The Republicans have zero right to complain about abuse of power

I must admit that for the first time, since my journey began into political blogging has began, much less, Conservative political blogging; I am divided on an issue. While I believe that what the Democrats are doing with the healthcare bill, with the protecting parts of the bill from being overturned is wrong. I also believe that the Republicans have zero right to complain.

This is what I mean

Let us not kid ourselves folks; The Bush Administration sold America using some very deceptive means, into a war in Iraq. The intelligence was bad; the Bush Administration knew this and did not care. They were determined to strike Saddam Hussein. So, while I am sympathetic towards the Republicans on this issue, I feel they have zero right to complain about this one, as it was the Republicans who backed the imperialistic actions of President Bush.

Others on this: The Politico, Confederate Yankee, Moonbattery, QandO, Washington Post, Hot Air, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Sister Toldjah, Fausta’s Blog, Riehl World ViewAtlas Shrugs, Megan McArdle, National Review, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Jawa Report, Betsy’s Page, Pundit & Pundette and And So it Goes in Shreveport

Quote of the Day

Harkin, chairman of the Senate health committee, followed Baucus to the floor to explain why he added the provision that would help Iowa (and “a few other states”). “I don’t see anything wrong with that,” Harkin said. “I make no bones about having put that in there.”

Dodd, at a news conference, offered the dubious argument that the hospital provision he offered is “competitive” and could be won by another state, “although my state is very interested.”

But what about those who wouldn’t get the goodies? Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) walked away with little to show for her politically difficult vote.

“That’s what legislation is all about: It’s the art of compromise,” Reid said when asked about the fairness of it all. “So this legislation is no different than the defense bill we just spent $600 billion on.” That would be the bill with more than 1,700 pet-project earmarks. “It’s no different than other pieces of legislation,” Reid continued.

And that’s just the problem.

Video: Robert Welch ‘Solutions to problems in the Government’

The last time I posted anything related to the John Birch Society on this Blog; my hits just about went off the charts. My servers had smoke rolling out of them and I could have sworn that I heard that said server yelping a bit in agony. Okay, the second part was not true. Nevertheless, there were a good deal of people, that were very highly interested in that video; and this was before this blog really even took off.

This is Robert Welch, he was the founder of the John Birch Society. Contrary to what people like, Rachel Maddow might think; the JBS is not what the liberals and some Conservatives like to think that it is. Here is Mr. Welch giving a speech in 1974 telling of the goals of the Society. Now, honestly, where have you heard this stuff before? If you said Ron Paul in 2008, you get a gold star, if you say the majority of Conservatives TODAY; you get another big gold star. As old as this video is; its contents are timely, considering the mess that we are in today.

The second group of videos are a reposting of some videos that I have posted here before and a few new ones. The first is the actual story John Birch, the second is the founder of the JBS giving a outline of what the JBS is truly all about. The rest are various related to the subject at hand. Some are dated, some, are quite timely.

Updated: Pajama’s Media does a hit piece on Detroit – PJTV Allows racist comments on thier site

I hate to be the one to write this article; but it is time that someone called this group of people out on their intellectual dishonesty. As most of you know, I live in the Detroit, Michigan area. I was born and raised on the southwest side of Detroit. When someone engages in dishonesty, all to make a cheap political point, as a citizen of this state and as someone who grew up in Detroit, I have to speak out against it.

It appears that the Jewish owned and pseudo-Conservative —- Pajama’s Media has stooped to the level of yellow journalism. Now first off, let me say this; I happen to agree with the premise of the video, that Democratic politics has contributed to the decline of the city of Detroit, this is nothing new. In fact, that decline goes back to the days of the former Mayor Coleman A. Young. What bothered me is the impression that the video conveys; that ALL of Detroit and surrounding area is like what is presented in that video. It also bothered me that the makers of this video used selective filming locations to prove their silly political points. In addition, they never bothered to contact me, at all. I could have given them a more honest assessment of the area and showed them more than they covered. However, they were not interested in honesty; they were interested in making a cheap political point.

I now fully see why Charles Johnson of little green footballs fame, bailed on this company back in 2006. While again, I am, as much as anyone else on the right, am against socialism. Nevertheless, to engage in this rather juvenile dishonesty is just beyond the pail.

