Late Night at the PB Pub Presents….. Led Zeppelin

I cannot quite put into words the strange attraction to the music of Led Zeppelin that I have. But I really do have one. I would not call it an obsession; possibly just a strong liking of their music. Led Zeppelin to me, was in the 1970’s, what Jimi Hendrix was in the 1960’s. Brash, Pompous, limit pushing, loud, driving —- yes, all of that and then some.  To me, listening to Led Zeppelin, especially Led Zeppelin II; was like having your brains fucked out by a Beautiful woman and actually having multiple orgasms. It is really fun, but by the end, you are about to pass out, or at the worst; go to sleep.  It is that same euphoric sensation in Led Zeppelin, that has always drawn me to it.

Maybe it was John Bonham’s Drumming, Maybe it was Jimmy Page’s Guitar playing or plant’s vocals. Hell, I don’t know. I just know that when Zeppelin was in their prime, they sounded awesome. I will admit, I have heard bootlegs of the band, when they were possibly having a bad night, and quite frankly, even their most terrible recordings sounded halfway decent.

If anything, this is good palate cleanser from all of the stupidity of the last week; not to mention today. 😀


Light night at the PB Pub Presents… Merle Haggard

I post this song, as a statement to the sniveling idiots, who seem to think this Country is a terrible Country and that we torture people and so on… You know who you are and this is to serve you notice.

This is from 1970; during the height of the Vietnam conflict.

Guest Voice: How to Keep Our Kids Out of the “Trench Coat Mafia” by David Cloud

The following is written by a Fundamental Baptist Missionary, David Cloud; of whom a respect greatly. Please, keep this in mind when reading this.  I present this for informational purposes only.  As a disclaimer, the views expressed in this article are not necessarily those of this blog.

Updated April 23, 2009 (first published April 24, 1999) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article) –

On April 20, 1999, two high school seniors filled with occultic hatred murdered 12 of their fellow students and a 47-year-old teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, before taking their own lives. The shooters also wounded another 20 students, some extremely seriously. At least one has never walked again and others have had long and difficult recoveries.

The Columbine murderers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, used shotguns, a rifle, a handgun, and pipe bombs in the attack. They laughed as they destroyed and mangled their victims. Witnesses reported that “they were just hooting and hollering, having the time of their lives.”

They had planned to kill hundreds, but their larger bombs did not explode. They rigged bombs out of propane tanks attached to gasoline cans and strung them with nails to enhance the shrapnel effect and placed them in the cafeteria, planning to detonate them when the room was packed with students and teachers at the height of the lunch period. They planned for the ensuing fireball to collapse the second floor onto the lunch room and thus add to the mayhem. They also rigged similar bombs and placed them in their cars and set them to explode 45 minutes after the initial blasts, intending to turn the cars into fireballs that would kill more students, plus paramedics, police, reporters, and others who were responding to the tragedy. By God’s grace, none of the propane bombs exploded.

At least 75 people have been killed on public school campuses since the Columbine shootings. Between 1992 and 2006 there were 330 murders committed by students on school property. The carnage was perpetrated by self-centered, hateful, vengeful, foul-mouthed students.

Early news reports stated that the Columbine murderers were members of a loose-knit group of young people who wore long trench coats, black clothing, and other “gothic” attire and delved into occultic and violent themes, but part of this turned out not to be true. The teens were wearing trench coats the day of the mass murder, but they were not members of the so-called Trench Coat Gang. Early reports also speculated that the boys lashed out at athletes and other popular teens because they had experienced constant bullying and social ostracism. In fact, both boys had a fairly wide circle of friends and were the bullies rather than the bullied, and they did not target athletes or any other particular group. They hated everybody! “Dylan laughed about picking on the new freshmen and [others].  Neither one complained about bullies picking on them–they boasted about doing it themselves” (Dave Cullen, Columbine, 2009, p. 258). Eric went through his junior yearbook and defaced the photos of the majority of his fellow students, labeling them “worthless,” writing that they would die, or making an X over their pictures (Columbine, p. 257).
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The Afternoon Music Express with………….Whitecross

There is no question, I am a fan of classic Christian Rock.  Heck, I grew up on the stuff. One band that really stands out in my mind is WhiteCross. This tune here is from their first Album.

Every time I hear this tune. I am transported back to a much simpler time in my life.

This is originally from 1987; I could not find a video of the original song. Which sounded bad, because it was recorded with a drum machine.

