I hate to say this, But I KNEW this was coming……

Call me naive, call me stupid, call me, well, racist. But this article is nothing more than nuanced, glamorized bullshit.

Racism is the only reason Obama might lose. By Jacob Weisberg (Via Slate Magazine)

What with the Bush legacy of reckless war and economic mismanagement, 2008 is a year that favors the generic Democratic candidate over the generic Republican one. Yet Barack Obama, with every natural and structural advantage in the presidential race, is running only neck-and-neck against John McCain, a sub-par Republican nominee with a list of liabilities longer than a Joe Biden monologue. Obama has built a crack political operation, raised record sums, and inspired millions with his eloquence and vision. McCain has struggled with a fractious campaign team, lacks clarity and discipline, and remains a stranger to charisma. Yet at the moment, the two of them appear to be tied. What gives?

If it makes you feel better, you can rationalize Obama’s missing 10-point lead on the basis of Clintonite sulkiness, his slowness in responding to attacks, or the concern that Obama may be too handsome, brilliant, and cool to be elected. But let’s be honest: If you break the numbers down, the reason Obama isn’t ahead right now is that he trails badly among one group, older white voters. He does so for a simple reason: the color of his skin.

What baloney!

The National Journal named Barack Obama as one the most liberal senators in Washington D.C.

Not to mention his wacky pastor, his associations with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. Not mention his disdain for those who actually believe in a God, think that it’s our constitutional right to own and carry a gun, and would like see illegal immigration stopped and our border secured.

No, it’s none of that, it’s because white people, like me, are racist. 🙄

Of course, if a white conservative, like myself, says that Barack Obama would not be where he is, if it were not for the color of his skin, we’re racists. If a white conservative, like me, says that B. Hussein Obama, ol’ Barry the Magic Negro, is nothing more than a product of a un-constitutional civil rights act, passed by a communist infiltrated, liberal congress in 1964, we’re racist.

If Barack Obama was a white man, he’d working in law office somewhere and wouldn’t be able to get a job as a shoeshine boy (or he’d he shining something! Larry Craig’s ummm.. car? ) in the capital building in Washington D.C.

But if people, like me, say that. We’re racists….

Identity Politics, you have to just love it.

Sometimes, I wish Biden HAD won the primary. Maybe we’d have a chance that this election would be fairly carried out, and without all the white guilt and race hustling and baiting.

You ask me, what do I have against a Democrat, much less a black Democrat getting into the White House? I give you the best, the most perfect example of why I feel it would be a total disaster for a corrupt black Democrat to be in the White House. I only ask that you look in my home town. Detroit, Michigan.

If that is not a good enough reason, I do not know what is.

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As I expected…..

The McCain campaign is already rolling out ads against Biden.

This coming from an old fool, who cannot even tell people how many houses he owns.


“I think — I’ll have my staff get to you,” McCain told Politico in Las Cruces, N.M. “It’s condominiums where — I’ll have them get to you.

If he doesn’t how many houses he owns, how can he possibly criticize anyone else?

….and don’t even get me started on McCain’s integrity. (can you say….Keating five?)

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It is official: Obama/Biden for 2008

You know it’s a big Political story when I bounce my fat butt out of bed at 7:00 in the morning! 😀 😉

I’m talking about the big, Big, BIG story…. That Barack Obama has selected Joe Biden for his running mate for President of the United States.

You have to know that John McCain’s campaign is in “Oh Crap!” and hunker down mode right about now. Because no matter who John McCain selects as his running mate, he is going to be a open target for Obama’s new attack dog.

I mean, at this point, no matter who McCain selects, McCain is going to have trouble. If McCain selects Joe Lieberman, McCain will be seen by the Republican and Conservative base as a traitor. If McCain selects Mitt Romney, he will be seen by the majority of America as a out of touch, rich elitist. Heck, even Tom Ridge is not ever well liked by the Republican base. So, unless McCain picks a second tier political person, McCain is going to be screwed.

I mean consider this statement by the campaign:

“There has been no harsher critic of Barack Obama’s lack of experience than Joe Biden,” said McCain spokesman Ben Porritt. “Biden has denounced Barack Obama’s poor foreign policy judgment and has strongly argued in his own words what Americans are quickly realizing — that Barack Obama is not ready to be President.”

One Word: Lame. Seriously, is that the best damned line that the John McCain’s herd of paid lackeys could come up with? Bringing up something from the Primary?!?!?!

What does Biden brings to the table? Experience of all sorts, Foreign Policy, DC Beltway, and just a general sense of “I’ve been around for a while”. Not to mention, he makes one hell of a good attack dog. He is, in fact, a Kennedy type, except for that he’s not nearly as wealthy. So, he’s the real deal. Disclosure: I would have voted for Biden, had he made it to the Michigan Primary.

You know, I am well-known on this blog for my quite controversial statements. So, as a parting shot, let me hand this word of warning to the McCain campaign. John McCain had better hide his balls in Cindy’s purse, because if he doesn’t, Joe Biden will hand McCain’s balls to him on a plate and will make him eat them.

It is going to be one HELL of interesting election season.

More commentary, and I mean a whole damn truckload of it, at Memeorandum

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The Right hits back, HARD!

I guess this whole idea of a new kind of Politics and not fighting a nasty campaign just went out the window…

Here’s a new video made by The American Issues Project: (H/T The Politico)

Ben Smith Writes:

A new conservative group has produced a television ad attacking Barack Obama for his relationship with former Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers.

“How much do your really know about Barack Obama? What does he really believe?” asks the ad, which then cites the failed attack on the Capitol on 9/11, and links it to the Weather Underground attack on the Capitol decades earlier.

The group says it will spend $2.8 million airing the ad in Ohio and Michigan — which would be the largest single third-party expenditure this cycle.

“Why would Barack Obama be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol and is proud of it?” asks the narrator. “Do you know enough to elect Barack Obama?”

The group, the American Issues Project, is a 501(c)4 — which means it isn’t required to disclose its donors. According to a press release set to go out shortly, it’s the product of a coalition of conservative groups (Failor said his Iowans for Tax Relief is not among them). Its president is Ed Martin, a Missouri conservative. Another official, Ed Failor Jr., is a former McCain aide in Iowa who left after the campaign’s shakeup last summer.

The substance of the ad matches a recent upswing in the McCain campaign’s references to Ayers. The use of 9/11 imagery links Ayers, and Obama, to the American conflict Islamic terror, which is the subject of many viral e-mails attacking Obama.

The group’s spokesman, Christian Pinkston, called the suggestion that the group is making any link with Islam “unfair.”

“The idea here was to talk about the fact that his friends hate America, and that’s who he’s aligning himself with,” he said.

