Sorry Conservatives, These Christians got what was coming to them

Any other time, I would have titled this, “Why do Christians do stupid stuff like this?”, But this time I believe this entry deserves a different title.

It appears that some Christians went to a Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan — To cause trouble, so they could get arrested to film the people.

Okay, this is where I break from the Conservative herd people. These idiots are doing this stuff for one reason and one reason only. To make a name for themselves. I do not know about you. But, if I were an Arab and I saw some idiot filming me and my kids; when I was at a festival celebrating my culture. I would be just a little pissed off too. For I would have known these guys were some perverted pedophiles filming my children to fulfill some warped sexual fantasy.

These Christians are operating under some sort idiotic idea that all Muslims are terrorists and that it is their “Mission from God Himself” to rescue these poor people from the Muslim Religion. It is called proselyting and in some Christian circles it can get you tossed out of a Church.  Example: You let a Baptist into a Pentecostal Church and he starts trying to convert the people over to his beliefs; he is going to get tossed out, and Vice-versa.

Recently, Al-Qaeda released a video, in that video was a condition of peace with Al-Qaeda. One of the “demands” was to leave Muslims alone. I think that Christians ought to take that “demand” to heart and try leaving Muslims alone. If Muslims are not trying to blow up buildings; which they are not usually trying to do, in Dearborn, Michigan, contrary to what you might have heard — we, as Americans, as Conservative Americans, as Conservative Christian Americans who believe in the freedom of Religion, should just leave Muslims to practice their religion in peace.

I may not make any inroads with other Conservatives for publishing this; but I know that I am right and any libertarian-minded Conservative will agree with me; that is if he is not ate up with this idiot notion that all Muslims are terrorists; which they are not.

Others, Mostly Conservatives who believe all Muslims are terrorists: The Right Scoop, Detroit News, Patterico’s Pontifications, RedState, Gateway Pundit, Power Line and Wake up America

5 Replies to “Sorry Conservatives, These Christians got what was coming to them”

  1. I guess “Patrick” would fit right in with places like Iran and Sudan. Christians aren’t allowed to talk about Jesus over there either. Christians will get arrested for this sort of “language” over there too.
    However this is America, Dearborn Michigan. This is where people have the right to say whatever they want with the idea that they are protected by something called Freedom of Speech.
    Of course Patrick has to distort the story a little bit to make his readers come around to his way of seeing things. He goes on to say that these Christians went down there to stop these Muslims from blowing up any more buildings. Of course these evil pedofile Christians were bothering and preying on these innocent and attractive muslim children according to Patrick.

    If you wish to read the real unbiased story, read it here:

    In this version, you’ll see how the Muslims were the ones starting the trouble with the Christians who were only handing out flyers, and talking with anyone who went up to them. The hostile crowd then began yelling “Allahu Akbar” which is when the police out of fear for the Christians arrested them for their protection, or worse because in this day and age Americans are so afraid to offend any non-white person. Heaven forbid!

    Patrick is a part of the politically correct epidemic that is running rampid in this country, and the sad part is, he thinks that he is some sort of intellectual because he bows to the politically correct idealism, but the reality is, he’s just being dishonest like any other progressive out there. He calls himself a conservative, but his words speak louder than his claim.

    1. You have your opinion and I have mine. I will leave the comment up, with the idiot insult as well. Just to show what kind of idiot that you really are.

      Progressive my ass. 😡

  2. Patrick is a part of the politically correct epidemic that is running rampid in this country, and the sad part is, he thinks that he is some sort of intellectual because he bows to the politically correct idealism, but the reality is, he’s just being dishonest like any other progressive out there. He calls himself a conservative, but his words speak louder than his claim.

    Which is code-speak for, because I do not wish to partake in the increasing bigotry towards Muslims by mostly-white Conservatives. If that is being a progressive; then yes, you could call me that. 🙄

    Yes, folks, that is your far-right in this Country. Which never claimed to be a part of.

    If the Republican Party embraces this, they’re doomed come 2010 and 2012.

  3. This is where people have the right to say whatever they want with the idea that they are protected by something called Freedom of Speech

    There is also a thing called RULE OF LAW. Most Conservatives believe in that. These guys were told to stay in ONE AREA and hand out their stuff. They didn’t, they intentally broke the law, see here:

    On their “Islamoblog” Answering Muslims, they explain:

    Christians who accept that they are second-class citizens are welcome. Christians who insist that they have Constitutional rights are harassed, and even arrested.

    These guys (plus one gal) don’t accept, they insist. And insisting leads to problems with law enforcement. Which necessitates video cameras (says so in the gospel):

    We learned last year that Muslims won’t hesitate to lie about us in an effort to get rid of us. I would be horrified if Christians were so renowned for dishonesty that people were scared to walk among us without getting video footage. Can anyone seriously object to the cameras, given the fact that people have tried to get us into trouble through deception two years running?

    So, now who’s in the wrong? I think the answer is clear here; and it is not me.

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