Hey, Dobson! Nobody cares what YOU think about ANYONE or ANYTHING!

Good grief, is this idiot still mumbling about Politics? Egad.

The Story:Dobson shifts positions, may endorse McCain (via Yahoo! News)

Conservative Christian leader James Dobson has softened his stance against Republican presidential hopeful John McCain, saying he could reverse his position and endorse the Arizona senator despite serious misgivings.

“I never thought I would hear myself saying this,” Dobson said in a radio broadcast to air Monday. “… While I am not endorsing Senator John McCain, the possibility is there that I might.”

Dobson and other evangelical leaders unimpressed by McCain increasingly are taking a lesser-of-two-evils approach to the 2008 race. Dobson and his guest, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler, spend most of the pretaped Focus on the Family radio program criticizing Democratic candidate Barack Obama, getting to McCain at the very end.

This is one of the many so-called “Christians” and Religious Pharisees who really, really, burns my behind. If you’re a Christian and you believe that Christians should have influence in political affairs, you might want to stop here. Because what I am about to say, might just make your head explode.

James Dobson and his band of Conservative Christians, inspired by Jerry Falwell and Pat Roberson, have, for over the past 30 years, tried to muscle their way into Washington Politics. This is, in fact, directly polar opposite of what the founding Fathers of this great country had in mind, when they fled Great Britain and settled in the New World in 1776.

The reason why the Pilgrims left Great Britain is because the Roman Catholic Church, at the time, was highly influencing the Political World in England, at the time. Because of this, the Pilgrims, or as they were called, puritans, were being persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church and the King of Great Britain for their refusal to submit to the Roman Catholic Church’s dogma. Because of that, the pilgrims left Great Britain on a boat to find a New Land. Where they could practice their Religion without fear of being arrested and possibly burned at the stake.

But yet, today we have Religious hustlers like James Dobson who are constantly wanting to turn The United States of America from a Democracy to a Theocracy! This my friends is outrageous and about as asinine as it comes. That Constitution that sits in Washignton D.C. was never written to give preference to any form of Religion whatsoever.

The Pledge that we say, and what is inscripted in the Congress Halls, says, “One Nation, Under God.” It does NOT say, “One Nation, under Evangelical Christianity”! But yet, you have Religious hucksters like James Dobson who want to see it changed to just that. That my friends is what is truly wrong with the whole Conservative Christian movement. They want to take this nation into the same sort of mentality that existed in Great Britain when the Pilgrims left and came to the new World.

As a Libertarian, as someone who believes in individual freedoms and freedom OF and FROM Religion, I think that what James Dobson is doing is absolutely sickening. Attempting to influence public thinking. Is not that a violation of the IRS’s rules and regulations, regarding Religious Ministries getting involved in Politics? It sure sounds like it to me. Where is our feckless Government? Why isn’t he getting a warning letter?

One Republican Senator got it correct, and that was the late great Senator Barry Goldwater, once, I am told, when he was running for President in 1964, was asked by a reporter, about what could Jerry Falwell and his followers, do for his Campaign. Goldwater replied, “I know what I’d like to do to him”, when asked, he simply said, “I’d like to put my foot up his ass!” Needless to say, Goldwater did not get much support from among the establishment Conservative Christians. Many young people supported him, but many of the older Religious types turned their noses up at Goldwater. This was because Berry Goldwater refused to give these people any sort of dialog, because Goldwater knew their agenda and that was and still is, to Christianize America. Because of this, Goldwater never received the support from the Christian community. Because of this, we ended up with, what I consider to be one of our nation’s worst Presidents ever. of whom which went on to cause one of the worst social upheavals in this country. All over a war, that was never formally declared and which our Nation should have never bothered getting involved in, sort of like one we’re involved with today, in Iraq. Afghanistan is another story entirely.

Until someone tells these Conservative Christians to get lost. Whomever attempts to run for President will have to contend with types like Dobson for many years to come.

That my friends, is one, of many, things that are known as the “Shame of America”.