Click the picture and watch as a group of Neo-Conservatives slam the city of Detroit. If this does not disgust you, something is wrong.

Update: ….and of course, Turban Boy over at HotAir just had to post the damn video. Asshole. 😡

Update #2: From the comments section of the video:

Anonymous – 3 hours agoDec. 22, 2009 6:52 AM PST

You ignored the elephant in the middle of the room. The population of Detroit is 82% black. The schools didn’t fail, the students failed. Ozzie and Harriet didn’t ravage the city, Jamal and Latisha did. When the refugees from New Orleans settled in other places, they brought a crime wave with them. In Detroit they drove out the decent people and mostly refuse is left. All you say about Leftists and unions is true, but without factoring in the huge element of race, your analysis is meaningless. Drop the PC and try again.
Wow….Just wow. 😯 😮

Democrats pass another hurdle towards nationalized healthcare

I really do not have much to add to this story, as I have written on it before and my personal feelings are well known. I will say this; the Democrats own this Healthcare debate now. The democrats have successfully rammed this bill down the throat of the American people —- and now they own it. I mean, voting at 1:00a.m., to insure its passage. It is a disgrace and the Democrats now own it. That means, no more blaming Bush, no more blaming Republicans, No more calling us who opposed this idiotic idea Racists, Tea Baggers, and whatever else the socialists call us. This is their baby now; we made our voices heard and they ignored us, and now, they own it.

They own it and they will own it come 2010 and 2012, they also will own it, when the bill goes into effect in 2014 and Medicare cuts begin and the folks begin to complain. When the folks begin to complain, we that opposed it will have one thing to say. You voted for that socialist President and Congress; now deal with the consequences!

Now, do I believe it will actually make it to the President’s desk? I have no idea, at this point. Nevertheless, it looks like it might. If it does, we, (meaning us bloggers) will continue to Blog against the socialist agenda of the President and this Congress. One can always hope that it will not or even Pray, if that is what you believe in. But at this point, I think what we as Conservatives and “Right of center” types, can do at this point is get our houses in order and stand behind those who are running on the Republican ticket and come 2010 do that which will stop the socialist nonsense; and that is vote.

Auschwitz, Jews, Conservatives, Twitter and Me

Some good news for a change this late weekend evening:

The “Arbeit macht frei” sign stolen from Auschwitz in southern Poland has been found in the north and five men have been arrested, police say.

They said the metal sign from the main gate, which symbolises for many the atrocities of Nazi Germany, had been cut into three pieces.

A major search was launched after the sign was stolen before dawn on Friday.

Its theft, the motive for which was not being reported, caused outrage in Israel and among Polish politicians.

Five men in their 20s or 30s were detained and were being taken to Krakow for questioning, a police spokeswoman said.

More than a million people – 90% of them Jews – were murdered by the Nazis at Auschwitz during World War II.

Pawel Sawicki, a spokesman for Auschwitz museum, said the recovery of the sign was an “enormous relief”.

“We are extremely grateful to the police who have done fantastic work,” he told AFP news agency.

“This symbol, probably one of the most important of the past century, can be put back in its place.”

The museum is preparing to celebrate the 65th anniversary of Auschwitz-Birkenau's liberation by Soviet troops on 27 January.

via BBC News – Police in Poland find sign stolen from Auschwitz gate.

I feel the need to fire up the handy word processer and really let my writing juices flow on this one. First, I am quite glad the sign was found — although, I am saddened that this sign was found cut up. I believe that the criminal thugs that did this ought to face the firing squad for their actions.

The reason why this story rather hit me in an odd way is for two reasons. One, my grandfather’s two brothers, Frank and Harlan, both fought in Germany. Frank got his index finger blown off, by a grenade that exploded too early. He never was able to use that finger again, of any great use anyhow. Another reason is this, while I have never been a rabid Zionist, because quite frankly, some of the more radical elements of Zionism I find to be rather annoying and because, quite frankly, Zionism has been turned into a well lucrative racket for some of the parties involved.  Not only this, but there is a great deal of race baiting that goes on in those circles, towards to the Arab race – more so after 9/11, so I have noticed. Having said that; I cannot sit and act as of what Hitler did was no big deal — It was a big deal, for many Jews and Americans as well, and to joke about that horrific event; that is just inexcusable.