It’s spokesman, Christian Pinkston, is a former aide to presidential candidate Jack Kemp and went on to run the conservative group Empower America.

Pinkston says the ad will launch later this afternoon.

Of course the Obama Campaign is not taking this laying down at all, they issued a statement on the ad saying:

The fact that John McCain dispatched his paid consultant to launch
this despicable ad from a so-called ‘independent’ committee shows how
desperate he is to change the subject from his shocking disconnect with
the economic struggles of the American people. He knows that Barack
Obama has denounced the detestable crimes that Bill Ayers committed 40
years ago.

Instead of invoking Paris, Britney and obscure ’60s radicals, Sen.
McCain should take the day off at one of his seven homes to consider
whether his support for outsourcing, tax breaks for companies who ship
jobs overseas and continued spending of $10 billion a month in Iraq is
really putting “country first.” To us, it sounds like just more of the
same. – Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor

How weak! I would have quickly produced a video that linked McCain to lobbyists and mentioned the supposed, never proven, so-called, affair that he had with a lobbyist. That would have shut them up, right away. But instead, they put out a weakly worded statement like that. Score one for McCain, I say. Plus, there’s no proof that McCain was linked to this group at all. So, again, the response was quite weak.

Look, If Obama is going to win this horse race, he had better learn to fight like pit bill and not a poodle. Because if he doesn’t Bulldog McCain is going to eat him alive.

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Looks like Barry’s glow is fading fast….

Looks like people are waking up from the Obamassiah stupor and seeing the Marxist magic negro for what he really is. Which is a very good thing for America.

Via Zogby International.

As Russian tanks rolled into the Republic of Georgia and the presidential candidates met over the weekend in the first joint issues forum of the fall campaign, the latest polling includes drama almost as compelling – Republican John McCain has taken a five-point lead over Democrat Barack Obama in the race for President, the latest Reuters/Zogby telephone survey shows.

McCain leads Obama by a 46% to 41% margin.

And McCain not only enjoys a five-point edge in a two-way race against Obama, but also in a four-way contest including liberal independent candidate Ralph Nader and Libertarian Bob Barr, the poll reveals. In the four-way contest, McCain wins 44% support, Obama 39%, Barr 3% and Nader 2%.

This latest Reuters/Zogby poll is a dramatic reversal from the identical survey taken last month – in the July 9-13 Reuters/Zogby survey, Obama led McCain, 47% to 40%. In the four-way race last month, Obama held a 10-point lead over McCain.

The Reuters/Zogby Horserace

August July


McCain 46% 40%

Obama 41% 47%

Not sure/Other 13% 13%

Here’s hoping that the rookie from Chicago gets his proper place in this election, at the BACK of the bus, where he belongs.

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Richard Viguerie says “Washington Politicians Again Covering Up True Size of Federal Deficit”

(Manassas, Virginia) Reacting to projections from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that the Fiscal Year 2008 federal deficit will be about $400 Billion, the Chairman of ConservativeHQ.com, Richard A. Viguerie, issued the following statement:

“According to CBO, the current fiscal year, which ends on September 30, will end up with a deficit of $400 Billion. While this figure is shockingly high, the truth is that the actually deficit is a lot higher.

“The $400 Billion deficit is based on an accounting fraud called the Unified Budget, in which money borrowed from the Social Security Trust Fund and which is added to the National Debt, is counted as income for the annual budget.

“This kind of trickery by Republicans and Democrats would land officers of publicly held companies in prison.

“When you take the $186 Billion that is being borrowed from Social Security and add it to the $400 Billion deficit that is being acknowledged, you get the real deficit of $586 Billion.

“Raiding the Social Security Trust Fund to finance the general operations of the federal government is a direct attack on the financial security of senior citizens. Trying to cover it up through deception is unconscionable.

“As for Fiscal Year 2009, the Bush Administration projects a deficit of $482 Billion, but that does not include $36 Billion from the Housing Bill, $80 Billion in war costs, and $227 Billion borrowed from the Social Security Trust Fund. The actual deficit next year will be $825 Billion–$343 Billion more than has been acknowledged.

“While the Housing Bill passed late and no one really is sure what the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost, it is inexcusable to pretend that the $227 Billion being borrowed from Social Security is an asset, rather than a debt that must be repaid.

“Republican and Democratic politicians should keep their hands off of Social Security surpluses. And they should start accounting honestly for the money borrowed from the Trust Fund.”


Richard A. Viguerie pioneered political direct mail and has been called “one of the creators of the modern conservative movement” (The Nation magazine) and one of the conservatives of the century” (The Washington Times). His latest book is Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big-Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause (Bonus Books), which, Jerome Corsi wrote in WorldNetDaily, is “destined to become a classic of conservative thinking” and “may be the most important conservative book written in the last quarter century.”

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Editorial: Russia and Democratic Neglect

One of the biggest issues with this Russian/Georgian conflict is the fact that there is a lack of verifiable information. One minute you hear that the conflict has ended and the fighting has stopped the very next, you hear that the fighting is still happening, and that the Russians are not honoring the cease-fire agreement. It is all rather confusing, and it makes for a very frustrated blogger. Because the last thing a blogger wants to be, is wrong.

However, more than that is the lack of the Main Stream Media’s ability to look at this entire conflict in a historical context. Many are pointing to the actions of Ronald Reagan for dissolving the Soviet Union Empire, as being the cause of this conflict. I happen to disagree with that notion. I believe personally that it was the foolish actions of President Harry Truman, that is the cause of this conflict or shall I say the harvest of seeds planted by Harry Truman’s actions.

On December 7, 1941, the empire of Japan attacked the United States naval base in Oahu, Hawaii. This act of brazen hostility brought the United States of America into World War II, despite President Franklin Roosevelt’s pledge to remain neutral in the ever-growing conflict. As history would show, The United States fought the war and finally Hitler was defeated, and Japan surrendered. However, the method used to end the war, is in my opinion the underlying cause of this conflict.

It is a known fact that the United States soundly defeated Hitler by fighting them on the ground and air, using conventional weapons. However, we stopped the war, and to end the conflict with Japan, we used atomic weapons. This I feel was a tragic mistake. This is because Truman was a different kind of a Democrat than Roosevelt. Roosevelt was an “old line” Democrat, who saw the Communist threat, knew what the Communist doctrine was truly about, the repression of freedom and he stood to defeat it. No matter how long it took.

However, Truman was another matter entirely. President Truman represented the “new line” of Democrats who felt that war was unneeded and that peace was a better path. This was a precursor to the “peacenik” Democrats of the sixties. This was evident when President Truman gave his infamous “Military Industrial Complex” speech, at the end of his term. * — See Below With Hitler out of the way, Truman, feeling the ever-increasing pressure to end the war and return the country to pre-war status, devised a plan to end the conflict with Japan.

