘if’ but ‘who’ and ‘how many’,” said one South Carolina Republican operative about a Graham primary challenge. The source added that Graham’s approach on high profile issues of late is “putting Lindsey’s friends and supporters in a really tough place.”

Richard Quinn, a Graham consultant, defended his client — noting that the Senator is “not a demagogue”. Added Quinn: “He’s a thinking person’s conservative. I expect him to do well among voters with IQ’s in triple digits.”

Quinn also noted that it’s more than four years before Graham faces voters again; “There will be many battles fought, lost and won between now and then,” he said.

And, Graham has proven himself to be a very able politician — running what was widely regarded as the best campaign of the 2002 election cycle and easily beating back a primary challenge in 2008 when there was already some conservative unrest directed toward him. He ended June with $2.8 million in the bank.

via The Fix – Lindsey Graham’s vote on Elena Kagan ensures primary challenge.

Because nothing says RINO louder, than voting for a suspected Lesbian Jew Liberal Woman in the Supreme Court of the United States! Just ask Pat Buchanan.

Why I left the Right: Exhibit C for Compassion

….or in this idiots case, exhibit A for asshole:

The people who have been laid off and cannot find work are generally people with poor work habits and poor personalities. I say “generally” because there are exceptions. But in general, as I survey the ranks of those who are unemployed, I see people who have overbearing and unpleasant personalities and/or who do not know how to do a day’s work. They are people who create either little utility or negative utility on the job. Again, there are powerful exceptions and I know some, but when employers are looking to lay off, they lay off the least productive or the most negative. To assure that a worker is not one of them, he should learn how to work and how to get along — not always easy. . — Ben Stein over at American Spectator via Think Progress

Coming from someone who has never, ever, done a ounce of physical labor in his life.

This, my friends, is why I being to really back away from the right. What kind of tone-deaf jerk makes a statement like that? Someone who has money and does not need to work; that’s who! I mean, the man was born into a life of privilege. No true working class person would ever make a statement like this, ever. I am however, resisting the temptation of calling this four-eyed jerk some sort of an awful name about his Jewish heritage; I mean, that could have something to do with it. I mean, it is not a myth that most Jews, especially the “well to do” ones, look down the nose at the more “common folk” America — especially we common folk of Christian Heritage. It is no secret that most Jews despise Christians.

Either way, this is a just a classic case of why I basically threw in the towel with the right and now just consider myself a centrist.

This is why the right should NOT ever get into sword fights over race

First a word from Glenn Beck:

Now the FULL video from the NAACP:

Money part in the second video starts at 16:30, and goes to about 24:00.

Meanwhile Andrew BreitBart is still spinning:

But even if the full video shows what Sherrod says it does, Breitbart said he’s seen enough.

“I think the video speaks for itself,” he said. “The way she’s talking about white people … is conveying a present tense racism in my opinion. But racism is in the eye of the beholder.”

He also takes issue with how the audience, many of them members of the NAACP, respond positively to her comments — proof, he says, of prevalent racism.

Yeah, nice way to try deflect criticism away from yourself; and nice way to deflect the fact that your nothing more than a political hack with an agenda and no sort of journalistic integrity at all. I knew this all was coming but I figured that Andrew Breitbart had done his homework. Turns out, he didn’t; and now he and everyone, which includes me unfortunately, has egg on their faces.

Stupid Right Wing Headline of the Day…..

This one is for the “Well, Duh!” section of the blog.

New polling data from Gallup on President Barack Obama’s job approval show that he is least popular in those states where people self-identify as “conservative” – in states, for example, such as Alabama, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. At the same time, the numbers show Obama is most popular in the one area where more people self-identify as “liberals”: the District of Columbia.

A July 19 poll on Obama’s job approval showed he was least popular (lowest ranking and up) in Wyoming, with an approval rating of only 29 percent, followed by Utah, with 34 percent approval; West Virginia, 34 percent; Idaho, 34 percent; and Oklahoma, 37 percent.

via – Obama Job Approval Lowest Among ‘Conservative’ States.