The other reason is, my keen awareness and interest in the subject of history, notably the era of the 1940’s; I am well aware of the unspeakable horrors that took place to the Jews, during the reign of Hitler. I personally recommend, that you please, and I do mean, please read this blog posting by Rachel Lucas, she is in England, and she traveled with her husband to Poland to the death camps. Please, have your tissues handy, because if you do not cry, I will wonder about you.

There is another issue as well. I was not going to blog about all. However, see this story did come out. I will inform you of something that happened to me earlier today on twitter. Some person on twitter thought that mentioning the Nazi death camp and President Barack Obama would be cute. She went on to say that, she was joking and that she was half-Jewish. I personally do not give a damn what she is, what she said was highly offensive. Now, why would I get all bend out of shape over something like that? I highly suggest that you go read this blog posting by Rachel Lucas, and then you might have an understanding as to why I was so highly bothered by that idiotic remark.

As for as this writer is concerned, anyone who makes crass comments, invoking the President of the United States of America with images of Hitler or Nazi death camps is no better than the Big Government socialists that are trying to destroy our economy, free market system, and our freedoms. Let this be a warning to anyone on twitter, you make a stupid comment as the one made in this writing, and I happen to see it. I will block you and advise all those who follow me to do so as well. There is no excuse whatsoever for that sort of nonsense, at all.

Our President may be a member of the Democratic Party; he may be, in fact, a big Government socialist. However, he is not, nor has he ever, nor will he ever be responsible for the death of anyone of the Jewish race. Further, I feel that it is a disgrace to the memory of those, who lost their lives, during the reign of terror of Hitler and the third Reich. Making illusions to that image is not only was it not funny, but it is an asinine thing to do.

I thought that those, who share my beliefs in fiscal Conservatism, were wiser than this; I hope that I am not mistaken.

Obama Police State? -Black D.C. Cop pulls a Gun, at people who pelted his hummer with Snowballs

This comes via Reason TV: (H/T Gateway Pundit)

Related Via View From the Right:

Tina writes:

I am a simple school bus driver. Here is a conversation I heard. Last year we had an Iranian girl who loudly proclaimed, when the school was in its Patriotic Songs Celebration (“This Land Is Your Land,” etc.): “I am not an American, I am a Muslim.”

This was done on the bus so all could hear.

This is what they feel, deep down. They don’t think like us, they lie without compunction, they want us dead or out of the way, because they are not fools like the Propositional Nationalists.

They know what a country really is; it is its land and resources. As long as we are here, we’re in their way.

I am stunned at the stupidity of our leaders. Either they go to war in a place like Kosovo and learn nothing about it and why it became the way it did, or they are biding their time until full scale civil war breaks out in the USA, so martial law can be enforced and their power grows exponentially.

Personally, I think the latter will be the case.

When will Americans rise up?

Update: Oops! My bad, it was a D.C. cop, not  Chicago Cop. My Apologies to the Chicago Police Dept.

Update #2: Admittedly, these people were wrong for tossing snowballs at a car, but pulling a gun? That’s a bit extreme. Also, calling a Police Officer a “Pig” is very disrespectful. But, again, pulling a gun like this was wrong.

Tragic News: Brittany Murphy has died

This is such a tragic story and one that I wish handle with as much respect and sensitivity as I can….

The Sad Story from TMZ:

Brittany Murphy died early this morning after she went into full cardiac arrest and could not be revived, multiple sources tell TMZ.

She was 32.

A 911 call was made at 8:00 AM from a home in Los Angeles that is listed as belonging to her husband, Simon Monjack, the Los Angeles City Fire Department tells TMZ.

This hits home. I am 37; that is much too young to die.

From her Wikipedia Entry:

She was raised a Baptist and later became a non-denominational Christian.

I also happened to notice this:

Murphy performs for the crew during a United Services Organization (USO) show aboard USS Nimitz on June 19, 2003.

She was, I would assume, at least someone who thought much of our Military.

May God be with her husband and with her family.