While using the Atomic bomb might have been an effective means of ending a war, its impact and stain upon the United States would be long ranging, to this very day, is to be considered a very poor decision by the United States. On many websites in Japan, including those in English, denounce America as being brutal for dropping the bomb. However, those who had friends and relatives that died at Pearl Harbor felt that Japan got what it deserved.

It is in the opinion of this writer, that the United States should have fought the war, all the way to Russia, until communism was soundly defeated. Furthermore, The United States of America, should have never dropped the atomic bomb on the empire of Japan, but rather, should have fought that war on the ground, until Japan surrendered. This would have resulted in the total defeat of communism. However, as we all know, this never happened.

Because of this obtuse neglect, the United States of America began a “Cold War” with the empire of the Soviet Union that lasted until a Conservative President, a real conservative President, whom came on the scene in the eighties to plant the seeds that would eventually bring down the soviet empire. However, as we have seen here in the last few days, Russia is not a free and democratic society; it is simply a police state, without the outright communism.

Putin, a man who is sympathetic toward the old soviet empire, filled to the brim with communist doctrine, is wagging his finger in the face of the United States and making a mockery of the supposed democracy in the European continent. This is the harvest of the neglect of the Democratic Party of the forties.*

* Update: Oops! I blew it, Truman did NOT give the military-industrial complex speech, Dwight Eisenhower did. My bad. I blew it, I should have checked. 🙄 But my point about the Democrats and the cold war as it relates to Russia still stands.

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Russia halts bombing, finger pointing starts

It is truly worse than having to babysit children. But now that the Bombing in Georgia has stopped, The childish finger pointing has started.

The NYT reports:

President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia announced Tuesday that he agreed to a European peace proposal and had ordered a halt to his country’s military operation in Georgia, although he did not say that troops were pulling out and he insisted that Russian forces were still authorized to fire on enemies in South Ossetia.

The president said Russia had achieved its military goals in five days of fighting, during which Russian troops advanced into Georgian territory despite strong denunciations from President Bush and other Western leaders.

But fighting appeared to continue in Georgia on Tuesday — with reports of sporadic bombing and some Russian troops digging in around Georgian cities — and it was uncertain whether Mr. Medvedev’s statement would lead to an end to hostilities.

Despite the uncertainties, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, who was in Moscow to try to mediate the crisis, hailed Mr. Medvedev’s decision. Other senior Western officials said they thought a cease-fire proper was imminent. Later, Mr. Sarkozy and Mr. Medvedev held a news conference on the peace proposal, which calls for Russian forces to withdraw from Georgia. It was unclear whether it called for a full withdrawal from South Ossetia and Abkhazia, nor what kind of timetable might be involved.

While this is a good thing to hear, if the reports that the bombing has ceased are true. But now however, the blame game is starting. Mikhail Gorbachev blames Georgia, and by proxy, the United States, for this beginning of the hostilities. He writes in a Washington Post Op-Ed:

The past week’s events in South Ossetia are bound to shock and pain anyone. Already, thousands of people have died, tens of thousands have been turned into refugees, and towns and villages lie in ruins. Nothing can justify this loss of life and destruction. It is a warning to all.

The roots of this tragedy lie in the decision of Georgia’s separatist leaders in 1991 to abolish South Ossetian autonomy. This turned out to be a time bomb for Georgia’s territorial integrity. Each time successive Georgian leaders tried to impose their will by force — both in South Ossetia and in Abkhazia, where the issues of autonomy are similar — it only made the situation worse. New wounds aggravated old injuries.

Nevertheless, it was still possible to find a political solution. For some time, relative calm was maintained in South Ossetia. The peacekeeping force composed of Russians, Georgians and Ossetians fulfilled its mission, and ordinary Ossetians and Georgians, who live close to each other, found at least some common ground.

Through all these years, Russia has continued to recognize Georgia’s territorial integrity. Clearly, the only way to solve the South Ossetian problem on that basis is through peaceful means. Indeed, in a civilized world, there is no other way.


Mounting a military assault against innocents was a reckless decision whose tragic consequences, for thousands of people of different nationalities, are now clear. The Georgian leadership could do this only with the perceived support and encouragement of a much more powerful force. Georgian armed forces were trained by hundreds of U.S. instructors, and its sophisticated military equipment was bought in a number of countries. This, coupled with the promise of NATO membership, emboldened Georgian leaders into thinking that they could get away with a “blitzkrieg” in South Ossetia.

In other words, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili was expecting unconditional support from the West, and the West had given him reason to think he would have it. Now that the Georgian military assault has been routed, both the Georgian government and its supporters should rethink their position.


Over the past few days, some Western nations have taken positions, particularly in the U.N. Security Council, that have been far from balanced. As a result, the Security Council was not able to act effectively from the very start of this conflict. By declaring the Caucasus, a region that is thousands of miles from the American continent, a sphere of its “national interest,” the United States made a serious blunder. Of course, peace in the Caucasus is in everyone’s interest. But it is simply common sense to recognize that Russia is rooted there by common geography and centuries of history. Russia is not seeking territorial expansion, but it has legitimate interests in this region.

The international community’s long-term aim could be to create a sub-regional system of security and cooperation that would make any provocation, and the very possibility of crises such as this one, impossible. Building this type of system would be challenging and could only be accomplished with the cooperation of the region’s countries themselves. Nations outside the region could perhaps help, too — but only if they take a fair and objective stance. A lesson from recent events is that geopolitical games are dangerous anywhere, not just in the Caucasus.

As much as I hate to admit it. He does have a point. It did seem the the western media here in America did come out against Russia. Bush and Co. did prop up Georgia as an ally, only to stand by idly as Russia moved in tanks and began bombing that country. This was possibly a costly mistake. It does do further damage to President Bush, it makes him look weak in the eyes of the Georgians and to the rest in that region.

Whether the rest of the conservative world wants to admit it or not. The next President of the United States is going to have a BUNCH of mopping up to do, no matter whom elected, they are going to have their work cut out for them. I just hope that whomever is elected, has the courage and the intestinal fortitude to deal with the mess that will be left in the White House after this current administration has left. I pity that person greatly, I would not want to be in that persons shoes, at all.

Others Blogging, that I care to link to: Blogs of War, Donklephant

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Possibly one of the weakest responses to a situation…Ever

Okay, call me a cynic, call me a jerk, call me a… whatever… But this is just weak

I mean, Bush essentially went out and said… “Bad Russia, Bad!” But offered absolutely no repercussions, if Russia continued to attack Georgia. No threats of invasion, nothing.

He could have done better, in my opinion. It just sounded weak.

