Guest Voice: Chuck Baldwin Video Sermon “What Every Christian Should Know About The New World Order”

This is a sermon that I think every Christian of all denomination ought to listen to.

High Speed Video

Video for Dial Up Speeds:

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Audio (Dial Up):

Chuck Baldwin Live official Website

Crossroads Baptist Church – Pensacola, FL

Obama to Unveil Class Warfare Plan

I knew this was coming:

President Obama is putting the finishing touches on an ambitious first budget that seeks to cut the federal deficit in half over the next four years, primarily by raising taxes on business and the wealthy and by slashing spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, administration officials said.

In addition to tackling a deficit swollen by the $787 billion stimulus package and other efforts to ease the nation’s economic crisis, the budget blueprint will press aggressively for progress on the domestic agenda Obama outlined during the presidential campaign. This would include key changes to environmental policies and a major expansion of health coverage that Obama hopes to enact later this year.

A summary of Obama’s budget request for the fiscal year that begins in October will be delivered to Congress on Thursday, with the complete, multi-hundred-page document to follow in April. But Obama plans to unveil his goals for scaling back record deficits and rebuilding the nation’s costly and inefficient health care system Monday, when he addresses more than 100 lawmakers and budget experts at a White House summit on restoring “fiscal responsibility” to Washington.

In his weekly radio and Internet address today, Obama expressed determination to “get exploding deficits under control” and described his budget request as “sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don’t, and restoring fiscal discipline.”

Reducing the deficit, he said, is critical to the nation’s future: “We can’t generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control.”

Obama faces the long-term challenge of retirement and health programs that threaten to bankrupt the government years down the road, as well as the more immediate problem of deficits bloated by spending on the economy and financial-system bailouts. His budget proposal takes aim at the short-term problem, administration officials said, but also would begin to address the nation’s chronic budget imbalance by squeezing savings from the federal health programs for the elderly and the poor.

Even before Congress approved the stimulus package earlier this month, this year’s deficit was projected by Congressional budget analysts to approach $1.2 trillion, or 8.3 percent of the overall economy, the highest since World War II. With the stimulus and other expenses, some analysts say the annual gap between federal spending and income could approach $2 trillion when the fiscal year ends in September.

Obama proposes to dramatically reduce those numbers by the end of his first term, cutting the deficit he inherited in half, said administration officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the budget has yet to be released. His budget plan would keep the deficit hovering near $1 trillion in 2010 and 2011, but shows it dropping to $533 billion in 2013 — still high in dollar terms, but a more manageable 3 percent of the overall economy.

To get there, Obama proposes to cut spending and raise taxes. The savings would come primarily from “winding down the war” in Iraq, a senior administration official said. The budget assumes that the nation will continue to spend money on “overseas military contingency operations” throughout Obama’s presidency, the official said, but that number is significantly lower than the nearly $190 billion the nation budgeted for Iraq and Afghanistan last year

via Washington Post – Obama to Unveil an Ambitious Budget Plan.

Well, one can forget about any new jobs coming to Michigan or anywhere else in America, because if Businesses are taxed, they will not hire new people. Just more class warfare from the Democrats. I also notice that Obama is cutting funds to Iraq and Afghanistan, that will be the precursor to ending the war. Because you cannot fight a war, if you do not have the funds.

We are headed into a repeat of the 1990’s all over again, ending the deficit on the backs of the wealthy in the Country, while the rest of Country gets off scott free. Where is the fairness in that? The reason why this is so bad is this, if you tax the wealthy and business owners, they are much less likely to hire new employees and also they are less likely to spend money, thereby adding to the economy. This whole idea of the Democrats of Tax and Spending our way out of our Economic woes is just plain idiotic.

We are headed towards very scary times in America. Act accordingly.

(H/T and Thanks to Drudge)

Nothing ever changes in Washington D.C.


The Obama administration, siding with former President George W. Bush, is trying to kill a lawsuit that seeks to recover what could be millions of missing White House e-mails.

Two advocacy groups suing the Executive Office of the President say that large amounts of White House e-mail documenting Bush’s eight years in office may still be missing, and that the government must undertake an extensive recovery effort. They expressed disappointment that Obama’s Justice Department is continuing the Bush administration’s bid to get the lawsuits dismissed.

During its first term, the Bush White House failed to install electronic record-keeping for e-mail when it switched to a new system, resulting in millions of messages that could not be found.

The Bush White House discovered the problem in 2005 and rejected a proposed solution.

via Obama administration tries to kill e-mail case – AP.

Hey far lefty liberals! How’s that Hope and Change working out for ya eh? 😆 🙄

Too funny for words. What the Liberals get for putting all thier Faith and trust into a magic moonbat.

Others:,  Flopping Aces

Regarding the New York Post’s apology

Regarding the New York Post’s Apology and the other stupidity.