May Brittany rest in peace in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Update: Understandably, This is a huge story in the celebrity Blogosphere. Click here to read the round up at WeSmirch, which is Memeorandum‘s sister site.

Quote of the Day

The real entitlements are never mentioned. The “defense” budget is an entitlement for the military-security complex about which President Eisenhower warned us 50 years ago. A person has to be crazy to believe that the United States, “the world’s only superpower,” protected by oceans on its East and West and by puppet states on its North and South, needs a “defense” budget larger than the military spending of the rest of the world combined.

The military budget is nothing but an entitlement for the military-security complex. To hide this fact, the entitlement is disguised as protection against “enemies” and passed through the Pentagon.

I say cut out the middleman and simply allocate a percentage of the federal budget to the military-security complex. This way we won’t have to concoct reasons for invading other countries and go to war in order for the military-security complex to get its entitlement. It would be a lot cheaper just to give them the money outright, and it would save a lot of lives and grief at home and abroad.

The U.S. invasion of Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with American national interests. It had to do with armaments profits and with eliminating an obstacle to Israeli territorial expansion. The cost of the war, aside from the $3 trillion, was over 4,000 dead Americans, over 30,000 wounded and maimed Americans, tens of thousands of broken American marriages and lost careers, 1 million dead Iraqis, 4 million displaced Iraqis and a destroyed country.

All of this was done for the profits of the military-security complex and to make paranoid Israel, armed with 200 nuclear weapons, feel “secure.”

My proposal would make the military-security complex even more wealthym as the companies would get the money without having to produce the weapons. Instead, all the money could go for multimillion dollar bonuses and dividend payouts to shareholders. No one, at home or abroad, would have to be killed, and the taxpayer would be better off.

Updated With Info :No, Ron Paul should NOT be person of the year

Paleo-Conservative Jack Hunter thinks that Ron Paul should be person of the year.

Pardon me a second….. Bwaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Okay, here is why I think that is so ignorantly stupid. In case some of you forgot, Rand Paul, who is Ron Paul’s son; had his campaign manager abruptly quit last week. Why? Because some blogger by the name of barefoot and progressive found a MySpace page of his, which was, shall we say, um, racist? The man claims it was not his; uh, yeah, sure it wasn’t!

Anyhow, here’s a screen shot or two of it:

(click to make that text bigger)

(Click to make it bigger)

Oh, there’s ton’s more. Click on over and take a look.

What does this have to do with Ron Paul, you ask? Well, as they say, a leaf does not usual fall too far from the tree. In case any of you do not remember; Ron Paul had some newsletter, that he CLAIMED were written by ghost writers. (yeah, right…)

Here is a nice sampling of these little newsletters: (H/T to The New Republic)


A Special Issue on Racial Terrorism” analyzes the Los Angeles riots of 1992: “Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks three days after rioting began. … What if the checks had never arrived? No doubt the blacks would have fully privatized the welfare state through continued looting. But they were paid off and the violence subsided.”

The November 1990 issue of the Political Report had kind words for David Duke.

This newsletter describes Martin Luther King Jr. as “a world-class adulterer” who “seduced underage girls and boys” and “replaced the evil of forced segregation with the evil of forced integration.”

The January 1991 edition of the Political Report refers to King as a “world-class philanderer who beat up his paramours” and a “flagrant plagiarist with a phony doctorate.”

A February 1991 newsletter attacks “The X-Rated Martin Luther King.”

An October 1990 edition of the Political Report ridicules black activists, led by Al Sharpton, for demonstrating at the Statue of Liberty in favor of renaming New York City after Martin Luther King. The newsletter suggests that “Welfaria,” “Zooville,” “Rapetown,” “Dirtburg,” and “Lazyopolis” would be better alternatives–and says, “Next time, hold that demonstration at a food stamp bureau or a crack house.”


In the course of defending homophobic comments by Andy Rooney of CBS, a 1990 newsletter notes that a reporter for a gay magazine “certainly had an axe to grind, and that’s not easy with a limp wrist.”

The June 1990 issue of the Political Report says: “I miss the closet. Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities.”

From the August 1990 issue of the Political Report: “Bring Back the Closet!”