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Russia warns of push into Georgia, The United States Government does nothing…

You know, I am going to say a few things about this, and I am most likely am going to be accused of either being a Bush-hater or a Neo-Conservative and Possibly even a Neo-Libertarian or even the highest honor of all, a Chickenhawk… But this crap needs to be said.

The Story: Officials: Russia warns of push into Georgia – (Via CNN.com)

Russian troops have warned they intend to push further into western Georgia, Georgian officials claimed Sunday as an increasingly violent territorial dispute in the former Soviet state threatened to spiral into a major international conflict.

The apparent move came after Georgian troops began withdrawing from South Ossetia, a breakaway region where military action by Tbilisi last week triggered a full scale military clash with Russia that some say has left hundreds dead.

Russia’s military action — which Moscow claims is a legitimate peacekeeping mission in response to Georgian aggression — has provoked criticism from the U.S., which Sunday condemned it as “disproportionate.”

Growing concerns over the conflict have threatened to spill over Georgia’s borders with Ukraine Sunday saying it might ban Russia’s fleet from Crimea bases after it mobilized off the coast of Abkhazia, another breakaway region.

Analysts say Russia is trying to assert its authority in the former Soviet Union territories, where it claims many people have greater allegiance to Moscow than to Western-leaning Tbilisi, a U.S. ally vying for NATO membership.

Violence has escalated over several days with claims of war planes shot down on either side and accusations of civilian casualties in bombing raids. Russia has claimed up to 2,000 people have died. Georgia puts the figure much lower.

As Russian troops took control in South Ossetia, the breakaway province where long-running tensions exploded into conflict last Thursday, the dispute threatened to open up on a second front Sunday.

Georgian Interior Ministry spokesman Shota Utiashvili said Russian forces plan to move into the city of Zugdidi, which is beyond the border of the second Georgian restive province of Abkhazia.

White House Deputy National Security Advisor Jim Jeffrey said the United States was urgently looking into the report, saying that it would be a very serious escalation for Russia to move into Georgia beyond the Abkhazia region.

My questions are this:

  • Where the hell is our damned President!?!?!?
  • Why isn’t President Bush telling Russia to either back off of Georgia or face a full scale attack by the United States and it’s allies?
  • Why is Bush over in a damned communist foreign country and being mettlesome in their affairs?
  • Could it be that he is more interested in playing “Kissy Face” to the Chinese government, so they will send us more money? Than he is helping defend a small country being picked on by a communist oppressor?

I’m sorry folks, but this truly does tweak me off. Why is our President more interested in playing “Kissy Kissy” bunch of Communists, Than he is making sure the peace and stability of the Georgia – Russian region is not preserved?

If I were President of the United States, I would make a public announcement that Russia had 48 hours to withdraw all forces from the region of Georgia or they would face a full scale air assault from the United States and it’s allies, and face a ground assault from the allied forces. I believe that it is high time, that the United States of America has finally defeated that totalitarian communist regime, once and for all. Sorry, I do not buy the epic lie that the Country of Russia is a free society, that my friends, is a smokescreen and a lie to fool the rest of the world.

Well, Mr. President, what is it going to be, action or cowardice?

Update: Since I posted this, a video has surfaced on the net, explaining what is really going on in Russia. Click here to watch it.

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Justice for 9/11 victims or an overreaching justice system? You Decide

I have mixed feelings on this.

The Story Bin Laden’s Former Driver Found Guilty in Split Decision (Via NYTimes.com)

A panel of six military officers convicted a former driver for Osama bin Laden of a war crime Wednesday, completing the first military commission trial here and the first conducted by the United States since the end of World War II.

But the commission acquitted the former driver, Salim Ahmed Hamdan, of a conspiracy charge, arguably the more serious of two charges he faced. His conviction came on a separate but lesser charge of providing material support for terrorism.

Mr. Hamdan, who has said he is about 40, faces a possible life term. The sentence is to be set in a separate proceeding before the same panel that is to begin this afternoon. As the verdict was read, Mr. Hamdan, who has been in custody since he was detained in Afghanistan in November of 2001, stood passively at the defense table in a white headscarf, his head bent slightly down.

The conviction of Mr. Hamdan, a Yemeni who was part of a select group of drivers and bodyguards for Mr. bin Laden until 2001, was a long-sought, if somewhat qualified, victory for the Bush administration, which has been working to begin military commission trials at the isolated naval base here for nearly seven years.

At first thought, One would think “Great! One of the terrorists was convicted.” However upon closer inspection, one sees the following:

Mr. Hamdan was convicted by a panel of six senior military officers who, according to an order of the military judge, could not be publicly identified. The panel deliberated for eight hours over three days. As permitted under the law Congress passed for trials here in 2006, the trial included secret evidence and testimony in a closed courtroom.

Critics have long claimed that the military commission system here does not meet American standards of fundamental justice, in part because the Military Commissions Law allows hearsay evidence and evidence derived through coercive interrogation methods. The public is not allowed in the courtroom, and legal documents are often never released.

After closing arguments Monday, Charles D. Swift, a former Navy lawyer who has represented Mr. Hamdan for years, said the two-week proceeding here had been a trial that did not follow the American rule of law and that the defense believed American courts would eventually correct the legal errors here. Mr. Swift called the military commission “a made-up tribunal to try anybody we don’t like.”

My question is not if this man deserved to be tried or not, it is HOW he was tried. This whole argument of “He is not a United States citizen, he does not have the right that citizens of the United States possess”, does not wash with me. I am sorry, but we treated Japanese prisoners better than we treat these people.

I just wonder, how long it will be, before our own Government will start treating its own citizens like barbaric animals? If we allow this sort of unconstitutional nonsense to continue, it could be sooner than you think. Could you imagine the horror of being subjected to this sort of a trial? All for insulting a Islamic person or their supposed “Holy Koran”?

Or if someone like me, a protestant, for insulting a roman catholic? It could happen, and believe me, the Roman Catholic Church would be most pleased, after all, they did torture my Baptist forefathers.

I simply give you my opinion. You decide what to do with it.

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Obama’s Magic fades

……….and I could not be more pleased. 😀

Via McClatchy Washington Bureau:

Barack Obama has lost ground among some of his strongest bases of support, including young people, women, Democrats and independents, according to a new ATV/Zogby poll.

The Illinois Democrat has also lost some support among African-Americans and Hispanics, where his lead over Republican John McCain has shrunk, and among Catholics, where he’s lost his lead.

The net result, pollster John Zogby found, is a race that’s neck and neck, with McCain supported by 42 percent; Obama by 41 percent; Libertarian Bob Barr by 2 percent; and independent Ralph Nader by 2 percent. Another 13 percent supported other candidates or were undedcided.

