Obama brings in 25 Million….in a day. UPDATE: Perhaps Not

Not a bad haul at all…


After locking up his party’s presidential nomination, Barack Obama’s fundraising operation came roaring back to life in June, generating more than a million dollars on five days, including a whopping $25 million that came in on the last day of the month.

His one-day haul represents nearly half of his monthly total and more than Republican rival John McCain generated for the entire month. During the month, McCain did not have a single day in which he raised a million dollars.

Overall, Obama raised $54 million for his campaign in June, compared to $22 million for McCain.Continue reading: Obama roars with $25M one-day haul – Jeanne Cummings – Politico.com

On one hand, this seems like a wonderful thing. However, there was another Republican candidate who found out that money cannot buy an election, and that was Mitt Romney. However, Obama is not even some league with Romney. But I digress.

Honestly, Romney lost because of his arrogance and his mocking of John McCain constantly. Plus, he was a mormon and the Evangelical Community still, to this day, has a rather luckwarm relationship with Mormonism.

It must not go unsaid, that Obama is still having trouble connecting with average, inner city, African-American, because they do not see him authentic and sympathetic to their cause. Which is, of course, identity politics. But then again, is not that what Democrat’s are known for? Anyhow, where Obama is connecting, is where the population of Blacks are very small, mostly in the Midwestern States, in the heartland of America, where the idea of a Black President is more a novel idea.

But still, 25 Million, in a day? Good Godfrey! Donations are accepted, I don’t discrimate. 😀 😉 😛 😆

Update: Perhaps Not: Politico’s Updated Story says: (H/T to AP @ HotAir)

An initial summary of Obama’s donations posted on the
FEC website Sunday night grouped all of his un-itemized donations of
less than $200 on the same day – June 30th. That left the impression
that Obama had an astonishingly good — $25 million – final fundraising
day for the month and Politico made that the lead of this story.

Turns out, Obama raised nearly $4 million on June 30th, a healthy amount certainly. But the $21 million from the un-itemized small

donors, which are those who are not named because they haven’t given
more than $200, came in throughout the month and not on a single day.
The FEC is adding an explanatory note to avoid such confusion in the
future, said FEC spokesman Bob Biersback.

So Much for that. 🙄

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