I dunno, what ya’ll think?

Family Resemblance?

Family Resemblance?

So, like Michelle said; Sue me.

Other likemided people: Michelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit, Pat Dollard and JOSHUAPUNDIT

Yeah, I know what I wrote here. I still feel that way too. But this is not about Racism, this is about the Liberal Democrats controlling Conservatives right to free speech. The, ahem, chimps Liberal Black Democrats want to control what we honkey White Conservatives write, and I think it is a bunch of bullshit.

So, bring it on, there Mr. “Interloper”.  I dare ya.

Chris Muir also weighs in here:

Stupid: H-S Precision hires former FBI sniper who shot and killed Randy Weaver’s Wife and Son in Standoff

This is absolutely sick and disgusting…. 😡

An American gun manufacturer has hired a professional killer to tout the merits of its weapons. What better spokesman could a company have than one who has shot and killed a young mother with her baby in her arms?

The South Dakota company’s Internet website has proudly published a letter attesting the greatness of its new sniper weapon.

“Pound-for-pound, component-for-component, dollar- for-dollar, you will not find a better rifle,” says the new spokesman for H-S Precision in Rapid City. His name is Lon Horiuchi, a government assassin who retired from the FBI in 2006. AFP called to ask him if this was also the weapon he used to blow away the face of Vicki Weaver at the remote area of Ruby Ridge in Idaho in 1992, but he did not return the calls.

On Aug. 21, 1992, U.S. marshals perpetrated a sneak attack on the mountain cabin of the Randy Weaver family in northern Idaho. When the family dog, Striker, a docile and loving golden retriever, began to bark at the agents, they shot him dead “because he was giving away our position,” one said later. Sammy Weaver, 14, saw the incident and screamed, and the agents nearly blew his arm off (the impact of which spun him around), and then zippered him through the back with a three-round blast from automatic weapons. The boy was dead before he hit the ground. His father, Randy, later told this writer that when he got to him, “his chest was blown out and his heart was like raw hamburger.”

The marshal directing the raid, Bill Degan, was also killed, maybe by his own men.

During the afternoon and night, all sorts of deceptive information was being transmitted from the scene to the FBI headquarters in Washington. The marshals, desperate after being caught in the act of breaking the law, had made up all kinds of cover-up stories—the most outrageous being that the Weaver family had them pinned down for eight hours in an all-day shootout in which Randy’s 16- and 10-year-old daughters had been holding them off with high-powered weapon fire from the windows of the cabin.

via – Gun Company Hires Mother’s Assassin. (Yes, I know what kid of books they sell, but that doesn’t take away from this story at all.)

No matter one’s opinions of what happen during the Ruby Ridge stand off or of Randy Weaver, this has to be one of the worst P.R. Disasters in modern history. Hiring a man as a spokesman for a company, who basically murdered a child and a man’s wife. Someone somewhere made a huge bad marketing decision.

Please, keep in mind, that I do know the full history behind the “American Free Press”, and sometimes the Anti-Government and Anti-Zionist tone of much of their news, but this does shine through that, very much so. I think someone needs to rethink a marketing strategy, and fast!

(H/T Freedom’s Phoenix)

Free Speech Attack: Grand Rapids TV Station pulls American Family Association’s Program on Radical Gay Agenda

This is disgraceful and a bit local to me here. This comes via the Detroit Free Press:

WOOD-TV 8 has decided not to air a controversial, one-hour paid program sponsored by the American Family Association due to criticism from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

“Speechless: Silencing Christians” targets the “radical homosexual agenda” and has garnered enough criticism to cause the Grand Rapids television station to pull the program.

After proposing that the program be moved from the Monday slot prior to President Barack Obama’s 8 p.m. news conference to a Saturday afternoon spot, the station made the decision to pull the program altogether.

“We made a gesture of the 2-3 p.m. Saturday time period. It’s been 24 hours and we had no response,” station General Manager Diane Kniowski told the Grand Rapids Press in a statement Wednesday.

“Our station is being bombarded with calls and messages, and we find ourselves in the middle of someone else’s fight. Ours was a fair offer and we are removing ourselves from this matter,” Kniowski said.

According to the Grand Rapids Press, “In a letter promoting the program, the American Family Association asserts that most Americans get their ‘information about the homosexual movement from the secular news media and Hollywood, which not only support but promote the gay agenda. What people know is tainted by pro-homosexual propaganda.'”

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBT civil rights organization, initiated a national action alert in response, urging people to call the television station and ask that the program be canceled.

“At a time when America is striving to come together, the AFA continues to use LGBT Americans as a wedge issue to divide us from reaching our basic equality,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese.

