Geraldine Ferraro – Sour old Bitch

This is too funny!

The Story: Geraldine Ferraro resents being lumped in with the Rev. Wright in Obama speech (via The Daily Breeze)

Former vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro said today that she objected to the comparison Sen. Barack Obama drew between her and his former pastor in his speech on race relations Tuesday.

In the speech, Obama sought to place the inflammatory remarks of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright in a broader context, in part by placing them on a continuum with Ferraro’s recent remark to the Daily Breeze that Obama is "lucky" to be black.

"To equate what I said with what this racist bigot has said from the pulpit is unbelievable," Ferraro said today. "He gave a very good speech on race relations, but he did not address the fact that this man is up there spewing hatred."

Um, Sour Grapes there Miss. Ferraro?

Seriously, Racism is Racism, and Ferraro is just as guilty as Wright, plain and simple.

Now, seriously, I wish this woman would just drop dead go away and stay away for good.

Others: Hot Air, Fox News, The Swamp, Washington Wire, bustardblog, The Opinionator, Pat Dollard, Taylor Marsh, The Huffington Post, JustOneMinute, Riehl World View, Boston Globe, Political Machine,, Reason Magazine and The Page (Via Memeorandum)