A New Video….that everyone should watch!

made by yours truly…

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Seen over on HotAir.com:

This is not going to go over well, at all. 

Oy…… Not good, not good at all. DohWaitingRolling EyesSurprise

Update: I changed the video, a new version has been posted. Huffo is reporting that the video is either a fabrication or falsely reported.

More reactions via Memeorandum

Jaun McSame gets asked "The Question"…

Yes, he got asked, "The Question!"

The problem is, as to whom, asked that question.

The far lefty, Commie, Liberal Blogs are breathlessly reporting that the guy was, in fact, a Baptist Minister.

There’s only one little problem with that story!

It is totally and unequivocally false. 

The man was a former staff member for Joe Biden and is now a supporter of none of than, you guessed it, B. Hussein Obama. 

There’s video of the incident, I’m not going to bother putting it here. This is just one of those fool hardy attempts by the left to distract the media’s attention away from the fact, that Barry’s got some quite interesting friends, Pastors, terrorist buddies and he is running for President of the United States of America.

I think it is high time that people woke and really seen the Democrat Party for what it has become. A group of criminal thugs and goons, who are more interested in having a communist, socialist society, than a free republic. 

B. Hussein Obama is a perfect embodiment of such a society.

Oh great, this is all we need right now….



The U.S. Secret Service has placed a white agent on leave after an African American employee reported finding a noose hanging at the service’s main training facility outside the nation’s capital.

The service has acknowledged “an allegation of misconduct” at its J.J. Rowley Training Center in Beltsville, Md., and that an employee last week was placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation. The employee is a veteran agent with the service, according to fellow agents.

The noose was found by an African American officer in the uniform division of the service during the week of April 14, according to those familiar with the alleged incident. That division protects the White House and surrounding grounds. He reported the incident to his supervisor and it was sent up the chain of command. He declined to comment for this story.

I won’t deny it, racism does still exist in America. This is wrong and something should be done about it. In the secret service no less. Wow. Surprised

Others: AMERICAblog and Shakesville

Wright Speaks….

Yes, He did speak.

Yes, I did listen to the WHOLE thing.

Yes, he did have some valid points.

Yes, there are people who do not like what he said, which is no surprise to me.

The only people who will just reject outright everything that he says, are racist bigots, who are haters. To that I say, they can, frankly, go to hell. They know who they are. 

The reaction seems to be mixed, so far. Which is no surprise.

As someone who grew up in Southwest Detroit and grew up around Whites, Mexicans, and yes, Black people…. I can see where Wright is coming from.

Do I think his comments, that were made right after September 11, 2001, were okay???  No. I think that they were misguided, hateful and just plain wrong.

But the one’s made last night, were justified, and made a good deal of sense. At least to me, this is because I came from a multi-cultural background. Most people that will listen to this and take critical stance, are the pasty white people, who have never hung around anyone other than their own kind, and quite frankly, belong on the forums over at Stormfront.org.

That is all….

Update: I also listened to the second speech. I will make this absolutely clear. This man is a believer in "Black Liberation Theology", which is a derivative of "Liberation Theology". This doctrine is, in fact, a Marxist Theology. So, as far as I am concerned, Rev. Jeremiah Wright is nothing more, than a black communist. If Barack Obama agrees with ANY aspect of what this man says, Religious or Political, he is, in fact, a Marxist, and I will NOT be voting for him, should he secure the nomination of the Democrat Party. I do not want to be responsible for the election of a closet communist in our White House.

Update 2: Here’s the Video:

Crazy Video of a kid threatening the President of the United States.

No, this isn’t a joke. I saw this earlier today, but because I figured it would get yanked, I did not blog on it.

But it seems it is still there. Believe it or not, some idiot kid, has recorded a threat to President of the United States. Of course, he’s a black kid, and a Obama supporter.

Now I’m not a big fan of the President, at all, nor his Political Party, But threats?!?!? Yikes! Time out Surprise That’s totally crazy!