This is just another attack on the freedoms that Americans enjoy; freedom of speech, and for that matter, who says that gay people should be equal? I don’t care what they do behind closed doors, but when they try and rewrite the Constitution, I got a problem with it. I believe that the AFA has just as much of a right to say what they wish, as does the HRC. This attempt to intimidate a TV station into not broadcasting something like this, is just another case of Liberal fascism. Plain and simple.

I will be e-mailing this Blog entry to FOX NEWS and to Rush Limbaugh.

Dutch MP refused entry to by the cowardly Government in Britain

This is a disgrace….

The Video and listen to Mr. Wilders stand up to the Liberal BBC’s baiting questions:

The Story:

A Dutch MP who called the Koran a “fascist book” has been sent back to the Netherlands after attempting to defy a ban on entering the UK.

Freedom Party MP Geert Wilders had been invited to show his controversial film – which links the Islamic holy book to terrorism – in the UK’s House of Lords.

But Mr Wilders, who faces trial in his own country for inciting hatred, has been denied entry by the Home Office.

He told the BBC it was a “very sad day” for UK democracy.

The Dutch ambassador was also at Heathrow to make clear his government’s opposition to the ban on Mr Wilders entering the UK.

via BBC NEWS  Dutch MP refused entry to Britain.

As far as I am concerned, Britain is nothing more than a Nation of terrorist sympathizers.  This is a disgrace and should be held as an example of what America will become if we allow the Liberals in America to have their way. This man put out a video exposing Islam for what it really is and now he is being persecuted for it.  Yes, the video was extreme, and yes, the framing of his argument was a bit extreme, but there is a thing called freedom of speech, and his man’s right are being violated.

In the Spirit of freedom of speech, I present, once again, Fitna:

Others: Fausta’s Blog, Riehl World View, Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs and Gates of Vienna

Video: The Obama Fraud

An Excellent Video…..

(Via Freedom’s Phoenix)

Red State Update on Obama’s Stimulus News Conference

Jackie and Dunlap on Obama’s first prime-time news conference. Stimulus pimpin’ and Elkhart bashin’ ensue.

Patriot News: New Continental Congress to Meet in Philadelphia

I think this is important to know:

Early this year, selected delegates representing the People of each of the fifty states will convene in Philadelphia to debate our constitutional crisis and establish practicable strategies the People can take, en masse, to peacefully reclaim Liberty and restore Constitutional Order.

These historical proceedings will be known as the “Continental Congress 2009.”

Taking a page from the history of America’s Founders, the Delegates will convene in Philadelphia across from Independence Hall for a period of several weeks to begin the virtuous tasks of organizing to resist tyranny and imposing, once again, the yoke of Law upon our servant federal government.

A series of promotional meetings is currently being held across the country to advance public interest in the initiative and to expose potential donors to this most important cause in the defense of Liberty and the Constitution.

via NWV News — New Continental Congress to Meet in Philadelphia.

As patriots and protectors of the constitution it is important to stand against this sort of attack on our Constitution.

Daniel Larison on Michael Steele

An interesting point of view

Money Quote:

Curious to see what Steele had to say, I watched the interview he gave on FoxNews, and I can’t say I was all that impressed. To what did he attribute the GOP’s political decline over the last two cycles? Naturally, it was spending. That was it. Spending. It’s not just that he didn’t address the GOP’s failures in foreign policy and its errors in anti-terrorism, which I would have been interested to hear, but that this was the only reason he gave, which suggests that he thinks the main solution to GOP woes is to come out against spending (unless, of course, it relates to “defense”).

Read the Rest

The Story of John Birch

Here is a very excellent video on the life of John Birch:

This video is by the founder of the John Birch Society, Robert Welch explaining what the John Birch Society is about:

Michael Steele elected Republican National Committee Chairman

First the video of remarks by Steele:

Via The Politico:

Former Maryland Lt. Gov Michael Steele triumphed over four opponents in the race for Republican National Committee chairman Friday, giving the party its first black chairman as well as a forceful communicator at a time of political weakness.

“This is awesome,” Steele told RNC members in a victory speech. “It is with a great deal of humility and a sense of service that I accept and appreciate and thank all of you for the opportunity to serve.”

Steele emerged victorious from a lengthy, six-ballot voting process. Running against him were incumbent RNC Chair Mike Duncan, South Carolina Republican Party Chair Katon Dawson, Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis, and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell.

I will say it. I am glad to see that the Republican Party has elected an African-American. This will render the days of post-race racialism null and void.

…and for that, I am very glad. 😀

Maybe now some of the more Conservative Democrats, which have avoided the Republican Party because of it being perceived as a “White Man’s Party”, will come on over to the party of sanity.

One can only hope.