****Please Note: the following is extremely harsh sarcasm*****

I just do not get why this is actually news. I mean, Brent “The Bozo” Bozell actually pays people to write this sort of blatant stupidity. Of course, President Obama is not going to poll well in Conservative parts of the Country! I mean, why the hell would he not?

I guess he does this for the benefit of the extreme right in this Country. You know the ones who actually believe that President Barack Obama is not an American citizen. Also for those who believe he is some sort of Crypto-Commie Muslim or something. You know, the one’s that I refuse to give any space on this blog; and for that I have been labeled a “fake Conservative” because of it. The real ironic part is; a few of the bloggers who have said and done this, are Jewish people, like these people now have the right to smear a black man, because of what Adolf Hilter did to their people. I can tell you this, if ever a Jew were elected President; and people on the left or right criticized him, like people are doing Obama. The Semite card players would be out in full force —- Just like the race-card people are now.

This crap here is another reason why I have basically decided to stop siding with the right in this Country. Enough is enough and I have had enough of it. It is time get back to the reality; but it is becoming more clear by the minute that the Far Right and even the not-so-far right are living in altered state of reality.

On the right; in the end, it is the “That Nigger President and his socialist minions are going to rap our babies, Eat our children and steal our Money!” types that win out over reason and common sense. Which is why I’ve basically moved back to the center of the political fence. I didn’t vote for Obama; but I am not going to sit here and slander the man anymore. At least not to go along with the Republican Party’s narrative. The Conservative Blogosphere is made up serial liars, Neo-Nazi’s who are treated with respect, and shrieking harpy’s who are just plan crazy. Not my kind of crowd; that is about annoying and stupid as the Christian Right, of which I used to be part of. So, I know of what I speak.

Ugly-assed Lesbo heifer gets $35K settlement over canceled prom

Good Lord… 🙄

Somebody get that bitch a field to graze in... MOO!

JACKSON, Miss. — A rural school district that canceled its prom rather than allow a lesbian student to attend with her girlfriend has agreed to pay $35,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit the ACLU filed on her behalf.

The district also agreed to follow a non-discrimination policy as part of the settlement, though it argues such a policy was already in place.

Constance McMillen, 18, said the victory came at the price of her being shunned in her small hometown of Fulton.

“I knew it was a good cause, but sometimes it really got to me. I knew it would change things for others in the future and I kept going and I kept pushing,” McMillen said in an interview Tuesday.

via Lesbian gets $35K settlement over canceled prom – U.S. news –

She ought to have to pay 15K of that money back, just for being so damn fugly… I mean, no wonder she’s a dyke! Would you want to put your, um, manhood in that? Not me! 😯

The far right’s resident bow tie wearing asshole discovers that progressive journalists actually work together

Ooooh Scary… Must be a commie plot…or something…. 🙄

Tell me this asshole is not a fag....

The crisis reached a howling pitch in mid-April, 2008, at an ABC News debate moderated by Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos. Gibson asked Obama why it had taken him so long – nearly a year since Wright’s remarks became public – to dissociate himself from them. Stephanopoulos asked, “Do you think Reverend Wright loves America as much as you do?”

Watching this all at home were members of Journolist, a listserv comprised of several hundred liberal journalists, as well as like-minded professors and activists. The tough questioning from the ABC anchors left many of them outraged. “George [Stephanopoulos],” fumed Richard Kim of the Nation, is “being a disgusting little rat snake.”

via Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright | The Daily Caller

If you think for one second that Conservative Bloggers and media types do not work together; you are crazy. But that does not matter, because them evil liberals want to rape our white daughters and eat our babies…and make us all into Muslims…. or something. 🙄

Shirley Sherrod may have been railroaded

Remember the video I posted yesterday? Well, it looks like this lady may have been railroaded.