Doesn’t anyone remember the young lady who posted a threatening picture of the President on her website, and got a visit for the Secret Service? I have to wonder aloud, will they pay this kid a visit? Or will they let him skate because he’s….do I dare say it? because he’s black?

It should be an interesting story to follow, I am surprised that Fox News and the other Media outlets haven’t reported on this one yet.

Others following the Story: Hot Air, Gates of Vienna, Fausta’s blog, NewsBusters.org, Macsmind, Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs and Right Voices

A Video, that everyone needs to watch…

I think everyone needs to watch this:

It’s pretty scary, but all true.

If you enjoyed this video, please consider a donation to this Blog. Click here to listen to a message from me, about why I need the donations.

As if Obama needed any other problems… there’s this…



While Sen. Barack Obama sought to improve his relationship with the Jewish community today by meeting with leaders Philadelphia, comments by a Hamas political adviser this weekend could potentially hurt the Democratic presidential candidate.

During an interview on WABC radio Sunday, top Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said the terrorist group supports Obama’s foreign policy vision.

Of course, the far right choir starts singing:

On Sunday, Aaron Klein and John Batchelor interviewed Ahmed Yousef, chief political adviser to the Prime Minister of Hamas, on WABC radio. The interview produced a scoop which, for some reason, has not been widely publicized: Hamas has endorsed Barack Obama for President. Yousef said, "We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election." Why? "He has a vision to change America." Maybe Yousef has some insight into what Obama means by all these vague references to "change." 

Funny, the far right just cannot seem to get over that "Obama is a covert Terrorist!" nonsense.  I’ll tell you, that is going to come back and bite them in the behind in November, because it smacks of not only Black Racism, but Islamic homophobic nonsense.

Others: Dartblog, Israel Matzav, Associated Press, Hot Air, A NEWT ONE, Jihad Watch, Commentary, Jules Crittenden, Redstate, NO QUARTER and Counterterrorism Blog

Obama says, "Ooops."

Update: In Fairness to the man, here is what was said…..:



Honestly the only people freaking out about this, are the Far Right Wing Conservatives and the Hillary supporters. Which I think is stupid, did he insult people? No. Did he possibly say something in a bad manner? Yes. But people are acting like he just insulted the damn pope or something! Which I think speaks volumes for the people insulted, if you ask me. and that last part, that some people are going ape over, was, in fact, a joke. I think some turban headed pundits, need to find something else to bitch about. Things must be slow over there at a well known, pseudo-Conservative Blog, and they’re now grasping at straws. No wonder Preston left. Rolling Eyes


It appears that Senator Obama is now eating crow. Here’s the story via the AP, which comes in via Yahoo:


The Article: Obama concedes remarks were ill chosen (via AP/ Yahoo! News)

Democrat Barack Obama on Saturday conceded that comments he made about bitter working class voters who "cling to guns or religion" were ill chosen, as he tried to stem a burst of complaints that he is condescending.


"I didn’t say it as well as I should have," he said at Ball State University.

Here is the Video:



And…. of course, Senator Hillary Clinton felt the need, that she just HAD to pile on.





As he tried to quell the furor, presidential rival Hillary Rodham Clinton hit Obama with one of her lengthiest and most pointed criticisms to date.


"Senator Obama’s remarks were elitist and out of touch," she said, campaigning about an hour away in Indianapolis. "They are not reflective of the values and beliefs of Americans."


I got news for you lady, there is a quite a few things that I could say about YOU being out of touch with the rest of America.  However, because I do not wish to sit here and get into a dissertation about your Husband’s Presidency, I shall refrain, but let me just say this here, that "out of touch" stuff goes both ways Hillary. You know it and your feckless Husband knows it.


Others on this: American Street, Little Green Footballs, NY Daily News, Examining Presidential … and Liberal Values


Jewish Racism by a Obama Supporter!