Memeornadum is now providing Coverage

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Wingless – Alastair Crooke on Gaza & Hamas – living in the twilight zone!, Wingless – Sura 5:32 – When Killing isn’t Murder, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Nuke’s, third world county, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, Wingless – What Lead to Cast Lead, The World According to Carl, Wingless – Cuba: Beautiful Country, People
Not so Beautiful System
, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Wingless, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Why does America always do stupid things like this?

I will never, ever understand why America does stupid things like this right here, ever!

The Obama administration on Friday made an emergency contribution of more than $20 million for urgent relief efforts in the Gaza Strip, a day after the United Nations launched a flash appeal for $613 million to help Palestinians recover from Israel’s three-week military operation there.

The State Department said President Barack Obama had authorized the use of $20.3 million from the U.S. Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund for humanitarian assistance to the 1.4 million Palestinians in Gaza.

The money will go to U.N. agencies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, which are distributing emergency food assistance, providing medical care and temporary shelter, creating temporary employment and restoring access to electricity and potable water, the department said in a statement.

The Israeli offensive killed nearly 1,300 Palestinians, including hundreds of civilians, and caused an estimated $2 billion in damage, Palestinian officials say. The assault was launched to halt years of Hamas rocket fire on southern Israel.

via US puts up $20 million for Gaza relief – AP.

You want to know where this money is going to end up? In the hands of Hamas, the very terrorist organization that was attacking Israel, in the first place.  This money is supposed to be reserved for American Citizens, not for foreign countries!  You know, I find it absolutely amazing that the United States of America, would support a military attack on Gaza by Israel to defeat terrorists; only to have them send aid to the very people that Israel attacked. Not only this, our government is using money that is specifically earmarked for the people of the United States of America. This is an outrage! Someone should be complaining to the high Heavens about it!

The reason this outrages me so much is this; yeah, that money might go to American agencies approved by our Government, but ultimately, it will end up right back into the hands of the Hamas terrorists.

I will never understand why America continues to prop up those they claim are terrorists.

A damned good read!

This is awesome, go give it a read:

Despite such sentiments among many economists, the stimulus plan is certain to be passed by Congress and signed by President Obama.

Which means the last chance to head off “stimulus” boondoggle is to make sure the money isn’t there to be spent. And since our debt-ridden government has no money of its own to flush away, and will have to borrow the cash, scaring off potential lenders is the best bet.

So, come on America. Say it in print, on the radio, on TV, on blogs and in advertisements. Say it loud and say it proud: If the world is dumb enough to loan more money to the U.S. government, don’t expect it to be paid back. The Americans who will be making decisions in the decades to come won’t be bound by the folly of the current crop of office-holders.

If enough of us say it, the world will listen, and cut off the tap.

If that doesn’t stop the spending spree, nothing will.

via Disloyal Opposition: Screw the stimulus — let’s scare off the lenders.

I could not have said it better myself. 😀

(via National Review (Libertarian Blog))

RedState Update: Jackie and Dunlap on Obama Week One–Inauguration, Secret Oath

Jackie and Dunlap on the Inauguration, Obama’s Second Secret Oath of Office, closing Guantanamo, Cheney’s wheelchair, Rush Limbaugh, and the Oak Ridge Boys


RedState Update HQ

Ron Paul was right, The Neo-Cons were wrong

I’ve always said, Ron Paul is to the 21 century, what Barry Goldwater Sr. was to the 20 century.

(Via Lew Rockwell Blog)

Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty Website

More on the Spying on Journalists by the Bush Administration

Following up my posting from Last Night, More on the Spying of Journalists by the Bush Administration:


….and now to answer a question that some of you are possibly asking. Why I posting this here?

Ladies and Gents, I have one simple, but very direct answer. I am, and always will be for accountability in Government. If this is even remotely true. It would mean that the Bush Administration is even more corrupt that one though. I am sorry, but that transcends political parties, political ideology or affiliation. The President of the United States; is, in fact, the President of Everyone, he is elected by the people and he is the President of the people and not the Republican or Democratic Parties.

I make no apologies whatsoever, to any Conservatives or Republicans that read this Blog for posting these videos. It is my hope and prayer, that our newly elected Congress takes up this cause and leans on the justice department to do a full investigation into the possible crimes committed by the former administration.

Corruption cannot exist in Government, if it does, it begats more corruption. Somewhere the line must be drawn in the sand, somewhere someone within the halls of Congress someone must stand up and say this cannot be allowed to continue and go unpunished.

I hope the Congress, The President and the Justice Dept. does the right thing. It must investigate.

Barry does the oath again, after the stumble.

I’m glad he did that.

After the flub heard around the world, President Barack Obama has taken the oath of office. Again. Chief Justice John Roberts delivered the oath to Obama on Wednesday night at the White House — a rare do-over. The surprise moment came in response to Tuesday’s much-noticed stumble, when Roberts got the words of the oath a little off, which prompted Obama to do so, too.

