Americans know what Conservative Bloggers have been saying all along.

That the media is in the tank for the Obamasssiah….

The Story Via Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a presidential election.

Just 14% believe most reporters will try to help McCain win, little changed from 13% a month ago. Just one voter in four (24%) believes that most reporters will try to offer unbiased coverage.

A Rasmussen Reports survey earlier this year found that just 24% of American voters have a favorable opinion of the New York Times. The paper’s ratings divided sharply along partisan and ideological lines, with liberals far more supportive of the paper than conservatives.

At the time of that survey, the Times was being criticized for an article it had run about McCain’s ties to lobbyists. Sixty-six percent (66%) of those who were aware of the story in question believed it was an attempt by the paper to hurt the McCain campaign.

In the latest survey, a plurality of Democrats—37%– say most reporters try to offer unbiased coverage of the campaign. Twenty-seven percent (27%) believe most reporters are trying to help Obama and 21% in Obama’s party think reporters are trying to help the Republican candidate.

Among Republicans, 78% believe reporters are trying to help Obama and 10% see most offering unbiased coverage.

As for unaffiliated voters, 50% see a pro-Obama bias and 21% see unbiased coverage. Just 12% of those not affiliated with either major party believe the reporters are trying to help McCain.

In a more general sense, 45% say that most reporters would hide information if it hurt the candidate they wanted to win. Just 30% disagree and 25% are not sure. Democrats are evenly divided as to whether a reporter would release such information while Republicans and unaffiliated voters have less confidence in the reporters.

Perhaps Bill O’ was right after all. I will be the first to admit. MSNBC does seem to be in the tank for Obama. CNN was for Hillary, but seeing she is out, they have swung their support behind Obama. The notable exception being Lou Dobbs. The only Anti-Obama network, really, is Fox News. However, from what I have read in various places, Even Fox has softened their coverage on him as well. The notable exception there is Sean Hannity and of course, Bill O.

It is quite funny, anytime you say to a Liberal that media is in the tank for Obama. Their heads explode and they accuse you of being a racist bigot.

Anyone that wants to know the real truth about B. Hussein Obama, check out the picture of ol’ Barry with the cigarette in his mouth and click it, and also check out the link below it, to read about his communist ties. It is a real eye opener.

The real funny thing is how the Liberals try and spin this story. Check out Huffpo‘s Poor attempt at Spin.

Whoowee… All that spin, I’m so dizzy... 😉

Others Blogging: The Opinionator,, The Confluence, American Power,, Pajamas Media, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Wake up America and QandO

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Stock Market end of day numbers

11,467.34 -29.23 (-0.25%)
2,279.53 -3.25 (-0.14%)
1,260.00 -0.68 (-0.05%)
10y bond
4.06% -0.02 (-0.49%)
0.629 -0.0023 (-0.371%)
106.730 -0.0200 (-0.019%)
0.500 -0.0005 (-0.100%)


Market Chart

Gold Prices:

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Crude Oil:

$132.40 ?0.58 0.44%

Other Commodities:

RBOB Gasoline $3.2097 0.03 1.22% 17:54
Heating Oil $3.7155 0.02 0.65% 18:14
Brent Crude $133.27 0.65 0.49% 19:58
Gas Oil $1222.50 10.50 0.86% 19:43
UK Natural Gas $64.15 0.03 0.04% 15:17

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Afternoon Stock Numbers

11,467.67 -28.90 (-0.25%)
2,281.56 -1.22 (-0.05%)
1,262.27 +1.59 (0.13%)
10y bond
4.09% 0.00 (0.00%)
0.630 -0.0017 (-0.271%)
106.750 0.0000 (0.000%)
0.501 -0.0003 (-0.065%)


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WTI Crude $130.74 1.86 1.44% 17:02
RBOB Gasoline $3.197 0.02 0.82% 14:23
Heating Oil $3.7217 0.03 0.81% 15:03
Brent Crude $132.18 1.99 1.52% 17:02
Gas Oil $1219.00 7.00 0.57% 17:02
UK Natural Gas $64.15 0.03 0.04% 15:17

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The New York Times rejects McCain Piece, Because it doesn’t sound enough like Obama’s.

