Ugly-assed Lesbo heifer gets $35K settlement over canceled prom

Good Lord… 🙄

Somebody get that bitch a field to graze in... MOO!

JACKSON, Miss. — A rural school district that canceled its prom rather than allow a lesbian student to attend with her girlfriend has agreed to pay $35,000 to settle a discrimination lawsuit the ACLU filed on her behalf.

The district also agreed to follow a non-discrimination policy as part of the settlement, though it argues such a policy was already in place.

Constance McMillen, 18, said the victory came at the price of her being shunned in her small hometown of Fulton.

“I knew it was a good cause, but sometimes it really got to me. I knew it would change things for others in the future and I kept going and I kept pushing,” McMillen said in an interview Tuesday.

via Lesbian gets $35K settlement over canceled prom – U.S. news –

She ought to have to pay 15K of that money back, just for being so damn fugly… I mean, no wonder she’s a dyke! Would you want to put your, um, manhood in that? Not me! 😯