A January 1994 edition of the Survival Report states that “gays in San Francisco do not obey the dictates of good sense,” adding: “[T]hese men don’t really see a reason to live past their fifties. They are not married, they have no children, and their lives are centered on new sexual partners.” Also, “they enjoy the attention and pity that comes with being sick.”

Survivalism and Militias

The November 1994 issue of the Survival Report celebrates anti-government militias.

The January 1995 issue of the Survival Report–released just three months before the Oklahoma City bombing–cites an anti-government militia’s advice to other militias, including, “Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

The October 1992 issue of the Political Report paraphrases an “ex-cop” who offers this strategy for protecting against “urban youth”: “If you have to use a gun on a youth, you should leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible. Such a gun cannot, of course, be registered to you, but one bought privately (through the classifieds, for example).”


This 1978 newsletter says the Trilateral Commission is “no longer known only by those who are knowledgeable about international conspiracies, but is routinely mentioned in the daily news.”

A 1986 newsletter names Jeane Kirkpatrick and George Will as “two of our enemies” and notes their membership in the Trilateral Commission.

In an undated solicitation letter for The Ron Paul Investment Letter and the Ron Paul Political Report, Paul writes: “I’ve been told not to talk, but these stooges don’t scare me. Threats or no threats, I’ve laid bare the coming race war in our big cities. The federal-homosexual cover-up on AIDS (my training as a physician helps me see through this one.) The Bohemian Grove–perverted, pagan playground of the powerful. Skull & Bones: the demonic fraternity that includes George Bush and leftist Senator John Kerry, Congress’s Mr. New Money. The Israeli lobby, which plays Congress like a cheap harmonica.”

Middle East

A 1989 newsletter compares Salman Rushdie to Ernst Zundel, a Canadian Holocaust-denier.

The March 1987 issue of The Ron Paul Investment Letter calls Israel “an aggressive, national socialist state.”

Other Documents: Paul has had a long association with the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a libertarian think tank based in Auburn, Alabama. The think tank was founded by Lew Rockwell, who served as Paul’s congressional chief of staff from 1978 to 1982.

This March 1995 letter from Lew Rockwell advertises the Mises Institute’s upcoming conference on secession (at which Paul spoke): “We’ll explore what causes [secession] and how to promote it.”

An advertisement for the Mises Institute’s 1995 secession conference–to be held in Charleston, “hotbed of America’s two great secessions, against Britain and D.C.”


In an article entitled “The Coming Race War,” The Ron Paul Political Report refers to the “pro-communist philanderer Martin Luther King” and refers to his “non-violent approach” as “(i.e., state violence).” The newsletter advises that, “if there is any issue the Republicans have in their favor for the next presidential election, it is the question of race. It was all over for Michael Dukakis when Jesse Jackson gave his awful prime-time speech at the last Democratic convention, and the cameras focused on masses of teary-eyed, left-wing blacks.”

A May 1990 issue of the Ron Paul Political Report cites Jared Taylor, who six months later would go onto found the eugenicist and white supremacist periodical American Renaissance. The May 1991 issue of the Ron Paul Political Report cites American Renaissance and offers readers subscription information for it.

The July 1994 Ron Paul Survival Report cites “criminologist” Jared Taylor.

The January 1993 issue of the Survival Report worries about America’s “disappearing white majority”

The July 1992 Ron Paul Political Report declares, “Jury verdicts, basketball games, and even music are enough to set off black rage, it seems,” and defends David Duke. The author of the newsletter–presumably Paul–writes, “My youngest son is starting his fourth year in medical school. He tells me there would be no way to persuade his fellow students of the case for economic liberty.”

A March 1993 Survival Report describes Bill Clinton’s supposedly “illegitimate children, black and white: ‘woods colts’ in backwoods slang.”


The December 1989 Ron Paul Political Report contains entries on a “new form of racial terrorism,” cites former Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s claim that “the average homosexual has 1,000 or more partners in a lifetime,” and quotes Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, in the third person.

In January 1990, the Ron Paul Political Report cites “a well-known libertarian editor” who “told me: ‘The ACT-UP slogan on stickers plastered all over Manhattan is ‘Silence=Death.’ But shouldn’t it be Sodomy = Death’?”