According to Matt Drudge, This editorial by John McCain was rejected by the New York times:


In January 2007, when General David Petraeus took command in Iraq, he called the situation “hard” but not “hopeless.” Today, 18 months later, violence has fallen by up to 80% to the lowest levels in four years, and Sunni and Shiite terrorists are reeling from a string of defeats. The situation now is full of hope, but considerable hard work remains to consolidate our fragile gains.

Progress has been due primarily to an increase in the number of troops and a change in their strategy. I was an early advocate of the surge at a time when it had few supporters in Washington. Senator Barack Obama was an equally vocal opponent. “I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there,” he said on January 10, 2007. “In fact, I think it will do the reverse.”

Now Senator Obama has been forced to acknowledge that “our troops have performed brilliantly in lowering the level of violence.” But he still denies that any political progress has resulted.

Perhaps he is unaware that the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad has recently certified that, as one news article put it, “Iraq has met all but three of 18 original benchmarks set by Congress last year to measure security, political and economic progress.” Even more heartening has been progress that’s not measured by the benchmarks. More than 90,000 Iraqis, many of them Sunnis who once fought against the government, have signed up as Sons of Iraq to fight against the terrorists. Nor do they measure Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki’s new-found willingness to crack down on Shiite extremists in Basra and Sadr City—actions that have done much to dispel suspicions of sectarianism.

The success of the surge has not changed Senator Obama’s determination to pull out all of our combat troops. All that has changed is his rationale. In a New York Times op-ed and a speech this week, he offered his “plan for Iraq” in advance of his first “fact finding” trip to that country in more than three years. It consisted of the same old proposal to pull all of our troops out within 16 months. In 2007 he wanted to withdraw because he thought the war was lost. If we had taken his advice, it would have been. Now he wants to withdraw because he thinks Iraqis no longer need our assistance.

To make this point, he mangles the evidence. He makes it sound as if Prime Minister Maliki has endorsed the Obama timetable, when all he has said is that he would like a plan for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops at some unspecified point in the future.

Senator Obama is also misleading on the Iraqi military’s readiness. The Iraqi Army will be equipped and trained by the middle of next year, but this does not, as Senator Obama suggests, mean that they will then be ready to secure their country without a good deal of help. The Iraqi Air Force, for one, still lags behind, and no modern army can operate without air cover. The Iraqis are also still learning how to conduct planning, logistics, command and control, communications, and other complicated functions needed to support frontline troops.

No one favors a permanent U.S. presence, as Senator Obama charges. A partial withdrawal has already occurred with the departure of five “surge” brigades, and more withdrawals can take place as the security situation improves. As we draw down in Iraq, we can beef up our presence on other battlefields, such as Afghanistan, without fear of leaving a failed state behind. I have said that I expect to welcome home most of our troops from Iraq by the end of my first term in office, in 2013.

But I have also said that any draw-downs must be based on a realistic assessment of conditions on the ground, not on an artificial timetable crafted for domestic political reasons. This is the crux of my disagreement with Senator Obama.

Senator Obama has said that he would consult our commanders on the ground and Iraqi leaders, but he did no such thing before releasing his “plan for Iraq.” Perhaps that’s because he doesn’t want to hear what they have to say. During the course of eight visits to Iraq, I have heard many times from our troops what Major General Jeffrey Hammond, commander of coalition forces in Baghdad, recently said: that leaving based on a timetable would be “very dangerous.”

The danger is that extremists supported by Al Qaeda and Iran could stage a comeback, as they have in the past when we’ve had too few troops in Iraq. Senator Obama seems to have learned nothing from recent history. I find it ironic that he is emulating the worst mistake of the Bush administration by waving the “Mission Accomplished” banner prematurely.

I am also dismayed that he never talks about winning the war—only of ending it. But if we don’t win the war, our enemies will. A triumph for the terrorists would be a disaster for us. That is something I will not allow to happen as president. Instead I will continue implementing a proven counterinsurgency strategy not only in Iraq but also in Afghanistan with the goal of creating stable, secure, self-sustaining democratic allies.