Anyhow, This is WhiteCross with “Who will you follow?”

WhiteCross Official Website

The 4:00 AM Music Club Presents……. Jimi Hendrix

I have always said that everything in this existence that we call life, can be usually summed up in a song. This is one of those songs that just sums my whole personality up.

Politics is one thing, my real life is another…..

I was down the street, hanging out with a couple friends that I’ve known for years. Matt and I are alike in a few ways, but in other we’re quite different. He’s got a woman, the poor fool. 😆  Me, I’m the carefree one, don’t like some…um, bitch chick telling me what to do, tied down, you know me, always the rebel.

I’ve always said I was either a stinkin’ hippy or a biker dude from the 1950’s born in the wrong stinkin’ era.

Anyhow, enjoy. This is “Highway Chile” (and if you pronounce that “Chili” you so do not get it…) (It’s pronounced CHILD without the “D”.)

An excerpt from a book about Hendrix

On Britney’s Video

I noticed over on HotAir that AllahPundit is tweaking Britney’s New Video for the song, “If U seek Amy”. Which goes a long way to try and make a rather silly play on words to supposedly convey a message.

First up, the said video:

AllahPundit didn’t get this, neither did the people at MTV either; even the Liberal LA Times did not get it! Man, wow.. does a basement dweller like me have to explain to these brain-dead idiots what the video was doing? Good Grief.

Okay, here’s the official Political Byline explanation to the Video. The two bookended clips at the beginning should have given it away. If you move the video to the 2:10 mark. Mute the sound. Watch her come out of the house with the pie in hand. What is the first thing that comes to your mind. Wholesome? Traditional? Family Values? Fox News? Conservative? Republican? Hello?!?!

The video was nothing more, than a tweaking the nose of the Conservative Media which had this silly head exploding reaction to the songs meaning. Especially those over at Fox News, of whom berated her over the song. Which I sort of thought was quite hypocritical, because of the “B roll” Footage of half naked women that Bill O’ Just loves to roll when he gets a scandal involving sex or women.

The Fox News Clip in question:

For the record, I am not much of a Britney Spears fan or anything. Hell, I am 36 years old ya’ll. Brit-Brit’s music is a little out of my age range. Hee hee

Which leads me to my second point. None of this sort of stuff is new, rock (or in Brit’s case, Pop) musicians have been pushing the envelope for years. Take for example, Black Sabbath; especially during the Ozzy era, back in the 1970’s, lyrics some those songs really got many a Fundamentalist Christian’s heart to racing.

Some examples:


Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath

What is this that stands before me?
Figure in black which points at me
Turn around quick, and start to run
Find out I’m the chosen one
Oh nooo!

Big black shape with eyes of fire
Telling people their desire
Satan’s sitting there, he’s smiling
Watches those flames get higher and higher
Oh no, no, please God help me!

Is it the end, my friend?
Satan’s coming ’round the bend
People running ’cause they’re scared
The people better go and beware!
No, no, please, no!


N.I.B. (Which By the way, stood for Nativity In Black, but was shortened due to negative feedback from the Record label!)

By Black Sabbath

Oh yeah!

Some people say my love cannot be true
Please believe me, my love, and I’ll show you
I will give you those things you thought unreal
The sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal

Oh yeah!

Follow me now and you will not regret
Leaving the life you led before we met
You are the first to have this love of mine
Forever with me ’till the end of time
Your love for me has just got to be real
Before you know the way I’m going to feel
I’m going to feel
I’m going to feel

Oh yeah!

Now I have you with me, under my power
Our love grows stronger now with every hour
Look into my eyes, you will see who I am
My name is Lucifer, please take my hand

Oh yeah!

Follow me now and you will not regret
leaving the life you led before we met
You are the first to have this love of mine
Forever with me ’till the end of time
Your love for me has just got to be real
Before you know the way I’m going to feel
I’m going to feel
I’m going to feel

Oh yeah!

Now I have you with me, under my power
Our love grows stronger now with every hour
Look into my eyes, you will see who I am
My name is Lucifer, please take my hand

So, the way I see, as an older guy. This is nothing new, at all. I mean, there are some grown men running around that have families, that used to listen to this music above, some own businesses too. So, that whole argument that Brit-Brit is going to cause the social decline in this country is, quite frankly, silly. Truth is, it has been on the decline for years, and I highly doubt this song is going to speed it up or slow it down any. Neither is Fox News.