Don’t worry, the White House says: Obama has still been president since noon on Inauguration Day.

Nevertheless, Obama and Roberts went through the drill again out of what White House counsel Greg Craig called “an abundance of caution.”

This time, the scene was the White House Map Room in front of a small group of reporters, not the Capitol platform before the whole watching world.

“We decided that because it was so much fun …,” Obama joked to reporters who followed press secretary Robert Gibbs into the room. No TV camera crews or news photographers were allowed in. A few of Obama’s closest aides were there, along with a White House photographer.

Roberts put on his black robe.

“Are you ready to take the oath?” he said.

“Yes, I am,” Obama said. “And we’re going to do it very slowly.”

Roberts then led Obama through the oath without any missteps.

via Yahoo! News.

Now the people on the far right, will have one less silly thing to worry about. Of course, they’re still believing that he is not a U.S. Citizen. As Joseph Farah’s WorldNetDaily is damned eager to point out:

Retaking the oath, however, will not answer the multiple questions about Obama’s eligibility that have been raised in a long list of lawsuits filed over his election in November.

The lawsuits allege in various ways Obama does not meet the “natural born citizen” clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, which reads, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

Some allege his birth took place in Kenya, and his mother was a minor at the time of his birth – too young to confer American citizenship. They argue Obama’s father, Barack Obama Sr., was a Kenyan citizen subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time and would have handed down British citizenship.

There also are questions raised about Obama’s move to Indonesia when he was a child and his attendance at school there when only Indonesian citizens were allowed and his travel to Pakistan in the ’80s when such travel was forbidden to American citizens.

One California lawsuit, on which the United States Justice Foundation is working, was filed on behalf of presidential candidate Alan Keyes and others, and describes the potential damage an ineligible president could create.

“Should Senator Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible for the Office of President of the United States of America and, thereby, his election declared void,” argues a case brought on behalf of Keyes, “Americans will suffer irreparable harm in that (a) usurper will be sitting as the President of the United States, and none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal.”

A number of the arguments have reached the U.S. Supreme Court, which so far has declined to give any of the cases a hearing.

However, another conference before the justices is scheduled on the dispute Friday. The case is brought by Orly Taitz, a California lawyer.

Taitz said her arguments rest on precedents from both the California Supreme Court, which years ago removed a candidate for president from the ballot because he was only 34, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s affirmation of the ruling. The Constitution requires a president to be 35.

She also raised the issue of the concealment of Obama’s records.

“Obama has refused to submit certified copies of any of his original long form ‘vault’ birth certificates in Hawaii to any public officer or to any Petitioner. Relevant records in Kenya have also been officially restricted,” she said. “Obama has sealed all educational records which might reveal his stated citizenship. These include Punahou High School, Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard Law School.”

Obama has claimed in his autobiography and elsewhere that he was born in Hawaii in 1961 to parents Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a Kenyan national, and Stanley Ann Dunham, a minor. But details about which hospital handled the birth and other details provided on the complete birth certificate have been withheld by Obama despite lawsuits and public demands for release.

WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi went to both Kenya and Hawaii prior to the election to investigate issues surrounding Obama’s birth. But his research and discoveries only raised more questions.

The biggest question was why, if a Hawaii birth certificate exists as his campaign has stated, Obama hasn’t simply ordered it made available to settle the rumors.

The governor’s office in Hawaii said there is a valid certificate but rejected requests for access and left ambiguous its origin: Does the certificate on file with the Department of Health indicate a Hawaii birth or was it generated after the Obama family registered a Kenyan birth in Hawaii?

One thing I hate doing on this Blog is repeating myself.  But the above is anything like what the next four years is going to be like, it is going to be a long four to eight years. For me and also for the Conservative movement as a whole.

Others: GINA COBB, The BLT, Media Matters for America, Hot Air, Jack & Jill Politics, TBogg, The Corner, Outside The Beltway, Patterico’s Pontifications, Agence France Presse and The Reaction

(via Memeorandum)

Editorial: President Obama, You Must Order an Investigation, NOW!

I started Blogging on February of 2006, I started out as a independent Blogger, a bit of a “Left of Center” type; I began because I broke off a relationship with a Church. This was due to a pastor royally stabbing me in the back. Around that same time, CNN did a special on just how mismanaged the Iraq had been; not long after this, it was revealed that there were absolutely no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, at all. This is when I knew that it was time to go back to something I did well at, as a young boy; writing.

When Bush won in 2000, I did not think much of it, I, like most of the country, was very tired of hearing about ongoing Clinton scandal. I felt that Bill Clinton had disgraced the White House, I had voted for him, twice and now I was hearing that he had disgraced that White House by giving oral sex to an intern. I was quite miffed about it. However, I figured America would get past it. When Al Gore lost, I did not go to pieces; I really did not follow politics as I do now. To me, they were all the same, elect the best person, and hope he does the job. That was at the time, my philosophy, if you want to call it that. Besides, I was very busy working a job that kept me working almost fifty hours a week, if not more. In short, I was about as far away from politics as one can be and I did not care that much for it.

