Editorial: President Obama, You Must Order an Investigation, NOW!

I started Blogging on February of 2006, I started out as a independent Blogger, a bit of a “Left of Center” type; I began because I broke off a relationship with a Church. This was due to a pastor royally stabbing me in the back. Around that same time, CNN did a special on just how mismanaged the Iraq had been; not long after this, it was revealed that there were absolutely no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, at all. This is when I knew that it was time to go back to something I did well at, as a young boy; writing.

When Bush won in 2000, I did not think much of it, I, like most of the country, was very tired of hearing about ongoing Clinton scandal. I felt that Bill Clinton had disgraced the White House, I had voted for him, twice and now I was hearing that he had disgraced that White House by giving oral sex to an intern. I was quite miffed about it. However, I figured America would get past it. When Al Gore lost, I did not go to pieces; I really did not follow politics as I do now. To me, they were all the same, elect the best person, and hope he does the job. That was at the time, my philosophy, if you want to call it that. Besides, I was very busy working a job that kept me working almost fifty hours a week, if not more. In short, I was about as far away from politics as one can be and I did not care that much for it.

However, in 2006, after the event described above happened, I began to read online and see in the news reports the Bush was wrong about Iraq. That began to tip my suspicions about him. Thus began my venture into the world of Blogging. I did not and still do not consider myself a Democrat, I could never run with those who believe that the Government is the solution to world’s problems. Furthermore, I could never align myself with a group of people that believe that making a profit is evil. However, something that Bush was doing just did not seem right. At the time, I thought calling my Blog, “The Populist” was a perfect solution. I always felt that the Government should be, “of, for, and by we the people.” The problem with that is, that I was quite unaware that the Populist Party that existed between the period of 1884 and 1908, is quite different from the Democratic Party of today. I know this to be the case now.

I never was a far left Democrat, While I am all for the supporting of the middle class, and I feel unions have their place too. I feel abortion is just morally wrong, at the same time, however, I feel that it should never be a legislative issue, at all. Further, I believe, as a Christian that the homosexual lifestyle is morally wrong. Nevertheless, I believe that if someone wants to carry out that lifestyle behind closed doors that is that person’s business. However, I do not believe that our Nation’s constitution should be modified to change the definition of marriage. I guess you would call me a “Reagan Democrat.”

I crossed to the “right of center” political stance because of what took place in this election. I watched a party that I voted for, since I was eligible to vote at age 18, basically take the principles it was founded upon and toss them in to the wind, all to elected a man, that was, I felt, not even remotely qualified to President of the United States.

Having said all of this, I find myself back here at the writing tablet, angry again. This time because of a serious revelation that the now Former President of the United States of America was actually using his powers as President of the United States to spy upon the people of this nation. That is correct, this is not a joke, revelations are now coming out that Former President Bush was using the NSA to spy on the American people, more specifically Journalists, who Bush knew were not on his side.

Let me say this, before I get into the video that I am about to present. This is not about Conservatism, this is not about Liberalism, this about that sacred document that is at the National Archives, called the Constitution of the United States of America. This is about the proper rule of law; we are not Nazi Germany, nor are we the Soviet Union, We are America and American Presidents do not do things like this, at all!

Now the video and I do not want to hear any stupid remarks about who is presenting this information:


Having seen this video and allowed it to sink in and digest what information was laid at my feet; I felt the need to write, mainly to channel my anger, and to send the new President of United States of America an open and clear message.

Mr. President, You must investigate this and investigate this now!

This sort of blatant disregard for the rule of law in America cannot be tolerated at all. As the presenter of this video told in a special comment, just a day before, if we do not punish those who attempt to Govern outside of the rule law to get away with their crimes, it will only continue to fester into more crimes in the future.

Mister President Obama, I did not vote for you, however, you are the President of all of us, even those of us who did not vote for you. I ask you, as a humble citizen of the United States of America, as someone who believe that the Constitution of the United States of America still matters; please, order an investigation of this lawlessness; now.

Because what will we tell our children? That we allowed a paranoid President to rule as a tyrant, because he felt like that it was right thing to do at the time? Insanity, Mister President cannot be the order of the law in a Free and Constitutional Republic. Nor can it be the rule of law in a free and democratic society.

I simply ask you sir, please, for the future of our nation, do the right thing.

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