Check out the Memorandum thread. Read the stories and make your own decisions.

If I were Sherrod, I would sue the living crap out of that playboy rich asshole Jew Andrew Breitbart. Lord knows he has too much money and likes to abuse others with his riches. He needs to be taken out; and besides, it would make for some awesome blog fodder.

Stupidity from the Moderation Cue

Well, seeing that I broke from the right, because of their stupidity; like having sword fights with the NAACP, instead of covering real stories, like the murder of a Republican Election official in Tennessee. I now am getting silly comments in my moderation cue in the comments section, stuff like this right here:

Author : Integrity (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
How about Media Matters, I sent it to them? They may give you the attention you seek.

Oh Yes, I am an attention seeking whore, who needs the far left Media Matters to give me the spotlight.

A real knee slapper that one is… HAW HAW HAW!  🙄

I already tell, this is going to be a very interesting experience dealing with these idiot wingers.

As of today: I am no longer an “Right of Center” Blogger

This decision is not one that I just made flippantly. It is one that has been coming for a long time; ever since the election actually or shortly afterward.

This is not to say that I am siding again with the Democrats, oh hell no. 🙄  But I am basically divorcing myself from what I really never was in the first place. As you know, if you read the “About Me” section and the “About this Blog” section on here; that I am, and really always was an independent. I was just an Independent, who sided with the right, when it came to Obama and the Democratic Party.

However, here in the last few weeks, it seems that the Republican Party and the Conservative Blogosphere has become entrenched in some very blatant stupidity. Like the stupid “Sword Fight” with the NAACP over racism; meanwhile stories like the Republican murdered in Tennessee are all but ignored.  I am for the preservation of American values and American Jobs, but what I am not for, is stupid partisan nonsense which has been coming from the Conservative Blogosphere as of late.

There is much more that I could write about this; but I really think you all know what I mean. I mean, the right Blogosphere has all but imposed a blackout on my blog; because some dirt-bag decided that I was not a “True Conservative”; whatever that is…. Anyhow, I guess because I did not suck up to Michelle Malkin and posted one of her old addresses, because she decided to stalk a family, who’s child was badly injured in an auto accident — that makes me a fake Conservative. Pfft, As if. 🙄 Her true Conservatism was exposed as a fraud to many, when she offloaded HotAir, because it was supposedly a “bad investment”, which sums up her entire “Conservatism” —– a money-making deception. For what it is worth; I was not the person who exposed where she lived in Maryland, which made her have to move to Colorado. Even I am not that big of an asshole. Malkin has kids and I’d never do a thing to hurt a kid. I posted that old address, BEFORE I even knew she had any kids. The rumor that was told to me, is that the idiots over at Democratic Underground were a part of that little stunt. But, I cannot confirm that, so take it for what it is worth.

Anyhow, I made some changes. I removed the blogrolls, I removed my blog from the Ad-Hives on BlogAds. I’ll keep the BlogAds Advertisements on there. But, I don’t plan on pimping myself out to anything on the right or the left anymore. I will continue to blog about crap that pisses me off in the World of politics; but don’t expect me to accept any stupid narratives anymore. I will say what I damned well feel about stuff and if anyone does not like it. They can go screw themselves. I just really do not give two craps anymore about this idiotic nonsense.

Will I continue blogging? Yes. I do not plan on going anywhere. I am just very pissed off at what I thought were my friends on the right. Truthfully, I was nothing more than a useful idiot to those bastards.

Anyhow, I am off to take a much needed nap. I may also take a few weeks off from blogging. Because at this point; this shit ain’t fun anymore. 🙁

See ya


Updated: Why was this man murdered?

Why was this man killed?

Who did it and Why?

Those are questions that I would like to know….