Zogby called the results a “notable turnaround” from a July survey he did that showed Obama leading by 46-36.

“McCain made signifciant gains at Obama’s expense among some of what had been Obama’s strongest demographic groups,” Zogby said.

His findings:

-Among voters aged 18-29, Obama lost 16 percent and McCain gained 20. Obama still leads, 49-38;

-Among women, McCain gained 10 percentage points. Obama now leads 43-38;

-Among independents, Obama lost an 11 point lead. They’re now tied;

-Among Democrats, Obama’s support dropped from 83 percent to 74 percent;

-Among Catholics, Obama lost the 11 point lead he had in July and now trails McCain by 15.

Looks like the veneer has worn off of Obama and people are beginning to see that idiot Marxist Liberal for what he is. Not only this, John McCain found a campaign message that is finally sticking and is making Obama look like a total inexperienced buffoon. The trip overseas also did not make Obama look good at all.

Not to mention, like I said before, Obama played McCain’s hand on race, whether if he knew it or not. This did not resonate well with middle America, AKA White America. Not only this, general black population does not view Obama as truly authentic. This does not do him well, because he is relying on the black vote. If he looses the Black Vote and looses Middle America. We will be looking at another Republican President.

Personally, as a Libertarian Paleo-Conservative, the idea of another Neo-Conservative in the White House, makes me cringe. However, the idea of a Marxist in the White House scares me to high Heaven. I guess it is the lesser of two evils. That is, of course, you vote for a third party candidate, which we all know is basically tossing a vote out the window.

More Commentary at Memeorandum

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Al Qaeda’s #2, Ayman al-Zawahiri Dead?

This would be sweet…

Via The Jawa Report:

Stratfor reports that the United States is attempting to verify rumors coming out of Pakistan that al Qaeda’s #2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was killed in a July 28 Predator airstrike.

Intelligence sources told The Jawa Report last week that ‘the hunt was on’ in Pakistan for a ‘big fish’. Could this be the big fish they were talking about?

The major — and I mean major — caveat here is that Zawahiri has been rumored to have been killed on a number of previous occasions.

US Forces are said to be going to make an announcement soon about the rumors.

The stupid chorus of “Can we go home now?” from the commie left to start in 5…4…3…2..1

Others: protein wisdom, ThreatsWatch, JammieWearingFool and The Strata-Sphere

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Reposted from NewsWithViews.com:

By Chuck Baldwin

August 1, 2008

According to numerous press reports, President George W. Bush plans to attend the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Beijing, China later this month. Bush said that it “would be an affront to the Chinese people” if he stayed away. Other world leaders, including Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain, are choosing to not attend the opening ceremonies in the communist country.

It is hard for this writer to laud President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, but in this case, even the socialist Roosevelt showed more integrity than our so-called “conservative” President, George W. Bush. When the 1936 Olympics were held in Berlin, Germany, President Roosevelt refused to attend those ceremonies for fear that his presence would give honor and prestige to the notorious Adolf Hitler. And so it would have. And, by the same token, when President Bush attends the opening ceremonies in China, he is giving honor and prestige to the bloody butchers of Beijing who have persecuted, tortured, and murdered multiplied thousands of the Chinese people since the communist regime took power in 1949.

President Bush said it would be an affront to the Chinese people if he did not attend the Olympics. Wrong. It would be an affront to the Red Chinese tyrants. And they deserve to be affronted! Instead, by attending the Olympic ceremonies, Bush is choosing to affront the hundreds of thousands of Chinese victims who have suffered brutality and barbarism at the hands of the very people Bush will be wining and dining with. Actually, by participating in the Beijing Olympics, President Bush is an affront to freedom-loving people everywhere.

For example, the Chinese government has already created profiles of thousands of foreign journalists coming to cover the Olympic games. Communist officials will also be spying on virtually every visitor from the moment they arrive in China. Red Army surrogates will monitor virtually all Internet activity. One Chinese security official vowed “to punish anyone who takes part in a political, religious or ethnic demonstration or protest ‘in any form’ at an Olympic site during the 2008 Beijing Games.” (Source: The Washington Post)

In fact, Red China has been increasing its crackdowns on “dissenters” throughout 2007 and during the first half of this year in preparation for the Olympics. “There was a 20 percent increase over 2006 in convictions of citizens under China’s overly broad state security law that is often used to silence government critics.” (Source: The Washington Times) In other words, the approaching Olympic Games have served only to intensify the Beijing government’s oppression of the Chinese people.

The many thousands of freedom-loving people in persecuted lands across the globe (including China) feel betrayed and abandoned by President Bush–and rightly so. As President of the United States, Mr. Bush had an opportunity to send the loudest and clearest of messages to the people of the world that America was on the side of freedom and liberty, and that it respects and appreciates the thousands of persecuted people struggling for freedom under totalitarian governments. Instead, by choosing to sit beside the communist officials at the Olympic ceremonies, Mr. Bush has given credence and, at least, tacit support to a bunch of murderous thugs who are the modern-day symbols of oppression and tyranny.

Shame on you, Mr. Bush!

Chuck Baldwin’s Website

Chuck Baldwin For President 2008

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My thoughts on the Bush Aid Subpoena Ruling….

My feelings on this ruling are this.

As I have said on this Blog many times in the past, that no one, irregardless of social, political or financial status, is above the law. Yes, that includes the President of United States and his staff.

This game of hiding behind executive privilege is dangerous one and could cost the Republicans in the long run.

If the President of the United States and his staff have not broken the law, then why are they insistent on using executive privilege, as a sort of cloak and dagger game? That is the question, that many people, including many conservatives want answered.

We need answers, not games, and it is high time that the President and his group of Neo-Conservative thugs started answering honestly. It is also high time, that the Conservatives in Congress stopped cowering to this imperialistic President and his minions and started standing up for the Constitution of the United States and the Principles behind it.

The members of Congress serve at the pleasure of the people of the United States of America, and if the Conservatives in Congress do not start getting back to the Original principles of the Republican Party, they can and will be replaced with those who will take up this challenge and serve this country with honor and integrity.

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Interesting: Did Iraq’s WMD’s end up in Syria and Labanon?

Could be!

This is via WorldNetDaily:

A former American overseer of Iraqi prisons says several dozen inmates who were members of Saddam Hussein’s military and intelligence forces boasted of helping transport weapons of mass destruction to Syria and Lebanon in the three months prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Don Bordenkircher – who served two years as national director of prison and jail operations in Iraq– told WND that about 40 prisoners he spoke with “boasted of being involved in the transport of WMD warheads to Syria.

A smaller number of prisoners, he said, claimed “they knew the locations of the missile hulls buried in Iraq.”

Some of the inmates, Bordenkircher said, “wanted to trade their information for a release from prison and were amenable to showing the locations.”