The Article: Reverend Eric Lee’s Anti-Semitism: A Personal Story (via Pajamas Media)


On April 4, 2008, at a Los Angeles event commemorating the assassination of Martin Luther King, the African-American fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi gave Israeli-American Daphna Ziman its Tom Bradley Award for community service. Then the event’s keynote speaker, Reverend Eric Lee, turned to Ms. Ziman and launched an anti-Semitic diatribe. Roger L. Simon interviewed Ms. Ziman.


Watch this Video:



That’s the saddest thing I have ever had to watch. I think Senator Barack Obama needs to publicly condemn this, there’s just no call for it.

I look for this to be the big story in the next couple of days.


Update: Thankfully, this is being picked up, several Bloggers have started talking about it: Roger L. Simon and Classical Values

Oprah stumps for Obama, Popularity nose dives….

This is living proof of why it is not smart for celebrities to get involved into Politics.

The Politico Reports:

Oprah’s favorability ratings also remained consistently — and unusually — high. In November 2003, Gallup found that 73 percent of Americans held favorable views about Oprah. Seventy-four percent of Americans reported favorable impressions of Oprah in a January 2007 Gallup/USA Today poll.

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, Oprah announced on CNN’s “Larry King Live” on May 1, 2007, that she would officially endorse her longtime friend Barack Obama for the presidency — the first time she had ever thrown her support behind a political candidate. “I think that my value to him, my support of him, is probably worth more than any check,” Oprah told Larry King. At the time, Oprah did not indicate whether she would campaign for Obama.

Almost instantly, Oprah’s popularity in America plummeted. An August 2007 CBS News poll showed only 61 percent of Americans were favorably disposed to her — a considerable drop of 13 percentage points from a similar survey conducted just seven months prior. An October 2007 Gallup/USA Today poll that showed Oprah with a slightly higher 66 percent favorability still reflected a drop.

Ouch. I guess she must have felt that little jolt in the pocketbook or at least from her producers.

Still, a lesson celebrities may extract is that political endorsements carry the risk of alienating fans, often without the reward of considerably boosting support for the candidate. While celebrities are certainly entitled to express their political beliefs — just like every other American — it is possible that the public prefers high-profile entertainment personalities to stay on the tube and off the stump.

I can understand that, especially if many of her viewers are a-political or not active in Politics, they may have been turned off by the show being turned into a Political infomercial.

As an extra bonus, Check out this article here on Oprah.

Others: Sister Toldjah, Tami, the One True, The Democratic Daily, Taylor Marsh, Political Machine and The Moderate Voice

Martin Luther King Jr. In his own words….

Now, I am sure there will be those who will accuse me of being a Liberal for posting this.

Quite honestly, I could give a flying flip what those close-minded, ignorant, fools think really.

Every time I read some idiotic tripe, which is usually written by some racist bigot, saying that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist, I just want to rip that persons head off. Sad part is, most Republicans believe that nonsense.

Funny thing is, the same Republicans that derided Martin Luther King Jr. Deride Al Sharpton. Honestly? I’m not a fan of the guy either. Not because of his skin color, because he’s hi-jacked the civil rights movement. As has Jesse Jackson. But I strong suspect the motives of the Conservatives who love to run those two in the ground.

I present these videos, not in support of any particular political party. I present them for their historical value, the man changed the south, no Republican or Conservative can deny that, not at all. In fact, I will go on record as saying, any Conservative that says anything cross against this man, exposes him or herself as the racist bigot that they truly are.

Update: I am including this video, because I want people to see the emotional impact of what happened on April 4, 1968. They didn’t just kill a man, they hurt and impacted a race of people….check this quite heart rending video out:

And now….The Videos:

His Most Famous Speech:

His Last Speech:

Part 1:

Part 2:

On War:



May the man Rest in God’s Holy Peace…. and may his message never die.