The July 1991 Ron Paul Political Report defends homophobic remarks made by Tom Clancy, and cites Clancy saying, “I live in a free country, and if people want to have their anuses used in that way, while I find it unsavory, I do not arrogate to myself the right to prevent them from doing so.”

The September 1994 issue of the Ron Paul Survival Report states that “those who don’t commit sodomy, who don’t get blood a transfusion, and who don’t swap needles, are virtually assured of not getting AIDS unless they are deliberately infected by a malicious gay.”

Anti-Government Paranoia/Conspiracy Theories/Survivalism

A fundraising letter from Paul’s 1984 Senate campaign in which Paul complains about the “minions of Kissinger and Rockefeller” and “the big New York banks, and their pals in Texas” who “want me silenced.”

The January 1988 Ron Paul Political Report approvingly cites Dr. William C. Douglass, who “believes that AIDS is a deliberately engineered hybrid” developed at a World Health Organization experiment conducted at Ft. Detrick. Douglass has long been a fringe medical guru, and today claims that “smoking can help you live longer!!!”

The November 1989 Ron Paul Political Report reports on the Bohemian Grove and Ronald Reagan’s “old Trilateralist agenda item of four-year terms for Congressmen.”

This 1993 Ron Paul Strategy Guide entitled, “How to Protect Yourself from Urban Violence” is a special supplement the Ron Paul Survival Report.In the April 1993 Ron Paul Survival Report, the author–writing in the first person–states, “Whether [the 1993 World Trade Center bombing] was a setup by the Israeli Mossad, as a Jewish friend of mine suspects, or was truly a retaliation by the Islamic fundamentalists, matters little.” The newsletters also warns readers to “do your very best to keep your family away from inner cities. If you can’t, have a haven remote from the metropolitan areas.”

The May 1995 issue of the Ron Paul Survival Report warns of “The Trilateralist Alan Greenspan” and its author writes, “Now that my five children are grown and educated, I’ve listened to the many supporters who’ve urged me to return to office. I can now give up my medical practice, and dedicate every fiber of my being to saving our country.” The newsletter also contains an advertisement for the Ron Paul congressional exploratory committee.

The September 1995 issue of the Ron Paul Survival Report asks about “Black Helicopters?”

The June 1996 issue of the Ron Paul Survival Report refers to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms officers as “Jackbooted Thugs.”


The November 1992 Ron Paul Survival Report defends chess champion and Holocaust-denier Bobby Fischer, saying that “the brilliant Fischer, who has all the makings of an American hero, is very politically incorrect on Jewish questions, for which he will never be forgiven, even though he is a Jew. Thus we are not supposed to herald him as the world’s greatest chess player.”

Pat Buchanan

In January 1992, Paul writes about his consideration of a presidential bid which he dashed after Pat Buchanan expressed his intention to run. Paul wrote of “the essential compatibility between [Buchanan’s] ideas and mine” and “agreed to serve as the chairman of his economic advisory committee.”A 1992 issue of the Rothbard-Rockwell-Report Newsletter Authorship tells of Paul’s decision to defer to Pat Buchanan in the 1992 Republican presidential primary.

The masthead of March 1987 Ron Paul Investment Letter lists “the Hon. Ron Paul” as “Editor and Publisher” and “Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.” as one of several contributing editors.

An undated personal solicitation letter–signed by Paul–asking the recipient to subscribe to his newsletter in anticipation of (presumably) the 1988 Libertarian Party Presidential nominating convention.

The April 1988 Ron Paul Investment Letter lists Paul as Editor.

The May 1988 Ron Paul Investment Letter lists Lew Rockwell as Editor. It also advertises books by the far-right conspiracy theorist Gary Allen, who was a contributing editor to the Ron Paul Investment Letter.

What is it that they say? Like Father, Like Son. The Republican Party would be wise to shun and maybe even derail this Rand Paul, while they have the chance. Further more, Ron Paul is not even remotely close to being person of the year. Hell, he should be only allow to retire and hopefully forgotten. While he might be right about some things; its that ugly stuff that disqualifies him from the discussion.

Update #1: Genuine GOP Mom Agrees. Vote for and Support a REAL American and Conservative, Bill Johnson. Let’s keep the Antisemitic morons and Racist Bigots out of politics, Washington D.C. and on the sidelines where they belong.