The prisoners were members of the Iraqi military or civilians assigned to the Iraqi military, often stationed at munitions facilities, according to Bordenkircher. He said he was told the WMDs were shipped by truck into Syria, and some ended up in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley.

I know, WND is not exactly known for their accuracy, but if this is true. We might have more problems on our hands, than we think.

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John Waver, Former McCain’s Former Strategist calls McCain Ad on Obama "Childish"

This is a bit of a surprise.

Marc Ambinder has the scoop:

With the release today of a McCain television ad blasting Obama for celebrity preening while gas prices rise, and a memo that accuses Obama of putting his own aggrandizement before the country, Weaver said he’s had "enough."

The ad’s premise, he said, is "childish."

"John’s been a celebrity ever since he was shot down," Weaver said. "Whatever that means. And I recall Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush going overseas and all those waving American flags."

Weaver remains in contact with senior McCain strategists and, for a while early this year, regularly talked to McCain.

The strategy of driving up Obama’s negatives "reduces McCain on the stage," Weaver said.

"For McCain to win in such troubled times, he needs to begin telling the American people how he intends to lead us. That McCain exists. He can inspire the country to greatness."

He added: "There is legitimate mockery of a political campaign now, and it isn’t at Obama’s. For McCain’s sake, this tomfoolery needs to stop."

On one hand, his opinion is legit, as I thought the "Celeb" ad was a bit silly. However, i have to wonder if this is just a bad case of sour grapes.

On the other hand, you know your campaign is having issues, when former staff members come out against you.

Barry Quips:

"You know, I don’t pay attention to John McCain’s ads, although I do notice he doesn’t seem to have anything to say very positive about
himself. He seems to only be talking about me. You need to ask John McCain what he’s for and not just what he’s against," he said.

Well Barry, for one, he’s against commie Liberal Marxist Negros like you.

Others: Pajamas Media

Editorial: Honestly, is this the best that the Liberals can do?

There have been times, when I, as a Blogger, have wanted to bang my head on the desk. There are times, when I have become so frustrated at the level of stupidity being served by both sides of this political discourse, that I have seriously thought about just shutting this Blog down and disappearing into the mists of ether and finding something else to do. There are times, when I, as a Blogger, have shook my fist in righteous indignation at some of the things written by both sides of this political divide, that is called Politics.

However, this, my friends, is scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel. It seems that the Liberal Blogging world, with it’s lack of substantive accusations against John McCain, has, in fact, began publishing stories about a topic, that normally would not even receive the light of day in a legitimate publication; His Shoes.

That is right ladies and Gentleman; the liberal bloggers are now publishing stories about John McCain’s shoes. This female blogger at the Huffington Post by the name of Isabel Wilkinson, whose political credentials are that of a Dallas cowboy cheerleader, wrote a rather vain piece about the kind of shoes that John McCain wears. I have to honestly wonder aloud, who in the Huffington Post was the recipient of this woman’s oral sex, for her to get that job as a writer. Because whoever they were, they hired a real winner here.

I am not a John McCain cheerleader, not by a long shot. However, this sort of lame attempt by the left to paint John McCain as some sort of out of touch, rich, elitist is about the lamest thing I have ever read, in a good long while. This ranks up there with the New York Times piece on the supposed affair that McCain was having with a lobbyist.

It is not that I am against criticizing John McCain, not at all. There are legitimate concerns that I have with McCain as well, his closeness to Bush, his ties to lobbyists, his wanting to bomb Iran, but to write an article about his shoes? How absurd. The left can much better than this, and they know it. The quicker they start doing that, the better, because right about now, they look like total idiots in my eyes, and I would imagine in the eyes many other people as well.

(H/T Memeorandum)

Update: Welcome Moderate Voice Readers! (Thank You Jazz!) 😀

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Excellent Reading: Chuck Baldwin Says.. "Save The Planet? How About Saving The Republic?"

I post these here, because I believe Chuck Baldwin is a honest voice within the Conservative Community.

Save The Planet? How About Saving The Republic?
By Chuck Baldwin
July 30, 2008

This column is archived at

Yesterday, the Politico quoted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as saying, "I’m
trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet." She was
responding, of course, to pressure that she and her fellow Democrats are
experiencing to suspend a congressional ban on offshore oil drilling in the
face of skyrocketing energy prices. It would be really wonderful, however,
if the liberal congresswoman could get as energized about saving our once
great republic.

Herein lies another problem: the vast majority of our politicos (from both
major parties) do not even seem to know what kind of country the United
States was designed to be. Virtually every reference made to the United
States by our civil magistrates is that we are a "democracy." That’s odd;
someone should have told our Founding Fathers, because they emphatically
rejected the concept of creating a "democracy" in favor of creating a
constitutional republic.

Has anyone quoted the Pledge of Allegiance lately? Does it say, "And to the
democracy for which it stands"? Or does it say, "And to the republic for
which it stands"? Of course it says "republic."

At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, a passerby asked
Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got–a republic or monarchy?"
Franklin replied, "A republic–if you can keep it."

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the sixty-four million dollar question: Can we
keep our republic? Can we keep our constitutional form of government? Can we
keep our constitutionally protected liberties?

In Federalist No. 10, James Madison ("The Father of the U.S. Constitution")
said, "[D]emocracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention;
have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of
property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been
violent in their deaths."

The fear of what happens to freedom and liberty under democratic rule is
what prompted Madison and the rest of America’s founders to labor so hard to
create what they did: a constitutional republic.

Under God, it is allegiance to the Constitution that has preserved our
liberties, our peace and happiness, our security, and our very way of life.
Furthermore, it is the repudiation and rejection of constitutional
government that is responsible for the manner in which these very same
blessings are currently being lost.

Someone needs to remind Rep. Pelosi that it is not her duty (nor does she
have the power) to "save the planet." And by the same token, someone needs
to remind Senators Barack Obama and John McCain that they are not
campaigning to be President of the World, but President of the United

What every elected officeholder is expected and required to do is very
simple: they are required to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution
of the United States of America. Period. End of story.

Our public servants are not charged with saving the snail darter or the
Spotted Owl, or saving the profits of the international bankers, or saving
Wall Street in general, or saving the perks of corporate lobbyists, or
saving Freddie and Fannie, or saving the peoples of the world from all the
bogeymen, or even saving humankind or the planet itself. What our public
servants are charged with, however, is preserving (saving) our
constitutional republic.

Of course, the problem is, the people who are charged with the preservation
of our republic are the ones who are the most responsible for its
destruction. The American people have far more to fear from Nancy Pelosi,
Barack Obama, and John McCain than they do from any foreign adversary,
because our leaders have proven that they have absolutely no fidelity to the
principles of constitutional government. They have no compunction about
eviscerating the protection of our freedoms, or about abolishing the
vanguard of our liberties. They are Machiavellian, making King George of old
look like a mere amateur.