However, in 2006, after the event described above happened, I began to read online and see in the news reports the Bush was wrong about Iraq. That began to tip my suspicions about him. Thus began my venture into the world of Blogging. I did not and still do not consider myself a Democrat, I could never run with those who believe that the Government is the solution to world’s problems. Furthermore, I could never align myself with a group of people that believe that making a profit is evil. However, something that Bush was doing just did not seem right. At the time, I thought calling my Blog, “The Populist” was a perfect solution. I always felt that the Government should be, “of, for, and by we the people.” The problem with that is, that I was quite unaware that the Populist Party that existed between the period of 1884 and 1908, is quite different from the Democratic Party of today. I know this to be the case now.

I never was a far left Democrat, While I am all for the supporting of the middle class, and I feel unions have their place too. I feel abortion is just morally wrong, at the same time, however, I feel that it should never be a legislative issue, at all. Further, I believe, as a Christian that the homosexual lifestyle is morally wrong. Nevertheless, I believe that if someone wants to carry out that lifestyle behind closed doors that is that person’s business. However, I do not believe that our Nation’s constitution should be modified to change the definition of marriage. I guess you would call me a “Reagan Democrat.”

I crossed to the “right of center” political stance because of what took place in this election. I watched a party that I voted for, since I was eligible to vote at age 18, basically take the principles it was founded upon and toss them in to the wind, all to elected a man, that was, I felt, not even remotely qualified to President of the United States.

Having said all of this, I find myself back here at the writing tablet, angry again. This time because of a serious revelation that the now Former President of the United States of America was actually using his powers as President of the United States to spy upon the people of this nation. That is correct, this is not a joke, revelations are now coming out that Former President Bush was using the NSA to spy on the American people, more specifically Journalists, who Bush knew were not on his side.

Let me say this, before I get into the video that I am about to present. This is not about Conservatism, this is not about Liberalism, this about that sacred document that is at the National Archives, called the Constitution of the United States of America. This is about the proper rule of law; we are not Nazi Germany, nor are we the Soviet Union, We are America and American Presidents do not do things like this, at all!

Now the video and I do not want to hear any stupid remarks about who is presenting this information:


Having seen this video and allowed it to sink in and digest what information was laid at my feet; I felt the need to write, mainly to channel my anger, and to send the new President of United States of America an open and clear message.

Mr. President, You must investigate this and investigate this now!

This sort of blatant disregard for the rule of law in America cannot be tolerated at all. As the presenter of this video told in a special comment, just a day before, if we do not punish those who attempt to Govern outside of the rule law to get away with their crimes, it will only continue to fester into more crimes in the future.

Mister President Obama, I did not vote for you, however, you are the President of all of us, even those of us who did not vote for you. I ask you, as a humble citizen of the United States of America, as someone who believe that the Constitution of the United States of America still matters; please, order an investigation of this lawlessness; now.

Because what will we tell our children? That we allowed a paranoid President to rule as a tyrant, because he felt like that it was right thing to do at the time? Insanity, Mister President cannot be the order of the law in a Free and Constitutional Republic. Nor can it be the rule of law in a free and democratic society.

I simply ask you sir, please, for the future of our nation, do the right thing.

Tucker Carlson on Obama’s Inauguration, “Let’s Not Pretend This is the Second Coming of Jesus”

This is why I like Tucker Carlson, he is absolutely fearless and is not afraid to speak his mind.

Listen to it: (Via Media Bistro)


Former MSNBC and CNN anchor Tucker Carlson, who is already “worn out” from the Inauguration festivities, joined us this morning on the Morning Media Menu. Carlson and host Glynnis MacNicol are two of the millions in D.C. right now.

He had some strong thoughts about the media’s love affair with President-elect Barack Obama. “I’m excited about it, I live here, I want my kids to see it…On the other hand, in the end he’s a politician taking a political office, 52% of the public voted for him, 48% didn’t vote for him, so let’s not pretend this is the second coming of Jesus,” said Carlson.

And although he didn’t want to sound like “a libertarian wacko,” he had some problems with the D.C. security. “The security is really over the top, anti-American really…We are far too willing to accept security restrictions,” he said.

As for the “exclusive” deals being worked out between TV networks and the Presidential Inauguration Committee, Carlson said, “How you can decide you have exclusive right to something that takes place on the National Mall? I don’t know who came up with that? I should try it!”

He also had some other suggestions: “Why don’t we name the White House? We could call it the Staples House, you know what I mean. The Home Depot House.”