The Victim: Jim Miller - Monroe County Election Commission Chairman

MADISONVILLE, Tenn. — Investigators are tight lipped, rumors are flying and a community is in shock by the discovery Saturday of a body that is widely believed to be Monroe County Election Commission Chairman Jim Miller, stuffed in the trunk of a burning car.

Late Monday afternoon, it was announced that the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation had become the lead agency of the four agencies investigating the case.

“It is Jim’s car, and Jim is missing,” said his longtime attorney and personal friend, John Cleveland, who is the city attorney for Sweetwater, Tenn. “But everybody would be pleased … to find out that we are wrong (and it is not him).”

Cleveland issued a statement Monday on behalf of Miller’s family that clearly indicates they believe he is the victim. Miller was last seen at the county’s Election Commission office around 12:30 p.m. on Saturday. He was working that day because of early voting, said County Election Administrator James R. Brown.

“He’d made a call to his wife and was going home, but he never made it home,” Brown said. “This has got people talking in the county. It’s got people wondering.

Now why would I even remotely care about this? This is why:

Miller, 60, was a lifelong Sweetwater resident and very active in community affairs and the Republican Party, say people who knew him.


Besides his Election Commission post, Miller was 1st District chairman of the county’s Republican Party. He was president of Jim Miller Excavating Co.

Could it be that this man discovered some election fraud in Tennessee or knew about some; and maybe was planning to go public with it, and the Democrats in Tennessee ordered him killed? Is it wrong to ask such questions? After all, President Obama did say, “Get in their faces!” I mean, we already know about the Republican who got shoved and punched by a union goon at a nurses union rally; who is to say that the Democratic National Committee or the Democratic Party in Tennessee did not order this man killed? Something stinks and I think some sort of new media investigation is needed.I would head down there myself; but I do not have the funds to check it out, and I really do not have any reliable transportation.

Let me say this; if this was a hit on a Republican election official, and anyone outside of the State level was involved with this, it could have horrible ramifications for the Democratic Party in the 2010 and 2012 elections. Let me also say this; I normally as a rule do not engage in this sort of speculation, but this one reeks of a plot to murder the political opposition. I just hope that I am wrong and this was an random act of violence towards an old man. However, it does warrant media investigation. However, we all know that the Liberal media will not get involved in this; because it does not fit their narrative.

Update: So far. Not one blogger has replied to my e-mail or even linked. Needless to say, I am not happy with the Conservative Blogosphere right now. 😡

Update #2: From the comments section:

This, most likely, is a family related murder not political. BtW, no identification has been made yet. This guy and his brothers have been in a 10 plus year war over a dairy farm with numerous appeals. miller v miller Appeals Court Ruling PDF I am from this area and people down here don’t get killed for politics. They get killed over probate and death gifts of estates. :twisted: This area is so republican that most people won’t even admit to being a Reagan democrat. :oops: Either way, it is sad.

Update #3: From the comments:

I wanted to update this story. In a surprising turn of events, the Sheriff Deputy who drove by and saw the car burning has been suspended with pay and declared a suspect in the arson and murder. Captain Kenny Hope of the Monroe County Sheriff Department even admitted that he was the only suspect and was questioned by the TBI (Tennessee version of the FBI.)

Captain Kenny Hope was hired in 2006, after Democrat Bill Blevins was elected as the first democratic sheriff and first democratic county-wide office holder in decades. His win was based not because of a political platform but perceived abuse and alleged illegal actions by the proceeding sheriff and disgraced Rep. General Session Judge Edwin Harris (Resigned over drug crimes) and Rep. Judge Hagler (Resigned after tapes were discovered containing sexual fantasies and who was suspected of killing a priest in Chattanooga in a weird sex case.)

Earlier in 2010 Captain Hope and the Mr. Miller was in a conflict during a traffic stop and arrest. The case is so convulsed that the DA and Judge recused themselves and the case was transferred out of County.

Sure enough, here are the links to the story here. Looks like there might just be some corruption on the local level after all.