More on the Spying on Journalists by the Bush Administration

Following up my posting from Last Night, More on the Spying of Journalists by the Bush Administration:


….and now to answer a question that some of you are possibly asking. Why I posting this here?

Ladies and Gents, I have one simple, but very direct answer. I am, and always will be for accountability in Government. If this is even remotely true. It would mean that the Bush Administration is even more corrupt that one though. I am sorry, but that transcends political parties, political ideology or affiliation. The President of the United States; is, in fact, the President of Everyone, he is elected by the people and he is the President of the people and not the Republican or Democratic Parties.

I make no apologies whatsoever, to any Conservatives or Republicans that read this Blog for posting these videos. It is my hope and prayer, that our newly elected Congress takes up this cause and leans on the justice department to do a full investigation into the possible crimes committed by the former administration.

Corruption cannot exist in Government, if it does, it begats more corruption. Somewhere the line must be drawn in the sand, somewhere someone within the halls of Congress someone must stand up and say this cannot be allowed to continue and go unpunished.

I hope the Congress, The President and the Justice Dept. does the right thing. It must investigate.