No, I take that back. It is not our civil magistrates who are most
responsible for the destruction of our republican form of government: it is
"We the people."

At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of the people to govern
themselves. We must be willing to hold our civil magistrates accountable to
the contract they made with us, which is to uphold constitutional
government. It is our duty to "throw off" any system of government that does
not secure our liberties and protect our constitution. And this we have not

Christian pastors and ministers have failed us. The "Religious Right" has
failed us. College professors have failed us. High School teachers have
failed us. Newspaper editors and publishers have failed us. TV news anchors
and reporters have failed us. Parents have failed. Friends have failed. The
two major political parties have failed. As a whole, no one is talking
about, or even thinking about, the loss of constitutional government,
national independence, and sovereignty. Few seem even conscious that this is
taking place.

Worrying about which major party wins a general election is like worrying
about whether Coke or Pepsi sold more soft drinks last month. Pick your
poison. One is just as bad as the other. Neither has any fidelity to the
Constitution or to the principles of liberty, which it represents. Both John
McCain and Barack Obama are enemies to constitutional government. Both are
in the process of sacrificing our national sovereignty to global entities.
Both men lied when they took an oath to preserve and protect the
Constitution. So, why should we care which impostor wins the election?

It is up to the American people to enforce constitutional government. From a
Christian perspective, it is "We the people" who are the "powers that be" in
Romans chapter 13. Under our form of government, the source of authority and
the source of legitimacy reside with "We the people." We are not the slaves
of any king or despot. Our elected leaders are public servants, not private
masters. In a nutshell, they work for us. They are contracted to preserve
our liberties and our way of life. When they fail, they must answer to us.

So, when will the American people pick themselves up by the bootstraps and
start acting like free citizens and stop groveling before these imbecilic
political parties? When will we set this political house in order?

Of course, all of this demands that each of us understands constitutional
government and the principles upon which liberty rests. It also demands that
each of us be prepared to do whatever is our personal duty to preserve this

Patriotism is more than waving a flag on July 4th, or singing The National
Anthem at a ball game, or wearing a flag lapel pin on Flag Day. For an
American, real patriotism means that we are willing to preserve and protect
our constitutional republic. Remember, Franklin’s answer: "A republic–if
you can keep it."

Nancy Pelosi can talk about saving the planet all she wants to: her duty,
however, is to preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution. And that
is also the job of every single American citizen. Unfortunately, most of us
are no better at doing our job than Pelosi is at doing hers.

Chuck Baldwin’s Website
Chuck Baldwin For President 2008

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Shocka! Obama is beginning to believe his own hype….

This could be dangerous for the Obamassiah….

From the Trail:

In his closed door meeting with House Democrats Tuesday night, presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama delivered a real zinger, according to a witness, suggesting that he was beginning to believe his own hype.

Not surprising at all. With statements like this:

Obama was waxing lyrical about last week’s trip to Europe, when he concluded, according to the meeting attendee, “this is the moment, as Nancy [Pelosi] noted, that the world is waiting for.”


The 200,000 souls who thronged to his speech in Berlin came not just for him, he told the enthralled audience of congressional representatives. “I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions,” he said, according to the source.

Meh… Oh, he’s a symbol alright, a symbol of Commie Liberalism. He’s also a symbol of the Unconstitutional Civil Right act signed in 1968, by a bunch of Commie Liberals, who felt it was the Government’s place to interfere with a state issue….and we’ve been paying for the tragic mistake, ever since.

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What REALLY happened on Obama’s visit to Afghanistan

This, an e-mail from someone in the USAF, It comes via Blackfive, where you can read the whole thing.


As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand, he blew them off and didn’t say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.

Unbelievable. Tammi says she’s not voting for him, and I know I will not be either.

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Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin Says “The Religious Right Is AWOL From The Real War”

I am reposting this here, because I believe that it is an important read:

The Religious Right Is AWOL From The Real War
By Chuck Baldwin
July 23, 2008

This column is archived at

I want to begin this column with one of my all-time favorite quotes. It
comes from the great German reformer Martin Luther. He said, “If I profess
with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of
God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at
that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be
professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier
is proved; and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight
and disgrace if he flinches at that point.”

Luther’s trenchant statement reminds us that today’s Christians, especially
our Christian leaders, are conspicuously absent from the field of battle.
Oh, they may host large crowds in their gatherings; they may deposit
multiplied millions of dollars in their financial accounts; they may receive
thunderous applause from politicians, but they have fled the battlefield at
the point of attack.

For the record, the real battlefield today is not abortion. It is not
homosexual marriage. It is not Social Security. It is not al Qaeda. It is
not taxes. It is not inflation. It is not electing conservatives. It is not
posting the Ten Commandments. It is not even the high cost of gasoline. That
is not to say that those issues are not important and not deserving of our
best efforts and attention, because they are. But those issues do not
represent the major battlefield today.

The battlefield where the devil has amassed his greatest forces and is
thrusting his deadliest armies is the surrender of our national sovereignty
and independence, and the creation of global government. And it is our own
political and corporate leaders that are facilitating this chicanery.
Furthermore, by refusing to oppose this surrender, our Christian leaders are
complicit as well.

Obviously, the surrender of our independence has been ongoing for some time.
However, under Bill Clinton and especially under G.W. Bush, the pace has
quickened exponentially.

Doubtless, the biggest reason President Bush has more aggressively hastened
the pace of America’s merger into supranational government is because he
enjoys widespread support among evangelical Christians. Absent opposition
from Christian leaders, G.W. Bush has virtually had a free hand. And please
know this: before Bush was a Republican, before he was a “conservative,”
before he was a Christian, he was and is a globalist, as was his father and
grandfather before him.

Because our national Christian leaders are content to revel in the lap of
political cronyism with President Bush (and the Republican Party), they have
abandoned their positions as watchmen on the wall. Instead of being watchmen
and heralds of truth, they have become political lackeys and toadies for the

Now, just yesterday, James Dobson declares that he “might” support John
McCain. This in spite of the fact that only a few months ago Mr. Dobson
promised, “I cannot and I will not vote for Sen. John McCain as a matter of

Ah, but that is just the problem: when it comes to groveling before the GOP,
our Christian leaders have no conscience. Hence, James Dobson is now
publicly saying he “might” support McCain.

The ones who are doing the yeoman’s work in trying to warn the American
people to what is happening in regard to the surrender of our country’s
liberties and independence are people such as Congressman Ron Paul and Dr.
Jerome Corsi.