Although, I must confess the “Ho Ho Hee Hee Ha Ha” in the song was quite funny. Hee hee

A New Parody “Barry’s Farm”

Here’s the Original Song:

Update: It seems that some Fascist Socialist Liberal twit keeps going around getting my video yanked. No biggie, if they yank it. I will find it elsewhere and put it up. This is America and not fascist Germany and I have the RIGHT to express my opinions about the President and his fascist polices. You liberals don’t like it? TOUGH SHIT! 😡

History about the song and concert

New Lyrics:

Barry’s Farm

(Sung to the tune of Maggie’s Farm by Bob Dylan)

Written by Paleo Pat

I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
Well, I wake up in the morning,
Fold my hands and pray that I might keep my gain.
I got a bill full of Taxes
That are drivin’ me insane.
It’s a shame the way he makes me tip the whore.
Naw, I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.

I ain’t gonna work under Barry’s Law’s no more.
I ain’t gonna work under Barry’s Law’s no more.
Well, he hands you a Dollar,
Taxes you a dime,
Looks at you with a grin
While robbin’ you fuckin’ Blind,
Then he taxes you every time you open the door.
I ain’t gonna work under Barry’s Laws no more.

I ain’t gonna be a slave for Barry’s Government no more.
No, I ain’t be a Slave for Barry’s Government no more.
Well, he puts a Tax Bill
in your face just for kicks.
His White House
It is made out of Bricks.
The Secret Service stands around his door.
Ah, I ain’t gonna be a slave for Barry’s Government no more.

I ain’t gonna work for Barry’s Bitch no more.
No, I ain’t gonna work for Barry’s Bitch no more.
Well, she talks to all the people
About Equality and Race and Law.
All the while the workin’ people
Are payin’ for other peoples bad calls
She’s a lying thief, but she says her honesty stands tall.
Naw, I ain’t gonna work for Barry’s Bitch no more.

I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more.
Well, I try my best
To do the best I can,
But everybody wants you
To pay thier bills for them.
They eat steak while you slave and I just get bored.
I ain’t gonna work on Barry’s farm no more

The Late Night Music Express with……….The Pelfrys

One of my favorite Gospel songs. (I’m not a Southern Gospel freak, but this one touches me a special way.)


I Shall Return
Words by: Clint Kerns

In a far eastern country a great general stood in tears
As he sadly watched his men face defeat
He bravely fought the battle though it seemed it was in vain
But for now all he could do was retreat
But just as he was leaving, he turned and one last time
Looked and saw the fear in their eyes
With a voice as loud as thunder calmly reassuring
He made them this promise and saluted them goodbye

I shall return, with reinforcements
I shall return, from a distant shore
March in victory, stand triumphant
I shall return, we’ll win this war

In a middle eastern country there on the mountain side
The greatest general was about to go away
You see His men had watched Him give His life on a cruel cross He died
But He conquered death and hell in just three days
But now that He was leaving fear had griped their hearts
For they knew the time had come to say goodbye
But before he ascended back to His Father
He made them this promise as He rose up through sky

I shall return, with a shout of victory
I shall return, with those gone before
Keep marching onward, stand triumphant
I shall return, we’ve won the war

Weary soldier keep your courage though the enemy assails
Keep marching toward the finish for Jesus will prevail


The Pelfrys Home Page

The Late Night Music Express Presents… Johnny Cash

As a rule, I detest country music. Especially that “Young Country” horse shit that Nashville is hellbent on passing off as the real thing. Although, I must confess that I have an odd love for the old school, “Classic Country”.

One the people whom I have the uttermost respect for; is Johnny Cash. His message is timeless, that voice; no one could ever replace him.

Johnny’s life was, shall we say; interesting. His drug addiction, his fight to get sober, his remarriage, his everything.

One of the biggest tragedies is that because of Johnny’s personal life and problems, one of the sweetest things that is often overlooked, and that was his positive message that appeared in much of his later music, and in some of his earlier work too.

Johnny Cash also for me was the embodiment of the Southern Conservative Christian or if you will, Baptist way. With all of it’s hangups, hypocrisy and nuances.  I do not mean that as a slam either, it is hard to put into words the feelings I get when I listen to Johnny’s music. You know, that lump in the throat kind of nostalgia. Put simply, Johnny Cash is the sound of America, The Sound of Appalachia, I could go on here; but I think you know what I mean.