Carlson also said that a friend of his tried to cross the Washington Bridge and was confronted by a United States Army solider with a bullhorn and an assault rifle. Which I believe, if I am not mistaken, against the law and our constitution.

I also agree with his assessment of the Liberal media’s infatuation with “The One”, it’s a sad day; when the media refuses to look at something objectively.  I mean, there are so many questions, his citizenship, his ties to communism, it just sickens me, that the media and the American citizens not asking more questions.

Of course, you can expect that the far lefty liberal media will, of course, pay attempt to paint Tucker Carlson as a hater. But thinking Americans will know better. Further more, the Fascist Neo-Conservatives will refuse to report this, because of their love affair with the Democrats, seeing that most Neo-Cons are of Democratic breed.

I fear for what America is about to become. The Rapture of the Church cannot come fast enough, if you ask me.

Once again the Liberal media lies about those who do not support Obama

This is getting to be about the stupidest bunch of nonsense, that I have ever heard in my entire life.

It now seems that the Communist News Network, also known as CNN is now trying to trump up the possibility of President Obama being assassinated, and in the process smeared David Duke.

Via CNN:

Hate crimes experts and law enforcement officials are closely watching white supremacists across the country as Barack Obama prepares next week to be sworn in as the first black president of the United States.

So far, there is no known organized effort to express opposition to Obama’s rise to the presidency other than a call by the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for its members to wear black armbands as well as fly the U.S. flag upside down on Inauguration Day and Obama’s first full day in office.

As Tuesday approaches, when Obama stands outside the Capitol to take the oath of office, experts expect anger about the new president to spike. But they don’t expect it to go away.

“The level of vitriol, I expect, will go up a bit more around inauguration time,” said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University-San Bernardino.

There “is concern” about white supremacist groups during the inauguration, said Joe Persichini, the assistant FBI director who is helping to oversee security during the inauguration. What might the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. have said? »

The inauguration of the nation’s first minority president increases any potential threat, “particularly stemming from individuals on the extremist fringe of the white supremacist movement,” said a recent intelligence assessment by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

But law enforcement has the appropriate resources to respond if needed, Persichini said.

“We have seen a lot of chatter,” Persichini said. “We have seen a lot of discussions. We have seen some information via the Internet. But those are discussions. We look at the vulnerabilities and whether or not the groups are taking action.

“You have freedom of speech,” he added. “Anyone in this nation can have a discussion about their beliefs, but we are concerned about whether or not they take that freedom of speech and exercise some act that is against the law.”

Anger, violence and interest in racist ideology did increase in the hours and days after Obama was elected president in November, hate groups experts said.

Three New York men were indicted on charges of conspiracy to interfere with voting rights — accused of targeting and attacking African-Americans in a brutal crime spree soon after Obama was declared the winner on November 4.

And interest in racist ideology was so high right after the election that computer servers for two White supremacist Web sites crashed, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

But the violence and interest soon subsided. Leaders within the white supremacist movement are now seeking to capitalize on Obama’s presidency by using his election to help grow their organizations.

“President-elect Obama is going to be the spark that arouses the ‘white movement,’ ” reads a posting on the National Socialist Movement Web site. “Obama’s win is our win. We should all be happy of this event.”

In an interview posted on his Web site on election night, former Louisiana state Rep. David Duke said Obama’s election “is good in one sense — that it is making white people clear of the fact that that government in Washington, D.C., is not our government.”

“We are beginning to learn and realize our positioning,” Duke, a prominent white supremacist, later said in the election night recording. “And our position is that we have got to stand up and fight now.”

Mark Potok, director of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project, said the leaders of these groups are frustrated by Obama’s win.

“I think the hate groups are desperately looking for a silver lining in a very dark cloud for them,” Potok said.

While experts said it is difficult to determine how many people belong to hate groups, they do agree with an SPLC estimate that claims there are about 900 operating now, a 40 percent increase from 2000. The vast majority of these groups promote white supremacist beliefs, and range from skinheads living in urban areas to the KKK ,which is based largely in rural settings.

It is difficult to pinpoint how many people subscribe to white supremacist views, because the Internet allows people to follow the movement under the cloak of anonymity. Leaders of the white supremacist movement are able to use their Web sites to reach a new subset of potential followers and push their racist rhetoric to the limit without outright calling for violence.

Levin said one challenge in protecting Obama is that the identity of a potential attacker would likely be unknown — a person who believes in white supremacist ideology, but decides to act as a lone wolf.

Threats of violence are more likely to be found on Web sites that allow posters to remain anonymous.

Most white supremacist leaders have been careful in what is posted on their Web sites, “hyper-aware that they are being watched,” Potok said.

But not all white supremacist leaders are mindful of their actions or care to be. Two months before the election, American National Socialist Workers Party head Bill White posted a magazine cover on his Web site featuring a picture of Obama in the cross hairs of a rifle scope with a headline “Kill This N—–?”

