WOW: Even Jonah Goldberg thinks that Andrew Breitbart should apologize to Shirley Sherrod

Now this is a surprise:

I think she should get her job back. I think she’s owed apologies from pretty much everyone, including my good friend Andrew Breitbart. I generally think Andrew is on the side of the angels and a great champion of the cause. He says he received the video in its edited form and I believe him. But the relevant question is, Would he have done the same thing over again if he had seen the full video from the outset? I’d like to think he wouldn’t have. Because to knowingly turn this woman into a racist in order to fight fire with fire with the NAACP is unacceptable. When it seemed that Sherrod was a racist who abused her power, exposing her and the NAACP’s hypocrisy was perfectly fair game. But now that we have the benefit of knowing the facts, the equation is completely different.

via Shirley Sherrod — My Take – Jonah Goldberg – The Corner on National Review Online.

Now that is a very big shock to see this guy make a turn like this. Very interesting…

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