Another thing that I really admired about Johnny was that he was one the very few, that came down off the “I’m better than you” country music mountain in the 1960’s and sat down, broke bread and talked with the counter culture of the hippy generation. Instead of an snide attitude towards them, he had the nicest attitude towards them, he did something that not many people would; he sat and listened to them. He also made music with Bob Dylan, something that just did not happen in that era. The Conservative political world could learn much from Johnny Cash.  I think that the world would be much better served if those in politics; bloggers, pundits, and the politicians themselves, would listen to one another, instead of hating, yelling and fighting amongst one another.

Besides, who the hell else could stand on a stage with a backing band and say the Words. “My Name is Sue! How do you do? NOW YOU GONNA DIE!” and have everyone in the audience not have a problem believing that the ol’ boy means business?

We might not have Johnny Cash anymore, but we do have the music as one hell of a great legacy.

Okay enough of the yammering here. Here we go with a few of Johnny’s songs, that I like.

Man in Black:

Boy Named Sue:

God’s gonna cut you down:

Trackposted to , The Pink Flamingo, A Newt One/ American Truth Warriors, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Leaning Straight Up, The World According to Carl, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Sad News: Ron Asheton Original Guitarist and founding member of the Stooges — Dead at 60

This is just horrifically bad news. Sad


Ronald Frank Asheton

July 17, 1948 – January 1, 2009

Via Spinner:

Stooges guitarist Ron Asheton was found dead at his Ann Arbor, Mich. home Tuesday morning. The official cause of death is not yet known, but it is believed the Asheton suffered a heart attack. Police discovered Asheton’s body on a couch after his personal assistant had been unable to reach him for several days. He was 60.

"I am in shock," Stooges frontman Iggy Pop said in a statement. "He was my best friend."

Asheton, along with his brother Scott on drums, Pop and original bassist Dave Alexander, formed the Stooges in Detroit in 1967. They released two albums, ‘The Stooges’ and ‘Fun House,’ before Ron Asheton took over bass duties. As a guitarist, he created a bevy of iconic riffs, including those for ‘I Wanna Be Your Dog’ and ‘TV Eye.’

After the Stooges’ initial split, Asheton played in several other bands, including the Wylde Ratttz, featuring Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore, Mudhoney’s Mark Arm, Dinosaur Jr.’s J. Mascis and Mike Watt. Watt joined Asheton once more when the Stooges reunited in 2003, and Asheton returned to his original place as Stooges guitarist on 2007’s ‘The Weirdness.’

"We are shocked and shaken by the news of Ron’s death," a combined statement released by Pop, Asheton’s brother Scott, saxophonist Steve Mackay, Watt and the Stooges’ management read. He was a great friend, brother, musician, trooper. Irreplaceable. He will be missed. For all that knew him behind the facade of Mr Cool & Quirky, he was a kind-hearted, genuine, warm person who always believed that people meant well even if they did not. As a musician Ron was ‘The Guitar God’, idol to follow and inspire others. That is how he will be remembered by people who had a great pleasure to work with him, learn from him and share good and bad times with him."

It’s times like these when you really realize just how long ago the damn 1960’s were. All the great one’s, musically speaking, are simply dying on us. Such a tragic ending to a life with such talent. May he rest in peace. I don’t think that it would be out of place to say a little prayer for the family of this man tonight. Praying

…and for what it’s worth, I don’t know the politics of Iggy Pop or the rest of the guys, nor do I give two shits. This is not about that man. This is about the passing of a local Detroit area icon.

Some Videos in the Memory of Ron and the rest of those rowdy bastards.

I believe this video is from the Goose Lake Pop Festival of 1970.

And lastly, one of my favorite songs, “No Fun”. (Content Warning)

That’s what those guys were about, just having fun. It’s a sad loss for the Detroit Rock Music scene of the 1960’s and early 1970’s.

Cyber Jihadists are ticked at facebook…

Heh… this is too funny.

Via The Jawa Report:

Well, ya know Facebook started a little counter offensive since al-Qaeda supporting terrorist sympathizers vowed to use Facebook to spread Jihadi propaganda.

What was the reaction? They are getting Fatwas!

Go read the rest, please…

Meanwhile, When I read this posting, I thought of this video:

Yeah, I know, I’m an asshole. Thank you very much. 😛