Technorati Tags:

Michigan Political Leaders React to the Mayor’s legal troubles


kilpatrickbeattyphoto The Booking Photo…. Aren’t they such a sweet couple? SickWinkingTongue



State leaders ranging from U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow to Gov. Granholm Granholm are weighing in on the charges filed against Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his former chief of staff.


"I listened closely to the statement by Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy and today everyone was put on notice that no one is above the law." – Rep. Candice Miller, a Republican from Macomb County’s Harrison Township


"What we are witnessing is the 21st-century rerun of a classic Greek tragedy: fallen heroes, lost opportunities, unfulfilled promise." – L. Brooks Patterson, Republican Oakland County executive


"As the former attorney general and a former federal prosecutor, the governor realizes as well as anyone that it’s important the legal process be allowed to work." – Liz Boyd, spokeswoman for Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a fellow Democrat


"This is very disturbing and I hope that it is resolved as soon as possible." – U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.

Additionally, The Governor of Michigan, said she will NOT remove the Mayor of Detroit, unless he in convicted of these charges. I guess Party loyalty goes a long way. Plus, she is possibly worried, that she could be perceived as a white woman, persecuting a black man. Identity Politics? You decide.

BREAKING NEWS!: 12 Count indictment against Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his Former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty!

The hands of justice have moved and it was not pretty at all.

The Mayor of the City of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick and his former Chief of Staff, Christine Beatty, have both combined, been charged with a 12 count indictment.

The Article Via MSNBC:

Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, a one-time rising star and as Detroit’s youngest elected leader, was charged Monday with perjury and other counts after sexually explicit text messages surfaced that appear to contradict his sworn denials of an affair with a top aide.

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy also charged the popular yet polarizing 37-year-old mayor with obstruction of justice and misconduct in office.

Former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty, 37, who also denied under oath that she and Kilpatrick shared a romantic relationship in 2002 and 2003, was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice.

In all, Worthy authorized a 12-count criminal information.

It is truly a sad day in Detroit. I was born and raised in that fine city. I am 35 years old. I have never, ever, in my entire life, seen anything like this in this town, ever. It is truly amazing.

I honestly thought,  that this case would be dismissed. I really did not think that the prosecutor would charge him at all. Thankfully, I was wrong.

There is live coverage from all the networks here in Detroit.

WXYZ-TV is providing full coverage, including live streaming. 

WDIV-TV is providing full coverage, including live streaming

WJBK-TV is also providing full coverage, including Live Streaming

I am now Live Blogging the event, I will post update as information, as I get it.

and by the way…. Kilpatrick is a Democrat!…

Update: I also forgot to put in this report, that the Mayor and Beatty are expected, by Prosecutor Kym Worthy, to turn themselves in by 7 a.m. Tuesday. Kilpatrick has said that he will not resign. However, I personally think that he will resign, seeing the circumstances. However, I would be wrong.

Update 2: The AP is now Providing coverage. Posted a Breit Bart’s site. How convenient. 

The Mayor is supposed to hold a Press conference at 12 Noon.  Waiting

Update 3: 12:30 still no presser. Still waiting……

Update 4: Don Surber says name that party!

Update 5: The press conference finally happened, The Mayor read a prepared statement, His attorney said he advised the Mayor NOT to resign. Said the Mayor will not me tried in the Media, but in a court of law, that there will be jury trial. Although, there are rumblings that the city counsel will pass a resolution forcing him to resign. I quite frankly, wish that the Governor of Michigan would force him out. However, seeing that both in the same political party, I highly doubt this will happen. Local coverage just ended here. It should be interesting around here. I will be Blogging it all.

Update 6: For those wanting to know, I do not live in Detroit proper, I used to, I moved away in 1989. I now live in the southern suburbs of Detroit. I will take any and all interview requests or emails at tpblogeditor at gmail dot com.     

Update 7: Memeorandum has full coverage on this story. and my Buddy Ryan, who is a Blogger from Ann Arbor, has an entry too.