The reason for the rejected was this:

Shipley continues: ‘It would be terrific to have an article from Senator McCain that mirrors Senator Obama’s piece. To that end, the article would have to articulate, in concrete terms, how Senator McCain defines victory in Iraq.’

In other words, McCain’s piece didn’t sound enough like Obama’s piece. Bias, thy name is the New York Times.

Others Blogging:
Little Green Footballs, Jonathan Martin’s Blogs, BLACKFIVE, A Blog For All, Hot Air, Comment Central, The Washington Independent, Political Radar, GINA COBB,, Gateway Pundit, Get Drunk And Vote 4 McCain,, Gothamist and MSNBC

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Obama brings in 25 Million….in a day. UPDATE: Perhaps Not

Not a bad haul at all…


After locking up his party’s presidential nomination, Barack Obama’s fundraising operation came roaring back to life in June, generating more than a million dollars on five days, including a whopping $25 million that came in on the last day of the month.

His one-day haul represents nearly half of his monthly total and more than Republican rival John McCain generated for the entire month. During the month, McCain did not have a single day in which he raised a million dollars.

Overall, Obama raised $54 million for his campaign in June, compared to $22 million for McCain.Continue reading: Obama roars with $25M one-day haul – Jeanne Cummings –

On one hand, this seems like a wonderful thing. However, there was another Republican candidate who found out that money cannot buy an election, and that was Mitt Romney. However, Obama is not even some league with Romney. But I digress.

Honestly, Romney lost because of his arrogance and his mocking of John McCain constantly. Plus, he was a mormon and the Evangelical Community still, to this day, has a rather luckwarm relationship with Mormonism.

It must not go unsaid, that Obama is still having trouble connecting with average, inner city, African-American, because they do not see him authentic and sympathetic to their cause. Which is, of course, identity politics. But then again, is not that what Democrat’s are known for? Anyhow, where Obama is connecting, is where the population of Blacks are very small, mostly in the Midwestern States, in the heartland of America, where the idea of a Black President is more a novel idea.

But still, 25 Million, in a day? Good Godfrey! Donations are accepted, I don’t discrimate. 😀 😉 😛 😆

Update: Perhaps Not: Politico’s Updated Story says: (H/T to AP @ HotAir)

An initial summary of Obama’s donations posted on the
FEC website Sunday night grouped all of his un-itemized donations of
less than $200 on the same day – June 30th. That left the impression
that Obama had an astonishingly good — $25 million – final fundraising
day for the month and Politico made that the lead of this story.

Turns out, Obama raised nearly $4 million on June 30th, a healthy amount certainly. But the $21 million from the un-itemized small

donors, which are those who are not named because they haven’t given
more than $200, came in throughout the month and not on a single day.
The FEC is adding an explanatory note to avoid such confusion in the
future, said FEC spokesman Bob Biersback.

So Much for that. 🙄

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Iraqi Officials desire US Pullout by 2010

I can’t quote it, due it being a AP Story.

But you can go read it and see for yourself.

I think the best thing that John McCain can do at this point, is either shut the hell up or just just endorse the plan and move on.

Otherwise, John McCain will look like an imperialist, if he says anything contrary to what is being reported. But he does have Neo-Con Michael Goldfarb working for him, so, there’s no telling with that idiot might say.

Either way, it is going to be quite interesting how this whole story plays out.

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Off to bed….

Good Night folks, time for this one man operation to get some sleep.

Back to normal, or somewhat Normal, politics tomorrow.

I know what your thinking…

“Why is he posting this dumb stuff?

Simple. Late Nite, no new news and I’m bored. I’ll get back on subject. Not to worry. Breaks out the boredom of Politics constantly…

Hey, Dobson! Nobody cares what YOU think about ANYONE or ANYTHING!

Good grief, is this idiot still mumbling about Politics? Egad.