The Huffington Post links to Moi?

Color me shocked and quite amazed. 😯

I guess my posting on Laura Ingraham and Bill O’Reilly having an On-The-Air spat was noticed by Huffpo and they even linked here.

Wow. 😮

I would have much preferred a direct quote or something. But hey, it’s free traffic and I will take it, when I can get it.

I guess that marble-mouthed woman that runs that site ain’t so bad after all. She’d be much better, if she’d take an English course; but I digress.

Now, if Glenn Beck would just notice me, I’d be living on easy street. 😉 😛

Hoo Boy: Maryland got HAMMERED with Snow!

You think I got snow? What we got here was mild, compared to what Maryland got for snow.

Head on over to R.S. McCain’s Blog and watch the videos. That is if you can bear to listen to Stacy sing. 😉 Seriously? He sings very good for a guy who smokes like a freight train.

Yeah and hit his tip jar too, and when you’re done, hit mine too.

I would like to get something for the folks for Christmas this year. Even if it something, uh, cheap.

I did install this spiffy new plug in, and if you donate, you get your name on the sidebar of the blog; that why people can know how cool your are and stuff. If it is a huge donation, you may even get a personal phone call and possibly a gift. 🙂

The First Snow of the Year

Al Gore, Call your office!

While President of United States was trying to get a deal on global warming. I was looking at this, when I woke up today.


For those who cannot watch video or hear sound, I have some pics:


More Snow! (and Car...)

Snow! (...and a truck...)

Click the pics to make ’em bigger.

It is not as much as Washington D.C. got, but, it is snow, none the less. 😀

Quote of the Day

Some of the protestors invoked Ron Paul’s non-interventionist approach in explaining their foreign policy stances. “At heart, I’m increasingly a Ron Paul guy on foreign policy. We can’t be the world’s policeman… Iraq and Afghanistan could be too much for us to handle. The people there have to stand up. It’s their country,” said John Tidwell of Bristol, Virginia.

As the tea party movement takes steps to translate their policy aspirations into political outcomes, conservatives should watch out for a new wave of Buchanan-esque isolationism………. support for the spreading of democracy in the world and even for free trade may wane as Tea Partiers either become more active in the GOP or start their own party.

WordPress 2.9 has dropped

If you run WordPress, you should upgrade. Lots of bug fixes and nice little additions to the greatest blog software on the planet.

I want to make you mine, all the time… oh wait. Hello. I’m here on behalf of the entire WordPress development team and community to announce the immediate availability of WordPress version 2.9 “Carmen” named in honor of magical jazz vocalist Carmen McRae (whom we’ve added to our WP release station). You can upgrade easily from your Dashboard by going to Tools > Upgrade, or you can download from

via WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.9, oh so fine.

Matt Mullenweg has got to be the luckiest kid on the planet. I call him a kid, because he is half my age. 😛 Of course, WordPress is much more than Matt. WordPress is made up by some of the most crazy people smartest people on the planet.

I just wish I had Matt’s money. 😀 😉 😛

As much as I’d like to, I shall refrain from the usual gutter sniping of the area in which Matt lives. (Hint: Nancy Pelosi’s Area….) His politics is of no matter to me; the man is at the center of all things cool. Besides, he’s from Texas, he can’t be that bad…(or can he?)

In case you don’t get the funny opening line of the above quoted text, here is the video that Matt is referring to:

Which is the first AND LAST time, you will ever see a video by Toni Basil on this blog. *shudder*

Some useless factoid information…. Mickey was a cover of this song here:

That’s ” Hey Kitty” by an  1970’s English band “Racey”

Personally, I’d like to see Matt Dancing in a cheerleader outfit to mickey myself. Well, maybe not. 😉 😀 😛 😆 hacked by ‘Iranian cyber army’

The Bad News: I slept through it.

That is because it happened at about 6:00 in the morning, local twitter time in California. (I THINK! —  if not please correct me…) That would have been 9:00 a.m. EST, I was still asleep, so, it didn’t really affect me.

Hackers hijacked the Web site of micro-blogging community early Friday, briefly redirecting users to a Web page for a group calling itself the “Iranian Cyber Army.”