Update 8: According to the Detroit Free Press, this is nothing new:

Two previous Detroit mayors have been charged with felonies, both after leaving office.

Mayor Richard Reading, mayor in 1938-40, was sentenced to 4-1/2 to 5 years in prison after being charged with conspiring with 80 policemen to protect Detroit’s numbers racket. Mayor Louis Miriani, mayor from 1957-62, was sentenced to one year in prison for income tax evasion after leaving office.

So, nothing new here, corruption goes back, way back….. I also knew about the numbers racket charge from the 1940’s. I wasn’t aware of the Tax Evasion charge, Wow, learn something new everyday. I also know that Detroit Former Mayor, Coleman A. Young, was very much known to be connected to corruption in the 1980’s. Nothing was ever proven, there was the rumor that Young had the investigators on the take. Again that was rumor and nothing was proven.

Update 9The Detroit News reports a detail account of the charges:

Kilpatrick faces a total of eight counts — one count each of conspiracy to obstruct justice and obstruction of justice, both of which are five-year felonies. He is charged with two counts of misconduct in office, two counts of perjury in a court proceeding and two counts of perjury other than a court proceeding. Those charges are 15-year felonies.

Beatty is facing seven counts — one count each of conspiracy to obstruct justice, obstruction of justice and misconduct in office. In addition, she is charged with two counts each of perjury in a court proceeding, a 15-year felony, and perjury other than a court proceeding, also a 15-year-felony.

Also, Mayor’s lawyer has said he will attempt to get the text messages thrown out of court, because the messages were, supposedly, obtained illegally.

Live Blogging is complete, But I will continue to follow the story and I will post on what I know.

Proud to be White!

You know, with all this talk about Racism on Blogs. I think it’s just high time, that I spoke my Mind…..

Without further ado, I present:

Proud To Be White

Someone finally said it.
How many are actually paying attention to this?

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans,
Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans.

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You Call me ‘White boy,’ ‘Cracker,’ ‘Honkey,’
‘Whitey,’ ‘Caveman’ … and that’s OK.

But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head,
Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink …
You call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you,
so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the United Negro College Fund.

You have Martin Luther King Day.

You have Black History Month.

You have Cesar Chavez Day.

You have Yom Hashoah.

You have Ma’uled Al-Nabi.

You have the NAACP.

You have BET.

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we’d be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.

If we had White History Month , we’d be racists.

If we had any organization for only whites to ‘advance’
OUR lives we’d be racists.

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber
of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that?

A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American
pageant, but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students
scholarships you know we’d be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges
in the US. Yet if there were ‘White colleges’ THAT
would be a racist college.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were
marching for your race and rights. If we marched for
our race and rights, you would call us racists.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and
you’re not afraid to announce it. But when we announce
our white pride, you call us racists.

You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a
white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats
up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a
threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am proud.
But you call me a racist.

Oh Lordy….. Here we go!

May the Games begin!

The Story: In Easter Sermon, New Obama Pastor Charges Rev. Wright Victim of ‘Lynching’ (via FoxNews.com)

The new pastor of Barack Obama’s church delivered a defiant defense of its retiring reverend Sunday, comparing media coverage of Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. to a modern-day lynching that resembles Jesus’ death at the hands of the Romans.

In a sunrise Easter sermon, Rev. Otis Moss III never mentioned Wright by name, but implied that his mentor, who has delivered sermons in which he likened the U.S. to the Ku Klux Klan and declared it damned for its “state-sponsored terrorism,” is facing the same challenges Jesus did.”No one should start a ministry with lynching, no one should end their ministry with lynching,” Moss said.

I’m sorry, did the mental midget Olympics begin and I not get the Memo or what?   I dont know

Good grief, can you say race baiter? I knew you could!

If this keeps up, I got a funny feeling that the Democrats are going to lose and I mean lose hard.

Lynching. Yeah, Lynched by his own damn rope.  Kind of like the Mayor of Detroit.