Many of you know Corsi as the man who co-authored the Number 1 New York
Times best-seller, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against
John Kerry.”

Jerome Corsi holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University in political science. He
is not some fringe-radical (not that Harvard hasn’t produced its own
radicals). Religiously, my understanding is that Corsi is either a Roman
Catholic or Episcopalian. However, Corsi is doing what James Dobson, Tony
Perkins, et al. should be doing, but aren’t: he is sounding the trumpet of
truth for the real battlefield.

In a nutshell, Corsi warns us that G.W. Bush is secretly working to merge
the United States into a trilateral government with Canada and Mexico. Corsi
maintains that back in March of 2005, President Bush, Mexican President
Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin entered into an
agreement that binds the three countries into a regional or hemispheric

Corsi insists that this is one of the central reasons why Bush is so adamant
about granting amnesty to Mexico’s illegal aliens. Bush is simply following
through with his commitment to Fox and Martin.

Corsi also notes that this new hemispheric entity already has a name. It is
called the North American Union (NAU), and it is being created without any
input (or even knowledge) from our legislative or judicial branches of
government. The official name of the agreement made between the three
leaders is the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” (SPP).
Obviously, the new NAU is modeled after the already established European
Union (EU).

Folks, please be aware that President Bush has already committed the United
States to a regional or hemispheric government. When completed, this
regional government will control everything relative to the “security” and
“prosperity” of this new North American Union. That includes everything
relating to travel, law enforcement, trade, education, military matters,
etc. So, what is left out? Nothing.

Please remember, too, that all of this is being done without any input from
the American people or their elected representatives at the state or federal
level. I would even dare say that the vast majority of congressmen and
senators are completely oblivious to the fact that this is even happening.
With the attention of the American people (and Congress) focused on the
Middle East, Bush and his cabal of elitists are moving forward with plans to
surrender our national independence and merge our country into a regional
government. Friends, this is the real war; this is the real battlefield.

When America loses its sovereignty and independence, we will lose all of our
fundamental liberties. The Constitution will be meaningless and irrelevant.
The Bill of Rights will be moot. The principles of religious liberty, the
right to life, and the Christian foundation of our country will be passé.
And, as I said at the outset of this column, our national leaders,
especially our Christian leaders, are totally absent from this battlefield.

The surrender of our national sovereignty and independence is where the
battle currently rages; it is where the devil is at this moment attacking
(to quote Luther). But where is the Religious Right? They have flinched and
fled in the face of battle. They would rather hold onto their precious perks
of power within the ivory towers of partisan politics. Luther is right:
their actions are disgraceful.

Chuck Baldwin’s Website
Chuck Baldwin for President 2008 – Official Campaign Website

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Faux Liberal Outrage Number 350,435,987

Here we go again….. Remember that statement that McCain made yesterday? The one where he spoke the gritty truth about the Marxist magic negro running for President?

Now it is seems that the Obama worshiping jackass Joe Klein is having a commie liberal meltdown over it.


This is the ninth presidential campaign I’ve covered. I can’t remember a more scurrilous statement by a major party candidate. It smacks of desperation. It renews questions about whether McCain has the right temperament for the presidency. How sad.

Sorry Joe, but for once, John McCain spoke the truth about that empty suit, commie liberal negro running for President.

I guess after feeling the heat, Joe comes back and leaves a rather lame update to his article:


The reality is that neither Barack Obama nor Nouri al-Maliki nor most anybody else believes that the Iraq war can be “lost” at this point. The reality is that no matter who is elected President, we are looking at a residual U.S. force of 30-50,000 by 2011 (a year ahead of the previous schedule). The reality is that McCain should be proud that he helped salvage a disastrous situation by pushing the counterinsurgency plan. It’s something to run on. But, at this point, McCain must sense that it’s not a winning hand. Obama, the poker player, has drawn to an inside straight: the Iraqis favor his plan over McCain’s long-term bases. That must be galling. But it’s no excuse to pop off the way McCain did. It was, shockingly, unpresidential.

UnPresidential? UnPresidential?!?! UnPresidential?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I suppose going over to Iraq on a basic Dog and Pony show with faked interviews is Presidential?

I suppose not being able to admit that the Surge has actually WORKED is Presidential?

I suppose his continual flip-flipping on everything under the damn sun, is Presidential?

I suppose Obamas ever expanding list of Gaffes are Presidential?

Hell, if that’s Presidential man, just appoint a damn dictator and get it the hell over with, because, quite frankly, I would rather live under the rule of a communist dictator, than to have to live with the closet Communist negro President that is a bigger bumbling idiot that the current one we have in there now.

Others Blogging:
Marc Ambinder, Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, JustOneMinute, Althouse, Hot Air, BLACKFIVE, skippy the bush kangaroo, QandO, Confederate Yankee, Taylor Marsh, No More Mister Nice Blog, Newshoggers.com, Associated Press, Outside The Beltway, The Jed Report, The Moderate Voice, PoliBlog (TM), Political Machine, Right Wing News, The Other McCain, The Carpetbagger Report, Macsmind, Sister Toldjah, Stop The ACLU, The Anonymous Liberal, Blue Girl, Red State, Donklephant, Riehl World View, Soccer Dad and Rising Hegemon and more via Memeorandum

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Another reason why I cannot STAND President George W. Bush

Look for this to be the next big story.

Seen at the Houston Political Blog (via HuffPo)

Update: Video was Pulled head on over to the Site and watch the video.

Update #2: Here’s a snippet of it:

The Basic Transcript:

It is uncertain, there’s no question about it.

Wall Street got drunk, it got drunk, (it’s one of the reasons I asked you to turn off your tv cameras.) It got drunk and now it’s got a hangover. The question is how long will it sober up, and not try to do all these fancy financial instruments.

And now we got a housing issue, not in Houston, and evidently, not in Dallas, because Laura was over there trying to buy a house today. (laugher.. Crawford!)

I like Crawford, unfortunately after eight years of asking her to sacrifice, I’m now no longer the decision maker. She’ll be deciding, thanks for the suggestion! I suggest you don’t yell it out when she’s here. Later, telling her “Hey honey, we’ve been on government pay now for 14 years… so go slow!”

It’s uh.. caused me to lose my train of thought. Anyway.

As a caveat, the cameras were supposed to be off, but obviously, a tape was rolling. But still it speaks to the Political tone deafness of the President. He is yucking it up, while people are losing their houses and while people are dying, because of a pointless and undeclared war in Iraq. Yes, I know, the surge has worked, but still to the general populous of America, this just looks bad. This also could possibly hurt McCain in the long run, because I have sneaky suspicion that the 527’s and possibly Obama campaign might use a video like this, to do a hit job on McCain. In a attempt to try and push McCain closer to Bush.

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