White is now in jail on unrelated charges that he “threatened use of force against” a juror who had helped convict another white supremacist as well as several other charges of making threats to unrelated victims.

Racism in the U.S. “remains a real problem” even though Obama won the White House, Potok said, and he predicted that hate groups will continue to grow during Obama’s presidency.

“I think we are in a very worrisome moment historically,” Potok said. “I say that because there are several things converging that could foster the continued growth of these groups: continuing high levels of nonwhite immigration, the prediction by the Census Bureau that whites will lose their majority in 2042, the tanking economy, and what is seen as the final insult, the election of a black man to the White House.”

Levin noted that it is common knowledge the U.S. Secret Service is taking great measures to protect Obama (who began receiving coverage in May 2007, the earliest point ever for a candidate in a presidential campaign), and emphasized it is a great challenge.

“President-elect Obama is so used to a public presence, and being among people poses some real difficulties for his protection,” Levin said.

I think it is important to note that the Southern Poverty Law Center is a Communist Liberal run organization, who goal and aim is to stifle the free speech of those whom they deem to be hateful.

More after the jump:

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The Obligatory Kids with Nazi Names removed from home posting

I’m posting this, because I know that quite a few people read this posting from various places on the net.

The website reports the following:

A New Jersey Department of Youth and Family Services spokeswoman says that the agency would not remove children from a home because of their names.

DYFS made the statement today after The Express-Times reported Tuesday that the state had taken Adolf Hitler Campbell, 3, and his younger sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie, from their parent’s Holland Township, Hunterdon County home.

“Just to be clear, removal of a child from a family is only done when there’s an imminent danger to a child and that wouldn’t include the child’s name alone,”“We wouldn’t remove a child based on their name.” spokeswoman Kate Bernyk said.

Of course, I’m sure that the Alex Jones types will not believe this. There’s two sides to every story, and I’m sure both sides have thiers. But I am glad to see that the reason was not for the names.

My theory is this; that a neighbor saw the people on TV and called child protective and dropped the dime that daddy and mommy were fighting quite a bit and that they saw bruises on the children. That will get kids snatched a big ol’ hurry anymore.

Of course, neighbors have been known to lie out of spite too. Either way, I smell a huge lawsuit against the family, if it goes to court.

Others: Gothamist, QandO, City Room, Patterico’s Pontifications, Outside The Beltway, Don Surber, Wizbang, AMERICAblog News, The Impolitic, New Jersey Online , Sweetness & Light, HotAir

One Tough Lady!

Bravo to the fine lady here!

The Video via Breit Bart:

Back story via WBST-TV:

SOUTH BEND — A 70-year-old woman remained hospitalized Monday evening following a harrowing sequence of events that included her holding at gunpoint a man who crashed through her living room window.

“I’m feeling better than I did yesterday,” Sandra, who asked that her last name not be used, said from her room at Memorial Hospital, where doctors were treating her for chest pains. “My heart didn’t react too well to this.”

Sandra, who lives on Portage Road just south of Auten Road in northern St. Joseph County, said she was fetching wood from her garage about 9 p.m. Sunday when she heard what sounded like several people fighting in the street.

“I had put wood for the fireplace in the wheelbarrow and was coming in when I heard a lot of shouting and loud voices,” she said. “I looked over into the road to see what was going on, and about that time a guy comes running around the house.”

Sandra said she ran inside and locked the door behind her. She then grabbed her gun and dialed 911, she said.

All the while, the man circled the house, she said, pounding on all of the windows. When he reached the living room window, he crashed through, taking out the television and landing on the floor.

In the 911 tape released by St. Joseph County police, Sandra screams and then yells at the man, “You stay right where you’re at.”

After telling the dispatcher what had happened, Sandra said she dropped the phone and confronted the man. She trained the gun on him, she said, and told him not to move. He took a step forward, she said, and she issued a final warning: “If you come any closer, you’re going to be dead.”

She then told him to lie on the floor and he complied.

“He was begging for his life,” she said. “He just collapsed on the floor and went into the fetal position.

I have to hand it to this lady here, she showed no fear and used her Consitutional right to defend herself. Good on her! Wish there were more like her! 😀

Of course the far lefty liberals would call her a hater and would want to take her guns. Obama will see to that.  😡

this is just flipping wrong!

I don’t like to post stuff like this. But this is just wrong:

Justified Force or An Execution?

Justified Force or An Execution? - Click the Picture to watch!

More on the Story at Contra Costa Times

What you think? Did the police use excessive force? Does this prove we live in a police state? Are police officers using too much force? Feedback is welcomed.

Trackposted to Leaning Straight Up, third world county, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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(Via Lew Rockwell Blog)