This ignorant stupidity gets any deeper, I’m going to have to buy some hip waders.

Others: protein wisdom, Gateway Pundit, NewsBusters.org, Cheat Seeking Missiles, All Spin Zone, Atlas Shrugs, Don Surber and Top of the Ticket and more via Memeorandum

Stupid Criminal Teenager dies from Taser….and the Liberals Weep.

I swear the Liberals in this country must on drugs or just inherently stupid or something.

There is a story in the Charlotte Observer Newspaper, (The same paper that brought down so-called "Christian" televangelist and general phoney, Jim Bakker) about some feckless African-American getting tasered by the police and dying. 

Excuse me, if I do not break out the hankie and start having a crying fest for him. Not because he’s black, but because:


Officers responded to a disturbance call at the grocery store about 1:15 p.m. When they arrived, they saw Turner throwing something at a store manager, according to a CMPD news release issued Thursday night. The release does not say what the object was, and a police spokeswoman could not be reached.

According to the release, Turner appeared to be agitated, refused all commands and advanced toward the police officer. The officer then used his Taser to get Turner under control, the release said.


Around lunchtime, Turner had come home to eat and told his mom that he had stolen a couple of Hot Pockets from the store. A supervisor planned to get a district manager involved and he feared disciplinary action, she said.

She said she told him to go back to the store and face up to what happened.

What’s my point? If this kid had went back to work, kept his mouth shut, and listened to the Police, He’d still be alive. But no, He had to act like an idiot and when the cops got there, he wouldn’t listen and he was tasered and died, you know what I say? TOUGH SHIT!

Just another STUPID Criminal Moron off the streets. Period!

17 years old or not, if you do stupid stuff like this, you end up in jail or you end up dead, one of the two.

My Point? When the Police show up, you don’t mouth off, you listen to them, or you get what is coming to you. I don’t know the kids background, nor do I have give care about his background, what I know is, that he charged a cop, meaning he thought he’d try and fight them. If I would have been the cop, I would have SHOT the dumb kid, would have been cleaner and would have saved any suffering, unlike being shocked with a taser.

Now I am sure that the idiot Liberal press is going to play this out, for the kid to be the victim and the police officers will most likely either lose their jobs or be disciplined and loose pay, now personally, I think they deserve a pay raise and medal, but that’s just me.

Sorry to say it, But this kid had it coming. You screw up like this idiot did and you get what’s coming to you. Period.

Oh and By the way, if you’d like to read the Liberal blogs that are having the crying fest for the criminal, Go here and follow the links, it is truly a sight to behold.

Update: Olbermann’s Worst Persons in the World – Fox Clips Added!

Bronze: Gretchen Carlson and Steve Doocy for race baiting to the point of making Chris Wallace jump their butts and making Brian Kilmeade walk off the site. Dang!

and Here are the clips: (H/T HuffPo)

The Brian Kilmeade Walk off in Question:

Chris Wallace’s chastising of the Fox and Friends crew:


Silver: Anchor from CNN for distorting the truth and then denying that she did.

Gold: Rupert Murdock for something that I reported here yesterday

I seriously look for some FOX Employees to be fired, very soon.

Clinton Camp on Richardson’s Endorsement…"Doesn’t Matter"

"I’d kiss you, but these people and my wife would never understand…"

Via WSJ:


New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson finally made up his mind and endorsed Sen. Barack Obama today, but a senior adviser to Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign — which likewise spent months courting the former Democratic presidential candidate’s nod — dismissed its significance.

“Look, I think that everyone has their endorsers,” said senior Clinton strategist Mark Penn, adding — with a little huff — “I think New Mexico is a state that, actually, we won.”

“The time that he could have been effective has long since passed,” he continued. “I don’t think it is a significant endorsement in this environment.”

Perhaps sensing that it may not be effective to dismiss out of hand a popular Hispanic governor’s political clout, campaign spokesman Phil Singer chimed in. “We respect Gov. Richardson,” he clarified. “But at the end of the day this campaign is about Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama.”

Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe told reporters today that Richardson made up his mind “just very recently” and — unsurprisingly — saw significance in it. “We obviously think it’s very meaningful,” Plouffe said, referencing the behind the scenes jockeying the Clinton and Obama campaigns had conducted since Richardson withdrew from the presidential race in early January. “That process has been going for some time now,” Plouffe noted.

I normally do not use this source for entries, because of who owns them, and their newly discovered Republican and quite conservative slant. But this one warrants a posting.

The quote that bothers me is….:

“The time that he could have been effective has long since passed,” he continued. “I don’t think it is a significant endorsement in this environment."

Yeah, Okay Markus, then why the fuck did Bill Clinton basically invite himself to Richardson’s House to watch the damn Super Bowl? I know it wasn’t because they were best buddies.

Like I said in a previous entry, she can’t win, by a long shot, and now she’s in spin and denial mode.

So typical.

Rolling Eyes

Others: The Huffington Post, TPM Election Central, Donklephant, culturekitchen, Wonkette, Balloon Juice and Hotline On Call (via Memeorandum)

The Left is being played like a fiddle….

A sad, but true fact.

The story, Which comes via Newshoggers, who saw it at Rising Hegemon. A story that appeared in the Village Voice, the story of how the Republican Operatives are strongly trying to weaken the chances of a Democratic Nominee of winning in November.  Now in the interest for fairness, this is really nothing new, this sort of Political underhandedness has been going on for years. Nixon did it, as did others. But the reason why it is so bad in this race, for one, is because there is no fairness doctrine anymore, opening up the ability to editorialize the coverage of the election process, another factor is, that you have a Republican propaganda machine, known as Fox News, or as I like to call it, Faux Noise. But, because I am fair, Fox News is not the only ones that do this sort of thing. MSNBC does it, CNN does, even the so-called NPR, which is supposed to be a-political, has a noticed liberal slant to it. So, all in all, the Bias is on both sides of the camp.

Anyhow, on with the story….


The prime movers of both political parties have long tried to game the presidential nominating process—not only to choose their eventual winner, but also to pick their November opponent. And in this landmark election without incumbents, the media wing of the Republican Party, in particular, has quite visibly been playing that game. Right-leaning pundits for months now have very openly not just called for Hillary Clinton’s head, but also coddled and promoted Barack Obama, salivating over the prospect of facing him in November.

Meanwhile, voters have been echoing that program: Barack Obama has been beating Hillary Clinton in part because Republicans are helping him.

Sixteen of the 45 Democratic primaries and caucuses held before this week were open affairs, allowing Republicans and independents to take part, and Barack Obama has won 11 of those contests. He almost invariably carried the Republican vote, which accounted for as much as 9 percent of the total in Wisconsin and Texas, and frequently ran even stronger among independents, who represented a fifth or more of Democratic primary voters in state after state. The 75 percent of the Republican vote that he won in Missouri, for example, may have pushed him over the top, and certainly, when combined with his 67 percent of the state’s much larger independent vote, it delivered many of the district-apportioned delegates to him. Republicans in Obama states like Washington, Wisconsin, and Virginia were even freer to cross the aisle, since by the time they voted, John McCain had already sewn up the GOP nomination. While Obama often won some of these states so handily that Republicans and independents could not have provided his margin of victory, there is no way to know how many delegates in close congressional-district contests will wind up in Denver because of the impact of Republican or independent voters. And there is no exit-poll data to measure their impact on the caucuses.

I highly recommend that you read the rest of this story, as it paints a tale of how the Republicans are attempting to destroy the Democrat nomination in November. The sick and sad part is, they are doing by using the old, outdated system of nomination and voting.