The Story:Dobson shifts positions, may endorse McCain (via Yahoo! News)

Conservative Christian leader James Dobson has softened his stance against Republican presidential hopeful John McCain, saying he could reverse his position and endorse the Arizona senator despite serious misgivings.

“I never thought I would hear myself saying this,” Dobson said in a radio broadcast to air Monday. “… While I am not endorsing Senator John McCain, the possibility is there that I might.”

Dobson and other evangelical leaders unimpressed by McCain increasingly are taking a lesser-of-two-evils approach to the 2008 race. Dobson and his guest, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler, spend most of the pretaped Focus on the Family radio program criticizing Democratic candidate Barack Obama, getting to McCain at the very end.

This is one of the many so-called “Christians” and Religious Pharisees who really, really, burns my behind. If you’re a Christian and you believe that Christians should have influence in political affairs, you might want to stop here. Because what I am about to say, might just make your head explode.

James Dobson and his band of Conservative Christians, inspired by Jerry Falwell and Pat Roberson, have, for over the past 30 years, tried to muscle their way into Washington Politics. This is, in fact, directly polar opposite of what the founding Fathers of this great country had in mind, when they fled Great Britain and settled in the New World in 1776.

The reason why the Pilgrims left Great Britain is because the Roman Catholic Church, at the time, was highly influencing the Political World in England, at the time. Because of this, the Pilgrims, or as they were called, puritans, were being persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church and the King of Great Britain for their refusal to submit to the Roman Catholic Church’s dogma. Because of that, the pilgrims left Great Britain on a boat to find a New Land. Where they could practice their Religion without fear of being arrested and possibly burned at the stake.

But yet, today we have Religious hustlers like James Dobson who are constantly wanting to turn The United States of America from a Democracy to a Theocracy! This my friends is outrageous and about as asinine as it comes. That Constitution that sits in Washignton D.C. was never written to give preference to any form of Religion whatsoever.

The Pledge that we say, and what is inscripted in the Congress Halls, says, “One Nation, Under God.” It does NOT say, “One Nation, under Evangelical Christianity”! But yet, you have Religious hucksters like James Dobson who want to see it changed to just that. That my friends is what is truly wrong with the whole Conservative Christian movement. They want to take this nation into the same sort of mentality that existed in Great Britain when the Pilgrims left and came to the new World.

As a Libertarian, as someone who believes in individual freedoms and freedom OF and FROM Religion, I think that what James Dobson is doing is absolutely sickening. Attempting to influence public thinking. Is not that a violation of the IRS’s rules and regulations, regarding Religious Ministries getting involved in Politics? It sure sounds like it to me. Where is our feckless Government? Why isn’t he getting a warning letter?

One Republican Senator got it correct, and that was the late great Senator Barry Goldwater, once, I am told, when he was running for President in 1964, was asked by a reporter, about what could Jerry Falwell and his followers, do for his Campaign. Goldwater replied, “I know what I’d like to do to him”, when asked, he simply said, “I’d like to put my foot up his ass!” Needless to say, Goldwater did not get much support from among the establishment Conservative Christians. Many young people supported him, but many of the older Religious types turned their noses up at Goldwater. This was because Berry Goldwater refused to give these people any sort of dialog, because Goldwater knew their agenda and that was and still is, to Christianize America. Because of this, Goldwater never received the support from the Christian community. Because of this, we ended up with, what I consider to be one of our nation’s worst Presidents ever. of whom which went on to cause one of the worst social upheavals in this country. All over a war, that was never formally declared and which our Nation should have never bothered getting involved in, sort of like one we’re involved with today, in Iraq. Afghanistan is another story entirely.

Until someone tells these Conservative Christians to get lost. Whomever attempts to run for President will have to contend with types like Dobson for many years to come.

That my friends, is one, of many, things that are known as the “Shame of America”.

Message to Robert Lewis (

Congratulations for being such a persistent prick, you have been banned from ever commenting here again.

I TOLD you once, when you tried to leave a link here to a website that had Olbermann’s address on it. That I did not want that kind of stuff on my site and yet you came back a SECOND time and did it AGAIN.