The attackers apparently were able to redirect Twitter users by stealing the credentials needed to administer the domain name system (DNS) records for DNS servers act as a kind of phone book for Internet traffic, translating human-friendly Web site names like “” into numeric Internet addresses that are easier for computers to handle”Twitter’s DNS records were temporarily compromised but have now been fixed,” the company said in a brief statement on its Web site. “We are looking into the underlying cause and will update with more information soon.”

via Security Fix – hijacked by ‘Iranian cyber army’.

No, I am not going to blame President Obama. Sorry, I will leave that to Sean Hannity. If anyone, I blame Iran.

Someone needs to get those Iranian hackers a better watch. Had they done this at say, oh, 12:00 on the east coast, it would have been internet bedlam! 😯

Obama says, ‘Less Talk, More Action!’

I really hate to be the one to mock the President, but when Mr.’ Magic One’, does stuff like this; it is quite hard not to.

This story from the politico is quite amusing:

COPENHAGEN — A visibly angry Barack Obama threw down the gauntlet at China and other developing nations Friday, declaring that the time has come “not to talk but to act” on climate change.

Emerging from a multinational meeting boycotted by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Obama warned delegates that U.S. offers of funding for poor nations would remain on the table “if and only if” developing nations, including China, agreed to international monitoring of their greenhouse gas emissions.

“I have to be honest, as the world watches us … I think our ability to take collective action is in doubt and it hangs in the balance,” Obama told the COP-15 plenary session as hope faded for anything more than a vague political agreement.

“The time for talk is over, this is the bottom line: We can embrace this accord, take a substantial step forward. We can do that, and everyone who is in this room will be part of an historic endeavor, or we can choose delay,” he said.

Here is the video:

The problem here is that the President looks and sounds more like a spoiled rotten brat, who is obviously not getting his way with the World Community on Global Warming. Since the outing of the e-mails by the global warming fanatics, which show an obvious attempt to cover up data, it appears that the rest of the world is just not signing on to this idiotic nonsense. The only thing that the President of the United States is accomplishing is making the United States of America look like egotistical idiots. Before anyone brings it up in the comments section; Yes, I know, Bush did much of the same thing, during the Iraq War, I criticized him for it as well.

I will be honest with you; I am all for caring for the planet and keep the environment clean. The problem I have with it is that the science data is incomplete; further, the entire environment issue and the global warming issue became politicized; which essentially caused the issue to become the liberal environment groups against the rich business owners. In essence, the entire issue became a class warfare battle and I believe that it never should have become that at all and this sort of elitist foot stomping by the President is living proof of that assertion.

In short, the President is wasting the American people’s time and tax money, by going to this idiotic summit and trying to exert his will upon these other Country. Because it has become is obvious to me, that these other Countries are just not on board with this far-left zealotry to supposedly save the planet. This browbeating of the other nations, in all honesty is not actually going to save our planet, but rather line the pockets of the investors, like Al Gore, who are invested heavily in this global warming issue. The President simply needs to cut his losses, chalk his global warming front as a loss, much like his other fronts; and move on.

Video: Bill O’Reilly and Laura Ingraham yell at each other about Michelle Obama

File this one under the “What could go wrong?” file section.

It was quite obvious to me that in this video that Laura was trying to be funny and Bill was having none of it. He even said the word ‘bullshit’ and they edited it out. I sat and watched this one unfold and I though, “uh-oh, Laura has ventured into the area where not many dare to go…

I guess you could say the Laura was teasing him, but I don’t think Bill liked it one bit.

Points to Bill for calling Ingraham for what she is, a blind ideologue.


(H/T Fox News Video)

Updated: When it comes to Rand Paul, the apple does not fall far from the tree Campaign Spokesman Quits

Check this bunch of nonsense out here.

This is why I did not support Ron Paul; because he attracted the nuts and the flakes. I guess the same is true about his son.

Hats off to barefoot and progressive, as much as it pains me to say that; for finding this stuff out. We need a new political movement, but not with crazies like that in it.

Others: Eye on 2010 and Lawyers, Guns and Money

Update: AP reports that Rand Paul’s Spokesman has quit.