Cernig at Newshoggers weighs in:

In every case, these rightwing mouthpieces have ignored their own previous overt race-baiting to accuse the Clintons of being closet racists, have ignored their own open misogyny to accuse Obamites of sexism and generally muddied the waters every way they could.
Limbaugh, Novak, Kristol, Bennet, York, Hannity, George Will – all have their gamesmanship exposed by this must-read column. They’re all on the same page of the GOP playbook. It’s the page headed "Divide and Conquer".

Truly, this is a sad case, I just hope that Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton have the ability to overcome the negative press coverage and can be elected. Because we do not need four to six more years of the Neo-Conservative nightmare in this country. Now, if McCain nabs the Presidency, I won’t jump off a building or anything. But it will set this Country a great deal if he does. Not to mention, it will be the biggest embarrassment to the Democrat Party.

Here is hoping that things will work out, and the underhanded folk, on both sides, will be exposed, for what they are. 

The ever continuing Story of Obama Wright Gate

Now it has gone to a new level of silly

The Story: Jeremiah Wright was White House guest (Via Ben Smith’s Blog @ Politico.com)

The recent coverage of Rev. Jeremiah Wright has often cast him as a marginal, almost fringe figure, but Trinity Church is a major Chicago institution, and Wright has long been a prominent pastor on the American scene.

And an anonymous blog set up to defend his church offers some compelling photographic evidence of this: A photograph of Wright and President Clinton, which it says was taken on Sept. 11, 1998 — the date of a White House gathering for religious leaders.

[UPDATE: The blog seems to have taken that item down; here’s the full image that was posted.]

Hillary Clinton, according to her recently released schedule for the day, was present at the gathering. Al Gore also appears in the picture.

"In the course of his two terms in office, Bill Clinton met with, corresponded with and took pictures with literally tens of thousands of people," Clinton spokesman Jay Carson told Politico.

That’s where Clinton reportedly told the assembled clerics, at the depth of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, that he had "repented."

The only reason I can see that this was even picked up by the MSM and the Bigger Blogs, is because of an effort by the Conservative Bloggers to make ALL Democrats look like hatemongers.

Nice try guys, anyone with a half a brain is going to know that Presidents often meet and are photographed with many people. This picture, as it says above, was snapped during the Clinton Monica scandal.

Of course, we are dealing with Desperate Conservatives aren’t we? Could it be that they are totally scared out of their minds, that a LIBERAL might take the white house back and they will lose those tax breaks, that they received from the alcoholic,  coke headed, village idiot, in the White House? Who’s having extra-martial sex with Coni Rice!

Horrors! Rolling Eyes

Others on this: The Trail, Telegraph, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Wonkette, Liberal Values, Spin Cycle, The Monkey Tennis Centre, Shakesville, Hot Air, The Truth About Trinity …, Macsmind, Political Machine and The Page (via Memeorandum)

Geraldine Ferraro – Sour old Bitch

This is too funny!

The Story: Geraldine Ferraro resents being lumped in with the Rev. Wright in Obama speech (via The Daily Breeze)

Former vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro said today that she objected to the comparison Sen. Barack Obama drew between her and his former pastor in his speech on race relations Tuesday.

In the speech, Obama sought to place the inflammatory remarks of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright in a broader context, in part by placing them on a continuum with Ferraro’s recent remark to the Daily Breeze that Obama is "lucky" to be black.

"To equate what I said with what this racist bigot has said from the pulpit is unbelievable," Ferraro said today. "He gave a very good speech on race relations, but he did not address the fact that this man is up there spewing hatred."

Um, Sour Grapes there Miss. Ferraro?

Seriously, Racism is Racism, and Ferraro is just as guilty as Wright, plain and simple.

Now, seriously, I wish this woman would just drop dead go away and stay away for good.

Others: Hot Air, Fox News, The Swamp, Washington Wire, bustardblog, The Opinionator, Pat Dollard, Taylor Marsh, The Huffington Post, JustOneMinute, Riehl World View, Boston Globe, Political Machine, StephenBainbridge.com, Reason Magazine and The Page (Via Memeorandum)