So, guess what there ol’ boy? You’re banned. E-mail Address, Name, IP, all of it.

So, please, do yourself and me a favor, do not come back here and waste my goddamned Bandwith, ya asshat.

That is all.

-Paleo Pat

Interesting development…


The statement by an aide to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki calling his remarks in Der Spiegel “misinterpreted and mistranslated” followed a call to the prime minister’s office from U.S. government officials in Iraq.

Maliki had expressed support for a withdrawal plan similar to that of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama in an interview with Der Speigel. U.S. troops should leave Iraq “As soon as possible, as far as we’re concerned,” Maliki had said. “U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama talks about 16 months. That, we think, would be the right timeframe for a withdrawal, with the possibility of slight changes.”

But after the Spiegel interview was published and began generating headlines Saturday, officials at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad contacted Maliki’s office to express concern and seek clarification on the remarks, according to White House spokesman Scott Stanzel.

Later in the day, a Maliki aide released a statement saying the remarks had been misinterpreted, though without citing specific comments. -Source: Maliki Aide’s Statement Came After U.S. Call | The Trail |

Of course, the usual suspects of Bush cheerleaders are dismissing this. But some are not. I am taking a wait and see approach. Either way, this whole thing does not look good for John McCain.

Stay Tuned.

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Political Quote of the Day

“Kilpatrick replied, “You can’t even carry my bra.””


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Hey, Olbermann, Where’s the Outrage over this one?

(H/T HotAir)

This is disgusting:

Phil “I’m a closet fagboy” Graham, ought to be fired for that one, as should be the engineer who did that.

Because you just know that if that would have been Obama, and they would have shown a clip of Osama Bin Laden and it would have been on Fox News, the outrage would have been deafening.

But because it is MSNBC, it’s just a slight mistake.


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This is TOO FUNNY!

Now the DNC is DEMANDING their supporters support Obama.

This comes via: TPM Election Central

Dear Democratic Friends:

2008 is a Democratic year-at all levels in all the states. The opportunity is ours. We just have to seize it.

We experienced an exciting, intense, sometimes difficult, campaign to nominate our presidential candidate. Now it’s over. Barack Obama won.

I supported Hillary Clinton and am proud and pleased that I did. But she lost. Barack Obama won. It’s over.

It is time for all Democrats, supporters of Senator Clinton and all other contenders for the nomination, to stand with him to secure his election and the election of Democrats at all levels of competition.

I must confess a bit of fatigue and irritation with people who continue to carp, complain, and criticize the results of the primary and lay down conditions for their support. The Los Angeles Lakers didn’t establish conditions to recognize the Boston Celtics as NBA Champions; Roger Federer did not demand concessions before recognizing that Rafael Nadal defeated him at Wimbledon.

It is time to act in a mature and resourceful fashion. It’s time to put the primaries behind us. It’s time to support Barack Obama without conditions or demands.

It’s time to WIN for Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, America, and our future. We have an unparalleled opportunity. I hope we will all do everything we can to seize the moment.

See you at the Inauguration.


Don Fowler
DNC Member At-Large, South Carolina
Former Chair of the Democratic National Committee

Alice Germond
Secretary, Democratic National Committee

and of course, Hillary’s supporters are basically saying “Nigga Please!

I can’t say that I blame them, at all. I mean what does B. Hussein Obama have to offer? Not much, if the truth is to be really known.

Which gives more fuel to the fire of this comparison:

Just saying ya’ll, just sayin’…..

What really cracks me up and how they say he won fair and square. Which is, of course, a bunch of horse shit. What really happened was, The Democratic Party decided to, instead of splitting the votes 50/50, which would have been fair. They decided to give Obama the unfair share of the votes and people like me, who was still kinda in the Democrats ballpark, had his vote given to a person that is not qualified to be in the White House.

You see NOW why I left that bunch of damn Commie Liberals for the sanity of Conservative Politics?

American Spectator, Buck Naked Politics, Taylor Marsh, The Other McCain, The Confluence, NO QUARTER, Wake up America and Corrente

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